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* vacuumdb
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
* src/bin/scripts/vacuumdb.c
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class_d.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "fe_utils/cancel.h"
#include "fe_utils/connect.h"
#include "fe_utils/simple_list.h"
#include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
#include "scripts_parallel.h"
/* vacuum options controlled by user flags */
typedef struct vacuumingOptions
bool analyze_only;
bool verbose;
bool and_analyze;
bool full;
bool freeze;
bool disable_page_skipping;
bool skip_locked;
int min_xid_age;
int min_mxid_age;
int parallel_workers; /* >= 0 indicates user specified the
* parallel degree, otherwise -1 */
} vacuumingOptions;
static void vacuum_one_database(const char *dbname, vacuumingOptions *vacopts,
int stage,
SimpleStringList *tables,
const char *host, const char *port,
const char *username, enum trivalue prompt_password,
int concurrentCons,
const char *progname, bool echo, bool quiet);
static void vacuum_all_databases(vacuumingOptions *vacopts,
bool analyze_in_stages,
const char *maintenance_db,
const char *host, const char *port,
const char *username, enum trivalue prompt_password,
int concurrentCons,
const char *progname, bool echo, bool quiet);
static void prepare_vacuum_command(PQExpBuffer sql, int serverVersion,
vacuumingOptions *vacopts, const char *table);
static void run_vacuum_command(PGconn *conn, const char *sql, bool echo,
const char *table);
static void help(const char *progname);
/* For analyze-in-stages mode */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"host", required_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"username", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
{"no-password", no_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"password", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
{"echo", no_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"dbname", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"analyze", no_argument, NULL, 'z'},
{"analyze-only", no_argument, NULL, 'Z'},
2009-02-18 13:11:55 +01:00
{"freeze", no_argument, NULL, 'F'},
{"all", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"table", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"full", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"jobs", required_argument, NULL, 'j'},
{"parallel", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"maintenance-db", required_argument, NULL, 2},
{"analyze-in-stages", no_argument, NULL, 3},
{"disable-page-skipping", no_argument, NULL, 4},
{"skip-locked", no_argument, NULL, 5},
{"min-xid-age", required_argument, NULL, 6},
{"min-mxid-age", required_argument, NULL, 7},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
const char *progname;
int optindex;
int c;
const char *dbname = NULL;
const char *maintenance_db = NULL;
char *host = NULL;
char *port = NULL;
char *username = NULL;
enum trivalue prompt_password = TRI_DEFAULT;
bool echo = false;
bool quiet = false;
vacuumingOptions vacopts;
bool analyze_in_stages = false;
bool alldb = false;
SimpleStringList tables = {NULL, NULL};
int concurrentCons = 1;
int tbl_count = 0;
/* initialize options to all false */
memset(&vacopts, 0, sizeof(vacopts));
vacopts.parallel_workers = -1;
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
progname = get_progname(argv[0]);
set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], PG_TEXTDOMAIN("pgscripts"));
handle_help_version_opts(argc, argv, "vacuumdb", help);
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h:p:U:wWeqd:zZFat:fvj:P:", long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'h':
host = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'p':
port = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'U':
username = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'w':
prompt_password = TRI_NO;
case 'W':
prompt_password = TRI_YES;
case 'e':
echo = true;
case 'q':
quiet = true;
case 'd':
dbname = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'z':
vacopts.and_analyze = true;
case 'Z':
vacopts.analyze_only = true;
2009-02-18 13:11:55 +01:00
case 'F':
vacopts.freeze = true;
2009-02-18 13:11:55 +01:00
case 'a':
alldb = true;
case 't':
simple_string_list_append(&tables, optarg);
case 'f':
vacopts.full = true;
case 'v':
vacopts.verbose = true;
case 'j':
concurrentCons = atoi(optarg);
if (concurrentCons <= 0)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("number of parallel jobs must be at least 1");
case 'P':
vacopts.parallel_workers = atoi(optarg);
if (vacopts.parallel_workers < 0)
pg_log_error("parallel vacuum degree must be a non-negative integer");
case 2:
maintenance_db = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 3:
analyze_in_stages = vacopts.analyze_only = true;
case 4:
vacopts.disable_page_skipping = true;
case 5:
vacopts.skip_locked = true;
case 6:
vacopts.min_xid_age = atoi(optarg);
if (vacopts.min_xid_age <= 0)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("minimum transaction ID age must be at least 1");
case 7:
vacopts.min_mxid_age = atoi(optarg);
