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* Copyright (c) 2009-current, Redis Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Pieter Noordhuis <pcnoordhuis at gmail dot com>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
* Sorted set API
/* ZSETs are ordered sets using two data structures to hold the same elements
* in order to get O(log(N)) INSERT and REMOVE operations into a sorted
* data structure.
* The elements are added to a hash table mapping Redis objects to scores.
* At the same time the elements are added to a skip list mapping scores
* to Redis objects (so objects are sorted by scores in this "view").
* Note that the SDS string representing the element is the same in both
* the hash table and skiplist in order to save memory. What we do in order
* to manage the shared SDS string more easily is to free the SDS string
* only in zslFreeNode(). The dictionary has no value free method set.
* So we should always remove an element from the dictionary, and later from
* the skiplist.
* This skiplist implementation is almost a C translation of the original
* algorithm described by William Pugh in "Skip Lists: A Probabilistic
* Alternative to Balanced Trees", modified in three ways:
2012-01-11 20:25:41 +01:00
* a) this implementation allows for repeated scores.
* b) the comparison is not just by key (our 'score') but by satellite data.
* c) there is a back pointer, so it's a doubly linked list with the back
* pointers being only at "level 1". This allows to traverse the list
* from tail to head, useful for ZREVRANGE. */
#include "server.h"
#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
#include <math.h>
* Skiplist implementation of the low level API
2016-04-21 11:17:00 +02:00
int zslLexValueGteMin(sds value, zlexrangespec *spec);
int zslLexValueLteMax(sds value, zlexrangespec *spec);
void zsetConvertAndExpand(robj *zobj, int encoding, unsigned long cap);
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
zskiplistNode *zslGetElementByRankFromNode(zskiplistNode *start_node, int start_level, unsigned long rank);
zskiplistNode *zslGetElementByRank(zskiplist *zsl, unsigned long rank);
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
/* Create a skiplist node with the specified number of levels.
* The SDS string 'ele' is referenced by the node after the call. */
zskiplistNode *zslCreateNode(int level, double score, sds ele) {
zskiplistNode *zn =
zmalloc(sizeof(*zn)+level*sizeof(struct zskiplistLevel));
zn->score = score;
zn->ele = ele;
return zn;
/* Create a new skiplist. */
zskiplist *zslCreate(void) {
int j;
zskiplist *zsl;
zsl = zmalloc(sizeof(*zsl));
zsl->level = 1;
zsl->length = 0;
zsl->header = zslCreateNode(ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL,0,NULL);
for (j = 0; j < ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL; j++) {
zsl->header->level[j].forward = NULL;
zsl->header->level[j].span = 0;
zsl->header->backward = NULL;
zsl->tail = NULL;
return zsl;
/* Free the specified skiplist node. The referenced SDS string representation
* of the element is freed too, unless node->ele is set to NULL before calling
* this function. */
void zslFreeNode(zskiplistNode *node) {
/* Free a whole skiplist. */
void zslFree(zskiplist *zsl) {
zskiplistNode *node = zsl->header->level[0].forward, *next;
while(node) {
next = node->level[0].forward;
node = next;
/* Returns a random level for the new skiplist node we are going to create.
* The return value of this function is between 1 and ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL
* (both inclusive), with a powerlaw-alike distribution where higher
* levels are less likely to be returned. */
int zslRandomLevel(void) {
static const int threshold = ZSKIPLIST_P*RAND_MAX;
int level = 1;
while (random() < threshold)
level += 1;
/* Insert a new node in the skiplist. Assumes the element does not already
* exist (up to the caller to enforce that). The skiplist takes ownership
* of the passed SDS string 'ele'. */
zskiplistNode *zslInsert(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
unsigned long rank[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL];
int i, level;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
/* store rank that is crossed to reach the insert position */
rank[i] = i == (zsl->level-1) ? 0 : rank[i+1];
while (x->level[i].forward &&
(x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
(x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) < 0)))
rank[i] += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* we assume the element is not already inside, since we allow duplicated
* scores, reinserting the same element should never happen since the
* caller of zslInsert() should test in the hash table if the element is
* already inside or not. */
level = zslRandomLevel();
if (level > zsl->level) {
for (i = zsl->level; i < level; i++) {
rank[i] = 0;
update[i] = zsl->header;
update[i]->level[i].span = zsl->length;
zsl->level = level;
x = zslCreateNode(level,score,ele);
for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
x->level[i].forward = update[i]->level[i].forward;
update[i]->level[i].forward = x;
/* update span covered by update[i] as x is inserted here */
x->level[i].span = update[i]->level[i].span - (rank[0] - rank[i]);
update[i]->level[i].span = (rank[0] - rank[i]) + 1;
/* increment span for untouched levels */
for (i = level; i < zsl->level; i++) {
x->backward = (update[0] == zsl->header) ? NULL : update[0];
if (x->level[0].forward)
x->level[0].forward->backward = x;
zsl->tail = x;
return x;
/* Internal function used by zslDelete, zslDeleteRangeByScore and
* zslDeleteRangeByRank. */
void zslDeleteNode(zskiplist *zsl, zskiplistNode *x, zskiplistNode **update) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < zsl->level; i++) {
if (update[i]->level[i].forward == x) {
update[i]->level[i].span += x->level[i].span - 1;
update[i]->level[i].forward = x->level[i].forward;
} else {
update[i]->level[i].span -= 1;
if (x->level[0].forward) {
x->level[0].forward->backward = x->backward;
} else {
zsl->tail = x->backward;
while(zsl->level > 1 && zsl->header->level[zsl->level-1].forward == NULL)
/* Delete an element with matching score/element from the skiplist.
* The function returns 1 if the node was found and deleted, otherwise
* 0 is returned.
* If 'node' is NULL the deleted node is freed by zslFreeNode(), otherwise
* it is not freed (but just unlinked) and *node is set to the node pointer,
* so that it is possible for the caller to reuse the node (including the
* referenced SDS string at node->ele). */
int zslDelete(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele, zskiplistNode **node) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
int i;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward &&
(x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
(x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) < 0)))
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* We may have multiple elements with the same score, what we need
* is to find the element with both the right score and object. */
x = x->level[0].forward;
if (x && score == x->score && sdscmp(x->ele,ele) == 0) {
zslDeleteNode(zsl, x, update);
if (!node)
*node = x;
return 1;
return 0; /* not found */
Squash merging 125 typo/grammar/comment/doc PRs (#7773) List of squashed commits or PRs =============================== commit 66801ea Author: hwware <> Date: Mon Jan 13 00:54:31 2020 -0500 typo fix in acl.c commit 46f55db Author: Itamar Haber <> Date: Sun Sep 6 18:24:11 2020 +0300 Updates a couple of comments Specifically: * RM_AutoMemory completed instead of pointing to docs * Updated link to custom type doc commit 61a2aa0 Author: xindoo <> Date: Tue Sep 1 19:24:59 2020 +0800 Correct errors in code comments commit a5871d1 Author: yz1509 <> Date: Tue Sep 1 18:36:06 2020 +0800 fix typos in module.c commit 41eede7 Author: bookug <> Date: Sat Aug 15 01:11:33 2020 +0800 docs: fix typos in comments commit c303c84 Author: lazy-snail <> Date: Fri Aug 7 11:15:44 2020 +0800 fix spelling in redis.conf commit 1eb76bf Author: zhujian <> Date: Thu Aug 6 15:22:10 2020 +0800 add a missing 'n' in comment commit 1530ec2 Author: Daniel Dai <> Date: Mon Jul 27 00:46:35 2020 -0400 fix spelling in tracking.c commit e517b31 Author: Hunter-Chen <> Date: Fri Jul 17 22:33:32 2020 +0800 Update redis.conf Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <> commit c300eff Author: Hunter-Chen <> Date: Fri Jul 17 22:33:23 2020 +0800 Update redis.conf Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <> commit 4c058a8 Author: 陈浩鹏 <> Date: Thu Jun 25 19:00:56 2020 +0800 Grammar fix and clarification commit 5fcaa81 Author: bodong.ybd <> Date: Fri Jun 19 10:09:00 2020 +0800 Fix typos commit 4caca9a Author: Pruthvi P <> Date: Fri May 22 00:33:22 2020 +0530 Fix typo eviciton => eviction commit b2a25f6 Author: Brad Dunbar <> Date: Sun May 17 12:39:59 2020 -0400 Fix a typo. commit 12842ae Author: hwware <> Date: Sun May 3 17:16:59 2020 -0400 fix spelling in redis conf commit ddba07c Author: Chris Lamb <> Date: Sat May 2 23:25:34 2020 +0100 Correct a "conflicts" spelling error. commit 8fc7bf2 Author: Nao YONASHIRO <> Date: Thu Apr 30 10:25:27 2020 +0900 docs: fix EXPIRE_FAST_CYCLE_DURATION to ACTIVE_EXPIRE_CYCLE_FAST_DURATION commit 9b2b67a Author: Brad Dunbar <> Date: Fri Apr 24 11:46:22 2020 -0400 Fix a typo. commit 0746f10 Author: devilinrust <> Date: Thu Apr 16 00:17:53 2020 +0200 Fix typos in server.c commit 92b588d Author: benjessop12 <> Date: Mon Apr 13 13:43:55 2020 +0100 Fix spelling mistake in lazyfree.c commit 1da37aa Merge: 2d4ba28 af347a8 Author: hwware <> Date: Thu Mar 5 22:41:31 2020 -0500 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/unstable' into expiretypofix commit 2d4ba28 Author: hwware <> Date: Mon Mar 2 00:09:40 2020 -0500 fix typo in expire.c commit 1a746f7 Author: SennoYuki <> Date: Thu Feb 27 16:54:32 2020 +0800 fix typo commit 8599b1a Author: dongheejeong <> Date: Sun Feb 16 20:31:43 2020 +0000 Fix typo in server.c commit f38d4e8 Author: hwware <> Date: Sun Feb 2 22:58:38 2020 -0500 fix typo in evict.c commit fe143fc Author: Leo Murillo <> Date: Sun Feb 2 01:57:22 2020 -0600 Fix a few typos in redis.conf commit 1ab4d21 Author: viraja1 <> Date: Fri Dec 27 17:15:58 2019 +0530 Fix typo in Latency API docstring commit ca1f70e Author: gosth <> Date: Wed Dec 18 15:18:02 2019 +0800 fix typo in sort.c commit a57c06b Author: ZYunH <> Date: Mon Dec 16 22:28:46 2019 +0800 fix-zset-typo commit b8c92b5 Author: git-hulk <> Date: Mon Dec 16 15:51:42 2019 +0800 FIX: typo in cluster.c, onformation->information commit 9dd981c Author: wujm2007 <> Date: Mon Dec 16 09:37:52 2019 +0800 Fix typo commit e132d7a Author: Sebastien Williams-Wynn <> Date: Fri Nov 15 00:14:07 2019 +0000 Minor typo change commit 47f44d5 Author: happynote3966 <> Date: Mon Nov 11 22:08:48 2019 +0900 fix comment typo in redis-cli.c commit b8bdb0d Author: fulei <> Date: Wed Oct 16 18:00:17 2019 +0800 Fix a spelling mistake of comments in defragDictBucketCallback commit 0def46a Author: fulei <> Date: Wed Oct 16 13:09:27 2019 +0800 fix some spelling mistakes of comments in defrag.c commit f3596fd Author: Phil Rajchgot <> Date: Sun Oct 13 02:02:32 2019 -0400 Typo and grammar fixes Redis and its documentation are great -- just wanted to submit a few corrections in the spirit of Hacktoberfest. Thanks for all your work on this project. I use it all the time and it works beautifully. commit 2b928cd Author: KangZhiDong <> Date: Sun Sep 1 07:03:11 2019 +0800 fix typos commit 33aea14 Author: Axlgrep <> Date: Tue Aug 27 11:02:18 2019 +0800 Fixed eviction spelling issues commit e282a80 Author: Simen Flatby <> Date: Tue Aug 20 15:25:51 2019 +0200 Update comments to reflect prop name In the comments the prop is referenced as replica-validity-factor, but it is really named cluster-replica-validity-factor. commit 74d1f9a Author: Jim Green <> Date: Tue Aug 20 20:00:31 2019 +0800 fix comment error, the code is ok commit eea1407 Author: Liao Tonglang <> Date: Fri May 31 10:16:18 2019 +0800 typo fix fix cna't to can't commit 0da553c Author: KAWACHI Takashi <> Date: Wed Jul 17 00:38:16 2019 +0900 Fix typo commit 7fc8fb6 Author: Michael Prokop <> Date: Tue May 28 17:58:42 2019 +0200 Typo fixes s/familar/familiar/ s/compatiblity/compatibility/ s/ ot / to / s/itsef/itself/ commit 5f46c9d Author: zhumoing <> Date: Tue May 21 21:16:50 2019 +0800 typo-fixes typo-fixes commit 321dfe1 Author: wxisme <> Date: Sat Mar 16 15:10:55 2019 +0800 typo fix commit b4fb131 Merge: 267e0e6 3df1eb8 Author: Nikitas Bastas <> Date: Fri Feb 8 22:55:45 2019 +0200 Merge branch 'unstable' of antirez/redis into unstable commit 267e0e6 Author: Nikitas Bastas <> Date: Wed Jan 30 21:26:04 2019 +0200 Minor typo fix commit 30544e7 Author: inshal96 <> Date: Fri Jan 4 16:54:50 2019 +0500 remove an extra 'a' in the comments commit 337969d Author: BrotherGao <> Date: Sat Dec 29 12:37:29 2018 +0800 fix typo in redis.conf commit 9f4b121 Merge: 423a030 e504583 Author: BrotherGao <> Date: Sat Dec 29 11:41:12 2018 +0800 Merge branch 'unstable' of antirez/redis into unstable commit 423a030 Merge: 42b02b7 46a51cd Author: 杨东衡 <> Date: Tue Dec 4 23:56:11 2018 +0800 Merge branch 'unstable' of antirez/redis into unstable commit 42b02b7 Merge: 68c0e6e b8febe6 Author: Dongheng Yang <> Date: Sun Oct 28 15:54:23 2018 +0800 Merge pull request #1 from antirez/unstable update local data commit 714b589 Author: Christian <> Date: Fri Dec 28 01:17:26 2018 +0100 fix typo "resulution" commit e23259d Author: garenchan <> Date: Wed Dec 26 09:58:35 2018 +0800 fix typo: segfauls -> segfault commit a9359f8 Author: xjp <> Date: Tue Dec 18 17:31:44 2018 +0800 Fixed REDISMODULE_H spell bug commit a12c3e4 Author: jdiaz <> Date: Sat Dec 15 23:39:52 2018 -0600 Fixes hyperloglog hash function comment block description commit 770eb11 Author: 林上耀 <> Date: Sun Nov 25 17:16:10 2018 +0800 fix typo commit fd97fbb Author: Chris Lamb <> Date: Fri Nov 23 17:14:01 2018 +0100 Correct "unsupported" typo. commit a85522d Author: Jungnam Lee <> Date: Thu Nov 8 23:01:29 2018 +0900 fix typo in test comments commit ade8007 Author: Arun Kumar <> Date: Tue Oct 23 16:56:35 2018 +0530 Fixed grammatical typo Fixed typo for word 'dictionary' commit 869ee39 Author: Hamid Alaei <> Date: Sun Aug 12 16:40:02 2018 +0430 fix documentations: (ThreadSafeContextStart/Stop -> ThreadSafeContextLock/Unlock), minor typo commit f89d158 Author: Mayank Jain <> Date: Tue Jul 31 23:01:21 2018 +0530 Updated with some spelling corrections. Made correction in spelling of some misspelled words. commit 892198e Author: dsomeshwar <> Date: Sat Jul 21 23:23:04 2018 +0530 typo fix commit 8a4d780 Author: Itamar Haber <> Date: Mon Apr 30 02:06:52 2018 +0300 Fixes some typos commit e3acef6 Author: Noah Rosamilia <> Date: Sat Mar 3 23:41:21 2018 -0500 Fix typo in /deps/ commit 04442fb Author: WuYunlong <> Date: Sat Mar 3 10:32:42 2018 +0800 Fix typo in readSyncBulkPayload() comment. commit 9f36880 Author: WuYunlong <> Date: Sat Mar 3 10:20:37 2018 +0800 replication.c comment: run_id -> replid. commit f866b4a Author: Francesco 'makevoid' Canessa <> Date: Thu Feb 22 22:01:56 2018 +0000 fix comment typo in server.c commit 0ebc69b Author: 줍 <> Date: Mon Feb 12 16:38:48 2018 +0900 Fix typo in redis.conf Fix `five behaviors` to `eight behaviors` in [this sentence ](antirez/redis@unstable/redis.conf#L564) commit b50a620 Author: martinbroadhurst <> Date: Thu Dec 28 12:07:30 2017 +0000 Fix typo in valgrind.sup commit 7d8f349 Author: Peter Boughton <> Date: Mon Nov 27 19:52:19 2017 +0000 Update CONTRIBUTING; refer doc updates to redis-doc repo. commit 02dec7e Author: Klauswk <> Date: Tue Oct 24 16:18:38 2017 -0200 Fix typo in comment commit e1efbc8 Author: chenshi <> Date: Tue Oct 3 18:26:30 2017 +0800 Correct two spelling errors of comments commit 93327d8 Author: spacewander <> Date: Wed Sep 13 16:47:24 2017 +0800 Update the comment for OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT's value The value of OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT is 44 now instead of 39. commit 63d361f Author: spacewander <> Date: Tue Sep 12 15:06:42 2017 +0800 Fix <prevlen> related doc in ziplist.c According to the definition of ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN and other related code, the guard of single byte <prevlen> should be 254 instead of 255. commit ebe228d Author: hanael80 <> Date: Tue Aug 15 09:09:40 2017 +0900 Fix typo commit 6b696e6 Author: Matt Robenolt <> Date: Mon Aug 14 14:50:47 2017 -0700 Fix typo in LATENCY DOCTOR output commit a2ec6ae Author: caosiyang <> Date: Tue Aug 15 14:15:16 2017 +0800 Fix a typo: form => from commit 3ab7699 Author: caosiyang <> Date: Thu Aug 10 18:40:33 2017 +0800 Fix a typo: replicationFeedSlavesFromMaster() => replicationFeedSlavesFromMasterStream() commit 72d43ef Author: caosiyang <> Date: Tue Aug 8 15:57:25 2017 +0800 fix a typo: servewr => server commit 707c958 Author: Bo Cai <> Date: Wed Jul 26 21:49:42 2017 +0800 redis-cli.c typo: conut -> count. Signed-off-by: Bo Cai <> commit b9385b2 Author: JackDrogon <> Date: Fri Jun 30 14:22:31 2017 +0800 Fix some spell problems commit 20d9230 Author: akosel <> Date: Sun Jun 4 19:35:13 2017 -0500 Fix typo commit b167bfc Author: Krzysiek Witkowicz <> Date: Mon May 22 21:32:27 2017 +0100 Fix #4008 small typo in comment commit 2b78ac8 Author: Jake Clarkson <> Date: Wed Apr 26 15:49:50 2017 +0100 Correct typo in tests/unit/hyperloglog.tcl commit b0f1cdb Author: Qi Luo <> Date: Wed Apr 19 14:25:18 2017 -0700 Fix typo commit a90b0f9 Author: charsyam <> Date: Thu Mar 16 18:19:53 2017 +0900 fix typos fix typos fix typos commit 8430a79 Author: Richard Hart <> Date: Mon Mar 13 22:17:41 2017 -0400 Fixed log message typo in listenToPort. commit 481a1c2 Author: Vinod Kumar <> Date: Sun Jan 15 23:04:51 2017 +0530 src/db.c: Correct "save" -> "safe" typo commit 586b4d3 Author: wangshaonan <> Date: Wed Dec 21 20:28:27 2016 +0800 Fix typo they->the in helloworld.c commit c1c4b5e Author: Jenner <> Date: Mon Dec 19 16:39:46 2016 +0800 typo error commit 1ee1a3f Author: tielei <> Date: Mon Jul 18 13:52:25 2016 +0800 fix some comments commit 11a41fb Author: Otto Kekäläinen <> Date: Sun Jul 3 10:23:55 2016 +0100 Fix spelling in documentation and comments commit 5fb5d82 Author: francischan <> Date: Tue Jun 28 00:19:33 2016 +0800 Fix outdated comments about redis.c file. It should now refer to server.c file. commit 6b254bc Author: lmatt-bit <> Date: Thu Apr 21 21:45:58 2016 +0800 Refine the comment of dictRehashMilliseconds func SLAVECONF->REPLCONF in comment - by andyli029 commit ee9869f Author: clark.kang <> Date: Tue Mar 22 11:09:51 2016 +0900 fix typos commit f7b3b11 Author: Harisankar H <> Date: Wed Mar 9 11:49:42 2016 +0530 Typo correction: "faield" --> "failed" Typo correction: "faield" --> "failed" commit 3fd40fc Author: Itamar Haber <> Date: Thu Feb 25 10:31:51 2016 +0200 Fixes a typo in comments commit 621c160 Author: Prayag Verma <> Date: Mon Feb 1 12:36:20 2016 +0530 Fix typo in Spelling mistakes - `eviciton` > `eviction` `familar` > `familiar` commit d7d07d6 Author: WonCheol Lee <> Date: Wed Dec 30 15:11:34 2015 +0900 Typo fixed commit a4dade7 Author: Felix Bünemann <> Date: Mon Dec 28 11:02:55 2015 +0100 [ci skip] Improve supervised upstart config docs This mentions that "expect stop" is required for supervised upstart to work correctly. See for an explanation. commit d9caba9 Author: daurnimator <> Date: Mon Dec 21 18:30:03 2015 +1100 README: Remove trailing whitespace commit 72d42e5 Author: daurnimator <> Date: Mon Dec 21 18:29:32 2015 +1100 README: Fix typo. th => the commit dd6e957 Author: daurnimator <> Date: Mon Dec 21 18:29:20 2015 +1100 README: Fix typo. familar => familiar commit 3a12b23 Author: daurnimator <> Date: Mon Dec 21 18:28:54 2015 +1100 README: Fix typo. eviciton => eviction commit 2d1d03b Author: daurnimator <> Date: Mon Dec 21 18:21:45 2015 +1100 README: Fix typo. sever => server commit 3973b06 Author: Itamar Haber <> Date: Sat Dec 19 17:01:20 2015 +0200 Typo fix commit 4f2e460 Author: Steve Gao <> Date: Fri Dec 4 10:22:05 2015 +0800 Update README - fix typos commit b21667c Author: binyan <> Date: Wed Dec 2 22:48:37 2015 +0800 delete redundancy color judge in sdscatcolor commit 88894c7 Author: binyan <> Date: Wed Dec 2 22:14:42 2015 +0800 the example output shoule be HelloWorld commit 2763470 Author: binyan <> Date: Wed Dec 2 17:41:39 2015 +0800 modify error word keyevente Signed-off-by: binyan <> commit 0847b3d Author: Bruno Martins <> Date: Wed Nov 4 11:37:01 2015 +0000 typo commit bbb9e9e Author: dawedawe <> Date: Fri Mar 27 00:46:41 2015 +0100 typo: zimap -> zipmap commit 5ed297e Author: Axel Advento <> Date: Tue Mar 3 15:58:29 2015 +0800 Fix 'salve' typos to 'slave' commit edec9d6 Author: LudwikJaniuk <> Date: Wed Jun 12 14:12:47 2019 +0200 Update Co-Authored-By: Qix <> commit 692a7af Author: LudwikJaniuk <> Date: Tue May 28 14:32:04 2019 +0200 grammar commit d962b0a Author: Nick Frost <> Date: Wed Jul 20 15:17:12 2016 -0700 Minor grammar fix commit 24fff01aaccaf5956973ada8c50ceb1462e211c6 (typos) Author: Chad Miller <> Date: Tue Sep 8 13:46:11 2020 -0400 Fix faulty comment about operation of unlink() commit 3cd5c1f3326c52aa552ada7ec797c6bb16452355 Author: Kevin <> Date: Wed Nov 20 00:13:50 2019 +0800 Fix typo in server.c. From a83af59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wuwo <> Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 20:37:45 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] falure to failure From c961896 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=B7=A6=E6=87=B6?