Add EvalPlanQual delete returning isolation test

Author: Andres Freund
Reviewed-by: Pavel Borisov
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Korotkov 2024-03-26 01:28:05 +02:00
parent 87985cc925
commit 8ffc2aa720
2 changed files with 34 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -746,6 +746,36 @@ savings | 600| 1200
(2 rows)
starting permutation: read wx2 wb1 c2 c1 read
step read: SELECT * FROM accounts ORDER BY accountid;
checking | 600| 1200
savings | 600| 1200
(2 rows)
step wx2: UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 450 WHERE accountid = 'checking' RETURNING balance;
(1 row)
step wb1: DELETE FROM accounts WHERE balance = 600 RETURNING *; <waiting ...>
step c2: COMMIT;
step wb1: <... completed>
savings | 600| 1200
(1 row)
step c1: COMMIT;
step read: SELECT * FROM accounts ORDER BY accountid;
checking | 1050| 2100
(1 row)
starting permutation: upsert1 upsert2 c1 c2 read
step upsert1:
WITH upsert AS

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@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; }
step wx1 { UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE accountid = 'checking' RETURNING balance; }
# wy1 then wy2 checks the case where quals pass then fail
step wy1 { UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500 WHERE accountid = 'checking' RETURNING balance; }
# wx2 then wb1 checks the case of re-fetching up-to-date values for DELETE ... RETURNING ...
step wb1 { DELETE FROM accounts WHERE balance = 600 RETURNING *; }
step wxext1 { UPDATE accounts_ext SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE accountid = 'checking' RETURNING balance; }
step tocds1 { UPDATE accounts SET accountid = 'cds' WHERE accountid = 'checking'; }
@ -353,6 +355,8 @@ permutation wx1 delwcte c1 c2 read
# test that a delete to a self-modified row throws error when
# previously updated by a different cid
permutation wx1 delwctefail c1 c2 read
# test that a delete re-fetches up-to-date values for returning clause
permutation read wx2 wb1 c2 c1 read
permutation upsert1 upsert2 c1 c2 read
permutation readp1 writep1 readp2 c1 c2