
602 lines
18 KiB

start_server {tags {"string"}} {
test {SET and GET an item} {
r set x foobar
r get x
} {foobar}
test {SET and GET an empty item} {
r set x {}
r get x
} {}
test {Very big payload in GET/SET} {
set buf [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
r set foo $buf
r get foo
} [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
tags {"slow"} {
test {Very big payload random access} {
set err {}
array set payload {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
set size [expr 1+[randomInt 100000]]
set buf [string repeat "pl-$j" $size]
set payload($j) $buf
r set bigpayload_$j $buf
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
set index [randomInt 100]
set buf [r get bigpayload_$index]
if {$buf != $payload($index)} {
set err "Values differ: I set '$payload($index)' but I read back '$buf'"
unset payload
set _ $err
} {}
test {SET 10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order} {
r flushdb
set err {}
for {set x 0} {$x < 10000} {incr x} {
r set $x $x
set sum 0
for {set x 9999} {$x >= 0} {incr x -1} {
set val [r get $x]
if {$val ne $x} {
set err "Element at position $x is $val instead of $x"
set _ $err
} {}
test {DBSIZE should be 10000 now} {
r dbsize
} {10000}
test "SETNX target key missing" {
r del novar
assert_equal 1 [r setnx novar foobared]
assert_equal "foobared" [r get novar]
test "SETNX target key exists" {
r set novar foobared
assert_equal 0 [r setnx novar blabla]
assert_equal "foobared" [r get novar]
test "SETNX against not-expired volatile key" {
r set x 10
r expire x 10000
assert_equal 0 [r setnx x 20]
assert_equal 10 [r get x]
test "SETNX against expired volatile key" {
# Make it very unlikely for the key this test uses to be expired by the
# active expiry cycle. This is tightly coupled to the implementation of
# active expiry and dbAdd() but currently the only way to test that
# SETNX expires a key when it should have been.
for {set x 0} {$x < 9999} {incr x} {
r setex key-$x 3600 value
# This will be one of 10000 expiring keys. A cycle is executed every
# 100ms, sampling 10 keys for being expired or not. This key will be
# expired for at most 1s when we wait 2s, resulting in a total sample
# of 100 keys. The probability of the success of this test being a
# false positive is therefore approx. 1%.
r set x 10
r expire x 1
# Wait for the key to expire
after 2000
assert_equal 1 [r setnx x 20]
assert_equal 20 [r get x]
test "GETEX EX option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
r getex foo ex 10
assert_range [r ttl foo] 5 10
test "GETEX PX option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
r getex foo px 10000
assert_range [r pttl foo] 5000 10000
test "GETEX EXAT option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
r getex foo exat [expr [clock seconds] + 10]
assert_range [r ttl foo] 5 10
test "GETEX PXAT option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
r getex foo pxat [expr [clock milliseconds] + 10000]
assert_range [r pttl foo] 5000 10000
test "GETEX PERSIST option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar ex 10
assert_range [r ttl foo] 5 10
r getex foo persist
assert_equal -1 [r ttl foo]
test "GETEX no option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
r getex foo
assert_equal bar [r getex foo]
test "GETEX syntax errors" {
set ex {}
catch {r getex foo non-existent-option} ex
set ex
} {*syntax*}
test "GETEX no arguments" {
set ex {}
catch {r getex} ex
set ex
} {*wrong number of arguments*}
test "GETDEL command" {
r del foo
r set foo bar
assert_equal bar [r getdel foo ]
assert_equal {} [r getdel foo ]
test {GETDEL propagate as DEL command to replica} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r set foo bar
r getdel foo
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
{del foo}
} {} {needs:repl}
test {GETEX without argument does not propagate to replica} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r set foo bar
r getex foo
r del foo
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
{del foo}
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MGET} {
r flushdb
r set foo{t} BAR
r set bar{t} FOO
r mget foo{t} bar{t}
test {MGET against non existing key} {
r mget foo{t} baazz{t} bar{t}
} {BAR {} FOO}
test {MGET against non-string key} {
r sadd myset{t} ciao
r sadd myset{t} bau
r mget foo{t} baazz{t} bar{t} myset{t}
} {BAR {} FOO {}}
test {GETSET (set new value)} {
r del foo
list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
} {{} xyz}
test {GETSET (replace old value)} {
r set foo bar
list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
} {bar xyz}
test {MSET base case} {
r mset x{t} 10 y{t} "foo bar" z{t} "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"
r mget x{t} y{t} z{t}
} [list 10 {foo bar} "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"]
test {MSET wrong number of args} {
catch {r mset x{t} 10 y{t} "foo bar" z{t}} err
