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/* Configuration file parsing and CONFIG GET/SET commands implementation.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#include "server.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* Config file name-value maps.
typedef struct configEnum {
const char *name;
const int val;
} configEnum;
configEnum maxmemory_policy_enum[] = {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
{"volatile-lru", MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU},
{"volatile-lfu", MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LFU},
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
{NULL, 0}
configEnum syslog_facility_enum[] = {
{"user", LOG_USER},
{"local0", LOG_LOCAL0},
{"local1", LOG_LOCAL1},
{"local2", LOG_LOCAL2},
{"local3", LOG_LOCAL3},
{"local4", LOG_LOCAL4},
{"local5", LOG_LOCAL5},
{"local6", LOG_LOCAL6},
{"local7", LOG_LOCAL7},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum loglevel_enum[] = {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
{"debug", LL_DEBUG},
{"verbose", LL_VERBOSE},
{"notice", LL_NOTICE},
{"warning", LL_WARNING},
configEnum supervised_mode_enum[] = {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
{NULL, 0}
configEnum aof_fsync_enum[] = {
{"everysec", AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC},
{"always", AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS},
{"no", AOF_FSYNC_NO},
{NULL, 0}
configEnum repl_diskless_load_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
/* Output buffer limits presets. */
2015-07-28 16:58:04 +02:00
clientBufferLimitsConfig clientBufferLimitsDefaults[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT] = {
{0, 0, 0}, /* normal */
{1024*1024*256, 1024*1024*64, 60}, /* slave */
{1024*1024*32, 1024*1024*8, 60} /* pubsub */
/* Generic config infrastructure function pointers
* int is_valid_fn(val, err)
* Return 1 when val is valid, and 0 when invalid.
2020-01-14 09:10:39 +01:00
* Optionally set err to a static error string.
* int update_fn(val, prev, err)
* This function is called only for CONFIG SET command (not at config file parsing)
* It is called after the actual config is applied,
* Return 1 for success, and 0 for failure.
2020-01-14 09:10:39 +01:00
* Optionally set err to a static error string.
* On failure the config change will be reverted.
/* Configuration values that require no special handling to set, get, load or
* rewrite. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
typedef struct boolConfigData {
int *config; /* The pointer to the server config this value is stored in */
const int default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(int val, char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int (*update_fn)(int val, int prev, char **err); /* Optional function to apply new value at runtime (generic doc above) */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} boolConfigData;
typedef struct stringConfigData {
char **config; /* Pointer to the server config this value is stored in. */
const char *default_value; /* Default value of the config on rewrite. */
int (*is_valid_fn)(char* val, char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int (*update_fn)(char* val, char* prev, char **err); /* Optional function to apply new value at runtime (generic doc above) */
int convert_empty_to_null; /* Boolean indicating if empty strings should
be stored as a NULL value. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} stringConfigData;
typedef struct enumConfigData {
int *config; /* The pointer to the server config this value is stored in */
configEnum *enum_value; /* The underlying enum type this data represents */
const int default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(int val, char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int (*update_fn)(int val, int prev, char **err); /* Optional function to apply new value at runtime (generic doc above) */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} enumConfigData;
typedef enum numericType {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} numericType;
typedef struct numericConfigData {
union {
int *i;
unsigned int *ui;
long *l;
unsigned long *ul;
long long *ll;
unsigned long long *ull;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
size_t *st;
ssize_t *sst;
off_t *ot;
time_t *tt;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} config; /* The pointer to the numeric config this value is stored in */
int is_memory; /* Indicates if this value can be loaded as a memory value */
numericType numeric_type; /* An enum indicating the type of this value */
long long lower_bound; /* The lower bound of this numeric value */
long long upper_bound; /* The upper bound of this numeric value */
const long long default_value; /* The default value of the config on rewrite */
int (*is_valid_fn)(long long val, char **err); /* Optional function to check validity of new value (generic doc above) */
int (*update_fn)(long long val, long long prev, char **err); /* Optional function to apply new value at runtime (generic doc above) */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} numericConfigData;
typedef union typeData {
2019-11-22 06:49:52 +01:00
boolConfigData yesno;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
stringConfigData string;
enumConfigData enumd;
numericConfigData numeric;
} typeData;
typedef struct typeInterface {
/* Called on server start, to init the server with default value */
void (*init)(typeData data);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Called on server start, should return 1 on success, 0 on error and should set err */
int (*load)(typeData data, sds *argc, int argv, char **err);
/* Called on server startup and CONFIG SET, returns 1 on success, 0 on error
* and can set a verbose err string, update is true when called from CONFIG SET */
int (*set)(typeData data, sds value, int update, char **err);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Called on CONFIG GET, required to add output to the client */
void (*get)(client *c, typeData data);
/* Called on CONFIG REWRITE, required to rewrite the config state */
void (*rewrite)(typeData data, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state);
} typeInterface;
typedef struct standardConfig {
const char *name; /* The user visible name of this config */
const char *alias; /* An alias that can also be used for this config */
const int modifiable; /* Can this value be updated by CONFIG SET? */
typeInterface interface; /* The function pointers that define the type interface */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
typeData data; /* The type specific data exposed used by the interface */
} standardConfig;
standardConfig configs[];
* Enum access functions
/* Get enum value from name. If there is no match INT_MIN is returned. */
int configEnumGetValue(configEnum *ce, char *name) {
while(ce->name != NULL) {
if (!strcasecmp(ce->name,name)) return ce->val;
return INT_MIN;
/* Get enum name from value. If no match is found NULL is returned. */
const char *configEnumGetName(configEnum *ce, int val) {
while(ce->name != NULL) {
if (ce->val == val) return ce->name;
return NULL;
2018-10-21 04:37:36 +02:00
/* Wrapper for configEnumGetName() returning "unknown" instead of NULL if
* there is no match. */
const char *configEnumGetNameOrUnknown(configEnum *ce, int val) {
const char *name = configEnumGetName(ce,val);
return name ? name : "unknown";
/* Used for INFO generation. */
const char *evictPolicyToString(void) {
return configEnumGetNameOrUnknown(maxmemory_policy_enum,server.maxmemory_policy);
* Config file parsing
int yesnotoi(char *s) {
if (!strcasecmp(s,"yes")) return 1;
else if (!strcasecmp(s,"no")) return 0;
else return -1;
void appendServerSaveParams(time_t seconds, int changes) {
server.saveparams = zrealloc(server.saveparams,sizeof(struct saveparam)*(server.saveparamslen+1));
server.saveparams[server.saveparamslen].seconds = seconds;
server.saveparams[server.saveparamslen].changes = changes;
void resetServerSaveParams(void) {
server.saveparams = NULL;
server.saveparamslen = 0;
void queueLoadModule(sds path, sds *argv, int argc) {
int i;
struct moduleLoadQueueEntry *loadmod;
loadmod = zmalloc(sizeof(struct moduleLoadQueueEntry));
loadmod->argv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*argc);
loadmod->path = sdsnew(path);
loadmod->argc = argc;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
loadmod->argv[i] = createRawStringObject(argv[i],sdslen(argv[i]));
void initConfigValues() {
for (standardConfig *config = configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
char *err = NULL;
int linenum = 0, totlines, i;
int slaveof_linenum = 0;
sds *lines;
lines = sdssplitlen(config,strlen(config),"\n",1,&totlines);
for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
sds *argv;
int argc;
linenum = i+1;
lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i]," \t\r\n");
/* Skip comments and blank lines */
if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0') continue;
/* Split into arguments */
argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i],&argc);
2013-02-06 06:47:14 +01:00
if (argv == NULL) {
err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
2013-02-06 06:47:14 +01:00
goto loaderr;
/* Skip this line if the resulting command vector is empty. */
if (argc == 0) {
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
int match = 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
for (standardConfig *config = configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
if ((!strcasecmp(argv[0],config->name) ||
(config->alias && !strcasecmp(argv[0],config->alias))))
if (argc != 2) {
err = "wrong number of arguments";
goto loaderr;
if (!config->interface.set(config->data, argv[1], 0, &err)) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
goto loaderr;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
match = 1;
if (match) {
/* Execute config directives */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"bind") && argc >= 2) {
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
int j, addresses = argc-1;
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
if (addresses > CONFIG_BINDADDR_MAX) {
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
err = "Too many bind addresses specified"; goto loaderr;
/* Free old bind addresses */
for (j = 0; j < server.bindaddr_count; j++) {
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
for (j = 0; j < addresses; j++)
server.bindaddr[j] = zstrdup(argv[j+1]);
server.bindaddr_count = addresses;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"unixsocketperm") && argc == 2) {
2011-10-21 03:20:58 +02:00
errno = 0;
server.unixsocketperm = (mode_t)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 8);
if (errno || server.unixsocketperm > 0777) {
err = "Invalid socket file permissions"; goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"save")) {
if (argc == 3) {
int seconds = atoi(argv[1]);
int changes = atoi(argv[2]);
if (seconds < 1 || changes < 0) {
err = "Invalid save parameters"; goto loaderr;
