
823 lines
29 KiB

start_server {tags {"hash"}} {
test {HSET/HLEN - Small hash creation} {
array set smallhash {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
set key __avoid_collisions__[randstring 0 8 alpha]
set val __avoid_collisions__[randstring 0 8 alpha]
if {[info exists smallhash($key)]} {
incr i -1
r hset smallhash $key $val
set smallhash($key) $val
list [r hlen smallhash]
} {8}
test {Is the small hash encoded with a listpack?} {
assert_encoding listpack smallhash
proc create_hash {key entries} {
r del $key
foreach entry $entries {
r hset $key [lindex $entry 0] [lindex $entry 1]
proc get_keys {l} {
set res {}
foreach entry $l {
set key [lindex $entry 0]
lappend res $key
return $res
foreach {type contents} "listpack {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}} hashtable {{a 1} {b 2} {[randstring 70 90 alpha] 3}}" {
set original_max_value [lindex [r config get hash-max-ziplist-value] 1]
r config set hash-max-ziplist-value 10
create_hash myhash $contents
assert_encoding $type myhash
# coverage for objectComputeSize
assert_morethan [memory_usage myhash] 0
test "HRANDFIELD - $type" {
unset -nocomplain myhash
array set myhash {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
set key [r hrandfield myhash]
set myhash($key) 1
assert_equal [lsort [get_keys $contents]] [lsort [array names myhash]]
r config set hash-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
test "HRANDFIELD with RESP3" {
r hello 3
set res [r hrandfield myhash 3 withvalues]
assert_equal [llength $res] 3
assert_equal [llength [lindex $res 1]] 2
set res [r hrandfield myhash 3]
assert_equal [llength $res] 3
assert_equal [llength [lindex $res 1]] 1
r hello 2
test "HRANDFIELD count of 0 is handled correctly" {
r hrandfield myhash 0
} {}
test "HRANDFIELD with <count> against non existing key" {
r hrandfield nonexisting_key 100
} {}
# Make sure we can distinguish between an empty array and a null response
r readraw 1
test "HRANDFIELD count of 0 is handled correctly - emptyarray" {
r hrandfield myhash 0
} {*0}
test "HRANDFIELD with <count> against non existing key - emptyarray" {
r hrandfield nonexisting_key 100
} {*0}
r readraw 0
foreach {type contents} "
hashtable {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3} {d 4} {e 5} {6 f} {7 g} {8 h} {9 i} {[randstring 70 90 alpha] 10}}
listpack {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3} {d 4} {e 5} {6 f} {7 g} {8 h} {9 i} {10 j}} " {
test "HRANDFIELD with <count> - $type" {
set original_max_value [lindex [r config get hash-max-ziplist-value] 1]
r config set hash-max-ziplist-value 10
create_hash myhash $contents
assert_encoding $type myhash
# create a dict for easy lookup
set mydict [dict create {*}[r hgetall myhash]]
# We'll stress different parts of the code, see the implementation
# of HRANDFIELD for more information, but basically there are
# four different code paths.
# PATH 1: Use negative count.
# 1) Check that it returns repeated elements with and without values.
set res [r hrandfield myhash -20]
assert_equal [llength $res] 20
set res [r hrandfield myhash -1001]
assert_equal [llength $res] 1001
# again with WITHVALUES
set res [r hrandfield myhash -20 withvalues]
assert_equal [llength $res] 40
set res [r hrandfield myhash -1001 withvalues]
assert_equal [llength $res] 2002
# Test random uniform distribution
# df = 9, 40 means 0.00001 probability
set res [r hrandfield myhash -1000]
assert_lessthan [chi_square_value $res] 40
# 2) Check that all the elements actually belong to the original hash.
foreach {key val} $res {
assert {[dict exists $mydict $key]}
# 3) Check that eventually all the elements are returned.
# Use both WITHVALUES and without
unset -nocomplain auxset
set iterations 1000
while {$iterations != 0} {
incr iterations -1
if {[expr {$iterations % 2}] == 0} {
set res [r hrandfield myhash -3 withvalues]
foreach {key val} $res {
dict append auxset $key $val
} else {
set res [r hrandfield myhash -3]
foreach key $res {
dict append auxset $key $val
if {[lsort [dict keys $mydict]] eq
[lsort [dict keys $auxset]]} {
assert {$iterations != 0}
# PATH 2: positive count (unique behavior) with requested size
# equal or greater than set size.
foreach size {10 20} {
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size]
assert_equal [llength $res] 10
assert_equal [lsort $res] [lsort [dict keys $mydict]]
# again with WITHVALUES
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size withvalues]
assert_equal [llength $res] 20
assert_equal [lsort $res] [lsort $mydict]
