
107 lines
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Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Copyright (c) 2001-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/
# Generate UTF-8 <=> SJIS code conversion radix tree Generate UTF-8
# <=> SJIS code conversion radix tree Unfortunately it is prohibited
# by the organization to distribute the map files. So if you try to
# use this script, you have to obtain CP932.TXT from the organization's
# ftp site.
use strict;
use warnings;
use convutils;
my $this_script = 'src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/';
my $mapping = read_source("CP932.TXT");
# Drop these SJIS codes from the source for UTF8=>SJIS conversion
my @reject_sjis = (
0xed40 .. 0xeefc, 0x8754 .. 0x875d, 0x878a, 0x8782,
0x8784, 0xfa5b, 0xfa54, 0x8790 .. 0x8792,
0x8795 .. 0x8797, 0x879a .. 0x879c);
foreach my $i (@$mapping)
my $code = $i->{code};
my $ucs = $i->{ucs};
if (grep { $code == $_ } @reject_sjis)
$i->{direction} = TO_UNICODE;
# Add these UTF8->SJIS pairs to the table.
push @$mapping,
( {
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x00a2,
code => 0x8191,
comment => '# CENT SIGN',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x00a3,
code => 0x8192,
comment => '# POUND SIGN',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x00a5,
code => 0x5c,
comment => '# YEN SIGN',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x00ac,
code => 0x81ca,
comment => '# NOT SIGN',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x2016,
code => 0x8161,
comment => '# DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x203e,
code => 0x7e,
comment => '# OVERLINE',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x2212,
code => 0x817c,
comment => '# MINUS SIGN',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
direction => FROM_UNICODE,
ucs => 0x301c,
code => 0x8160,
comment => '# WAVE DASH',
f => $this_script,
l => __LINE__
print_conversion_tables($this_script, "SJIS", $mapping);