
1659 lines
60 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2009-Present, Redis Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under your choice of the Redis Source Available License 2.0
* (RSALv2) or the Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1).
#include "server.h"
#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
* Set Commands
void sunionDiffGenericCommand(client *c, robj **setkeys, int setnum,
robj *dstkey, int op);
/* Factory method to return a set that *can* hold "value". When the object has
* an integer-encodable value, an intset will be returned. Otherwise a listpack
* or a regular hash table.
* The size hint indicates approximately how many items will be added which is
* used to determine the initial representation. */
robj *setTypeCreate(sds value, size_t size_hint) {
if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,NULL) == C_OK && size_hint <= server.set_max_intset_entries)
return createIntsetObject();
if (size_hint <= server.set_max_listpack_entries)
return createSetListpackObject();
/* We may oversize the set by using the hint if the hint is not accurate,
* but we will assume this is acceptable to maximize performance. */
robj *o = createSetObject();
dictExpand(o->ptr, size_hint);
return o;
/* Check if the existing set should be converted to another encoding based off the
* the size hint. */
void setTypeMaybeConvert(robj *set, size_t size_hint) {
if ((set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK && size_hint > server.set_max_listpack_entries)
|| (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET && size_hint > server.set_max_intset_entries))
setTypeConvertAndExpand(set, OBJ_ENCODING_HT, size_hint, 1);
/* Return the maximum number of entries to store in an intset. */
static size_t intsetMaxEntries(void) {
size_t max_entries = server.set_max_intset_entries;
/* limit to 1G entries due to intset internals. */
if (max_entries >= 1<<30) max_entries = 1<<30;
return max_entries;
/* Converts intset to HT if it contains too many entries. */
static void maybeConvertIntset(robj *subject) {
serverAssert(subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET);
if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > intsetMaxEntries())
/* When you know all set elements are integers, call this to convert the set to
* an intset. No conversion happens if the set contains too many entries for an
* intset. */
static void maybeConvertToIntset(robj *set) {
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) return; /* already intset */
if (setTypeSize(set) > intsetMaxEntries()) return; /* can't use intset */
intset *is = intsetNew();
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llval;
setTypeIterator *si = setTypeInitIterator(set);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llval) != -1) {
if (str) {
/* If the element is returned as a string, we may be able to convert
* it to integer. This happens for OBJ_ENCODING_HT. */
serverAssert(string2ll(str, len, (long long *)&llval));
uint8_t success = 0;
is = intsetAdd(is, llval, &success);
freeSetObject(set); /* frees the internals but not robj itself */
set->ptr = is;
set->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET;
/* Add the specified sds value into a set.
* If the value was already member of the set, nothing is done and 0 is
* returned, otherwise the new element is added and 1 is returned. */
int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, sds value) {
return setTypeAddAux(subject, value, sdslen(value), 0, 1);
/* Add member. This function is optimized for the different encodings. The
* value can be provided as an sds string (indicated by passing str_is_sds =
* 1), as string and length (str_is_sds = 0) or as an integer in which case str
* is set to NULL and llval is provided instead.
* Returns 1 if the value was added and 0 if it was already a member. */
int setTypeAddAux(robj *set, char *str, size_t len, int64_t llval, int str_is_sds) {
char tmpbuf[LONG_STR_SIZE];
if (!str) {
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
uint8_t success = 0;
set->ptr = intsetAdd(set->ptr, llval, &success);
if (success) maybeConvertIntset(set);
return success;
/* Convert int to string. */
len = ll2string(tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf, llval);
str = tmpbuf;
str_is_sds = 0;
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
/* Avoid duping the string if it is an sds string. */
sds sdsval = str_is_sds ? (sds)str : sdsnewlen(str, len);
dict *ht = set->ptr;
void *position = dictFindPositionForInsert(ht, sdsval, NULL);
if (position) {
/* Key doesn't already exist in the set. Add it but dup the key. */
if (sdsval == str) sdsval = sdsdup(sdsval);
dictInsertAtPosition(ht, sdsval, position);
} else if (sdsval != str) {
/* String is already a member. Free our temporary sds copy. */
return (position != NULL);
} else if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
if (p != NULL)
p = lpFind(lp, p, (unsigned char*)str, len, 0);
if (p == NULL) {
/* Not found. */
if (lpLength(lp) < server.set_max_listpack_entries &&
len <= server.set_max_listpack_value &&
lpSafeToAdd(lp, len))
if (str == tmpbuf) {
/* This came in as integer so we can avoid parsing it again.