# PATH 3: Ask almost as elements as there are in the set.
# In this case the implementation will duplicate the original
# set and will remove random elements up to the requested size.
# PATH 4: Ask a number of elements definitely smaller than
# the set size.
# We can test both the code paths just changing the size but
# using the same code.
foreach size {8 2} {
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size]
assert_equal [llength $res] $size
# again with WITHVALUES
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size withvalues]
assert_equal [llength $res] [expr {$size * 2}]
# 1) Check that all the elements actually belong to the
# original set.
foreach ele [dict keys $res] {
assert {[dict exists $mydict $ele]}
# 2) Check that eventually all the elements are returned.
# Use both WITHVALUES and without
unset -nocomplain auxset
unset -nocomplain allkey
set iterations [expr {1000 / $size}]
set all_ele_return false
while {$iterations != 0} {
incr iterations -1
if {[expr {$iterations % 2}] == 0} {
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size withvalues]
foreach {key value} $res {
dict append auxset $key $value
lappend allkey $key
} else {
set res [r hrandfield myhash $size]
foreach key $res {
dict append auxset $key
lappend allkey $key
if {[lsort [dict keys $mydict]] eq
[lsort [dict keys $auxset]]} {
set all_ele_return true
assert_equal $all_ele_return true
# df = 9, 40 means 0.00001 probability
assert_lessthan [chi_square_value $allkey] 40
r config set hash-max-ziplist-value $original_max_value
test {HSET/HLEN - Big hash creation} {
array set bighash {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 1024} {incr i} {
set key __avoid_collisions__[randstring 0 8 alpha]
set val __avoid_collisions__[randstring 0 8 alpha]
if {[info exists bighash($key)]} {
incr i -1
r hset bighash $key $val
set bighash($key) $val
list [r hlen bighash]
} {1024}
test {Is the big hash encoded with an hash table?} {
assert_encoding hashtable bighash
test {HGET against the small hash} {
set err {}
foreach k [array names smallhash *] {
if {$smallhash($k) ne [r hget smallhash $k]} {
set err "$smallhash($k) != [r hget smallhash $k]"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HGET against the big hash} {
set err {}
foreach k [array names bighash *] {
if {$bighash($k) ne [r hget bighash $k]} {
set err "$bighash($k) != [r hget bighash $k]"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HGET against non existing key} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [r hget smallhash __123123123__]
lappend rv [r hget bighash __123123123__]
set _ $rv
} {{} {}}
test {HSET in update and insert mode} {
set rv {}
set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hset smallhash $k newval1]
set smallhash($k) newval1
lappend rv [r hget smallhash $k]
lappend rv [r hset smallhash __foobar123__ newval]
set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hset bighash $k newval2]
set bighash($k) newval2
lappend rv [r hget bighash $k]
lappend rv [r hset bighash __foobar123__ newval]
lappend rv [r hdel smallhash __foobar123__]
lappend rv [r hdel bighash __foobar123__]
set _ $rv
} {0 newval1 1 0 newval2 1 1 1}
test {HSETNX target key missing - small hash} {
r hsetnx smallhash __123123123__ foo
r hget smallhash __123123123__
} {foo}
test {HSETNX target key exists - small hash} {
r hsetnx smallhash __123123123__ bar
set result [r hget smallhash __123123123__]
r hdel smallhash __123123123__
set _ $result
} {foo}
test {HSETNX target key missing - big hash} {
r hsetnx bighash __123123123__ foo
r hget bighash __123123123__
} {foo}
test {HSETNX target key exists - big hash} {
r hsetnx bighash __123123123__ bar
set result [r hget bighash __123123123__]
r hdel bighash __123123123__
set _ $result
} {foo}
test {HSET/HMSET wrong number of args} {
assert_error {*wrong number of arguments for 'hset' command} {r hset smallhash key1 val1 key2}
assert_error {*wrong number of arguments for 'hmset' command} {r hmset smallhash key1 val1 key2}
test {HMSET - small hash} {
set args {}
foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
set newval [randstring 0 8 alpha]
set smallhash($k) $newval
lappend args $k $newval
r hmset smallhash {*}$args
} {OK}
test {HMSET - big hash} {
set args {}
foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
set newval [randstring 0 8 alpha]
set bighash($k) $newval
lappend args $k $newval
r hmset bighash {*}$args
} {OK}
test {HMGET against non existing key and fields} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [r hmget doesntexist __123123123__ __456456456__]
lappend rv [r hmget smallhash __123123123__ __456456456__]
