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* Copyright (c) 2019-Present, Redis Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under your choice of the Redis Source Available License 2.0
* (RSALv2) or the Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1).
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include "ae.h"
#define CONN_INFO_LEN 32
#define CONN_ADDR_STR_LEN 128 /* Similar to INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, hoping to handle other protocols. */
struct aeEventLoop;
typedef struct connection connection;
typedef struct connListener connListener;
typedef enum {
} ConnectionState;
#define CONN_FLAG_CLOSE_SCHEDULED (1<<0) /* Closed scheduled by a handler */
#define CONN_FLAG_WRITE_BARRIER (1<<1) /* Write barrier requested */
#define CONN_TYPE_SOCKET "tcp"
#define CONN_TYPE_UNIX "unix"
#define CONN_TYPE_TLS "tls"
#define CONN_TYPE_MAX 8 /* 8 is enough to be extendable */
typedef void (*ConnectionCallbackFunc)(struct connection *conn);
typedef struct ConnectionType {
/* connection type */
const char *(*get_type)(struct connection *conn);
/* connection type initialize & finalize & configure */
void (*init)(void); /* auto-call during register */
void (*cleanup)(void);
int (*configure)(void *priv, int reconfigure);
/* ae & accept & listen & error & address handler */
void (*ae_handler)(struct aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *clientData, int mask);
aeFileProc *accept_handler;
int (*addr)(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port, int remote);
int (*is_local)(connection *conn);
int (*listen)(connListener *listener);
/* create/shutdown/close connection */
connection* (*conn_create)(void);
connection* (*conn_create_accepted)(int fd, void *priv);
void (*shutdown)(struct connection *conn);
void (*close)(struct connection *conn);
/* connect & accept */
int (*connect)(struct connection *conn, const char *addr, int port, const char *source_addr, ConnectionCallbackFunc connect_handler);
int (*blocking_connect)(struct connection *conn, const char *addr, int port, long long timeout);
int (*accept)(struct connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc accept_handler);
/* IO */
int (*write)(struct connection *conn, const void *data, size_t data_len);
int (*writev)(struct connection *conn, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);
int (*read)(struct connection *conn, void *buf, size_t buf_len);
int (*set_write_handler)(struct connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc handler, int barrier);
int (*set_read_handler)(struct connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc handler);
const char *(*get_last_error)(struct connection *conn);
ssize_t (*sync_write)(struct connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout);
ssize_t (*sync_read)(struct connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout);
ssize_t (*sync_readline)(struct connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout);
/* pending data */
int (*has_pending_data)(void);
int (*process_pending_data)(void);
/* TLS specified methods */
sds (*get_peer_cert)(struct connection *conn);
} ConnectionType;
struct connection {
ConnectionType *type;
ConnectionState state;
int last_errno;
int fd;
short int flags;
short int refs;
unsigned short int iovcnt;
void *private_data;
ConnectionCallbackFunc conn_handler;
ConnectionCallbackFunc write_handler;
ConnectionCallbackFunc read_handler;
/* Setup a listener by a connection type */
struct connListener {
int count;
char **bindaddr;
int bindaddr_count;
int port;
ConnectionType *ct;
void *priv; /* used by connection type specified data */
/* The connection module does not deal with listening and accepting sockets,
* so we assume we have a socket when an incoming connection is created.
* The fd supplied should therefore be associated with an already accept()ed
* socket.
* connAccept() may directly call accept_handler(), or return and call it
* at a later time. This behavior is a bit awkward but aims to reduce the need
* to wait for the next event loop, if no additional handshake is required.
* IMPORTANT: accept_handler may decide to close the connection, calling connClose().
* To make this safe, the connection is only marked with CONN_FLAG_CLOSE_SCHEDULED
* in this case, and connAccept() returns with an error.
* connAccept() callers must always check the return value and on error (C_ERR)
* a connClose() must be called.
static inline int connAccept(connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc accept_handler) {
return conn->type->accept(conn, accept_handler);
/* Establish a connection. The connect_handler will be called when the connection
* is established, or if an error has occurred.
* The connection handler will be responsible to set up any read/write handlers
* as needed.
* If C_ERR is returned, the operation failed and the connection handler shall
* not be expected.
static inline int connConnect(connection *conn, const char *addr, int port, const char *src_addr,
ConnectionCallbackFunc connect_handler) {
return conn->type->connect(conn, addr, port, src_addr, connect_handler);
/* Blocking connect.