* TODO: Create and use lpFindInteger; don't go via string. */
lp = lpAppendInteger(lp, llval);
} else {
lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char*)str, len);
set->ptr = lp;
} else {
/* Size limit is reached. Convert to hashtable and add. */
setTypeConvertAndExpand(set, OBJ_ENCODING_HT, lpLength(lp) + 1, 1);
serverAssert(dictAdd(set->ptr,sdsnewlen(str,len),NULL) == DICT_OK);
return 1;
} else if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
long long value;
if (string2ll(str, len, &value)) {
uint8_t success = 0;
set->ptr = intsetAdd(set->ptr,value,&success);
if (success) {
return 1;
} else {
/* Check if listpack encoding is safe not to cross any threshold. */
size_t maxelelen = 0, totsize = 0;
unsigned long n = intsetLen(set->ptr);
if (n != 0) {
size_t elelen1 = sdigits10(intsetMax(set->ptr));
size_t elelen2 = sdigits10(intsetMin(set->ptr));
maxelelen = max(elelen1, elelen2);
size_t s1 = lpEstimateBytesRepeatedInteger(intsetMax(set->ptr), n);
size_t s2 = lpEstimateBytesRepeatedInteger(intsetMin(set->ptr), n);
totsize = max(s1, s2);
if (intsetLen((const intset*)set->ptr) < server.set_max_listpack_entries &&
len <= server.set_max_listpack_value &&
maxelelen <= server.set_max_listpack_value &&
lpSafeToAdd(NULL, totsize + len))
/* In the "safe to add" check above we assumed all elements in
* the intset are of size maxelelen. This is an upper bound. */
setTypeConvertAndExpand(set, OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK,
intsetLen(set->ptr) + 1, 1);
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char *)str, len);
lp = lpShrinkToFit(lp);
set->ptr = lp;
return 1;
} else {
setTypeConvertAndExpand(set, OBJ_ENCODING_HT,
intsetLen(set->ptr) + 1, 1);
/* The set *was* an intset and this value is not integer
* encodable, so dictAdd should always work. */
serverAssert(dictAdd(set->ptr,sdsnewlen(str,len),NULL) == DICT_OK);
return 1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return 0;
/* Deletes a value provided as an sds string from the set. Returns 1 if the
* value was deleted and 0 if it was not a member of the set. */
int setTypeRemove(robj *setobj, sds value) {
return setTypeRemoveAux(setobj, value, sdslen(value), 0, 1);
/* Remove a member. This function is optimized for the different encodings. The
* value can be provided as an sds string (indicated by passing str_is_sds =
* 1), as string and length (str_is_sds = 0) or as an integer in which case str
* is set to NULL and llval is provided instead.
* Returns 1 if the value was deleted and 0 if it was not a member of the set. */
int setTypeRemoveAux(robj *setobj, char *str, size_t len, int64_t llval, int str_is_sds) {
char tmpbuf[LONG_STR_SIZE];
if (!str) {
if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
int success;
setobj->ptr = intsetRemove(setobj->ptr,llval,&success);
return success;
len = ll2string(tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf, llval);
str = tmpbuf;
str_is_sds = 0;
if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
sds sdsval = str_is_sds ? (sds)str : sdsnewlen(str, len);
int deleted = (dictDelete(setobj->ptr, sdsval) == DICT_OK);
if (sdsval != str) sdsfree(sdsval); /* free temp copy */
return deleted;
} else if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = setobj->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
if (p == NULL) return 0;
p = lpFind(lp, p, (unsigned char*)str, len, 0);
if (p != NULL) {
lp = lpDelete(lp, p, NULL);
setobj->ptr = lp;
return 1;
} else if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
long long llval;
if (string2ll(str, len, &llval)) {
int success;
setobj->ptr = intsetRemove(setobj->ptr,llval,&success);
if (success) return 1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return 0;
/* Check if an sds string is a member of the set. Returns 1 if the value is a
* member of the set and 0 if it isn't. */
int setTypeIsMember(robj *subject, sds value) {
return setTypeIsMemberAux(subject, value, sdslen(value), 0, 1);
/* Membership checking optimized for the different encodings. The value can be
* provided as an sds string (indicated by passing str_is_sds = 1), as string
* and length (str_is_sds = 0) or as an integer in which case str is set to NULL
* and llval is provided instead.
* Returns 1 if the value is a member of the set and 0 if it isn't. */
int setTypeIsMemberAux(robj *set, char *str, size_t len, int64_t llval, int str_is_sds) {
char tmpbuf[LONG_STR_SIZE];
if (!str) {
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET)
return intsetFind(set->ptr, llval);
len = ll2string(tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf, llval);
str = tmpbuf;
str_is_sds = 0;
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
return p && lpFind(lp, p, (unsigned char*)str, len, 0);
} else if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
long long llval;
return string2ll(str, len, &llval) && intsetFind(set->ptr, llval);
} else if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT && str_is_sds) {
return dictFind(set->ptr, (sds)str) != NULL;
} else if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
sds sdsval = sdsnewlen(str, len);
int result = dictFind(set->ptr, sdsval) != NULL;
return result;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
setTypeIterator *setTypeInitIterator(robj *subject) {
setTypeIterator *si = zmalloc(sizeof(setTypeIterator));
si->subject = subject;
si->encoding = subject->encoding;
if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
si->di = dictGetIterator(subject->ptr);
} else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
si->ii = 0;
} else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
si->lpi = NULL;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return si;
void setTypeReleaseIterator(setTypeIterator *si) {
if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT)
/* Move to the next entry in the set. Returns the object at the current
* position, as a string or as an integer.