lappend rv [r hmget bighash __123123123__ __456456456__]
set _ $rv
} {{{} {}} {{} {}} {{} {}}}
test {HMGET against wrong type} {
r set wrongtype somevalue
assert_error "*wrong*" {r hmget wrongtype field1 field2}
test {HMGET - small hash} {
set keys {}
set vals {}
foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
lappend keys $k
lappend vals $v
set err {}
set result [r hmget smallhash {*}$keys]
if {$vals ne $result} {
set err "$vals != $result"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HMGET - big hash} {
set keys {}
set vals {}
foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
lappend keys $k
lappend vals $v
set err {}
set result [r hmget bighash {*}$keys]
if {$vals ne $result} {
set err "$vals != $result"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HKEYS - small hash} {
lsort [r hkeys smallhash]
} [lsort [array names smallhash *]]
test {HKEYS - big hash} {
lsort [r hkeys bighash]
} [lsort [array names bighash *]]
test {HVALS - small hash} {
set vals {}
foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
lappend vals $v
set _ [lsort $vals]
} [lsort [r hvals smallhash]]
test {HVALS - big hash} {
set vals {}
foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
lappend vals $v
set _ [lsort $vals]
} [lsort [r hvals bighash]]
test {HGETALL - small hash} {
lsort [r hgetall smallhash]
} [lsort [array get smallhash]]
test {HGETALL - big hash} {
lsort [r hgetall bighash]
} [lsort [array get bighash]]
test {HDEL and return value} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [r hdel smallhash nokey]
lappend rv [r hdel bighash nokey]
set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hdel smallhash $k]
lappend rv [r hdel smallhash $k]
lappend rv [r hget smallhash $k]
unset smallhash($k)
set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hdel bighash $k]
lappend rv [r hdel bighash $k]
lappend rv [r hget bighash $k]
unset bighash($k)
set _ $rv
} {0 0 1 0 {} 1 0 {}}
test {HDEL - more than a single value} {
set rv {}
r del myhash
r hmset myhash a 1 b 2 c 3
assert_equal 0 [r hdel myhash x y]
assert_equal 2 [r hdel myhash a c f]
r hgetall myhash
} {b 2}
test {HDEL - hash becomes empty before deleting all specified fields} {
r del myhash
r hmset myhash a 1 b 2 c 3
assert_equal 3 [r hdel myhash a b c d e]
assert_equal 0 [r exists myhash]
test {HEXISTS} {
set rv {}
set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hexists smallhash $k]
lappend rv [r hexists smallhash nokey]
set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
lappend rv [r hexists bighash $k]
lappend rv [r hexists bighash nokey]
} {1 0 1 0}
test {Is a ziplist encoded Hash promoted on big payload?} {
r hset smallhash foo [string repeat a 1024]
r debug object smallhash
} {*hashtable*} {needs:debug}
test {HINCRBY against non existing database key} {
r del htest
list [r hincrby htest foo 2]
} {2}
test {HINCRBY against non existing hash key} {
set rv {}
r hdel smallhash tmp
r hdel bighash tmp
lappend rv [r hincrby smallhash tmp 2]
lappend rv [r hget smallhash tmp]
lappend rv [r hincrby bighash tmp 2]
lappend rv [r hget bighash tmp]
} {2 2 2 2}
test {HINCRBY against hash key created by hincrby itself} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [r hincrby smallhash tmp 3]
lappend rv [r hget smallhash tmp]
lappend rv [r hincrby bighash tmp 3]
lappend rv [r hget bighash tmp]
} {5 5 5 5}
test {HINCRBY against hash key originally set with HSET} {
r hset smallhash tmp 100
r hset bighash tmp 100
list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 2] [r hincrby bighash tmp 2]
} {102 102}
test {HINCRBY over 32bit value} {
r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 1] [r hincrby bighash tmp 1]
} {17179869185 17179869185}
test {HINCRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
list [r hincrby smallhash tmp 17179869184] [r hincrby bighash tmp 17179869184]
} {34359738368 34359738368}
test {HINCRBY fails against hash value with spaces (left)} {
r hset smallhash str " 11"
r hset bighash str " 11"
catch {r hincrby smallhash str 1} smallerr
catch {r hincrby bighash str 1} bigerr
set rv {}
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $smallerr]
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $bigerr]
} {1 1}
test {HINCRBY fails against hash value with spaces (right)} {
r hset smallhash str "11 "
r hset bighash str "11 "
catch {r hincrby smallhash str 1} smallerr
catch {r hincrby bighash str 1} bigerr
set rv {}
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $smallerr]
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not an integer*" $bigerr]
} {1 1}
test {HINCRBY can detect overflows} {
set e {}
