
3251 lines
137 KiB

/* Configuration file parsing and CONFIG GET/SET commands implementation.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#include "server.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <string.h>
* Config file name-value maps.
typedef struct deprecatedConfig {
const char *name;
const int argc_min;
const int argc_max;
} deprecatedConfig;
configEnum maxmemory_policy_enum[] = {
{"volatile-lru", MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU},
{"volatile-lfu", MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LFU},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum syslog_facility_enum[] = {
{"user", LOG_USER},
{"local0", LOG_LOCAL0},
{"local1", LOG_LOCAL1},
{"local2", LOG_LOCAL2},
{"local3", LOG_LOCAL3},
{"local4", LOG_LOCAL4},
{"local5", LOG_LOCAL5},
{"local6", LOG_LOCAL6},
{"local7", LOG_LOCAL7},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum loglevel_enum[] = {
{"debug", LL_DEBUG},
{"verbose", LL_VERBOSE},
{"notice", LL_NOTICE},
{"warning", LL_WARNING},
configEnum supervised_mode_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum aof_fsync_enum[] = {
{"everysec", AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC},
{"always", AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS},
{"no", AOF_FSYNC_NO},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum shutdown_on_sig_enum[] = {
{"default", 0},
{"save", SHUTDOWN_SAVE},
{"nosave", SHUTDOWN_NOSAVE},
{"now", SHUTDOWN_NOW},
{"force", SHUTDOWN_FORCE},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum repl_diskless_load_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum tls_auth_clients_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum oom_score_adj_enum[] = {
{"relative", OOM_SCORE_RELATIVE},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum acl_pubsub_default_enum[] = {
{"resetchannels", 0},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum sanitize_dump_payload_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum protected_action_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum cluster_preferred_endpoint_type_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
configEnum propagation_error_behavior_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
/* Output buffer limits presets. */
clientBufferLimitsConfig clientBufferLimitsDefaults[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT] = {
{0, 0, 0}, /* normal */
{1024*1024*256, 1024*1024*64, 60}, /* slave */
{1024*1024*32, 1024*1024*8, 60} /* pubsub */
/* OOM Score defaults */
int configOOMScoreAdjValuesDefaults[CONFIG_OOM_COUNT] = { 0, 200, 800 };
/* Generic config infrastructure function pointers
* int is_valid_fn(val, err)
* Return 1 when val is valid, and 0 when invalid.
* Optionally set err to a static error string.
/* Configuration values that require no special handling to set, get, load or
* rewrite. */
typedef struct boolConfigData {
int *config; /* The pointer to the server config this value is stored in */
int default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(int val, const char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
} boolConfigData;
typedef struct stringConfigData {
char **config; /* Pointer to the server config this value is stored in. */
const char *default_value; /* Default value of the config on rewrite. */
int (*is_valid_fn)(char* val, const char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int convert_empty_to_null; /* Boolean indicating if empty strings should
be stored as a NULL value. */
} stringConfigData;
typedef struct sdsConfigData {
sds *config; /* Pointer to the server config this value is stored in. */
char *default_value; /* Default value of the config on rewrite. */
int (*is_valid_fn)(sds val, const char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int convert_empty_to_null; /* Boolean indicating if empty SDS strings should
be stored as a NULL value. */
} sdsConfigData;
typedef struct enumConfigData {
int *config; /* The pointer to the server config this value is stored in */
configEnum *enum_value; /* The underlying enum type this data represents */
int default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(int val, const char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
} enumConfigData;
typedef enum numericType {
} numericType;
typedef struct numericConfigData {
union {
int *i;
unsigned int *ui;
long *l;
unsigned long *ul;
long long *ll;
unsigned long long *ull;
size_t *st;
ssize_t *sst;
off_t *ot;
time_t *tt;
} config; /* The pointer to the numeric config this value is stored in */
unsigned int flags;
numericType numeric_type; /* An enum indicating the type of this value */
long long lower_bound; /* The lower bound of this numeric value */
long long upper_bound; /* The upper bound of this numeric value */
long long default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(long long val, const char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
} numericConfigData;
typedef union typeData {
boolConfigData yesno;
stringConfigData string;
sdsConfigData sds;
enumConfigData enumd;
numericConfigData numeric;
} typeData;
typedef struct standardConfig standardConfig;
typedef int (*apply_fn)(const char **err);
typedef struct typeInterface {
/* Called on server start, to init the server with default value */
void (*init)(standardConfig *config);
/* Called on server startup and CONFIG SET, returns 1 on success,
* 2 meaning no actual change done, 0 on error and can set a verbose err
* string */
int (*set)(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err);
/* Optional: called after `set()` to apply the config change. Used only in
* the context of CONFIG SET. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
* Optionally set err to a static error string. */
apply_fn apply;
/* Called on CONFIG GET, returns sds to be used in reply */
sds (*get)(standardConfig *config);
/* Called on CONFIG REWRITE, required to rewrite the config state */
void (*rewrite)(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state);
} typeInterface;
struct standardConfig {
const char *name; /* The user visible name of this config */
const char *alias; /* An alias that can also be used for this config */
unsigned int flags; /* Flags for this specific config */
typeInterface interface; /* The function pointers that define the type interface */
typeData data; /* The type specific data exposed used by the interface */
configType type; /* The type of config this is. */
void *privdata; /* privdata for this config, for module configs this is a ModuleConfig struct */
dict *configs = NULL; /* Runtime config values */
/* Lookup a config by the provided sds string name, or return NULL
* if the config does not exist */
static standardConfig *lookupConfig(sds name) {
dictEntry *de = dictFind(configs, name);
return de ? dictGetVal(de) : NULL;
* Enum access functions
/* Get enum value from name. If there is no match INT_MIN is returned. */
int configEnumGetValue(configEnum *ce, sds *argv, int argc, int bitflags) {
if (argc == 0 || (!bitflags && argc != 1)) return INT_MIN;
int values = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
int matched = 0;
for (configEnum *ceItem = ce; ceItem->name != NULL; ceItem++) {
if (!strcasecmp(argv[i],ceItem->name)) {
values |= ceItem->val;
matched = 1;
if (!matched) return INT_MIN;
return values;
/* Get enum name/s from value. If no matches are found "unknown" is returned. */
static sds configEnumGetName(configEnum *ce, int values, int bitflags) {
sds names = NULL;
int matches = 0;
for( ; ce->name != NULL; ce++) {
if (values == ce->val) { /* Short path for perfect match */
return sdsnew(ce->name);
if (bitflags && (values & ce->val)) {
names = names ? sdscatfmt(names, " %s", ce->name) : sdsnew(ce->name);
matches |= ce->val;
if (!names || values != matches) {
return sdsnew("unknown");
return names;
/* Used for INFO generation. */
const char *evictPolicyToString(void) {
for (configEnum *ce = maxmemory_policy_enum; ce->name != NULL; ce++) {
if (server.maxmemory_policy == ce->val)
return ce->name;
serverPanic("unknown eviction policy");
* Config file parsing
int yesnotoi(char *s) {
if (!strcasecmp(s,"yes")) return 1;
else if (!strcasecmp(s,"no")) return 0;
else return -1;
void appendServerSaveParams(time_t seconds, int changes) {
server.saveparams = zrealloc(server.saveparams,sizeof(struct saveparam)*(server.saveparamslen+1));
server.saveparams[server.saveparamslen].seconds = seconds;
server.saveparams[server.saveparamslen].changes = changes;
void resetServerSaveParams(void) {
server.saveparams = NULL;
server.saveparamslen = 0;
void queueLoadModule(sds path, sds *argv, int argc) {
int i;
struct moduleLoadQueueEntry *loadmod;
loadmod = zmalloc(sizeof(struct moduleLoadQueueEntry));
loadmod->argv = argc ? zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*argc) : NULL;
loadmod->path = sdsnew(path);
loadmod->argc = argc;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
loadmod->argv[i] = createRawStringObject(argv[i],sdslen(argv[i]));
/* Parse an array of `arg_len` sds strings, validate and populate
* server.client_obuf_limits if valid.
* Used in CONFIG SET and configuration file parsing. */
static int updateClientOutputBufferLimit(sds *args, int arg_len, const char **err) {
int j;
int class;
unsigned long long hard, soft;
int hard_err, soft_err;
int soft_seconds;
char *soft_seconds_eptr;
clientBufferLimitsConfig values[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT];
int classes[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT] = {0};
/* We need a multiple of 4: <class> <hard> <soft> <soft_seconds> */
if (arg_len % 4) {
if (err) *err = "Wrong number of arguments in "
"buffer limit configuration.";
return 0;
/* Sanity check of single arguments, so that we either refuse the
* whole configuration string or accept it all, even if a single
* error in a single client class is present. */
for (j = 0; j < arg_len; j += 4) {
class = getClientTypeByName(args[j]);
if (class == -1 || class == CLIENT_TYPE_MASTER) {
if (err) *err = "Invalid client class specified in "
"buffer limit configuration.";
return 0;
hard = memtoull(args[j+1], &hard_err);
soft = memtoull(args[j+2], &soft_err);
soft_seconds = strtoll(args[j+3], &soft_seconds_eptr, 10);
if (hard_err || soft_err ||
soft_seconds < 0 || *soft_seconds_eptr != '\0')
if (err) *err = "Error in hard, soft or soft_seconds setting in "
"buffer limit configuration.";
return 0;
values[class].hard_limit_bytes = hard;
values[class].soft_limit_bytes = soft;
values[class].soft_limit_seconds = soft_seconds;
classes[class] = 1;
/* Finally set the new config. */
for (j = 0; j < CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT; j++) {
if (classes[j]) server.client_obuf_limits[j] = values[j];
return 1;
/* Note this is here to support detecting we're running a config set from
* within conf file parsing. This is only needed to support the deprecated
* abnormal aggregate `save T C` functionality. Remove in the future. */
static int reading_config_file;
void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) {
deprecatedConfig deprecated_configs[] = {
{"list-max-ziplist-entries", 2, 2},
{"list-max-ziplist-value", 2, 2},
{"lua-replicate-commands", 2, 2},
{NULL, 0},
char buf[1024];
const char *err = NULL;
int linenum = 0, totlines, i;
sds *lines;
reading_config_file = 1;
lines = sdssplitlen(config,strlen(config),"\n",1,&totlines);
for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
sds *argv;
int argc;
linenum = i+1;
lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i]," \t\r\n");
/* Skip comments and blank lines */
if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0') continue;
/* Split into arguments */
argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i],&argc);
if (argv == NULL) {
err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
goto loaderr;
/* Skip this line if the resulting command vector is empty. */
if (argc == 0) {
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(argv[0]);
if (config) {
/* For normal single arg configs enforce we have a single argument.