} else if (argc == 2 && !strcasecmp(argv[1],"")) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"dir") && argc == 2) {
if (chdir(argv[1]) == -1) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Can't chdir to '%s': %s",
argv[1], strerror(errno));
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"logfile") && argc == 2) {
FILE *logfp;
server.logfile = zstrdup(argv[1]);
if (server.logfile[0] != '\0') {
/* Test if we are able to open the file. The server will not
* be able to abort just for this problem later... */
logfp = fopen(server.logfile,"a");
if (logfp == NULL) {
err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),
"Can't open the log file: %s", strerror(errno));
goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"include") && argc == 2) {
2019-11-22 07:44:12 +01:00
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[0],"client-query-buffer-limit")) && argc == 2) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
server.client_max_querybuf_len = memtoll(argv[1],NULL);
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[0],"slaveof") ||
!strcasecmp(argv[0],"replicaof")) && argc == 3) {
slaveof_linenum = linenum;
server.masterhost = sdsnew(argv[1]);
server.masterport = atoi(argv[2]);
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
server.repl_state = REPL_STATE_CONNECT;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"requirepass") && argc == 2) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
if (strlen(argv[1]) > CONFIG_AUTHPASS_MAX_LEN) {
err = "Password is longer than CONFIG_AUTHPASS_MAX_LEN";
Fixed a timing attack on AUTH (Issue #560). The way we compared the authentication password using strcmp() allowed an attacker to gain information about the password using a well known class of attacks called "timing attacks". The bug appears to be practically not exploitable in most modern systems running Redis since even using multiple bytes of differences in the input at a time instead of one the difference in running time in in the order of 10 nanoseconds, making it hard to exploit even on LAN. However attacks always get better so we are providing a fix ASAP. The new implementation uses two fixed length buffers and a constant time comparison function, with the goal of: 1) Completely avoid leaking information about the content of the password, since the comparison is always performed between 512 characters and without conditionals. 2) Partially avoid leaking information about the length of the password. About "2" we still have a stage in the code where the real password and the user provided password are copied in the static buffers, we also run two strlen() operations against the two inputs, so the running time of the comparison is a fixed amount plus a time proportional to LENGTH(A)+LENGTH(B). This means that the absolute time of the operation performed is still related to the length of the password in some way, but there is no way to change the input in order to get a difference in the execution time in the comparison that is not just proportional to the string provided by the user (because the password length is fixed). Thus in practical terms the user should try to discover LENGTH(PASSWORD) looking at the whole execution time of the AUTH command and trying to guess a proportionality between the whole execution time and the password length: this appears to be mostly unfeasible in the real world. Also protecting from this attack is not very useful in the case of Redis as a brute force attack is anyway feasible if the password is too short, while with a long password makes it not an issue that the attacker knows the length.
2012-06-21 11:50:01 +02:00
goto loaderr;
/* The old "requirepass" directive just translates to setting
* a password to the default user. The only thing we do
* additionally is to remember the cleartext password in this
* case, for backward compatibility with Redis <= 5. */
sds aclop = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),">%s",argv[1]);
server.requirepass = sdsnew(argv[1]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"list-max-ziplist-entries") && argc == 2){
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"list-max-ziplist-value") && argc == 2) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"rename-command") && argc == 3) {
struct redisCommand *cmd = lookupCommand(argv[1]);
int retval;
if (!cmd) {
err = "No such command in rename-command";
goto loaderr;
2013-01-16 18:00:20 +01:00
/* If the target command name is the empty string we just
* remove it from the command table. */
retval = dictDelete(server.commands, argv[1]);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(retval == DICT_OK);
/* Otherwise we re-add the command under a different name. */
if (sdslen(argv[2]) != 0) {
sds copy = sdsdup(argv[2]);
retval = dictAdd(server.commands, copy, cmd);
if (retval != DICT_OK) {
err = "Target command name already exists"; goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"cluster-config-file") && argc == 2) {
server.cluster_configfile = zstrdup(argv[1]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"client-output-buffer-limit") &&
argc == 5)
int class = getClientTypeByName(argv[1]);
unsigned long long hard, soft;
int soft_seconds;
Security: CONFIG SET client-output-buffer-limit overflow fixed. This commit fixes a vunlerability reported by Cory Duplantis of Cisco Talos, see TALOS-2016-0206 for reference. CONFIG SET client-output-buffer-limit accepts as client class "master" which is actually only used to implement CLIENT KILL. The "master" class has ID 3. What happens is that the global structure: server.client_obuf_limits[class] Is accessed with class = 3. However it is a 3 elements array, so writing the 4th element means to write up to 24 bytes of memory *after* the end of the array, since the structure is defined as: typedef struct clientBufferLimitsConfig { unsigned long long hard_limit_bytes; unsigned long long soft_limit_bytes; time_t soft_limit_seconds; } clientBufferLimitsConfig; EVALUATION OF IMPACT: Checking what's past the boundaries of the array in the global 'server' structure, we find AOF state fields: clientBufferLimitsConfig client_obuf_limits[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT]; /* AOF persistence */ int aof_state; /* AOF_(ON|OFF|WAIT_REWRITE) */ int aof_fsync; /* Kind of fsync() policy */ char *aof_filename; /* Name of the AOF file */ int aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite; /* Don't fsync if a rewrite is in prog. */ int aof_rewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */ off_t aof_rewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */ off_t aof_rewrite_base_size; /* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */ off_t aof_current_size; /* AOF current size. */ Writing to most of these fields should be harmless and only cause problems in Redis persistence that should not escalate to security problems. However unfortunately writing to "aof_filename" could be potentially a security issue depending on the access pattern. Searching for "aof.filename" accesses in the source code returns many different usages of the field, including using it as input for open(), logging to the Redis log file or syslog, and calling the rename() syscall. It looks possible that attacks could lead at least to informations disclosure of the state and data inside Redis. However note that the attacker must already have access to the server. But, worse than that, it looks possible that being able to change the AOF filename can be used to mount more powerful attacks: like overwriting random files with AOF data (easily a potential security issue as demostrated here:, or even more subtle attacks where the AOF filename is changed to a path were a malicious AOF file is loaded in order to exploit other potential issues when the AOF parser is fed with untrusted input (no known issue known currently). The fix checks the places where the 'master' class is specifiedf in order to access configuration data structures, and return an error in this cases. WHO IS AT RISK? The "master" client class was introduced in Redis in Jul 28 2015. Every Redis instance released past this date is not vulnerable while all the releases after this date are. Notably: Redis 3.0.x is NOT vunlerable. Redis 3.2.x IS vulnerable. Redis unstable is vulnerable. In order for the instance to be at risk, at least one of the following conditions must be true: 1. The attacker can access Redis remotely and is able to send the CONFIG SET command (often banned in managed Redis instances). 2. The attacker is able to control the "redis.conf" file and can wait or trigger a server restart. The problem was fixed 26th September 2016 in all the releases affected.
2016-09-25 22:48:41 +02:00
if (class == -1 || class == CLIENT_TYPE_MASTER) {
err = "Unrecognized client limit class: the user specified "
"an invalid one, or 'master' which has no buffer limits.";
goto loaderr;
hard = memtoll(argv[2],NULL);
soft = memtoll(argv[3],NULL);
soft_seconds = atoi(argv[4]);
if (soft_seconds < 0) {
2013-01-16 18:00:20 +01:00
err = "Negative number of seconds in soft limit is invalid";
goto loaderr;
server.client_obuf_limits[class].hard_limit_bytes = hard;
server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_bytes = soft;
server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_seconds = soft_seconds;
2013-01-23 16:23:33 +01:00
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"notify-keyspace-events") && argc == 2) {
int flags = keyspaceEventsStringToFlags(argv[1]);
if (flags == -1) {
err = "Invalid event class character. Use 'g$lshzxeA'.";
goto loaderr;
2013-01-23 16:23:33 +01:00
server.notify_keyspace_events = flags;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"user") && argc >= 2) {
int argc_err;
if (ACLAppendUserForLoading(argv,argc,&argc_err) == C_ERR) {
char buf[1024];
char *errmsg = ACLSetUserStringError();
snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Error in user declaration '%s': %s",
err = buf;
goto loaderr;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"loadmodule") && argc >= 2) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"sentinel")) {
/* argc == 1 is handled by main() as we need to enter the sentinel
* mode ASAP. */
if (argc != 1) {
if (!server.sentinel_mode) {
err = "sentinel directive while not in sentinel mode";
goto loaderr;
err = sentinelHandleConfiguration(argv+1,argc-1);
if (err) goto loaderr;
} else {
err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments"; goto loaderr;
/* Sanity checks. */
if (server.cluster_enabled && server.masterhost) {
linenum = slaveof_linenum;
i = linenum-1;
err = "replicaof directive not allowed in cluster mode";
goto loaderr;
fprintf(stderr, "\n*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis %s) ***\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Reading the configuration file, at line %d\n", linenum);
fprintf(stderr, ">>> '%s'\n", lines[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
/* Load the server configuration from the specified filename.
