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* dropdb
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
* src/bin/scripts/dropdb.c
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "fe_utils/string_utils.h"
static void help(const char *progname);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
static int if_exists = 0;
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"host", required_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"username", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
{"no-password", no_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"password", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
{"echo", no_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"interactive", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"if-exists", no_argument, &if_exists, 1},
{"maintenance-db", required_argument, NULL, 2},
{"force", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
const char *progname;
int optindex;
int c;
char *dbname = NULL;
char *maintenance_db = NULL;
char *host = NULL;
char *port = NULL;
char *username = NULL;
enum trivalue prompt_password = TRI_DEFAULT;
bool echo = false;
bool interactive = false;
bool force = false;
PQExpBufferData sql;
PGconn *conn;
PGresult *result;
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
progname = get_progname(argv[0]);
set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], PG_TEXTDOMAIN("pgscripts"));
handle_help_version_opts(argc, argv, "dropdb", help);
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h:p:U:wWeif", long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'h':
host = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'p':
port = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'U':
username = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 'w':
prompt_password = TRI_NO;
case 'W':
prompt_password = TRI_YES;
case 'e':
echo = true;
case 'i':
interactive = true;
case 'f':
force = true;
case 0:
/* this covers the long options */
case 2:
maintenance_db = pg_strdup(optarg);
fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);
switch (argc - optind)
case 0:
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("missing required argument database name");
fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);
case 1:
dbname = argv[optind];
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("too many command-line arguments (first is \"%s\")",
argv[optind + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);
if (interactive)
printf(_("Database \"%s\" will be permanently removed.\n"), dbname);
if (!yesno_prompt("Are you sure?"))
appendPQExpBuffer(&sql, "DROP DATABASE %s%s%s;",
(if_exists ? "IF EXISTS " : ""),
force ? " WITH (FORCE)" : "");
/* Avoid trying to drop postgres db while we are connected to it. */
if (maintenance_db == NULL && strcmp(dbname, "postgres") == 0)
maintenance_db = "template1";
conn = connectMaintenanceDatabase(maintenance_db,
host, port, username, prompt_password,
progname, echo);
if (echo)
result = PQexec(conn,;
if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
Unified logging system for command-line programs This unifies the various ad hoc logging (message printing, error printing) systems used throughout the command-line programs. Features: - Program name is automatically prefixed. - Message string does not end with newline. This removes a common source of inconsistencies and omissions. - Additionally, a final newline is automatically stripped, simplifying use of PQerrorMessage() etc., another common source of mistakes. - I converted error message strings to use %m where possible. - As a result of the above several points, more translatable message strings can be shared between different components and between frontends and backend, without gratuitous punctuation or whitespace differences. - There is support for setting a "log level". This is not meant to be user-facing, but can be used internally to implement debug or verbose modes. - Lazy argument evaluation, so no significant overhead if logging at some level is disabled. - Some color in the messages, similar to gcc and clang. Set PG_COLOR=auto to try it out. Some colors are predefined, but can be customized by setting PG_COLORS. - Common files (common/, fe_utils/, etc.) can handle logging much more simply by just using one API without worrying too much about the context of the calling program, requiring callbacks, or having to pass "progname" around everywhere. - Some programs called setvbuf() to make sure that stderr is unbuffered, even on Windows. But not all programs did that. This is now done centrally. Soft goals: - Reduces vertical space use and visual complexity of error reporting in the source code. - Encourages more deliberate classification of messages. For example, in some cases it wasn't clear without analyzing the surrounding code whether a message was meant as an error or just an info. - Concepts and terms are vaguely aligned with popular logging frameworks such as log4j and Python logging. This is all just about printing stuff out. Nothing affects program flow (e.g., fatal exits). The uses are just too varied to do that. Some existing code had wrappers that do some kind of print-and-exit, and I adapted those. I tried to keep the output mostly the same, but there is a lot of historical baggage to unwind and special cases to consider, and I might not always have succeeded. One significant change is that pg_rewind used to write all error messages to stdout. That is now changed to stderr. Reviewed-by: Donald Dong <> Reviewed-by: Arthur Zakirov <> Discussion:
2019-04-01 14:24:37 +02:00
pg_log_error("database removal failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
static void
help(const char *progname)
printf(_("%s removes a PostgreSQL database.\n\n"), progname);
printf(_(" %s [OPTION]... DBNAME\n"), progname);
printf(_(" -e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server\n"));
printf(_(" -i, --interactive prompt before deleting anything\n"));
printf(_(" -f, --force try to terminate other connections before dropping\n"));
printf(_(" -V, --version output version information, then exit\n"));
printf(_(" --if-exists don't report error if database doesn't exist\n"));
printf(_(" -?, --help show this help, then exit\n"));
printf(_("\nConnection options:\n"));
printf(_(" -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory\n"));
printf(_(" -p, --port=PORT database server port\n"));
printf(_(" -U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as\n"));
printf(_(" -w, --no-password never prompt for password\n"));
printf(_(" -W, --password force password prompt\n"));
printf(_(" --maintenance-db=DBNAME alternate maintenance database\n"));
printf(_("\nReport bugs to <%s>.\n"), PACKAGE_BUGREPORT);
printf(_("%s home page: <%s>\n"), PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_URL);