Commit Graph

85 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
guybe7 f49ff156ec
Add RM_PublishMessageShard (#10543)
since PUBLISH and SPUBLISH use different dictionaries for channels and clients,
and we already have an API for PUBLISH, it only makes sense to have one for SPUBLISH

Add test coverage and unifying some test infrastructure.
2022-04-17 15:43:22 +03:00
zhaozhao.zz 78bef6e1fe
optimize(remove) usage of client's pending_querybuf (#10413)
To remove `pending_querybuf`, the key point is reusing `querybuf`, it means master client's `querybuf` is not only used to parse command, but also proxy to sub-replicas.

1. add a new variable `repl_applied` for master client to record how many data applied (propagated via `replicationFeedStreamFromMasterStream()`) but not trimmed in `querybuf`.

2. don't sdsrange `querybuf` in `commandProcessed()`, we trim it to `repl_applied` after the whole replication pipeline processed to avoid fragmented `sdsrange`. And here are some scenarios we cannot trim to `qb_pos`:
    * we don't receive complete command from master
    * master client blocked because of client pause
    * IO threads operate read, master client flagged with CLIENT_PENDING_COMMAND

    In these scenarios, `qb_pos` points to the part of the current command or the beginning of next command, and the current command is not applied yet, so the `repl_applied` is not equal to `qb_pos`.

Some other notes:
* Do not do big arg optimization on master client, since we can only sdsrange `querybuf` after data sent to replicas.
* Set `qb_pos` and `repl_applied` to 0 when `freeClient` in `replicationCacheMaster`.
* Rewrite `processPendingCommandsAndResetClient` to `processPendingCommandAndInputBuffer`, let `processInputBuffer` to be called successively after `processCommandAndResetClient`.
2022-03-25 10:45:40 +08:00
Binbin 62c8be28ee
Regression test for sync psync crash (#10288)
Added regression tests for #10020 / #10081 / #10243.
The above PRs fixed some crashes due to an asserting,
see function `clientHasPendingReplies` (introduced in #9166).

This commit added some tests to cover the above scenario.
These tests will all fail in #9166, althought fixed not,
there is value in adding these tests to cover and verify
the changes. And it also can cover #8868 (verify the logs).

Other changes: 
1. Reduces the wait time in `waitForBgsave` and `waitForBgrewriteaof`
from 1s to 50ms, which should reduce the time for some tests.
2. Improve the test infra to print context when `assert_match` fails.
3. Improve the test infra to print `$error` when `assert_error` fails.
Expected an error matching 'ERR*' but got 'OK' (context: type eval line 4 cmd {assert_error "ERR*" {r set a b}} proc ::test)
2022-02-13 09:52:38 +02:00
Jason Elbaum 5b17909c4f
redis-cli generates command help tables from the results of COMMAND (#10043)
This is a followup to #9656 and implements the following step mentioned in that PR:

* When possible, extract all the help and completion tips from COMMAND DOCS (Redis 7.0 and up)
* If COMMAND DOCS fails, use the static help.h compiled into redis-cli.
* Supplement additional command names from COMMAND (pre-Redis 7.0)

The last step is needed to add module command and other non-standard commands.

This PR does not change the interactive hinting mechanism, which still uses only the param
strings to provide somewhat unreliable and inconsistent command hints (see #8084).
That task is left for a future PR. 

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-02-05 16:54:16 +02:00
Oran Agra ae89958972
Set repl-diskless-sync to yes by default, add repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas (#10092)
1. enable diskless replication by default
2. add a new config named repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas that enables
   replication to start before the full repl-diskless-sync-delay was
3. put replica online sooner on the master (see below)
4. test suite uses repl-diskless-sync-delay of 0 to be faster
5. a few tests that use multiple replica on a pre-populated master, are
   now using the new repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas
6. fix possible timing issues in a few cluster tests (see below)

put replica online sooner on the master 
there were two tests that failed because they needed for the master to
realize that the replica is online, but the test code was actually only
waiting for the replica to realize it's online, and in diskless it could
have been before the master realized it.

changes include two things:
1. the tests wait on the right thing
2. issues in the master, putting the replica online in two steps.

the master used to put the replica as online in 2 steps. the first
step was to mark it as online, and the second step was to enable the
write event (only after getting ACK), but in fact the first step didn't
contains some of the tasks to put it online (like updating good slave
count, and sending the module event). this meant that if a test was
waiting to see that the replica is online form the point of view of the
master, and then confirm that the module got an event, or that the
master has enough good replicas, it could fail due to timing issues.

so now the full effect of putting the replica online, happens at once,
and only the part about enabling the writes is delayed till the ACK.

fix cluster tests 
I added some code to wait for the replica to sync and avoid race
later realized the sentinel and cluster tests where using the original 5
seconds delay, so changed it to 0.

this means the other changes are probably not needed, but i suppose
they're still better (avoid race conditions)
2022-01-17 14:11:11 +02:00
filipe oliveira 5dd15443ac
Added INFO LATENCYSTATS section: latency by percentile distribution/latency by cumulative distribution of latencies (#9462)
# Short description

The Redis extended latency stats track per command latencies and enables:
- exporting the per-command percentile distribution via the `INFO LATENCYSTATS` command.
  **( percentile distribution is not mergeable between cluster nodes ).**
- exporting the per-command cumulative latency distributions via the `LATENCY HISTOGRAM` command.
  Using the cumulative distribution of latencies we can merge several stats from different cluster nodes
  to calculate aggregate metrics .