* The function appends the additional configuration directives stored
* in the 'options' string to the config file before loading.
* Both filename and options can be NULL, in such a case are considered
2013-01-16 18:00:20 +01:00
* empty. This way loadServerConfig can be used to just load a file or
* just load a string. */
void loadServerConfig(char *filename, char *options) {
sds config = sdsempty();
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
char buf[CONFIG_MAX_LINE+1];
/* Load the file content */
if (filename) {
FILE *fp;
if (filename[0] == '-' && filename[1] == '\0') {
fp = stdin;
} else {
if ((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
"Fatal error, can't open config file '%s'", filename);
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
while(fgets(buf,CONFIG_MAX_LINE+1,fp) != NULL)
config = sdscat(config,buf);
if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
/* Append the additional options */
if (options) {
config = sdscat(config,"\n");
config = sdscat(config,options);
* CONFIG SET implementation
#define config_set_bool_field(_name,_var) \
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name)) { \
int yn = yesnotoi(o->ptr); \
if (yn == -1) goto badfmt; \
_var = yn;
#define config_set_numerical_field(_name,_var,min,max) \
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name)) { \
if (getLongLongFromObject(o,&ll) == C_ERR) goto badfmt; \
if (min != LLONG_MIN && ll < min) goto badfmt; \
if (max != LLONG_MAX && ll > max) goto badfmt; \
_var = ll;
#define config_set_memory_field(_name,_var) \
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name)) { \
ll = memtoll(o->ptr,&err); \
if (err || ll < 0) goto badfmt; \
_var = ll;
#define config_set_special_field(_name) \
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name)) {
2019-11-22 07:28:50 +01:00
#define config_set_special_field_with_alias(_name1,_name2) \
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name1) || \
!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,_name2)) {
#define config_set_else } else
void configSetCommand(client *c) {
robj *o;
long long ll;
int err;
char *errstr = NULL;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
o = c->argv[3];
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
for (standardConfig *config = configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
if(config->modifiable && (!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,config->name) ||
(config->alias && !strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,config->alias))))
if (!config->interface.set(config->data,o->ptr,1,&errstr)) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
goto badfmt;
if (0) { /* this starts the config_set macros else-if chain. */
/* Special fields that can't be handled with general macros. */
config_set_special_field("requirepass") {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
if (sdslen(o->ptr) > CONFIG_AUTHPASS_MAX_LEN) goto badfmt;
/* The old "requirepass" directive just translates to setting
* a password to the default user. The only thing we do
* additionally is to remember the cleartext password in this
* case, for backward compatibility with Redis <= 5. */
2019-01-21 07:53:46 +01:00
sds aclop = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),">%s",(char*)o->ptr);
server.requirepass = sdsnew(o->ptr);
} config_set_special_field("save") {
int vlen, j;
sds *v = sdssplitlen(o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr)," ",1,&vlen);
/* Perform sanity check before setting the new config:
* - Even number of args
* - Seconds >= 1, changes >= 0 */
if (vlen & 1) {
goto badfmt;
for (j = 0; j < vlen; j++) {
char *eptr;
long val;
val = strtoll(v[j], &eptr, 10);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' ||
((j & 1) == 0 && val < 1) ||
((j & 1) == 1 && val < 0)) {
goto badfmt;
/* Finally set the new config */
for (j = 0; j < vlen; j += 2) {
time_t seconds;
int changes;
seconds = strtoll(v[j],NULL,10);
changes = strtoll(v[j+1],NULL,10);
appendServerSaveParams(seconds, changes);
} config_set_special_field("dir") {
2011-02-14 02:51:27 +01:00
if (chdir((char*)o->ptr) == -1) {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Changing directory: %s", strerror(errno));
} config_set_special_field("client-output-buffer-limit") {
int vlen, j;
sds *v = sdssplitlen(o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr)," ",1,&vlen);
/* We need a multiple of 4: <class> <hard> <soft> <soft_seconds> */
if (vlen % 4) {
goto badfmt;
/* Sanity check of single arguments, so that we either refuse the
* whole configuration string or accept it all, even if a single
* error in a single client class is present. */
for (j = 0; j < vlen; j++) {
long val;
if ((j % 4) == 0) {
Security: CONFIG SET client-output-buffer-limit overflow fixed. This commit fixes a vunlerability reported by Cory Duplantis of Cisco Talos, see TALOS-2016-0206 for reference. CONFIG SET client-output-buffer-limit accepts as client class "master" which is actually only used to implement CLIENT KILL. The "master" class has ID 3. What happens is that the global structure: server.client_obuf_limits[class] Is accessed with class = 3. However it is a 3 elements array, so writing the 4th element means to write up to 24 bytes of memory *after* the end of the array, since the structure is defined as: typedef struct clientBufferLimitsConfig { unsigned long long hard_limit_bytes; unsigned long long soft_limit_bytes; time_t soft_limit_seconds; } clientBufferLimitsConfig; EVALUATION OF IMPACT: Checking what's past the boundaries of the array in the global 'server' structure, we find AOF state fields: clientBufferLimitsConfig client_obuf_limits[CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT]; /* AOF persistence */ int aof_state; /* AOF_(ON|OFF|WAIT_REWRITE) */ int aof_fsync; /* Kind of fsync() policy */ char *aof_filename; /* Name of the AOF file */ int aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite; /* Don't fsync if a rewrite is in prog. */ int aof_rewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */ off_t aof_rewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */ off_t aof_rewrite_base_size; /* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */ off_t aof_current_size; /* AOF current size. */ Writing to most of these fields should be harmless and only cause problems in Redis persistence that should not escalate to security problems. However unfortunately writing to "aof_filename" could be potentially a security issue depending on the access pattern. Searching for "aof.filename" accesses in the source code returns many different usages of the field, including using it as input for open(), logging to the Redis log file or syslog, and calling the rename() syscall. It looks possible that attacks could lead at least to informations disclosure of the state and data inside Redis. However note that the attacker must already have access to the server. But, worse than that, it looks possible that being able to change the AOF filename can be used to mount more powerful attacks: like overwriting random files with AOF data (easily a potential security issue as demostrated here:, or even more subtle attacks where the AOF filename is changed to a path were a malicious AOF file is loaded in order to exploit other potential issues when the AOF parser is fed with untrusted input (no known issue known currently). The fix checks the places where the 'master' class is specifiedf in order to access configuration data structures, and return an error in this cases. WHO IS AT RISK? The "master" client class was introduced in Redis in Jul 28 2015. Every Redis instance released past this date is not vulnerable while all the releases after this date are. Notably: Redis 3.0.x is NOT vunlerable. Redis 3.2.x IS vulnerable. Redis unstable is vulnerable. In order for the instance to be at risk, at least one of the following conditions must be true: 1. The attacker can access Redis remotely and is able to send the CONFIG SET command (often banned in managed Redis instances). 2. The attacker is able to control the "redis.conf" file and can wait or trigger a server restart. The problem was fixed 26th September 2016 in all the releases affected.
2016-09-25 22:48:41 +02:00
int class = getClientTypeByName(v[j]);
if (class == -1 || class == CLIENT_TYPE_MASTER) {
goto badfmt;
} else {
val = memtoll(v[j], &err);
if (err || val < 0) {
goto badfmt;
/* Finally set the new config */
for (j = 0; j < vlen; j += 4) {
int class;
unsigned long long hard, soft;
int soft_seconds;
class = getClientTypeByName(v[j]);
hard = memtoll(v[j+1],NULL);
soft = memtoll(v[j+2],NULL);
soft_seconds = strtoll(v[j+3],NULL,10);
server.client_obuf_limits[class].hard_limit_bytes = hard;
server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_bytes = soft;
server.client_obuf_limits[class].soft_limit_seconds = soft_seconds;
} config_set_special_field("notify-keyspace-events") {
int flags = keyspaceEventsStringToFlags(o->ptr);
if (flags == -1) goto badfmt;
server.notify_keyspace_events = flags;
/* Numerical fields.
* config_set_numerical_field(name,var,min,max) */
} config_set_numerical_field(
"watchdog-period",ll,0,INT_MAX) {
if (ll)
/* Memory fields.