r hset hash n -9223372036854775484
assert {[r hincrby hash n -1] == -9223372036854775485}
catch {r hincrby hash n -10000} e
set e
} {*overflow*}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT against non existing database key} {
r del htest
list [r hincrbyfloat htest foo 2.5]
} {2.5}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT against non existing hash key} {
set rv {}
r hdel smallhash tmp
r hdel bighash tmp
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 2.5]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hget smallhash tmp]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 2.5]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hget bighash tmp]]
} {2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT against hash key created by hincrby itself} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 3.5]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hget smallhash tmp]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 3.5]]
lappend rv [roundFloat [r hget bighash tmp]]
} {6 6 6 6}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT against hash key originally set with HSET} {
r hset smallhash tmp 100
r hset bighash tmp 100
list [roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 2.5]] \
[roundFloat [r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 2.5]]
} {102.5 102.5}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT over 32bit value} {
r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
list [r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 1] \
[r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 1]
} {17179869185 17179869185}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
r hset smallhash tmp 17179869184
r hset bighash tmp 17179869184
list [r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 17179869184] \
[r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 17179869184]
} {34359738368 34359738368}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT fails against hash value with spaces (left)} {
r hset smallhash str " 11"
r hset bighash str " 11"
catch {r hincrbyfloat smallhash str 1} smallerr
catch {r hincrbyfloat bighash str 1} bigerr
set rv {}
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not*float*" $smallerr]
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not*float*" $bigerr]
} {1 1}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT fails against hash value with spaces (right)} {
r hset smallhash str "11 "
r hset bighash str "11 "
catch {r hincrbyfloat smallhash str 1} smallerr
catch {r hincrbyfloat bighash str 1} bigerr
set rv {}
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not*float*" $smallerr]
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not*float*" $bigerr]
} {1 1}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT fails against hash value that contains a null-terminator in the middle} {
r hset h f "1\x002"
catch {r hincrbyfloat h f 1} err
set rv {}
lappend rv [string match "ERR*not*float*" $err]
} {1}
test {HSTRLEN against the small hash} {
set err {}
foreach k [array names smallhash *] {
if {[string length $smallhash($k)] ne [r hstrlen smallhash $k]} {
set err "[string length $smallhash($k)] != [r hstrlen smallhash $k]"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HSTRLEN against the big hash} {
set err {}
foreach k [array names bighash *] {
if {[string length $bighash($k)] ne [r hstrlen bighash $k]} {
set err "[string length $bighash($k)] != [r hstrlen bighash $k]"
puts "HSTRLEN and logical length mismatch:"
puts "key: $k"
puts "Logical content: $bighash($k)"
puts "Server content: [r hget bighash $k]"
set _ $err
} {}
test {HSTRLEN against non existing field} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [r hstrlen smallhash __123123123__]
lappend rv [r hstrlen bighash __123123123__]
set _ $rv
} {0 0}
test {HSTRLEN corner cases} {
set vals {
-9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775808
{} 0 -1 x
foreach v $vals {
r hmset smallhash field $v
r hmset bighash field $v
set len1 [string length $v]
set len2 [r hstrlen smallhash field]
set len3 [r hstrlen bighash field]
assert {$len1 == $len2}
assert {$len2 == $len3}
test {HINCRBYFLOAT over hash-max-listpack-value encoded with a listpack} {
set original_max_value [lindex [r config get hash-max-ziplist-value] 1]
r config set hash-max-listpack-value 8
# hash's value exceeds hash-max-listpack-value
r del smallhash
r del bighash
r hset smallhash tmp 0
r hset bighash tmp 0
r hincrbyfloat smallhash tmp 0.000005
r hincrbyfloat bighash tmp 0.0000005
assert_encoding listpack smallhash
assert_encoding hashtable bighash
# hash's field exceeds hash-max-listpack-value
r del smallhash