By default, the extended latency monitoring is enabled since the overhead of keeping track of the
command latency is very small.
If you don't want to track extended latency metrics, you can easily disable it at runtime using the command:
 - `CONFIG SET latency-tracking no`

By default, the exported latency percentiles are the p50, p99, and p999.
You can alter them at runtime using the command:
- `CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "0.0 50.0 100.0"`

## Some details:
- The total size per histogram should sit around 40 KiB. We only allocate those 40KiB when a command
  was called for the first time.
- With regards to the WRITE overhead As seen below, there is no measurable overhead on the achievable
  ops/sec or full latency spectrum on the client. Including also the measured redis-benchmark for unstable
  vs this branch. 
- We track from 1 nanosecond to 1 second ( everything above 1 second is considered +Inf )

## `INFO LATENCYSTATS` exposition format

   - Format: `latency_percentiles_usec_<CMDNAME>:p0=XX,p50....` 

## `LATENCY HISTOGRAM [command ...]` exposition format

Return a cumulative distribution of latencies in the format of a histogram for the specified command names.

The histogram is composed of a map of time buckets:
- Each representing a latency range, between 1 nanosecond and roughly 1 second.
- Each bucket covers twice the previous bucket's range.
- Empty buckets are not printed.
- Everything above 1 sec is considered +Inf.
- At max there will be log2(1000000000)=30 buckets

We reply a map for each command in the format:
`<command name> : { `calls`: <total command calls> , `histogram` : { <bucket 1> : latency , < bucket 2> : latency, ...  } }`

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-05 14:01:05 +02:00
chenyang8094 87789fae0b
Implement Multi Part AOF mechanism to avoid AOFRW overheads. (#9788)
Implement Multi-Part AOF mechanism to avoid overheads during AOFRW.
Introducing a folder with multiple AOF files tracked by a manifest file.

The main issues with the the original AOFRW mechanism are:
* buffering of commands that are processed during rewrite (consuming a lot of RAM)
* freezes of the main process when the AOFRW completes to drain the remaining part of the buffer and fsync it.
* double disk IO for the data that arrives during AOFRW (had to be written to both the old and new AOF files)

The main modifications of this PR:
1. Remove the AOF rewrite buffer and related code.
2. Divide the AOF into multiple files, they are classified as two types, one is the the `BASE` type,
  it represents the full amount of data (Maybe AOF or RDB format) after each AOFRW, there is only
  one `BASE` file at most. The second is `INCR` type, may have more than one. They represent the
  incremental commands since the last AOFRW.
3. Use a AOF manifest file to record and manage these AOF files mentioned above.
4. The original configuration of `appendfilename` will be the base part of the new file name, for example:
  `appendonly.aof.1.base.rdb` and `appendonly.aof.2.incr.aof`
5. Add manifest-related TCL tests, and modified some existing tests that depend on the `appendfilename`
6. Remove the `aof_rewrite_buffer_length` field in info.
7. Add `aof-disable-auto-gc` configuration. By default we're automatically deleting HISTORY type AOFs.
  It also gives users the opportunity to preserve the history AOFs. just for testing use now.
8. Add AOFRW limiting measure. When the AOFRW failures reaches the threshold (3 times now),
  we will delay the execution of the next AOFRW by 1 minute. If the next AOFRW also fails, it will be
  delayed by 2 minutes. The next is 4, 8, 16, the maximum delay is 60 minutes (1 hour). During the limit
  period, we can still use the 'bgrewriteaof' command to execute AOFRW immediately.
9. Support upgrade (load) data from old version redis.
10. Add `appenddirname` configuration, as the directory name of the append only files. All AOF files and
  manifest file will be placed in this directory.
11. Only the last AOF file (BASE or INCR) can be truncated. Otherwise redis will exit even if
  `aof-load-truncated` is enabled.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-03 19:14:13 +02:00
Viktor Söderqvist 45a155bd0f
Wait for replicas when shutting down (#9872)
To avoid data loss, this commit adds a grace period for lagging replicas to
catch up the replication offset.


* Wait for replicas when shutdown is triggered by SIGTERM and SIGINT.

* Wait for replicas when shutdown is triggered by the SHUTDOWN command. A new
  blocked client type BLOCKED_SHUTDOWN is introduced, allowing multiple clients
  to call SHUTDOWN in parallel.
  Note that they don't expect a response unless an error happens and shutdown is aborted.

* Log warning for each replica lagging behind when finishing shutdown.

* CLIENT_PAUSE_WRITE while waiting for replicas.

* Configurable grace period 'shutdown-timeout' in seconds (default 10).

* New flags for the SHUTDOWN command:

    - NOW disables the grace period for lagging replicas.

    - FORCE ignores errors writing the RDB or AOF files which would normally
      prevent a shutdown.

    - ABORT cancels ongoing shutdown. Can't be combined with other flags.

* New field in the output of the INFO command: 'shutdown_in_milliseconds'. The
  value is the remaining maximum time to wait for lagging replicas before
  finishing the shutdown. This field is present in the Server section **only**
  during shutdown.

