
295 lines
7.8 KiB

* buf_init.c--
* buffer manager initialization routines
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/storage/buffer/buf_init.c,v 1999/03/07 02:01:08 tgl Exp $
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "postgres.h"
/* declarations split between these three files */
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "storage/buf_internals.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "storage/s_lock.h"
#include "storage/shmem.h"
#include "storage/spin.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h" /* for NDirectFileRead */
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
* if BMTRACE is defined, we trace the last 200 buffer allocations and
* deallocations in a circular buffer in shared memory.
#ifdef BMTRACE
bmtrace *TraceBuf;
long *CurTraceBuf;
#define BMT_LIMIT 200
#endif /* BMTRACE */
int ShowPinTrace = 0;
int NBuffers = NDBUFS; /* NDBUFS defined in miscadmin.h */
int Data_Descriptors;
int Free_List_Descriptor;
int Lookup_List_Descriptor;
int Num_Descriptors;
BufferDesc *BufferDescriptors;
BufferBlock BufferBlocks;
long *NWaitIOBackendP;
extern IpcSemaphoreId WaitIOSemId;
long *PrivateRefCount; /* also used in freelist.c */
long *LastRefCount; /* refcounts of last ExecMain level */
long *CommitInfoNeedsSave;/* to write buffers where we have filled
* in t_infomask */
* Data Structures:
* buffers live in a freelist and a lookup data structure.
* Buffer Lookup:
* Two important notes. First, the buffer has to be
* available for lookup BEFORE an IO begins. Otherwise
* a second process trying to read the buffer will
* allocate its own copy and the buffeer pool will
* become inconsistent.
* Buffer Replacement:
* see freelist.c. A buffer cannot be replaced while in
* use either by data manager or during IO.
* WriteBufferBack:
* currently, a buffer is only written back at the time
* it is selected for replacement. It should
* be done sooner if possible to reduce latency of
* BufferAlloc(). Maybe there should be a daemon process.
* Synchronization/Locking:
* BufMgrLock lock -- must be acquired before manipulating the
* buffer queues (lookup/freelist). Must be released
* before exit and before doing any IO.
* IO_IN_PROGRESS -- this is a flag in the buffer descriptor.
* It must be set when an IO is initiated and cleared at
* the end of the IO. It is there to make sure that one
* process doesn't start to use a buffer while another is
* faulting it in. see IOWait/IOSignal.
* refcount -- A buffer is pinned during IO and immediately
* after a BufferAlloc(). A buffer is always either pinned
* or on the freelist but never both. The buffer must be
* released, written, or flushed before the end of
* transaction.
* PrivateRefCount -- Each buffer also has a private refcount the keeps
* track of the number of times the buffer is pinned in the current
* processes. This is used for two purposes, first, if we pin a
* a buffer more than once, we only need to change the shared refcount
* once, thus only lock the buffer pool once, second, when a transaction
* aborts, it should only unpin the buffers exactly the number of times it
* has pinned them, so that it will not blow away buffers of another
* backend.
long int ReadBufferCount;
long int ReadLocalBufferCount;
long int BufferHitCount;
long int LocalBufferHitCount;
long int BufferFlushCount;
long int LocalBufferFlushCount;
* Initialize module:
* should calculate size of pool dynamically based on the
* amount of available memory.
InitBufferPool(IPCKey key)
bool foundBufs,
int i;
/* check padding of BufferDesc and BufferHdr */
* we need both checks because a sbufdesc_padded >
* PADDED_SBUFDESC_SIZE will shrink sbufdesc to the required size,
* which is bad
if (sizeof(struct sbufdesc) != PADDED_SBUFDESC_SIZE ||
sizeof(struct sbufdesc_unpadded) > PADDED_SBUFDESC_SIZE)
elog(ERROR, "Internal error: sbufdesc does not have the proper size, "
"contact the Postgres developers");
if (sizeof(struct sbufdesc_unpadded) <= PADDED_SBUFDESC_SIZE / 2)
elog(ERROR, "Internal error: sbufdesc is greatly over-sized, "
"contact the Postgres developers");
Data_Descriptors = NBuffers;
Free_List_Descriptor = Data_Descriptors;
Lookup_List_Descriptor = Data_Descriptors + 1;
Num_Descriptors = Data_Descriptors + 1;
#ifdef BMTRACE
CurTraceBuf = (long *) ShmemInitStruct("Buffer trace",
(BMT_LIMIT * sizeof(bmtrace)) + sizeof(long),
if (!foundDescs)
MemSet(CurTraceBuf, 0, (BMT_LIMIT * sizeof(bmtrace)) + sizeof(long));
TraceBuf = (bmtrace *) & (CurTraceBuf[1]);
BufferDescriptors = (BufferDesc *)
ShmemInitStruct("Buffer Descriptors",
Num_Descriptors * sizeof(BufferDesc), &foundDescs);
BufferBlocks = (BufferBlock)
ShmemInitStruct("Buffer Blocks",
NBuffers * BLCKSZ, &foundBufs);
bool foundNWaitIO;
NWaitIOBackendP = (long *) ShmemInitStruct("#Backends Waiting IO",
if (!foundNWaitIO)
*NWaitIOBackendP = 0;
if (foundDescs || foundBufs)
/* both should be present or neither */
Assert(foundDescs && foundBufs);
BufferDesc *buf;
unsigned long block;
buf = BufferDescriptors;
block = (unsigned long) BufferBlocks;
* link the buffers into a circular, doubly-linked list to
* initialize free list. Still don't know anything about
* replacement strategy in this file.
for (i = 0; i < Data_Descriptors; block += BLCKSZ, buf++, i++)
Assert(ShmemIsValid((unsigned long) block));
buf->freeNext = i + 1;
buf->freePrev = i - 1;
buf->data = MAKE_OFFSET(block);
buf->flags = (BM_DELETED | BM_FREE | BM_VALID);
buf->refcount = 0;
buf->buf_id = i;
/* close the circular queue */
BufferDescriptors[0].freePrev = Data_Descriptors - 1;
BufferDescriptors[Data_Descriptors - 1].freeNext = 0;
/* Init the rest of the module */
int status;
WaitIOSemId = IpcSemaphoreCreate(IPCKeyGetWaitIOSemaphoreKey(key),
1, IPCProtection, 0, 1, &status);
PrivateRefCount = (long *) calloc(NBuffers, sizeof(long));
LastRefCount = (long *) calloc(NBuffers, sizeof(long));
CommitInfoNeedsSave = (long *) calloc(NBuffers, sizeof(long));
/* -----------------------------------------------------
* BufferShmemSize
* compute the size of shared memory for the buffer pool including
* data pages, buffer descriptors, hash tables, etc.
* ----------------------------------------------------
int size = 0;
/* size of shmem index hash table */
size += hash_estimate_size(SHMEM_INDEX_SIZE,
/* size of buffer descriptors */
size += MAXALIGN((NBuffers + 1) * sizeof(BufferDesc));
/* size of data pages */
size += NBuffers * MAXALIGN(BLCKSZ);
/* size of buffer hash table */
size += hash_estimate_size(NBuffers,
#ifdef BMTRACE
size += (BMT_LIMIT * sizeof(bmtrace)) + sizeof(long);
return size;