
540 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2009-Present, Redis Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under your choice of the Redis Source Available License 2.0
* (RSALv2) or the Server Side Public License v1 (SSPLv1).
#include "server.h"
#include "call_reply.h"
#define REPLY_FLAG_ROOT (1<<0)
#define REPLY_FLAG_PARSED (1<<1)
#define REPLY_FLAG_RESP3 (1<<2)
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* An opaque struct used to parse a RESP protocol reply and
* represent it. Used when parsing replies such as in RM_Call
* or Lua scripts.
* -------------------------------------------------------- */
struct CallReply {
void *private_data;
sds original_proto; /* Available only for root reply. */
const char *proto;
size_t proto_len;
int type; /* REPLY_... */
int flags; /* REPLY_FLAG... */
size_t len; /* Length of a string, or the number elements in an array. */
union {
const char *str; /* String pointer for string and error replies. This
* does not need to be freed, always points inside
* a reply->proto buffer of the reply object or, in
* case of array elements, of parent reply objects. */
struct {
const char *str;
const char *format;
} verbatim_str; /* Reply value for verbatim string */
long long ll; /* Reply value for integer reply. */
double d; /* Reply value for double reply. */
struct CallReply *array; /* Array of sub-reply elements. used for set, array, map, and attribute */
} val;
list *deferred_error_list; /* list of errors in sds form or NULL */
struct CallReply *attribute; /* attribute reply, NULL if not exists */
static void callReplySetSharedData(CallReply *rep, int type, const char *proto, size_t proto_len, int extra_flags) {
rep->type = type;
rep->proto = proto;
rep->proto_len = proto_len;
rep->flags |= extra_flags;
static void callReplyNull(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_NULL, proto, proto_len, REPLY_FLAG_RESP3);
static void callReplyNullBulkString(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_NULL, proto, proto_len, 0);
static void callReplyNullArray(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_NULL, proto, proto_len, 0);
static void callReplyBulkString(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_STRING, proto, proto_len, 0);
rep->len = len;
rep->val.str = str;
static void callReplyError(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_ERROR, proto, proto_len, 0);
rep->len = len;
rep->val.str = str;
static void callReplySimpleStr(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_STRING, proto, proto_len, 0);
rep->len = len;
rep->val.str = str;
static void callReplyLong(void *ctx, long long val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_INTEGER, proto, proto_len, 0);
rep->val.ll = val;
static void callReplyDouble(void *ctx, double val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_DOUBLE, proto, proto_len, REPLY_FLAG_RESP3);
rep->val.d = val;
static void callReplyVerbatimString(void *ctx, const char *format, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_VERBATIM_STRING, proto, proto_len, REPLY_FLAG_RESP3);
rep->len = len;
rep->val.verbatim_str.str = str;
rep->val.verbatim_str.format = format;
static void callReplyBigNumber(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_BIG_NUMBER, proto, proto_len, REPLY_FLAG_RESP3);
rep->len = len;
rep->val.str = str;
static void callReplyBool(void *ctx, int val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplySetSharedData(rep, REDISMODULE_REPLY_BOOL, proto, proto_len, REPLY_FLAG_RESP3);
rep->val.ll = val;
static void callReplyParseCollection(ReplyParser *parser, CallReply *rep, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t elements_per_entry) {
rep->len = len;
rep->val.array = zcalloc(elements_per_entry * len * sizeof(CallReply));
for (size_t i = 0; i < len * elements_per_entry; i += elements_per_entry) {
for (size_t j = 0 ; j < elements_per_entry ; ++j) {
rep->val.array[i + j].private_data = rep->private_data;
parseReply(parser, rep->val.array + i + j);
rep->val.array[i + j].flags |= REPLY_FLAG_PARSED;
if (rep->val.array[i + j].flags & REPLY_FLAG_RESP3) {
/* If one of the sub-replies is RESP3, then the current reply is also RESP3. */
rep->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
rep->proto = proto;
rep->proto_len = parser->curr_location - proto;
static void callReplyAttribute(ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
rep->attribute = zcalloc(sizeof(CallReply));
/* Continue parsing the attribute reply */
rep->attribute->len = len;
rep->attribute->type = REDISMODULE_REPLY_ATTRIBUTE;
callReplyParseCollection(parser, rep->attribute, len, proto, 2);
rep->attribute->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_PARSED | REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
rep->attribute->private_data = rep->private_data;
/* Continue parsing the reply */
parseReply(parser, rep);
/* In this case we need to fix the proto address and len, it should start from the attribute */
rep->proto = proto;
rep->proto_len = parser->curr_location - proto;
rep->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
static void callReplyArray(ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplyParseCollection(parser, rep, len, proto, 1);
static void callReplySet(ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplyParseCollection(parser, rep, len, proto, 1);
rep->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
static void callReplyMap(ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
callReplyParseCollection(parser, rep, len, proto, 2);
rep->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
static void callReplyParseError(void *ctx) {
CallReply *rep = ctx;
/* Recursively free the current call reply and its sub-replies. */
static void freeCallReplyInternal(CallReply *rep) {
if (rep->type == REDISMODULE_REPLY_ARRAY || rep->type == REDISMODULE_REPLY_SET) {
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < rep->len ; ++i) {
freeCallReplyInternal(rep->val.array + i);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < rep->len ; ++i) {
freeCallReplyInternal(rep->val.array + i * 2);
freeCallReplyInternal(rep->val.array + i * 2 + 1);
if (rep->attribute) {
/* Free the given call reply and its children (in case of nested reply) recursively.