Not directly related:

* When shutting down, if there is an AOF saving child, it is killed **even** if AOF
  is disabled. This can happen if BGREWRITEAOF is used when AOF is off.

* Client pause now has end time and type (WRITE or ALL) per purpose. The
  different pause purposes are *CLIENT PAUSE command*, *failover* and
  *shutdown*. If clients are unpaused for one purpose, it doesn't affect client
  pause for other purposes. For example, the CLIENT UNPAUSE command doesn't
  affect client pause initiated by the failover or shutdown procedures. A completed
  failover or a failed shutdown doesn't unpause clients paused by the CLIENT
  PAUSE command.


* DEBUG RESTART doesn't wait for replicas.

* We already have a warning logged when a replica disconnects. This means that
  if any replica connection is lost during the shutdown, it is either logged as
  disconnected or as lagging at the time of exit.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-01-02 09:50:15 +02:00
chenyang8094 af0b50f83a
Tests: don't rely on the response of MEMORY USAGE when mem_allocator is not jemalloc (#10010)
It turns out that libc malloc can return an allocation of a different size on requests of the same size.
this means that matching MEMORY USAGE of one key to another copy of the same data can fail.

Keep running the test that calls MEMORY USAGE, but ignore the response.
We do that by introducing a new utility function to get the memory usage, which always returns 1
when the allocator is not jemalloc.

Other changes:
Some formatting for datatype2.tcl

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-12-27 21:37:21 +02:00
Oran Agra 6add1b7217
Add external test that runs without debug command (#9964)
- add needs:debug flag for some tests
- disable "save" in external tests (speedup?)
- use debug_digest proc instead of debug command directly so it can be skipped
- use OBJECT ENCODING instead of DEBUG OBJECT to get encoding
- add a proc for OBJECT REFCOUNT so it can be skipped
- move a bunch of tests in latency_monitor tests to happen later so that latency monitor has some values in it
- add missing close_replication_stream calls
- make sure to close the temp client if DEBUG LOG fails
2021-12-19 17:41:51 +02:00
YaacovHazan ae2f5b7b2e
Protected configs and sensitive commands (#9920)
Block sensitive configs and commands by default.

* `enable-protected-configs` - block modification of configs with the new `PROTECTED_CONFIG` flag.
   Currently we add this flag to `dbfilename`, and `dir` configs,
   all of which are non-mutable configs that can set a file redis will write to.
* `enable-debug-command` - block the `DEBUG` command
* `enable-module-command` - block the `MODULE` command

These have a default value set to `no`, so that these features are not
exposed by default to client connections, and can only be set by modifying the config file.

Users can change each of these to either `yes` (allow all access), or `local` (allow access from
local TCP connections and unix domain connections)

Note that this is a **breaking change** (specifically the part about MODULE command being disabled by default).
I.e. we don't consider DEBUG command being blocked as an issue (people shouldn't have been using it),
and the few configs we protected are unlikely to have been set at runtime anyway.
On the other hand, it's likely to assume some users who use modules, load them from the config file anyway.
Note that's the whole point of this PR, for redis to be more secure by default and reduce the attack surface on
innocent users, so secure defaults will necessarily mean a breaking change.
2021-12-19 10:46:16 +02:00
ny0312 792afb4432
Introduce memory management on cluster link buffers (#9774)
Introduce memory management on cluster link buffers:
 * Introduce a new `cluster-link-sendbuf-limit` config that caps memory usage of cluster bus link send buffers.
 * Introduce a new `CLUSTER LINKS` command that displays current TCP links to/from peers.
 * Introduce a new `mem_cluster_links` field under `INFO` command output, which displays the overall memory usage by all current cluster links.
 * Introduce a new `total_cluster_links_buffer_limit_exceeded` field under `CLUSTER INFO` command output, which displays the accumulated count of cluster links freed due to `cluster-link-sendbuf-limit`.
2021-12-16 21:56:59 -08:00
yoav-steinberg c7dc17fc0f
Fix possible int overflow when hashing an sds. (#9916)
This caused a crash when adding elements larger than 2GB to a set (same goes for hash keys). See #8455.

* The fix makes the dict hash functions receive a `size_t` instead of an `int`. In practice the dict hash functions
  call siphash which receives a `size_t` and the callers to the hash function pass a `size_t` to it so the fix is trivial.
* The issue was recreated by attempting to add a >2gb value to a set. Appropriate tests were added where I create
  a set with large elements and check basic functionality on it (SADD, SCARD, SPOP, etc...).
* When I added the tests I also refactored a bit all the tests code which is run under the `--large-memory` flag.
  This removed code duplication for the test framework's `write_big_bulk` and `write_big_bulk` code and also takes
  care of not allocating the test frameworks helper huge string used by these tests when not run under `--large-memory`.
* I also added the _violoations.tcl_ unit tests to be part of the entire test suite and leaned up non relevant list related
  tests that were in there. This was done in this PR because most of the _violations_ tests are "large memory" tests.
2021-12-13 21:16:25 +02:00
guybe7 af7489886d
Obliterate STRALGO! add LCS (which only works on keys) (#9799)
Drop the STRALGO command, now LCS is a command of its own and it only works on keys (not input strings).
The motivation is that STRALGO's syntax was really messed-up...
- assumes all (future) string algorithms will take similar arguments
- mixes command that takes keys and one that doesn't in the same command.
- make it nearly impossible to expose the right key spec in COMMAND INFO (issues cluster clients)
- hard for cluster clients to determine the key names (firstkey, lastkey, etc)
- hard for ACL / flags (is it a read command?)