if (vacopts.min_mxid_age <= 0)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("minimum multixact ID age must be at least 1");
fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);
* Non-option argument specifies database name as long as it wasn't
* already specified with -d / --dbname
if (optind < argc && dbname == NULL)
dbname = argv[optind];
if (optind < argc)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("too many command-line arguments (first is \"%s\")",
fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);
if (vacopts.analyze_only)
if (vacopts.full)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option when performing only analyze",
if (vacopts.freeze)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option when performing only analyze",
if (vacopts.disable_page_skipping)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option when performing only analyze",
/* allow 'and_analyze' with 'analyze_only' */
/* Prohibit full and analyze_only options with parallel option */
if (vacopts.parallel_workers >= 0)
if (vacopts.analyze_only)
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option when performing only analyze",
if (vacopts.full)
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option when performing full",
/* Avoid opening extra connections. */
if (tbl_count && (concurrentCons > tbl_count))
concurrentCons = tbl_count;
if (alldb)
if (dbname)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot vacuum all databases and a specific one at the same time");
if (tables.head != NULL)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot vacuum specific table(s) in all databases");
2003-08-04 02:43:34 +02:00
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, quiet);
if (dbname == NULL)
if (getenv("PGDATABASE"))
dbname = getenv("PGDATABASE");
else if (getenv("PGUSER"))
dbname = getenv("PGUSER");
dbname = get_user_name_or_exit(progname);
if (analyze_in_stages)
int stage;
for (stage = 0; stage < ANALYZE_NUM_STAGES; stage++)
vacuum_one_database(dbname, &vacopts,
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, quiet);
vacuum_one_database(dbname, &vacopts,
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, quiet);
* vacuum_one_database
* Process tables in the given database. If the 'tables' list is empty,
* process all tables in the database.
* Note that this function is only concerned with running exactly one stage
* when in analyze-in-stages mode; caller must iterate on us if necessary.
* If concurrentCons is > 1, multiple connections are used to vacuum tables
* in parallel. In this case and if the table list is empty, we first obtain
* a list of tables from the database.
static void
vacuum_one_database(const char *dbname, vacuumingOptions *vacopts,
int stage,
SimpleStringList *tables,
const char *host, const char *port,
const char *username, enum trivalue prompt_password,
int concurrentCons,
const char *progname, bool echo, bool quiet)
PQExpBufferData sql;
PQExpBufferData buf;
PQExpBufferData catalog_query;
PGresult *res;
PGconn *conn;
SimpleStringListCell *cell;
Fix assorted issues in parallel vacuumdb. Avoid storing the result of PQsocket() in a pgsocket variable; it's declared as int, and the no-socket test is properly written as "x < 0" not "x == PGINVALID_SOCKET". This accidentally had no bad effect because we never got to init_slot() with a bad connection, but it's still wrong. Actually, it seems like we should avoid storing the result for a long period at all. The function's not so expensive that it's worth avoiding, and the existing coding technique here would fail if anyone tried to PQreset the connection during the life of the program. Hence, just re-call PQsocket every time we construct a select(2) mask. Speaking of select(), GetIdleSlot imagined that it could compute the select mask once and continue to use it over multiple calls to select_loop(), which is pretty bogus since that would stomp on the mask on return. This could only matter if the function's outer loop iterated more than once, which is unlikely (it'd take some connection receiving data, but not enough to complete its command). But if it did happen, we'd acquire "tunnel vision" and stop watching the other connections for query termination, with the effect of losing parallelism. Another way in which GetIdleSlot could lose parallelism is that once PQisBusy returns false, it would lock in on that connection and do PQgetResult until that returns NULL; in some cases that could result in blocking. (Perhaps this can never happen in vacuumdb due to the limited set of commands that it can issue, but I'm not quite sure of that, and even if true today it's not a future-proof assumption.) Refactor the code to do that properly, so that it risks blocking in PQgetResult only in cases where we need to wait anyway. Another loss-of-parallelism problem, which *is* easily demonstrable, is that any setup queries issued during prepare_vacuum_command() were always issued on the last-to-be-created connection, whether or not that was idle. Long-running operations on that connection thus prevented issuance of additional operations on the other ones, except in the limited cases where no preparatory query was needed. Instead, wait till we've identified a free connection and use that one. Also, avoid core dump due to undersized malloc request in the case that no tables are identified to be vacuumed. The bogus no-socket test was noted by CharSyam, the other problems identified in my own code review. Back-patch to 9.5 where parallel vacuumdb was introduced. Discussion:
2018-03-31 22:28:52 +02:00
ParallelSlot *slots;
SimpleStringList dbtables = {NULL, NULL};
int i;
int ntups;
bool failed = false;
bool parallel = concurrentCons > 1;
bool tables_listed = false;
bool has_where = false;
const char *stage_commands[] = {
"SET default_statistics_target=1; SET vacuum_cost_delay=0;",
"SET default_statistics_target=10; RESET vacuum_cost_delay;",
"RESET default_statistics_target;"
const char *stage_messages[] = {
gettext_noop("Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)"),
gettext_noop("Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)"),
gettext_noop("Generating default (full) optimizer statistics")
Assert(stage == ANALYZE_NO_STAGE ||
(stage >= 0 && stage < ANALYZE_NUM_STAGES));
conn = connectDatabase(dbname, host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, false, true);
if (vacopts->disable_page_skipping && PQserverVersion(conn) < 90600)
2019-04-29 16:05:07 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option on server versions older than PostgreSQL %s",
"disable-page-skipping", "9.6");
if (vacopts->skip_locked && PQserverVersion(conn) < 120000)
2019-04-29 16:05:07 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option on server versions older than PostgreSQL %s",
"skip-locked", "12");
if (vacopts->min_xid_age != 0 && PQserverVersion(conn) < 90600)
2019-04-29 16:05:07 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option on server versions older than PostgreSQL %s",
"--min-xid-age", "9.6");
if (vacopts->min_mxid_age != 0 && PQserverVersion(conn) < 90600)
2019-04-29 16:05:07 +02:00
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option on server versions older than PostgreSQL %s",
"--min-mxid-age", "9.6");
if (vacopts->parallel_workers >= 0 && PQserverVersion(conn) < 130000)
pg_log_error("cannot use the \"%s\" option on server versions older than PostgreSQL %s",
"--parallel", "13");
if (!quiet)
if (stage != ANALYZE_NO_STAGE)
printf(_("%s: processing database \"%s\": %s\n"),
progname, PQdb(conn), _(stage_messages[stage]));
printf(_("%s: vacuuming database \"%s\"\n"),
progname, PQdb(conn));
* Prepare the list of tables to process by querying the catalogs.
* Since we execute the constructed query with the default search_path
* (which could be unsafe), everything in this query MUST be fully
* qualified.
* First, build a WITH clause for the catalog query if any tables were
* specified, with a set of values made of relation names and their
* optional set of columns. This is used to match any provided column
* lists with the generated qualified identifiers and to filter for the
* tables provided via --table. If a listed table does not exist, the
* catalog query will fail.
for (cell = tables ? tables->head : NULL; cell; cell = cell->next)
char *just_table;
const char *just_columns;
* Split relation and column names given by the user, this is used to
* feed the CTE with values on which are performed pre-run validity
* checks as well. For now these happen only on the relation name.
splitTableColumnsSpec(cell->val, PQclientEncoding(conn),
&just_table, &just_columns);
if (!tables_listed)
"WITH listed_tables (table_oid, column_list) "
"AS (\n VALUES (");
tables_listed = true;
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, ",\n (");
appendStringLiteralConn(&catalog_query, just_table, conn);
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, "::pg_catalog.regclass, ");
if (just_columns && just_columns[0] != '\0')
appendStringLiteralConn(&catalog_query, just_columns, conn);
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, "NULL");
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, "::pg_catalog.text)");
/* Finish formatting the CTE */
if (tables_listed)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, "\n)\n");
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, "SELECT c.relname, ns.nspname");
if (tables_listed)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, ", listed_tables.column_list");
" FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c\n"
" JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ns"
" ON c.relnamespace OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ns.oid\n"
" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t"
" ON c.reltoastrelid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) t.oid\n");
/* Used to match the tables listed by the user */
if (tables_listed)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, " JOIN listed_tables"
" ON listed_tables.table_oid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) c.oid\n");
* If no tables were listed, filter for the relevant relation types. If
* tables were given via --table, don't bother filtering by relation type.
