
972 lines
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// Start of interbase v.
* Open a connection to an InterBase database
* @link
* @param string $database [optional] <p>
* The database argument has to be a valid path to
* database file on the server it resides on. If the server is not local,
* it must be prefixed with either 'hostname:' (TCP/IP), '//hostname/'
* (NetBEUI) or 'hostname@' (IPX/SPX), depending on the connection
* protocol used.
* </p>
* @param string $username [optional] <p>
* The user name. Can be set with the
* ibase.default_user &php.ini; directive.
* </p>
* @param string $password [optional] <p>
* The password for username. Can be set with the
* ibase.default_password &php.ini; directive.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* charset is the default character set for a
* database.
* </p>
* @param int $buffers [optional] <p>
* buffers is the number of database buffers to
* allocate for the server-side cache. If 0 or omitted, server chooses
* its own default.
* </p>
* @param int $dialect [optional] <p>
* dialect selects the default SQL dialect for any
* statement executed within a connection, and it defaults to the highest
* one supported by client libraries. Functional only with InterBase 6
* and up.
* </p>
* @param string $role [optional] <p>
* Functional only with InterBase 5 and up.
* </p>
* @param int $sync [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @return resource|false an InterBase link identifier on success, or false on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_connect ($database = null, $username = null, $password = null, $charset = null, $buffers = null, $dialect = null, $role = null, $sync = null) {}
* Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database
* @link
* @param string $database [optional] <p>
* The database argument has to be a valid path to
* database file on the server it resides on. If the server is not local,
* it must be prefixed with either 'hostname:' (TCP/IP), '//hostname/'
* (NetBEUI) or 'hostname@' (IPX/SPX), depending on the connection
* protocol used.
* </p>
* @param string $username [optional] <p>
* The user name. Can be set with the
* ibase.default_user &php.ini; directive.
* </p>
* @param string $password [optional] <p>
* The password for username. Can be set with the
* ibase.default_password &php.ini; directive.
* </p>
* @param string $charset [optional] <p>
* charset is the default character set for a
* database.
* </p>
* @param int $buffers [optional] <p>
* buffers is the number of database buffers to
* allocate for the server-side cache. If 0 or omitted, server chooses
* its own default.
* </p>
* @param int $dialect [optional] <p>
* dialect selects the default SQL dialect for any
* statement executed within a connection, and it defaults to the highest
* one supported by client libraries. Functional only with InterBase 6
* and up.
* </p>
* @param string $role [optional] <p>
* Functional only with InterBase 5 and up.
* </p>
* @param int $sync [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @return resource|false an InterBase link identifier on success, or false on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_pconnect ($database = null, $username = null, $password = null, $charset = null, $buffers = null, $dialect = null, $role = null, $sync = null) {}
* Close a connection to an InterBase database
* @link
* @param resource $connection_id [optional] <p>
* An InterBase link identifier returned from
* ibase_connect. If omitted, the last opened link
* is assumed.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_close ($connection_id = null) {}
* Drops a database
* @link
* @param resource $connection [optional] <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_drop_db ($connection = null) {}
* Execute a query on an InterBase database
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier [optional] <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @param string $query <p>
* An InterBase query.
* </p>
* @param int $bind_args [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @return resource|false If the query raises an error, returns false. If it is successful and
* there is a (possibly empty) result set (such as with a SELECT query),
* returns a result identifier. If the query was successful and there were
* no results, returns true.
* </p>
* <p>
* In PHP 5.0.0 and up, this function will return the number of rows
* affected by the query for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. In order
* to retain backward compatibility, it will return true for these
* statements if the query succeeded without affecting any rows.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_query ($link_identifier = null, $query, $bind_args = null) {}
* Fetch a row from an InterBase database
* @link
* @param resource $result_identifier <p>
* An InterBase result identifier.
* </p>
* @param int $fetch_flag [optional] <p>
* fetch_flag is a combination of the constants
* ORed together. Passing IBASE_TEXT will cause this
* function to return BLOB contents instead of BLOB ids. Passing
* IBASE_UNIXTIME will cause this function to return
* date/time values as Unix timestamps instead of as formatted strings.
* </p>
* @return array|false an array that corresponds to the fetched row, or false if there
* are no more rows. Each result column is stored in an array offset,
* starting at offset 0.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_fetch_row ($result_identifier, $fetch_flag = null) {}
* Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array
* @link
* @param resource $result <p>
* The result handle.
* </p>
* @param int $fetch_flag [optional] <p>
* fetch_flag is a combination of the constants
* ORed together. Passing IBASE_TEXT will cause this
* function to return BLOB contents instead of BLOB ids. Passing
* IBASE_UNIXTIME will cause this function to return
* date/time values as Unix timestamps instead of as formatted strings.