* Since set elements can be internally be stored as SDS strings, char buffers or
* simple arrays of integers, setTypeNext returns the encoding of the
* set object you are iterating, and will populate the appropriate pointers
* (str and len) or (llele) depending on whether the value is stored as a string
* or as an integer internally.
* If OBJ_ENCODING_HT is returned, then str points to an sds string and can be
* used as such. If OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET, then llele is populated and str is
* pointed to NULL. If OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK is returned, the value can be
* either a string or an integer. If *str is not NULL, then str and len are
* populated with the string content and length. Otherwise, llele populated with
* an integer value.
* Note that str, len and llele pointers should all be passed and cannot
* be NULL since the function will try to defensively populate the non
* used field with values which are easy to trap if misused.
* When there are no more elements -1 is returned. */
int setTypeNext(setTypeIterator *si, char **str, size_t *len, int64_t *llele) {
if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
dictEntry *de = dictNext(si->di);
if (de == NULL) return -1;
*str = dictGetKey(de);
*len = sdslen(*str);
*llele = -123456789; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
if (!intsetGet(si->subject->ptr,si->ii++,llele))
return -1;
*str = NULL;
} else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = si->subject->ptr;
unsigned char *lpi = si->lpi;
if (lpi == NULL) {
lpi = lpFirst(lp);
} else {
lpi = lpNext(lp, lpi);
if (lpi == NULL) return -1;
si->lpi = lpi;
unsigned int l;
*str = (char *)lpGetValue(lpi, &l, (long long *)llele);
*len = (size_t)l;
} else {
serverPanic("Wrong set encoding in setTypeNext");
return si->encoding;
/* The not copy on write friendly version but easy to use version
* of setTypeNext() is setTypeNextObject(), returning new SDS
* strings. So if you don't retain a pointer to this object you should call
* sdsfree() against it.
* This function is the way to go for write operations where COW is not
* an issue. */
sds setTypeNextObject(setTypeIterator *si) {
int64_t intele;
char *str;
size_t len;
if (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &intele) == -1) return NULL;
if (str != NULL) return sdsnewlen(str, len);
return sdsfromlonglong(intele);
/* Return random element from a non empty set.
* The returned element can be an int64_t value if the set is encoded
* as an "intset" blob of integers, or an string.
* The caller provides three pointers to be populated with the right
* object. The return value of the function is the object->encoding
* field of the object and can be used by the caller to check if the
* int64_t pointer or the str and len pointers were populated, as for
* setTypeNext. If OBJ_ENCODING_HT is returned, str is pointed to a
* string which is actually an sds string and it can be used as such.
* Note that both the str, len and llele pointers should be passed and cannot
* be NULL. If str is set to NULL, the value is an integer stored in llele. */
int setTypeRandomElement(robj *setobj, char **str, size_t *len, int64_t *llele) {
if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
dictEntry *de = dictGetFairRandomKey(setobj->ptr);
*str = dictGetKey(de);
*len = sdslen(*str);
*llele = -123456789; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
*llele = intsetRandom(setobj->ptr);
*str = NULL; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = setobj->ptr;
int r = rand() % lpLength(lp);
unsigned char *p = lpSeek(lp, r);
unsigned int l;
*str = (char *)lpGetValue(p, &l, (long long *)llele);
*len = (size_t)l;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return setobj->encoding;
/* Pops a random element and returns it as an object. */
robj *setTypePopRandom(robj *set) {
robj *obj;
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* Find random and delete it without re-seeking the listpack. */
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned char *p = lpNextRandom(set->ptr, lpFirst(set->ptr), &i, 1, 0);
unsigned int len = 0; /* initialize to silence warning */
long long llele = 0; /* initialize to silence warning */
char *str = (char *)lpGetValue(p, &len, &llele);
if (str)
obj = createStringObject(str, len);
obj = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llele);
set->ptr = lpDelete(set->ptr, p, NULL);
} else {
char *str;
size_t len = 0;
int64_t llele = 0;
int encoding = setTypeRandomElement(set, &str, &len, &llele);
if (str)
obj = createStringObject(str, len);
obj = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llele);
setTypeRemoveAux(set, str, len, llele, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
return obj;
unsigned long setTypeSize(const robj *subject) {
if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
return dictSize((const dict*)subject->ptr);
} else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
return intsetLen((const intset*)subject->ptr);
} else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
return lpLength((unsigned char *)subject->ptr);
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
/* Convert the set to specified encoding. The resulting dict (when converting
* to a hash table) is presized to hold the number of elements in the original
* set. */
void setTypeConvert(robj *setobj, int enc) {
setTypeConvertAndExpand(setobj, enc, setTypeSize(setobj), 1);
/* Converts a set to the specified encoding, pre-sizing it for 'cap' elements.