* config_set_memory_field(name,var) */
2019-11-22 07:28:50 +01:00
} config_set_memory_field(
"client-query-buffer-limit",server.client_max_querybuf_len) {
2020-01-14 09:10:39 +01:00
/* Everything else is an error... */
} config_set_else {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Unsupported CONFIG parameter: %s",
/* On success we just return a generic OK for all the options. */
badfmt: /* Bad format errors */
if (errstr) {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Invalid argument '%s' for CONFIG SET '%s' - %s",
} else {
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Invalid argument '%s' for CONFIG SET '%s'",
* CONFIG GET implementation
#define config_get_string_field(_name,_var) do { \
if (stringmatch(pattern,_name,1)) { \
addReplyBulkCString(c,_name); \
addReplyBulkCString(c,_var ? _var : ""); \
matches++; \
} \
} while(0);
#define config_get_bool_field(_name,_var) do { \
if (stringmatch(pattern,_name,1)) { \
addReplyBulkCString(c,_name); \
addReplyBulkCString(c,_var ? "yes" : "no"); \
matches++; \
} \
} while(0);
#define config_get_numerical_field(_name,_var) do { \
if (stringmatch(pattern,_name,1)) { \
ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),_var); \
addReplyBulkCString(c,_name); \
addReplyBulkCString(c,buf); \
matches++; \
} \
} while(0);
void configGetCommand(client *c) {
robj *o = c->argv[2];
void *replylen = addReplyDeferredLen(c);
char *pattern = o->ptr;
char buf[128];
int matches = 0;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
for (standardConfig *config = configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
if (stringmatch(pattern,config->name,1)) {
if (config->alias && stringmatch(pattern,config->alias,1)) {
/* String values */
/* Numerical values */
2012-03-27 11:47:51 +02:00
/* Everything we can't handle with macros follows. */
if (stringmatch(pattern,"dir",1)) {
2011-02-14 02:51:27 +01:00
char buf[1024];
if (getcwd(buf,sizeof(buf)) == NULL)
2011-02-21 17:41:25 +01:00
buf[0] = '\0';
2011-02-14 02:51:27 +01:00
if (stringmatch(pattern,"save",1)) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < server.saveparamslen; j++) {
buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%jd %d",
if (j != server.saveparamslen-1)
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
if (stringmatch(pattern,"client-output-buffer-limit",1)) {
sds buf = sdsempty();
int j;
2015-07-28 16:58:04 +02:00
for (j = 0; j < CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT; j++) {
buf = sdscatprintf(buf,"%s %llu %llu %ld",
(long) server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds);
2015-07-28 16:58:04 +02:00
buf = sdscatlen(buf," ",1);
if (stringmatch(pattern,"unixsocketperm",1)) {
char buf[32];
if (stringmatch(pattern,"slaveof",1) ||
char *optname = stringmatch(pattern,"slaveof",1) ?
"slaveof" : "replicaof";
char buf[256];
if (server.masterhost)
snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s %d",
server.masterhost, server.masterport);
buf[0] = '\0';
if (stringmatch(pattern,"notify-keyspace-events",1)) {
sds flags = keyspaceEventsFlagsToString(server.notify_keyspace_events);
if (stringmatch(pattern,"bind",1)) {
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
sds aux = sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
if (stringmatch(pattern,"requirepass",1)) {
sds password = server.requirepass;
if (password) {
} else {
2019-01-18 11:30:40 +01:00
* CONFIG REWRITE implementation
/* We use the following dictionary type to store where a configuration
* option is mentioned in the old configuration file, so it's
* like "maxmemory" -> list of line numbers (first line is zero). */
Use SipHash hash function to mitigate HashDos attempts. This change attempts to switch to an hash function which mitigates the effects of the HashDoS attack (denial of service attack trying to force data structures to worst case behavior) while at the same time providing Redis with an hash function that does not expect the input data to be word aligned, a condition no longer true now that sds.c strings have a varialbe length header. Note that it is possible sometimes that even using an hash function for which collisions cannot be generated without knowing the seed, special implementation details or the exposure of the seed in an indirect way (for example the ability to add elements to a Set and check the return in which Redis returns them with SMEMBERS) may make the attacker's life simpler in the process of trying to guess the correct seed, however the next step would be to switch to a log(N) data structure when too many items in a single bucket are detected: this seems like an overkill in the case of Redis. SPEED REGRESION TESTS: In order to verify that switching from MurmurHash to SipHash had no impact on speed, a set of benchmarks involving fast insertion of 5 million of keys were performed. The result shows Redis with SipHash in high pipelining conditions to be about 4% slower compared to using the previous hash function. However this could partially be related to the fact that the current implementation does not attempt to hash whole words at a time but reads single bytes, in order to have an output which is endian-netural and at the same time working on systems where unaligned memory accesses are a problem. Further X86 specific optimizations should be tested, the function may easily get at the same level of MurMurHash2 if a few optimizations are performed.
2017-02-20 16:09:54 +01:00
uint64_t dictSdsCaseHash(const void *key);
int dictSdsKeyCaseCompare(void *privdata, const void *key1, const void *key2);
void dictSdsDestructor(void *privdata, void *val);
void dictListDestructor(void *privdata, void *val);
/* Sentinel config rewriting is implemented inside sentinel.c by
* rewriteConfigSentinelOption(). */
void rewriteConfigSentinelOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state);
dictType optionToLineDictType = {
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictListDestructor /* val destructor */
dictType optionSetDictType = {
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
NULL /* val destructor */
/* The config rewrite state. */
struct rewriteConfigState {
dict *option_to_line; /* Option -> list of config file lines map */
dict *rewritten; /* Dictionary of already processed options */
int numlines; /* Number of lines in current config */
sds *lines; /* Current lines as an array of sds strings */
int has_tail; /* True if we already added directives that were
not present in the original config file. */
/* Append the new line to the current configuration state. */
void rewriteConfigAppendLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds line) {
state->lines = zrealloc(state->lines, sizeof(char*) * (state->numlines+1));
state->lines[state->numlines++] = line;
/* Populate the option -> list of line numbers map. */
void rewriteConfigAddLineNumberToOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds option, int linenum) {
list *l = dictFetchValue(state->option_to_line,option);
if (l == NULL) {
l = listCreate();
/* Add the specified option to the set of processed options.
* This is useful as only unused lines of processed options will be blanked
* in the config file, while options the rewrite process does not understand
* remain untouched. */
void rewriteConfigMarkAsProcessed(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option) {
sds opt = sdsnew(option);
if (dictAdd(state->rewritten,opt,NULL) != DICT_OK) sdsfree(opt);
/* Read the old file, split it into lines to populate a newly created
* config rewrite state, and return it to the caller.
* If it is impossible to read the old file, NULL is returned.
* If the old file does not exist at all, an empty state is returned. */
struct rewriteConfigState *rewriteConfigReadOldFile(char *path) {
FILE *fp = fopen(path,"r");
if (fp == NULL && errno != ENOENT) return NULL;
char buf[CONFIG_MAX_LINE+1];
int linenum = -1;
struct rewriteConfigState *state = zmalloc(sizeof(*state));
state->option_to_line = dictCreate(&optionToLineDictType,NULL);
state->rewritten = dictCreate(&optionSetDictType,NULL);
state->numlines = 0;
state->lines = NULL;
state->has_tail = 0;
if (fp == NULL) return state;
/* Read the old file line by line, populate the state. */
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
while(fgets(buf,CONFIG_MAX_LINE+1,fp) != NULL) {
int argc;
sds *argv;
sds line = sdstrim(sdsnew(buf),"\r\n\t ");
linenum++; /* Zero based, so we init at -1 */
/* Handle comments and empty lines. */
if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') {
if (!state->has_tail && !strcmp(line,REDIS_CONFIG_REWRITE_SIGNATURE))
state->has_tail = 1;
/* Not a comment, split into arguments. */
argv = sdssplitargs(line,&argc);
if (argv == NULL) {
/* Apparently the line is unparsable for some reason, for
* instance it may have unbalanced quotes. Load it as a
* comment. */
sds aux = sdsnew("# ??? ");
aux = sdscatsds(aux,line);
sdstolower(argv[0]); /* We only want lowercase config directives. */
/* Now we populate the state according to the content of this line.
* Append the line and populate the option -> line numbers map. */
/* Translate options using the word "slave" to the corresponding name
* "replica", before adding such option to the config name -> lines
* mapping. */
char *p = strstr(argv[0],"slave");
if (p) {
sds alt = sdsempty();
alt = sdscatlen(alt,argv[0],p-argv[0]);;
alt = sdscatlen(alt,"replica",7);
alt = sdscatlen(alt,p+5,strlen(p+5));
argv[0] = alt;
return state;
/* Rewrite the specified configuration option with the new "line".
* It progressively uses lines of the file that were already used for the same
* configuration option in the old version of the file, removing that line from
* the map of options -> line numbers.
* If there are lines associated with a given configuration option and
* "force" is non-zero, the line is appended to the configuration file.
* Usually "force" is true when an option has not its default value, so it
* must be rewritten even if not present previously.