* Note that MULTI_ARG_CONFIGs need to validate arg count on their own */
if (!(config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG) && argc != 2) {
err = "wrong number of arguments";
goto loaderr;
/* Set config using all arguments that follows */
if (!config->interface.set(config, &argv[1], argc-1, &err)) {
goto loaderr;
} else {
int match = 0;
for (deprecatedConfig *config = deprecated_configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], config->name) &&
config->argc_min <= argc &&
argc <= config->argc_max)
match = 1;
if (match) {
/* Execute config directives */
if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"include") && argc == 2) {
loadServerConfig(argv[1], 0, NULL);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"rename-command") && argc == 3) {
struct redisCommand *cmd = lookupCommandBySds(argv[1]);
int retval;
if (!cmd) {
err = "No such command in rename-command";
goto loaderr;
/* If the target command name is the empty string we just
* remove it from the command table. */
retval = dictDelete(server.commands, argv[1]);
serverAssert(retval == DICT_OK);
/* Otherwise we re-add the command under a different name. */
if (sdslen(argv[2]) != 0) {
sds copy = sdsdup(argv[2]);
retval = dictAdd(server.commands, copy, cmd);
if (retval != DICT_OK) {
err = "Target command name already exists"; goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"user") && argc >= 2) {
int argc_err;
if (ACLAppendUserForLoading(argv,argc,&argc_err) == C_ERR) {
const char *errmsg = ACLSetUserStringError();
snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Error in user declaration '%s': %s",
err = buf;
goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"loadmodule") && argc >= 2) {
} else if (strchr(argv[0], '.')) {
if (argc != 2) {
err = "Module config specified without value";
goto loaderr;
sds name = sdsdup(argv[0]);
if (!dictReplace(server.module_configs_queue, name, sdsdup(argv[1]))) sdsfree(name);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"sentinel")) {
/* argc == 1 is handled by main() as we need to enter the sentinel
* mode ASAP. */
if (argc != 1) {
if (!server.sentinel_mode) {
err = "sentinel directive while not in sentinel mode";
goto loaderr;
} else {
err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments"; goto loaderr;
if (server.logfile[0] != '\0') {
FILE *logfp;
/* Test if we are able to open the file. The server will not
* be able to abort just for this problem later... */
logfp = fopen(server.logfile,"a");
if (logfp == NULL) {
err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),
"Can't open the log file: %s", strerror(errno));
goto loaderr;
/* Sanity checks. */
if (server.cluster_enabled && server.masterhost) {
err = "replicaof directive not allowed in cluster mode";
goto loaderr;
/* To ensure backward compatibility and work while hz is out of range */
if (server.config_hz < CONFIG_MIN_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MIN_HZ;
if (server.config_hz > CONFIG_MAX_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MAX_HZ;
reading_config_file = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "\n*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis %s) ***\n",
if (i < totlines) {
fprintf(stderr, "Reading the configuration file, at line %d\n", linenum);
fprintf(stderr, ">>> '%s'\n", lines[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
/* Load the server configuration from the specified filename.
* The function appends the additional configuration directives stored
* in the 'options' string to the config file before loading.
* Both filename and options can be NULL, in such a case are considered
* empty. This way loadServerConfig can be used to just load a file or
* just load a string. */
#define CONFIG_READ_LEN 1024
void loadServerConfig(char *filename, char config_from_stdin, char *options) {
sds config = sdsempty();
char buf[CONFIG_READ_LEN+1];
FILE *fp;
glob_t globbuf;
/* Load the file content */
if (filename) {
/* The logic for handling wildcards has slightly different behavior in cases where
* there is a failure to locate the included file.
* Whether or not a wildcard is specified, we should ALWAYS log errors when attempting
* to open included config files.
* However, we desire a behavioral difference between instances where a wildcard was
* specified and those where it hasn't:
* no wildcards : attempt to open the specified file and fail with a logged error
* if the file cannot be found and opened.
* with wildcards : attempt to glob the specified pattern; if no files match the
* pattern, then gracefully continue on to the next entry in the
* config file, as if the current entry was never encountered.
* This will allow for empty conf.d directories to be included. */
if (strchr(filename, '*') || strchr(filename, '?') || strchr(filename, '[')) {
/* A wildcard character detected in filename, so let us use glob */
if (glob(filename, 0, NULL, &globbuf) == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
if ((fp = fopen(globbuf.gl_pathv[i], "r")) == NULL) {
"Fatal error, can't open config file '%s': %s",
globbuf.gl_pathv[i], strerror(errno));
while(fgets(buf,CONFIG_READ_LEN+1,fp) != NULL)
config = sdscat(config,buf);
} else {
/* No wildcard in filename means we can use the original logic to read and
* potentially fail traditionally */
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
"Fatal error, can't open config file '%s': %s",
filename, strerror(errno));
while(fgets(buf,CONFIG_READ_LEN+1,fp) != NULL)
config = sdscat(config,buf);
/* Append content from stdin */
if (config_from_stdin) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Reading config from stdin");
fp = stdin;
while(fgets(buf,CONFIG_READ_LEN+1,fp) != NULL)
config = sdscat(config,buf);
/* Append the additional options */
if (options) {
config = sdscat(config,"\n");
config = sdscat(config,options);
static int performInterfaceSet(standardConfig *config, sds value, const char **errstr) {
sds *argv;
int argc, res;
if (config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG) {
argv = sdssplitlen(value, sdslen(value), " ", 1, &argc);
} else {
argv = (char**)&value;
argc = 1;
/* Set the config */
res = config->interface.set(config, argv, argc, errstr);
if (config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG) sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);
return res;
/* Find the config by name and attempt to set it to value. */
int performModuleConfigSetFromName(sds name, sds value, const char **err) {
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(name);
if (!config || !(config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG)) {
*err = "Config name not found";
return 0;
return performInterfaceSet(config, value, err);
/* Find config by name and attempt to set it to its default value. */
int performModuleConfigSetDefaultFromName(sds name, const char **err) {
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(name);
if (!(config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG)) {
*err = "Config name not found";
return 0;
switch (config->type) {
return setModuleBoolConfig(config->privdata, config->data.yesno.default_value, err);
return setModuleStringConfig(config->privdata, config->data.sds.default_value, err);
return setModuleNumericConfig(config->privdata, config->data.numeric.default_value, err);
return setModuleEnumConfig(config->privdata, config->data.enumd.default_value, err);
serverPanic("Config type of module config is not allowed.");
return 0;
static void restoreBackupConfig(standardConfig **set_configs, sds *old_values, int count, apply_fn *apply_fns, list *module_configs) {
int i;
const char *errstr = "unknown error";
/* Set all backup values */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!performInterfaceSet(set_configs[i], old_values[i], &errstr))
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Failed restoring failed CONFIG SET command. Error setting %s to '%s': %s",
set_configs[i]->name, old_values[i], errstr);
/* Apply backup */
if (apply_fns) {
for (i = 0; i < count && apply_fns[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (!apply_fns[i](&errstr))
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Failed applying restored failed CONFIG SET command: %s", errstr);
if (module_configs) {
if (!moduleConfigApplyConfig(module_configs, &errstr, NULL))
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Failed applying restored failed CONFIG SET command: %s", errstr);
* CONFIG SET implementation
void configSetCommand(client *c) {
const char *errstr = NULL;
const char *invalid_arg_name = NULL;
const char *err_arg_name = NULL;
standardConfig **set_configs; /* TODO: make this a dict for better performance */
list *module_configs_apply;
const char **config_names;
sds *new_values;
sds *old_values = NULL;
apply_fn *apply_fns; /* TODO: make this a set for better performance */
int config_count, i, j;
int invalid_args = 0, deny_loading_error = 0;
int *config_map_fns;
/* Make sure we have an even number of arguments: conf-val pairs */
if (c->argc & 1) {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
config_count = (c->argc - 2) / 2;
module_configs_apply = listCreate();
set_configs = zcalloc(sizeof(standardConfig*)*config_count);
config_names = zcalloc(sizeof(char*)*config_count);
new_values = zmalloc(sizeof(sds*)*config_count);
old_values = zcalloc(sizeof(sds*)*config_count);
apply_fns = zcalloc(sizeof(apply_fn)*config_count);
config_map_fns = zmalloc(sizeof(int)*config_count);
/* Find all relevant configs */
for (i = 0; i < config_count; i++) {
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(c->argv[2+i*2]->ptr);
/* Fail if we couldn't find this config */
if (!config) {
if (!invalid_args) {
invalid_arg_name = c->argv[2+i*2]->ptr;
invalid_args = 1;
/* Note: it's important we run over ALL passed configs and check if we need to call `redactClientCommandArgument()`.
* This is in order to avoid anyone using this command for a log/slowlog/monitor/etc. displaying sensitive info.