= <> Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 15:33:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix typo From e600ef2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "rui.zou" <> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 12:38:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix a typo From c7d07fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexandre Perrin <> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:35:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] deps typo From b25cb67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Guy Korland <> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 10:55:37 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] fix typos in header From ad28ca6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Guy Korland <> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 11:02:36 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fix typos commit 34924cdedd8552466fc22c1168d49236cb7ee915 Author: Adrian Lynch <> Date: Sat Apr 4 21:59:15 2015 +0100 Typos fixed commit fd2a1e7 Author: Jan <> Date: Sat Oct 27 19:13:01 2018 +0200 Fix typos Fix typos commit e14e47c1a234b53b0e103c5f6a1c61481cbcbb02 Author: Andy Lester <> Date: Fri Aug 2 22:30:07 2019 -0500 Fix multiple misspellings of "following" commit 79b948ce2dac6b453fe80995abbcaac04c213d5a Author: Andy Lester <> Date: Fri Aug 2 22:24:28 2019 -0500 Fix misspelling of create-cluster commit 1fffde52666dc99ab35efbd31071a4c008cb5a71 Author: Andy Lester <> Date: Wed Jul 31 17:57:56 2019 -0500 Fix typos commit 204c9ba9651e9e05fd73936b452b9a30be456cfe Author: Xiaobo Zhu <> Date: Tue Aug 13 22:19:25 2019 +0800 fix typos Squashed commit of the following: commit 1d9aaf8 Author: danmedani <> Date: Sun Aug 2 11:40:26 2015 -0700 README typo fix. Squashed commit of the following: commit 32bfa7c Author: Erik Dubbelboer <> Date: Mon Jul 6 21:15:08 2015 +0200 Fixed grammer Squashed commit of the following: commit b24f69c Author: Sisir Koppaka <> Date: Mon Mar 2 22:38:45 2015 -0500 utils/hashtable/rehashing.c: Fix typos Squashed commit of the following: commit 4e04082 Author: Erik Dubbelboer <> Date: Mon Mar 23 08:22:21 2015 +0000 Small config file documentation improvements Squashed commit of the following: commit acb8773 Author: ctd1500 <> Date: Fri May 8 01:52:48 2015 -0700 Typo and grammar fixes in readme commit 2eb75b6 Author: ctd1500 <> Date: Fri May 8 01:36:18 2015 -0700 fixed redis.conf comment Squashed commit of the following: commit a8249a2 Author: Masahiko Sawada <> Date: Fri Dec 11 11:39:52 2015 +0530 Revise correction of typos. Squashed commit of the following: commit 3c02028 Author: zhaojun11 <> Date: Wed Jan 17 19:05:28 2018 +0800 Fix typos include two code typos in cluster.c and latency.c Squashed commit of the following: commit 9dba47c Author: q191201771 <> Date: Sat Jan 4 11:31:04 2020 +0800 fix function listCreate comment in adlist.c Update src/server.c commit 2c7c2cb536e78dd211b1ac6f7bda00f0f54faaeb Author: charpty <> Date: Tue May 1 23:16:59 2018 +0800 server.c typo: modules system dictionary type comment Signed-off-by: charpty <> commit a8395323fb63cb59cb3591cb0f0c8edb7c29a680 Author: Itamar Haber <> Date: Sun May 6 00:25:18 2018 +0300 Updates test_helper.tcl's help with undocumented options Specifically: * Host * Port * Client commit bde6f9ced15755cd6407b4af7d601b030f36d60b Author: wxisme <> Date: Wed Aug 8 15:19:19 2018 +0800 fix comments in deps files commit 3172474ba991532ab799ee1873439f3402412331 Author: wxisme <> Date: Wed Aug 8 14:33:49 2018 +0800 fix some comments commit 01b6f2b6858b5cf2ce4ad5092d2c746e755f53f0 Author: Thor Juhasz <> Date: Sun Nov 18 14:37:41 2018 +0100 Minor fixes to comments Found some parts a little unclear on a first read, which prompted me to have a better look at the file and fix some minor things I noticed. Fixing minor typos and grammar. There are no changes to configuration options. These changes are only meant to help the user better understand the explanations to the various configuration options
2020-09-10 12:43:38 +02:00
/* Update the score of an element inside the sorted set skiplist.
* Note that the element must exist and must match 'score'.
* This function does not update the score in the hash table side, the
* caller should take care of it.
* Note that this function attempts to just update the node, in case after
* the score update, the node would be exactly at the same position.
* Otherwise the skiplist is modified by removing and re-adding a new
* element, which is more costly.
* The function returns the updated element skiplist node pointer. */
zskiplistNode *zslUpdateScore(zskiplist *zsl, double curscore, sds ele, double newscore) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
int i;
2018-08-01 18:54:15 +02:00
/* We need to seek to element to update to start: this is useful anyway,
* we'll have to update or remove it. */
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward &&
(x->level[i].forward->score < curscore ||
(x->level[i].forward->score == curscore &&
sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) < 0)))
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* Jump to our element: note that this function assumes that the
* element with the matching score exists. */
x = x->level[0].forward;
serverAssert(x && curscore == x->score && sdscmp(x->ele,ele) == 0);
/* If the node, after the score update, would be still exactly
* at the same position, we can just update the score without
* actually removing and re-inserting the element in the skiplist. */
if ((x->backward == NULL || x->backward->score < newscore) &&
(x->level[0].forward == NULL || x->level[0].forward->score > newscore))
x->score = newscore;
return x;
/* No way to reuse the old node: we need to remove and insert a new
* one at a different place. */
zslDeleteNode(zsl, x, update);
zskiplistNode *newnode = zslInsert(zsl,newscore,x->ele);
/* We reused the old node x->ele SDS string, free the node now
* since zslInsert created a new one. */
x->ele = NULL;
return newnode;
2016-04-19 17:02:24 +02:00
int zslValueGteMin(double value, zrangespec *spec) {
return spec->minex ? (value > spec->min) : (value >= spec->min);
int zslValueLteMax(double value, zrangespec *spec) {
return spec->maxex ? (value < spec->max) : (value <= spec->max);
/* Returns if there is a part of the zset is in range. */
int zslIsInRange(zskiplist *zsl, zrangespec *range) {
zskiplistNode *x;
2011-01-17 11:10:30 +01:00
/* Test for ranges that will always be empty. */
if (range->min > range->max ||
(range->min == range->max && (range->minex || range->maxex)))
return 0;
x = zsl->tail;
2011-02-10 11:49:59 +01:00
if (x == NULL || !zslValueGteMin(x->score,range))
return 0;
x = zsl->header->level[0].forward;
2011-02-10 11:49:59 +01:00
if (x == NULL || !zslValueLteMax(x->score,range))
return 0;
return 1;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Find the Nth node that is contained in the specified range. N should be 0-based.
* Negative N works for reversed order (-1 represents the last element). Returns
* NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
zskiplistNode *zslNthInRange(zskiplist *zsl, zrangespec *range, long n) {
zskiplistNode *x;
int i;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
long edge_rank = 0;
long last_highest_level_rank = 0;
zskiplistNode *last_highest_level_node = NULL;
unsigned long rank_diff;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zslIsInRange(zsl,range)) return NULL;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Go forward while *OUT* of range at level of zsl->level-1. */
x = zsl->header;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
i = zsl->level - 1;
while (x->level[i].forward && !zslValueGteMin(x->level[i].forward->score, range)) {
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
/* Remember the last node which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank. */
last_highest_level_node = x;
last_highest_level_rank = edge_rank;
if (n >= 0) {
for (i = zsl->level - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
/* Go forward while *OUT* of range. */
while (x->level[i].forward && !zslValueGteMin(x->level[i].forward->score, range)) {
/* Count the rank of the last element smaller than the range. */
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Check if zsl is long enough. */
if ((unsigned long)(edge_rank + n) >= zsl->length) return NULL;
/* If offset is small, we can just jump node by node */
/* rank+1 is the first element in range, so we need n+1 steps to reach target. */
for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) {
x = x->level[0].forward;
} else {
/* If offset is big, we can jump from the last zsl->level-1 node. */
rank_diff = edge_rank + 1 + n - last_highest_level_rank;
x = zslGetElementByRankFromNode(last_highest_level_node, zsl->level - 1, rank_diff);
/* Check if score <= max. */
if (x && !zslValueLteMax(x->score,range)) return NULL;
} else {
for (i = zsl->level - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
/* Go forward while *IN* range. */
while (x->level[i].forward && zslValueLteMax(x->level[i].forward->score, range)) {
/* Count the rank of the last element in range. */
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Check if the range is big enough. */
if (edge_rank < -n) return NULL;
if (n + 1 > -ZSKIPLIST_MAX_SEARCH) {
/* If offset is small, we can just jump node by node */
/* rank is the -1th element in range, so we need -n-1 steps to reach target. */
for (i = 0; i < -n - 1; i++) {
x = x->backward;
} else {
/* If offset is big, we can jump from the last zsl->level-1 node. */
/* rank is the last element in range, n is -1-based, so we need n+1 to count backwards. */
rank_diff = edge_rank + 1 + n - last_highest_level_rank;
x = zslGetElementByRankFromNode(last_highest_level_node, zsl->level - 1, rank_diff);
/* Check if score >= min. */
if (x && !zslValueGteMin(x->score, range)) return NULL;
return x;
/* Delete all the elements with score between min and max from the skiplist.
* Both min and max can be inclusive or exclusive (see range->minex and
* range->maxex). When inclusive a score >= min && score <= max is deleted.
* Note that this function takes the reference to the hash table view of the
* sorted set, in order to remove the elements from the hash table too. */
unsigned long zslDeleteRangeByScore(zskiplist *zsl, zrangespec *range, dict *dict) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
unsigned long removed = 0;
int i;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward &&
!zslValueGteMin(x->level[i].forward->score, range))
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* Current node is the last with score < or <= min. */
x = x->level[0].forward;
/* Delete nodes while in range. */
while (x && zslValueLteMax(x->score, range)) {
zskiplistNode *next = x->level[0].forward;
zslFreeNode(x); /* Here is where x->ele is actually released. */
x = next;
return removed;
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
unsigned long zslDeleteRangeByLex(zskiplist *zsl, zlexrangespec *range, dict *dict) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
unsigned long removed = 0;
int i;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward &&
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* Current node is the last with score < or <= min. */
x = x->level[0].forward;
/* Delete nodes while in range. */
while (x && zslLexValueLteMax(x->ele,range)) {
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
zskiplistNode *next = x->level[0].forward;
zslFreeNode(x); /* Here is where x->ele is actually released. */
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
x = next;
return removed;
/* Delete all the elements with rank between start and end from the skiplist.
* Start and end are inclusive. Note that start and end need to be 1-based */
unsigned long zslDeleteRangeByRank(zskiplist *zsl, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, dict *dict) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
unsigned long traversed = 0, removed = 0;
int i;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward && (traversed + x->level[i].span) < start) {
traversed += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
x = x->level[0].forward;
while (x && traversed <= end) {
zskiplistNode *next = x->level[0].forward;
x = next;
return removed;
/* Find the rank for an element by both score and key.
* Returns 0 when the element cannot be found, rank otherwise.
* Note that the rank is 1-based due to the span of zsl->header to the
* first element. */
unsigned long zslGetRank(zskiplist *zsl, double score, sds ele) {
zskiplistNode *x;
unsigned long rank = 0;
int i;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward &&
(x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
(x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
sdscmp(x->level[i].forward->ele,ele) <= 0))) {
rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
/* x might be equal to zsl->header, so test if obj is non-NULL */
if (x->ele && x->score == score && sdscmp(x->ele,ele) == 0) {
return rank;
return 0;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Finds an element by its rank from start node. The rank argument needs to be 1-based. */
zskiplistNode *zslGetElementByRankFromNode(zskiplistNode *start_node, int start_level, unsigned long rank) {
zskiplistNode *x;
unsigned long traversed = 0;
int i;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
x = start_node;
for (i = start_level; i >= 0; i--) {
while (x->level[i].forward && (traversed + x->level[i].span) <= rank)
traversed += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
if (traversed == rank) {
return x;
return NULL;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Finds an element by its rank. The rank argument needs to be 1-based. */
zskiplistNode *zslGetElementByRank(zskiplist *zsl, unsigned long rank) {
return zslGetElementByRankFromNode(zsl->header, zsl->level - 1, rank);
/* Populate the rangespec according to the objects min and max. */
static int zslParseRange(robj *min, robj *max, zrangespec *spec) {
char *eptr;
spec->minex = spec->maxex = 0;
/* Parse the min-max interval. If one of the values is prefixed
* by the "(" character, it's considered "open". For instance
* ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.5 (2.5 will match min < x < max
* ZRANGEBYSCORE zset 1.5 2.5 will instead match min <= x <= max */
if (min->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
spec->min = (long)min->ptr;
} else {
if (((char*)min->ptr)[0] == '(') {
spec->min = strtod((char*)min->ptr+1,&eptr);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' || isnan(spec->min)) return C_ERR;
spec->minex = 1;
} else {
spec->min = strtod((char*)min->ptr,&eptr);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' || isnan(spec->min)) return C_ERR;
if (max->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
spec->max = (long)max->ptr;
} else {
if (((char*)max->ptr)[0] == '(') {
spec->max = strtod((char*)max->ptr+1,&eptr);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' || isnan(spec->max)) return C_ERR;
spec->maxex = 1;
} else {
spec->max = strtod((char*)max->ptr,&eptr);
if (eptr[0] != '\0' || isnan(spec->max)) return C_ERR;
return C_OK;
/* ------------------------ Lexicographic ranges ---------------------------- */
/* Parse max or min argument of ZRANGEBYLEX.
* (foo means foo (open interval)
* [foo means foo (closed interval)
* - means the min string possible
* + means the max string possible
* If the string is valid the *dest pointer is set to the redis object
2018-07-01 07:24:50 +02:00
* that will be used for the comparison, and ex will be set to 0 or 1
* respectively if the item is exclusive or inclusive. C_OK will be
* returned.
* If the string is not a valid range C_ERR is returned, and the value
* of *dest and *ex is undefined. */
int zslParseLexRangeItem(robj *item, sds *dest, int *ex) {
char *c = item->ptr;
switch(c[0]) {
case '+':
if (c[1] != '\0') return C_ERR;
*ex = 1;
*dest = shared.maxstring;
return C_OK;
case '-':
if (c[1] != '\0') return C_ERR;
*ex = 1;
*dest = shared.minstring;
return C_OK;
case '(':
*ex = 1;
*dest = sdsnewlen(c+1,sdslen(c)-1);
return C_OK;
case '[':
*ex = 0;
*dest = sdsnewlen(c+1,sdslen(c)-1);
return C_OK;
return C_ERR;
/* Free a lex range structure, must be called only after zslParseLexRange()
* populated the structure with success (C_OK returned). */
void zslFreeLexRange(zlexrangespec *spec) {
if (spec->min != shared.minstring &&
spec->min != shared.maxstring) sdsfree(spec->min);
if (spec->max != shared.minstring &&
spec->max != shared.maxstring) sdsfree(spec->max);
2016-04-21 09:27:13 +02:00
/* Populate the lex rangespec according to the objects min and max.
