
215 lines
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# This module sets up a test server, for the SSL regression tests.
# The server is configured as follows:
# - SSL enabled, with the server certificate specified by argument to
# switch_server_cert function.
# - ssl/root+client_ca.crt as the CA root for validating client certs.
# - reject non-SSL connections
# - a database called trustdb that lets anyone in
# - another database called certdb that uses certificate authentication, ie.
# the client must present a valid certificate signed by the client CA
# - two users, called ssltestuser and anotheruser.
# The server is configured to only accept connections from localhost. If you
# want to run the client from another host, you'll have to configure that
# manually.
# Note: Someone running these test could have key or certificate files
# in their ~/.postgresql/, which would interfere with the tests. The
# way to override that is to specify sslcert=invalid and/or
# sslrootcert=invalid if no actual certificate is used for a
# particular test. libpq will ignore specifications that name
# nonexisting files. (sslkey and sslcrl do not need to specified
# explicitly because an invalid sslcert or sslrootcert, respectively,
# causes those to be ignored.)
package SSLServer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Test::More;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(
# Define a couple of helper functions to test connecting to the server.
# The first argument is a base connection string to use for connection.
# The second argument is a complementary connection string.
sub test_connect_ok
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($common_connstr, $connstr, $test_name) = @_;
my $cmd = [
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c',
"SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'-d', "$common_connstr $connstr"
command_ok($cmd, $test_name);
sub test_connect_fails
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($common_connstr, $connstr, $expected_stderr, $test_name) = @_;
my $cmd = [
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c',
"SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'-d', "$common_connstr $connstr"
command_fails_like($cmd, $expected_stderr, $test_name);
# Copy a set of files, taking into account wildcards
sub copy_files
my $orig = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my @orig_files = glob $orig;
foreach my $orig_file (@orig_files)
my $base_file = basename($orig_file);
copy($orig_file, "$dest/$base_file")
or die "Could not copy $orig_file to $dest";
sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
my ($node, $serverhost, $authmethod, $password, $password_enc) = @_;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Create test users and databases
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER ssltestuser");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER md5testuser");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER anotheruser");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER yetanotheruser");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE trustdb");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE certdb");
$node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE verifydb");
# Update password of each user as needed.
if (defined($password))
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER ssltestuser PASSWORD '$password';"
# A special user that always has an md5-encrypted password
"SET password_encryption='md5'; ALTER USER md5testuser PASSWORD '$password';"
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER anotheruser PASSWORD '$password';"
# enable logging etc.
open my $conf, '>>', "$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
print $conf "fsync=off\n";
print $conf "log_connections=on\n";
print $conf "log_hostname=on\n";
print $conf "listen_addresses='$serverhost'\n";
print $conf "log_statement=all\n";
# enable SSL and set up server key
print $conf "include 'sslconfig.conf'\n";
close $conf;
# ssl configuration will be placed here
open my $sslconf, '>', "$pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
close $sslconf;
# Copy all server certificates and keys, and client root cert, to the data dir
copy_files("ssl/server-*.crt", $pgdata);
copy_files("ssl/server-*.key", $pgdata);
chmod(0600, glob "$pgdata/server-*.key") or die $!;
copy_files("ssl/root+client_ca.crt", $pgdata);
copy_files("ssl/root_ca.crt", $pgdata);
copy_files("ssl/root+client.crl", $pgdata);
# Stop and restart server to load new listen_addresses.
# Change pg_hba after restart because hostssl requires ssl=on
configure_hba_for_ssl($node, $serverhost, $authmethod);
# Change the configuration to use given server cert file, and reload
# the server so that the configuration takes effect.
sub switch_server_cert
my $node = $_[0];
my $certfile = $_[1];
my $cafile = $_[2] || "root+client_ca";
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
open my $sslconf, '>', "$pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
print $sslconf "ssl=on\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_ca_file='$cafile.crt'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_cert_file='$certfile.crt'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_key_file='$certfile.key'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_crl_file='root+client.crl'\n";
close $sslconf;
sub configure_hba_for_ssl
my ($node, $serverhost, $authmethod) = @_;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Only accept SSL connections from localhost. Our tests don't depend on this
# but seems best to keep it as narrow as possible for security reasons.
# When connecting to certdb, also check the client certificate.
open my $hba, '>', "$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
print $hba
print $hba
"hostssl trustdb md5testuser $serverhost/32 md5\n";
print $hba
"hostssl trustdb all $serverhost/32 $authmethod\n";
print $hba
"hostssl trustdb all ::1/128 $authmethod\n";
print $hba
"hostssl verifydb ssltestuser $serverhost/32 $authmethod clientcert=verify-full\n";
print $hba
"hostssl verifydb anotheruser $serverhost/32 $authmethod clientcert=verify-full\n";
print $hba
"hostssl verifydb yetanotheruser $serverhost/32 $authmethod clientcert=verify-ca\n";
print $hba
"hostssl certdb all $serverhost/32 cert\n";
print $hba
"hostssl certdb all ::1/128 cert\n";
close $hba;