* So even if we encounter an error we still continue running over the remaining arguments. */
if (config->flags & SENSITIVE_CONFIG) {
/* We continue to make sure we redact all the configs */
if (invalid_args) continue;
if (config->flags & IMMUTABLE_CONFIG ||
(config->flags & PROTECTED_CONFIG && !allowProtectedAction(server.enable_protected_configs, c)))
/* Note: we don't abort the loop since we still want to handle redacting sensitive configs (above) */
errstr = (config->flags & IMMUTABLE_CONFIG) ? "can't set immutable config" : "can't set protected config";
err_arg_name = c->argv[2+i*2]->ptr;
invalid_args = 1;
if (server.loading && config->flags & DENY_LOADING_CONFIG) {
/* Note: we don't abort the loop since we still want to handle redacting sensitive configs (above) */
deny_loading_error = 1;
invalid_args = 1;
/* If this config appears twice then fail */
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (set_configs[j] == config) {
/* Note: we don't abort the loop since we still want to handle redacting sensitive configs (above) */
errstr = "duplicate parameter";
err_arg_name = c->argv[2+i*2]->ptr;
invalid_args = 1;
set_configs[i] = config;
config_names[i] = config->name;
new_values[i] = c->argv[2+i*2+1]->ptr;
if (invalid_args) goto err;
/* Backup old values before setting new ones */
for (i = 0; i < config_count; i++)
old_values[i] = set_configs[i]->interface.get(set_configs[i]);
/* Set all new values (don't apply yet) */
for (i = 0; i < config_count; i++) {
int res = performInterfaceSet(set_configs[i], new_values[i], &errstr);
if (!res) {
restoreBackupConfig(set_configs, old_values, i+1, NULL, NULL);
err_arg_name = set_configs[i]->name;
goto err;
} else if (res == 1) {
/* A new value was set, if this config has an apply function then store it for execution later */
if (set_configs[i]->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) {
addModuleConfigApply(module_configs_apply, set_configs[i]->privdata);
} else if (set_configs[i]->interface.apply) {
/* Check if this apply function is already stored */
int exists = 0;
for (j = 0; apply_fns[j] != NULL && j <= i; j++) {
if (apply_fns[j] == set_configs[i]->interface.apply) {
exists = 1;
/* Apply function not stored, store it */
if (!exists) {
apply_fns[j] = set_configs[i]->interface.apply;
config_map_fns[j] = i;
/* Apply all configs after being set */
for (i = 0; i < config_count && apply_fns[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (!apply_fns[i](&errstr)) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Failed applying new configuration. Possibly related to new %s setting. Restoring previous settings.", set_configs[config_map_fns[i]]->name);
restoreBackupConfig(set_configs, old_values, config_count, apply_fns, NULL);
err_arg_name = set_configs[config_map_fns[i]]->name;
goto err;
/* Apply all module configs that were set. */
if (!moduleConfigApplyConfig(module_configs_apply, &errstr, &err_arg_name)) {
serverLogRaw(LL_WARNING, "Failed applying new module configuration. Restoring previous settings.");
restoreBackupConfig(set_configs, old_values, config_count, apply_fns, module_configs_apply);
goto err;
RedisModuleConfigChangeV1 cc = {.num_changes = config_count, .config_names = config_names};
goto end;
if (deny_loading_error) {
/* We give the loading error precedence because it may be handled by clients differently, unlike a plain -ERR. */
} else if (invalid_arg_name) {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Unknown option or number of arguments for CONFIG SET - '%s'", invalid_arg_name);
} else if (errstr) {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"CONFIG SET failed (possibly related to argument '%s') - %s", err_arg_name, errstr);
} else {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"CONFIG SET failed (possibly related to argument '%s')", err_arg_name);
for (i = 0; i < config_count; i++)
* CONFIG GET implementation
void configGetCommand(client *c) {
int i;
dictEntry *de;
dictIterator *di;
/* Create a dictionary to store the matched configs */
dict *matches = dictCreate(&externalStringType);
for (i = 0; i < c->argc - 2; i++) {
robj *o = c->argv[2+i];
sds name = o->ptr;
/* If the string doesn't contain glob patterns, just directly
* look up the key in the dictionary. */
if (!strpbrk(name, "[*?")) {
if (dictFind(matches, name)) continue;
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(name);
if (config) {
dictAdd(matches, name, config);
/* Otherwise, do a match against all items in the dictionary. */
di = dictGetIterator(configs);
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
standardConfig *config = dictGetVal(de);
/* Note that hidden configs require an exact match (not a pattern) */
if (config->flags & HIDDEN_CONFIG) continue;
if (dictFind(matches, config->name)) continue;
if (stringmatch(name, de->key, 1)) {
dictAdd(matches, de->key, config);
di = dictGetIterator(matches);
addReplyMapLen(c, dictSize(matches));
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
standardConfig *config = (standardConfig *) dictGetVal(de);
addReplyBulkCString(c, de->key);
addReplyBulkSds(c, config->interface.get(config));
* CONFIG REWRITE implementation
/* We use the following dictionary type to store where a configuration
* option is mentioned in the old configuration file, so it's
* like "maxmemory" -> list of line numbers (first line is zero). */
void dictListDestructor(dict *d, void *val);
/* Sentinel config rewriting is implemented inside sentinel.c by
* rewriteConfigSentinelOption(). */
void rewriteConfigSentinelOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state);
dictType optionToLineDictType = {
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictListDestructor, /* val destructor */
NULL /* allow to expand */
dictType optionSetDictType = {
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
NULL, /* val destructor */
NULL /* allow to expand */
/* The config rewrite state. */
struct rewriteConfigState {
dict *option_to_line; /* Option -> list of config file lines map */
dict *rewritten; /* Dictionary of already processed options */
int numlines; /* Number of lines in current config */
sds *lines; /* Current lines as an array of sds strings */
int needs_signature; /* True if we need to append the rewrite
signature. */
int force_write; /* True if we want all keywords to be force
written. Currently only used for testing
and debug information. */
/* Free the configuration rewrite state. */
void rewriteConfigReleaseState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
/* Create the configuration rewrite state */
struct rewriteConfigState *rewriteConfigCreateState() {
struct rewriteConfigState *state = zmalloc(sizeof(*state));
state->option_to_line = dictCreate(&optionToLineDictType);
state->rewritten = dictCreate(&optionSetDictType);
state->numlines = 0;
state->lines = NULL;
state->needs_signature = 1;
state->force_write = 0;
return state;
/* Append the new line to the current configuration state. */
void rewriteConfigAppendLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds line) {
state->lines = zrealloc(state->lines, sizeof(char*) * (state->numlines+1));
state->lines[state->numlines++] = line;
/* Populate the option -> list of line numbers map. */
void rewriteConfigAddLineNumberToOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds option, int linenum) {
list *l = dictFetchValue(state->option_to_line,option);
if (l == NULL) {
l = listCreate();
/* Add the specified option to the set of processed options.
* This is useful as only unused lines of processed options will be blanked
* in the config file, while options the rewrite process does not understand
* remain untouched. */
void rewriteConfigMarkAsProcessed(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option) {
sds opt = sdsnew(option);
if (dictAdd(state->rewritten,opt,NULL) != DICT_OK) sdsfree(opt);
/* Read the old file, split it into lines to populate a newly created
* config rewrite state, and return it to the caller.
* If it is impossible to read the old file, NULL is returned.
* If the old file does not exist at all, an empty state is returned. */
struct rewriteConfigState *rewriteConfigReadOldFile(char *path) {
FILE *fp = fopen(path,"r");
if (fp == NULL && errno != ENOENT) return NULL;
struct redis_stat sb;
if (fp && redis_fstat(fileno(fp),&sb) == -1) return NULL;
int linenum = -1;
struct rewriteConfigState *state = rewriteConfigCreateState();
if (fp == NULL || sb.st_size == 0) return state;
/* Load the file content */
sds config = sdsnewlen(SDS_NOINIT,sb.st_size);
if (fread(config,1,sb.st_size,fp) == 0) {
return NULL;
int i, totlines;
sds *lines = sdssplitlen(config,sdslen(config),"\n",1,&totlines);
/* Read the old content line by line, populate the state. */
for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
int argc;
sds *argv;
sds line = sdstrim(lines[i],"\r\n\t ");
lines[i] = NULL;
linenum++; /* Zero based, so we init at -1 */
/* Handle comments and empty lines. */
if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') {
if (state->needs_signature && !strcmp(line,REDIS_CONFIG_REWRITE_SIGNATURE))
state->needs_signature = 0;
/* Not a comment, split into arguments. */
argv = sdssplitargs(line,&argc);
if (argv == NULL || (!server.sentinel_mode && !lookupConfig(argv[0]))) {
/* Apparently the line is unparsable for some reason, for
* instance it may have unbalanced quotes, or may contain a
* config that doesn't exist anymore. Load it as a comment. */
sds aux = sdsnew("# ??? ");
aux = sdscatsds(aux,line);
if (argv) sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);
sdstolower(argv[0]); /* We only want lowercase config directives. */
/* Now we populate the state according to the content of this line.
* Append the line and populate the option -> line numbers map. */
/* Translate options using the word "slave" to the corresponding name
* "replica", before adding such option to the config name -> lines
* mapping. */
char *p = strstr(argv[0],"slave");
if (p) {
sds alt = sdsempty();
alt = sdscatlen(alt,argv[0],p-argv[0]);
alt = sdscatlen(alt,"replica",7);
alt = sdscatlen(alt,p+5,strlen(p+5));
argv[0] = alt;
/* If this is sentinel config, we use sentinel "sentinel <config>" as option
to avoid messing up the sequence. */
if (server.sentinel_mode && argc > 1 && !strcasecmp(argv[0],"sentinel")) {
sds sentinelOption = sdsempty();
sentinelOption = sdscatfmt(sentinelOption,"%S %S",argv[0],argv[1]);
} else {
return state;
/* Rewrite the specified configuration option with the new "line".
* It progressively uses lines of the file that were already used for the same
* configuration option in the old version of the file, removing that line from
* the map of options -> line numbers.
* If there are lines associated with a given configuration option and
* "force" is non-zero, the line is appended to the configuration file.
* Usually "force" is true when an option has not its default value, so it
* must be rewritten even if not present previously.
* The first time a line is appended into a configuration file, a comment
* is added to show that starting from that point the config file was generated
* "line" is either used, or freed, so the caller does not need to free it
* in any way. */
void rewriteConfigRewriteLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, sds line, int force) {
sds o = sdsnew(option);
list *l = dictFetchValue(state->option_to_line,o);
if (!l && !force && !state->force_write) {
/* Option not used previously, and we are not forced to use it. */
if (l) {
listNode *ln = listFirst(l);
int linenum = (long) ln->value;
/* There are still lines in the old configuration file we can reuse
* for this option. Replace the line with the new one. */
if (listLength(l) == 0) dictDelete(state->option_to_line,o);
state->lines[linenum] = line;
} else {
/* Append a new line. */
if (state->needs_signature) {
state->needs_signature = 0;
/* Write the long long 'bytes' value as a string in a way that is parsable
* inside redis.conf. If possible uses the GB, MB, KB notation. */
int rewriteConfigFormatMemory(char *buf, size_t len, long long bytes) {
int gb = 1024*1024*1024;
int mb = 1024*1024;
int kb = 1024;
if (bytes && (bytes % gb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldgb",bytes/gb);
} else if (bytes && (bytes % mb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldmb",bytes/mb);
} else if (bytes && (bytes % kb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldkb",bytes/kb);
} else {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lld",bytes);
/* Rewrite a simple "option-name <bytes>" configuration option. */
void rewriteConfigBytesOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
char buf[64];
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line;
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,buf);
/* Rewrite a simple "option-name n%" configuration option. */
void rewriteConfigPercentOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %lld%%",option,value);
/* Rewrite a yes/no option. */
void rewriteConfigYesNoOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, int value, int defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,
value ? "yes" : "no");
/* Rewrite a string option. */
void rewriteConfigStringOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, char *value, const char *defvalue) {
int force = 1;
sds line;
/* String options set to NULL need to be not present at all in the
* configuration file to be set to NULL again at the next reboot. */
if (value == NULL) {
/* Set force to zero if the value is set to its default. */
if (defvalue && strcmp(value,defvalue) == 0) force = 0;
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatrepr(line, value, strlen(value));
/* Rewrite a SDS string option. */
void rewriteConfigSdsOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, sds value, const char *defvalue) {
int force = 1;
sds line;
/* If there is no value set, we don't want the SDS option
* to be present in the configuration at all. */
if (value == NULL) {
rewriteConfigMarkAsProcessed(state, option);
/* Set force to zero if the value is set to its default. */
if (defvalue && strcmp(value, defvalue) == 0) force = 0;
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatrepr(line, value, sdslen(value));
rewriteConfigRewriteLine(state, option, line, force);
/* Rewrite a numerical (long long range) option. */
void rewriteConfigNumericalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %lld",option,value);
/* Rewrite an octal option. */
void rewriteConfigOctalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %llo",option,value);
/* Rewrite an enumeration option. It takes as usually state and option name,
* and in addition the enumeration array and the default value for the
* option. */
void rewriteConfigEnumOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, int value, standardConfig *config) {
int multiarg = config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG;
sds names = configEnumGetName(config->data.enumd.enum_value,value,multiarg);
sds line = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,names);
int force = value != config->data.enumd.default_value;
/* Rewrite the save option. */
void rewriteConfigSaveOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int j;
sds line;
/* In Sentinel mode we don't need to rewrite the save parameters */
if (server.sentinel_mode) {
/* Rewrite save parameters, or an empty 'save ""' line to avoid the
* defaults from being used.