* Return C_OK on success. On error C_ERR is returned.
* When OK is returned the structure must be freed with zslFreeLexRange(),
* otherwise no release is needed. */
2016-04-21 09:27:13 +02:00
int zslParseLexRange(robj *min, robj *max, zlexrangespec *spec) {
/* The range can't be valid if objects are integer encoded.
* Every item must start with ( or [. */
if (min->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT ||
max->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) return C_ERR;
spec->min = spec->max = NULL;
if (zslParseLexRangeItem(min, &spec->min, &spec->minex) == C_ERR ||
zslParseLexRangeItem(max, &spec->max, &spec->maxex) == C_ERR) {
return C_ERR;
} else {
return C_OK;
/* This is just a wrapper to sdscmp() that is able to
* handle shared.minstring and shared.maxstring as the equivalent of
* -inf and +inf for strings */
int sdscmplex(sds a, sds b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a == shared.minstring || b == shared.maxstring) return -1;
if (a == shared.maxstring || b == shared.minstring) return 1;
return sdscmp(a,b);
2016-04-21 11:17:00 +02:00
int zslLexValueGteMin(sds value, zlexrangespec *spec) {
return spec->minex ?
(sdscmplex(value,spec->min) > 0) :
(sdscmplex(value,spec->min) >= 0);
2016-04-21 11:17:00 +02:00
int zslLexValueLteMax(sds value, zlexrangespec *spec) {
return spec->maxex ?
(sdscmplex(value,spec->max) < 0) :
(sdscmplex(value,spec->max) <= 0);
/* Returns if there is a part of the zset is in the lex range. */
int zslIsInLexRange(zskiplist *zsl, zlexrangespec *range) {
zskiplistNode *x;
/* Test for ranges that will always be empty. */
int cmp = sdscmplex(range->min,range->max);
if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && (range->minex || range->maxex)))
return 0;
x = zsl->tail;
if (x == NULL || !zslLexValueGteMin(x->ele,range))
return 0;
x = zsl->header->level[0].forward;
if (x == NULL || !zslLexValueLteMax(x->ele,range))
return 0;
return 1;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Find the Nth node that is contained in the specified range. N should be 0-based.
* Negative N works for reversed order (-1 represents the last element). Returns
* NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
zskiplistNode *zslNthInLexRange(zskiplist *zsl, zlexrangespec *range, long n) {
zskiplistNode *x;
int i;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
long edge_rank = 0;
long last_highest_level_rank = 0;
zskiplistNode *last_highest_level_node = NULL;
unsigned long rank_diff;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zslIsInLexRange(zsl,range)) return NULL;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Go forward while *OUT* of range at level of zsl->level-1. */
x = zsl->header;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
i = zsl->level - 1;
while (x->level[i].forward && !zslLexValueGteMin(x->level[i].forward->ele, range)) {
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
/* Remember the last node which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank. */
last_highest_level_node = x;
last_highest_level_rank = edge_rank;
if (n >= 0) {
for (i = zsl->level - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
/* Go forward while *OUT* of range. */
while (x->level[i].forward && !zslLexValueGteMin(x->level[i].forward->ele, range)) {
/* Count the rank of the last element smaller than the range. */
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Check if zsl is long enough. */
if ((unsigned long)(edge_rank + n) >= zsl->length) return NULL;
/* If offset is small, we can just jump node by node */
/* rank+1 is the first element in range, so we need n+1 steps to reach target. */
for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) {
x = x->level[0].forward;
} else {
/* If offset is big, we caasn jump from the last zsl->level-1 node. */
rank_diff = edge_rank + 1 + n - last_highest_level_rank;
x = zslGetElementByRankFromNode(last_highest_level_node, zsl->level - 1, rank_diff);
/* Check if score <= max. */
if (x && !zslLexValueLteMax(x->ele,range)) return NULL;
} else {
for (i = zsl->level - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
/* Go forward while *IN* range. */
while (x->level[i].forward && zslLexValueLteMax(x->level[i].forward->ele, range)) {
/* Count the rank of the last element in range. */
edge_rank += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
/* Check if the range is big enough. */
if (edge_rank < -n) return NULL;
if (n + 1 > -ZSKIPLIST_MAX_SEARCH) {
/* If offset is small, we can just jump node by node */
for (i = 0; i < -n - 1; i++) {
x = x->backward;
} else {
/* If offset is big, we can jump from the last zsl->level-1 node. */
/* rank is the last element in range, n is -1-based, so we need n+1 to count backwards. */
rank_diff = edge_rank + 1 + n - last_highest_level_rank;
x = zslGetElementByRankFromNode(last_highest_level_node, zsl->level - 1, rank_diff);
/* Check if score >= min. */
if (x && !zslLexValueGteMin(x->ele, range)) return NULL;
return x;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
* Listpack-backed sorted set API
double zzlStrtod(unsigned char *vstr, unsigned int vlen) {
char buf[128];
if (vlen > sizeof(buf) - 1)
vlen = sizeof(buf) - 1;
buf[vlen] = '\0';
return strtod(buf,NULL);
double zzlGetScore(unsigned char *sptr) {
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
double score;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(sptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr) {
score = zzlStrtod(vstr,vlen);
} else {
score = vlong;
return score;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Return a listpack element as an SDS string. */
sds lpGetObject(unsigned char *sptr) {
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(sptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr) {
return sdsnewlen((char*)vstr,vlen);
} else {
return sdsfromlonglong(vlong);
/* Compare element in sorted set with given element. */
int zzlCompareElements(unsigned char *eptr, unsigned char *cstr, unsigned int clen) {
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
unsigned char vbuf[32];
int minlen, cmp;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr == NULL) {
/* Store string representation of long long in buf. */
vlen = ll2string((char*)vbuf,sizeof(vbuf),vlong);
vstr = vbuf;
minlen = (vlen < clen) ? vlen : clen;
cmp = memcmp(vstr,cstr,minlen);
if (cmp == 0) return vlen-clen;
return cmp;
2011-03-10 16:17:14 +01:00
unsigned int zzlLength(unsigned char *zl) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
return lpLength(zl)/2;
2011-03-08 17:11:15 +01:00
/* Move to next entry based on the values in eptr and sptr. Both are set to
* NULL when there is no next entry. */
void zzlNext(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **eptr, unsigned char **sptr) {
unsigned char *_eptr, *_sptr;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(*eptr != NULL && *sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
_eptr = lpNext(zl,*sptr);
if (_eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
_sptr = lpNext(zl,_eptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(_sptr != NULL);
} else {
/* No next entry. */
_sptr = NULL;
*eptr = _eptr;
*sptr = _sptr;
/* Move to the previous entry based on the values in eptr and sptr. Both are
* set to NULL when there is no prev entry. */
void zzlPrev(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **eptr, unsigned char **sptr) {
unsigned char *_eptr, *_sptr;
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(*eptr != NULL && *sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
_sptr = lpPrev(zl,*eptr);
if (_sptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
_eptr = lpPrev(zl,_sptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(_eptr != NULL);
} else {
/* No previous entry. */
_eptr = NULL;
*eptr = _eptr;
*sptr = _sptr;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
/* Returns if there is a part of the zset is in range. Should only be used
* internally by zzlFirstInRange and zzlLastInRange. */
int zzlIsInRange(unsigned char *zl, zrangespec *range) {
unsigned char *p;
double score;
/* Test for ranges that will always be empty. */
if (range->min > range->max ||
(range->min == range->max && (range->minex || range->maxex)))
return 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
p = lpSeek(zl,-1); /* Last score. */
if (p == NULL) return 0; /* Empty sorted set */
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
score = zzlGetScore(p);
if (!zslValueGteMin(score,range))
return 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
p = lpSeek(zl,1); /* First score. */
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(p != NULL);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
score = zzlGetScore(p);
if (!zslValueLteMax(score,range))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Find pointer to the first element contained in the specified range.
* Returns NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
unsigned char *zzlFirstInRange(unsigned char *zl, zrangespec *range) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr = lpSeek(zl,0), *sptr;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
double score;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zzlIsInRange(zl,range)) return NULL;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
while (eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
if (zslValueGteMin(score,range)) {
/* Check if score <= max. */
if (zslValueLteMax(score,range))
return eptr;
return NULL;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
/* Move to next element. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpNext(zl,sptr);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
return NULL;
/* Find pointer to the last element contained in the specified range.
* Returns NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
unsigned char *zzlLastInRange(unsigned char *zl, zrangespec *range) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr = lpSeek(zl,-2), *sptr;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
double score;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zzlIsInRange(zl,range)) return NULL;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
while (eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
if (zslValueLteMax(score,range)) {
/* Check if score >= min. */
if (zslValueGteMin(score,range))
return eptr;
return NULL;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
/* Move to previous element by moving to the score of previous element.
* When this returns NULL, we know there also is no element. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpPrev(zl,eptr);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
if (sptr != NULL)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
serverAssert((eptr = lpPrev(zl,sptr)) != NULL);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
eptr = NULL;
return NULL;
2016-04-21 11:17:00 +02:00
int zzlLexValueGteMin(unsigned char *p, zlexrangespec *spec) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sds value = lpGetObject(p);
int res = zslLexValueGteMin(value,spec);
return res;
2016-04-21 11:17:00 +02:00
int zzlLexValueLteMax(unsigned char *p, zlexrangespec *spec) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sds value = lpGetObject(p);
int res = zslLexValueLteMax(value,spec);
return res;
/* Returns if there is a part of the zset is in range. Should only be used
* internally by zzlFirstInLexRange and zzlLastInLexRange. */
int zzlIsInLexRange(unsigned char *zl, zlexrangespec *range) {
unsigned char *p;
/* Test for ranges that will always be empty. */
int cmp = sdscmplex(range->min,range->max);
if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && (range->minex || range->maxex)))
return 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
p = lpSeek(zl,-2); /* Last element. */
if (p == NULL) return 0;
if (!zzlLexValueGteMin(p,range))
return 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
p = lpSeek(zl,0); /* First element. */
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(p != NULL);
if (!zzlLexValueLteMax(p,range))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Find pointer to the first element contained in the specified lex range.
* Returns NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
unsigned char *zzlFirstInLexRange(unsigned char *zl, zlexrangespec *range) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr = lpSeek(zl,0), *sptr;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zzlIsInLexRange(zl,range)) return NULL;
while (eptr != NULL) {
if (zzlLexValueGteMin(eptr,range)) {
/* Check if score <= max. */
if (zzlLexValueLteMax(eptr,range))
return eptr;
return NULL;
/* Move to next element. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr); /* This element score. Skip it. */
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpNext(zl,sptr); /* Next element. */
return NULL;
/* Find pointer to the last element contained in the specified lex range.
* Returns NULL when no element is contained in the range. */
unsigned char *zzlLastInLexRange(unsigned char *zl, zlexrangespec *range) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr = lpSeek(zl,-2), *sptr;
/* If everything is out of range, return early. */
if (!zzlIsInLexRange(zl,range)) return NULL;
while (eptr != NULL) {
if (zzlLexValueLteMax(eptr,range)) {
/* Check if score >= min. */
if (zzlLexValueGteMin(eptr,range))
return eptr;
return NULL;
/* Move to previous element by moving to the score of previous element.
* When this returns NULL, we know there also is no element. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpPrev(zl,eptr);
if (sptr != NULL)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
serverAssert((eptr = lpPrev(zl,sptr)) != NULL);
eptr = NULL;
return NULL;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *zzlFind(unsigned char *lp, sds ele, double *score) {
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if ((eptr = lpFirst(lp)) == NULL) return NULL;
eptr = lpFind(lp, eptr, (unsigned char*)ele, sdslen(ele), 1);
if (eptr) {
sptr = lpNext(lp,eptr);
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Matching element, pull out score. */
if (score != NULL) *score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
return eptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
return NULL;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Delete (element,score) pair from listpack. Use local copy of eptr because we
* don't want to modify the one given as argument. */
unsigned char *zzlDelete(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *eptr) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
return lpDeleteRangeWithEntry(zl,&eptr,2);
unsigned char *zzlInsertAt(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *eptr, sds ele, double score) {
unsigned char *sptr;
char scorebuf[MAX_D2STRING_CHARS];
int scorelen = 0;
long long lscore;
int score_is_long = double2ll(score, &lscore);
if (!score_is_long)
scorelen = d2string(scorebuf,sizeof(scorebuf),score);
if (eptr == NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zl = lpAppend(zl,(unsigned char*)ele,sdslen(ele));
if (score_is_long)
zl = lpAppendInteger(zl,lscore);
zl = lpAppend(zl,(unsigned char*)scorebuf,scorelen);
} else {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Insert member before the element 'eptr'. */
zl = lpInsertString(zl,(unsigned char*)ele,sdslen(ele),eptr,LP_BEFORE,&sptr);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Insert score after the member. */
if (score_is_long)
zl = lpInsertInteger(zl,lscore,sptr,LP_AFTER,NULL);
zl = lpInsertString(zl,(unsigned char*)scorebuf,scorelen,sptr,LP_AFTER,NULL);
return zl;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Insert (element,score) pair in listpack. This function assumes the element is
* not yet present in the list. */
unsigned char *zzlInsert(unsigned char *zl, sds ele, double score) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr = lpSeek(zl,0), *sptr;
double s;
while (eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
s = zzlGetScore(sptr);
if (s > score) {
/* First element with score larger than score for element to be
* inserted. This means we should take its spot in the list to
* maintain ordering. */
zl = zzlInsertAt(zl,eptr,ele,score);
2011-03-08 21:36:43 +01:00
} else if (s == score) {
/* Ensure lexicographical ordering for elements. */
if (zzlCompareElements(eptr,(unsigned char*)ele,sdslen(ele)) > 0) {
zl = zzlInsertAt(zl,eptr,ele,score);
2011-03-08 21:36:43 +01:00
/* Move to next element. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpNext(zl,sptr);
/* Push on tail of list when it was not yet inserted. */
2011-03-08 21:36:43 +01:00
if (eptr == NULL)
zl = zzlInsertAt(zl,NULL,ele,score);
return zl;
unsigned char *zzlDeleteRangeByScore(unsigned char *zl, zrangespec *range, unsigned long *deleted) {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
double score;
unsigned long num = 0;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
if (deleted != NULL) *deleted = 0;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
eptr = zzlFirstInRange(zl,range);
if (eptr == NULL) return zl;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* When the tail of the listpack is deleted, eptr will be NULL. */
while (eptr && (sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr)) != NULL) {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
if (zslValueLteMax(score,range)) {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
/* Delete both the element and the score. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zl = lpDeleteRangeWithEntry(zl,&eptr,2);
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
} else {
/* No longer in range. */
if (deleted != NULL) *deleted = num;
return zl;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
unsigned char *zzlDeleteRangeByLex(unsigned char *zl, zlexrangespec *range, unsigned long *deleted) {
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned long num = 0;
if (deleted != NULL) *deleted = 0;
eptr = zzlFirstInLexRange(zl,range);
if (eptr == NULL) return zl;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* When the tail of the listpack is deleted, eptr will be NULL. */
while (eptr && (sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr)) != NULL) {
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
if (zzlLexValueLteMax(eptr,range)) {
/* Delete both the element and the score. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zl = lpDeleteRangeWithEntry(zl,&eptr,2);
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
} else {
/* No longer in range. */
if (deleted != NULL) *deleted = num;
return zl;
/* Delete all the elements with rank between start and end from the skiplist.
* Start and end are inclusive. Note that start and end need to be 1-based */
unsigned char *zzlDeleteRangeByRank(unsigned char *zl, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned long *deleted) {
unsigned int num = (end-start)+1;
if (deleted) *deleted = num;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zl = lpDeleteRange(zl,2*(start-1),2*num);
return zl;
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
* Common sorted set API
2017-12-08 08:37:08 +01:00
unsigned long zsetLength(const robj *zobj) {
unsigned long length = 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2011-03-10 16:17:14 +01:00
length = zzlLength(zobj->ptr);
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
length = ((const zset*)zobj->ptr)->zsl->length;
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
return length;
/* Factory method to return a zset.
* The size hint indicates approximately how many items will be added,
* and the value len hint indicates the approximate individual size of the added elements,
* they are used to determine the initial representation.
* If the hints are not known, and underestimation or 0 is suitable.
* We should never pass a negative value because it will convert to a very large unsigned number. */
robj *zsetTypeCreate(size_t size_hint, size_t val_len_hint) {
if (size_hint <= server.zset_max_listpack_entries &&
val_len_hint <= server.zset_max_listpack_value)
return createZsetListpackObject();
robj *zobj = createZsetObject();
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
dictExpand(zs->dict, size_hint);
return zobj;
/* Check if the existing zset should be converted to another encoding based off the
* the size hint. */
void zsetTypeMaybeConvert(robj *zobj, size_t size_hint) {
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK &&
size_hint > server.zset_max_listpack_entries)
zsetConvertAndExpand(zobj, OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST, size_hint);
/* Convert the zset to specified encoding. The zset dict (when converting
* to a skiplist) is presized to hold the number of elements in the original
* zset. */
void zsetConvert(robj *zobj, int encoding) {
zsetConvertAndExpand(zobj, encoding, zsetLength(zobj));
/* Converts a zset to the specified encoding, pre-sizing it for 'cap' elements. */
void zsetConvertAndExpand(robj *zobj, int encoding, unsigned long cap) {
zset *zs;
zskiplistNode *node, *next;
sds ele;
double score;
if (zobj->encoding == encoding) return;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
if (encoding != OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST)
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown target encoding");
zs = zmalloc(sizeof(*zs));
zs->dict = dictCreate(&zsetDictType);
zs->zsl = zslCreate();
/* Presize the dict to avoid rehashing */
dictExpand(zs->dict, cap);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpSeek(zl,0);
if (eptr != NULL) {
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,zobj,sptr != NULL);
while (eptr != NULL) {
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr == NULL)
ele = sdsfromlonglong(vlong);
ele = sdsnewlen((char*)vstr,vlen);
node = zslInsert(zs->zsl,score,ele);
serverAssert(dictAdd(zs->dict,ele,&node->score) == DICT_OK);
zobj->ptr = zs;
zobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST;
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
unsigned char *zl = lpNew(0);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (encoding != OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK)
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown target encoding");
/* Approach similar to zslFree(), since we want to free the skiplist at
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
* the same time as creating the listpack. */
zs = zobj->ptr;
node = zs->zsl->header->level[0].forward;
while (node) {
zl = zzlInsertAt(zl,NULL,node->ele,node->score);
next = node->level[0].forward;
node = next;
zobj->ptr = zl;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Convert the sorted set object into a listpack if it is not already a listpack
* and if the number of elements and the maximum element size and total elements size
* are within the expected ranges. */
void zsetConvertToListpackIfNeeded(robj *zobj, size_t maxelelen, size_t totelelen) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) return;
zset *zset = zobj->ptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zset->zsl->length <= server.zset_max_listpack_entries &&
maxelelen <= server.zset_max_listpack_value &&
lpSafeToAdd(NULL, totelelen))
/* Return (by reference) the score of the specified member of the sorted set
* storing it into *score. If the element does not exist C_ERR is returned
* otherwise C_OK is returned and *score is correctly populated.