This is a breaking change.
2021-11-18 10:47:49 +02:00
Ozan Tezcan b91d8b289b
Add sanitizer support and clean up sanitizer findings (#9601)
- Added sanitizer support. `address`, `undefined` and `thread` sanitizers are available.  
- To build Redis with desired sanitizer : `make SANITIZER=undefined`
- There were some sanitizer findings, cleaned up codebase
- Added tests with address and undefined behavior sanitizers to daily CI.
- Added tests with address sanitizer to the per-PR CI (smoke out mem leaks sooner).

Basically, there are three types of issues : 

**1- Unaligned load/store** : Most probably, this issue may cause a crash on a platform that
does not support unaligned access. Redis does unaligned access only on supported platforms.

**2- Signed integer overflow.** Although, signed overflow issue can be problematic time to time
and change how compiler generates code, current findings mostly about signed shift or simple
addition overflow. For most platforms Redis can be compiled for, this wouldn't cause any issue
as far as I can tell (checked generated code on

 **3 -Minor leak** (redis-cli), **use-after-free**(just before calling exit());

UB means nothing guaranteed and risky to reason about program behavior but I don't think any
of the fixes here worth backporting. As sanitizers are now part of the CI, preventing new issues
will be the real benefit.
2021-11-11 13:51:33 +02:00
yoav-steinberg cd6b3d558b
Archive external redis log in external tests (#9765)
On test failure store the external redis server logs as CI artifacts so we can review them.

Write test name to server log for external server tests.
This is attempted and silently failed in case external server doesn't support it.
Note that in non-external server mode we use a more robust method of writing to the log which doesn't depend on the
server actually running/working. This isn't possible for externl servers and required for some complex tests which are
skipped in external mode anyway.

Cleanup: remove dup code.
2021-11-11 13:04:02 +02:00
chendianqiang a527c3e814
Test suite - user server socket to optimize port detection (#9663)
Optimized port detection for tcl, use 'socket -server' instead of 'socket' to rule out port on TIME_WAIT

Co-authored-by: chendianqiang <>
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-11-07 13:53:57 +02:00
Oran Agra 87321deb3f
attempt to fix tracking test issue with external tests due to lazy free (#9722)
The External tests started failing recently for unclear reason:
*** [err]: Tracking invalidation message of eviction keys should be before response in tests/unit/tracking.tcl
Expected '0' to be equal to 'invalidate volatile-key' (context: type eval line 21 cmd {assert_equal $res {invalidate volatile-key}} proc ::test)

I suspect the issue is that the used_memory sample is taken while a lazy free is still being processed.
2021-11-02 16:42:53 +02:00
Huang Zhw bdecbd30df
Fix test randstring, compare string and int is wrong. (#9544)
This will cause the generated string containing "\".
Fixes a broken change in #8687
2021-09-24 16:58:38 +03:00
yoav-steinberg 2753429c99
Client eviction (#8687)
### Description
A mechanism for disconnecting clients when the sum of all connected clients is above a
configured limit. This prevents eviction or OOM caused by accumulated used memory
between all clients. It's a complimentary mechanism to the `client-output-buffer-limit`
mechanism which takes into account not only a single client and not only output buffers
but rather all memory used by all clients.

#### Design
The general design is as following:
* We track memory usage of each client, taking into account all memory used by the
  client (query buffer, output buffer, parsed arguments, etc...). This is kept up to date
  after reading from the socket, after processing commands and after writing to the socket.
* Based on the used memory we sort all clients into buckets. Each bucket contains all
  clients using up up to x2 memory of the clients in the bucket below it. For example up
  to 1m clients, up to 2m clients, up to 4m clients, ...
* Before processing a command and before sleep we check if we're over the configured
  limit. If we are we start disconnecting clients from larger buckets downwards until we're
  under the limit.

#### Config
`maxmemory-clients` max memory all clients are allowed to consume, above this threshold
we disconnect clients.
This config can either be set to 0 (meaning no limit), a size in bytes (possibly with MB/GB
suffix), or as a percentage of `maxmemory` by using the `%` suffix (e.g. setting it to `10%`
would mean 10% of `maxmemory`).