* NOTE: This is implemented in order to simplify the transition to the abstract
* connections, but should probably be refactored out of cluster.c and replication.c,
* in favor of a pure async implementation.
static inline int connBlockingConnect(connection *conn, const char *addr, int port, long long timeout) {
return conn->type->blocking_connect(conn, addr, port, timeout);
/* Write to connection, behaves the same as write(2).
* Like write(2), a short write is possible. A -1 return indicates an error.
* The caller should NOT rely on errno. Testing for an EAGAIN-like condition, use
* connGetState() to see if the connection state is still CONN_STATE_CONNECTED.
static inline int connWrite(connection *conn, const void *data, size_t data_len) {
return conn->type->write(conn, data, data_len);
/* Gather output data from the iovcnt buffers specified by the members of the iov
* array: iov[0], iov[1], ..., iov[iovcnt-1] and write to connection, behaves the same as writev(3).
* Like writev(3), a short write is possible. A -1 return indicates an error.
* The caller should NOT rely on errno. Testing for an EAGAIN-like condition, use
* connGetState() to see if the connection state is still CONN_STATE_CONNECTED.
static inline int connWritev(connection *conn, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) {
return conn->type->writev(conn, iov, iovcnt);
/* Read from the connection, behaves the same as read(2).
* Like read(2), a short read is possible. A return value of 0 will indicate the
* connection was closed, and -1 will indicate an error.
* The caller should NOT rely on errno. Testing for an EAGAIN-like condition, use
* connGetState() to see if the connection state is still CONN_STATE_CONNECTED.
static inline int connRead(connection *conn, void *buf, size_t buf_len) {
int ret = conn->type->read(conn, buf, buf_len);
return ret;
/* Register a write handler, to be called when the connection is writable.
* If NULL, the existing handler is removed.
static inline int connSetWriteHandler(connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc func) {
return conn->type->set_write_handler(conn, func, 0);
/* Register a read handler, to be called when the connection is readable.
* If NULL, the existing handler is removed.
static inline int connSetReadHandler(connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc func) {
return conn->type->set_read_handler(conn, func);
/* Set a write handler, and possibly enable a write barrier, this flag is
* cleared when write handler is changed or removed.
* With barrier enabled, we never fire the event if the read handler already
* fired in the same event loop iteration. Useful when you want to persist
* things to disk before sending replies, and want to do that in a group fashion. */
static inline int connSetWriteHandlerWithBarrier(connection *conn, ConnectionCallbackFunc func, int barrier) {
return conn->type->set_write_handler(conn, func, barrier);
static inline void connShutdown(connection *conn) {
static inline void connClose(connection *conn) {
/* Returns the last error encountered by the connection, as a string. If no error,
* a NULL is returned.
static inline const char *connGetLastError(connection *conn) {
return conn->type->get_last_error(conn);
static inline ssize_t connSyncWrite(connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout) {
return conn->type->sync_write(conn, ptr, size, timeout);
static inline ssize_t connSyncRead(connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout) {
return conn->type->sync_read(conn, ptr, size, timeout);
static inline ssize_t connSyncReadLine(connection *conn, char *ptr, ssize_t size, long long timeout) {
return conn->type->sync_readline(conn, ptr, size, timeout);
/* Return CONN_TYPE_* for the specified connection */
static inline const char *connGetType(connection *conn) {
return conn->type->get_type(conn);
static inline int connLastErrorRetryable(connection *conn) {
return conn->last_errno == EINTR;
/* Get address information of a connection.
* remote works as boolean type to get local/remote address */
static inline int connAddr(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port, int remote) {
if (conn && conn->type->addr) {
return conn->type->addr(conn, ip, ip_len, port, remote);
return -1;
/* Format an IP,port pair into something easy to parse. If IP is IPv6
* (matches for ":"), the ip is surrounded by []. IP and port are just
* separated by colons. This the standard to display addresses within Redis. */
static inline int formatAddr(char *buf, size_t buf_len, char *ip, int port) {
return snprintf(buf, buf_len, strchr(ip,':') ?