* The 'panic' argument controls whether to panic on OOM (panic=1) or return
* C_ERR on OOM (panic=0). If panic=1 is given, this function always returns
* C_OK. */
int setTypeConvertAndExpand(robj *setobj, int enc, unsigned long cap, int panic) {
setTypeIterator *si;
serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,setobj,setobj->type == OBJ_SET &&
setobj->encoding != enc);
if (enc == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
dict *d = dictCreate(&setDictType);
sds element;
/* Presize the dict to avoid rehashing */
if (panic) {
dictExpand(d, cap);
} else if (dictTryExpand(d, cap) != DICT_OK) {
return C_ERR;
/* To add the elements we extract integers and create redis objects */
si = setTypeInitIterator(setobj);
while ((element = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) {
serverAssert(dictAdd(d,element,NULL) == DICT_OK);
freeSetObject(setobj); /* frees the internals but not setobj itself */
setobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_HT;
setobj->ptr = d;
} else if (enc == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* Preallocate the minimum two bytes per element (enc/value + backlen) */
size_t estcap = cap * 2;
if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET && setTypeSize(setobj) > 0) {
/* If we're converting from intset, we have a better estimate. */
size_t s1 = lpEstimateBytesRepeatedInteger(intsetMin(setobj->ptr), cap);
size_t s2 = lpEstimateBytesRepeatedInteger(intsetMax(setobj->ptr), cap);
estcap = max(s1, s2);
unsigned char *lp = lpNew(estcap);
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llele;
si = setTypeInitIterator(setobj);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llele) != -1) {
if (str != NULL)
lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char *)str, len);
lp = lpAppendInteger(lp, llele);
freeSetObject(setobj); /* frees the internals but not setobj itself */
setobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK;
setobj->ptr = lp;
} else {
serverPanic("Unsupported set conversion");
return C_OK;
/* This is a helper function for the COPY command.
* Duplicate a set object, with the guarantee that the returned object
* has the same encoding as the original one.
* The resulting object always has refcount set to 1 */
robj *setTypeDup(robj *o) {
robj *set;
setTypeIterator *si;
serverAssert(o->type == OBJ_SET);
/* Create a new set object that have the same encoding as the original object's encoding */
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
intset *is = o->ptr;
size_t size = intsetBlobLen(is);
intset *newis = zmalloc(size);
set = createObject(OBJ_SET, newis);
set->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET;
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = o->ptr;
size_t sz = lpBytes(lp);
unsigned char *new_lp = zmalloc(sz);
memcpy(new_lp, lp, sz);
set = createObject(OBJ_SET, new_lp);
set->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK;
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
set = createSetObject();
dict *d = o->ptr;
dictExpand(set->ptr, dictSize(d));
si = setTypeInitIterator(o);
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t intobj;
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &intobj) != -1) {
setTypeAdd(set, (sds)str);
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return set;
void saddCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
int j, added = 0;
set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
if (checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
if (set == NULL) {
set = setTypeCreate(c->argv[2]->ptr, c->argc - 2);
} else {
setTypeMaybeConvert(set, c->argc - 2);
for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
if (setTypeAdd(set,c->argv[j]->ptr)) added++;
if (added) {
server.dirty += added;
void sremCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
int j, deleted = 0, keyremoved = 0;
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
if (setTypeRemove(set,c->argv[j]->ptr)) {
if (setTypeSize(set) == 0) {
keyremoved = 1;
if (deleted) {
if (keyremoved)
server.dirty += deleted;
void smoveCommand(client *c) {
robj *srcset, *dstset, *ele;
srcset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
dstset = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[2]);
ele = c->argv[3];
/* If the source key does not exist return 0 */
if (srcset == NULL) {
/* If the source key has the wrong type, or the destination key
* is set and has the wrong type, return with an error. */
if (checkType(c,srcset,OBJ_SET) ||
checkType(c,dstset,OBJ_SET)) return;
/* If srcset and dstset are equal, SMOVE is a no-op */
if (srcset == dstset) {
addReply(c,setTypeIsMember(srcset,ele->ptr) ?
shared.cone : shared.czero);
/* If the element cannot be removed from the src set, return 0. */
if (!setTypeRemove(srcset,ele->ptr)) {
/* Remove the src set from the database when empty */
if (setTypeSize(srcset) == 0) {
/* Create the destination set when it doesn't exist */
if (!dstset) {
dstset = setTypeCreate(ele->ptr, 1);
/* An extra key has changed when ele was successfully added to dstset */
if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele->ptr)) {
void sismemberCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
if (setTypeIsMember(set,c->argv[2]->ptr))
void smismemberCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
int j;
/* Don't abort when the key cannot be found. Non-existing keys are empty
* sets, where SMISMEMBER should respond with a series of zeros. */
set = lookupKeyRead(c->db,c->argv[1]);
if (set && checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
addReplyArrayLen(c,c->argc - 2);
for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
if (set && setTypeIsMember(set,c->argv[j]->ptr))
void scardCommand(client *c) {
robj *o;
if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,o,OBJ_SET)) return;
/* Handle the "SPOP key <count>" variant. The normal version of the
* command is handled by the spopCommand() function itself. */
/* How many times bigger should be the set compared to the remaining size
* for us to use the "create new set" strategy? Read later in the
* implementation for more info. */
void spopWithCountCommand(client *c) {
long l;
unsigned long count, size;
robj *set;
/* Get the count argument */
if (getPositiveLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&l,NULL) != C_OK) return;
count = (unsigned long) l;
/* Make sure a key with the name inputted exists, and that it's type is
* indeed a set. Otherwise, return nil */
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptyset[c->resp]))
== NULL || checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
/* If count is zero, serve an empty set ASAP to avoid special
* cases later. */
if (count == 0) {
size = setTypeSize(set);
/* Generate an SPOP keyspace notification */
server.dirty += (count >= size) ? size : count;
/* CASE 1:
* The number of requested elements is greater than or equal to
* the number of elements inside the set: simply return the whole set. */
if (count >= size) {
/* We just return the entire set */
/* Delete the set as it is now empty */
/* todo: Move the spop notification to be executed after the command logic. */
/* Propagate this command as a DEL or UNLINK operation */
robj *aux = server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del ? shared.unlink : shared.del;
rewriteClientCommandVector(c, 2, aux, c->argv[1]);
/* Case 2 and 3 require to replicate SPOP as a set of SREM commands.