* Instead, let the server decide whether a given relation can be
* processed in which case the user will know about it.
if (!tables_listed)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, " WHERE c.relkind OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (array["
CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) "])\n");
has_where = true;
* For --min-xid-age and --min-mxid-age, the age of the relation is the
* greatest of the ages of the main relation and its associated TOAST
* table. The commands generated by vacuumdb will also process the TOAST
* table for the relation if necessary, so it does not need to be
* considered separately.
if (vacopts->min_xid_age != 0)
" %s GREATEST(pg_catalog.age(c.relfrozenxid),"
" pg_catalog.age(t.relfrozenxid)) "
" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.>=) '%d'::pg_catalog.int4\n"
" AND c.relfrozenxid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.!=)"
" '0'::pg_catalog.xid\n",
has_where ? "AND" : "WHERE", vacopts->min_xid_age);
has_where = true;
if (vacopts->min_mxid_age != 0)
" %s GREATEST(pg_catalog.mxid_age(c.relminmxid),"
" pg_catalog.mxid_age(t.relminmxid)) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.>=)"
" '%d'::pg_catalog.int4\n"
" AND c.relminmxid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.!=)"
" '0'::pg_catalog.xid\n",
has_where ? "AND" : "WHERE", vacopts->min_mxid_age);
has_where = true;
* Execute the catalog query. We use the default search_path for this
* query for consistency with table lookups done elsewhere by the user.
appendPQExpBufferStr(&catalog_query, " ORDER BY c.relpages DESC;");
executeCommand(conn, "RESET search_path;", echo);
res = executeQuery(conn,, echo);
PQclear(executeQuery(conn, ALWAYS_SECURE_SEARCH_PATH_SQL, echo));
* If no rows are returned, there are no matching tables, so we are done.
ntups = PQntuples(res);
if (ntups == 0)
* Build qualified identifiers for each table, including the column list
* if given.
for (i = 0; i < ntups; i++)
fmtQualifiedId(PQgetvalue(res, i, 1),
PQgetvalue(res, i, 0)));
if (tables_listed && !PQgetisnull(res, i, 2))
appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, PQgetvalue(res, i, 2));
* If there are more connections than vacuumable relations, we don't need
* to use them all.
if (parallel)
if (concurrentCons > ntups)
concurrentCons = ntups;
if (concurrentCons <= 1)
parallel = false;
* Setup the database connections. We reuse the connection we already have
* for the first slot. If not in parallel mode, the first slot in the
* array contains the connection.