#### Important code changes
* During the development I encountered yet more situations where our io-threads access
  global vars. And needed to fix them. I also had to handle keeps the clients sorted into the
  memory buckets (which are global) while their memory usage changes in the io-thread.
  To achieve this I decided to simplify how we check if we're in an io-thread and make it
  much more explicit. I removed the `CLIENT_PENDING_READ` flag used for checking
  if the client is in an io-thread (it wasn't used for anything else) and just used the global
  `io_threads_op` variable the same way to check during writes.
* I optimized the cleanup of the client from the `clients_pending_read` list on client freeing.
  We now store a pointer in the `client` struct to this list so we don't need to search in it
* Added `evicted_clients` stat to `INFO` command.
* Added `CLIENT NO-EVICT ON|OFF` sub command to exclude a specific client from the
  client eviction mechanism. Added corrosponding 'e' flag in the client info string.
* Added `multi-mem` field in the client info string to show how much memory is used up
  by buffered multi commands.
* Client `tot-mem` now accounts for buffered multi-commands, pubsub patterns and
  channels (partially), tracking prefixes (partially).
* CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP flag is now handled in a new `beforeNextClient()` function so
  clients will be disconnected between processing different clients and not only before sleep.
  This new function can be used in the future for work we want to do outside the command
  processing loop but don't want to wait for all clients to be processed before we get to it.
  Specifically I wanted to handle output-buffer-limit related closing before we process client
  eviction in case the two race with each other.
* Added a `DEBUG CLIENT-EVICTION` command to print out info about the client eviction
* Each client now holds a pointer to the client eviction memory usage bucket it belongs to
  and listNode to itself in that bucket for quick removal.
* Global `io_threads_op` variable now can contain a `IO_THREADS_OP_IDLE` value
  indicating no io-threading is currently being executed.
* In order to track memory used by each clients in real-time we can't rely on updating
  these stats in `clientsCron()` alone anymore. So now I call `updateClientMemUsage()`
  (used to be `clientsCronTrackClientsMemUsage()`) after command processing, after
  writing data to pubsub clients, after writing the output buffer and after reading from the
  socket (and maybe other places too). The function is written to be fast.
* Clients are evicted if needed (with appropriate log line) in `beforeSleep()` and before
  processing a command (before performing oom-checks and key-eviction).
* All clients memory usage buckets are grouped as follows:
  * All clients using less than 64k.
  * 64K..128K
  * 128K..256K
  * ...
  * 2G..4G
  * All clients using 4g and up.
* Added client-eviction.tcl with a bunch of tests for the new mechanism.
* Extended maxmemory.tcl to test the interaction between maxmemory and
  maxmemory-clients settings.
* Added an option to flag a numeric configuration variable as a "percent", this means that
  if we encounter a '%' after the number in the config file (or config set command) we
  consider it as valid. Such a number is store internally as a negative value. This way an
  integer value can be interpreted as either a percent (negative) or absolute value (positive).
  This is useful for example if some numeric configuration can optionally be set to a percentage
  of something else.

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-09-23 14:02:16 +03:00
Huang Zhw 75dd230994
bitpos/bitcount add bit index (#9324)
Make bitpos/bitcount support bit index:

BITPOS key bit [start [end [BIT|BYTE]]]
BITCOUNT key [start end [BIT|BYTE]]

The default behavior is `BYTE`, so these commands are still compatible with old.
2021-09-12 11:31:22 +03:00
Oran Agra 3f3f678a47
corrupt-dump-fuzzer test, avoid creating junk keys (#9302)
The execution of the RPOPLPUSH command by the fuzzer created junk keys,
that were later being selected by RANDOMKEY and modified.
This also meant that lists were statistically tested more than other

Fix the fuzzer not to pass junk key names to RPOPLPUSH, and add a check
that detects that new keys are not added by the fuzzer to detect future
similar issues.
2021-08-05 22:57:05 +03:00
Wen Hui db41536454
Remove duplicate zero-port sentinels (#9240)
The issue is that when a sentinel with the same address and IP is turned on with a different runid, its port is set to 0 but it is still present in the dictionary master->sentinels which contain all the sentinels for a master.

This causes a problem when we do INFO SENTINEL because it takes the size of the dictionary of sentinels. This might also cause a problem for failover if enough sentinels have their port set to 0 since the number of voters in failover is also determined by the size of the dictionary of sentinels.

This commits removes the sentinels with the port set to zero from the dictionary of sentinels.
Fixes #8786
2021-07-29 12:32:28 +03:00
Binbin 0bfccc55e2
Fixed some typos, add a spell check ci and others minor fix (#8890)
This PR adds a spell checker CI action that will fail future PRs if they introduce typos and spelling mistakes.
This spell checker is based on blacklist of common spelling mistakes, so it will not catch everything,
but at least it is also unlikely to cause false positives.

Besides that, the PR also fixes many spelling mistakes and types, not all are a result of the spell checker we use.

Here's a summary of other changes:
1. Scanned the entire source code and fixes all sorts of typos and spelling mistakes (including missing or extra spaces).
2. Outdated function / variable / argument names in comments
3. Fix outdated keyspace masks error log when we check `config.notify-keyspace-events` in loadServerConfigFromString.
4. Trim the white space at the end of line in `module.c`. Check:
5. Some outdated https link URLs.
6. Fix some outdated comment. Such as:
    - In README: about the rdb, we used to said create a `thread`, change to `process`
    - dbRandomKey function coment (about the dictGetRandomKey, change to dictGetFairRandomKey)
    - notifyKeyspaceEvent fucntion comment (add type arg)
    - Some others minor fix in comment (Most of them are incorrectly quoted by variable names)
7. Modified the error log so that users can easily distinguish between TCP and TLS in `changeBindAddr`
2021-06-10 15:39:33 +03:00
Yossi Gottlieb 8a86bca5ed
Improve test suite to handle external servers better. (#9033)
This commit revives the improves the ability to run the test suite against
external servers, instead of launching and managing `redis-server` processes as
part of the test fixture.