format $err
} {*wrong number*}
test {MSETNX with already existent key} {
list [r msetnx x1{t} xxx y2{t} yyy x{t} 20] [r exists x1{t}] [r exists y2{t}]
} {0 0 0}
test {MSETNX with not existing keys} {
list [r msetnx x1{t} xxx y2{t} yyy] [r get x1{t}] [r get y2{t}]
} {1 xxx yyy}
test "STRLEN against non-existing key" {
assert_equal 0 [r strlen notakey]
test "STRLEN against integer-encoded value" {
r set myinteger -555
assert_equal 4 [r strlen myinteger]
test "STRLEN against plain string" {
r set mystring "foozzz0123456789 baz"
assert_equal 20 [r strlen mystring]
test "SETBIT against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 1 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 01000000] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against string-encoded key" {
# Ascii "@" is integer 64 = 01 00 00 00
r set mykey "@"
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 2 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 01100000] [r get mykey]
assert_equal 1 [r setbit mykey 1 0]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00100000] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against integer-encoded key" {
# Ascii "1" is integer 49 = 00 11 00 01
r set mykey 1
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 6 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00110011] [r get mykey]
assert_equal 1 [r setbit mykey 2 0]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00010011] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against key with wrong type" {
r del mykey
r lpush mykey "foo"
assert_error "WRONGTYPE*" {r setbit mykey 0 1}
test "SETBIT with out of range bit offset" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey [expr 4*1024*1024*1024] 1}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey -1 1}
test "SETBIT with non-bit argument" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 -1}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 2}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 10}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 20}
test "SETBIT fuzzing" {
set str ""
set len [expr 256*8]
r del mykey
for {set i 0} {$i < 2000} {incr i} {
set bitnum [randomInt $len]
set bitval [randomInt 2]
set fmt [format "%%-%ds%%d%%-s" $bitnum]
set head [string range $str 0 $bitnum-1]
set tail [string range $str $bitnum+1 end]
set str [string map {" " 0} [format $fmt $head $bitval $tail]]
r setbit mykey $bitnum $bitval
assert_equal [binary format B* $str] [r get mykey]
test "GETBIT against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
test "GETBIT against string-encoded key" {
# Single byte with 2nd and 3rd bit set
r set mykey "`"
# In-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 1]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 2]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 3]
# Out-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 8]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 100]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 10000]
test "GETBIT against integer-encoded key" {
r set mykey 1
assert_encoding int mykey
# Ascii "1" is integer 49 = 00 11 00 01
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 1]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 2]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 3]
# Out-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 8]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 100]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 10000]
test "SETRANGE against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 foo]
assert_equal "foo" [r get mykey]
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_equal 0 [r exists mykey]
r del mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 1 foo]
assert_equal "\000foo" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against string-encoded key" {
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 b]
assert_equal "boo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_equal "foo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 1 b]
assert_equal "fbo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 7 [r setrange mykey 4 bar]
assert_equal "foo\000bar" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against integer-encoded key" {
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 0 2]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal 2234 [r get mykey]
# Shouldn't change encoding when nothing is set
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 1234 [r get mykey]
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 1 3]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal 1334 [r get mykey]
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 6 [r setrange mykey 5 2]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal "1234\0002" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against key with wrong type" {