if (!server.saveparamslen) {
rewriteConfigRewriteLine(state,name,sdsnew("save \"\""),1);
} else {
for (j = 0; j < server.saveparamslen; j++) {
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"save %ld %d",
(long) server.saveparams[j].seconds, server.saveparams[j].changes);
/* Mark "save" as processed in case server.saveparamslen is zero. */
/* Rewrite the user option. */
void rewriteConfigUserOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
/* If there is a user file defined we just mark this configuration
* directive as processed, so that all the lines containing users
* inside the config file gets discarded. */
if (server.acl_filename[0] != '\0') {
/* Otherwise scan the list of users and rewrite every line. Note that
* in case the list here is empty, the effect will just be to comment
* all the users directive inside the config file. */
raxIterator ri;
while(raxNext(&ri)) {
user *u =;
sds line = sdsnew("user ");
line = sdscatsds(line,u->name);
line = sdscatlen(line," ",1);
sds descr = ACLDescribeUser(u);
line = sdscatsds(line,descr);
/* Mark "user" as processed in case there are no defined users. */
/* Rewrite the dir option, always using absolute paths.*/
void rewriteConfigDirOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
char cwd[1024];
if (getcwd(cwd,sizeof(cwd)) == NULL) {
return; /* no rewrite on error. */
/* Rewrite the slaveof option. */
void rewriteConfigReplicaOfOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds line;
/* If this is a master, we want all the slaveof config options
* in the file to be removed. Note that if this is a cluster instance
* we don't want a slaveof directive inside redis.conf. */
if (server.cluster_enabled || server.masterhost == NULL) {
rewriteConfigMarkAsProcessed(state, name);
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s %d", name,
server.masterhost, server.masterport);
/* Rewrite the notify-keyspace-events option. */
void rewriteConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = server.notify_keyspace_events != 0;
sds line, flags;
flags = keyspaceEventsFlagsToString(server.notify_keyspace_events);
line = sdsnew(name);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatrepr(line, flags, sdslen(flags));
/* Rewrite the client-output-buffer-limit option. */
void rewriteConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT; j++) {
int force = (server.client_obuf_limits[j].hard_limit_bytes !=
clientBufferLimitsDefaults[j].hard_limit_bytes) ||
(server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_bytes !=
clientBufferLimitsDefaults[j].soft_limit_bytes) ||
(server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds !=
sds line;
char hard[64], soft[64];
char *typename = getClientTypeName(j);
if (!strcmp(typename,"slave")) typename = "replica";
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s %s %s %ld",
name, typename, hard, soft,
(long) server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds);
/* Rewrite the oom-score-adj-values option. */
void rewriteConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = 0;
int j;
sds line;
line = sdsnew(name);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_OOM_COUNT; j++) {
if (server.oom_score_adj_values[j] != configOOMScoreAdjValuesDefaults[j])
force = 1;
line = sdscatprintf(line, "%d", server.oom_score_adj_values[j]);
if (j+1 != CONFIG_OOM_COUNT)
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
/* Rewrite the bind option. */
void rewriteConfigBindOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = 1;
sds line, addresses;
int is_default = 0;
/* Compare server.bindaddr with CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR */
if (server.bindaddr_count == CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR_COUNT) {
is_default = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR_COUNT; j++) {
if (strcmp(server.bindaddr[j], default_bindaddr[j]) != 0) {
is_default = 0;
if (is_default) {
/* Rewrite as bind <addr1> <addr2> ... <addrN> */
if (server.bindaddr_count > 0)
addresses = sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
addresses = sdsnew("\"\"");
line = sdsnew(name);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatsds(line, addresses);
/* Rewrite the loadmodule option. */
void rewriteConfigLoadmoduleOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds line;
dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(modules);
dictEntry *de;
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
struct RedisModule *module = dictGetVal(de);
line = sdsnew("loadmodule ");
line = sdscatsds(line, module->loadmod->path);
for (int i = 0; i < module->loadmod->argc; i++) {
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatsds(line, module->loadmod->argv[i]->ptr);
/* Mark "loadmodule" as processed in case modules is empty. */
/* Glue together the configuration lines in the current configuration
* rewrite state into a single string, stripping multiple empty lines. */
sds rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds content = sdsempty();
int j, was_empty = 0;
for (j = 0; j < state->numlines; j++) {
/* Every cluster of empty lines is turned into a single empty line. */
if (sdslen(state->lines[j]) == 0) {
if (was_empty) continue;
was_empty = 1;
} else {
was_empty = 0;
content = sdscatsds(content,state->lines[j]);
content = sdscatlen(content,"\n",1);
return content;
/* At the end of the rewrite process the state contains the remaining
* map between "option name" => "lines in the original config file".
* Lines used by the rewrite process were removed by the function
* rewriteConfigRewriteLine(), all the other lines are "orphaned" and
* should be replaced by empty lines.
* This function does just this, iterating all the option names and
* blanking all the lines still associated. */
void rewriteConfigRemoveOrphaned(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(state->option_to_line);
dictEntry *de;
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
list *l = dictGetVal(de);
sds option = dictGetKey(de);
/* Don't blank lines about options the rewrite process
* don't understand. */
if (dictFind(state->rewritten,option) == NULL) {
serverLog(LL_DEBUG,"Not rewritten option: %s", option);
while(listLength(l)) {
listNode *ln = listFirst(l);
int linenum = (long) ln->value;
state->lines[linenum] = sdsempty();
/* This function returns a string representation of all the config options
* marked with DEBUG_CONFIG, which can be used to help with debugging. */
sds getConfigDebugInfo() {
struct rewriteConfigState *state = rewriteConfigCreateState();
state->force_write = 1; /* Force the output */
state->needs_signature = 0; /* Omit the rewrite signature */
/* Iterate the configs and "rewrite" the ones that have
* the debug flag. */
dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(configs);
dictEntry *de;
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
standardConfig *config = dictGetVal(de);
if (!(config->flags & DEBUG_CONFIG)) continue;
config->interface.rewrite(config, config->name, state);
sds info = rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(state);
return info;
/* This function replaces the old configuration file with the new content
* in an atomic manner.
* The function returns 0 on success, otherwise -1 is returned and errno
* is set accordingly. */
int rewriteConfigOverwriteFile(char *configfile, sds content) {
int fd = -1;
int retval = -1;
char tmp_conffile[PATH_MAX];
const char *tmp_suffix = ".XXXXXX";
size_t offset = 0;
ssize_t written_bytes = 0;
int tmp_path_len = snprintf(tmp_conffile, sizeof(tmp_conffile), "%s%s", configfile, tmp_suffix);
if (tmp_path_len <= 0 || (unsigned int)tmp_path_len >= sizeof(tmp_conffile)) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Config file full path is too long");
return retval;
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
fd = mkostemp(tmp_conffile, O_CLOEXEC);
/* There's a theoretical chance here to leak the FD if a module thread forks & execv in the middle */
fd = mkstemp(tmp_conffile);
if (fd == -1) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Could not create tmp config file (%s)", strerror(errno));
return retval;
while (offset < sdslen(content)) {
written_bytes = write(fd, content + offset, sdslen(content) - offset);
if (written_bytes <= 0) {
if (errno == EINTR) continue; /* FD is blocking, no other retryable errors */
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Failed after writing (%zd) bytes to tmp config file (%s)", offset, strerror(errno));
goto cleanup;
if (fsync(fd))
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Could not sync tmp config file to disk (%s)", strerror(errno));
else if (fchmod(fd, 0644 & ~server.umask) == -1)
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Could not chmod config file (%s)", strerror(errno));
else if (rename(tmp_conffile, configfile) == -1)
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Could not rename tmp config file (%s)", strerror(errno));
else {
retval = 0;
serverLog(LL_DEBUG, "Rewritten config file (%s) successfully", configfile);
if (retval) unlink(tmp_conffile);
return retval;
/* Rewrite the configuration file at "path".
* If the configuration file already exists, we try at best to retain comments
* and overall structure.
* Configuration parameters that are at their default value, unless already
* explicitly included in the old configuration file, are not rewritten.
* The force_write flag overrides this behavior and forces everything to be
* written. This is currently only used for testing purposes.
* On error -1 is returned and errno is set accordingly, otherwise 0. */
int rewriteConfig(char *path, int force_write) {
struct rewriteConfigState *state;
sds newcontent;
int retval;
/* Step 1: read the old config into our rewrite state. */
if ((state = rewriteConfigReadOldFile(path)) == NULL) return -1;
if (force_write) state->force_write = 1;
/* Step 2: rewrite every single option, replacing or appending it inside
* the rewrite state. */
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(configs);
dictEntry *de;
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
standardConfig *config = dictGetVal(de);
/* Only rewrite the primary names */
if (config->flags & ALIAS_CONFIG) continue;
if (config->interface.rewrite) config->interface.rewrite(config, de->key, state);
/* Rewrite Sentinel config if in Sentinel mode. */
if (server.sentinel_mode) rewriteConfigSentinelOption(state);
/* Step 3: remove all the orphaned lines in the old file, that is, lines
* that were used by a config option and are no longer used, like in case
* of multiple "save" options or duplicated options. */
/* Step 4: generate a new configuration file from the modified state
* and write it into the original file. */
newcontent = rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(state);
retval = rewriteConfigOverwriteFile(server.configfile,newcontent);
return retval;
* Configs that fit one of the major types and require no special handling
#define LOADBUF_SIZE 256
static char loadbuf[LOADBUF_SIZE];
#define embedCommonConfig(config_name, config_alias, config_flags) \
.name = (config_name), \
.alias = (config_alias), \
.flags = (config_flags),
#define embedConfigInterface(initfn, setfn, getfn, rewritefn, applyfn) .interface = { \
.init = (initfn), \
.set = (setfn), \
.get = (getfn), \
.rewrite = (rewritefn), \
.apply = (applyfn) \
/* What follows is the generic config types that are supported. To add a new
* config with one of these types, add it to the standardConfig table with
* the creation macro for each type.
* Each type contains the following:
* * A function defining how to load this type on startup.
* * A function defining how to update this type on CONFIG SET.
* * A function defining how to serialize this type on CONFIG SET.
* * A function defining how to rewrite this type on CONFIG REWRITE.
* * A Macro defining how to create this type.