* Prepare our replication argument vector. Also send the array length
* which is common to both the code paths. */
unsigned long batchsize = count > 1024 ? 1024 : count;
robj **propargv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * (2 + batchsize));
propargv[0] = shared.srem;
propargv[1] = c->argv[1];
unsigned long propindex = 2;
/* Common iteration vars. */
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llele;
unsigned long remaining = size-count; /* Elements left after SPOP. */
/* If we are here, the number of requested elements is less than the
* number of elements inside the set. Also we are sure that count < size.
* Use two different strategies.
* CASE 2: The number of elements to return is small compared to the
* set size. We can just extract random elements and return them to
* the set. */
if (remaining*SPOP_MOVE_STRATEGY_MUL > count &&
set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK)
/* Specialized case for listpack. Traverse it only once. */
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
unsigned int index = 0;
unsigned char **ps = zmalloc(sizeof(char *) * count);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &index, count - i, 0);
unsigned int len;
str = (char *)lpGetValue(p, &len, (long long *)&llele);
if (str) {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
propargv[propindex++] = createStringObject(str, len);
} else {
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, llele);
propargv[propindex++] = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llele);
/* Replicate/AOF this command as an SREM operation */
if (propindex == 2 + batchsize) {
alsoPropagate(c->db->id, propargv, propindex, PROPAGATE_AOF | PROPAGATE_REPL);
for (unsigned long j = 2; j < propindex; j++) {
propindex = 2;
/* Store pointer for later deletion and move to next. */
ps[i] = p;
p = lpNext(lp, p);
lp = lpBatchDelete(lp, ps, count);
set->ptr = lp;
} else if (remaining*SPOP_MOVE_STRATEGY_MUL > count) {
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
propargv[propindex] = setTypePopRandom(set);
addReplyBulk(c, propargv[propindex]);
/* Replicate/AOF this command as an SREM operation */
if (propindex == 2 + batchsize) {
alsoPropagate(c->db->id, propargv, propindex, PROPAGATE_AOF | PROPAGATE_REPL);
for (unsigned long j = 2; j < propindex; j++) {
propindex = 2;
} else {
/* CASE 3: The number of elements to return is very big, approaching
* the size of the set itself. After some time extracting random elements
* from such a set becomes computationally expensive, so we use
* a different strategy, we extract random elements that we don't
* want to return (the elements that will remain part of the set),
* creating a new set as we do this (that will be stored as the original
* set). Then we return the elements left in the original set and
* release it. */
robj *newset = NULL;
/* Create a new set with just the remaining elements. */
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* Specialized case for listpack. Traverse it only once. */
newset = createSetListpackObject();
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
unsigned int index = 0;
unsigned char **ps = zmalloc(sizeof(char *) * remaining);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &index, remaining - i, 0);
unsigned int len;
str = (char *)lpGetValue(p, &len, (long long *)&llele);
setTypeAddAux(newset, str, len, llele, 0);
ps[i] = p;
p = lpNext(lp, p);
lp = lpBatchDelete(lp, ps, remaining);
set->ptr = lp;
} else {
while(remaining--) {
int encoding = setTypeRandomElement(set, &str, &len, &llele);
if (!newset) {
newset = str ? createSetListpackObject() : createIntsetObject();
setTypeAddAux(newset, str, len, llele, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
setTypeRemoveAux(set, str, len, llele, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
/* Transfer the old set to the client. */
setTypeIterator *si;
si = setTypeInitIterator(set);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llele) != -1) {
if (str == NULL) {
propargv[propindex++] = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llele);
} else {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
propargv[propindex++] = createStringObject(str, len);
/* Replicate/AOF this command as an SREM operation */
if (propindex == 2 + batchsize) {
alsoPropagate(c->db->id, propargv, propindex, PROPAGATE_AOF | PROPAGATE_REPL);
for (unsigned long i = 2; i < propindex; i++) {
propindex = 2;
/* Assign the new set as the key value. */
/* Replicate/AOF the remaining elements as an SREM operation */
if (propindex != 2) {
alsoPropagate(c->db->id, propargv, propindex, PROPAGATE_AOF | PROPAGATE_REPL);
for (unsigned long i = 2; i < propindex; i++) {
propindex = 2;
/* Don't propagate the command itself even if we incremented the
* dirty counter. We don't want to propagate an SPOP command since
* we propagated the command as a set of SREMs operations using
* the alsoPropagate() API. */
void spopCommand(client *c) {
robj *set, *ele;
if (c->argc == 3) {
} else if (c->argc > 3) {
/* Make sure a key with the name inputted exists, and that it's type is
* indeed a set */
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.null[c->resp]))