* The first time a line is appended into a configuration file, a comment
* is added to show that starting from that point the config file was generated
* "line" is either used, or freed, so the caller does not need to free it
* in any way. */
void rewriteConfigRewriteLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, sds line, int force) {
sds o = sdsnew(option);
list *l = dictFetchValue(state->option_to_line,o);
if (!l && !force) {
/* Option not used previously, and we are not forced to use it. */
if (l) {
listNode *ln = listFirst(l);
int linenum = (long) ln->value;
/* There are still lines in the old configuration file we can reuse
* for this option. Replace the line with the new one. */
if (listLength(l) == 0) dictDelete(state->option_to_line,o);
state->lines[linenum] = line;
} else {
/* Append a new line. */
if (!state->has_tail) {
state->has_tail = 1;
/* Write the long long 'bytes' value as a string in a way that is parsable
* inside redis.conf. If possible uses the GB, MB, KB notation. */
int rewriteConfigFormatMemory(char *buf, size_t len, long long bytes) {
int gb = 1024*1024*1024;
int mb = 1024*1024;
int kb = 1024;
if (bytes && (bytes % gb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldgb",bytes/gb);
} else if (bytes && (bytes % mb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldmb",bytes/mb);
} else if (bytes && (bytes % kb) == 0) {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lldkb",bytes/kb);
} else {
return snprintf(buf,len,"%lld",bytes);
/* Rewrite a simple "option-name <bytes>" configuration option. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
void rewriteConfigBytesOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
char buf[64];
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line;
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,buf);
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite a yes/no option. */
void rewriteConfigYesNoOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, int value, int defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,
value ? "yes" : "no");
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite a string option. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
void rewriteConfigStringOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, char *value, const char *defvalue) {
int force = 1;
sds line;
/* String options set to NULL need to be not present at all in the
* configuration file to be set to NULL again at the next reboot. */
if (value == NULL) {
/* Set force to zero if the value is set to its default. */
if (defvalue && strcmp(value,defvalue) == 0) force = 0;
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatrepr(line, value, strlen(value));
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite a numerical (long long range) option. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
void rewriteConfigNumericalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %lld",option,value);
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite a octal option. */
void rewriteConfigOctalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, int value, int defvalue) {
int force = value != defvalue;
sds line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %o",option,value);
/* Rewrite an enumeration option. It takes as usually state and option name,
* and in addition the enumeration array and the default value for the
* option. */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
void rewriteConfigEnumOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, const char *option, int value, configEnum *ce, int defval) {
sds line;
const char *name = configEnumGetNameOrUnknown(ce,value);
int force = value != defval;
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s",option,name);
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite the save option. */
void rewriteConfigSaveOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int j;
sds line;
/* Note that if there are no save parameters at all, all the current
* config line with "save" will be detected as orphaned and deleted,
* resulting into no RDB persistence as expected. */
for (j = 0; j < server.saveparamslen; j++) {
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"save %ld %d",
(long) server.saveparams[j].seconds, server.saveparams[j].changes);
/* Mark "save" as processed in case server.saveparamslen is zero. */
/* Rewrite the user option. */
void rewriteConfigUserOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
/* If there is a user file defined we just mark this configuration
* directive as processed, so that all the lines containing users
* inside the config file gets discarded. */
if (server.acl_filename[0] != '\0') {
/* Otherwise scan the list of users and rewrite every line. Note that
* in case the list here is empty, the effect will just be to comment
* all the users directive inside the config file. */
raxIterator ri;
while(raxNext(&ri)) {
user *u =;
sds line = sdsnew("user ");
line = sdscatsds(line,u->name);
line = sdscatlen(line," ",1);
sds descr = ACLDescribeUser(u);
line = sdscatsds(line,descr);
/* Mark "user" as processed in case there are no defined users. */
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite the dir option, always using absolute paths.*/
void rewriteConfigDirOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
char cwd[1024];
if (getcwd(cwd,sizeof(cwd)) == NULL) {
return; /* no rewrite on error. */
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite the slaveof option. */
void rewriteConfigSlaveofOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option) {
sds line;
/* If this is a master, we want all the slaveof config options
* in the file to be removed. Note that if this is a cluster instance
* we don't want a slaveof directive inside redis.conf. */
if (server.cluster_enabled || server.masterhost == NULL) {
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s %d", option,
server.masterhost, server.masterport);
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite the notify-keyspace-events option. */
void rewriteConfigNotifykeyspaceeventsOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = server.notify_keyspace_events != 0;
char *option = "notify-keyspace-events";
sds line, flags;
flags = keyspaceEventsFlagsToString(server.notify_keyspace_events);
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatrepr(line, flags, sdslen(flags));
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Rewrite the client-output-buffer-limit option. */
void rewriteConfigClientoutputbufferlimitOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int j;
char *option = "client-output-buffer-limit";
2015-07-28 16:58:04 +02:00
for (j = 0; j < CLIENT_TYPE_OBUF_COUNT; j++) {
int force = (server.client_obuf_limits[j].hard_limit_bytes !=
clientBufferLimitsDefaults[j].hard_limit_bytes) ||
(server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_bytes !=
clientBufferLimitsDefaults[j].soft_limit_bytes) ||
(server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds !=
sds line;
char hard[64], soft[64];
char *typename = getClientTypeName(j);
if (!strcmp(typename,"slave")) typename = "replica";
line = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%s %s %s %s %ld",
option, typename, hard, soft,
(long) server.client_obuf_limits[j].soft_limit_seconds);
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
/* Rewrite the bind option. */
void rewriteConfigBindOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
int force = 1;
sds line, addresses;
char *option = "bind";
/* Nothing to rewrite if we don't have bind addresses. */
if (server.bindaddr_count == 0) {
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
/* Rewrite as bind <addr1> <addr2> ... <addrN> */
addresses = sdsjoin(server.bindaddr,server.bindaddr_count," ");
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatsds(line, addresses);
/* Rewrite the requirepass option. */
void rewriteConfigRequirepassOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option) {
int force = 1;
sds line;
sds password = server.requirepass;
/* If there is no password set, we don't want the requirepass option
* to be present in the configuration at all. */
if (password == NULL) {
line = sdsnew(option);
line = sdscatlen(line, " ", 1);
line = sdscatsds(line, password);
/* Glue together the configuration lines in the current configuration
* rewrite state into a single string, stripping multiple empty lines. */
sds rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
sds content = sdsempty();
int j, was_empty = 0;
for (j = 0; j < state->numlines; j++) {
/* Every cluster of empty lines is turned into a single empty line. */
if (sdslen(state->lines[j]) == 0) {
if (was_empty) continue;
was_empty = 1;
} else {
was_empty = 0;
content = sdscatsds(content,state->lines[j]);
content = sdscatlen(content,"\n",1);
return content;
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Free the configuration rewrite state. */
void rewriteConfigReleaseState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* At the end of the rewrite process the state contains the remaining
* map between "option name" => "lines in the original config file".
* Lines used by the rewrite process were removed by the function
* rewriteConfigRewriteLine(), all the other lines are "orphaned" and
* should be replaced by empty lines.
* This function does just this, iterating all the option names and
* blanking all the lines still associated. */
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
void rewriteConfigRemoveOrphaned(struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(state->option_to_line);
dictEntry *de;
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
list *l = dictGetVal(de);
sds option = dictGetKey(de);
/* Don't blank lines about options the rewrite process
* don't understand. */
if (dictFind(state->rewritten,option) == NULL) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverLog(LL_DEBUG,"Not rewritten option: %s", option);
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
while(listLength(l)) {
listNode *ln = listFirst(l);
int linenum = (long) ln->value;
state->lines[linenum] = sdsempty();
/* This function overwrites the old configuration file with the new content.
* 1) The old file length is obtained.
* 2) If the new content is smaller, padding is added.
* 3) A single write(2) call is used to replace the content of the file.
* 4) Later the file is truncated to the length of the new content.
* This way we are sure the file is left in a consistent state even if the
* process is stopped between any of the four operations.
* The function returns 0 on success, otherwise -1 is returned and errno
* set accordingly. */
int rewriteConfigOverwriteFile(char *configfile, sds content) {
int retval = 0;
int fd = open(configfile,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0644);
int content_size = sdslen(content), padding = 0;
struct stat sb;
sds content_padded;
/* 1) Open the old file (or create a new one if it does not
* exist), get the size. */
if (fd == -1) return -1; /* errno set by open(). */
if (fstat(fd,&sb) == -1) {
return -1; /* errno set by fstat(). */
/* 2) Pad the content at least match the old file size. */
content_padded = sdsdup(content);
if (content_size < sb.st_size) {
/* If the old file was bigger, pad the content with
* a newline plus as many "#" chars as required. */
padding = sb.st_size - content_size;
content_padded = sdsgrowzero(content_padded,sb.st_size);
content_padded[content_size] = '\n';
/* 3) Write the new content using a single write(2). */
if (write(fd,content_padded,strlen(content_padded)) == -1) {
retval = -1;
goto cleanup;
/* 4) Truncate the file to the right length if we used padding. */
if (padding) {
if (ftruncate(fd,content_size) == -1) {
/* Non critical error... */
return retval;
/* Rewrite the configuration file at "path".