/* Bool Configs */
static void boolConfigInit(standardConfig *config) {
*config->data.yesno.config = config->data.yesno.default_value;
static int boolConfigSet(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
int yn = yesnotoi(argv[0]);
if (yn == -1) {
*err = "argument must be 'yes' or 'no'";
return 0;
if (config->data.yesno.is_valid_fn && !config->data.yesno.is_valid_fn(yn, err))
return 0;
int prev = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleBoolConfig(config->privdata) : *(config->data.yesno.config);
if (prev != yn) {
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) {
return setModuleBoolConfig(config->privdata, yn, err);
*(config->data.yesno.config) = yn;
return 1;
return 2;
static sds boolConfigGet(standardConfig *config) {
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) {
return sdsnew(getModuleBoolConfig(config->privdata) ? "yes" : "no");
return sdsnew(*config->data.yesno.config ? "yes" : "no");
static void boolConfigRewrite(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int val = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleBoolConfig(config->privdata) : *(config->data.yesno.config);
rewriteConfigYesNoOption(state, name, val, config->data.yesno.default_value);
#define createBoolConfig(name, alias, flags, config_addr, default, is_valid, apply) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, flags) \
embedConfigInterface(boolConfigInit, boolConfigSet, boolConfigGet, boolConfigRewrite, apply) \
.type = BOOL_CONFIG, \
.data.yesno = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
} \
/* String Configs */
static void stringConfigInit(standardConfig *config) {
*config->data.string.config = (config->data.string.convert_empty_to_null && !config->data.string.default_value) ? NULL : zstrdup(config->data.string.default_value);
static int stringConfigSet(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
if (config->data.string.is_valid_fn && !config->data.string.is_valid_fn(argv[0], err))
return 0;
char *prev = *config->data.string.config;
char *new = (config->data.string.convert_empty_to_null && !argv[0][0]) ? NULL : argv[0];
if (new != prev && (new == NULL || prev == NULL || strcmp(prev, new))) {
*config->data.string.config = new != NULL ? zstrdup(new) : NULL;
return 1;
return 2;
static sds stringConfigGet(standardConfig *config) {
return sdsnew(*config->data.string.config ? *config->data.string.config : "");
static void stringConfigRewrite(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
rewriteConfigStringOption(state, name,*(config->data.string.config), config->data.string.default_value);
/* SDS Configs */
static void sdsConfigInit(standardConfig *config) {
*config->data.sds.config = (config->data.sds.convert_empty_to_null && !config->data.sds.default_value) ? NULL : sdsnew(config->data.sds.default_value);
static int sdsConfigSet(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
if (config->data.sds.is_valid_fn && !config->data.sds.is_valid_fn(argv[0], err))
return 0;
sds prev = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleStringConfig(config->privdata) : *config->data.sds.config;
sds new = (config->data.string.convert_empty_to_null && (sdslen(argv[0]) == 0)) ? NULL : argv[0];
/* if prev and new configuration are not equal, set the new one */
if (new != prev && (new == NULL || prev == NULL || sdscmp(prev, new))) {
/* If MODULE_CONFIG flag is set, then free temporary prev getModuleStringConfig returned.
* Otherwise, free the actual previous config value Redis held (Same action, different reasons) */
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) {
return setModuleStringConfig(config->privdata, new, err);
*config->data.sds.config = new != NULL ? sdsdup(new) : NULL;
return 1;
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG && prev) sdsfree(prev);
return 2;
static sds sdsConfigGet(standardConfig *config) {
sds val = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleStringConfig(config->privdata) : *config->data.sds.config;
if (val) {
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) return val;
return sdsdup(val);
} else {
return sdsnew("");
static void sdsConfigRewrite(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds val = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleStringConfig(config->privdata) : *config->data.sds.config;
rewriteConfigSdsOption(state, name, val, config->data.sds.default_value);
if ((val) && (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG)) sdsfree(val);
#define createStringConfig(name, alias, flags, empty_to_null, config_addr, default, is_valid, apply) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, flags) \
embedConfigInterface(stringConfigInit, stringConfigSet, stringConfigGet, stringConfigRewrite, apply) \
.type = STRING_CONFIG, \
.data.string = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.convert_empty_to_null = (empty_to_null), \
} \
#define createSDSConfig(name, alias, flags, empty_to_null, config_addr, default, is_valid, apply) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, flags) \
embedConfigInterface(sdsConfigInit, sdsConfigSet, sdsConfigGet, sdsConfigRewrite, apply) \
.type = SDS_CONFIG, \
.data.sds = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.convert_empty_to_null = (empty_to_null), \
} \
/* Enum configs */
static void enumConfigInit(standardConfig *config) {
*config->data.enumd.config = config->data.enumd.default_value;
static int enumConfigSet(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
int enumval;
int bitflags = !!(config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG);
enumval = configEnumGetValue(config->data.enumd.enum_value, argv, argc, bitflags);
if (enumval == INT_MIN) {
sds enumerr = sdsnew("argument(s) must be one of the following: ");
configEnum *enumNode = config->data.enumd.enum_value;
while(enumNode->name != NULL) {
enumerr = sdscatlen(enumerr, enumNode->name,
enumerr = sdscatlen(enumerr, ", ", 2);
sdsrange(enumerr,0,-3); /* Remove final ", ". */
strncpy(loadbuf, enumerr, LOADBUF_SIZE);
loadbuf[LOADBUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
if (config->data.enumd.is_valid_fn && !config->data.enumd.is_valid_fn(enumval, err))
return 0;
int prev = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleEnumConfig(config->privdata) : *(config->data.enumd.config);
if (prev != enumval) {
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG)
return setModuleEnumConfig(config->privdata, enumval, err);
*(config->data.enumd.config) = enumval;
return 1;
return 2;
static sds enumConfigGet(standardConfig *config) {
int val = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleEnumConfig(config->privdata) : *(config->data.enumd.config);
int bitflags = !!(config->flags & MULTI_ARG_CONFIG);
return configEnumGetName(config->data.enumd.enum_value,val,bitflags);
static void enumConfigRewrite(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int val = config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG ? getModuleEnumConfig(config->privdata) : *(config->data.enumd.config);
rewriteConfigEnumOption(state, name, val, config);
#define createEnumConfig(name, alias, flags, enum, config_addr, default, is_valid, apply) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, flags) \
embedConfigInterface(enumConfigInit, enumConfigSet, enumConfigGet, enumConfigRewrite, apply) \
.type = ENUM_CONFIG, \
.data.enumd = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.enum_value = (enum), \
} \
/* Gets a 'long long val' and sets it into the union, using a macro to get
* compile time type check. */
int setNumericType(standardConfig *config, long long val, const char **err) {
if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_INT) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.i) = (int) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.ui) = (unsigned int) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.l) = (long) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.ul) = (unsigned long) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG) {
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG)
return setModuleNumericConfig(config->privdata, val, err);
else *(config->data.numeric.config.ll) = (long long) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.ull) = (unsigned long long) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) {
*(config-> = (size_t) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.sst) = (ssize_t) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T) {
*(config->data.numeric.config.ot) = (off_t) val;
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T) {
*(config-> = (time_t) val;
return 1;
/* Gets a 'long long val' and sets it with the value from the union, using a
* macro to get compile time type check. */
#define GET_NUMERIC_TYPE(val) \
if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_INT) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.i); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.ui); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.l); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.ul); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG) { \
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) val = getModuleNumericConfig(config->privdata); \
else val = *(config->data.numeric.config.ll); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.ull); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) { \
val = *(config->; \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.sst); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T) { \
val = *(config->data.numeric.config.ot); \
} else if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T) { \
val = *(config->; \
/* Numeric configs */
static void numericConfigInit(standardConfig *config) {
setNumericType(config, config->data.numeric.default_value, NULL);
static int numericBoundaryCheck(standardConfig *config, long long ll, const char **err) {
if (config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG ||
config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT ||
config->data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) {
/* Boundary check for unsigned types */
unsigned long long ull = ll;
unsigned long long upper_bound = config->data.numeric.upper_bound;
unsigned long long lower_bound = config->data.numeric.lower_bound;
if (ull > upper_bound || ull < lower_bound) {
if (config->data.numeric.flags & OCTAL_CONFIG) {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"argument must be between %llo and %llo inclusive",
} else {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"argument must be between %llu and %llu inclusive",
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
} else {
/* Boundary check for percentages */
if (config->data.numeric.flags & PERCENT_CONFIG && ll < 0) {
if (ll < config->data.numeric.lower_bound) {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"percentage argument must be less or equal to %lld",
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
/* Boundary check for signed types */
else if (ll > config->data.numeric.upper_bound || ll < config->data.numeric.lower_bound) {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"argument must be between %lld and %lld inclusive",
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
return 1;
static int numericParseString(standardConfig *config, sds value, const char **err, long long *res) {
/* First try to parse as memory */
if (config->data.numeric.flags & MEMORY_CONFIG) {
int memerr;
*res = memtoull(value, &memerr);
if (!memerr)
return 1;
/* Attempt to parse as percent */
if (config->data.numeric.flags & PERCENT_CONFIG &&
sdslen(value) > 1 && value[sdslen(value)-1] == '%' &&
string2ll(value, sdslen(value)-1, res) &&
*res >= 0) {
/* We store percentage as negative value */
*res = -*res;
return 1;
/* Attempt to parse as an octal number */
if (config->data.numeric.flags & OCTAL_CONFIG) {
char *endptr;
errno = 0;
*res = strtoll(value, &endptr, 8);
if (errno == 0 && *endptr == '\0')
return 1; /* No overflow or invalid characters */
/* Attempt a simple number (no special flags set) */
if (!config->data.numeric.flags && string2ll(value, sdslen(value), res))
return 1;
/* Select appropriate error string */
if (config->data.numeric.flags & MEMORY_CONFIG &&
config->data.numeric.flags & PERCENT_CONFIG)
*err = "argument must be a memory or percent value" ;
else if (config->data.numeric.flags & MEMORY_CONFIG)
*err = "argument must be a memory value";
else if (config->data.numeric.flags & OCTAL_CONFIG)
*err = "argument couldn't be parsed as an octal number";
*err = "argument couldn't be parsed into an integer";
return 0;
static int numericConfigSet(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
long long ll, prev = 0;
if (!numericParseString(config, argv[0], err, &ll))
return 0;
if (!numericBoundaryCheck(config, ll, err))
return 0;
if (config->data.numeric.is_valid_fn && !config->data.numeric.is_valid_fn(ll, err))
return 0;
if (prev != ll) {
return setNumericType(config, ll, err);
return 2;
static sds numericConfigGet(standardConfig *config) {
char buf[128];
long long value = 0;
if (config->data.numeric.flags & PERCENT_CONFIG && value < 0) {
int len = ll2string(buf, sizeof(buf), -value);
buf[len] = '%';
buf[len+1] = '\0';
else if (config->data.numeric.flags & MEMORY_CONFIG) {
ull2string(buf, sizeof(buf), value);
} else if (config->data.numeric.flags & OCTAL_CONFIG) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llo", value);
} else {
ll2string(buf, sizeof(buf), value);
return sdsnew(buf);
static void numericConfigRewrite(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
long long value = 0;
if (config->data.numeric.flags & PERCENT_CONFIG && value < 0) {
rewriteConfigPercentOption(state, name, -value, config->data.numeric.default_value);
} else if (config->data.numeric.flags & MEMORY_CONFIG) {
rewriteConfigBytesOption(state, name, value, config->data.numeric.default_value);
} else if (config->data.numeric.flags & OCTAL_CONFIG) {
rewriteConfigOctalOption(state, name, value, config->data.numeric.default_value);
} else {
rewriteConfigNumericalOption(state, name, value, config->data.numeric.default_value);
#define embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, _flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, _flags) \
embedConfigInterface(numericConfigInit, numericConfigSet, numericConfigGet, numericConfigRewrite, apply) \
.data.numeric = { \
.lower_bound = (lower), \
.upper_bound = (upper), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.flags = (num_conf_flags),
#define createIntConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_INT, \
.config.i = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createUIntConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT, \
.config.ui = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createLongConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG, \
.config.l = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createULongConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG, \
.config.ul = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createLongLongConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG, \
.config.ll = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createULongLongConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG, \
.config.ull = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createSizeTConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T, \ = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createSSizeTConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T, \
.config.sst = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createTimeTConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T, \ = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createOffTConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, flags, lower, upper, config_addr, default, num_conf_flags, is_valid, apply) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T, \
.config.ot = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createSpecialConfig(name, alias, modifiable, setfn, getfn, rewritefn, applyfn) { \
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, modifiable) \
embedConfigInterface(NULL, setfn, getfn, rewritefn, applyfn) \
static int isValidActiveDefrag(int val, const char **err) {
if (val) {
*err = "Active defragmentation cannot be enabled: it "
"requires a Redis server compiled with a modified Jemalloc "
"like the one shipped by default with the Redis source "
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidDBfilename(char *val, const char **err) {
if (!pathIsBaseName(val)) {
*err = "dbfilename can't be a path, just a filename";
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidAOFfilename(char *val, const char **err) {
if (!strcmp(val, "")) {
*err = "appendfilename can't be empty";
return 0;
if (!pathIsBaseName(val)) {
*err = "appendfilename can't be a path, just a filename";
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidAOFdirname(char *val, const char **err) {
if (!strcmp(val, "")) {
*err = "appenddirname can't be empty";
return 0;
if (!pathIsBaseName(val)) {
*err = "appenddirname can't be a path, just a dirname";
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidShutdownOnSigFlags(int val, const char **err) {
/* Individual arguments are validated by createEnumConfig logic.