* If 'zobj' or 'member' is NULL, C_ERR is returned. */
int zsetScore(robj *zobj, sds member, double *score) {
if (!zobj || !member) return C_ERR;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
if (zzlFind(zobj->ptr, member, score) == NULL) return C_ERR;
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
dictEntry *de = dictFind(zs->dict, member);
if (de == NULL) return C_ERR;
*score = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
return C_OK;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
/* Add a new element or update the score of an existing element in a sorted
* set, regardless of its encoding.
* The set of flags change the command behavior.
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
* The input flags are the following:
* ZADD_INCR: Increment the current element score by 'score' instead of updating
* the current element score. If the element does not exist, we
* assume 0 as previous score.
* ZADD_NX: Perform the operation only if the element does not exist.
* ZADD_XX: Perform the operation only if the element already exist.
* ZADD_GT: Perform the operation on existing elements only if the new score is
* greater than the current score.
* ZADD_LT: Perform the operation on existing elements only if the new score is
* less than the current score.
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
* When ZADD_INCR is used, the new score of the element is stored in
* '*newscore' if 'newscore' is not NULL.
* The returned flags are the following:
* ZADD_NAN: The resulting score is not a number.
* ZADD_ADDED: The element was added (not present before the call).
* ZADD_UPDATED: The element score was updated.
* ZADD_NOP: No operation was performed because of NX or XX.
* Return value:
* The function returns 1 on success, and sets the appropriate flags
* ADDED or UPDATED to signal what happened during the operation (note that
* none could be set if we re-added an element using the same score it used
* to have, or in the case a zero increment is used).
2020-04-14 11:23:44 +02:00
* The function returns 0 on error, currently only when the increment
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
* produces a NAN condition, or when the 'score' value is NAN since the
* start.
2020-04-14 11:23:44 +02:00
* The command as a side effect of adding a new element may convert the sorted
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
* set internal encoding from listpack to hashtable+skiplist.
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
2020-04-14 11:23:44 +02:00
* Memory management of 'ele':
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
* The function does not take ownership of the 'ele' SDS string, but copies
* it if needed. */
int zsetAdd(robj *zobj, double score, sds ele, int in_flags, int *out_flags, double *newscore) {
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
/* Turn options into simple to check vars. */
int incr = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_INCR) != 0;
int nx = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_NX) != 0;
int xx = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_XX) != 0;
int gt = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_GT) != 0;
int lt = (in_flags & ZADD_IN_LT) != 0;
*out_flags = 0; /* We'll return our response flags. */
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
double curscore;
/* NaN as input is an error regardless of all the other parameters. */
if (isnan(score)) {
*out_flags = ZADD_OUT_NAN;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 0;
/* Update the sorted set according to its encoding. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr;
if ((eptr = zzlFind(zobj->ptr,ele,&curscore)) != NULL) {
/* NX? Return, same element already exists. */
if (nx) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
/* Prepare the score for the increment if needed. */
if (incr) {
score += curscore;
if (isnan(score)) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NAN;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 0;
/* GT/LT? Only update if score is greater/less than current. */
if ((lt && score >= curscore) || (gt && score <= curscore)) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
return 1;
if (newscore) *newscore = score;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
/* Remove and re-insert when score changed. */
if (score != curscore) {
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
zobj->ptr = zzlDelete(zobj->ptr,eptr);
zobj->ptr = zzlInsert(zobj->ptr,ele,score);
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_UPDATED;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
} else if (!xx) {
/* check if the element is too large or the list
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
* becomes too long *before* executing zzlInsert. */
if (zzlLength(zobj->ptr)+1 > server.zset_max_listpack_entries ||
sdslen(ele) > server.zset_max_listpack_value ||
!lpSafeToAdd(zobj->ptr, sdslen(ele)))
zsetConvertAndExpand(zobj, OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST, zsetLength(zobj) + 1);
} else {
zobj->ptr = zzlInsert(zobj->ptr,ele,score);
if (newscore) *newscore = score;
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_ADDED;
return 1;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
} else {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
2021-11-24 12:34:13 +01:00
/* Note that the above block handling listpack would have either returned or
* converted the key to skiplist. */
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplistNode *znode;
dictEntry *de;
de = dictFind(zs->dict,ele);
if (de != NULL) {
/* NX? Return, same element already exists. */
if (nx) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
curscore = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
/* Prepare the score for the increment if needed. */
if (incr) {
score += curscore;
if (isnan(score)) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NAN;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 0;
/* GT/LT? Only update if score is greater/less than current. */
if ((lt && score >= curscore) || (gt && score <= curscore)) {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
return 1;
if (newscore) *newscore = score;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
/* Remove and re-insert when score changes. */
if (score != curscore) {
znode = zslUpdateScore(zs->zsl,curscore,ele,score);
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
/* Note that we did not removed the original element from
* the hash table representing the sorted set, so we just
* update the score. */
dictSetVal(zs->dict, de, &znode->score); /* Update score ptr. */
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_UPDATED;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
} else if (!xx) {
ele = sdsdup(ele);
znode = zslInsert(zs->zsl,score,ele);
serverAssert(dictAdd(zs->dict,ele,&znode->score) == DICT_OK);
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_ADDED;
2016-04-18 05:35:54 +02:00
if (newscore) *newscore = score;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
} else {
*out_flags |= ZADD_OUT_NOP;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
return 1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
return 0; /* Never reached. */
/* Deletes the element 'ele' from the sorted set encoded as a skiplist+dict,
* returning 1 if the element existed and was deleted, 0 otherwise (the
* element was not there). It does not resize the dict after deleting the
* element. */
static int zsetRemoveFromSkiplist(zset *zs, sds ele) {
dictEntry *de;
double score;
de = dictUnlink(zs->dict,ele);
if (de != NULL) {
/* Get the score in order to delete from the skiplist later. */
score = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
/* Delete from the hash table and later from the skiplist.
* Note that the order is important: deleting from the skiplist
* actually releases the SDS string representing the element,
* which is shared between the skiplist and the hash table, so
* we need to delete from the skiplist as the final step. */
/* Delete from skiplist. */
int retval = zslDelete(zs->zsl,score,ele,NULL);
return 1;
return 0;
2016-04-15 15:20:25 +02:00
/* Delete the element 'ele' from the sorted set, returning 1 if the element
* existed and was deleted, 0 otherwise (the element was not there). */
int zsetDel(robj *zobj, sds ele) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2016-04-15 15:20:25 +02:00
unsigned char *eptr;
if ((eptr = zzlFind(zobj->ptr,ele,NULL)) != NULL) {
zobj->ptr = zzlDelete(zobj->ptr,eptr);
return 1;
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
if (zsetRemoveFromSkiplist(zs, ele)) {
2016-04-15 15:20:25 +02:00
return 1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
return 0; /* No such element found. */
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
/* Given a sorted set object returns the 0-based rank of the object or
* -1 if the object does not exist.
* For rank we mean the position of the element in the sorted collection
* of elements. So the first element has rank 0, the second rank 1, and so
* forth up to length-1 elements.
* If 'reverse' is false, the rank is returned considering as first element
* the one with the lowest score. Otherwise if 'reverse' is non-zero
* the rank is computed considering as element with rank 0 the one with
* the highest score. */
long zsetRank(robj *zobj, sds ele, int reverse, double *output_score) {
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
unsigned long llen;
unsigned long rank;
llen = zsetLength(zobj);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpSeek(zl,0);
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
serverAssert(eptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
serverAssert(sptr != NULL);
rank = 1;
while(eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (lpCompare(eptr,(unsigned char*)ele,sdslen(ele)))
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
if (eptr != NULL) {
if (output_score)
*output_score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
if (reverse)
return llen-rank;
return rank-1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
dictEntry *de;
double score;
de = dictFind(zs->dict,ele);
if (de != NULL) {
score = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
rank = zslGetRank(zsl,score,ele);
/* Existing elements always have a rank. */
serverAssert(rank != 0);
if (output_score)
*output_score = score;
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
if (reverse)
return llen-rank;
return rank-1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
/* This is a helper function for the COPY command.
* Duplicate a sorted set object, with the guarantee that the returned object
* has the same encoding as the original one.
* The resulting object always has refcount set to 1 */
robj *zsetDup(robj *o) {
robj *zobj;
zset *zs;
zset *new_zs;
serverAssert(o->type == OBJ_ZSET);
/* Create a new sorted set object that have the same encoding as the original object's encoding */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
size_t sz = lpBytes(zl);
unsigned char *new_zl = zmalloc(sz);
memcpy(new_zl, zl, sz);
zobj = createObject(OBJ_ZSET, new_zl);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK;
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zobj = createZsetObject();
zs = o->ptr;
new_zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *ln;
sds ele;
long llen = zsetLength(o);
/* We copy the skiplist elements from the greatest to the
* smallest (that's trivial since the elements are already ordered in
* the skiplist): this improves the load process, since the next loaded
* element will always be the smaller, so adding to the skiplist
* will always immediately stop at the head, making the insertion
* O(1) instead of O(log(N)). */
ln = zsl->tail;
while (llen--) {
ele = ln->ele;
sds new_ele = sdsdup(ele);
zskiplistNode *znode = zslInsert(new_zs->zsl,ln->score,new_ele);
ln = ln->backward;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
return zobj;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Create a new sds string from the listpack entry. */
sds zsetSdsFromListpackEntry(listpackEntry *e) {
return e->sval ? sdsnewlen(e->sval, e->slen) : sdsfromlonglong(e->lval);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
/* Reply with bulk string from the listpack entry. */
void zsetReplyFromListpackEntry(client *c, listpackEntry *e) {
if (e->sval)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, e->sval, e->slen);
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, e->lval);
/* Return random element from a non empty zset.
* 'key' and 'val' will be set to hold the element.
* The memory in `key` is not to be freed or modified by the caller.
* 'score' can be NULL in which case it's not extracted. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
void zsetTypeRandomElement(robj *zsetobj, unsigned long zsetsize, listpackEntry *key, double *score) {
if (zsetobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zsetobj->ptr;
dictEntry *de = dictGetFairRandomKey(zs->dict);
sds s = dictGetKey(de);
key->sval = (unsigned char*)s;
key->slen = sdslen(s);
if (score)
*score = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
} else if (zsetobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
listpackEntry val;
lpRandomPair(zsetobj->ptr, zsetsize, key, &val);
if (score) {
if (val.sval) {
*score = zzlStrtod(val.sval,val.slen);
} else {
*score = (double)val.lval;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown zset encoding");
* Sorted set commands
/* This generic command implements both ZADD and ZINCRBY. */
void zaddGenericCommand(client *c, int flags) {
static char *nanerr = "resulting score is not a number (NaN)";
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
sds ele;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
double score = 0, *scores = NULL;
int j, elements, ch = 0;
2015-05-29 09:59:42 +02:00
int scoreidx = 0;
/* The following vars are used in order to track what the command actually
* did during the execution, to reply to the client and to trigger the
* notification of keyspace change. */
int added = 0; /* Number of new elements added. */
int updated = 0; /* Number of elements with updated score. */
int processed = 0; /* Number of elements processed, may remain zero with
options like XX. */
/* Parse options. At the end 'scoreidx' is set to the argument position
* of the score of the first score-element pair. */
scoreidx = 2;
while(scoreidx < c->argc) {
char *opt = c->argv[scoreidx]->ptr;
if (!strcasecmp(opt,"nx")) flags |= ZADD_IN_NX;
else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"xx")) flags |= ZADD_IN_XX;
else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"ch")) ch = 1; /* Return num of elements added or updated. */
else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"incr")) flags |= ZADD_IN_INCR;
else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"gt")) flags |= ZADD_IN_GT;
else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"lt")) flags |= ZADD_IN_LT;
else break;
/* Turn options into simple to check vars. */
int incr = (flags & ZADD_IN_INCR) != 0;
int nx = (flags & ZADD_IN_NX) != 0;
int xx = (flags & ZADD_IN_XX) != 0;
int gt = (flags & ZADD_IN_GT) != 0;
int lt = (flags & ZADD_IN_LT) != 0;
/* After the options, we expect to have an even number of args, since
* we expect any number of score-element pairs. */
elements = c->argc-scoreidx;
if (elements % 2 || !elements) {
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
elements /= 2; /* Now this holds the number of score-element pairs. */
/* Check for incompatible options. */
if (nx && xx) {
"XX and NX options at the same time are not compatible");
if ((gt && nx) || (lt && nx) || (gt && lt)) {
"GT, LT, and/or NX options at the same time are not compatible");
/* Note that XX is compatible with either GT or LT */
if (incr && elements > 1) {
"INCR option supports a single increment-element pair");
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
/* Start parsing all the scores, we need to emit any syntax error
* before executing additions to the sorted set, as the command should
* either execute fully or nothing at all. */
scores = zmalloc(sizeof(double)*elements);
for (j = 0; j < elements; j++) {
if (getDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[scoreidx+j*2],&scores[j],NULL)
!= C_OK) goto cleanup;
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
/* Lookup the key and create the sorted set if does not exist. */
zobj = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key);
if (checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) goto cleanup;
if (zobj == NULL) {
2015-05-29 09:59:42 +02:00
if (xx) goto reply_to_client; /* No key + XX option: nothing to do. */
zobj = zsetTypeCreate(elements, sdslen(c->argv[scoreidx+1]->ptr));
} else {
zsetTypeMaybeConvert(zobj, elements);
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
for (j = 0; j < elements; j++) {
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
double newscore;
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
score = scores[j];
int retflags = 0;
2011-05-31 17:47:34 +02:00
ele = c->argv[scoreidx+1+j*2]->ptr;
int retval = zsetAdd(zobj, score, ele, flags, &retflags, &newscore);
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
if (retval == 0) {
goto cleanup;
if (retflags & ZADD_OUT_ADDED) added++;
if (retflags & ZADD_OUT_UPDATED) updated++;
if (!(retflags & ZADD_OUT_NOP)) processed++;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
score = newscore;
2016-04-14 12:48:34 +02:00
server.dirty += (added+updated);
2015-05-29 09:59:42 +02:00
if (incr) { /* ZINCRBY or INCR option. */
if (processed)
2018-11-30 09:41:54 +01:00
2015-05-29 09:59:42 +02:00
} else { /* ZADD. */
addReplyLongLong(c,ch ? added+updated : added);
2015-05-29 09:59:42 +02:00
if (added || updated) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
incr ? "zincr" : "zadd", key, c->db->id);
void zaddCommand(client *c) {
void zincrbyCommand(client *c) {
void zremCommand(client *c) {
2011-03-08 17:11:15 +01:00
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
int deleted = 0, keyremoved = 0, j;
2011-03-08 17:11:15 +01:00
if ((zobj = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,key,shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
2011-03-08 17:11:15 +01:00
2016-04-15 15:20:25 +02:00
for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
if (zsetDel(zobj,c->argv[j]->ptr)) deleted++;
if (zsetLength(zobj) == 0) {
keyremoved = 1;
2011-03-08 17:11:15 +01:00
2011-05-31 20:15:18 +02:00
if (deleted) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
if (keyremoved)
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
2011-05-31 20:15:18 +02:00
server.dirty += deleted;
typedef enum {
} zrange_type;
void zremrangeGenericCommand(client *c, zrange_type rangetype) {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
int keyremoved = 0;
unsigned long deleted = 0;
zrangespec range;
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
zlexrangespec lexrange;
long start, end, llen;
char *notify_type = NULL;
/* Step 1: Parse the range. */
if (rangetype == ZRANGE_RANK) {
notify_type = "zremrangebyrank";
if ((getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&start,NULL) != C_OK) ||
(getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&end,NULL) != C_OK))
} else if (rangetype == ZRANGE_SCORE) {
notify_type = "zremrangebyscore";
if (zslParseRange(c->argv[2],c->argv[3],&range) != C_OK) {
addReplyError(c,"min or max is not a float");
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
} else if (rangetype == ZRANGE_LEX) {
notify_type = "zremrangebylex";
if (zslParseLexRange(c->argv[2],c->argv[3],&lexrange) != C_OK) {
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
addReplyError(c,"min or max not valid string range item");
} else {
serverPanic("unknown rangetype %d", (int)rangetype);
/* Step 2: Lookup & range sanity checks if needed. */
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
if ((zobj = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,key,shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) goto cleanup;
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
if (rangetype == ZRANGE_RANK) {
/* Sanitize indexes. */
llen = zsetLength(zobj);
if (start < 0) start = llen+start;
if (end < 0) end = llen+end;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
/* Invariant: start >= 0, so this test will be true when end < 0.