== NULL || checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
/* Pop a random element from the set */
ele = setTypePopRandom(set);
/* Replicate/AOF this command as an SREM operation */
/* Add the element to the reply */
addReplyBulk(c, ele);
/* Delete the set if it's empty */
if (setTypeSize(set) == 0) {
/* Set has been modified */
/* handle the "SRANDMEMBER key <count>" variant. The normal version of the
* command is handled by the srandmemberCommand() function itself. */
/* How many times bigger should be the set compared to the requested size
* for us to don't use the "remove elements" strategy? Read later in the
* implementation for more info. */
/* If client is trying to ask for a very large number of random elements,
* queuing may consume an unlimited amount of memory, so we want to limit
* the number of randoms per time. */
void srandmemberWithCountCommand(client *c) {
long l;
unsigned long count, size;
int uniq = 1;
robj *set;
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llele;
dict *d;
if (getRangeLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],-LONG_MAX,LONG_MAX,&l,NULL) != C_OK) return;
if (l >= 0) {
count = (unsigned long) l;
} else {
/* A negative count means: return the same elements multiple times
* (i.e. don't remove the extracted element after every extraction). */
count = -l;
uniq = 0;
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptyarray))
== NULL || checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
size = setTypeSize(set);
/* If count is zero, serve it ASAP to avoid special cases later. */
if (count == 0) {
/* CASE 1: The count was negative, so the extraction method is just:
* "return N random elements" sampling the whole set every time.
* This case is trivial and can be served without auxiliary data
* structures. This case is the only one that also needs to return the
* elements in random order. */
if (!uniq || count == 1) {
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK && count > 1) {
/* Specialized case for listpack, traversing it only once. */
unsigned long limit, sample_count;
listpackEntry *entries = zmalloc(limit * sizeof(listpackEntry));
while (count) {
sample_count = count > limit ? limit : count;
count -= sample_count;
lpRandomEntries(set->ptr, sample_count, entries);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
if (entries[i].sval)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, entries[i].sval, entries[i].slen);
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, entries[i].lval);
if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP)
while(count--) {
setTypeRandomElement(set, &str, &len, &llele);
if (str == NULL) {
} else {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP)
/* CASE 2:
* The number of requested elements is greater than the number of
* elements inside the set: simply return the whole set. */
if (count >= size) {
setTypeIterator *si;
si = setTypeInitIterator(set);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llele) != -1) {
if (str == NULL) {
} else {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
/* CASE 2.5 listpack only. Sampling unique elements, in non-random order.
* Listpack encoded sets are meant to be relatively small, so
* SRANDMEMBER_SUB_STRATEGY_MUL isn't necessary and we rather not make
* copies of the entries. Instead, we emit them directly to the output
* buffer.
* And it is inefficient to repeatedly pick one random element from a
* listpack in CASE 4. So we use this instead. */
if (set->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *lp = set->ptr;
unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
unsigned int i = 0;
addReplyArrayLen(c, count);
while (count) {
p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &i, count--, 0);
unsigned int len;
str = (char *)lpGetValue(p, &len, (long long *)&llele);
if (str == NULL) {
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, llele);
} else {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
p = lpNext(lp, p);
/* For CASE 3 and CASE 4 we need an auxiliary dictionary. */
d = dictCreate(&sdsReplyDictType);
/* CASE 3:
* The number of elements inside the set is not greater than
* SRANDMEMBER_SUB_STRATEGY_MUL times the number of requested elements.
* In this case we create a set from scratch with all the elements, and
* subtract random elements to reach the requested number of elements.
* This is done because if the number of requested elements is just
* a bit less than the number of elements in the set, the natural approach
* used into CASE 4 is highly inefficient. */
setTypeIterator *si;
/* Add all the elements into the temporary dictionary. */
si = setTypeInitIterator(set);
dictExpand(d, size);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llele) != -1) {
int retval = DICT_ERR;
if (str == NULL) {
retval = dictAdd(d,sdsfromlonglong(llele),NULL);
} else {
retval = dictAdd(d, sdsnewlen(str, len), NULL);
serverAssert(retval == DICT_OK);
serverAssert(dictSize(d) == size);
/* Remove random elements to reach the right count. */
while (size > count) {
dictEntry *de;
de = dictGetFairRandomKey(d);
/* CASE 4: We have a big set compared to the requested number of elements.