This capability existed in the past, using the `--host` and `--port` options.
However, it was quite limited and mostly useful when running a specific tests.
Attempting to run larger chunks of the test suite experienced many issues:

* Many tests depend on being able to start and control `redis-server` themselves,
and there's no clear distinction between external server compatible and other
* Cluster mode is not supported (resulting with `CROSSSLOT` errors).

This PR cleans up many things and makes it possible to run the entire test suite
against an external server. It also provides more fine grained controls to
handle cases where the external server supports a subset of the Redis commands,
limited number of databases, cluster mode, etc.

The tests directory now contains a `` file that describes how this

This commit also includes additional cleanups and fixes:

* Tests can now be tagged.
* Tag-based selection is now unified across `start_server`, `tags` and `test`.
* More information is provided about skipped or ignored tests.
* Repeated patterns in tests have been extracted to common procedures, both at a
  global level and on a per-test file basis.
* Cleaned up some cases where test setup was based on a previous test executing
  (a major anti-pattern that repeats itself in many places).
* Cleaned up some cases where test teardown was not part of a test (in the
  future we should have dedicated teardown code that executes even when tests
* Fixed some tests that were flaky running on external servers.
2021-06-09 15:13:24 +03:00
ny0312 53d1acd598
Always replicate time-to-live(TTL) as absolute timestamps in milliseconds (#8474)
Till now, on replica full-sync we used to transfer absolute time for TTL,
however when a command arrived (EXPIRE or EXPIREAT),
we used to propagate it as is to replicas (possibly with relative time),
but always translate it to EXPIREAT (absolute time) to AOF.

This commit changes that and will always use absolute time for propagation.
see discussion in #8433

Furthermore, we Introduce new commands: `EXPIRETIME/PEXPIRETIME`
that allow extracting the absolute TTL time from a key.
2021-05-30 09:20:32 +03:00
YaacovHazan 32a2584e07
stabilize tests that involved with load handlers (#8967)
When test stop 'load handler' by killing the process that generating the load,
some commands that already in the input buffer, still might be processed by the server.
This may cause some instability in tests, that count on that no more commands
processed after we stop the `load handler'

In this commit, new proc 'wait_load_handlers_disconnected' added, to verify that no more
cammands from any 'load handler' prossesed, by checking that the clients who
genreate the load is disconnceted.

Also, replacing check of dbsize with wait_for_ofs_sync before comparing debug digest, as
it would fail in case the last key the workload wrote was an overridden key (not a new one).

Affected tests
Race fix:
- failover command to specific replica works
- Connect multiple replicas at the same time (issue #141), master diskless=$mdl, replica diskless=$sdl
- AOF rewrite during write load: RDB preamble=$rdbpre

Cleanup and speedup:
- Test replication with blocking lists and sorted sets operations
- Test replication with parallel clients writing in different DBs
- Test replication partial resync: $descr (diskless: $mdl, $sdl, reconnect: $reconnect
2021-05-20 15:29:43 +03:00
Oran Agra 611959eee5
fuzz tester, try to print hung command (#8837) 2021-04-25 13:08:46 +03:00
Hanna Fadida 53a4d6c3b1
Modules: adding a module type for key space notification (#8759)
Adding a new type mask ​for key space notification, REDISMODULE_NOTIFY_MODULE, to enable unique notifications from commands on REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_MODULE type keys (which is currently unsupported).

Modules can subscribe to a module key keyspace notification by RM_SubscribeToKeyspaceEvents,
and clients by notify-keyspace-events of redis.conf or via the CONFIG SET, with the characters 'd' or 'A' 
(REDISMODULE_NOTIFY_MODULE type mask is part of the '**A**ll' notation for key space notifications).

Refactor: move some pubsub test infra from pubsub.tcl to util.tcl to be re-used by other tests.
2021-04-19 21:33:26 +03:00
Oran Agra f4b5a4d869
Improve testsuite print of log file (#8805)
1. the `dump_logs` option would have printed only logs of servers that were
   spawn before the test proc started, and not ones that the test proc
   started inside it.
2. when a server proc catches an exception it should normally forward the
   exception upwards, specifically when it's an assertion that should be
   caught by a test proc above. however, in `durable` mode, we caught all
   exceptions printed them to stdout and let the code continue,
   this was wrong to do for assertions, which should have still been
   propagated to the test function.
3. don't bother to search for crash log to print if we printed the the
   entire log anyway
4. if no crash log was found, no need to print anything (i.e. the fact it
   wasn't found)
5. rename warnings_from_file to crashlog_from_file
2021-04-18 11:55:54 +03:00
sundb 569a3f4548
Use chi-square for random distributivity verification in test (#8709)
Currently, when performing random distribution verification, we determine
the probability of each element occurring in the sum, but the probability is
only an estimate, these tests had rare sporadic failures, and we cannot verify
what the probability of failure will be.

Using the chi-square distribution instead of the original random distribution
validation makes the test more reasonable and easier to find problems.
2021-04-01 08:20:15 +03:00
Sokolov Yura 315df9ada0
Add cluster slot migration tests (#8649)
Add tests for fixing migrating slot at all stages:

1. when migration is half inited on "migrating" node
2. when migration is half inited on "importing" node
3. migration inited, but not finished
4. migration is half finished on "migrating" node
5. migration is half finished on "importing" node

Also add tests for many simultaneous slot migrations.