* The range is empty when start > end or start >= length. */
if (start > end || start >= llen) {
goto cleanup;
if (end >= llen) end = llen-1;
/* Step 3: Perform the range deletion operation. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
switch(rangetype) {
zobj->ptr = zzlDeleteRangeByRank(zobj->ptr,start+1,end+1,&deleted);
zobj->ptr = zzlDeleteRangeByScore(zobj->ptr,&range,&deleted);
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
zobj->ptr = zzlDeleteRangeByLex(zobj->ptr,&lexrange,&deleted);
if (zzlLength(zobj->ptr) == 0) {
keyremoved = 1;
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
switch(rangetype) {
deleted = zslDeleteRangeByRank(zs->zsl,start+1,end+1,zs->dict);
deleted = zslDeleteRangeByScore(zs->zsl,&range,zs->dict);
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
deleted = zslDeleteRangeByLex(zs->zsl,&lexrange,zs->dict);
if (dictSize(zs->dict) == 0) {
keyremoved = 1;
} else {
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
2011-03-08 22:23:56 +01:00
/* Step 4: Notifications and reply. */
if (deleted) {
if (keyremoved)
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
server.dirty += deleted;
if (rangetype == ZRANGE_LEX) zslFreeLexRange(&lexrange);
void zremrangebyrankCommand(client *c) {
void zremrangebyscoreCommand(client *c) {
void zremrangebylexCommand(client *c) {
2014-04-17 14:47:52 +02:00
typedef struct {
robj *subject;
int type; /* Set, sorted set */
int encoding;
double weight;
union {
/* Set iterators. */
union _iterset {
struct {
intset *is;
int ii;
} is;
struct {
dict *dict;
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
} ht;
struct {
unsigned char *lp;
unsigned char *p;
} lp;
} set;
/* Sorted set iterators. */
union _iterzset {
struct {
unsigned char *zl;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
} zl;
struct {
zset *zs;
zskiplistNode *node;
} sl;
} zset;
} iter;
} zsetopsrc;
/* Use dirty flags for pointers that need to be cleaned up in the next
* iteration over the zsetopval. The dirty flag for the long long value is
* special, since long long values don't need cleanup. Instead, it means that
* we already checked that "ell" holds a long long, or tried to convert another
* representation into a long long value. When this was successful,
* OPVAL_VALID_LL is set as well. */
#define OPVAL_DIRTY_LL 2
#define OPVAL_VALID_LL 4
/* Store value retrieved from the iterator. */
typedef struct {
int flags;
unsigned char _buf[32]; /* Private buffer. */
sds ele;
unsigned char *estr;
unsigned int elen;
long long ell;
double score;
} zsetopval;
typedef union _iterset iterset;
typedef union _iterzset iterzset;
void zuiInitIterator(zsetopsrc *op) {
if (op->subject == NULL)
if (op->type == OBJ_SET) {
iterset *it = &op->iter.set;
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
it-> = op->subject->ptr;
it->is.ii = 0;
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
it->ht.dict = op->subject->ptr;
it->ht.di = dictGetIterator(op->subject->ptr);
it-> = dictNext(it->ht.di);
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
it->lp.lp = op->subject->ptr;
it->lp.p = lpFirst(it->lp.lp);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
} else if (op->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
/* Sorted sets are traversed in reverse order to optimize for
* the insertion of the elements in a new list as in
iterzset *it = &op->iter.zset;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
it->zl.zl = op->subject->ptr;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
it->zl.eptr = lpSeek(it->zl.zl,-2);
if (it->zl.eptr != NULL) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
it->zl.sptr = lpNext(it->zl.zl,it->zl.eptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssert(it->zl.sptr != NULL);
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
it->sl.zs = op->subject->ptr;
it->sl.node = it->sl.zs->zsl->tail;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unsupported type");
void zuiClearIterator(zsetopsrc *op) {
if (op->subject == NULL)
if (op->type == OBJ_SET) {
iterset *it = &op->iter.set;
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
UNUSED(it); /* skip */
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
} else if (op->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
iterzset *it = &op->iter.zset;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
UNUSED(it); /* skip */
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
UNUSED(it); /* skip */
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unsupported type");
void zuiDiscardDirtyValue(zsetopval *val) {
if (val->flags & OPVAL_DIRTY_SDS) {
val->ele = NULL;
val->flags &= ~OPVAL_DIRTY_SDS;
2017-12-08 08:37:08 +01:00
unsigned long zuiLength(zsetopsrc *op) {
if (op->subject == NULL)
return 0;
if (op->type == OBJ_SET) {
return setTypeSize(op->subject);
} else if (op->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
return zzlLength(op->subject->ptr);
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = op->subject->ptr;
return zs->zsl->length;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unsupported type");
/* Check if the current value is valid. If so, store it in the passed structure
* and move to the next element. If not valid, this means we have reached the
* end of the structure and can abort. */
int zuiNext(zsetopsrc *op, zsetopval *val) {
if (op->subject == NULL)
return 0;
2012-02-21 10:06:04 +01:00
if (op->type == OBJ_SET) {
iterset *it = &op->iter.set;
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
int64_t ell;
2012-04-24 11:11:55 +02:00
if (!intsetGet(it->,it->is.ii,&ell))
return 0;
val->ell = ell;
val->score = 1.0;
/* Move to next element. */
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
if (it-> == NULL)
return 0;
val->ele = dictGetKey(it->;
val->score = 1.0;
/* Move to next element. */
it-> = dictNext(it->ht.di);
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
if (it->lp.p == NULL)
return 0;
val->estr = lpGetValue(it->lp.p, &val->elen, &val->ell);
val->score = 1.0;
/* Move to next element. */
it->lp.p = lpNext(it->lp.lp, it->lp.p);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
} else if (op->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
iterzset *it = &op->iter.zset;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
/* No need to check both, but better be explicit. */
if (it->zl.eptr == NULL || it->zl.sptr == NULL)
return 0;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
val->estr = lpGetValue(it->zl.eptr,&val->elen,&val->ell);
val->score = zzlGetScore(it->zl.sptr);
/* Move to next element (going backwards, see zuiInitIterator). */
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
if (it->sl.node == NULL)
return 0;
val->ele = it->sl.node->ele;
val->score = it->sl.node->score;
/* Move to next element. (going backwards, see zuiInitIterator) */
it->sl.node = it->sl.node->backward;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unsupported type");
return 1;
int zuiLongLongFromValue(zsetopval *val) {
if (!(val->flags & OPVAL_DIRTY_LL)) {
val->flags |= OPVAL_DIRTY_LL;
if (val->ele != NULL) {
if (string2ll(val->ele,sdslen(val->ele),&val->ell))
val->flags |= OPVAL_VALID_LL;
} else if (val->estr != NULL) {
if (string2ll((char*)val->estr,val->elen,&val->ell))
val->flags |= OPVAL_VALID_LL;
} else {
/* The long long was already set, flag as valid. */
val->flags |= OPVAL_VALID_LL;
return val->flags & OPVAL_VALID_LL;
sds zuiSdsFromValue(zsetopval *val) {
if (val->ele == NULL) {
if (val->estr != NULL) {
val->ele = sdsnewlen((char*)val->estr,val->elen);
} else {
val->ele = sdsfromlonglong(val->ell);
val->flags |= OPVAL_DIRTY_SDS;
return val->ele;
/* This is different from zuiSdsFromValue since returns a new SDS string
* which is up to the caller to free. */
sds zuiNewSdsFromValue(zsetopval *val) {
if (val->flags & OPVAL_DIRTY_SDS) {
/* We have already one to return! */
sds ele = val->ele;
val->flags &= ~OPVAL_DIRTY_SDS;
val->ele = NULL;
return ele;
} else if (val->ele) {
return sdsdup(val->ele);
} else if (val->estr) {
return sdsnewlen((char*)val->estr,val->elen);
} else {
return sdsfromlonglong(val->ell);
int zuiBufferFromValue(zsetopval *val) {
if (val->estr == NULL) {
if (val->ele != NULL) {
val->elen = sdslen(val->ele);
val->estr = (unsigned char*)val->ele;
} else {
val->elen = ll2string((char*)val->_buf,sizeof(val->_buf),val->ell);
val->estr = val->_buf;
return 1;
/* Find value pointed to by val in the source pointer to by op. When found,
* return 1 and store its score in target. Return 0 otherwise. */
int zuiFind(zsetopsrc *op, zsetopval *val, double *score) {
if (op->subject == NULL)
return 0;
if (op->type == OBJ_SET) {
char *str = val->ele ? val->ele : (char *)val->estr;
size_t len = val->ele ? sdslen(val->ele) : val->elen;
if (setTypeIsMemberAux(op->subject, str, len, val->ell, val->ele != NULL)) {
*score = 1.0;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (op->type == OBJ_ZSET) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
if (zzlFind(op->subject->ptr,val->ele,score) != NULL) {
/* Score is already set by zzlFind. */
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (op->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = op->subject->ptr;
dictEntry *de;
if ((de = dictFind(zs->dict,val->ele)) != NULL) {
*score = *(double*)dictGetVal(de);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unsupported type");
int zuiCompareByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
2017-12-08 08:37:08 +01:00
unsigned long first = zuiLength((zsetopsrc*)s1);
unsigned long second = zuiLength((zsetopsrc*)s2);
if (first > second) return 1;
if (first < second) return -1;
return 0;
static int zuiCompareByRevCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
return zuiCompareByCardinality(s1, s2) * -1;
#define REDIS_AGGR_SUM 1
#define REDIS_AGGR_MIN 2
#define REDIS_AGGR_MAX 3
#define zunionInterDictValue(_e) (dictGetVal(_e) == NULL ? 1.0 : *(double*)dictGetVal(_e))
inline static void zunionInterAggregate(double *target, double val, int aggregate) {
if (aggregate == REDIS_AGGR_SUM) {
*target = *target + val;
/* The result of adding two doubles is NaN when one variable
* is +inf and the other is -inf. When these numbers are added,
* we maintain the convention of the result being 0.0. */
if (isnan(*target)) *target = 0.0;
} else if (aggregate == REDIS_AGGR_MIN) {
*target = val < *target ? val : *target;
} else if (aggregate == REDIS_AGGR_MAX) {
*target = val > *target ? val : *target;
} else {
/* safety net */
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown ZUNION/INTER aggregate type");
static size_t zsetDictGetMaxElementLength(dict *d, size_t *totallen) {
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
size_t maxelelen = 0;
di = dictGetIterator(d);
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
sds ele = dictGetKey(de);
if (sdslen(ele) > maxelelen) maxelelen = sdslen(ele);
if (totallen)
(*totallen) += sdslen(ele);
return maxelelen;
static void zdiffAlgorithm1(zsetopsrc *src, long setnum, zset *dstzset, size_t *maxelelen, size_t *totelelen) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 1:
* We perform the diff by iterating all the elements of the first set,
* and only adding it to the target set if the element does not exist
* into all the other sets.
* This way we perform at max N*M operations, where N is the size of
* the first set, and M the number of sets.
* There is also a O(K*log(K)) cost for adding the resulting elements
* to the target set, where K is the final size of the target set.
* The final complexity of this algorithm is O(N*M + K*log(K)). */
int j;
zsetopval zval;
zskiplistNode *znode;
sds tmp;
/* With algorithm 1 it is better to order the sets to subtract
* by decreasing size, so that we are more likely to find
* duplicated elements ASAP. */
memset(&zval, 0, sizeof(zval));
while (zuiNext(&src[0],&zval)) {
double value;
int exists = 0;
for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) {
/* It is not safe to access the zset we are
* iterating, so explicitly check for equal object.
* This check isn't really needed anymore since we already
* check for a duplicate set in the zsetChooseDiffAlgorithm
* function, but we're leaving it for future-proofing. */
if (src[j].subject == src[0].subject ||
zuiFind(&src[j],&zval,&value)) {
exists = 1;
if (!exists) {
tmp = zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval);
znode = zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,zval.score,tmp);
if (sdslen(tmp) > *maxelelen) *maxelelen = sdslen(tmp);
(*totelelen) += sdslen(tmp);
static void zdiffAlgorithm2(zsetopsrc *src, long setnum, zset *dstzset, size_t *maxelelen, size_t *totelelen) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 2:
* Add all the elements of the first set to the auxiliary set.
* Then remove all the elements of all the next sets from it.
* This is O(L + (N-K)log(N)) where L is the sum of all the elements in every
* set, N is the size of the first set, and K is the size of the result set.
* Note that from the (L-N) dict searches, (N-K) got to the zsetRemoveFromSkiplist
* which costs log(N)
* There is also a O(K) cost at the end for finding the largest element
* size, but this doesn't change the algorithm complexity since K < L, and
* O(2L) is the same as O(L). */
int j;
int cardinality = 0;
zsetopval zval;
zskiplistNode *znode;
sds tmp;
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
if (zuiLength(&src[j]) == 0) continue;
memset(&zval, 0, sizeof(zval));
while (zuiNext(&src[j],&zval)) {
if (j == 0) {
tmp = zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval);
znode = zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,zval.score,tmp);
} else {
tmp = zuiSdsFromValue(&zval);
if (zsetRemoveFromSkiplist(dstzset, tmp)) {
/* Exit if result set is empty as any additional removal
* of elements will have no effect. */
if (cardinality == 0) break;
if (cardinality == 0) break;
/* Resize dict if needed after removing multiple elements */
/* Using this algorithm, we can't calculate the max element as we go,
* we have to iterate through all elements to find the max one after. */
*maxelelen = zsetDictGetMaxElementLength(dstzset->dict, totelelen);
static int zsetChooseDiffAlgorithm(zsetopsrc *src, long setnum) {
int j;
/* Select what DIFF algorithm to use.
* Algorithm 1 is O(N*M + K*log(K)) where N is the size of the
* first set, M the total number of sets, and K is the size of the
* result set.
* Algorithm 2 is O(L + (N-K)log(N)) where L is the total number of elements
* in all the sets, N is the size of the first set, and K is the size of the
* result set.
* We compute what is the best bet with the current input here. */
long long algo_one_work = 0;
long long algo_two_work = 0;
for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) {
/* If any other set is equal to the first set, there is nothing to be
* done, since we would remove all elements anyway. */
if (j > 0 && src[0].subject == src[j].subject) {
return 0;
algo_one_work += zuiLength(&src[0]);
algo_two_work += zuiLength(&src[j]);
/* Algorithm 1 has better constant times and performs less operations
* if there are elements in common. Give it some advantage. */
algo_one_work /= 2;
return (algo_one_work <= algo_two_work) ? 1 : 2;
static void zdiff(zsetopsrc *src, long setnum, zset *dstzset, size_t *maxelelen, size_t *totelelen) {
/* Skip everything if the smallest input is empty. */
if (zuiLength(&src[0]) > 0) {
int diff_algo = zsetChooseDiffAlgorithm(src, setnum);
if (diff_algo == 1) {
zdiffAlgorithm1(src, setnum, dstzset, maxelelen, totelelen);
} else if (diff_algo == 2) {
zdiffAlgorithm2(src, setnum, dstzset, maxelelen, totelelen);
} else if (diff_algo != 0) {
serverPanic("Unknown algorithm");
dictType setAccumulatorDictType = {
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCompare, /* key compare */
NULL, /* key destructor */
Limit the main db and expires dictionaries to expand (#7954) As we know, redis may reject user's requests or evict some keys if used memory is over maxmemory. Dictionaries expanding may make things worse, some big dictionaries, such as main db and expires dict, may eat huge memory at once for allocating a new big hash table and be far more than maxmemory after expanding. There are related issues: #4213 #4583 More details, when expand dict in redis, we will allocate a new big ht[1] that generally is double of ht[0], The size of ht[1] will be very big if ht[0] already is big. For db dict, if we have more than 64 million keys, we need to cost 1GB for ht[1] when dict expands. If the sum of used memory and new hash table of dict needed exceeds maxmemory, we shouldn't allow the dict to expand. Because, if we enable keys eviction, we still couldn't add much more keys after eviction and rehashing, what's worse, redis will keep less keys when redis only remains a little memory for storing new hash table instead of users' data. Moreover users can't write data in redis if disable keys eviction. What this commit changed ? Add a new member function expandAllowed for dict type, it provide a way for caller to allow expand or not. We expose two parameters for this function: more memory needed for expanding and dict current load factor, users can implement a function to make a decision by them. For main db dict and expires dict type, these dictionaries may be very big and cost huge memory for expanding, so we implement a judgement function: we can stop dict to expand provisionally if used memory will be over maxmemory after dict expands, but to guarantee the performance of redis, we still allow dict to expand if dict load factor exceeds the safe load factor. Add test cases to verify we don't allow main db to expand when left memory is not enough, so that avoid keys eviction. Other changes: For new hash table size when expand. Before this commit, the size is that double used of dict and later _dictNextPower. Actually we aim to control a dict load factor between 0.5 and 1.0. Now we replace *2 with +1, since the first check is that used >= size, the outcome of before will usually be the same as _dictNextPower(used+1). The only case where it'll differ is when dict_can_resize is false during fork, so that later the _dictNextPower(used*2) will cause the dict to jump to *4 (i.e. _dictNextPower(1025*2) will return 4096). Fix rehash test cases due to changing algorithm of new hash table size when expand.
2020-12-06 10:53:04 +01:00
NULL, /* val destructor */
NULL /* allow to expand */
/* The zunionInterDiffGenericCommand() function is called in order to implement the
* 'numkeysIndex' parameter position of key number. for ZUNION/ZINTER/ZDIFF command,
* this value is 1, for ZUNIONSTORE/ZINTERSTORE/ZDIFFSTORE command, this value is 2.
* 'cardinality_only' is currently only applicable when 'op' is SET_OP_INTER.
* Work for SINTERCARD, only return the cardinality with minimum processing and memory overheads.
void zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(client *c, robj *dstkey, int numkeysIndex, int op,
int cardinality_only) {
int i, j;
long setnum;
int aggregate = REDIS_AGGR_SUM;
zsetopsrc *src;
zsetopval zval;
sds tmp;
size_t maxelelen = 0, totelelen = 0;
robj *dstobj = NULL;
zset *dstzset = NULL;
zskiplistNode *znode;
int withscores = 0;
unsigned long cardinality = 0;
long limit = 0; /* Stop searching after reaching the limit. 0 means unlimited. */
/* expect setnum input keys to be given */
if ((getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[numkeysIndex], &setnum, NULL) != C_OK))
if (setnum < 1) {
"at least 1 input key is needed for '%s' command", c->cmd->fullname);
/* test if the expected number of keys would overflow */
if (setnum > (c->argc-(numkeysIndex+1))) {
/* Try to allocate the src table, and abort on insufficient memory. */
src = ztrycalloc(sizeof(zsetopsrc) * setnum);
if (src == NULL) {
addReplyError(c, "Insufficient memory, failed allocating transient memory, too many args.");
/* read keys to be used for input */
for (i = 0, j = numkeysIndex+1; i < setnum; i++, j++) {
robj *obj = lookupKeyRead(c->db, c->argv[j]);
if (obj != NULL) {
if (obj->type != OBJ_ZSET && obj->type != OBJ_SET) {
src[i].subject = obj;
src[i].type = obj->type;
src[i].encoding = obj->encoding;
} else {
src[i].subject = NULL;
/* Default all weights to 1. */
src[i].weight = 1.0;
/* parse optional extra arguments */
if (j < c->argc) {
int remaining = c->argc - j;
while (remaining) {
if (op != SET_OP_DIFF && !cardinality_only &&
remaining >= (setnum + 1) &&
j++; remaining--;
for (i = 0; i < setnum; i++, j++, remaining--) {
if (getDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[j],&src[i].weight,
"weight value is not a float") != C_OK)
} else if (op != SET_OP_DIFF && !cardinality_only &&
remaining >= 2 &&
j++; remaining--;
if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"sum")) {
aggregate = REDIS_AGGR_SUM;
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"min")) {
aggregate = REDIS_AGGR_MIN;
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"max")) {
aggregate = REDIS_AGGR_MAX;
} else {
j++; remaining--;
} else if (remaining >= 1 &&
!dstkey && !cardinality_only &&
j++; remaining--;
withscores = 1;
} else if (cardinality_only && remaining >= 2 &&
!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr, "limit"))
j++; remaining--;
if (getPositiveLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[j], &limit,
"LIMIT can't be negative") != C_OK)
j++; remaining--;
} else {
if (op != SET_OP_DIFF) {
/* sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
* algorithm's performance */
/* We need a temp zset object to store our union/inter/diff. If the dstkey
* is not NULL (that is, we are inside an ZUNIONSTORE/ZINTERSTORE/ZDIFFSTORE operation) then
* this zset object will be the resulting object to zset into the target key.
* In SINTERCARD case, we don't need the temp obj, so we can avoid creating it. */
if (!cardinality_only) {
dstobj = createZsetObject();
dstzset = dstobj->ptr;
memset(&zval, 0, sizeof(zval));
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
if (op == SET_OP_INTER) {
/* Skip everything if the smallest input is empty. */
if (zuiLength(&src[0]) > 0) {
/* Precondition: as src[0] is non-empty and the inputs are ordered
* by size, all src[i > 0] are non-empty too. */
while (zuiNext(&src[0],&zval)) {
double score, value;
score = src[0].weight * zval.score;
if (isnan(score)) score = 0;
for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) {
2011-05-24 10:35:48 +02:00
/* It is not safe to access the zset we are
* iterating, so explicitly check for equal object. */
if (src[j].subject == src[0].subject) {
value = zval.score*src[j].weight;
} else if (zuiFind(&src[j],&zval,&value)) {
value *= src[j].weight;
} else {
/* Only continue when present in every input. */
if (j == setnum && cardinality_only) {
/* We stop the searching after reaching the limit. */
if (limit && cardinality >= (unsigned long)limit) {
/* Cleanup before we break the zuiNext loop. */
} else if (j == setnum) {
tmp = zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval);
znode = zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,score,tmp);
totelelen += sdslen(tmp);
if (sdslen(tmp) > maxelelen) maxelelen = sdslen(tmp);
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
} else if (op == SET_OP_UNION) {
dict *accumulator = dictCreate(&setAccumulatorDictType);
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de, *existing;
double score;
if (setnum) {
/* Our union is at least as large as the largest set.