* In this case we can simply get random elements from the set and add
* to the temporary set, trying to eventually get enough unique elements
* to reach the specified count. */
else {
unsigned long added = 0;
sds sdsele;
dictExpand(d, count);
while (added < count) {
setTypeRandomElement(set, &str, &len, &llele);
if (str == NULL) {
sdsele = sdsfromlonglong(llele);
} else {
sdsele = sdsnewlen(str, len);
/* Try to add the object to the dictionary. If it already exists
* free it, otherwise increment the number of objects we have
* in the result dictionary. */
if (dictAdd(d,sdsele,NULL) == DICT_OK)
/* CASE 3 & 4: send the result to the user. */
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
di = dictGetIterator(d);
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL)
/* SRANDMEMBER <key> [<count>] */
void srandmemberCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llele;
if (c->argc == 3) {
} else if (c->argc > 3) {
/* Handle variant without <count> argument. Reply with simple bulk string */
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.null[c->resp]))
== NULL || checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
setTypeRandomElement(set, &str, &len, &llele);
if (str == NULL) {
} else {
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
int qsortCompareSetsByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
if (setTypeSize(*(robj**)s1) > setTypeSize(*(robj**)s2)) return 1;
if (setTypeSize(*(robj**)s1) < setTypeSize(*(robj**)s2)) return -1;
return 0;
/* This is used by SDIFF and in this case we can receive NULL that should
* be handled as empty sets. */
int qsortCompareSetsByRevCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
robj *o1 = *(robj**)s1, *o2 = *(robj**)s2;
unsigned long first = o1 ? setTypeSize(o1) : 0;
unsigned long second = o2 ? setTypeSize(o2) : 0;
if (first < second) return 1;
if (first > second) return -1;
return 0;
* 'cardinality_only' work for SINTERCARD, only return the cardinality
* with minimum processing and memory overheads.
* 'limit' work for SINTERCARD, stop searching after reaching the limit.
* Passing a 0 means unlimited.
void sinterGenericCommand(client *c, robj **setkeys,
unsigned long setnum, robj *dstkey,
int cardinality_only, unsigned long limit) {
robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
setTypeIterator *si;
robj *dstset = NULL;
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t intobj;
void *replylen = NULL;
unsigned long j, cardinality = 0;
int encoding, empty = 0;
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
robj *setobj = lookupKeyRead(c->db, setkeys[j]);
if (!setobj) {
/* A NULL is considered an empty set */
empty += 1;
sets[j] = NULL;
if (checkType(c,setobj,OBJ_SET)) {
sets[j] = setobj;
/* Set intersection with an empty set always results in an empty set.
* Return ASAP if there is an empty set. */
if (empty > 0) {
if (dstkey) {
if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey)) {
} else if (cardinality_only) {
} else {
/* Sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
* algorithm's performance */
/* The first thing we should output is the total number of elements...
* since this is a multi-bulk write, but at this stage we don't know
* the intersection set size, so we use a trick, append an empty object
* to the output list and save the pointer to later modify it with the
* right length */
if (dstkey) {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with an empty set inside */
if (sets[0]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
/* The first set is an intset, so the result is an intset too. The
* elements are inserted in ascending order which is efficient in an
* intset. */
dstset = createIntsetObject();
} else if (sets[0]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* To avoid many reallocs, we estimate that the result is a listpack
* of approximately the same size as the first set. Then we shrink
* it or possibly convert it to intset in the end. */
unsigned char *lp = lpNew(lpBytes(sets[0]->ptr));
dstset = createObject(OBJ_SET, lp);
dstset->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK;
} else {
/* We start off with a listpack, since it's more efficient to append
* to than an intset. Later we can convert it to intset or a
* hashtable. */
dstset = createSetListpackObject();
} else if (!cardinality_only) {
replylen = addReplyDeferredLen(c);
/* Iterate all the elements of the first (smallest) set, and test
* the element against all the other sets, if at least one set does
* not include the element it is discarded */
int only_integers = 1;
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[0]);
while((encoding = setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &intobj)) != -1) {
for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) {
if (sets[j] == sets[0]) continue;
if (!setTypeIsMemberAux(sets[j], str, len, intobj,
encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT))
/* Only take action when all sets contain the member */
if (j == setnum) {
if (cardinality_only) {
/* We stop the searching after reaching the limit. */
if (limit && cardinality >= limit)
} else if (!dstkey) {
if (str != NULL)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
} else {
if (str && only_integers) {
/* It may be an integer although we got it as a string. */
if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT &&
string2ll(str, len, (long long *)&intobj))
if (dstset->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK ||
dstset->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET)
/* Adding it as an integer is more efficient. */
str = NULL;
} else {
/* It's not an integer */
only_integers = 0;
setTypeAddAux(dstset, str, len, intobj, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
if (cardinality_only) {
} else if (dstkey) {
/* Store the resulting set into the target, if the intersection
* is not an empty set. */
if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) {
if (only_integers) maybeConvertToIntset(dstset);
if (dstset->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* We allocated too much memory when we created it to avoid
* frequent reallocs. Therefore, we shrink it now. */
dstset->ptr = lpShrinkToFit(dstset->ptr);
} else {
if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey)) {
} else {
/* SINTER key [key ...] */
void sinterCommand(client *c) {
sinterGenericCommand(c, c->argv+1, c->argc-1, NULL, 0, 0);
