Improve bind and protected-mode config handling. (#9034)

* Specifying an empty `bind ""` configuration prevents Redis from listening on any TCP port. Before this commit, such configuration was not accepted.
* Using `CONFIG GET bind` will always return an explicit configuration value. Before this commit, if a bind address was not specified the returned value was empty (which was an anomaly).

Another behavior change is that modifying the `bind` configuration to a non-default value will NO LONGER DISABLE protected-mode implicitly.
This commit is contained in:
Yossi Gottlieb 2021-06-22 12:50:17 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1ccf2ca2f4
commit 07b0d144ce
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 138 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -561,6 +561,10 @@ void clusterInit(void) {
"Your Redis port number must be 55535 or less.");
if (!server.bindaddr_count) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING, "No bind address is configured, but it is required for the Cluster bus.");
if (listenToPort(port+CLUSTER_PORT_INCR, & == C_ERR) {

View File

@ -453,6 +453,10 @@ void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) {
if (addresses > CONFIG_BINDADDR_MAX) {
err = "Too many bind addresses specified"; goto loaderr;
/* A single empty argument is treated as a zero bindaddr count */
if (addresses == 1 && sdslen(argv[1]) == 0) addresses = 0;
/* Free old bind addresses */
for (j = 0; j < server.bindaddr_count; j++) {
@ -785,7 +789,7 @@ void configSetCommand(client *c) {
int vlen;
sds *v = sdssplitlen(o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr)," ",1,&vlen);
if (vlen < 1 || vlen > CONFIG_BINDADDR_MAX) {
addReplyError(c, "Too many bind addresses specified.");
sdsfreesplitres(v, vlen);
@ -1564,15 +1568,30 @@ void rewriteConfigBindOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = 1;
sds line, addresses;
char *option = "bind";
int is_default = 0;
/* Nothing to rewrite if we don't have bind addresses. */
if (server.bindaddr_count == 0) {
/* Compare server.bindaddr with CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR */
if (server.bindaddr_count == CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR_COUNT) {
is_default = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR_COUNT; j++) {
if (strcmp(server.bindaddr[j], default_bindaddr[j]) != 0) {
is_default = 0;
if (is_default) {
/* Rewrite as bind <addr1> <addr2> ... <addrN> */
addresses = sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
if (server.bindaddr_count > 0)
addresses = sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
addresses = sdsnew("\"\"");
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatsds(line, addresses);

View File

@ -992,7 +992,6 @@ void clientAcceptHandler(connection *conn) {
* requests from non loopback interfaces. Instead we try to explain the
* user what to do to fix it if needed. */
if (server.protected_mode &&
server.bindaddr_count == 0 &&
DefaultUser->flags & USER_FLAG_NOPASS &&
!(c->flags & CLIENT_UNIX_SOCKET))

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@ -2622,6 +2622,7 @@ void createSharedObjects(void) {
void initServerConfig(void) {
int j;
@ -2636,7 +2637,9 @@ void initServerConfig(void) {
server.configfile = NULL;
server.executable = NULL;
server.arch_bits = (sizeof(long) == 8) ? 64 : 32;
server.bindaddr_count = 0;
server.bindaddr_count = CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR_COUNT;
server.bindaddr[j] = zstrdup(default_bindaddr[j]);
server.unixsocketperm = CONFIG_DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET_PERM;
server.ipfd.count = 0;
server.tlsfd.count = 0;
@ -3028,16 +3031,11 @@ int createSocketAcceptHandler(socketFds *sfd, aeFileProc *accept_handler) {
int listenToPort(int port, socketFds *sfd) {
int j;
char **bindaddr = server.bindaddr;
int bindaddr_count = server.bindaddr_count;
char *default_bindaddr[2] = {"*", "-::*"};
/* Force binding of if no bind address is specified. */
if (server.bindaddr_count == 0) {
bindaddr_count = 2;
bindaddr = default_bindaddr;
/* If we have no bind address, we don't listen on a TCP socket */
if (server.bindaddr_count == 0) return C_OK;
for (j = 0; j < bindaddr_count; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < server.bindaddr_count; j++) {
char* addr = bindaddr[j];
int optional = *addr == '-';
if (optional) addr++;

