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* logicalproto.h
* logical replication protocol
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* src/include/replication/logicalproto.h
#include "replication/reorderbuffer.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
* Protocol capabilities
* LOGICALREP_PROTO_VERSION_NUM is our native protocol.
* LOGICALREP_PROTO_MAX_VERSION_NUM is the greatest version we can support.
* LOGICALREP_PROTO_MIN_VERSION_NUM is the oldest version we
* have backwards compatibility for. The client requests protocol version at
* connect time.
* LOGICALREP_PROTO_STREAM_VERSION_NUM is the minimum protocol version with
* support for streaming large transactions.
* This struct stores a tuple received via logical replication.
* Keep in mind that the columns correspond to the *remote* table.
typedef struct LogicalRepTupleData
/* Array of StringInfos, one per column; some may be unused */
StringInfoData *colvalues;
/* Array of markers for null/unchanged/text/binary, one per column */
char *colstatus;
/* Length of above arrays */
int ncols;
} LogicalRepTupleData;
/* Possible values for LogicalRepTupleData.colstatus[colnum] */
/* These values are also used in the on-the-wire protocol */
#define LOGICALREP_COLUMN_BINARY 'b' /* added in PG14 */
typedef uint32 LogicalRepRelId;
/* Relation information */
typedef struct LogicalRepRelation
/* Info coming from the remote side. */
LogicalRepRelId remoteid; /* unique id of the relation */
char *nspname; /* schema name */
char *relname; /* relation name */
int natts; /* number of columns */
char **attnames; /* column names */
Oid *atttyps; /* column types */
char replident; /* replica identity */
char relkind; /* remote relation kind */
Bitmapset *attkeys; /* Bitmap of key columns */
} LogicalRepRelation;
/* Type mapping info */
typedef struct LogicalRepTyp
2018-03-15 01:34:26 +01:00
Oid remoteid; /* unique id of the remote type */
char *nspname; /* schema name of remote type */
char *typname; /* name of the remote type */
} LogicalRepTyp;
/* Transaction info */
typedef struct LogicalRepBeginData
XLogRecPtr final_lsn;
TimestampTz committime;
TransactionId xid;
} LogicalRepBeginData;
typedef struct LogicalRepCommitData
XLogRecPtr commit_lsn;
XLogRecPtr end_lsn;
TimestampTz committime;
} LogicalRepCommitData;
extern void logicalrep_write_begin(StringInfo out, ReorderBufferTXN *txn);
extern void logicalrep_read_begin(StringInfo in,
LogicalRepBeginData *begin_data);
extern void logicalrep_write_commit(StringInfo out, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
XLogRecPtr commit_lsn);
extern void logicalrep_read_commit(StringInfo in,
LogicalRepCommitData *commit_data);
extern void logicalrep_write_origin(StringInfo out, const char *origin,
XLogRecPtr origin_lsn);
extern char *logicalrep_read_origin(StringInfo in, XLogRecPtr *origin_lsn);
extern void logicalrep_write_insert(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
Relation rel, HeapTuple newtuple,
bool binary);
extern LogicalRepRelId logicalrep_read_insert(StringInfo in, LogicalRepTupleData *newtup);
extern void logicalrep_write_update(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
Relation rel, HeapTuple oldtuple,
HeapTuple newtuple, bool binary);
extern LogicalRepRelId logicalrep_read_update(StringInfo in,
bool *has_oldtuple, LogicalRepTupleData *oldtup,
LogicalRepTupleData *newtup);
extern void logicalrep_write_delete(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
Relation rel, HeapTuple oldtuple,
bool binary);
extern LogicalRepRelId logicalrep_read_delete(StringInfo in,
LogicalRepTupleData *oldtup);
extern void logicalrep_write_truncate(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
int nrelids, Oid relids[],
bool cascade, bool restart_seqs);
extern List *logicalrep_read_truncate(StringInfo in,
bool *cascade, bool *restart_seqs);
extern void logicalrep_write_rel(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
Relation rel);
extern LogicalRepRelation *logicalrep_read_rel(StringInfo in);
extern void logicalrep_write_typ(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
Oid typoid);
extern void logicalrep_read_typ(StringInfo out, LogicalRepTyp *ltyp);
extern void logicalrep_write_stream_start(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
bool first_segment);
extern TransactionId logicalrep_read_stream_start(StringInfo in,
bool *first_segment);
extern void logicalrep_write_stream_stop(StringInfo out);
extern void logicalrep_write_stream_commit(StringInfo out, ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
XLogRecPtr commit_lsn);
extern TransactionId logicalrep_read_stream_commit(StringInfo out,
LogicalRepCommitData *commit_data);
extern void logicalrep_write_stream_abort(StringInfo out, TransactionId xid,
TransactionId subxid);
extern void logicalrep_read_stream_abort(StringInfo in, TransactionId *xid,
TransactionId *subxid);
#endif /* LOGICAL_PROTO_H */