r del mykey
r lpush mykey "foo"
assert_error "WRONGTYPE*" {r setrange mykey 0 bar}
test "SETRANGE with out of range offset" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*maximum allowed size*" {r setrange mykey [expr 512*1024*1024-4] world}
r set mykey "hello"
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setrange mykey -1 world}
assert_error "*maximum allowed size*" {r setrange mykey [expr 512*1024*1024-4] world}
test "GETRANGE against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
test "GETRANGE against string value" {
r set mykey "Hello World"
assert_equal "Hell" [r getrange mykey 0 3]
assert_equal "Hello World" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
assert_equal "orld" [r getrange mykey -4 -1]
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 5 3]
assert_equal " World" [r getrange mykey 5 5000]
assert_equal "Hello World" [r getrange mykey -5000 10000]
test "GETRANGE against integer-encoded value" {
r set mykey 1234
assert_equal "123" [r getrange mykey 0 2]
assert_equal "1234" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
assert_equal "234" [r getrange mykey -3 -1]
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 5 3]
assert_equal "4" [r getrange mykey 3 5000]
assert_equal "1234" [r getrange mykey -5000 10000]
test "GETRANGE fuzzing" {
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
r set bin [set bin [randstring 0 1024 binary]]
set _start [set start [randomInt 1500]]
set _end [set end [randomInt 1500]]
if {$_start < 0} {set _start "end-[abs($_start)-1]"}
if {$_end < 0} {set _end "end-[abs($_end)-1]"}
assert_equal [string range $bin $_start $_end] [r getrange bin $start $end]
test {Extended SET can detect syntax errors} {
set e {}
catch {r set foo bar non-existing-option} e
set e
} {*syntax*}
test {Extended SET NX option} {
r del foo
set v1 [r set foo 1 nx]
set v2 [r set foo 2 nx]
list $v1 $v2 [r get foo]
} {OK {} 1}
test {Extended SET XX option} {
r del foo
set v1 [r set foo 1 xx]
r set foo bar
set v2 [r set foo 2 xx]
list $v1 $v2 [r get foo]
} {{} OK 2}
test {Extended SET GET option} {
r del foo
r set foo bar
set old_value [r set foo bar2 GET]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {bar bar2}
test {Extended SET GET option with no previous value} {
r del foo
set old_value [r set foo bar GET]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {{} bar}
test {Extended SET GET option with XX} {
r del foo
r set foo bar
set old_value [r set foo baz GET XX]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {bar baz}
test {Extended SET GET option with XX and no previous value} {
r del foo
set old_value [r set foo bar GET XX]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {{} {}}
test {Extended SET GET option with NX} {
r del foo
set old_value [r set foo bar GET NX]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {{} bar}
test {Extended SET GET option with NX and previous value} {
r del foo
r set foo bar
set old_value [r set foo baz GET NX]
set new_value [r get foo]
list $old_value $new_value
} {bar bar}
test {Extended SET GET with incorrect type should result in wrong type error} {
r del foo
r rpush foo waffle
catch {r set foo bar GET} err1
assert_equal "waffle" [r rpop foo]
set err1
test {Extended SET EX option} {
r del foo
r set foo bar ex 10
set ttl [r ttl foo]
assert {$ttl <= 10 && $ttl > 5}
test {Extended SET PX option} {
r del foo
r set foo bar px 10000
set ttl [r ttl foo]
assert {$ttl <= 10 && $ttl > 5}
test "Extended SET EXAT option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar exat [expr [clock seconds] + 10]
assert_range [r ttl foo] 5 10
test "Extended SET PXAT option" {
r del foo
r set foo bar pxat [expr [clock milliseconds] + 10000]
assert_range [r ttl foo] 5 10
test {Extended SET using multiple options at once} {
r set foo val
assert {[r set foo bar xx px 10000] eq {OK}}
set ttl [r ttl foo]
assert {$ttl <= 10 && $ttl > 5}
test {GETRANGE with huge ranges, Github issue #1844} {
r set foo bar
r getrange foo 0 4294967297
} {bar}
test {STRALGO LCS string output with STRINGS option} {
} $rnalcs
test {STRALGO LCS len} {
} [string length $rnalcs]
test {LCS with KEYS option} {
r set virus1{t} $rna1
r set virus2{t} $rna2
r STRALGO LCS KEYS virus1{t} virus2{t}
} $rnalcs
test {LCS indexes} {
dict get [r STRALGO LCS IDX KEYS virus1{t} virus2{t}] matches
} {{{238 238} {239 239}} {{236 236} {238 238}} {{229 230} {236 237}} {{224 224} {235 235}} {{1 222} {13 234}}}
test {LCS indexes with match len} {
dict get [r STRALGO LCS IDX KEYS virus1{t} virus2{t} WITHMATCHLEN] matches
} {{{238 238} {239 239} 1} {{236 236} {238 238} 1} {{229 230} {236 237} 2} {{224 224} {235 235} 1} {{1 222} {13 234} 222}}
test {LCS indexes with match len and minimum match len} {
dict get [r STRALGO LCS IDX KEYS virus1{t} virus2{t} WITHMATCHLEN MINMATCHLEN 5] matches
} {{{1 222} {13 234} 222}}