/* SINTERCARD numkeys key [key ...] [LIMIT limit] */
void sinterCardCommand(client *c) {
long j;
long numkeys = 0; /* Number of keys. */
long limit = 0; /* 0 means not limit. */
if (getRangeLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[1], 1, LONG_MAX,
&numkeys, "numkeys should be greater than 0") != C_OK)
if (numkeys > (c->argc - 2)) {
addReplyError(c, "Number of keys can't be greater than number of args");
for (j = 2 + numkeys; j < c->argc; j++) {
char *opt = c->argv[j]->ptr;
int moreargs = (c->argc - 1) - j;
if (!strcasecmp(opt, "LIMIT") && moreargs) {
if (getPositiveLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[j], &limit,
"LIMIT can't be negative") != C_OK)
} else {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
sinterGenericCommand(c, c->argv+2, numkeys, NULL, 1, limit);
/* SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] */
void sinterstoreCommand(client *c) {
sinterGenericCommand(c, c->argv+2, c->argc-2, c->argv[1], 0, 0);
void sunionDiffGenericCommand(client *c, robj **setkeys, int setnum,
robj *dstkey, int op) {
robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
setTypeIterator *si;
robj *dstset = NULL;
char *str;
size_t len;
int64_t llval;
int encoding;
int j, cardinality = 0;
int diff_algo = 1;
int sameset = 0;
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
robj *setobj = lookupKeyRead(c->db, setkeys[j]);
if (!setobj) {
sets[j] = NULL;
if (checkType(c,setobj,OBJ_SET)) {
sets[j] = setobj;
if (j > 0 && sets[0] == sets[j]) {
sameset = 1;
/* Select what DIFF algorithm to use.
* Algorithm 1 is O(N*M) where N is the size of the element first set
* and M the total number of sets.
* Algorithm 2 is O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all
* the sets.
* We compute what is the best bet with the current input here. */
if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[0] && !sameset) {
long long algo_one_work = 0, algo_two_work = 0;
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
if (sets[j] == NULL) continue;
algo_one_work += setTypeSize(sets[0]);
algo_two_work += setTypeSize(sets[j]);
/* Algorithm 1 has better constant times and performs less operations
* if there are elements in common. Give it some advantage. */
algo_one_work /= 2;
diff_algo = (algo_one_work <= algo_two_work) ? 1 : 2;
if (diff_algo == 1 && setnum > 1) {
/* With algorithm 1 it is better to order the sets to subtract
* by decreasing size, so that we are more likely to find
* duplicated elements ASAP. */
/* We need a temp set object to store our union/diff. If the dstkey
* is not NULL (that is, we are inside an SUNIONSTORE/SDIFFSTORE operation) then
* this set object will be the resulting object to set into the target key*/
dstset = createIntsetObject();
if (op == SET_OP_UNION) {
/* Union is trivial, just add every element of every set to the
* temporary set. */
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]);
while ((encoding = setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llval)) != -1) {
cardinality += setTypeAddAux(dstset, str, len, llval, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
} else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sameset) {
/* At least one of the sets is the same one (same key) as the first one, result must be empty. */
} else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[0] && diff_algo == 1) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 1:
* We perform the diff by iterating all the elements of the first set,
* and only adding it to the target set if the element does not exist
* into all the other sets.
* This way we perform at max N*M operations, where N is the size of
* the first set, and M the number of sets. */
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[0]);
while ((encoding = setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llval)) != -1) {
for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* no key is an empty set. */
if (sets[j] == sets[0]) break; /* same set! */
if (setTypeIsMemberAux(sets[j], str, len, llval,
encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT))
if (j == setnum) {
/* There is no other set with this element. Add it. */
cardinality += setTypeAddAux(dstset, str, len, llval, encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
} else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[0] && diff_algo == 2) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 2:
* Add all the elements of the first set to the auxiliary set.
* Then remove all the elements of all the next sets from it.
* This is O(N) where N is the sum of all the elements in every
* set. */
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]);
while((encoding = setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llval)) != -1) {
if (j == 0) {
cardinality += setTypeAddAux(dstset, str, len, llval,
encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
} else {
cardinality -= setTypeRemoveAux(dstset, str, len, llval,
encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
/* Exit if result set is empty as any additional removal
* of elements will have no effect. */
if (cardinality == 0) break;
/* Output the content of the resulting set, if not in STORE mode */
if (!dstkey) {
si = setTypeInitIterator(dstset);
while (setTypeNext(si, &str, &len, &llval) != -1) {
if (str)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, str, len);
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, llval);
server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del ? freeObjAsync(NULL, dstset, -1) :
} else {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with the result set inside */
if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) {
op == SET_OP_UNION ? "sunionstore" : "sdiffstore",
} else {
if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey)) {
/* SUNION key [key ...] */
void sunionCommand(client *c) {
/* SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] */
void sunionstoreCommand(client *c) {
/* SDIFF key [key ...] */
void sdiffCommand(client *c) {
/* SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] */
void sdiffstoreCommand(client *c) {
void sscanCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
unsigned long long cursor;
if (parseScanCursorOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&cursor) == C_ERR) return;
if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptyscan)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;