Fix assorted issues in parallel vacuumdb. Avoid storing the result of PQsocket() in a pgsocket variable; it's declared as int, and the no-socket test is properly written as "x < 0" not "x == PGINVALID_SOCKET". This accidentally had no bad effect because we never got to init_slot() with a bad connection, but it's still wrong. Actually, it seems like we should avoid storing the result for a long period at all. The function's not so expensive that it's worth avoiding, and the existing coding technique here would fail if anyone tried to PQreset the connection during the life of the program. Hence, just re-call PQsocket every time we construct a select(2) mask. Speaking of select(), GetIdleSlot imagined that it could compute the select mask once and continue to use it over multiple calls to select_loop(), which is pretty bogus since that would stomp on the mask on return. This could only matter if the function's outer loop iterated more than once, which is unlikely (it'd take some connection receiving data, but not enough to complete its command). But if it did happen, we'd acquire "tunnel vision" and stop watching the other connections for query termination, with the effect of losing parallelism. Another way in which GetIdleSlot could lose parallelism is that once PQisBusy returns false, it would lock in on that connection and do PQgetResult until that returns NULL; in some cases that could result in blocking. (Perhaps this can never happen in vacuumdb due to the limited set of commands that it can issue, but I'm not quite sure of that, and even if true today it's not a future-proof assumption.) Refactor the code to do that properly, so that it risks blocking in PQgetResult only in cases where we need to wait anyway. Another loss-of-parallelism problem, which *is* easily demonstrable, is that any setup queries issued during prepare_vacuum_command() were always issued on the last-to-be-created connection, whether or not that was idle. Long-running operations on that connection thus prevented issuance of additional operations on the other ones, except in the limited cases where no preparatory query was needed. Instead, wait till we've identified a free connection and use that one. Also, avoid core dump due to undersized malloc request in the case that no tables are identified to be vacuumed. The bogus no-socket test was noted by CharSyam, the other problems identified in my own code review. Back-patch to 9.5 where parallel vacuumdb was introduced. Discussion:
2018-03-31 22:28:52 +02:00
if (concurrentCons <= 0)
concurrentCons = 1;
slots = ParallelSlotsSetup(dbname, host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, conn, concurrentCons);
* Prepare all the connections to run the appropriate analyze stage, if
* caller requested that mode.
if (stage != ANALYZE_NO_STAGE)
int j;
/* We already emitted the message above */
for (j = 0; j < concurrentCons; j++)
executeCommand((slots + j)->connection,
stage_commands[stage], echo);
cell = dbtables.head;
const char *tabname = cell->val;
Fix assorted issues in parallel vacuumdb. Avoid storing the result of PQsocket() in a pgsocket variable; it's declared as int, and the no-socket test is properly written as "x < 0" not "x == PGINVALID_SOCKET". This accidentally had no bad effect because we never got to init_slot() with a bad connection, but it's still wrong. Actually, it seems like we should avoid storing the result for a long period at all. The function's not so expensive that it's worth avoiding, and the existing coding technique here would fail if anyone tried to PQreset the connection during the life of the program. Hence, just re-call PQsocket every time we construct a select(2) mask. Speaking of select(), GetIdleSlot imagined that it could compute the select mask once and continue to use it over multiple calls to select_loop(), which is pretty bogus since that would stomp on the mask on return. This could only matter if the function's outer loop iterated more than once, which is unlikely (it'd take some connection receiving data, but not enough to complete its command). But if it did happen, we'd acquire "tunnel vision" and stop watching the other connections for query termination, with the effect of losing parallelism. Another way in which GetIdleSlot could lose parallelism is that once PQisBusy returns false, it would lock in on that connection and do PQgetResult until that returns NULL; in some cases that could result in blocking. (Perhaps this can never happen in vacuumdb due to the limited set of commands that it can issue, but I'm not quite sure of that, and even if true today it's not a future-proof assumption.) Refactor the code to do that properly, so that it risks blocking in PQgetResult only in cases where we need to wait anyway. Another loss-of-parallelism problem, which *is* easily demonstrable, is that any setup queries issued during prepare_vacuum_command() were always issued on the last-to-be-created connection, whether or not that was idle. Long-running operations on that connection thus prevented issuance of additional operations on the other ones, except in the limited cases where no preparatory query was needed. Instead, wait till we've identified a free connection and use that one. Also, avoid core dump due to undersized malloc request in the case that no tables are identified to be vacuumed. The bogus no-socket test was noted by CharSyam, the other problems identified in my own code review. Back-patch to 9.5 where parallel vacuumdb was introduced. Discussion:
2018-03-31 22:28:52 +02:00
ParallelSlot *free_slot;
if (CancelRequested)
failed = true;
goto finish;
free_slot = ParallelSlotsGetIdle(slots, concurrentCons);
if (!free_slot)
failed = true;
goto finish;
prepare_vacuum_command(&sql, PQserverVersion(free_slot->connection),
vacopts, tabname);
Fix assorted issues in parallel vacuumdb. Avoid storing the result of PQsocket() in a pgsocket variable; it's declared as int, and the no-socket test is properly written as "x < 0" not "x == PGINVALID_SOCKET". This accidentally had no bad effect because we never got to init_slot() with a bad connection, but it's still wrong. Actually, it seems like we should avoid storing the result for a long period at all. The function's not so expensive that it's worth avoiding, and the existing coding technique here would fail if anyone tried to PQreset the connection during the life of the program. Hence, just re-call PQsocket every time we construct a select(2) mask. Speaking of select(), GetIdleSlot imagined that it could compute the select mask once and continue to use it over multiple calls to select_loop(), which is pretty bogus since that would stomp on the mask on return. This could only matter if the function's outer loop iterated more than once, which is unlikely (it'd take some connection receiving data, but not enough to complete its command). But if it did happen, we'd acquire "tunnel vision" and stop watching the other connections for query termination, with the effect of losing parallelism. Another way in which GetIdleSlot could lose parallelism is that once PQisBusy returns false, it would lock in on that connection and do PQgetResult until that returns NULL; in some cases that could result in blocking. (Perhaps this can never happen in vacuumdb due to the limited set of commands that it can issue, but I'm not quite sure of that, and even if true today it's not a future-proof assumption.) Refactor the code to do that properly, so that it risks blocking in PQgetResult only in cases where we need to wait anyway. Another loss-of-parallelism problem, which *is* easily demonstrable, is that any setup queries issued during prepare_vacuum_command() were always issued on the last-to-be-created connection, whether or not that was idle. Long-running operations on that connection thus prevented issuance of additional operations on the other ones, except in the limited cases where no preparatory query was needed. Instead, wait till we've identified a free connection and use that one. Also, avoid core dump due to undersized malloc request in the case that no tables are identified to be vacuumed. The bogus no-socket test was noted by CharSyam, the other problems identified in my own code review. Back-patch to 9.5 where parallel vacuumdb was introduced. Discussion:
2018-03-31 22:28:52 +02:00
* Execute the vacuum. All errors are handled in processQueryResult
* through ParallelSlotsGetIdle.
echo, tabname);
cell = cell->next;
} while (cell != NULL);
if (!ParallelSlotsWaitCompletion(slots, concurrentCons))
failed = true;
ParallelSlotsTerminate(slots, concurrentCons);
if (failed)
* Vacuum/analyze all connectable databases.
* In analyze-in-stages mode, we process all databases in one stage before
* moving on to the next stage. That ensure minimal stats are available
* quickly everywhere before generating more detailed ones.
static void
vacuum_all_databases(vacuumingOptions *vacopts,
bool analyze_in_stages,
const char *maintenance_db, const char *host,
const char *port, const char *username,
enum trivalue prompt_password,
int concurrentCons,
const char *progname, bool echo, bool quiet)
PGconn *conn;
PGresult *result;
PQExpBufferData connstr;
int stage;
int i;
conn = connectMaintenanceDatabase(maintenance_db, host, port, username,
prompt_password, progname, echo);
result = executeQuery(conn,
"SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1;",
if (analyze_in_stages)
* When analyzing all databases in stages, we analyze them all in the
* fastest stage first, so that initial statistics become available
* for all of them as soon as possible.
* This means we establish several times as many connections, but
* that's a secondary consideration.
for (stage = 0; stage < ANALYZE_NUM_STAGES; stage++)
for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(result); i++)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&connstr, "dbname=");
appendConnStrVal(&connstr, PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
vacuum_one_database(, vacopts,
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, quiet);
for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(result); i++)
appendPQExpBufferStr(&connstr, "dbname=");
appendConnStrVal(&connstr, PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
vacuum_one_database(, vacopts,
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo, quiet);
* Construct a vacuum/analyze command to run based on the given options, in the
* given string buffer, which may contain previous garbage.