r del bighash
r hincrbyfloat smallhash abcdefgh 1
r hincrbyfloat bighash abcdefghi 1
assert_encoding listpack smallhash
assert_encoding hashtable bighash
r config set hash-max-listpack-value $original_max_value
test {Hash ziplist regression test for large keys} {
r hset hash kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk a
r hset hash kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk b
r hget hash kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
} {b}
foreach size {10 512} {
test "Hash fuzzing #1 - $size fields" {
for {set times 0} {$times < 10} {incr times} {
catch {unset hash}
array set hash {}
r del hash
# Create
for {set j 0} {$j < $size} {incr j} {
set field [randomValue]
set value [randomValue]
r hset hash $field $value
set hash($field) $value
# Verify
foreach {k v} [array get hash] {
assert_equal $v [r hget hash $k]
assert_equal [array size hash] [r hlen hash]
test "Hash fuzzing #2 - $size fields" {
for {set times 0} {$times < 10} {incr times} {
catch {unset hash}
array set hash {}
r del hash
# Create
for {set j 0} {$j < $size} {incr j} {
randpath {
set field [randomValue]
set value [randomValue]
r hset hash $field $value
set hash($field) $value
} {
set field [randomSignedInt 512]
set value [randomSignedInt 512]
r hset hash $field $value
set hash($field) $value
} {
randpath {
set field [randomValue]
} {
set field [randomSignedInt 512]
r hdel hash $field
unset -nocomplain hash($field)
# Verify
foreach {k v} [array get hash] {
assert_equal $v [r hget hash $k]
assert_equal [array size hash] [r hlen hash]
test {Stress test the hash ziplist -> hashtable encoding conversion} {
r config set hash-max-ziplist-entries 32
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
r del myhash
for {set i 0} {$i < 64} {incr i} {
r hset myhash [randomValue] [randomValue]
assert_encoding hashtable myhash
# The following test can only be executed if we don't use Valgrind, and if
# we are using x86_64 architecture, because:
# 1) Valgrind has floating point limitations, no support for 80 bits math.
# 2) Other archs may have the same limits.
# 1.23 cannot be represented correctly with 64 bit doubles, so we skip
# the test, since we are only testing pretty printing here and is not
# a bug if the program outputs things like 1.299999...
if {!$::valgrind && [string match *x86_64* [exec uname -a]]} {
test {Test HINCRBYFLOAT for correct float representation (issue #2846)} {
r del myhash
assert {[r hincrbyfloat myhash float 1.23] eq {1.23}}
assert {[r hincrbyfloat myhash float 0.77] eq {2}}
assert {[r hincrbyfloat myhash float -0.1] eq {1.9}}
test {Hash ziplist of various encodings} {
r del k
config_set hash-max-ziplist-entries 1000000000
config_set hash-max-ziplist-value 1000000000
r hset k ZIP_INT_8B 127
r hset k ZIP_INT_16B 32767
r hset k ZIP_INT_32B 2147483647
r hset k ZIP_INT_64B 9223372036854775808
r hset k ZIP_INT_IMM_MIN 0
r hset k ZIP_INT_IMM_MAX 12
r hset k ZIP_STR_06B [string repeat x 31]
r hset k ZIP_STR_14B [string repeat x 8191]
r hset k ZIP_STR_32B [string repeat x 65535]
set k [r hgetall k]
set dump [r dump k]
# will be converted to dict at RESTORE
config_set hash-max-ziplist-entries 2
config_set sanitize-dump-payload no mayfail
r restore kk 0 $dump
set kk [r hgetall kk]
# make sure the values are right
assert_equal [lsort $k] [lsort $kk]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_06B] [string repeat x 31]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_06B]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_14B] [string repeat x 8191]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_14B]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_32B] [string repeat x 65535]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_32B]
set _ $k
} {ZIP_INT_8B 127 ZIP_INT_16B 32767 ZIP_INT_32B 2147483647 ZIP_INT_64B 9223372036854775808 ZIP_INT_IMM_MIN 0 ZIP_INT_IMM_MAX 12}
test {Hash ziplist of various encodings - sanitize dump} {
config_set sanitize-dump-payload yes mayfail
r restore kk 0 $dump replace
set k [r hgetall k]
set kk [r hgetall kk]
# make sure the values are right
assert_equal [lsort $k] [lsort $kk]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_06B] [string repeat x 31]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_06B]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_14B] [string repeat x 8191]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_14B]
assert_equal [dict get $k ZIP_STR_32B] [string repeat x 65535]
set k [dict remove $k ZIP_STR_32B]
set _ $k
} {ZIP_INT_8B 127 ZIP_INT_16B 32767 ZIP_INT_32B 2147483647 ZIP_INT_64B 9223372036854775808 ZIP_INT_IMM_MIN 0 ZIP_INT_IMM_MAX 12}