
49 lines
1.8 KiB

# Makefile for utils/adt
# src/backend/utils/adt/Makefile
subdir = src/backend/utils/adt
top_builddir = ../../../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/
# keep this list arranged alphabetically or it gets to be a mess
OBJS = acl.o amutils.o arrayfuncs.o array_expanded.o array_selfuncs.o \
array_typanalyze.o array_userfuncs.o arrayutils.o ascii.o \
bool.o cash.o char.o cryptohashes.o \
date.o datetime.o datum.o dbsize.o domains.o \
encode.o enum.o expandeddatum.o expandedrecord.o \
float.o format_type.o formatting.o genfile.o \
geo_ops.o geo_selfuncs.o geo_spgist.o inet_cidr_ntop.o inet_net_pton.o \
int.o int8.o json.o jsonb.o jsonb_gin.o jsonb_op.o jsonb_util.o \
jsonfuncs.o jsonpath_gram.o jsonpath.o jsonpath_exec.o \
like.o like_support.o lockfuncs.o mac.o mac8.o misc.o name.o \
network.o network_gist.o network_selfuncs.o network_spgist.o \
numeric.o numutils.o oid.o oracle_compat.o \
orderedsetaggs.o partitionfuncs.o pg_locale.o pg_lsn.o \
pg_upgrade_support.o pgstatfuncs.o \
pseudotypes.o quote.o rangetypes.o rangetypes_gist.o \
rangetypes_selfuncs.o rangetypes_spgist.o rangetypes_typanalyze.o \
regexp.o regproc.o ri_triggers.o rowtypes.o ruleutils.o \
selfuncs.o tid.o timestamp.o trigfuncs.o \
tsginidx.o tsgistidx.o tsquery.o tsquery_cleanup.o tsquery_gist.o \
tsquery_op.o tsquery_rewrite.o tsquery_util.o tsrank.o \
tsvector.o tsvector_op.o tsvector_parser.o \
txid.o uuid.o varbit.o varchar.o varlena.o version.o \
windowfuncs.o xid.o xml.o
jsonpath_scan.c: FLEXFLAGS = -CF -p -p
# Force these dependencies to be known even without dependency info built:
jsonpath_gram.o: jsonpath_scan.c
# jsonpath_gram.c and jsonpath_scan.c are in the distribution tarball,
# so they are not cleaned here.
like.o: like.c like_match.c
varlena.o: varlena.c levenshtein.c
include $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/