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@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ typedef long long ustime_t; /* microsecond time type. */
#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_BINDADDR { "*", "-::*" }
#define NET_HOST_STR_LEN 256 /* Longest valid hostname */
#define NET_IP_STR_LEN 46 /* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN is 46, but we need to be sure */
#define NET_ADDR_STR_LEN (NET_IP_STR_LEN+32) /* Must be enough for ip:port */

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@ -11,9 +11,26 @@ proc rediscli_tls_config {testsdir} {
# Returns command line for executing redis-cli
proc rediscli {host port {opts {}}} {
set cmd [list src/redis-cli -h $host -p $port]
lappend cmd {*}[rediscli_tls_config "tests"]
lappend cmd {*}$opts
return $cmd
# Returns command line for executing redis-cli with a unix socket address
proc rediscli_unixsocket {unixsocket {opts {}}} {
return [list src/redis-cli -s $unixsocket {*}$opts]
# Run redis-cli with specified args on the server of specified level.
# Returns output broken down into individual lines.
proc rediscli_exec {level args} {
set cmd [rediscli_unixsocket [srv $level unixsocket] $args]
set fd [open "|$cmd" "r"]
set ret [lrange [split [read $fd] "\n"] 0 end-1]
close $fd
return $ret

View File

@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ proc start_server {options {code undefined}} {
proc restart_server {level wait_ready rotate_logs} {
proc restart_server {level wait_ready rotate_logs {reconnect 1}} {
set srv [lindex $::servers end+$level]
kill_server $srv
@ -668,5 +668,7 @@ proc restart_server {level wait_ready rotate_logs} {
after 10
reconnect $level
if {$reconnect} {
reconnect $level

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
source tests/support/cli.tcl
test {CONFIG SET port number} {
start_server {} {
if {$::tls} { set port_cfg tls-port} else { set port_cfg port }
@ -34,3 +36,82 @@ test {CONFIG SET bind address} {
$rd close
} {} {external:skip}
start_server {config "minimal.conf" tags {"external:skip"}} {
test {Default bind address configuration handling} {
# Default is explicit and sane
assert_equal "* -::*" [lindex [r CONFIG GET bind] 1]
# CONFIG REWRITE acknowledges this as a default
assert_equal 0 [count_message_lines [srv 0 config_file] bind]
# Removing the bind address works
r CONFIG SET bind ""
assert_equal "" [lindex [r CONFIG GET bind] 1]
# No additional clients can connect
catch {redis_client} err
assert_match {*connection refused*} $err
# CONFIG REWRITE handles empty bindaddr
assert_equal 1 [count_message_lines [srv 0 config_file] bind]
# Make sure we're able to restart
restart_server 0 0 0 0
# Make sure bind parameter is as expected and server handles binding
# accordingly.
assert_equal {bind {}} [rediscli_exec 0 config get bind]
catch {reconnect 0} err
assert_match {*connection refused*} $err
assert_equal {OK} [rediscli_exec 0 config set bind *]
reconnect 0
r ping
} {PONG}
proc get_nonloopback_addr {} {
set addrlist [list {}]
catch { set addrlist [exec hostname -I] }
return [lindex $addrlist 0]
proc get_nonloopback_client {} {
return [redis [get_nonloopback_addr] [srv 0 "port"] 0 $::tls]
test {Protected mode works as expected} {
# Get a non-loopback address of this instance for this test.
set myaddr [get_nonloopback_addr]
if {$myaddr != "" && ![string match {127.*} $myaddr]} {
# Non-loopback client shoudl fail by default
set r2 [get_nonloopback_client]
catch {$r2 ping} err
assert_match {*DENIED*} $err
# Bind configuration should not matter
assert_equal {OK} [r config set bind "*"]
set r2 [get_nonloopback_client]
catch {$r2 ping} err
assert_match {*DENIED*} $err
# Setting a password should disable protected mode
assert_equal {OK} [r config set requirepass "secret"]
set r2 [redis $myaddr [srv 0 "port"] 0 $::tls]
assert_equal {OK} [$r2 auth secret]
assert_equal {PONG} [$r2 ping]
# Clearing the password re-enables protected mode
assert_equal {OK} [r config set requirepass ""]
set r2 [redis $myaddr [srv 0 "port"] 0 $::tls]
assert_match {*DENIED*} $err
# Explicitly disabling protected-mode works
assert_equal {OK} [r config set protected-mode no]
set r2 [redis $myaddr [srv 0 "port"] 0 $::tls]
assert_equal {PONG} [$r2 ping]