* We just need to ensure valid combinations here. */
*err = "shutdown options SAVE and NOSAVE can't be used simultaneously";
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidAnnouncedHostname(char *val, const char **err) {
if (strlen(val) >= NET_HOST_STR_LEN) {
*err = "Hostnames must be less than "
return 0;
int i = 0;
char c;
while ((c = val[i])) {
/* We just validate the character set to make sure that everything
* is parsed and handled correctly. */
if (!((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
|| (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '-') || (c == '.')))
*err = "Hostnames may only contain alphanumeric characters, "
"hyphens or dots";
return 0;
c = val[i++];
return 1;
/* Validate specified string is a valid proc-title-template */
static int isValidProcTitleTemplate(char *val, const char **err) {
if (!validateProcTitleTemplate(val)) {
*err = "template format is invalid or contains unknown variables";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateProcTitleTemplate(const char **err) {
if (redisSetProcTitle(NULL) == C_ERR) {
*err = "failed to set process title";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateHZ(const char **err) {
/* Hz is more a hint from the user, so we accept values out of range
* but cap them to reasonable values. */
if (server.config_hz < CONFIG_MIN_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MIN_HZ;
if (server.config_hz > CONFIG_MAX_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MAX_HZ;
server.hz = server.config_hz;
return 1;
static int updatePort(const char **err) {
if (changeListenPort(server.port, &server.ipfd, acceptTcpHandler) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to listen on this port. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateJemallocBgThread(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateReplBacklogSize(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateMaxmemory(const char **err) {
if (server.maxmemory) {
size_t used = zmalloc_used_memory()-freeMemoryGetNotCountedMemory();
if (server.maxmemory < used) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"WARNING: the new maxmemory value set via CONFIG SET (%llu) is smaller than the current memory usage (%zu). This will result in key eviction and/or the inability to accept new write commands depending on the maxmemory-policy.", server.maxmemory, used);
return 1;
static int updateGoodSlaves(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateWatchdogPeriod(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateAppendonly(const char **err) {
if (!server.aof_enabled && server.aof_state != AOF_OFF) {
} else if (server.aof_enabled && server.aof_state == AOF_OFF) {
if (startAppendOnly() == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to turn on AOF. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateAofAutoGCEnabled(const char **err) {
if (!server.aof_disable_auto_gc) {
return 1;
static int updateSighandlerEnabled(const char **err) {
if (server.crashlog_enabled)
return 1;
static int updateMaxclients(const char **err) {
unsigned int new_maxclients = server.maxclients;
if (server.maxclients != new_maxclients) {
static char msg[128];
sprintf(msg, "The operating system is not able to handle the specified number of clients, try with %d", server.maxclients);
*err = msg;
return 0;
if ((unsigned int) aeGetSetSize(server.el) <
server.maxclients + CONFIG_FDSET_INCR)
if (aeResizeSetSize(server.el,
server.maxclients + CONFIG_FDSET_INCR) == AE_ERR)
*err = "The event loop API used by Redis is not able to handle the specified number of clients";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateOOMScoreAdj(const char **err) {
if (setOOMScoreAdj(-1) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Failed to set current oom_score_adj. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
int updateRequirePass(const char **err) {
/* The old "requirepass" directive just translates to setting
* a password to the default user. The only thing we do
* additionally is to remember the cleartext password in this
* case, for backward compatibility with Redis <= 5. */
return 1;
static int applyBind(const char **err) {
if (changeBindAddr() == C_ERR) {
*err = "Failed to bind to specified addresses.";
return 0;
return 1;
int updateClusterFlags(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateClusterIp(const char **err) {
return 1;
int updateClusterHostname(const char **err) {
return 1;
static int applyTlsCfg(const char **err) {
/* If TLS is enabled, try to configure OpenSSL. */
if ((server.tls_port || server.tls_replication || server.tls_cluster)
&& tlsConfigure(&server.tls_ctx_config) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to update TLS configuration. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
static int applyTLSPort(const char **err) {
/* Configure TLS in case it wasn't enabled */
if (!isTlsConfigured() && tlsConfigure(&server.tls_ctx_config) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to update TLS configuration. Check server logs.";
return 0;
if (changeListenPort(server.tls_port, &server.tlsfd, acceptTLSHandler) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to listen on this port. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
#endif /* USE_OPENSSL */
static int setConfigDirOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
if (argc != 1) {
*err = "wrong number of arguments";
return 0;
if (chdir(argv[0]) == -1) {
*err = strerror(errno);
return 0;
return 1;
static sds getConfigDirOption(standardConfig *config) {
char buf[1024];
if (getcwd(buf,sizeof(buf)) == NULL)
buf[0] = '\0';
return sdsnew(buf);
static int setConfigSaveOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
int j;
/* Special case: treat single arg "" as zero args indicating empty save configuration */
if (argc == 1 && !strcasecmp(argv[0],""))
argc = 0;
/* Perform sanity check before setting the new config:
* - Even number of args
* - Seconds >= 1, changes >= 0 */
if (argc & 1) {
*err = "Invalid save parameters";
return 0;
for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
char *eptr;
long val;
val = strtoll(argv[j], &eptr, 10);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' ||
((j & 1) == 0 && val < 1) ||
((j & 1) == 1 && val < 0)) {
*err = "Invalid save parameters";
return 0;
/* Finally set the new config */
if (!reading_config_file) {
} else {
/* We don't reset save params before loading, because if they're not part
* of the file the defaults should be used.
static int save_loaded = 0;
if (!save_loaded) {
save_loaded = 1;
for (j = 0; j < argc; j += 2) {
time_t seconds;
int changes;
seconds = strtoll(argv[j],NULL,10);
changes = strtoll(argv[j+1],NULL,10);
appendServerSaveParams(seconds, changes);
return 1;
static sds getConfigSaveOption(standardConfig *config) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < server.saveparamslen; j++) {
buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%jd %d",
if (j != server.saveparamslen-1)
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
return buf;
static int setConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
return updateClientOutputBufferLimit(argv, argc, err);
static sds getConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption(standardConfig *config) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT; j++) {
buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%s %llu %llu %ld",
(long) server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds);
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
return buf;
/* Parse an array of CONFIG_OOM_COUNT sds strings, validate and populate
* server.oom_score_adj_values if valid.
static int setConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
int i;
int values[CONFIG_OOM_COUNT];
int change = 0;
if (argc != CONFIG_OOM_COUNT) {
*err = "wrong number of arguments";
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_OOM_COUNT; i++) {
char *eptr;
long long val = strtoll(argv[i], &eptr, 10);
if (*eptr != '\0' || val < -2000 || val > 2000) {
if (err) *err = "Invalid oom-score-adj-values, elements must be between -2000 and 2000.";
return 0;
values[i] = val;
/* Verify that the values make sense. If they don't omit a warning but
* keep the configuration, which may still be valid for privileged processes.
"The oom-score-adj-values configuration may not work for non-privileged processes! "
"Please consult the documentation.");
for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_OOM_COUNT; i++) {
if (server.oom_score_adj_values[i] != values[i]) {
server.oom_score_adj_values[i] = values[i];
change = 1;
return change ? 1 : 2;
static sds getConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption(standardConfig *config) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_OOM_COUNT; j++) {
buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%d", server.oom_score_adj_values[j]);
if (j != CONFIG_OOM_COUNT-1)
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
return buf;
static int setConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
if (argc != 1) {
*err = "wrong number of arguments";
return 0;
int flags = keyspaceEventsStringToFlags(argv[0]);
if (flags == -1) {
*err = "Invalid event class character. Use 'Ag$lshzxeKEtmdn'.";
return 0;
server.notify_keyspace_events = flags;
return 1;
static sds getConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption(standardConfig *config) {
return keyspaceEventsFlagsToString(server.notify_keyspace_events);
static int setConfigBindOption(standardConfig *config, sds* argv, int argc, const char **err) {
int j;
*err = "Too many bind addresses specified.";
return 0;
/* A single empty argument is treated as a zero bindaddr count */
if (argc == 1 && sdslen(argv[0]) == 0) argc = 0;
/* Free old bind addresses */
for (j = 0; j < server.bindaddr_count; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < argc; j++)
server.bindaddr[j] = zstrdup(argv[j]);
server.bindaddr_count = argc;
return 1;
static int setConfigReplicaOfOption(standardConfig *config, sds* argv, int argc, const char **err) {
if (argc != 2) {
*err = "wrong number of arguments";
return 0;
server.masterhost = NULL;
if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], "no") && !strcasecmp(argv[1], "one")) {
return 1;
char *ptr;
server.masterport = strtol(argv[1], &ptr, 10);
if (server.masterport < 0 || server.masterport > 65535 || *ptr != '\0') {
*err = "Invalid master port";
return 0;
server.masterhost = sdsnew(argv[0]);
server.repl_state = REPL_STATE_CONNECT;
return 1;
static sds getConfigBindOption(standardConfig *config) {
return sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
static sds getConfigReplicaOfOption(standardConfig *config) {
char buf[256];
if (server.masterhost)
snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s %d",
server.masterhost, server.masterport);
buf[0] = '\0';
return sdsnew(buf);
int allowProtectedAction(int config, client *c) {
return (config == PROTECTED_ACTION_ALLOWED_YES) ||
(config == PROTECTED_ACTION_ALLOWED_LOCAL && islocalClient(c));
static int setConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption(standardConfig *config, sds *argv, int argc, const char **err) {
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles = NULL;
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len = argc;
/* Special case: treat single arg "" as zero args indicating empty percentile configuration */
if (argc == 1 && sdslen(argv[0]) == 0)
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len = 0;
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles = zmalloc(sizeof(double)*argc);
for (int j = 0; j < server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len; j++) {
double percentile;
if (!string2d(argv[j], sdslen(argv[j]), &percentile)) {
*err = "Invalid latency-tracking-info-percentiles parameters";
goto configerr;
if (percentile > 100.0 || percentile < 0.0) {
*err = "latency-tracking-info-percentiles parameters should sit between [0.0,100.0]";
goto configerr;
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles[j] = percentile;
return 1;
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles = NULL;
server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len = 0;
return 0;
static sds getConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption(standardConfig *config) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
for (int j = 0; j < server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len; j++) {
char fbuf[128];
size_t len = sprintf(fbuf, "%f", server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles[j]);
len = trimDoubleString(fbuf, len);
buf = sdscatlen(buf, fbuf, len);
if (j != server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len-1)
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
return buf;
/* Rewrite the latency-tracking-info-percentiles option. */
void rewriteConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption(standardConfig *config, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds line = sdsnew(name);
/* Rewrite latency-tracking-info-percentiles parameters,
* or an empty 'latency-tracking-info-percentiles ""' line to avoid the
* defaults from being used.