* The table name used must be already properly quoted. The command generated
* depends on the server version involved and it is semicolon-terminated.
static void
prepare_vacuum_command(PQExpBuffer sql, int serverVersion,
vacuumingOptions *vacopts, const char *table)
const char *paren = " (";
const char *comma = ", ";
const char *sep = paren;
if (vacopts->analyze_only)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, "ANALYZE");
/* parenthesized grammar of ANALYZE is supported since v11 */
if (serverVersion >= 110000)
if (vacopts->skip_locked)
/* SKIP_LOCKED is supported since v12 */
Assert(serverVersion >= 120000);
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sSKIP_LOCKED", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->verbose)
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sVERBOSE", sep);
sep = comma;
if (sep != paren)
appendPQExpBufferChar(sql, ')');
if (vacopts->verbose)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, " VERBOSE");
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, "VACUUM");
/* parenthesized grammar of VACUUM is supported since v9.0 */
if (serverVersion >= 90000)
if (vacopts->disable_page_skipping)
/* DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING is supported since v9.6 */
Assert(serverVersion >= 90600);
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sDISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->skip_locked)
/* SKIP_LOCKED is supported since v12 */
Assert(serverVersion >= 120000);
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sSKIP_LOCKED", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->full)
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sFULL", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->freeze)
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sFREEZE", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->verbose)
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sVERBOSE", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->and_analyze)
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sANALYZE", sep);
sep = comma;
if (vacopts->parallel_workers >= 0)
/* PARALLEL is supported since v13 */
Assert(serverVersion >= 130000);
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "%sPARALLEL %d", sep,
sep = comma;
if (sep != paren)
appendPQExpBufferChar(sql, ')');
if (vacopts->full)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, " FULL");
if (vacopts->freeze)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, " FREEZE");
if (vacopts->verbose)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, " VERBOSE");
if (vacopts->and_analyze)
appendPQExpBufferStr(sql, " ANALYZE");
appendPQExpBuffer(sql, " %s;", table);
* Send a vacuum/analyze command to the server, returning after sending the
* command.
* Any errors during command execution are reported to stderr.
static void
run_vacuum_command(PGconn *conn, const char *sql, bool echo,
const char *table)
2015-05-24 03:35:49 +02:00
bool status;
if (echo)
printf("%s\n", sql);
status = PQsendQuery(conn, sql) == 1;
if (!status)
if (table)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("vacuuming of table \"%s\" in database \"%s\" failed: %s",
table, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn));
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("vacuuming of database \"%s\" failed: %s",
PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn));
static void
help(const char *progname)
printf(_("%s cleans and analyzes a PostgreSQL database.\n\n"), progname);
printf(_(" %s [OPTION]... [DBNAME]\n"), progname);
printf(_(" -a, --all vacuum all databases\n"));
printf(_(" -d, --dbname=DBNAME database to vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" --disable-page-skipping disable all page-skipping behavior\n"));
printf(_(" -e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server\n"));
printf(_(" -f, --full do full vacuuming\n"));
2009-02-18 13:11:55 +01:00
printf(_(" -F, --freeze freeze row transaction information\n"));
printf(_(" -j, --jobs=NUM use this many concurrent connections to vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" --min-mxid-age=MXID_AGE minimum multixact ID age of tables to vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" --min-xid-age=XID_AGE minimum transaction ID age of tables to vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" -P, --parallel=PARALLEL_DEGREE use this many background workers for vacuum, if available\n"));
printf(_(" -q, --quiet don't write any messages\n"));
printf(_(" --skip-locked skip relations that cannot be immediately locked\n"));
printf(_(" -t, --table='TABLE[(COLUMNS)]' vacuum specific table(s) only\n"));
printf(_(" -v, --verbose write a lot of output\n"));
printf(_(" -V, --version output version information, then exit\n"));
printf(_(" -z, --analyze update optimizer statistics\n"));
printf(_(" -Z, --analyze-only only update optimizer statistics; no vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" --analyze-in-stages only update optimizer statistics, in multiple\n"
" stages for faster results; no vacuum\n"));
printf(_(" -?, --help show this help, then exit\n"));
printf(_("\nConnection options:\n"));
printf(_(" -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory\n"));
printf(_(" -p, --port=PORT database server port\n"));
printf(_(" -U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as\n"));
printf(_(" -w, --no-password never prompt for password\n"));
printf(_(" -W, --password force password prompt\n"));
printf(_(" --maintenance-db=DBNAME alternate maintenance database\n"));
printf(_("\nRead the description of the SQL command VACUUM for details.\n"));
printf(_("\nReport bugs to <%s>.\n"), PACKAGE_BUGREPORT);
printf(_("%s home page: <%s>\n"), PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_URL);