"[%s]:%d" : "%s:%d", ip, port);
static inline int connFormatAddr(connection *conn, char *buf, size_t buf_len, int remote)
int port;
if (connAddr(conn, ip, sizeof(ip), &port, remote) < 0) {
return -1;
return formatAddr(buf, buf_len, ip, port);
static inline int connAddrPeerName(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port) {
return connAddr(conn, ip, ip_len, port, 1);
static inline int connAddrSockName(connection *conn, char *ip, size_t ip_len, int *port) {
return connAddr(conn, ip, ip_len, port, 0);
/* Test a connection is local or loopback.
* Return -1 on failure, 0 is not a local connection, 1 is a local connection */
static inline int connIsLocal(connection *conn) {
if (conn && conn->type->is_local) {
return conn->type->is_local(conn);
return -1;
static inline int connGetState(connection *conn) {
return conn->state;
/* Returns true if a write handler is registered */
static inline int connHasWriteHandler(connection *conn) {
return conn->write_handler != NULL;
/* Returns true if a read handler is registered */
static inline int connHasReadHandler(connection *conn) {
return conn->read_handler != NULL;
/* Associate a private data pointer with the connection */
static inline void connSetPrivateData(connection *conn, void *data) {
conn->private_data = data;
/* Get the associated private data pointer */
static inline void *connGetPrivateData(connection *conn) {
return conn->private_data;
/* Return a text that describes the connection, suitable for inclusion
* in CLIENT LIST and similar outputs.
* For sockets, we always return "fd=<fdnum>" to maintain compatibility.
static inline const char *connGetInfo(connection *conn, char *buf, size_t buf_len) {
snprintf(buf, buf_len-1, "fd=%i", conn == NULL ? -1 : conn->fd);
return buf;
/* anet-style wrappers to conns */
int connBlock(connection *conn);
int connNonBlock(connection *conn);
int connEnableTcpNoDelay(connection *conn);
int connDisableTcpNoDelay(connection *conn);
int connKeepAlive(connection *conn, int interval);
int connSendTimeout(connection *conn, long long ms);
int connRecvTimeout(connection *conn, long long ms);
/* Get cert for the secure connection */
static inline sds connGetPeerCert(connection *conn) {
if (conn->type->get_peer_cert) {
return conn->type->get_peer_cert(conn);
return NULL;
/* Initialize the redis connection framework */
int connTypeInitialize(void);
/* Register a connection type into redis connection framework */
int connTypeRegister(ConnectionType *ct);
/* Lookup a connection type by type name */
ConnectionType *connectionByType(const char *typename);
/* Fast path to get TCP connection type */
ConnectionType *connectionTypeTcp(void);
/* Fast path to get TLS connection type */
ConnectionType *connectionTypeTls(void);
/* Fast path to get Unix connection type */
ConnectionType *connectionTypeUnix(void);
/* Lookup the index of a connection type by type name, return -1 if not found */
int connectionIndexByType(const char *typename);
/* Create a connection of specified type */
static inline connection *connCreate(ConnectionType *ct) {
return ct->conn_create();
/* Create an accepted connection of specified type.
* priv is connection type specified argument */
static inline connection *connCreateAccepted(ConnectionType *ct, int fd, void *priv) {
return ct->conn_create_accepted(fd, priv);
/* Configure a connection type. A typical case is to configure TLS.
* priv is connection type specified,
* reconfigure is boolean type to specify if overwrite the original config */
static inline int connTypeConfigure(ConnectionType *ct, void *priv, int reconfigure) {
return ct->configure(priv, reconfigure);
/* Walk all the connection types and cleanup them all if possible */
void connTypeCleanupAll(void);
/* Test all the connection type has pending data or not. */
int connTypeHasPendingData(void);
/* walk all the connection types and process pending data for each connection type */
int connTypeProcessPendingData(void);
/* Listen on an initialized listener */
static inline int connListen(connListener *listener) {
return listener->ct->listen(listener);
/* Get accept_handler of a connection type */
static inline aeFileProc *connAcceptHandler(ConnectionType *ct) {
if (ct)
return ct->accept_handler;
return NULL;
/* Get Listeners information, note that caller should free the non-empty string */
sds getListensInfoString(sds info);
int RedisRegisterConnectionTypeSocket(void);
int RedisRegisterConnectionTypeUnix(void);
int RedisRegisterConnectionTypeTLS(void);
/* Return 1 if connection is using TLS protocol, 0 if otherwise. */
static inline int connIsTLS(connection *conn) {
return conn && conn->type == connectionTypeTls();
#endif /* __REDIS_CONNECTION_H */