
449 lines
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// Start of iconv v.
* Convert string to requested character encoding
* @link
* @param string $in_charset <p>
* The input charset.
* </p>
* @param string $out_charset <p>
* The output charset.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you append the string //TRANSLIT to
* <i>out_charset</i> transliteration is activated. This
* means that when a character can't be represented in the target charset,
* it can be approximated through one or several similarly looking
* characters. If you append the string //IGNORE,
* characters that cannot be represented in the target charset are silently
* discarded. Otherwise, <i>str</i> is cut from the first
* illegal character and an <b>E_NOTICE</b> is generated.
* </p>
* @param string $str <p>
* The string to be converted.
* </p>
* @return string|false the converted string or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0.5
* @since 5.0
function iconv ($in_charset, $out_charset, $str) {}
* Convert character encoding as output buffer handler
* @link
* @param string $contents
* @param int $status
* @return string See <b>ob_start</b> for information about this handler
* return values.
* @since 4.0.5
* @since 5.0
function ob_iconv_handler ($contents, $status) {}
* Retrieve internal configuration variables of iconv extension
* @link
* @param string $type [optional] <p>
* The value of the optional <i>type</i> can be:
* all
* input_encoding
* output_encoding
* internal_encoding
* </p>
* @return mixed the current value of the internal configuration variable if
* successful or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <i>type</i> is omitted or set to "all",
* <b>iconv_get_encoding</b> returns an array that
* stores all these variables.
* @since 4.0.5
* @since 5.0
function iconv_get_encoding ($type = "all") {}
* Set current setting for character encoding conversion
* @link
* @param string $type <p>
* The value of <i>type</i> can be any one of these:
* input_encoding
* output_encoding
* internal_encoding
* </p>
* @param string $charset <p>
* The character set.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0.5
* @since 5.0
function iconv_set_encoding ($type, $charset) {}
* Returns the character count of string
* @link
* @param string $str <p>
* The string.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* If <i>charset</i> parameter is omitted,
* <i>str</i> is assumed to be encoded in
* iconv.internal_encoding.
* </p>
* @return int|false the character count of <i>str</i>, as an integer. False on error.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_strlen ($str, $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* Cut out part of a string
* @link
* @param string $str <p>
* The original string.
* </p>
* @param int $offset <p>
* If <i>offset</i> is non-negative,
* <b>iconv_substr</b> cuts the portion out of
* <i>str</i> beginning at <i>offset</i>'th
* character, counting from zero.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <i>offset</i> is negative,
* <b>iconv_substr</b> cuts out the portion beginning
* at the position, <i>offset</i> characters
* away from the end of <i>str</i>.
* </p>
* @param int $length [optional] <p>
* If <i>length</i> is given and is positive, the return
* value will contain at most <i>length</i> characters
* of the portion that begins at <i>offset</i>
* (depending on the length of <i>string</i>).
* </p>
* <p>
* If negative <i>length</i> is passed,
* <b>iconv_substr</b> cuts the portion out of
* <i>str</i> from the <i>offset</i>'th
* character up to the character that is
* <i>length</i> characters away from the end of the string.
* In case <i>offset</i> is also negative, the start position
* is calculated beforehand according to the rule explained above.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* If <i>charset</i> parameter is omitted,
* <i>string</i> are assumed to be encoded in
* iconv.internal_encoding.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that <i>offset</i> and <i>length</i>
* parameters are always deemed to represent offsets that are
* calculated on the basis of the character set determined by
* <i>charset</i>, whilst the counterpart
* <b>substr</b> always takes these for byte offsets.
* </p>
* @return string|false the portion of <i>str</i> specified by the
* <i>offset</i> and <i>length</i> parameters.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <i>str</i> is shorter than <i>offset</i>
* characters long, <b>FALSE</b> will be returned.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_substr ($str, $offset, $length = 'iconv_strlen($str, $charset)', $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
* @link
* @param string $haystack <p>
* The entire string.
* </p>
* @param string $needle <p>
* The searched substring.
* </p>
* @param int $offset [optional] <p>
* The optional <i>offset</i> parameter specifies
* the position from which the search should be performed.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* If <i>charset</i> parameter is omitted,
* <i>string</i> are assumed to be encoded in
* iconv.internal_encoding.
* </p>
* @return int|false the numeric position of the first occurrence of
* <i>needle</i> in <i>haystack</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <i>needle</i> is not found,
* <b>iconv_strpos</b> will return <b>FALSE</b>.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_strpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
* @link
* @param string $haystack <p>
* The entire string.
* </p>
* @param string $needle <p>
* The searched substring.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* If <i>charset</i> parameter is omitted,
* <i>string</i> are assumed to be encoded in
* iconv.internal_encoding.
* </p>
* @return int|false the numeric position of the last occurrence of
* <i>needle</i> in <i>haystack</i>.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <i>needle</i> is not found,
* <b>iconv_strrpos</b> will return <b>FALSE</b>.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_strrpos ($haystack, $needle, $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* Composes a MIME header field
* @link
* @param string $field_name <p>
* The field name.
* </p>
* @param string $field_value <p>
* The field value.
