Joe Conway 70fc6c4ef3 Disallow null category in crosstab_hash
While building a hash map of categories in load_categories_hash,
resulting category names have not thus far been checked to ensure
they are not null. Prior to pg12 null category names worked to the
extent that they did not crash on some platforms. This is because
those system libraries have an snprintf which can deal with being
passed a null pointer argument for a string. But even in those cases
null categories did nothing useful. And on some platforms it crashed.
As of pg12, our own version of snprintf gets called, and it does
not deal with null pointer arguments at all, and crashes consistently.

Fix that by disallowing null categories. They never worked usefully,
and no one has ever asked for them to work previously. Back-patch to
all supported branches.

Reported-By: Ireneusz Pluta
2019-12-23 13:34:05 -05:00
adminpack Fix potentially-unportable code in contrib/adminpack. 2018-04-15 13:02:11 -04:00
auth_delay Add file version information to most installed Windows binaries. 2014-07-14 14:07:52 -04:00
auto_explain Allow auto_explain.log_min_duration to go up to INT_MAX. 2018-02-23 14:39:21 -05:00
btree_gin Make contrib regression tests safe for Danish locale. 2016-07-21 16:52:36 -04:00
btree_gist Improve stability of recently-added regression test case. 2018-10-16 12:01:19 -04:00
chkpass Avoid returning undefined bytes in chkpass_in(). 2015-02-14 12:20:56 -05:00
citext Make contrib regression tests safe for Danish locale. 2016-07-21 16:52:36 -04:00
cube Enforce cube dimension limit in all cube construction functions 2018-08-31 20:06:49 +03:00
dblink Prevent accidental linking of system-supplied copies of etc. 2018-07-09 17:23:31 -04:00
dict_int Ensure maxlen is at leat 1 in dict_int 2019-12-03 18:42:54 +01:00
dict_xsyn Update copyright for 2015 2015-01-06 11:43:47 -05:00
earthdistance Fix earthdistance test suite function name typo. 2018-07-29 12:02:11 -07:00
file_fdw Ensure that foreign scans with lateral refs are planned correctly. 2019-02-07 13:11:17 -05:00
fuzzystrmatch Remove new coupling between NAMEDATALEN and MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_STRLEN. 2016-01-22 11:53:06 -05:00
hstore Fix hstore hash function for empty hstores upgraded from 8.4. 2018-11-24 21:17:09 +00:00
hstore_plperl Still further rethinking of build changes for macOS Mojave. 2018-10-18 14:55:23 -04:00
hstore_plpython Fix volatile vs. pointer confusion 2019-03-15 08:39:12 +01:00
intagg Fix typos in some error messages thrown by extension scripts when fed to psql. 2014-08-25 18:30:37 +02:00
intarray Fix intarray's GiST opclasses to not fail for empty arrays with <@. 2019-08-06 18:04:52 -04:00
isn Fix typos in comments. 2017-02-06 11:34:18 +02:00
lo Fix typos in some error messages thrown by extension scripts when fed to psql. 2014-08-25 18:30:37 +02:00
ltree Allow btree comparison functions to return INT_MIN. 2018-10-05 16:01:30 -04:00
ltree_plpython Prevent accidental linking of system-supplied copies of etc. 2018-07-09 17:23:31 -04:00
oid2name Prevent accidental linking of system-supplied copies of etc. 2018-07-09 17:23:31 -04:00
pageinspect Back-patch portability fixes for contrib/pageinspect/ginfuncs.c. 2016-11-04 12:37:29 -04:00
passwordcheck Fix handling of previous password hooks in passwordcheck 2019-08-01 09:38:25 +09:00
pg_buffercache pg_buffercache: Allow huge allocations. 2016-09-15 09:30:36 -04:00
pg_freespacemap Fix typos in some error messages thrown by extension scripts when fed to psql. 2014-08-25 18:30:37 +02:00
pg_prewarm Avoid using potentially-under-aligned page buffers. 2018-09-01 15:27:13 -04:00
pg_standby Fix new warnings from GCC 7 2017-05-16 08:43:55 -04:00
pg_stat_statements Fix typos in comments. 2017-02-06 11:34:18 +02:00
pg_trgm Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. 2017-04-14 14:52:03 -04:00
pgcrypto Fix misc typos in comments. 2019-01-23 13:46:51 +02:00
pgrowlocks Fix handling of multixacts predating pg_upgrade 2016-06-24 18:29:28 -04:00
pgstattuple Remove unused macros. 2016-05-02 10:08:58 +03:00
postgres_fdw libpq should expose GSS-related parameters even when not implemented. 2019-12-20 15:34:08 -05:00
seg Fix typos in comments. 2017-02-06 11:34:18 +02:00
sepgsql Fix contrib/sepgsql test policy to work with latest SELinux releases. 2019-07-25 11:03:30 -04:00
spi Prevent accidental linking of system-supplied copies of etc. 2018-07-09 17:23:31 -04:00
sslinfo Fix error message wording in previous sslinfo commit 2015-09-08 11:10:20 -03:00
start-scripts Provide modern examples of how to auto-start Postgres on macOS. 2017-11-17 12:47:29 -05:00
tablefunc Disallow null category in crosstab_hash 2019-12-23 13:34:05 -05:00
tcn Update copyright for 2015 2015-01-06 11:43:47 -05:00
test_decoding Fix potential assertion failure when reindexing a pg_class index. 2019-04-29 19:43:32 -07:00
tsearch2 Fix typos in comments. 2017-02-06 11:34:18 +02:00
tsm_system_rows Redesign tablesample method API, and do extensive code review. 2015-07-25 14:39:00 -04:00
tsm_system_time Some platforms now need contrib/tsm_system_time to be linked with libm. 2015-07-25 16:37:22 -04:00
unaccent Make contrib/unaccent's unaccent() function work when not in search path. 2018-09-06 10:49:45 -04:00
uuid-ossp Give a useful error message if uuid-ossp is built without preconfiguration. 2016-12-22 11:19:18 -05:00
vacuumlo Fix copy-pasto in freeing memory on error in vacuumlo. 2019-06-07 12:44:06 +03:00
xml2 Fix typos in comments. 2017-02-06 11:34:18 +02:00
Makefile Finish removing pg_audit 2015-05-28 12:48:25 -04:00
README Rename 'gmake' to 'make' in docs and recommended commands 2014-02-12 17:29:19 -05:00 Remove cvs keywords from all files. 2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00


The PostgreSQL contrib tree

This subtree contains porting tools, analysis utilities, and plug-in
features that are not part of the core PostgreSQL system, mainly
because they address a limited audience or are too experimental to be
part of the main source tree.  This does not preclude their

User documentation for each module appears in the main SGML

When building from the source distribution, these modules are not
built automatically, unless you build the "world" target.  You can
also build and install them all by running "make all" and "make
install" in this directory; or to build and install just one selected
module, do the same in that module's subdirectory.

Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators, or
types.  To make use of one of these modules, after you have installed
the code you need to register the new SQL objects in the database
system by executing a CREATE EXTENSION command.  In a fresh database,
you can simply do

    CREATE EXTENSION module_name;

See the PostgreSQL documentation for more information about this