Co-authored-by: Yossi Gottlieb <>
2021-03-29 13:52:02 +03:00
sundb 18ac41973b
RAND* commands: fix risk of OOM panic in hash and zset, use fair random in hash, and add tests for even distribution to all (#8429)
* Fix risk of OOM panic when client query a very big negative count (avoid allocating huge temporary buffer).
* Fix uneven random distribution in HRANDFIELD with negative count (wasn't using dictGetFairRandomKey).
* Add tests to check an even random distribution (HRANDFIELD, SRANDMEMBER, ZRANDMEMBER).

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-02-05 15:56:20 +02:00
Oran Agra 5a7eb9c881
Fix test issues from introduction of HRANDFIELD (#8424)
* The corrupt dump fuzzer found a division by zero.
* in some cases the random fields from the HRANDFIELD tests produced
  fields with newlines and other special chars (due to \ char), this caused
  the TCL tests to see a bulk response that has a newline in it and add {}
  around it, later it can think this is a nested list. in fact the `alpha` random
  string generator isn't using spaces and newlines, so it should not use `\`
2021-01-31 12:13:45 +02:00
Yang Bodong b9a0500f16
Add HRANDFIELD and ZRANDMEMBER. improvements to SRANDMEMBER (#8297)
New commands:
Algorithms are similar to the one in SRANDMEMBER.

Both return a simple bulk response when no arguments are given, and an array otherwise.
In case values/scores are requested, RESP2 returns a long array, and RESP3 a nested array.
note: in all 3 commands, the only option that also provides random order is the one with negative count.

* Optimization when count is 1, we can use the more efficient algorithm of non-unique random
* optimization: work with sds strings rather than robj

Other changes:
* zzlGetScore: when zset needs to convert string to double, we use safer memcpy (in
  case the buffer is too small)
* Solve a "bug" in SRANDMEMBER test: it intended to test a positive count (case 3 or
  case 4) and by accident used a negative count

Co-authored-by: xinluton <>
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-01-29 10:47:28 +02:00
Allen Farris 0d18a1e85f
implement FAILOVER command (#8315)
Implement FAILOVER command, which coordinates failover
between the server and one of its replicas.
2021-01-28 13:18:05 -08:00
filipe oliveira 90b9f08e5d
Add errorstats info section, Add failed_calls and rejected_calls to commandstats (#8217)
This Commit pushes forward the observability on overall error statistics and command statistics within redis-server:

It extends INFO COMMANDSTATS to have
- failed_calls in - so we can keep track of errors that happen from the command itself, broken by command.
- rejected_calls - so we can keep track of errors that were triggered outside the commmand processing per se

Adds a new section to INFO, named ERRORSTATS that enables keeping track of the different errors that
occur within redis ( within processCommand and call ) based on the reply Error Prefix ( The first word
after the "-", up to the first space ).

This commit also fixes RM_ReplyWithError so that it can be correctly identified as an error reply.
2020-12-31 16:53:43 +02:00
Yossi Gottlieb 63c1303cfb
Modules: add defrag API support. (#8149)
Add a new set of defrag functions that take a defrag context and allow
defragmenting memory blocks and RedisModuleStrings.

Modules can register a defrag callback which will be invoked when the
defrag process handles globals.

Modules with custom data types can also register a datatype-specific
defrag callback which is invoked for keys that require defragmentation.
The callback and associated functions support both one-step and
multi-step options, depending on the complexity of the key as exposed by
the free_effort callback.
2020-12-13 09:56:01 +02:00
Yossi Gottlieb 00db1b5579
Fix failing macOS tests due to wc differences. (#8161) 2020-12-08 16:22:16 +02:00
Oran Agra c31055db61 Sanitize dump payload: fuzz tester and fixes for segfaults and leaks it exposed
The test creates keys with various encodings, DUMP them, corrupt the payload
and RESTORES it.
It utilizes the recently added use-exit-on-panic config to distinguish between
 asserts and segfaults.
If the restore succeeds, it runs random commands on the key to attempt to
trigger a crash.

It runs in two modes, one with deep sanitation enabled and one without.
In the first one we don't expect any assertions or segfaults, in the second one
we expect assertions, but no segfaults.
We also check for leaks and invalid reads using valgrind, and if we find them
we print the commands that lead to that issue.

Changes in the code (other than the test):
- Replace a few NPD (null pointer deference) flows and division by zero with an
  assertion, so that it doesn't fail the test. (since we set the server to use
  `exit` rather than `abort` on assertion).
- Fix quite a lot of flows in rdb.c that could have lead to memory leaks in
  RESTORE command (since it now responds with an error rather than panic)
- Add a DEBUG flag for SET-SKIP-CHECKSUM-VALIDATION so that the test don't need
  to bother with faking a valid checksum
- Remove a pile of code in serverLogObjectDebugInfo which is actually unsafe to
  run in the crash report (see comments in the code)
- fix a missing boundary check in lzf_decompress

test suite infra improvements:
- be able to run valgrind checks before the process terminates
- rotate log files when restarting servers
2020-12-06 14:54:34 +02:00
Oran Agra ca1c182567 Sanitize dump payload: ziplist, listpack, zipmap, intset, stream
When loading an encoded payload we will at least do a shallow validation to
check that the size that's encoded in the payload matches the size of the
This let's us later use this encoded size to make sure the various offsets
inside encoded payload don't reach outside the allocation, if they do, we'll
assert/panic, but at least we won't segfault or smear memory.