* </p>
* @param array $preferences [optional] <p>
* You can control the behaviour of <b>iconv_mime_encode</b>
* by specifying an associative array that contains configuration items
* to the optional third parameter <i>preferences</i>.
* The items supported by <b>iconv_mime_encode</b> are
* listed below. Note that item names are treated case-sensitive.
* <table>
* Configuration items supported by <b>iconv_mime_encode</b>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>Item</td>
* <td>Type</td>
* <td>Description</td>
* <td>Default value</td>
* <td>Example</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>scheme</td>
* <td>string</td>
* <td>
* Specifies the method to encode a field value by. The value of
* this item may be either "B" or "Q", where "B" stands for
* base64 encoding scheme and "Q" stands for
* quoted-printable encoding scheme.
* </td>
* <td>B</td>
* <td>B</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>input-charset</td>
* <td>string</td>
* <td>
* Specifies the character set in which the first parameter
* <i>field_name</i> and the second parameter
* <i>field_value</i> are presented. If not given,
* <b>iconv_mime_encode</b> assumes those parameters
* are presented to it in the
* iconv.internal_encoding
* ini setting.
* </td>
* <td>
* iconv.internal_encoding
* </td>
* <td>ISO-8859-1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>output-charset</td>
* <td>string</td>
* <td>
* Specifies the character set to use to compose the
* MIME header.
* </td>
* <td>
* iconv.internal_encoding
* </td>
* <td>UTF-8</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>line-length</td>
* <td>integer</td>
* <td>
* Specifies the maximum length of the header lines. The resulting
* header is "folded" to a set of multiple lines in case
* the resulting header field would be longer than the value of this
* parameter, according to
* RFC2822 - Internet Message Format.
* If not given, the length will be limited to 76 characters.
* </td>
* <td>76</td>
* <td>996</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>line-break-chars</td>
* <td>string</td>
* <td>
* Specifies the sequence of characters to append to each line
* as an end-of-line sign when "folding" is performed on a long header
* field. If not given, this defaults to "\r\n"
* (CR LF). Note that
* this parameter is always treated as an ASCII string regardless
* of the value of input-charset.
* </td>
* <td>\r\n</td>
* <td>\n</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @return string|false an encoded MIME field on success,
* or <b>FALSE</b> if an error occurs during the encoding.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_mime_encode ($field_name, $field_value, array $preferences = null) {}
* Decodes a MIME header field
* @link
* @param string $encoded_header <p>
* The encoded header, as a string.
* </p>
* @param int $mode [optional] <p>
* <i>mode</i> determines the behaviour in the event
* <b>iconv_mime_decode</b> encounters a malformed
* MIME header field. You can specify any combination
* of the following bitmasks.
* <table>
* Bitmasks acceptable to <b>iconv_mime_decode</b>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>Value</td>
* <td>Constant</td>
* <td>Description</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>1</td>
* <td>
* If set, the given header is decoded in full conformance with the
* standards defined in RFC2047.
* This option is disabled by default because there are a lot of
* broken mail user agents that don't follow the specification and don't
* produce correct MIME headers.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>2</td>
* <td>
* If set, <b>iconv_mime_decode_headers</b>
* attempts to ignore any grammatical errors and continue to process
* a given header.
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* The optional <i>charset</i> parameter specifies the
* character set to represent the result by. If omitted,
* iconv.internal_encoding
* will be used.
* </p>
* @return string|false a decoded MIME field on success,
* or <b>FALSE</b> if an error occurs during the decoding.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_mime_decode ($encoded_header, $mode = 0, $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* Decodes multiple MIME header fields at once
* @link
* @param string $encoded_headers <p>
* The encoded headers, as a string.
* </p>
* @param int $mode [optional] <p>
* <i>mode</i> determines the behaviour in the event
* <b>iconv_mime_decode_headers</b> encounters a malformed
* MIME header field. You can specify any combination
* of the following bitmasks.
* <table>
* Bitmasks acceptable to <b>iconv_mime_decode_headers</b>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>Value</td>
* <td>Constant</td>
* <td>Description</td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>1</td>
* <td>
* If set, the given header is decoded in full conformance with the
* standards defined in RFC2047.
* This option is disabled by default because there are a lot of
* broken mail user agents that don't follow the specification and don't
* produce correct MIME headers.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td>2</td>
* <td>
* If set, <b>iconv_mime_decode_headers</b>
* attempts to ignore any grammatical errors and continue to process
* a given header.
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* The optional <i>charset</i> parameter specifies the
* character set to represent the result by. If omitted,
* iconv.internal_encoding
* will be used.
* </p>
* @return array|false an associative array that holds a whole set of
* MIME header fields specified by
* <i>encoded_headers</i> on success, or <b>FALSE</b>
* if an error occurs during the decoding.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each key of the return value represents an individual
* field name and the corresponding element represents a field value.
* If more than one field of the same name are present,
* <b>iconv_mime_decode_headers</b> automatically incorporates
* them into a numerically indexed array in the order of occurrence.
* @since 5.0
function iconv_mime_decode_headers ($encoded_headers, $mode = 0, $charset = 'ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")') {}
* string
* @link
define ('ICONV_IMPL', "glibc");
* string
* @link
define ('ICONV_VERSION', 2.17);
* integer
* @link
* integer
* @link
// End of iconv v.