* If private data was set when the CallReply was created it will not be freed, as it's
* the caller's responsibility to free it before calling freeCallReply(). */
void freeCallReply(CallReply *rep) {
if (!(rep->flags & REPLY_FLAG_ROOT)) {
if (rep->flags & REPLY_FLAG_PARSED) {
if (rep->deferred_error_list)
CallReply *callReplyCreatePromise(void *private_data) {
CallReply *res = zmalloc(sizeof(*res));
/* Mark the reply as parsed so there will be not attempt to parse
* it when calling reply API such as freeCallReply.
* Also mark the reply as root so freeCallReply will not ignore it. */
res->private_data = private_data;
return res;
static const ReplyParserCallbacks DefaultParserCallbacks = {
.null_callback = callReplyNull,
.bulk_string_callback = callReplyBulkString,
.null_bulk_string_callback = callReplyNullBulkString,
.null_array_callback = callReplyNullArray,
.error_callback = callReplyError,
.simple_str_callback = callReplySimpleStr,
.long_callback = callReplyLong,
.array_callback = callReplyArray,
.set_callback = callReplySet,
.map_callback = callReplyMap,
.double_callback = callReplyDouble,
.bool_callback = callReplyBool,
.big_number_callback = callReplyBigNumber,
.verbatim_string_callback = callReplyVerbatimString,
.attribute_callback = callReplyAttribute,
.error = callReplyParseError,
/* Parse the buffer located in rep->original_proto and update the CallReply
* structure to represent its contents. */
static void callReplyParse(CallReply *rep) {
if (rep->flags & REPLY_FLAG_PARSED) {
ReplyParser parser = {.curr_location = rep->proto, .callbacks = DefaultParserCallbacks};
parseReply(&parser, rep);
rep->flags |= REPLY_FLAG_PARSED;
/* Return the call reply type (REDISMODULE_REPLY_...). */
int callReplyType(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->type;
/* Return reply string as buffer and len. Applicable to:
* The return value is borrowed from CallReply, so it must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
* The returned value is not NULL terminated and its length is returned by
* reference through len, which must not be NULL.
const char *callReplyGetString(CallReply *rep, size_t *len) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_STRING &&
rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_ERROR) return NULL;
if (len) *len = rep->len;
return rep->val.str;
/* Return a long long reply value. Applicable to:
long long callReplyGetLongLong(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->val.ll;
/* Return a double reply value. Applicable to:
double callReplyGetDouble(CallReply *rep) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_DOUBLE) return LLONG_MIN;
return rep->val.d;
/* Return a reply Boolean value. Applicable to:
int callReplyGetBool(CallReply *rep) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_BOOL) return INT_MIN;
return rep->val.ll;
/* Return reply length. Applicable to:
size_t callReplyGetLen(CallReply *rep) {
switch(rep->type) {
return rep->len;
return 0;
static CallReply *callReplyGetCollectionElement(CallReply *rep, size_t idx, int elements_per_entry) {
if (idx >= rep->len * elements_per_entry) return NULL; // real len is rep->len * elements_per_entry
return rep->val.array+idx;
/* Return a reply array element at a given index. Applicable to:
* The return value is borrowed from CallReply, so it must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
CallReply *callReplyGetArrayElement(CallReply *rep, size_t idx) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_ARRAY) return NULL;
return callReplyGetCollectionElement(rep, idx, 1);
/* Return a reply set element at a given index. Applicable to:
* The return value is borrowed from CallReply, so it must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
CallReply *callReplyGetSetElement(CallReply *rep, size_t idx) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_SET) return NULL;
return callReplyGetCollectionElement(rep, idx, 1);
static int callReplyGetMapElementInternal(CallReply *rep, size_t idx, CallReply **key, CallReply **val, int type) {
if (rep->type != type) return C_ERR;
if (idx >= rep->len) return C_ERR;
if (key) *key = callReplyGetCollectionElement(rep, idx * 2, 2);
if (val) *val = callReplyGetCollectionElement(rep, idx * 2 + 1, 2);
return C_OK;
/* Retrieve a map reply key and value at a given index. Applicable to:
* The key and value are returned by reference through key and val,
* which may also be NULL if not needed.