* </p>
* @return array|false an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row.
* Subsequent calls will return the next row in the result set, or false if
* there are no more rows.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_fetch_assoc ($result, $fetch_flag = null) {}
* Get an object from a InterBase database
* @link
* @param resource $result_id <p>
* An InterBase result identifier obtained either by
* ibase_query or ibase_execute.
* </p>
* @param int $fetch_flag [optional] <p>
* fetch_flag is a combination of the constants
* ORed together. Passing IBASE_TEXT will cause this
* function to return BLOB contents instead of BLOB ids. Passing
* IBASE_UNIXTIME will cause this function to return
* date/time values as Unix timestamps instead of as formatted strings.
* </p>
* @return object|false an object with the next row information, or false if there are
* no more rows.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_fetch_object ($result_id, $fetch_flag = null) {}
* Free a result set
* @link
* @param resource $result_identifier <p>
* A result set created by ibase_query or
* ibase_execute.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_free_result ($result_identifier) {}
* Assigns a name to a result set
* @link
* @param resource $result <p>
* An InterBase result set.
* </p>
* @param string $name <p>
* The name to be assigned.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_name_result ($result, $name) {}
* Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution
* @link
* @param string $query <p>
* An InterBase query.
* </p>
* @return resource|false a prepared query handle, or false on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_prepare ($query) {}
* Execute a previously prepared query
* @link
* @param resource $query <p>
* An InterBase query prepared by ibase_prepare.
* </p>
* @param mixed $bind_arg [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @param mixed $_ [optional]
* @return resource|false If the query raises an error, returns false. If it is successful and
* there is a (possibly empty) result set (such as with a SELECT query),
* returns a result identifier. If the query was successful and there were
* no results, returns true.
* </p>
* <p>
* In PHP 5.0.0 and up, this function returns the number of rows affected by
* the query (if > 0 and applicable to the statement type). A query that
* succeeded, but did not affect any rows (e.g. an UPDATE of a non-existent
* record) will return true.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_execute ($query, $bind_arg = null, $_ = null) {}
* Free memory allocated by a prepared query
* @link
* @param resource $query <p>
* A query prepared with ibase_prepare.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_free_query ($query) {}
* Increments the named generator and returns its new value
* @link
* @param string $generator
* @param int $increment [optional]
* @param resource $link_identifier [optional]
* @return mixed new generator value as integer, or as string if the value is too big.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_gen_id ($generator, $increment = null, $link_identifier = null) {}
* Get the number of fields in a result set
* @link
* @param resource $result_id <p>
* An InterBase result identifier.
* </p>
* @return int the number of fields as an integer.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_num_fields ($result_id) {}
* Return the number of parameters in a prepared query
* @link
* @param resource $query <p>
* The prepared query handle.
* </p>
* @return int the number of parameters as an integer.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_num_params ($query) {}
* Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier [optional] <p>
* A transaction context. If link_identifier is a
* connection resource, its default transaction is used.
* </p>
* @return int the number of rows as an integer.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_affected_rows ($link_identifier = null) {}
* Get information about a field
* @link
* @param resource $result <p>
* An InterBase result identifier.
* </p>
* @param int $field_number <p>
* Field offset.
* </p>
* @return array an array with the following keys: name,
* alias, relation,
* length and type.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_field_info ($result, $field_number) {}
* Return information about a parameter in a prepared query
* @link
* @param resource $query <p>
* An InterBase prepared query handle.
* </p>
* @param int $param_number <p>
* Parameter offset.
* </p>
* @return array an array with the following keys: name,
* alias, relation,
* length and type.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_param_info ($query, $param_number) {}
* Begin a transaction
* @link
* @param int $trans_args [optional] <p>
* trans_args can be a combination of
* </p>
* @param resource $link_identifier [optional] <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @return resource|false a transaction handle, or false on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_trans ($trans_args = null, $link_identifier = null) {}
* Commit a transaction
* @link
* @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier [optional] <p>
* If called without an argument, this function commits the default
* transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection
* identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection
* will be committed. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the
* corresponding transaction will be committed.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_commit ($link_or_trans_identifier = null) {}
* Roll back a transaction
* @link
* @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier [optional] <p>
* If called without an argument, this function rolls back the default
* transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection
* identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection
* will be rolled back. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the
* corresponding transaction will be rolled back.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_rollback ($link_or_trans_identifier = null) {}
* Commit a transaction without closing it
* @link
* @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier [optional] <p>
* If called without an argument, this function commits the default
* transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection
* identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection
* will be committed. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the
* corresponding transaction will be committed. The transaction context
* will be retained, so statements executed from within this transaction
* will not be invalidated.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_commit_ret ($link_or_trans_identifier = null) {}
* Roll back a transaction without closing it
* @link
* @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier [optional] <p>
* If called without an argument, this function rolls back the default
* transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection
* identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection
* will be rolled back. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the
* corresponding transaction will be rolled back. The transaction context
* will be retained, so statements executed from within this transaction
* will not be invalidated.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_rollback_ret ($link_or_trans_identifier = null) {}
* Return blob length and other useful info
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @param string $blob_id <p>
* A BLOB id.