* Resize the dictionary ASAP to avoid useless rehashing. */
/* Step 1: Create a dictionary of elements -> aggregated-scores
* by iterating one sorted set after the other. */
for (i = 0; i < setnum; i++) {
if (zuiLength(&src[i]) == 0) continue;
while (zuiNext(&src[i],&zval)) {
/* Initialize value */
score = src[i].weight * zval.score;
if (isnan(score)) score = 0;
/* Search for this element in the accumulating dictionary. */
de = dictAddRaw(accumulator,zuiSdsFromValue(&zval),&existing);
/* If we don't have it, we need to create a new entry. */
if (!existing) {
tmp = zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval);
/* Remember the longest single element encountered,
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
* to understand if it's possible to convert to listpack
* at the end. */
totelelen += sdslen(tmp);
if (sdslen(tmp) > maxelelen) maxelelen = sdslen(tmp);
/* Update the element with its initial score. */
dictSetKey(accumulator, de, tmp);
} else {
/* Update the score with the score of the new instance
* of the element found in the current sorted set.
* Here we access directly the dictEntry double
* value inside the union as it is a big speedup
* compared to using the getDouble/setDouble API. */
double *existing_score_ptr = dictGetDoubleValPtr(existing);
zunionInterAggregate(existing_score_ptr, score, aggregate);
/* Step 2: convert the dictionary into the final sorted set. */
di = dictGetIterator(accumulator);
/* We now are aware of the final size of the resulting sorted set,
* let's resize the dictionary embedded inside the sorted set to the
* right size, in order to save rehashing time. */
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
sds ele = dictGetKey(de);
score = dictGetDoubleVal(de);
znode = zslInsert(dstzset->zsl,score,ele);
} else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF) {
zdiff(src, setnum, dstzset, &maxelelen, &totelelen);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown operator");
if (dstkey) {
if (dstzset->zsl->length) {
zsetConvertToListpackIfNeeded(dstobj, maxelelen, totelelen);
setKey(c, c->db, dstkey, dstobj, 0);
addReplyLongLong(c, zsetLength(dstobj));
(op == SET_OP_UNION) ? "zunionstore" :
(op == SET_OP_INTER ? "zinterstore" : "zdiffstore"),
dstkey, c->db->id);
} else {
addReply(c, shared.czero);
if (dbDelete(c->db, dstkey)) {
signalModifiedKey(c, c->db, dstkey);
notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_GENERIC, "del", dstkey, c->db->id);
} else if (cardinality_only) {
addReplyLongLong(c, cardinality);
} else {
unsigned long length = dstzset->zsl->length;
zskiplist *zsl = dstzset->zsl;
zskiplistNode *zn = zsl->header->level[0].forward;
/* In case of WITHSCORES, respond with a single array in RESP2, and
* nested arrays in RESP3. We can't use a map response type since the
* client library needs to know to respect the order. */
if (withscores && c->resp == 2)
addReplyArrayLen(c, length*2);
addReplyArrayLen(c, length);
while (zn != NULL) {
if (withscores && c->resp > 2) addReplyArrayLen(c,2);
if (withscores) addReplyDouble(c,zn->score);
zn = zn->level[0].forward;
server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del ? freeObjAsync(NULL, dstobj, -1) :
/* ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] */
void zunionstoreCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, c->argv[1], 2, SET_OP_UNION, 0);
/* ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] */
void zinterstoreCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, c->argv[1], 2, SET_OP_INTER, 0);
/* ZDIFFSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] */
void zdiffstoreCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, c->argv[1], 2, SET_OP_DIFF, 0);
/* ZUNION numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] [WITHSCORES] */
void zunionCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, NULL, 1, SET_OP_UNION, 0);
/* ZINTER numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] [WITHSCORES] */
void zinterCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, NULL, 1, SET_OP_INTER, 0);
/* ZINTERCARD numkeys key [key ...] [LIMIT limit] */
void zinterCardCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, NULL, 1, SET_OP_INTER, 1);
/* ZDIFF numkeys key [key ...] [WITHSCORES] */
void zdiffCommand(client *c) {
zunionInterDiffGenericCommand(c, NULL, 1, SET_OP_DIFF, 0);
typedef enum {
} zrange_direction;
typedef enum {
} zrange_consumer_type;
typedef struct zrange_result_handler zrange_result_handler;
typedef void (*zrangeResultBeginFunction)(zrange_result_handler *c, long length);
typedef void (*zrangeResultFinalizeFunction)(
zrange_result_handler *c, size_t result_count);
typedef void (*zrangeResultEmitCBufferFunction)(
zrange_result_handler *c, const void *p, size_t len, double score);
typedef void (*zrangeResultEmitLongLongFunction)(
zrange_result_handler *c, long long ll, double score);
void zrangeGenericCommand (zrange_result_handler *handler, int argc_start, int store,
zrange_type rangetype, zrange_direction direction);
/* Interface struct for ZRANGE/ZRANGESTORE generic implementation.
* There is one implementation of this interface that sends a RESP reply to clients.
* and one implementation that stores the range result into a zset object. */
struct zrange_result_handler {
zrange_consumer_type type;
client *client;
robj *dstkey;
robj *dstobj;
void *userdata;
int withscores;
int should_emit_array_length;
zrangeResultBeginFunction beginResultEmission;
zrangeResultFinalizeFunction finalizeResultEmission;
zrangeResultEmitCBufferFunction emitResultFromCBuffer;
zrangeResultEmitLongLongFunction emitResultFromLongLong;
/* Result handler methods for responding the ZRANGE to clients.
* length can be used to provide the result length in advance (avoids deferred reply overhead).
* length can be set to -1 if the result length is not know in advance.
static void zrangeResultBeginClient(zrange_result_handler *handler, long length) {
if (length > 0) {
/* In case of WITHSCORES, respond with a single array in RESP2, and
* nested arrays in RESP3. We can't use a map response type since the
* client library needs to know to respect the order. */
if (handler->withscores && (handler->client->resp == 2)) {
length *= 2;
addReplyArrayLen(handler->client, length);
handler->userdata = NULL;
handler->userdata = addReplyDeferredLen(handler->client);
static void zrangeResultEmitCBufferToClient(zrange_result_handler *handler,
const void *value, size_t value_length_in_bytes, double score)
if (handler->should_emit_array_length) {
addReplyArrayLen(handler->client, 2);
addReplyBulkCBuffer(handler->client, value, value_length_in_bytes);
if (handler->withscores) {
addReplyDouble(handler->client, score);
static void zrangeResultEmitLongLongToClient(zrange_result_handler *handler,
long long value, double score)
if (handler->should_emit_array_length) {
addReplyArrayLen(handler->client, 2);
addReplyBulkLongLong(handler->client, value);
if (handler->withscores) {
addReplyDouble(handler->client, score);
static void zrangeResultFinalizeClient(zrange_result_handler *handler,
size_t result_count)
/* If the reply size was know at start there's nothing left to do */
if (!handler->userdata)
/* In case of WITHSCORES, respond with a single array in RESP2, and
* nested arrays in RESP3. We can't use a map response type since the
* client library needs to know to respect the order. */
if (handler->withscores && (handler->client->resp == 2)) {
result_count *= 2;
setDeferredArrayLen(handler->client, handler->userdata, result_count);
/* Result handler methods for storing the ZRANGESTORE to a zset. */
static void zrangeResultBeginStore(zrange_result_handler *handler, long length)
handler->dstobj = zsetTypeCreate(length >= 0 ? length : 0, 0);
static void zrangeResultEmitCBufferForStore(zrange_result_handler *handler,
const void *value, size_t value_length_in_bytes, double score)
double newscore;
int retflags = 0;
sds ele = sdsnewlen(value, value_length_in_bytes);
int retval = zsetAdd(handler->dstobj, score, ele, ZADD_IN_NONE, &retflags, &newscore);
static void zrangeResultEmitLongLongForStore(zrange_result_handler *handler,
long long value, double score)
double newscore;
int retflags = 0;
sds ele = sdsfromlonglong(value);
int retval = zsetAdd(handler->dstobj, score, ele, ZADD_IN_NONE, &retflags, &newscore);
static void zrangeResultFinalizeStore(zrange_result_handler *handler, size_t result_count)
if (result_count) {
setKey(handler->client, handler->client->db, handler->dstkey, handler->dstobj, 0);
addReplyLongLong(handler->client, result_count);
notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_ZSET, "zrangestore", handler->dstkey, handler->client->db->id);
} else {
addReply(handler->client, shared.czero);
if (dbDelete(handler->client->db, handler->dstkey)) {
signalModifiedKey(handler->client, handler->client->db, handler->dstkey);
notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_GENERIC, "del", handler->dstkey, handler->client->db->id);
/* Initialize the consumer interface type with the requested type. */
static void zrangeResultHandlerInit(zrange_result_handler *handler,
client *client, zrange_consumer_type type)
memset(handler, 0, sizeof(*handler));
handler->client = client;
switch (type) {
handler->beginResultEmission = zrangeResultBeginClient;
handler->finalizeResultEmission = zrangeResultFinalizeClient;
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer = zrangeResultEmitCBufferToClient;
handler->emitResultFromLongLong = zrangeResultEmitLongLongToClient;
handler->beginResultEmission = zrangeResultBeginStore;
handler->finalizeResultEmission = zrangeResultFinalizeStore;
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer = zrangeResultEmitCBufferForStore;
handler->emitResultFromLongLong = zrangeResultEmitLongLongForStore;
static void zrangeResultHandlerScoreEmissionEnable(zrange_result_handler *handler) {
handler->withscores = 1;
handler->should_emit_array_length = (handler->client->resp > 2);
static void zrangeResultHandlerDestinationKeySet (zrange_result_handler *handler,
robj *dstkey)
handler->dstkey = dstkey;
/* This command implements ZRANGE, ZREVRANGE. */
void genericZrangebyrankCommand(zrange_result_handler *handler,
robj *zobj, long start, long end, int withscores, int reverse) {
client *c = handler->client;
long llen;
long rangelen;
size_t result_cardinality;
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
/* Sanitize indexes. */
llen = zsetLength(zobj);
if (start < 0) start = llen+start;
if (end < 0) end = llen+end;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
/* Invariant: start >= 0, so this test will be true when end < 0.
* The range is empty when start > end or start >= length. */
if (start > end || start >= llen) {
handler->beginResultEmission(handler, 0);
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, 0);
if (end >= llen) end = llen-1;
rangelen = (end-start)+1;
result_cardinality = rangelen;
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
handler->beginResultEmission(handler, rangelen);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
double score = 0.0;
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
if (reverse)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpSeek(zl,-2-(2*start));
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpSeek(zl,2*start);
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,eptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
while (rangelen--) {
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,eptr != NULL && sptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (withscores) /* don't bother to extract the score if it's gonna be ignored. */
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
if (vstr == NULL) {
handler->emitResultFromLongLong(handler, vlong, score);
} else {
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, vstr, vlen, score);
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
if (reverse)
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *ln;
/* Check if starting point is trivial, before doing log(N) lookup. */
if (reverse) {
ln = zsl->tail;
if (start > 0)
ln = zslGetElementByRank(zsl,llen-start);
} else {
ln = zsl->header->level[0].forward;
if (start > 0)
ln = zslGetElementByRank(zsl,start+1);
while(rangelen--) {
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,ln != NULL);
sds ele = ln->ele;
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, ele, sdslen(ele), ln->score);
2011-03-09 00:00:19 +01:00
ln = reverse ? ln->backward : ln->level[0].forward;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, result_cardinality);
/* ZRANGESTORE <dst> <src> <min> <max> [BYSCORE | BYLEX] [REV] [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrangestoreCommand (client *c) {
robj *dstkey = c->argv[1];
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_INTERNAL);
zrangeResultHandlerDestinationKeySet(&handler, dstkey);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 2, 1, ZRANGE_AUTO, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_AUTO);
/* ZRANGE <key> <min> <max> [BYSCORE | BYLEX] [REV] [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrangeCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_AUTO, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_AUTO);
/* ZREVRANGE <key> <start> <stop> [WITHSCORES] */
void zrevrangeCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_RANK, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
/* This command implements ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE. */
void genericZrangebyscoreCommand(zrange_result_handler *handler,
zrangespec *range, robj *zobj, long offset, long limit,
int reverse) {
unsigned long rangelen = 0;
handler->beginResultEmission(handler, -1);
/* For invalid offset, return directly. */
if (offset > 0 && offset >= (long)zsetLength(zobj)) {
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, 0);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
/* If reversed, get the last node in range as starting point. */
if (reverse) {
eptr = zzlLastInRange(zl,range);
} else {
eptr = zzlFirstInRange(zl,range);
/* Get score pointer for the first element. */
if (eptr)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
/* If there is an offset, just traverse the number of elements without
* checking the score because that is done in the next loop. */
while (eptr && offset--) {
if (reverse) {
} else {
while (eptr && limit--) {
double score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (reverse) {
if (!zslValueGteMin(score,range)) break;
} else {
if (!zslValueLteMax(score,range)) break;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr == NULL) {
handler->emitResultFromLongLong(handler, vlong, score);
} else {
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, vstr, vlen, score);
/* Move to next node */
if (reverse) {
} else {
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *ln;
/* If reversed, get the last node in range as starting point. */
if (reverse) {
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
ln = zslNthInRange(zsl,range,-offset-1);
} else {
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
ln = zslNthInRange(zsl,range,offset);
while (ln && limit--) {
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (reverse) {
if (!zslValueGteMin(ln->score,range)) break;
} else {
if (!zslValueLteMax(ln->score,range)) break;
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, ln->ele, sdslen(ln->ele), ln->score);
/* Move to next node */
if (reverse) {
ln = ln->backward;
} else {
ln = ln->level[0].forward;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, rangelen);
/* ZRANGEBYSCORE <key> <min> <max> [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrangebyscoreCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_SCORE, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_FORWARD);
/* ZREVRANGEBYSCORE <key> <max> <min> [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrevrangebyscoreCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_SCORE, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
void zcountCommand(client *c) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
zrangespec range;
2017-12-08 08:37:08 +01:00
unsigned long count = 0;
/* Parse the range arguments */
if (zslParseRange(c->argv[2],c->argv[3],&range) != C_OK) {
addReplyError(c,"min or max is not a float");
/* Lookup the sorted set */
if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c, key, shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c, zobj, OBJ_ZSET)) return;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
double score;
/* Use the first element in range as the starting point */
eptr = zzlFirstInRange(zl,&range);
/* No "first" element */
if (eptr == NULL) {
addReply(c, shared.czero);
/* First element is in range */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
/* Iterate over elements in range */
while (eptr) {
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (!zslValueLteMax(score,&range)) {
} else {
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *zn;
unsigned long rank;
/* Find first element in range */
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
zn = zslNthInRange(zsl, &range, 0);
/* Use rank of first element, if any, to determine preliminary count */
if (zn != NULL) {
rank = zslGetRank(zsl, zn->score, zn->ele);
count = (zsl->length - (rank - 1));
/* Find last element in range */
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
zn = zslNthInRange(zsl, &range, -1);
/* Use rank of last element, if any, to determine the actual count */
if (zn != NULL) {
rank = zslGetRank(zsl, zn->score, zn->ele);
count -= (zsl->length - rank);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
addReplyLongLong(c, count);
void zlexcountCommand(client *c) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
zlexrangespec range;
2017-12-08 08:37:08 +01:00
unsigned long count = 0;
/* Parse the range arguments */
if (zslParseLexRange(c->argv[2],c->argv[3],&range) != C_OK) {
addReplyError(c,"min or max not valid string range item");
/* Lookup the sorted set */
if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c, key, shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c, zobj, OBJ_ZSET))
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
/* Use the first element in range as the starting point */
eptr = zzlFirstInLexRange(zl,&range);
/* No "first" element */
if (eptr == NULL) {
addReply(c, shared.czero);
/* First element is in range */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
2015-07-26 15:29:53 +02:00
/* Iterate over elements in range */
while (eptr) {
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (!zzlLexValueLteMax(eptr,&range)) {
} else {
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *zn;
unsigned long rank;
/* Find first element in range */
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
zn = zslNthInLexRange(zsl, &range, 0);
/* Use rank of first element, if any, to determine preliminary count */
if (zn != NULL) {
rank = zslGetRank(zsl, zn->score, zn->ele);
count = (zsl->length - (rank - 1));
/* Find last element in range */
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
zn = zslNthInLexRange(zsl, &range, -1);
/* Use rank of last element, if any, to determine the actual count */
if (zn != NULL) {
rank = zslGetRank(zsl, zn->score, zn->ele);
count -= (zsl->length - rank);
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
addReplyLongLong(c, count);
/* This command implements ZRANGEBYLEX, ZREVRANGEBYLEX. */
void genericZrangebylexCommand(zrange_result_handler *handler,
zlexrangespec *range, robj *zobj, int withscores, long offset, long limit,
int reverse)
unsigned long rangelen = 0;
handler->beginResultEmission(handler, -1);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
/* If reversed, get the last node in range as starting point. */
if (reverse) {
eptr = zzlLastInLexRange(zl,range);
} else {
eptr = zzlFirstInLexRange(zl,range);
/* Get score pointer for the first element. */
if (eptr)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
/* If there is an offset, just traverse the number of elements without
* checking the score because that is done in the next loop. */
while (eptr && offset--) {
if (reverse) {
} else {
while (eptr && limit--) {
double score = 0;
if (withscores) /* don't bother to extract the score if it's gonna be ignored. */
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (reverse) {
if (!zzlLexValueGteMin(eptr,range)) break;
} else {
if (!zzlLexValueLteMax(eptr,range)) break;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr == NULL) {
handler->emitResultFromLongLong(handler, vlong, score);
} else {
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, vstr, vlen, score);
/* Move to next node */
if (reverse) {
} else {
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *ln;
/* If reversed, get the last node in range as starting point. */
if (reverse) {
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
ln = zslNthInLexRange(zsl,range,-offset-1);
} else {
Optimize ZRANGE offset location from linear search to skiplist jump. (#12450) ZRANGE BYSCORE/BYLEX with [LIMIT offset count] option was using every level in skiplist to jump to the first/last node in range, but only use level[0] in skiplist to locate the node at offset, resulting in sub-optimal performance using LIMIT: ``` while (ln && offset--) { if (reverse) { ln = ln->backward; } else { ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } ``` It could be slow when offset is very big. We can get the total rank of the offset location and use skiplist to jump to it. It is an improvement from O(offset) to O(log rank). Below shows how this is implemented (if the offset is positve): Use the skiplist to seach for the first element in the range, record its rank `rank_0`, so we can have the rank of the target node `rank_t`. Meanwhile we record the last node we visited which has zsl->level-1 levels and its rank `rank_1`. Then we start from the zsl->level-1 node, use skiplist to go forward `rank_t-rank_1` nodes to reach the target node. It is very similiar when the offset is reversed. Note that if `rank_t` is very close to `rank_0`, we just start from the first element in range and go node by node, this for the case when zsl->level-1 node is to far away and it is quicker to reach the target node by node. Here is a test using a random generated zset including 10000 elements (with different positive scores), doing a bench mark which compares how fast the `ZRANGE` command is exucuted before and after the optimization. The start score is set to 0 and the count is set to 1 to make sure that most of the time is spent on locating the offset. ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test 0 +inf byscore limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 73386.02 | 74819.82 | | 1000 | 48084.96 | 73177.73 | | 2000 | 31156.79 | 72805.83 | | 5000 | 10954.83 | 71218.21 | With the result above, we can see that the original code is greatly slowed down when offset gets bigger, and with the optimization the speed is almost not affected. Similiar results are generated when testing reversed offset: ``` memtier_benchmark -h -p 6379 --command="zrange test +inf 0 byscore rev limit <offset> 1" ``` | offset | QPS(unstable) | QPS(optimized) | |--------|--------|--------| | 10 | 74505.14 | 71653.67 | | 1000 | 46829.25 | 72842.75 | | 2000 | 28985.48 | 73669.01 | | 5000 | 11066.22 | 73963.45 | And the same conclusion is drawn from the tests of ZRANGE BYLEX.