* If the configuration file already exists, we try at best to retain comments
* and overall structure.
* Configuration parameters that are at their default value, unless already
* explicitly included in the old configuration file, are not rewritten.
* On error -1 is returned and errno is set accordingly, otherwise 0. */
int rewriteConfig(char *path) {
struct rewriteConfigState *state;
sds newcontent;
int retval;
/* Step 1: read the old config into our rewrite state. */
if ((state = rewriteConfigReadOldFile(path)) == NULL) return -1;
/* Step 2: rewrite every single option, replacing or appending it inside
* the rewrite state. */
/* Iterate the configs that are standard */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
for (standardConfig *config = configs; config->name != NULL; config++) {
config->interface.rewrite(config->data, config->name, state);
2013-07-04 18:50:15 +02:00
/* Rewrite Sentinel config if in Sentinel mode. */
if (server.sentinel_mode) rewriteConfigSentinelOption(state);
/* Step 3: remove all the orphaned lines in the old file, that is, lines
* that were used by a config option and are no longer used, like in case
* of multiple "save" options or duplicated options. */
2013-05-14 11:17:18 +02:00
/* Step 4: generate a new configuration file from the modified state
* and write it into the original file. */
newcontent = rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(state);
retval = rewriteConfigOverwriteFile(server.configfile,newcontent);
return retval;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
* Configs that fit one of the major types and require no special handling
#define LOADBUF_SIZE 256
static char loadbuf[LOADBUF_SIZE];
#define embedCommonConfig(config_name, config_alias, is_modifiable) \
.name = (config_name), \
.alias = (config_alias), \
.modifiable = (is_modifiable),
#define embedConfigInterface(initfn, setfn, getfn, rewritefn) .interface = { \
.init = (initfn), \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.set = (setfn), \
.get = (getfn), \
.rewrite = (rewritefn) \
/* What follows is the generic config types that are supported. To add a new
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
* config with one of these types, add it to the standardConfig table with
* the creation macro for each type.
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
* Each type contains the following:
* * A function defining how to load this type on startup.
* * A function defining how to update this type on CONFIG SET.
* * A function defining how to serialize this type on CONFIG SET.
* * A function defining how to rewrite this type on CONFIG REWRITE.
* * A Macro defining how to create this type.
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Bool Configs */
static void boolConfigInit(typeData data) {
*data.yesno.config = data.yesno.default_value;
static int boolConfigSet(typeData data, sds value, int update, char **err) {
int yn = yesnotoi(value);
if (yn == -1) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
*err = "argument must be 'yes' or 'no'";
return 0;
if (data.yesno.is_valid_fn && !data.yesno.is_valid_fn(yn, err))
return 0;
int prev = *(data.yesno.config);
2019-11-22 06:49:52 +01:00
*(data.yesno.config) = yn;
if (update && data.yesno.update_fn && !data.yesno.update_fn(yn, prev, err)) {
*(data.yesno.config) = prev;
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
return 1;
static void boolConfigGet(client *c, typeData data) {
addReplyBulkCString(c, *data.yesno.config ? "yes" : "no");
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
static void boolConfigRewrite(typeData data, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
2019-11-22 06:49:52 +01:00
rewriteConfigYesNoOption(state, name,*(data.yesno.config), data.yesno.default_value);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
#define createBoolConfig(name, alias, modifiable, config_addr, default, is_valid, update) { \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, modifiable) \
embedConfigInterface(boolConfigInit, boolConfigSet, boolConfigGet, boolConfigRewrite) \
2019-11-22 06:49:52 +01:00
.data.yesno = { \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.update_fn = (update), \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} \
/* String Configs */
static void stringConfigInit(typeData data) {
if (data.string.convert_empty_to_null) {
*data.string.config = data.string.default_value ? zstrdup(data.string.default_value) : NULL;
} else {
*data.string.config = zstrdup(data.string.default_value);
static int stringConfigSet(typeData data, sds value, int update, char **err) {
if (data.string.is_valid_fn && !data.string.is_valid_fn(value, err))
return 0;
char *prev = *data.string.config;
if (data.string.convert_empty_to_null) {
*data.string.config = value[0] ? zstrdup(value) : NULL;
} else {
*data.string.config = zstrdup(value);
if (update && data.string.update_fn && !data.string.update_fn(*data.string.config, prev, err)) {
*data.string.config = prev;
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
return 1;
static void stringConfigGet(client *c, typeData data) {
addReplyBulkCString(c, *data.string.config ? *data.string.config : "");
static void stringConfigRewrite(typeData data, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
rewriteConfigStringOption(state, name,*(data.string.config), data.string.default_value);
#define createStringConfig(name, alias, modifiable, empty_to_null, config_addr, default, is_valid, update) { \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, modifiable) \
embedConfigInterface(stringConfigInit, stringConfigSet, stringConfigGet, stringConfigRewrite) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.data.string = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.update_fn = (update), \
.convert_empty_to_null = (empty_to_null), \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} \
/* Enum configs */
static void enumConfigInit(typeData data) {
*data.enumd.config = data.enumd.default_value;
static int enumConfigSet(typeData data, sds value, int update, char **err) {
int enumval = configEnumGetValue(data.enumd.enum_value, value);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
if (enumval == INT_MIN) {
sds enumerr = sdsnew("argument must be one of the following: ");
configEnum *enumNode = data.enumd.enum_value;
while(enumNode->name != NULL) {
enumerr = sdscatlen(enumerr, enumNode->name,
2019-11-22 07:28:50 +01:00
enumerr = sdscatlen(enumerr, ", ", 2);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
sdsrange(enumerr,0,-3); /* Remove final ", ". */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
strncpy(loadbuf, enumerr, LOADBUF_SIZE);
2020-01-14 09:10:39 +01:00
loadbuf[LOADBUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
if (data.enumd.is_valid_fn && !data.enumd.is_valid_fn(enumval, err))
return 0;
int prev = *(data.enumd.config);
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
*(data.enumd.config) = enumval;
if (update && data.enumd.update_fn && !data.enumd.update_fn(enumval, prev, err)) {
*(data.enumd.config) = prev;
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
return 1;
static void enumConfigGet(client *c, typeData data) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
addReplyBulkCString(c, configEnumGetNameOrUnknown(data.enumd.enum_value,*data.enumd.config));
static void enumConfigRewrite(typeData data, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
rewriteConfigEnumOption(state, name,*(data.enumd.config), data.enumd.enum_value, data.enumd.default_value);
#define createEnumConfig(name, alias, modifiable, enum, config_addr, default, is_valid, update) { \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, modifiable) \
embedConfigInterface(enumConfigInit, enumConfigSet, enumConfigGet, enumConfigRewrite) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.data.enumd = { \
.config = &(config_addr), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.update_fn = (update), \
.enum_value = (enum), \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
} \
/* Gets a 'long long val' and sets it into the union, using a macro to get
* compile time type check. */
#define SET_NUMERIC_TYPE(val) \
if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_INT) { \
*(data.numeric.config.i) = (int) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT) { \
*(data.numeric.config.ui) = (unsigned int) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG) { \
*(data.numeric.config.l) = (long) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG) { \
*(data.numeric.config.ul) = (unsigned long) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG) { \
*(data.numeric.config.ll) = (long long) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG) { \
*(data.numeric.config.ull) = (unsigned long long) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) { \
*( = (size_t) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T) { \
*(data.numeric.config.sst) = (ssize_t) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T) { \
*(data.numeric.config.ot) = (off_t) val; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T) { \
*( = (time_t) val; \
/* Gets a 'long long val' and sets it with the value from the union, using a
* macro to get compile time type check. */
#define GET_NUMERIC_TYPE(val) \
if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_INT) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.i); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.ui); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.l); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.ul); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.ll); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.ull); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) { \
val = *(; \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.sst); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T) { \
val = *(data.numeric.config.ot); \
} else if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T) { \
val = *(; \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Numeric configs */
static void numericConfigInit(typeData data) {
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
static int numericBoundaryCheck(typeData data, long long ll, char **err) {
if (data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG ||
data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT ||
data.numeric.numeric_type == NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T) {
/* Boundary check for unsigned types */
unsigned long long ull = ll;
unsigned long long upper_bound = data.numeric.upper_bound;
unsigned long long lower_bound = data.numeric.lower_bound;
if (ull > upper_bound || ull < lower_bound) {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"argument must be between %llu and %llu inclusive",
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
} else {
/* Boundary check for signed types */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
if (ll > data.numeric.upper_bound || ll < data.numeric.lower_bound) {
snprintf(loadbuf, LOADBUF_SIZE,
"argument must be between %lld and %lld inclusive",
*err = loadbuf;
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
return 1;
static int numericConfigSet(typeData data, sds value, int update, char **err) {
long long ll, prev = 0;
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
if (data.numeric.is_memory) {
int memerr;
ll = memtoll(value, &memerr);
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
if (memerr || ll < 0) {
*err = "argument must be a memory value";
return 0;
} else {
if (!string2ll(value, sdslen(value),&ll)) {
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
*err = "argument couldn't be parsed into an integer" ;
return 0;
if (!numericBoundaryCheck(data, ll, err))
return 0;
if (data.numeric.is_valid_fn && !data.numeric.is_valid_fn(ll, err))
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
if (update && data.numeric.update_fn && !data.numeric.update_fn(ll, prev, err)) {
return 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
return 1;
static void numericConfigGet(client *c, typeData data) {
char buf[128];
long long value = 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
ll2string(buf, sizeof(buf), value);
addReplyBulkCString(c, buf);
static void numericConfigRewrite(typeData data, const char *name, struct rewriteConfigState *state) {
2019-11-22 06:49:52 +01:00
long long value = 0;
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
if (data.numeric.is_memory) {
rewriteConfigBytesOption(state, name, value, data.numeric.default_value);
} else {
rewriteConfigNumericalOption(state, name, value, data.numeric.default_value);
#define embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) { \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
embedCommonConfig(name, alias, modifiable) \
embedConfigInterface(numericConfigInit, numericConfigSet, numericConfigGet, numericConfigRewrite) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.data.numeric = { \
.lower_bound = (lower), \
.upper_bound = (upper), \
.default_value = (default), \
.is_valid_fn = (is_valid), \
.update_fn = (update), \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.is_memory = (memory),
#define createIntConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_INT, \
.config.i = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createUIntConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_UINT, \
.config.ui = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createLongConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG, \
.config.l = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createULongConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG, \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.config.ul = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createLongLongConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_LONG_LONG, \