We can also do 'deep' validation which runs on all the records of the encoded
payload and validates that they don't contain invalid offsets. This lets us
detect corruptions early and reject a RESTORE command rather than accepting
it and asserting (crashing) later when accessing that payload via some command.

- adding ACL flag skip-sanitize-payload
- adding config sanitize-dump-payload [yes/no/clients]

For now, we don't have a good way to ensure MIGRATE in cluster resharding isn't
being slowed down by these sanitation, so i'm setting the default value to `no`,
but later on it should be set to `clients` by default.

- changing rdbReportError not to `exit` in RESTORE command
- adding a new stat to be able to later check if cluster MIGRATE isn't being
  slowed down by sanitation.
2020-12-06 14:54:34 +02:00
Oran Agra 4e2e5be201
Attempt to fix sporadic test failures due to wait_for_log_messages (#7955)
The tests sometimes fail to find a log message.
Recently i added a print that shows the log files that are searched
and it shows that the message was in deed there.
The only reason i can't think of for this seach to fail, is we we
happened to read an incomplete line, which didn't match our pattern and
then on the next iteration we would continue reading from the line after

The fix is to always re-evaluation the previous line.
2020-10-26 11:55:24 +02:00
Oran Agra c96ece9f5e
improve verbose logging on failed test. print log file lines (#7938) 2020-10-22 11:34:54 +03:00
Yossi Gottlieb ef92f507dd
Fix tests failure on busybox systems. (#7916) 2020-10-18 14:50:29 +03:00
Felipe Machado c3f9e01794
Adds new pop-push commands (LMOVE, BLMOVE) (#6929)
Adding [B]LMOVE <src> <dst> RIGHT|LEFT RIGHT|LEFT. deprecating [B]RPOPLPUSH.

Note that when receiving a BRPOPLPUSH we'll still propagate an RPOPLPUSH,
but on BLMOVE RIGHT LEFT we'll propagate an LMOVE

improvement to existing tests
- Replace "after 1000" with "wait_for_condition" when wait for
  clients to block/unblock.
- Add a pre-existing element to target list on basic tests so
  that we can check if the new element was added to the correct
  side of the list.
- check command stats on the replica to make sure the right
  command was replicated

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2020-10-08 08:33:17 +03:00
bodong.ybd f22fa9594d Tests: Some fixes for macOS
1) cur_test: when restart_server, "no such variable" error occurs
  ./runtest --single integration/rdb
  test {client freed during loading}
      SET ::cur_test
          test "Check for memory leaks (pid $pid)"
          SET ::cur_test
          UNSET ::cur_test
      UNSET ::cur_test // This global variable has been unset.

2) `ps --ppid` not available on macOS platform, can be replaced with
`pgrep -P pid`.
2020-09-08 14:27:53 +08:00
Oran Agra 573246f73c
if diskless repl child is killed, make sure to reap the pid (#7742)
Starting redis 6.0 and the changes we made to the diskless master to be
suitable for TLS, I made the master avoid reaping (wait3) the pid of the
child until we know all replicas are done reading their rdb.

I did that in order to avoid a state where the rdb_child_pid is -1 but
we don't yet want to start another fork (still busy serving that data to

It turns out that the solution used so far was problematic in case the
fork child was being killed (e.g. by the kernel OOM killer), in that
case there's a chance that we currently disabled the read event on the
rdb pipe, since we're waiting for a replica to become writable again.
and in that scenario the master would have never realized the child
exited, and the replica will remain hung too.
Note that there's no mechanism to detect a hung replica while it's in
rdb transfer state.

The solution here is to add another pipe which is used by the parent to
tell the child it is safe to exit. this mean that when the child exits,
for whatever reason, it is safe to reap it.

Besides that, i'm re-introducing an adjustment to REPLCONF ACK which was
part of #6271 (Accelerate diskless master connections) but was dropped
when that PR was rebased after the TLS fork/pipe changes (5a47794).
Now that RdbPipeCleanup no longer calls checkChildrenDone, and the ACK
has chance to detect that the child exited, it should be the one to call
it so that we don't have to wait for cron (server.hz) to do that.
2020-09-06 16:43:57 +03:00
Oran Agra 2b998de460
Improve valgrind support for cluster tests (#7725)
- redirect valgrind reports to a dedicated file rather than console
- try to avoid killing instances with SIGKILL so that we get the memory
  leak report (killing with SIGTERM before resorting to SIGKILL)
- search for valgrind reports when done, print them and fail the tests
- add --dont-clean option to keep the logs on exit
- fix exit error code when crash is found (would have exited with 0)

changes that affect the normal redis test suite:
- refactor check_valgrind_errors into two functions one to search and
  one to report
- move the search half into util.tcl to serve the cluster tests too
- ignore "address range perms" valgrind warnings which seem non relevant.
2020-09-06 11:11:49 +03:00
Oran Agra 1b7ba44e79 test infra - wait_done_loading
reduce code duplication in aof.tcl.
move creation of clients into the test so that it can be skipped
2020-09-06 09:59:19 +03:00
Oran Agra 9d527d076b test infra - write test name to logfile 2020-09-06 09:59:19 +03:00