2023-08-31 13:42:08 +02:00
ln = zslNthInLexRange(zsl,range,offset);
while (ln && limit--) {
/* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */
if (reverse) {
if (!zslLexValueGteMin(ln->ele,range)) break;
} else {
if (!zslLexValueLteMax(ln->ele,range)) break;
handler->emitResultFromCBuffer(handler, ln->ele, sdslen(ln->ele), ln->score);
/* Move to next node */
if (reverse) {
ln = ln->backward;
} else {
ln = ln->level[0].forward;
} else {
2015-07-27 09:41:48 +02:00
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, rangelen);
/* ZRANGEBYLEX <key> <min> <max> [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrangebylexCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_LEX, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_FORWARD);
/* ZREVRANGEBYLEX <key> <max> <min> [LIMIT offset count] */
void zrevrangebylexCommand(client *c) {
zrange_result_handler handler;
zrangeResultHandlerInit(&handler, c, ZRANGE_CONSUMER_TYPE_CLIENT);
zrangeGenericCommand(&handler, 1, 0, ZRANGE_LEX, ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
* This function handles ZRANGE and ZRANGESTORE, and also the deprecated
* The simple ZRANGE and ZRANGESTORE can take _AUTO in rangetype and direction,
* other command pass explicit value.
* The argc_start points to the src key argument, so following syntax is like:
* <src> <min> <max> [BYSCORE | BYLEX] [REV] [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
void zrangeGenericCommand(zrange_result_handler *handler, int argc_start, int store,
zrange_type rangetype, zrange_direction direction)
client *c = handler->client;
robj *key = c->argv[argc_start];
robj *zobj;
zrangespec range;
zlexrangespec lexrange;
int minidx = argc_start + 1;
int maxidx = argc_start + 2;
/* Options common to all */
long opt_start = 0;
long opt_end = 0;
int opt_withscores = 0;
long opt_offset = 0;
long opt_limit = -1;
/* Step 1: Skip the <src> <min> <max> args and parse remaining optional arguments. */
for (int j=argc_start + 3; j < c->argc; j++) {
int leftargs = c->argc-j-1;
if (!store && !strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"withscores")) {
opt_withscores = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[j]->ptr,"limit") && leftargs >= 2) {
if ((getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[j+1], &opt_offset, NULL) != C_OK) ||
(getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[j+2], &opt_limit, NULL) != C_OK))
j += 2;
} else if (direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_AUTO &&
} else if (rangetype == ZRANGE_AUTO &&
rangetype = ZRANGE_LEX;
} else if (rangetype == ZRANGE_AUTO &&
rangetype = ZRANGE_SCORE;
} else {
/* Use defaults if not overridden by arguments. */
if (direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_AUTO)
if (rangetype == ZRANGE_AUTO)
rangetype = ZRANGE_RANK;
/* Check for conflicting arguments. */
if (opt_limit != -1 && rangetype == ZRANGE_RANK) {
addReplyError(c,"syntax error, LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX");
if (opt_withscores && rangetype == ZRANGE_LEX) {
addReplyError(c,"syntax error, WITHSCORES not supported in combination with BYLEX");
if (direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE &&
((ZRANGE_SCORE == rangetype) || (ZRANGE_LEX == rangetype)))
/* Range is given as [max,min] */
int tmp = maxidx;
maxidx = minidx;
minidx = tmp;
/* Step 2: Parse the range. */
switch (rangetype) {
if ((getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[minidx], &opt_start,NULL) != C_OK) ||
(getLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[maxidx], &opt_end,NULL) != C_OK))
if (zslParseRange(c->argv[minidx], c->argv[maxidx], &range) != C_OK) {
addReplyError(c, "min or max is not a float");
if (zslParseLexRange(c->argv[minidx], c->argv[maxidx], &lexrange) != C_OK) {
addReplyError(c, "min or max not valid string range item");
if (opt_withscores || store) {
/* Step 3: Lookup the key and get the range. */
zobj = lookupKeyRead(c->db, key);
if (zobj == NULL) {
if (store) {
handler->beginResultEmission(handler, -1);
handler->finalizeResultEmission(handler, 0);
} else {
addReply(c, shared.emptyarray);
goto cleanup;
if (checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) goto cleanup;
/* Step 4: Pass this to the command-specific handler. */
switch (rangetype) {
genericZrangebyrankCommand(handler, zobj, opt_start, opt_end,
opt_withscores || store, direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
genericZrangebyscoreCommand(handler, &range, zobj, opt_offset,
opt_limit, direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
genericZrangebylexCommand(handler, &lexrange, zobj, opt_withscores || store,
opt_offset, opt_limit, direction == ZRANGE_DIRECTION_REVERSE);
/* Instead of returning here, we'll just fall-through the clean-up. */
if (rangetype == ZRANGE_LEX) {
void zcardCommand(client *c) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,key,shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
void zscoreCommand(client *c) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
double score;
2018-11-30 09:41:54 +01:00
if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,key,shared.null[c->resp])) == NULL ||
checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
if (zsetScore(zobj,c->argv[2]->ptr,&score) == C_ERR) {
2018-11-30 09:41:54 +01:00
} else {
void zmscoreCommand(client *c) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *zobj;
double score;
zobj = lookupKeyRead(c->db,key);
if (checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
addReplyArrayLen(c,c->argc - 2);
for (int j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
/* Treat a missing set the same way as an empty set */
if (zobj == NULL || zsetScore(zobj,c->argv[j]->ptr,&score) == C_ERR) {
} else {
void zrankGenericCommand(client *c, int reverse) {
robj *key = c->argv[1];
robj *ele = c->argv[2];
robj *zobj;
robj* reply;
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
long rank;
int opt_withscore = 0;
double score;
if (c->argc > 4) {
if (c->argc > 3) {
if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[3]->ptr, "withscore")) {
opt_withscore = 1;
} else {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
reply = opt_withscore ? shared.nullarray[c->resp] : shared.null[c->resp];
if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c, key, reply)) == NULL || checkType(c, zobj, OBJ_ZSET)) {
serverAssertWithInfo(c, ele, sdsEncodedObject(ele));
rank = zsetRank(zobj, ele->ptr, reverse, opt_withscore ? &score : NULL);
2016-04-15 12:46:18 +02:00
if (rank >= 0) {
if (opt_withscore) {
addReplyArrayLen(c, 2);
addReplyLongLong(c, rank);
if (opt_withscore) {
addReplyDouble(c, score);
} else {
if (opt_withscore) {
} else {
void zrankCommand(client *c) {
zrankGenericCommand(c, 0);
void zrevrankCommand(client *c) {
zrankGenericCommand(c, 1);
2013-10-28 11:36:42 +01:00
void zscanCommand(client *c) {
2013-10-28 11:36:42 +01:00
robj *o;
Replace cluster metadata with slot specific dictionaries (#11695) This is an implementation of that eliminates 16 bytes per entry in cluster mode, that are currently used to create a linked list between entries in the same slot. Main idea is splitting main dictionary into 16k smaller dictionaries (one per slot), so we can perform all slot specific operations, such as iteration, without any additional info in the `dictEntry`. For Redis cluster, the expectation is that there will be a larger number of keys, so the fixed overhead of 16k dictionaries will be The expire dictionary is also split up so that each slot is logically decoupled, so that in subsequent revisions we will be able to atomically flush a slot of data. ## Important changes * Incremental rehashing - one big change here is that it's not one, but rather up to 16k dictionaries that can be rehashing at the same time, in order to keep track of them, we introduce a separate queue for dictionaries that are rehashing. Also instead of rehashing a single dictionary, cron job will now try to rehash as many as it can in 1ms. * getRandomKey - now needs to not only select a random key, from the random bucket, but also needs to select a random dictionary. Fairness is a major concern here, as it's possible that keys can be unevenly distributed across the slots. In order to address this search we introduced binary index tree). With that data structure we are able to efficiently find a random slot using binary search in O(log^2(slot count)) time. * Iteration efficiency - when iterating dictionary with a lot of empty slots, we want to skip them efficiently. We can do this using same binary index that is used for random key selection, this index allows us to find a slot for a specific key index. For example if there are 10 keys in the slot 0, then we can quickly find a slot that contains 11th key using binary search on top of the binary index tree. * scan API - in order to perform a scan across the entire DB, the cursor now needs to not only save position within the dictionary but also the slot id. In this change we append slot id into LSB of the cursor so it can be passed around between client and the server. This has interesting side effect, now you'll be able to start scanning specific slot by simply providing slot id as a cursor value. The plan is to not document this as defined behavior, however. It's also worth nothing the SCAN API is now technically incompatible with previous versions, although practically we don't believe it's an issue. * Checksum calculation optimizations - During command execution, we know that all of the keys are from the same slot (outside of a few notable exceptions such as cross slot scripts and modules). We don't want to compute the checksum multiple multiple times, hence we are relying on cached slot id in the client during the command executions. All operations that access random keys, either should pass in the known slot or recompute the slot. * Slot info in RDB - in order to resize individual dictionaries correctly, while loading RDB, it's not enough to know total number of keys (of course we could approximate number of keys per slot, but it won't be precise). To address this issue, we've added additional metadata into RDB that contains number of keys in each slot, which can be used as a hint during loading. * DB size - besides `DBSIZE` API, we need to know size of the DB in many places want, in order to avoid scanning all dictionaries and summing up their sizes in a loop, we've introduced a new field into `redisDb` that keeps track of `key_count`. This way we can keep DBSIZE operation O(1). This is also kept for O(1) expires computation as well. ## Performance This change improves SET performance in cluster mode by ~5%, most of the gains come from us not having to maintain linked lists for keys in slot, non-cluster mode has same performance. For workloads that rely on evictions, the performance is similar because of the extra overhead for finding keys to evict. RDB loading performance is slightly reduced, as the slot of each key needs to be computed during the load. ## Interface changes * Removed `overhead.hashtable.slot-to-keys` to `MEMORY STATS` * Scan API will now require 64 bits to store the cursor, even on 32 bit systems, as the slot information will be stored. * New RDB version to support the new op code for SLOT information. --------- Co-authored-by: Vitaly Arbuzov <> Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Roshan Khatri <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2023-10-15 08:58:26 +02:00
unsigned long long cursor;
2013-10-28 11:36:42 +01:00
if (parseScanCursorOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&cursor) == C_ERR) return;
if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.emptyscan)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,o,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
2013-10-28 11:36:42 +01:00
/* This command implements the generic zpop operation, used by:
* ZPOPMIN, ZPOPMAX, BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX and ZMPOP. This function is also used
* inside blocked.c in the unblocking stage of BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX and BZMPOP.
* If 'emitkey' is true also the key name is emitted, useful for the blocking
* behavior of BZPOP[MIN|MAX], since we can block into multiple keys.
* Or in ZMPOP/BZMPOP, because we also can take multiple keys.
* 'count' is the number of elements requested to pop, or -1 for plain single pop.
* 'use_nested_array' when false it generates a flat array (with or without key name).
* When true, it generates a nested 2 level array of field + score pairs, or 3 level when emitkey is set.
* 'reply_nil_when_empty' when true we reply a NIL if we are not able to pop up any elements.
* Like in ZMPOP/BZMPOP we reply with a structured nested array containing key name
* and member + score pairs. In these commands, we reply with null when we have no result.
* Otherwise in ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX we reply an empty array by default.
* 'deleted' is an optional output argument to get an indication
* if the key got deleted by this function.
* */
void genericZpopCommand(client *c, robj **keyv, int keyc, int where, int emitkey,
long count, int use_nested_array, int reply_nil_when_empty, int *deleted) {
int idx;
2018-05-22 15:31:22 +02:00
robj *key = NULL;
robj *zobj = NULL;
sds ele;
double score;
if (deleted) *deleted = 0;
/* Check type and break on the first error, otherwise identify candidate. */
idx = 0;
while (idx < keyc) {
key = keyv[idx++];
zobj = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key);
if (!zobj) continue;
if (checkType(c,zobj,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
/* No candidate for zpopping, return empty. */
if (!zobj) {
if (reply_nil_when_empty) {
} else {
if (count == 0) {
/* ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX with count 0. */
addReply(c, shared.emptyarray);
long result_count = 0;
/* When count is -1, we need to correct it to 1 for plain single pop. */
if (count == -1) count = 1;
long llen = zsetLength(zobj);
long rangelen = (count > llen) ? llen : count;
if (!use_nested_array && !emitkey) {
/* ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX with or without COUNT option in RESP2. */
addReplyArrayLen(c, rangelen * 2);
} else if (use_nested_array && !emitkey) {
/* ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX with COUNT option in RESP3. */
addReplyArrayLen(c, rangelen);
} else if (!use_nested_array && emitkey) {
addReplyArrayLen(c, rangelen * 2 + 1);
addReplyBulk(c, key);
} else if (use_nested_array && emitkey) {
/* ZMPOP/BZMPOP in RESP2 and RESP3. */
addReplyArrayLen(c, 2);
addReplyBulk(c, key);
addReplyArrayLen(c, rangelen);
/* Remove the element. */
do {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
unsigned char *zl = zobj->ptr;
unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
/* Get the first or last element in the sorted set. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
eptr = lpSeek(zl,where == ZSET_MAX ? -2 : 0);
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,eptr != NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vstr = lpGetValue(eptr,&vlen,&vlong);
if (vstr == NULL)
ele = sdsfromlonglong(vlong);
ele = sdsnewlen(vstr,vlen);
/* Get the score. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sptr = lpNext(zl,eptr);
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,sptr != NULL);
score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
} else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zobj->ptr;
zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
zskiplistNode *zln;
/* Get the first or last element in the sorted set. */
zln = (where == ZSET_MAX ? zsl->tail :
/* There must be an element in the sorted set. */
serverAssertWithInfo(c,zobj,zln != NULL);
ele = sdsdup(zln->ele);
score = zln->score;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown sorted set encoding");
if (result_count == 0) { /* Do this only for the first iteration. */
char *events[2] = {"zpopmin","zpopmax"};
if (use_nested_array) {
} while(--rangelen);
/* Remove the key, if indeed needed. */
if (zsetLength(zobj) == 0) {
if (deleted) *deleted = 1;
if (c->cmd->proc == zmpopCommand) {
/* Always replicate it as ZPOP[MIN|MAX] with COUNT option instead of ZMPOP. */
robj *count_obj = createStringObjectFromLongLong((count > llen) ? llen : count);
rewriteClientCommandVector(c, 3,
(where == ZSET_MAX) ? shared.zpopmax : shared.zpopmin,
key, count_obj);
/* ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX key [<count>] */
void zpopMinMaxCommand(client *c, int where) {
if (c->argc > 3) {
long count = -1; /* -1 for plain single pop. */
if (c->argc == 3 && getPositiveLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[2], &count, NULL) != C_OK)
/* Respond with a single (flat) array in RESP2 or if count is -1
* (returning a single element). In RESP3, when count > 0 use nested array. */
int use_nested_array = (c->resp > 2 && count != -1);
genericZpopCommand(c, &c->argv[1], 1, where, 0, count, use_nested_array, 0, NULL);
/* ZPOPMIN key [<count>] */
void zpopminCommand(client *c) {
zpopMinMaxCommand(c, ZSET_MIN);
/* ZPOPMAX key [<count>] */
void zpopmaxCommand(client *c) {
zpopMinMaxCommand(c, ZSET_MAX);
/* BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX, BZMPOP actual implementation.
* 'numkeys' is the number of keys.
* 'timeout_idx' parameter position of block timeout.
* 'where' ZSET_MIN or ZSET_MAX.
* 'count' is the number of elements requested to pop, or -1 for plain single pop.
* 'use_nested_array' when false it generates a flat array (with or without key name).
* When true, it generates a nested 3 level array of keyname, field + score pairs.