* Returns C_OK on success or C_ERR if reply type mismatches, or if idx is out
* of range.
* The returned values are borrowed from CallReply, so they must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
int callReplyGetMapElement(CallReply *rep, size_t idx, CallReply **key, CallReply **val) {
return callReplyGetMapElementInternal(rep, idx, key, val, REDISMODULE_REPLY_MAP);
/* Return reply attribute, or NULL if it does not exist. Applicable to all replies.
* The returned values are borrowed from CallReply, so they must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
CallReply *callReplyGetAttribute(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->attribute;
/* Retrieve attribute reply key and value at a given index. Applicable to:
* The key and value are returned by reference through key and val,
* which may also be NULL if not needed.
* Returns C_OK on success or C_ERR if reply type mismatches, or if idx is out
* of range.
* The returned values are borrowed from CallReply, so they must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
int callReplyGetAttributeElement(CallReply *rep, size_t idx, CallReply **key, CallReply **val) {
return callReplyGetMapElementInternal(rep, idx, key, val, REDISMODULE_REPLY_MAP);
/* Return a big number reply value. Applicable to:
* The returned values are borrowed from CallReply, so they must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
* The return value is guaranteed to be a big number, as described in the RESP3
* protocol specifications.
* The returned value is not NULL terminated and its length is returned by
* reference through len, which must not be NULL.
const char *callReplyGetBigNumber(CallReply *rep, size_t *len) {
if (rep->type != REDISMODULE_REPLY_BIG_NUMBER) return NULL;
*len = rep->len;
return rep->val.str;
/* Return a verbatim string reply value. Applicable to:
* If format is non-NULL, the verbatim reply format is also returned by value.
* The optional output argument can be given to get a verbatim reply
* format, or can be set NULL if not needed.
* The return value is borrowed from CallReply, so it must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
* The returned value is not NULL terminated and its length is returned by
* reference through len, which must not be NULL.
const char *callReplyGetVerbatim(CallReply *rep, size_t *len, const char **format){
*len = rep->len;
if (format) *format = rep->val.verbatim_str.format;
return rep->val.verbatim_str.str;
/* Return the current reply blob.
* The return value is borrowed from CallReply, so it must not be freed
* explicitly or used after CallReply itself is freed.
const char *callReplyGetProto(CallReply *rep, size_t *proto_len) {
*proto_len = rep->proto_len;
return rep->proto;
/* Return CallReply private data, as set by the caller on callReplyCreate().
void *callReplyGetPrivateData(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->private_data;
/* Return true if the reply or one of it sub-replies is RESP3 formatted. */
int callReplyIsResp3(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->flags & REPLY_FLAG_RESP3;
/* Returns a list of errors in sds form, or NULL. */
list *callReplyDeferredErrorList(CallReply *rep) {
return rep->deferred_error_list;
/* Create a new CallReply struct from the reply blob.
* The function will own the reply blob, so it must not be used or freed by
* the caller after passing it to this function.
* The reply blob will be freed when the returned CallReply struct is later
* freed using freeCallReply().
* The deferred_error_list is an optional list of errors that are present
* in the reply blob, if given, this function will take ownership on it.
* The private_data is optional and can later be accessed using
* callReplyGetPrivateData().
* NOTE: The parser used for parsing the reply and producing CallReply is
* designed to handle valid replies created by Redis itself. IT IS NOT
* DESIGNED TO HANDLE USER INPUT and using it to parse invalid replies is
* unsafe.
CallReply *callReplyCreate(sds reply, list *deferred_error_list, void *private_data) {
CallReply *res = zmalloc(sizeof(*res));
res->flags = REPLY_FLAG_ROOT;
res->original_proto = reply;
res->proto = reply;
res->proto_len = sdslen(reply);
res->private_data = private_data;
res->attribute = NULL;
res->deferred_error_list = deferred_error_list;
return res;
/* Create a new CallReply struct from the reply blob representing an error message.
* Automatically creating deferred_error_list and set a copy of the reply in it.
* Refer to callReplyCreate for detailed explanation.
* Reply string can come in one of two forms:
* 1. A protocol reply starting with "-CODE" and ending with "\r\n"
* 2. A plain string, in which case this function adds the protocol header and footer. */
CallReply *callReplyCreateError(sds reply, void *private_data) {
sds err_buff = reply;
if (err_buff[0] != '-') {
err_buff = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "-ERR %S\r\n", reply);
list *deferred_error_list = listCreate();
listSetFreeMethod(deferred_error_list, (void (*)(void*))sdsfree);
listAddNodeTail(deferred_error_list, sdsnew(err_buff));
return callReplyCreate(err_buff, deferred_error_list, private_data);