
233 lines
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PostgreSQL documentation
<refentry id="sql-altersubscription">
<indexterm zone="sql-altersubscription">
<primary>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</primary>
<refentrytitle>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
<refname>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</refname>
<refpurpose>change the definition of a subscription</refpurpose>
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> CONNECTION '<replaceable>conninfo</replaceable>'
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> SET PUBLICATION <replaceable class="parameter">publication_name</replaceable> [, ...] [ WITH ( <replaceable class="parameter">set_publication_option</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] ) ]
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> REFRESH PUBLICATION [ WITH ( <replaceable class="parameter">refresh_option</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] ) ]
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> ENABLE
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> DISABLE
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> SET ( <replaceable class="parameter">subscription_parameter</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] )
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> OWNER TO { <replaceable>new_owner</replaceable> | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> RENAME TO <replaceable>new_name</replaceable>
<command>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</command> can change most of the subscription
properties that can be specified
in <xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/>.
You must own the subscription to use <command>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</command>.
To alter the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the
new owning role. The new owner has to be a superuser.
(Currently, all subscription owners must be superusers, so the owner checks
will be bypassed in practice. But this might change in the future.)
<term><replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable></term>
The name of a subscription whose properties are to be altered.
<term><literal>CONNECTION '<replaceable class="parameter">conninfo</replaceable>'</literal></term>
This clause alters the connection property originally set by
<xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/>. See there for more
<term><literal>SET PUBLICATION <replaceable class="parameter">publication_name</replaceable></literal></term>
Changes list of subscribed publications. See
<xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/> for more information.
By default this command will also act like <literal>REFRESH
<replaceable>set_publication_option</replaceable> specifies additional
options for this operation. The supported options are:
<term><literal>refresh</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
When false, the command will not try to refresh table information.
<literal>REFRESH PUBLICATION</literal> should then be executed separately.
The default is <literal>true</literal>.
Additionally, refresh options as described
under <literal>REFRESH PUBLICATION</literal> may be specified.
<term><literal>REFRESH PUBLICATION</literal></term>
Fetch missing table information from publisher. This will start
replication of tables that were added to the subscribed-to publications
since the last invocation of <command>REFRESH PUBLICATION</command> or
since <command>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</command>.
<replaceable>refresh_option</replaceable> specifies additional options for the
refresh operation. The supported options are:
<term><literal>copy_data</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
Specifies whether the existing data in the publications that are
being subscribed to should be copied once the replication starts.
The default is <literal>true</literal>. (Previously subscribed
tables are not copied.)
Enables the previously disabled subscription, starting the logical
replication worker at the end of transaction.
Disables the running subscription, stopping the logical replication
worker at the end of transaction.
<term><literal>SET ( <replaceable class="parameter">subscription_parameter</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] )</literal></term>
This clause alters parameters originally set by
<xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/>. See there for more
information. The parameters that can be altered
are <literal>slot_name</literal>,
<literal>binary</literal>, and
<term><replaceable class="parameter">new_owner</replaceable></term>
The user name of the new owner of the subscription.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">new_name</replaceable></term>
The new name for the subscription.
Change the publication subscribed by a subscription to
Disable (stop) the subscription:
<command>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION</command> is a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
<title>See Also</title>
<simplelist type="inline">
<member><xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-dropsubscription"/></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-createpublication"/></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-alterpublication"/></member>