* */
void blockingGenericZpopCommand(client *c, robj **keys, int numkeys, int where,
int timeout_idx, long count, int use_nested_array, int reply_nil_when_empty) {
robj *o;
robj *key;
mstime_t timeout;
int j;
if (getTimeoutFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[timeout_idx],&timeout,UNIT_SECONDS)
!= C_OK) return;
for (j = 0; j < numkeys; j++) {
key = keys[j];
o = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key);
/* Non-existing key, move to next key. */
if (o == NULL) continue;
if (checkType(c,o,OBJ_ZSET)) return;
long llen = zsetLength(o);
/* Empty zset, move to next key. */
if (llen == 0) continue;
/* Non empty zset, this is like a normal ZPOP[MIN|MAX]. */
genericZpopCommand(c, &key, 1, where, 1, count, use_nested_array, reply_nil_when_empty, NULL);
if (count == -1) {
/* Replicate it as ZPOP[MIN|MAX] instead of BZPOP[MIN|MAX]. */
(where == ZSET_MAX) ? shared.zpopmax : shared.zpopmin,
} else {
/* Replicate it as ZPOP[MIN|MAX] with COUNT option. */
robj *count_obj = createStringObjectFromLongLong((count > llen) ? llen : count);
rewriteClientCommandVector(c, 3,
(where == ZSET_MAX) ? shared.zpopmax : shared.zpopmin,
key, count_obj);
Unified MULTI, LUA, and RM_Call with respect to blocking commands (#8025) Blocking command should not be used with MULTI, LUA, and RM_Call. This is because, the caller, who executes the command in this context, expects a reply. Today, LUA and MULTI have a special (and different) treatment to blocking commands: LUA - Most commands are marked with no-script flag which are checked when executing and command from LUA, commands that are not marked (like XREAD) verify that their blocking mode is not used inside LUA (by checking the CLIENT_LUA client flag). MULTI - Command that is going to block, first verify that the client is not inside multi (by checking the CLIENT_MULTI client flag). If the client is inside multi, they return a result which is a match to the empty key with no timeout (for example blpop inside MULTI will act as lpop) For modules that perform RM_Call with blocking command, the returned results type is REDISMODULE_REPLY_UNKNOWN and the caller can not really know what happened. Disadvantages of the current state are: No unified approach, LUA, MULTI, and RM_Call, each has a different treatment Module can not safely execute blocking command (and get reply or error). Though It is true that modules are not like LUA or MULTI and should be smarter not to execute blocking commands on RM_Call, sometimes you want to execute a command base on client input (for example if you create a module that provides a new scripting language like javascript or python). While modules (on modules command) can check for REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_LUA or REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_MULTI to know not to block the client, there is no way to check if the command came from another module using RM_Call. So there is no way for a module to know not to block another module RM_Call execution. This commit adds a way to unify the treatment for blocking clients by introducing a new CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING client flag. On LUA, MULTI, and RM_Call the new flag turned on to signify that the client should not be blocked. A blocking command verifies that the flag is turned off before blocking. If a blocking command sees that the CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING flag is on, it's not blocking and return results which are matches to empty key with no timeout (as MULTI does today). The new flag is checked on the following commands: List blocking commands: BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH, BLMOVE, Zset blocking commands: BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX Stream blocking commands: XREAD, XREADGROUP SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, MONITOR In addition, the new flag is turned on inside the AOF client, we do not want to block the AOF client to prevent deadlocks and commands ordering issues (and there is also an existing assert in the code that verifies it). To keep backward compatibility on LUA, all the no-script flags on existing commands were kept untouched. In addition, a LUA special treatment on XREAD and XREADGROUP was kept. To keep backward compatibility on MULTI (which today allows SUBSCRIBE, and PSUBSCRIBE). We added a special treatment on those commands to allow executing them on MULTI. The only backward compatibility issue that this PR introduces is that now MONITOR is not allowed inside MULTI. Tests were added to verify blocking commands are not blocking the client on LUA, MULTI, or RM_Call. Tests were added to verify the module can check for CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING flag. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <>
2020-11-17 17:58:55 +01:00
/* If we are not allowed to block the client and the zset is empty the only thing
* we can do is treating it as a timeout (even with timeout 0). */
Unified MULTI, LUA, and RM_Call with respect to blocking commands (#8025) Blocking command should not be used with MULTI, LUA, and RM_Call. This is because, the caller, who executes the command in this context, expects a reply. Today, LUA and MULTI have a special (and different) treatment to blocking commands: LUA - Most commands are marked with no-script flag which are checked when executing and command from LUA, commands that are not marked (like XREAD) verify that their blocking mode is not used inside LUA (by checking the CLIENT_LUA client flag). MULTI - Command that is going to block, first verify that the client is not inside multi (by checking the CLIENT_MULTI client flag). If the client is inside multi, they return a result which is a match to the empty key with no timeout (for example blpop inside MULTI will act as lpop) For modules that perform RM_Call with blocking command, the returned results type is REDISMODULE_REPLY_UNKNOWN and the caller can not really know what happened. Disadvantages of the current state are: No unified approach, LUA, MULTI, and RM_Call, each has a different treatment Module can not safely execute blocking command (and get reply or error). Though It is true that modules are not like LUA or MULTI and should be smarter not to execute blocking commands on RM_Call, sometimes you want to execute a command base on client input (for example if you create a module that provides a new scripting language like javascript or python). While modules (on modules command) can check for REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_LUA or REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_MULTI to know not to block the client, there is no way to check if the command came from another module using RM_Call. So there is no way for a module to know not to block another module RM_Call execution. This commit adds a way to unify the treatment for blocking clients by introducing a new CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING client flag. On LUA, MULTI, and RM_Call the new flag turned on to signify that the client should not be blocked. A blocking command verifies that the flag is turned off before blocking. If a blocking command sees that the CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING flag is on, it's not blocking and return results which are matches to empty key with no timeout (as MULTI does today). The new flag is checked on the following commands: List blocking commands: BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH, BLMOVE, Zset blocking commands: BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX Stream blocking commands: XREAD, XREADGROUP SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, MONITOR In addition, the new flag is turned on inside the AOF client, we do not want to block the AOF client to prevent deadlocks and commands ordering issues (and there is also an existing assert in the code that verifies it). To keep backward compatibility on LUA, all the no-script flags on existing commands were kept untouched. In addition, a LUA special treatment on XREAD and XREADGROUP was kept. To keep backward compatibility on MULTI (which today allows SUBSCRIBE, and PSUBSCRIBE). We added a special treatment on those commands to allow executing them on MULTI. The only backward compatibility issue that this PR introduces is that now MONITOR is not allowed inside MULTI. Tests were added to verify blocking commands are not blocking the client on LUA, MULTI, or RM_Call. Tests were added to verify the module can check for CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING flag. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <>
2020-11-17 17:58:55 +01:00
if (c->flags & CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING) {
/* If the keys do not exist we must block */
reprocess command when client is unblocked on keys (#11012) *TL;DR* --------------------------------------- Following the discussion over the issue [#7551]( We decided to refactor the client blocking code to eliminate some of the code duplications and to rebuild the infrastructure better for future key blocking cases. *In this PR* --------------------------------------- 1. reprocess the command once a client becomes unblocked on key (instead of running custom code for the unblocked path that's different than the one that would have run if blocking wasn't needed) 2. eliminate some (now) irrelevant code for handling unblocking lists/zsets/streams etc... 3. modify some tests to intercept the error in cases of error on reprocess after unblock (see details in the notes section below) 4. replace '$' on the client argv with current stream id. Since once we reprocess the stream XREAD we need to read from the last msg and not wait for new msg in order to prevent endless block loop. 5. Added statistics to the info "Clients" section to report the: * `total_blocking_keys` - number of blocking keys * `total_blocking_keys_on_nokey` - number of blocking keys which have at least 1 client which would like to be unblocked on when the key is deleted. 6. Avoid expiring unblocked key during unblock. Previously we used to lookup the unblocked key which might have been expired during the lookup. Now we lookup the key using NOTOUCH and NOEXPIRE to avoid deleting it at this point, so propagating commands in blocked.c is no longer needed. 7. deprecated command flags. We decided to remove the CMD_CALL_STATS and CMD_CALL_SLOWLOG and make an explicit verification in the call() function in order to decide if stats update should take place. This should simplify the logic and also mitigate existing issues: for example module calls which are triggered as part of AOF loading might still report stats even though they are called during AOF loading. *Behavior changes* --------------------------------------------------- 1. As this implementation prevents writing dedicated code handling unblocked streams/lists/zsets, since we now re-process the command once the client is unblocked some errors will be reported differently. The old implementation used to issue ``UNBLOCKED the stream key no longer exists`` in the following cases: - The stream key has been deleted (ie. calling DEL) - The stream and group existed but the key type was changed by overriding it (ie. with set command) - The key not longer exists after we swapdb with a db which does not contains this key - After swapdb when the new db has this key but with different type. In the new implementation the reported errors will be the same as if the command was processed after effect: **NOGROUP** - in case key no longer exists, or **WRONGTYPE** in case the key was overridden with a different type. 2. Reprocessing the command means that some checks will be reevaluated once the client is unblocked. For example, ACL rules might change since the command originally was executed and will fail once the client is unblocked. Another example is OOM condition checks which might enable the command to run and block but fail the command reprocess once the client is unblocked. 3. One of the changes in this PR is that no command stats are being updated once the command is blocked (all stats will be updated once the client is unblocked). This implies that when we have many clients blocked, users will no longer be able to get that information from the command stats. However the information can still be gathered from the client list. **Client blocking** --------------------------------------------------- the blocking on key will still be triggered the same way as it is done today. in order to block the current client on list of keys, the call to blockForKeys will still need to be made which will perform the same as it is today: * add the client to the list of blocked clients on each key * keep the key with a matching list node (position in the global blocking clients list for that key) in the client private blocking key dict. * flag the client with CLIENT_BLOCKED * update blocking statistics * register the client on the timeout table **Key Unblock** --------------------------------------------------- Unblocking a specific key will be triggered (same as today) by calling signalKeyAsReady. the implementation in that part will stay the same as today - adding the key to the global readyList. The reason to maintain the readyList (as apposed to iterating over all clients blocked on the specific key) is in order to keep the signal operation as short as possible, since it is called during the command processing. The main change is that instead of going through a dedicated code path that operates the blocked command we will just call processPendingCommandsAndResetClient. **ClientUnblock (keys)** --------------------------------------------------- 1. Unblocking clients on keys will be triggered after command is processed and during the beforeSleep 8. the general schema is: 9. For each key *k* in the readyList: ``` For each client *c* which is blocked on *k*: in case either: 1. *k* exists AND the *k* type matches the current client blocking type OR 2. *k* exists and *c* is blocked on module command OR 3. *k* does not exists and *c* was blocked with the flag unblock_on_deleted_key do: 1. remove the client from the list of clients blocked on this key 2. remove the blocking list node from the client blocking key dict 3. remove the client from the timeout list 10. queue the client on the unblocked_clients list 11. *NEW*: call processCommandAndResetClient(c); ``` *NOTE:* for module blocked clients we will still call the moduleUnblockClientByHandle which will queue the client for processing in moduleUnblockedClients list. **Process Unblocked clients** --------------------------------------------------- The process of all unblocked clients is done in the beforeSleep and no change is planned in that part. The general schema will be: For each client *c* in server.unblocked_clients: * remove client from the server.unblocked_clients * set back the client readHandler * continue processing the pending command and input buffer. *Some notes regarding the new implementation* --------------------------------------------------- 1. Although it was proposed, it is currently difficult to remove the read handler from the client while it is blocked. The reason is that a blocked client should be unblocked when it is disconnected, or we might consume data into void. 2. While this PR mainly keep the current blocking logic as-is, there might be some future additions to the infrastructure that we would like to have: - allow non-preemptive blocking of client - sometimes we can think that a new kind of blocking can be expected to not be preempt. for example lets imagine we hold some keys on disk and when a command needs to process them it will block until the keys are uploaded. in this case we will want the client to not disconnect or be unblocked until the process is completed (remove the client read handler, prevent client timeout, disable unblock via debug command etc...). - allow generic blocking based on command declared keys - we might want to add a hook before command processing to check if any of the declared keys require the command to block. this way it would be easier to add new kinds of key-based blocking mechanisms. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Signed-off-by: Ran Shidlansik <>
2023-01-01 22:35:42 +01:00
// BZPOPMIN key [key ...] timeout
void bzpopminCommand(client *c) {
blockingGenericZpopCommand(c, c->argv+1, c->argc-2, ZSET_MIN, c->argc-1, -1, 0, 0);
// BZPOPMAX key [key ...] timeout
void bzpopmaxCommand(client *c) {
blockingGenericZpopCommand(c, c->argv+1, c->argc-2, ZSET_MAX, c->argc-1, -1, 0, 0);
static void zrandmemberReplyWithListpack(client *c, unsigned int count, listpackEntry *keys, listpackEntry *vals) {
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (vals && c->resp > 2)
if (keys[i].sval)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, keys[i].sval, keys[i].slen);
addReplyBulkLongLong(c, keys[i].lval);
if (vals) {
if (vals[i].sval) {
addReplyDouble(c, zzlStrtod(vals[i].sval,vals[i].slen));
} else
addReplyDouble(c, vals[i].lval);
/* How many times bigger should be the zset compared to the requested size
* for us to not use the "remove elements" strategy? Read later in the
* implementation for more info. */
/* If client is trying to ask for a very large number of random elements,
* queuing may consume an unlimited amount of memory, so we want to limit
* the number of randoms per time. */
void zrandmemberWithCountCommand(client *c, long l, int withscores) {
unsigned long count, size;
int uniq = 1;
robj *zsetobj;
if ((zsetobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c, c->argv[1], shared.emptyarray))
== NULL || checkType(c, zsetobj, OBJ_ZSET)) return;
size = zsetLength(zsetobj);
if(l >= 0) {
count = (unsigned long) l;
} else {
count = -l;
uniq = 0;
/* If count is zero, serve it ASAP to avoid special cases later. */
if (count == 0) {
/* CASE 1: The count was negative, so the extraction method is just:
* "return N random elements" sampling the whole set every time.
* This case is trivial and can be served without auxiliary data
* structures. This case is the only one that also needs to return the
* elements in random order. */
if (!uniq || count == 1) {
if (withscores && c->resp == 2)
addReplyArrayLen(c, count*2);
addReplyArrayLen(c, count);
if (zsetobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
zset *zs = zsetobj->ptr;
while (count--) {
dictEntry *de = dictGetFairRandomKey(zs->dict);
sds key = dictGetKey(de);
if (withscores && c->resp > 2)
addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, key, sdslen(key));
if (withscores)
addReplyDouble(c, *(double*)dictGetVal(de));
if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
} else if (zsetobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
listpackEntry *keys, *vals = NULL;
unsigned long limit, sample_count;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
keys = zmalloc(sizeof(listpackEntry)*limit);
if (withscores)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
vals = zmalloc(sizeof(listpackEntry)*limit);
while (count) {
sample_count = count > limit ? limit : count;
count -= sample_count;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
lpRandomPairs(zsetobj->ptr, sample_count, keys, vals);
zrandmemberReplyWithListpack(c, sample_count, keys, vals);
if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP)
zsetopsrc src;
zsetopval zval;
src.subject = zsetobj;
src.type = zsetobj->type;
src.encoding = zsetobj->encoding;
memset(&zval, 0, sizeof(zval));
/* Initiate reply count, RESP3 responds with nested array, RESP2 with flat one. */
long reply_size = count < size ? count : size;
if (withscores && c->resp == 2)
addReplyArrayLen(c, reply_size*2);
addReplyArrayLen(c, reply_size);
/* CASE 2:
* The number of requested elements is greater than the number of
* elements inside the zset: simply return the whole zset. */
if (count >= size) {
while (zuiNext(&src, &zval)) {
if (withscores && c->resp > 2)
addReplyBulkSds(c, zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval));
if (withscores)
addReplyDouble(c, zval.score);
/* CASE 2.5 listpack only. Sampling unique elements, in non-random order.
* Listpack encoded zsets are meant to be relatively small, so
* ZRANDMEMBER_SUB_STRATEGY_MUL isn't necessary and we rather not make
* copies of the entries. Instead, we emit them directly to the output
* buffer.
* And it is inefficient to repeatedly pick one random element from a
* listpack in CASE 4. So we use this instead. */
if (zsetobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_LISTPACK) {
listpackEntry *keys, *vals = NULL;
keys = zmalloc(sizeof(listpackEntry)*count);
if (withscores)
vals = zmalloc(sizeof(listpackEntry)*count);
serverAssert(lpRandomPairsUnique(zsetobj->ptr, count, keys, vals) == count);
zrandmemberReplyWithListpack(c, count, keys, vals);
/* CASE 3:
* The number of elements inside the zset is not greater than
* ZRANDMEMBER_SUB_STRATEGY_MUL times the number of requested elements.
* In this case we create a dict from scratch with all the elements, and
* subtract random elements to reach the requested number of elements.
* This is done because if the number of requested elements is just
* a bit less than the number of elements in the set, the natural approach
* used into CASE 4 is highly inefficient. */
/* Hashtable encoding (generic implementation) */
dict *d = dictCreate(&sdsReplyDictType);
dictExpand(d, size);
/* Add all the elements into the temporary dictionary. */
while (zuiNext(&src, &zval)) {
sds key = zuiNewSdsFromValue(&zval);
dictEntry *de = dictAddRaw(d, key, NULL);
if (withscores)
dictSetDoubleVal(de, zval.score);
serverAssert(dictSize(d) == size);
/* Remove random elements to reach the right count. */
while (size > count) {
dictEntry *de;
de = dictGetFairRandomKey(d);
/* Reply with what's in the dict and release memory */
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
di = dictGetIterator(d);
while ((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
if (withscores && c->resp > 2)
addReplyBulkSds(c, dictGetKey(de));
if (withscores)
addReplyDouble(c, dictGetDoubleVal(de));
/* CASE 4: We have a big zset compared to the requested number of elements.
* In this case we can simply get random elements from the zset and add
* to the temporary set, trying to eventually get enough unique elements
* to reach the specified count. */
else {
/* Hashtable encoding (generic implementation) */
unsigned long added = 0;
dict *d = dictCreate(&hashDictType);
dictExpand(d, count);
while (added < count) {
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
listpackEntry key;
double score;
zsetTypeRandomElement(zsetobj, size, &key, withscores ? &score: NULL);
/* Try to add the object to the dictionary. If it already exists
* free it, otherwise increment the number of objects we have
* in the result dictionary. */
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
sds skey = zsetSdsFromListpackEntry(&key);
if (dictAdd(d,skey,NULL) != DICT_OK) {
if (withscores && c->resp > 2)
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
zsetReplyFromListpackEntry(c, &key);
if (withscores)
addReplyDouble(c, score);
/* Release memory */
/* ZRANDMEMBER key [<count> [WITHSCORES]] */
void zrandmemberCommand(client *c) {
long l;
int withscores = 0;
robj *zset;
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
listpackEntry ele;
if (c->argc >= 3) {
if (getRangeLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],-LONG_MAX,LONG_MAX,&l,NULL) != C_OK) return;
if (c->argc > 4 || (c->argc == 4 && strcasecmp(c->argv[3]->ptr,"withscores"))) {
} else if (c->argc == 4) {
withscores = 1;
if (l < -LONG_MAX/2 || l > LONG_MAX/2) {
addReplyError(c,"value is out of range");
zrandmemberWithCountCommand(c, l, withscores);
/* Handle variant without <count> argument. Reply with simple bulk string */
if ((zset = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.null[c->resp]))== NULL ||
checkType(c,zset,OBJ_ZSET)) {
zsetTypeRandomElement(zset, zsetLength(zset), &ele,NULL);
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366) Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887. ## Description of the feature Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance. ## Rdb format changes New `RDB_TYPE_ZSET_LISTPACK` rdb type. ## Rdb loading improvements: 1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist. 2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading. 3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c. ## Interface changes 1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`). 2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist. ## Listpack improvements: 1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack. 2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string. 3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`. ## Zset improvements: 1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop. 2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset. ## Tests 1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function. 2) Add zset RDB loading test. 3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`. 4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 17:18:53 +02:00
* 'numkeys_idx' parameter position of key number.
* 'is_block' this indicates whether it is a blocking variant. */
void zmpopGenericCommand(client *c, int numkeys_idx, int is_block) {
long j;
long numkeys = 0; /* Number of keys. */
int where = 0; /* ZSET_MIN or ZSET_MAX. */
long count = -1; /* Reply will consist of up to count elements, depending on the zset's length. */
/* Parse the numkeys. */
if (getRangeLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[numkeys_idx], 1, LONG_MAX,
&numkeys, "numkeys should be greater than 0") != C_OK)
/* Parse the where. where_idx: the index of where in the c->argv. */
long where_idx = numkeys_idx + numkeys + 1;
if (where_idx >= c->argc) {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[where_idx]->ptr, "MIN")) {
where = ZSET_MIN;
} else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[where_idx]->ptr, "MAX")) {
where = ZSET_MAX;
} else {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
/* Parse the optional arguments. */
for (j = where_idx + 1; j < c->argc; j++) {
char *opt = c->argv[j]->ptr;
int moreargs = (c->argc - 1) - j;
if (count == -1 && !strcasecmp(opt, "COUNT") && moreargs) {
if (getRangeLongFromObjectOrReply(c, c->argv[j], 1, LONG_MAX,
&count,"count should be greater than 0") != C_OK)
} else {
addReplyErrorObject(c, shared.syntaxerr);
if (count == -1) count = 1;
if (is_block) {
/* BLOCK. We will handle CLIENT_DENY_BLOCKING flag in blockingGenericZpopCommand. */
blockingGenericZpopCommand(c, c->argv+numkeys_idx+1, numkeys, where, 1, count, 1, 1);
} else {
genericZpopCommand(c, c->argv+numkeys_idx+1, numkeys, where, 1, count, 1, 1, NULL);
/* ZMPOP numkeys key [<key> ...] MIN|MAX [COUNT count] */
void zmpopCommand(client *c) {
zmpopGenericCommand(c, 1, 0);
/* BZMPOP timeout numkeys key [<key> ...] MIN|MAX [COUNT count] */
void bzmpopCommand(client *c) {
zmpopGenericCommand(c, 2, 1);