if (!server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len) {
line = sdscat(line," \"\"");
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles_len; j++) {
char fbuf[128];
size_t len = sprintf(fbuf, " %f", server.latency_tracking_info_percentiles[j]);
len = trimDoubleString(fbuf, len);
line = sdscatlen(line, fbuf, len);
standardConfig static_configs[] = {
/* Bool configs */
createBoolConfig("rdbchecksum", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_checksum, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("daemonize", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.daemonize, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("io-threads-do-reads", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.io_threads_do_reads, 0,NULL, NULL), /* Read + parse from threads? */
createBoolConfig("always-show-logo", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.always_show_logo, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("protected-mode", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.protected_mode, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdbcompression", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_compression, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdb-del-sync-files", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_del_sync_files, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("activerehashing", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.activerehashing, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("stop-writes-on-bgsave-error", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.stop_writes_on_bgsave_err, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("set-proc-title", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.set_proc_title, 1, NULL, NULL), /* Should setproctitle be used? */
createBoolConfig("dynamic-hz", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.dynamic_hz, 1, NULL, NULL), /* Adapt hz to # of clients.*/
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-eviction", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_eviction, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-expire", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_expire, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-server-del", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-user-del", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_user_del , 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-user-flush", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_user_flush , 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("repl-disable-tcp-nodelay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_disable_tcp_nodelay, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("repl-diskless-sync", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_diskless_sync, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_rewrite_incremental_fsync, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("no-appendfsync-on-rewrite", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-require-full-coverage", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_require_full_coverage, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdb-save-incremental-fsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_save_incremental_fsync, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-load-truncated", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_load_truncated, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-use-rdb-preamble", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_use_rdb_preamble, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-timestamp-enabled", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_timestamp_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-replica-no-failover", "cluster-slave-no-failover", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_slave_no_failover, 0, NULL, updateClusterFlags), /* Failover by default. */
createBoolConfig("replica-lazy-flush", "slave-lazy-flush", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_lazy_flush, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-serve-stale-data", "slave-serve-stale-data", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_serve_stale_data, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-read-only", "slave-read-only", DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_ro, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-ignore-maxmemory", "slave-ignore-maxmemory", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_ignore_maxmemory, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("jemalloc-bg-thread", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.jemalloc_bg_thread, 1, NULL, updateJemallocBgThread),
createBoolConfig("activedefrag", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.active_defrag_enabled, 0, isValidActiveDefrag, NULL),
createBoolConfig("syslog-enabled", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.syslog_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-enabled", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("appendonly", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | DENY_LOADING_CONFIG, server.aof_enabled, 0, NULL, updateAppendonly),
createBoolConfig("cluster-allow-reads-when-down", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_allow_reads_when_down, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-allow-pubsubshard-when-down", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_allow_pubsubshard_when_down, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("crash-log-enabled", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.crashlog_enabled, 1, NULL, updateSighandlerEnabled),
createBoolConfig("crash-memcheck-enabled", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.memcheck_enabled, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("use-exit-on-panic", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | HIDDEN_CONFIG, server.use_exit_on_panic, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("disable-thp", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.disable_thp, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-allow-replica-migration", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_allow_replica_migration, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-announced", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.replica_announced, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("latency-tracking", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.latency_tracking_enabled, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-disable-auto-gc", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_disable_auto_gc, 0, NULL, updateAofAutoGCEnabled),
createBoolConfig("replica-ignore-disk-write-errors", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_ignore_disk_write_error, 0, NULL, NULL),
/* String Configs */
createStringConfig("aclfile", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.acl_filename, "", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("unixsocket", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.unixsocket, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("pidfile", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.pidfile, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("replica-announce-ip", "slave-announce-ip", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.slave_announce_ip, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("masteruser", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | SENSITIVE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.masteruser, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("cluster-announce-ip", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.cluster_announce_ip, NULL, NULL, updateClusterIp),
createStringConfig("cluster-config-file", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.cluster_configfile, "nodes.conf", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("cluster-announce-hostname", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.cluster_announce_hostname, NULL, isValidAnnouncedHostname, updateClusterHostname),
createStringConfig("syslog-ident", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.syslog_ident, "redis", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("dbfilename", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | PROTECTED_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.rdb_filename, "dump.rdb", isValidDBfilename, NULL),
createStringConfig("appendfilename", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.aof_filename, "appendonly.aof", isValidAOFfilename, NULL),
createStringConfig("appenddirname", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.aof_dirname, "appendonlydir", isValidAOFdirname, NULL),
createStringConfig("server_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.server_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("bio_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.bio_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("aof_rewrite_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.aof_rewrite_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("bgsave_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.bgsave_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("ignore-warnings", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.ignore_warnings, "", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("proc-title-template", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.proc_title_template, CONFIG_DEFAULT_PROC_TITLE_TEMPLATE, isValidProcTitleTemplate, updateProcTitleTemplate),
createStringConfig("bind-source-addr", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.bind_source_addr, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("logfile", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.logfile, "", NULL, NULL),
/* SDS Configs */
createSDSConfig("requirepass", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | SENSITIVE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.requirepass, NULL, NULL, updateRequirePass),
/* Enum Configs */
createEnumConfig("supervised", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, supervised_mode_enum, server.supervised_mode, SUPERVISED_NONE, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("syslog-facility", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, syslog_facility_enum, server.syslog_facility, LOG_LOCAL0, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("repl-diskless-load", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | DENY_LOADING_CONFIG, repl_diskless_load_enum, server.repl_diskless_load, REPL_DISKLESS_LOAD_DISABLED, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("loglevel", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, loglevel_enum, server.verbosity, LL_NOTICE, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("maxmemory-policy", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, maxmemory_policy_enum, server.maxmemory_policy, MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("appendfsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, aof_fsync_enum, server.aof_fsync, AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("oom-score-adj", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, oom_score_adj_enum, server.oom_score_adj, OOM_SCORE_ADJ_NO, NULL, updateOOMScoreAdj),
createEnumConfig("acl-pubsub-default", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, acl_pubsub_default_enum, server.acl_pubsub_default, 0, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("sanitize-dump-payload", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, sanitize_dump_payload_enum, server.sanitize_dump_payload, SANITIZE_DUMP_NO, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("enable-protected-configs", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, protected_action_enum, server.enable_protected_configs, PROTECTED_ACTION_ALLOWED_NO, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("enable-debug-command", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, protected_action_enum, server.enable_debug_cmd, PROTECTED_ACTION_ALLOWED_NO, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("enable-module-command", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, protected_action_enum, server.enable_module_cmd, PROTECTED_ACTION_ALLOWED_NO, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("cluster-preferred-endpoint-type", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, cluster_preferred_endpoint_type_enum, server.cluster_preferred_endpoint_type, CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_TYPE_IP, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("propagation-error-behavior", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, propagation_error_behavior_enum, server.propagation_error_behavior, PROPAGATION_ERR_BEHAVIOR_IGNORE, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("shutdown-on-sigint", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, shutdown_on_sig_enum, server.shutdown_on_sigint, 0, isValidShutdownOnSigFlags, NULL),
createEnumConfig("shutdown-on-sigterm", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, shutdown_on_sig_enum, server.shutdown_on_sigterm, 0, isValidShutdownOnSigFlags, NULL),
/* Integer configs */
createIntConfig("databases", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.dbnum, 16, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.port, 6379, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updatePort), /* TCP port. */
createIntConfig("io-threads", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 1, 128, server.io_threads_num, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Single threaded by default */
createIntConfig("auto-aof-rewrite-percentage", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.aof_rewrite_perc, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("cluster-replica-validity-factor", "cluster-slave-validity-factor", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.cluster_slave_validity_factor, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Slave max data age factor. */
createIntConfig("list-max-listpack-size", "list-max-ziplist-size", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, server.list_max_listpack_size, -2, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("tcp-keepalive", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tcpkeepalive, 300, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("cluster-migration-barrier", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.cluster_migration_barrier, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("active-defrag-cycle-min", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 99, server.active_defrag_cycle_min, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1% CPU min (at lower threshold) */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-cycle-max", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 99, server.active_defrag_cycle_max, 25, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 25% CPU max (at upper threshold) */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-threshold-lower", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 1000, server.active_defrag_threshold_lower, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: don't defrag when fragmentation is below 10% */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-threshold-upper", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 1000, server.active_defrag_threshold_upper, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: maximum defrag force at 100% fragmentation */
createIntConfig("lfu-log-factor", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.lfu_log_factor, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("lfu-decay-time", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.lfu_decay_time, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("replica-priority", "slave-priority", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.slave_priority, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("repl-diskless-sync-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_diskless_sync_delay, 5, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("maxmemory-samples", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.maxmemory_samples, 5, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("maxmemory-eviction-tenacity", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 100, server.maxmemory_eviction_tenacity, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.maxidletime, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default client timeout: infinite */
createIntConfig("replica-announce-port", "slave-announce-port", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.slave_announce_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("tcp-backlog", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tcp_backlog, 511, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* TCP listen backlog. */
createIntConfig("cluster-port", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("cluster-announce-bus-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_announce_bus_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: Use +10000 offset. */
createIntConfig("cluster-announce-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_announce_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Use server.port */
