
72 lines
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# Replica migration test #2.
# Check that if 'cluster-allow-replica-migration' is set to 'no', slaves do not
# migrate when master becomes empty.
source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl"
# Create a cluster with 5 master and 15 slaves, to make sure there are no
# empty masters and make rebalancing simpler to handle during the test.
test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" {
create_cluster 5 15
test "Cluster is up" {
assert_cluster_state ok
test "Each master should have at least two replicas attached" {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {$id < 5} {
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] >= 2
} else {
fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"
test "Set allow-replica-migration no" {
foreach_redis_id id {
R $id CONFIG SET cluster-allow-replica-migration no
set master0_id [dict get [get_myself 0] id]
test "Resharding all the master #0 slots away from it" {
set output [exec \
../../../src/redis-cli --cluster rebalance \[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
{*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
--cluster-weight ${master0_id}=0 >@ stdout ]
test "Wait cluster to be stable" {
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[catch {exec ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster \
check[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
{*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
}] == 0
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
test "Master #0 still should have its replicas" {
assert { [llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] >= 2 }
test "Each master should have at least two replicas attached" {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {$id < 5} {
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[llength [lindex [R 0 role] 2]] >= 2
} else {
fail "Master #$id does not have 2 slaves as expected"