.config.ll = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createULongLongConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_ULONG_LONG, \
.config.ull = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createSizeTConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_SIZE_T, \ = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createSSizeTConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_SSIZE_T, \
.config.sst = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createTimeTConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_TIME_T, \ = &(config_addr) \
} \
#define createOffTConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
embedCommonNumericalConfig(name, alias, modifiable, lower, upper, config_addr, default, memory, is_valid, update) \
.numeric_type = NUMERIC_TYPE_OFF_T, \
.config.ot = &(config_addr) \
} \
static int isValidActiveDefrag(int val, char **err) {
if (val) {
*err = "Active defragmentation cannot be enabled: it "
"requires a Redis server compiled with a modified Jemalloc "
"like the one shipped by default with the Redis source "
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidDBfilename(char *val, char **err) {
if (!pathIsBaseName(val)) {
*err = "dbfilename can't be a path, just a filename";
return 0;
return 1;
static int isValidAOFfilename(char *val, char **err) {
if (!pathIsBaseName(val)) {
*err = "appendfilename can't be a path, just a filename";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateHZ(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
/* Hz is more an hint from the user, so we accept values out of range
* but cap them to reasonable values. */
server.config_hz = val;
if (server.config_hz < CONFIG_MIN_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MIN_HZ;
if (server.config_hz > CONFIG_MAX_HZ) server.config_hz = CONFIG_MAX_HZ;
server.hz = server.config_hz;
return 1;
static int updateJemallocBgThread(int val, int prev, char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateReplBacklogSize(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
/* resizeReplicationBacklog sets server.repl_backlog_size, and relies on
* being able to tell when the size changes, so restore prev becore calling it. */
server.repl_backlog_size = prev;
return 1;
static int updateMaxmemory(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
if (val) {
size_t used = zmalloc_used_memory()-freeMemoryGetNotCountedMemory();
if ((unsigned long long)val < used) {
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"WARNING: the new maxmemory value set via CONFIG SET (%llu) is smaller than the current memory usage (%zu). This will result in key eviction and/or the inability to accept new write commands depending on the maxmemory-policy.", server.maxmemory, used);
return 1;
static int updateGoodSlaves(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
return 1;
static int updateAppendonly(int val, int prev, char **err) {
if (val == 0 && server.aof_state != AOF_OFF) {
} else if (val && server.aof_state == AOF_OFF) {
if (startAppendOnly() == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to turn on AOF. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateMaxclients(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
/* Try to check if the OS is capable of supporting so many FDs. */
if (val > prev) {
if (server.maxclients != val) {
static char msg[128];
sprintf(msg, "The operating system is not able to handle the specified number of clients, try with %d", server.maxclients);
*err = msg;
if (server.maxclients > prev) {
server.maxclients = prev;
return 0;
if ((unsigned int) aeGetSetSize(server.el) <
server.maxclients + CONFIG_FDSET_INCR)
if (aeResizeSetSize(server.el,
server.maxclients + CONFIG_FDSET_INCR) == AE_ERR)
*err = "The event loop API used by Redis is not able to handle the specified number of clients";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateTlsCfg(char *val, char *prev, char **err) {
if (tlsConfigure(&server.tls_ctx_config) == C_ERR) {
*err = "Unable to update TLS configuration. Check server logs.";
return 0;
return 1;
static int updateTlsCfgBool(int val, int prev, char **err) {
return updateTlsCfg(NULL, NULL, err);
static int updateTlsCfgInt(long long val, long long prev, char **err) {
return updateTlsCfg(NULL, NULL, err);
#endif /* USE_OPENSSL */
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
standardConfig configs[] = {
/* Bool configs */
createBoolConfig("rdbchecksum", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_checksum, 1, NULL, NULL),
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createBoolConfig("daemonize", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.daemonize, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("io-threads-do-reads", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.io_threads_do_reads, 0,NULL, NULL), /* Read + parse from threads? */
createBoolConfig("lua-replicate-commands", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lua_always_replicate_commands, 1, NULL, NULL),
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createBoolConfig("always-show-logo", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.always_show_logo, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("protected-mode", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.protected_mode, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdbcompression", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_compression, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdb-del-sync-files", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_del_sync_files, 0, NULL, NULL),
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createBoolConfig("activerehashing", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.activerehashing, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("stop-writes-on-bgsave-error", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.stop_writes_on_bgsave_err, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("dynamic-hz", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.dynamic_hz, 1, NULL, NULL), /* Adapt hz to # of clients.*/
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-eviction", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_eviction, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-expire", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_expire, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-server-del", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("lazyfree-lazy-user-del", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.lazyfree_lazy_user_del , 0, NULL, NULL),
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createBoolConfig("repl-disable-tcp-nodelay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_disable_tcp_nodelay, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("repl-diskless-sync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_diskless_sync, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("gopher-enabled", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.gopher_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_rewrite_incremental_fsync, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("no-appendfsync-on-rewrite", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-require-full-coverage", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_require_full_coverage, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("rdb-save-incremental-fsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.rdb_save_incremental_fsync, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-load-truncated", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_load_truncated, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("aof-use-rdb-preamble", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_use_rdb_preamble, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-replica-no-failover", "cluster-slave-no-failover", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_slave_no_failover, 0, NULL, NULL), /* Failover by default. */
createBoolConfig("replica-lazy-flush", "slave-lazy-flush", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_lazy_flush, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-serve-stale-data", "slave-serve-stale-data", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_serve_stale_data, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-read-only", "slave-read-only", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_ro, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("replica-ignore-maxmemory", "slave-ignore-maxmemory", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.repl_slave_ignore_maxmemory, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("jemalloc-bg-thread", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.jemalloc_bg_thread, 1, NULL, updateJemallocBgThread),
createBoolConfig("activedefrag", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.active_defrag_enabled, 0, isValidActiveDefrag, NULL),
createBoolConfig("syslog-enabled", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.syslog_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("cluster-enabled", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_enabled, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("appendonly", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.aof_enabled, 0, NULL, updateAppendonly),
2019-12-17 08:40:19 +01:00
createBoolConfig("cluster-allow-reads-when-down", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.cluster_allow_reads_when_down, 0, NULL, NULL),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* String Configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createStringConfig("aclfile", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.acl_filename, "", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("unixsocket", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.unixsocket, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("pidfile", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.pidfile, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("replica-announce-ip", "slave-announce-ip", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.slave_announce_ip, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("masteruser", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.masteruser, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("masterauth", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.masterauth, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("cluster-announce-ip", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.cluster_announce_ip, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("syslog-ident", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.syslog_ident, "redis", NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("dbfilename", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.rdb_filename, "dump.rdb", isValidDBfilename, NULL),
createStringConfig("appendfilename", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, server.aof_filename, "appendonly.aof", isValidAOFfilename, NULL),
createStringConfig("server_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.server_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("bio_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.bio_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("aof_rewrite_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.aof_rewrite_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
createStringConfig("bgsave_cpulist", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.bgsave_cpulist, NULL, NULL, NULL),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Enum Configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createEnumConfig("supervised", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, supervised_mode_enum, server.supervised_mode, SUPERVISED_NONE, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("syslog-facility", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, syslog_facility_enum, server.syslog_facility, LOG_LOCAL0, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("repl-diskless-load", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, repl_diskless_load_enum, server.repl_diskless_load, REPL_DISKLESS_LOAD_DISABLED, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("loglevel", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, loglevel_enum, server.verbosity, LL_NOTICE, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("maxmemory-policy", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, maxmemory_policy_enum, server.maxmemory_policy, MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION, NULL, NULL),
createEnumConfig("appendfsync", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, aof_fsync_enum, server.aof_fsync, AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC, NULL, NULL),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Integer configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createIntConfig("databases", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.dbnum, 16, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("port", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.port, 6379, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* TCP port. */