createIntConfig("cluster-announce-tls-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_announce_tls_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Use server.tls_port */
createIntConfig("repl-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.repl_timeout, 60, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("repl-ping-replica-period", "repl-ping-slave-period", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.repl_ping_slave_period, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("list-compress-depth", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.list_compress_depth, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("rdb-key-save-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | HIDDEN_CONFIG, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, server.rdb_key_save_delay, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("key-load-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | HIDDEN_CONFIG, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, server.key_load_delay, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("active-expire-effort", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 10, server.active_expire_effort, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* From 1 to 10. */
createIntConfig("hz", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.config_hz, CONFIG_DEFAULT_HZ, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateHZ),
createIntConfig("min-replicas-to-write", "min-slaves-to-write", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_min_slaves_to_write, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateGoodSlaves),
createIntConfig("min-replicas-max-lag", "min-slaves-max-lag", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_min_slaves_max_lag, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateGoodSlaves),
createIntConfig("watchdog-period", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | HIDDEN_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.watchdog_period, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateWatchdogPeriod),
createIntConfig("shutdown-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.shutdown_timeout, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_diskless_sync_max_replicas, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
/* Unsigned int configs */
createUIntConfig("maxclients", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, UINT_MAX, server.maxclients, 10000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateMaxclients),
createUIntConfig("unixsocketperm", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, 0777, server.unixsocketperm, 0, OCTAL_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createUIntConfig("socket-mark-id", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, UINT_MAX, server.socket_mark_id, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
/* Unsigned Long configs */
createULongConfig("active-defrag-max-scan-fields", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LONG_MAX, server.active_defrag_max_scan_fields, 1000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: keys with more than 1000 fields will be processed separately */
createULongConfig("slowlog-max-len", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.slowlog_max_len, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createULongConfig("acllog-max-len", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.acllog_max_len, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
/* Long Long configs */
createLongLongConfig("busy-reply-threshold", "lua-time-limit", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.busy_reply_threshold, 5000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),/* milliseconds */
createLongLongConfig("cluster-node-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.cluster_node_timeout, 15000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("slowlog-log-slower-than", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, -1, LLONG_MAX, server.slowlog_log_slower_than, 10000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("latency-monitor-threshold", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.latency_monitor_threshold, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("proto-max-bulk-len", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1024*1024, LONG_MAX, server.proto_max_bulk_len, 512ll*1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Bulk request max size */
createLongLongConfig("stream-node-max-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.stream_node_max_entries, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("repl-backlog-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LLONG_MAX, server.repl_backlog_size, 1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, updateReplBacklogSize), /* Default: 1mb */
/* Unsigned Long Long configs */
createULongLongConfig("maxmemory", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, ULLONG_MAX, server.maxmemory, 0, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, updateMaxmemory),
createULongLongConfig("cluster-link-sendbuf-limit", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, ULLONG_MAX, server.cluster_link_sendbuf_limit_bytes, 0, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
/* Size_t configs */
createSizeTConfig("hash-max-listpack-entries", "hash-max-ziplist-entries", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hash_max_listpack_entries, 512, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("set-max-intset-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.set_max_intset_entries, 512, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("zset-max-listpack-entries", "zset-max-ziplist-entries", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.zset_max_listpack_entries, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("active-defrag-ignore-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LLONG_MAX, server.active_defrag_ignore_bytes, 100<<20, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: don't defrag if frag overhead is below 100mb */
createSizeTConfig("hash-max-listpack-value", "hash-max-ziplist-value", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hash_max_listpack_value, 64, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("stream-node-max-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.stream_node_max_bytes, 4096, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("zset-max-listpack-value", "zset-max-ziplist-value", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.zset_max_listpack_value, 64, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("hll-sparse-max-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hll_sparse_max_bytes, 3000, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("tracking-table-max-keys", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.tracking_table_max_keys, 1000000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1 million keys max. */
createSizeTConfig("client-query-buffer-limit", NULL, DEBUG_CONFIG | MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1024*1024, LONG_MAX, server.client_max_querybuf_len, 1024*1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1GB max query buffer. */
createSSizeTConfig("maxmemory-clients", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, -100, SSIZE_MAX, server.maxmemory_clients, 0, MEMORY_CONFIG | PERCENT_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
/* Other configs */
createTimeTConfig("repl-backlog-ttl", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.repl_backlog_time_limit, 60*60, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1 hour */
createOffTConfig("auto-aof-rewrite-min-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.aof_rewrite_min_size, 64*1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createOffTConfig("loading-process-events-interval-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | HIDDEN_CONFIG, 1024, INT_MAX, server.loading_process_events_interval_bytes, 1024*1024*2, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("tls-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.tls_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, applyTLSPort), /* TCP port. */
createIntConfig("tls-session-cache-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tls_ctx_config.session_cache_size, 20*1024, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createIntConfig("tls-session-cache-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tls_ctx_config.session_cache_timeout, 300, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createBoolConfig("tls-cluster", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_cluster, 0, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createBoolConfig("tls-replication", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_replication, 0, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createEnumConfig("tls-auth-clients", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, tls_auth_clients_enum, server.tls_auth_clients, TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_YES, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("tls-prefer-server-ciphers", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_ctx_config.prefer_server_ciphers, 0, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createBoolConfig("tls-session-caching", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_ctx_config.session_caching, 1, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-cert-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.cert_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-key-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.key_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-key-file-pass", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.key_file_pass, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-client-cert-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.client_cert_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-client-key-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.client_key_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-client-key-file-pass", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.client_key_file_pass, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-dh-params-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.dh_params_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ca-cert-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ca_cert_file, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ca-cert-dir", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ca_cert_dir, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-protocols", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.protocols, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ciphers", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ciphers, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ciphersuites", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ciphersuites, NULL, NULL, applyTlsCfg),
/* Special configs */
createSpecialConfig("dir", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | PROTECTED_CONFIG | DENY_LOADING_CONFIG, setConfigDirOption, getConfigDirOption, rewriteConfigDirOption, NULL),
createSpecialConfig("save", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigSaveOption, getConfigSaveOption, rewriteConfigSaveOption, NULL),
createSpecialConfig("client-output-buffer-limit", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption, getConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption, rewriteConfigClientOutputBufferLimitOption, NULL),
createSpecialConfig("oom-score-adj-values", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption, getConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption, rewriteConfigOOMScoreAdjValuesOption, updateOOMScoreAdj),
createSpecialConfig("notify-keyspace-events", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, setConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption, getConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption, rewriteConfigNotifyKeyspaceEventsOption, NULL),
createSpecialConfig("bind", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigBindOption, getConfigBindOption, rewriteConfigBindOption, applyBind),
createSpecialConfig("replicaof", "slaveof", IMMUTABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigReplicaOfOption, getConfigReplicaOfOption, rewriteConfigReplicaOfOption, NULL),
createSpecialConfig("latency-tracking-info-percentiles", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG | MULTI_ARG_CONFIG, setConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption, getConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption, rewriteConfigLatencyTrackingInfoPercentilesOutputOption, NULL),
/* NULL Terminator, this is dropped when we convert to the runtime array. */
/* Create a new config by copying the passed in config. Returns 1 on success
* or 0 when their was already a config with the same name.. */
int registerConfigValue(const char *name, const standardConfig *config, int alias) {
standardConfig *new = zmalloc(sizeof(standardConfig));
memcpy(new, config, sizeof(standardConfig));
if (alias) {
new->flags |= ALIAS_CONFIG;
new->name = config->alias;
new->alias = config->name;
return dictAdd(configs, sdsnew(name), new) == DICT_OK;
/* Initialize configs to their default values and create and populate the
* runtime configuration dictionary. */
void initConfigValues() {
configs = dictCreate(&sdsHashDictType);
dictExpand(configs, sizeof(static_configs) / sizeof(standardConfig));
for (standardConfig *config = static_configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
if (config->interface.init) config->interface.init(config);
/* Add the primary config to the dictionary. */
int ret = registerConfigValue(config->name, config, 0);
/* Aliases are the same as their primary counter parts, but they
* also have a flag indicating they are the alias. */
if (config->alias) {
int ret = registerConfigValue(config->alias, config, ALIAS_CONFIG);
/* Remove a config by name from the configs dict. */
void removeConfig(sds name) {
standardConfig *config = lookupConfig(name);
if (!config) return;
if (config->flags & MODULE_CONFIG) {
sdsfree((sds) config->name);
if (config->type == ENUM_CONFIG) {
configEnum *enumNode = config->data.enumd.enum_value;
while(enumNode->name != NULL) {
} else if (config->type == SDS_CONFIG) {
if (config->data.sds.default_value) sdsfree((sds)config->data.sds.default_value);
dictDelete(configs, name);
* Module Config
/* Create a bool/string/enum/numeric standardConfig for a module config in the configs dictionary */
void addModuleBoolConfig(const char *module_name, const char *name, int flags, void *privdata, int default_val) {
sds config_name = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "%s.%s", module_name, name);
int config_dummy_address;
standardConfig module_config = createBoolConfig(config_name, NULL, flags | MODULE_CONFIG, config_dummy_address, default_val, NULL, NULL); = NULL;
module_config.privdata = privdata;
registerConfigValue(config_name, &module_config, 0);
void addModuleStringConfig(const char *module_name, const char *name, int flags, void *privdata, sds default_val) {
sds config_name = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "%s.%s", module_name, name);
sds config_dummy_address;
standardConfig module_config = createSDSConfig(config_name, NULL, flags | MODULE_CONFIG, 0, config_dummy_address, default_val, NULL, NULL); = NULL;
module_config.privdata = privdata;
registerConfigValue(config_name, &module_config, 0);
void addModuleEnumConfig(const char *module_name, const char *name, int flags, void *privdata, int default_val, configEnum *enum_vals) {
sds config_name = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "%s.%s", module_name, name);
int config_dummy_address;
standardConfig module_config = createEnumConfig(config_name, NULL, flags | MODULE_CONFIG, enum_vals, config_dummy_address, default_val, NULL, NULL); = NULL;
module_config.privdata = privdata;
registerConfigValue(config_name, &module_config, 0);
void addModuleNumericConfig(const char *module_name, const char *name, int flags, void *privdata, long long default_val, int conf_flags, long long lower, long long upper) {
sds config_name = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "%s.%s", module_name, name);
long long config_dummy_address;
standardConfig module_config = createLongLongConfig(config_name, NULL, flags | MODULE_CONFIG, lower, upper, config_dummy_address, default_val, conf_flags, NULL, NULL); = NULL;
module_config.privdata = privdata;
registerConfigValue(config_name, &module_config, 0);
void configHelpCommand(client *c) {
const char *help[] = {
"GET <pattern>",
" Return parameters matching the glob-like <pattern> and their values.",
"SET <directive> <value>",
" Set the configuration <directive> to <value>.",
" Reset statistics reported by the INFO command.",
" Rewrite the configuration file.",
addReplyHelp(c, help);
void configResetStatCommand(client *c) {
void configRewriteCommand(client *c) {
if (server.configfile == NULL) {
addReplyError(c,"The server is running without a config file");
if (rewriteConfig(server.configfile, 0) == -1) {
/* save errno in case of being tainted. */
int err = errno;
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"CONFIG REWRITE failed: %s", strerror(err));
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Rewriting config file: %s", strerror(err));
} else {
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"CONFIG REWRITE executed with success.");