createIntConfig("io-threads", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 1, 128, server.io_threads_num, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Single threaded by default */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createIntConfig("auto-aof-rewrite-percentage", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.aof_rewrite_perc, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("cluster-replica-validity-factor", "cluster-slave-validity-factor", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.cluster_slave_validity_factor, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Slave max data age factor. */
createIntConfig("list-max-ziplist-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, server.list_max_ziplist_size, -2, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("tcp-keepalive", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tcpkeepalive, 300, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("cluster-migration-barrier", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.cluster_migration_barrier, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("active-defrag-cycle-min", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 99, server.active_defrag_cycle_min, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1% CPU min (at lower threshold) */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-cycle-max", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 99, server.active_defrag_cycle_max, 25, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 25% CPU max (at upper threshold) */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-threshold-lower", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 1000, server.active_defrag_threshold_lower, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: don't defrag when fragmentation is below 10% */
createIntConfig("active-defrag-threshold-upper", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 1000, server.active_defrag_threshold_upper, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: maximum defrag force at 100% fragmentation */
createIntConfig("lfu-log-factor", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.lfu_log_factor, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("lfu-decay-time", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.lfu_decay_time, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("replica-priority", "slave-priority", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.slave_priority, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("repl-diskless-sync-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_diskless_sync_delay, 5, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("maxmemory-samples", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.maxmemory_samples, 5, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.maxidletime, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default client timeout: infinite */
createIntConfig("replica-announce-port", "slave-announce-port", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.slave_announce_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("tcp-backlog", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tcp_backlog, 511, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* TCP listen backlog. */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createIntConfig("cluster-announce-bus-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_announce_bus_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: Use +10000 offset. */
createIntConfig("cluster-announce-port", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.cluster_announce_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Use server.port */
createIntConfig("repl-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.repl_timeout, 60, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("repl-ping-replica-period", "repl-ping-slave-period", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, INT_MAX, server.repl_ping_slave_period, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("list-compress-depth", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.list_compress_depth, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("rdb-key-save-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.rdb_key_save_delay, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("key-load-delay", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.key_load_delay, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createIntConfig("active-expire-effort", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, 10, server.active_expire_effort, 1, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* From 1 to 10. */
createIntConfig("hz", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.config_hz, CONFIG_DEFAULT_HZ, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateHZ),
createIntConfig("min-replicas-to-write", "min-slaves-to-write", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_min_slaves_to_write, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateGoodSlaves),
createIntConfig("min-replicas-max-lag", "min-slaves-max-lag", MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.repl_min_slaves_max_lag, 10, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateGoodSlaves),
/* Unsigned int configs */
createUIntConfig("maxclients", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, UINT_MAX, server.maxclients, 10000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateMaxclients),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Unsigned Long configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createULongConfig("active-defrag-max-scan-fields", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LONG_MAX, server.active_defrag_max_scan_fields, 1000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: keys with more than 1000 fields will be processed separately */
createULongConfig("slowlog-max-len", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.slowlog_max_len, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createULongConfig("acllog-max-len", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.acllog_max_len, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Long Long configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createLongLongConfig("lua-time-limit", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.lua_time_limit, 5000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),/* milliseconds */
createLongLongConfig("cluster-node-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.cluster_node_timeout, 15000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("slowlog-log-slower-than", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, -1, LLONG_MAX, server.slowlog_log_slower_than, 10000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("latency-monitor-threshold", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.latency_monitor_threshold, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("proto-max-bulk-len", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.proto_max_bulk_len, 512ll*1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Bulk request max size */
createLongLongConfig("stream-node-max-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.stream_node_max_entries, 100, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createLongLongConfig("repl-backlog-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LLONG_MAX, server.repl_backlog_size, 1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, updateReplBacklogSize), /* Default: 1mb */
/* Unsigned Long Long configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createULongLongConfig("maxmemory", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, ULLONG_MAX, server.maxmemory, 0, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, updateMaxmemory),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* Size_t configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createSizeTConfig("hash-max-ziplist-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hash_max_ziplist_entries, 512, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("set-max-intset-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.set_max_intset_entries, 512, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("zset-max-ziplist-entries", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.zset_max_ziplist_entries, 128, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("active-defrag-ignore-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 1, LLONG_MAX, server.active_defrag_ignore_bytes, 100<<20, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: don't defrag if frag overhead is below 100mb */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createSizeTConfig("hash-max-ziplist-value", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hash_max_ziplist_value, 64, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("stream-node-max-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.stream_node_max_bytes, 4096, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("zset-max-ziplist-value", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.zset_max_ziplist_value, 64, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("hll-sparse-max-bytes", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.hll_sparse_max_bytes, 3000, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
createSizeTConfig("tracking-table-max-keys", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.tracking_table_max_keys, 1000000, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1 million keys max. */
/* Other configs */
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createTimeTConfig("repl-backlog-ttl", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LONG_MAX, server.repl_backlog_time_limit, 60*60, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* Default: 1 hour */
createOffTConfig("auto-aof-rewrite-min-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, LLONG_MAX, server.aof_rewrite_min_size, 64*1024*1024, MEMORY_CONFIG, NULL, NULL),
2019-12-01 07:19:25 +01:00
createIntConfig("tls-port", NULL, IMMUTABLE_CONFIG, 0, 65535, server.tls_port, 0, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, NULL), /* TCP port. */
createIntConfig("tls-session-cache-size", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tls_ctx_config.session_cache_size, 20*1024, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateTlsCfgInt),
createIntConfig("tls-session-cache-timeout", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, 0, INT_MAX, server.tls_ctx_config.session_cache_timeout, 300, INTEGER_CONFIG, NULL, updateTlsCfgInt),
createBoolConfig("tls-cluster", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_cluster, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("tls-replication", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_replication, 0, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("tls-auth-clients", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_auth_clients, 1, NULL, NULL),
createBoolConfig("tls-prefer-server-ciphers", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_ctx_config.prefer_server_ciphers, 0, NULL, updateTlsCfgBool),
createBoolConfig("tls-session-caching", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, server.tls_ctx_config.session_caching, 1, NULL, updateTlsCfgBool),
createStringConfig("tls-cert-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.cert_file, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-key-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.key_file, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-dh-params-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.dh_params_file, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ca-cert-file", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ca_cert_file, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ca-cert-dir", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ca_cert_dir, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-protocols", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.protocols, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ciphers", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ciphers, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
createStringConfig("tls-ciphersuites", NULL, MODIFIABLE_CONFIG, EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, server.tls_ctx_config.ciphersuites, NULL, NULL, updateTlsCfg),
2019-07-19 19:15:35 +02:00
/* NULL Terminator */
* CONFIG command entry point
void configCommand(client *c) {
/* Only allow CONFIG GET while loading. */
if (server.loading && strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"get")) {
addReplyError(c,"Only CONFIG GET is allowed during loading");
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00
if (c->argc == 2 && !strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"help")) {
const char *help[] = {
"GET <pattern> -- Return parameters matching the glob-like <pattern> and their values.",
"SET <parameter> <value> -- Set parameter to value.",
"RESETSTAT -- Reset statistics reported by INFO.",
"REWRITE -- Rewrite the configuration file.",
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00
addReplyHelp(c, help);
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"set") && c->argc == 4) {
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"get") && c->argc == 3) {
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"resetstat") && c->argc == 2) {
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"rewrite") && c->argc == 2) {
if (server.configfile == NULL) {
addReplyError(c,"The server is running without a config file");
if (rewriteConfig(server.configfile) == -1) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"CONFIG REWRITE failed: %s", strerror(errno));
addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Rewriting config file: %s", strerror(errno));
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverLog(LL_WARNING,"CONFIG REWRITE executed with success.");
} else {
2017-12-03 18:34:31 +01:00