* </p>
* @return array an array containing information about a BLOB. The information returned
* consists of the length of the BLOB, the number of segments it contains, the size
* of the largest segment, and whether it is a stream BLOB or a segmented BLOB.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_info ($link_identifier, $blob_id) {}
* Create a new blob for adding data
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier [optional] <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @return resource a BLOB handle for later use with
* ibase_blob_add or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_create ($link_identifier = null) {}
* Add data into a newly created blob
* @link
* @param resource $blob_handle <p>
* A blob handle opened with ibase_blob_create.
* </p>
* @param string $data <p>
* The data to be added.
* </p>
* @return void
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_add ($blob_handle, $data) {}
* Cancel creating blob
* @link
* @param resource $blob_handle <p>
* A BLOB handle opened with ibase_blob_create.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_cancel ($blob_handle) {}
* Close blob
* @link
* @param resource $blob_handle <p>
* A BLOB handle opened with ibase_blob_create or
* ibase_blob_open.
* </p>
* @return mixed If the BLOB was being read, this function returns true on success, if
* the BLOB was being written to, this function returns a string containing
* the BLOB id that has been assigned to it by the database. On failure, this
* function returns false.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_close ($blob_handle) {}
* Open blob for retrieving data parts
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @param string $blob_id <p>
* A BLOB id.
* </p>
* @return resource a BLOB handle for later use with
* ibase_blob_get or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_open ($link_identifier, $blob_id) {}
* Get len bytes data from open blob
* @link
* @param resource $blob_handle <p>
* A BLOB handle opened with ibase_blob_open.
* </p>
* @param int $len <p>
* Size of returned data.
* </p>
* @return string|false at most len bytes from the BLOB, or false
* on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_get ($blob_handle, $len) {}
* Output blob contents to browser
* @link
* @param string $blob_id <p>
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_echo ($blob_id) {}
* Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
* @link
* @param resource $link_identifier <p>
* An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is
* assumed.
* </p>
* @param resource $file_handle <p>
* The file handle is a handle returned by fopen.
* </p>
* @return string|false the BLOB id on success, or false on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_blob_import ($link_identifier, $file_handle) {}
* Return error messages
* @link
* @return string|false the error message as a string, or false if no error occurred.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_errmsg () {}
* Return an error code
* @link
* @return int|false the error code as an integer, or false if no error occurred.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_errcode () {}
* Add a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later)
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $user_name
* @param string $password
* @param string $first_name [optional]
* @param string $middle_name [optional]
* @param string $last_name [optional]
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_add_user ($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name = null, $middle_name = null, $last_name = null) {}
* Modify a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later)
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $user_name
* @param string $password
* @param string $first_name [optional]
* @param string $middle_name [optional]
* @param string $last_name [optional]
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_modify_user ($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name = null, $middle_name = null, $last_name = null) {}
* Delete a user from a security database (only for IB6 or later)
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $user_name
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ibase_delete_user ($service_handle, $user_name) {}
* Connect to the service manager
* @link
* @param string $host
* @param string $dba_username
* @param string $dba_password
* @return resource
* @since 5.0
function ibase_service_attach ($host, $dba_username, $dba_password) {}
* Disconnect from the service manager
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_service_detach ($service_handle) {}
* Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $source_db
* @param string $dest_file
* @param int $options [optional]
* @param bool $verbose [optional]
* @return mixed
* @since 5.0
function ibase_backup ($service_handle, $source_db, $dest_file, $options = null, $verbose = null) {}
* Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $source_file
* @param string $dest_db
* @param int $options [optional]
* @param bool $verbose [optional]
* @return mixed
* @since 5.0
function ibase_restore ($service_handle, $source_file, $dest_db, $options = null, $verbose = null) {}
* Execute a maintenance command on the database server
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $db
* @param int $action
* @param int $argument [optional]
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_maintain_db ($service_handle, $db, $action, $argument = null) {}
* Request statistics about a database
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param string $db
* @param int $action
* @param int $argument [optional]
* @return string
* @since 5.0
function ibase_db_info ($service_handle, $db, $action, $argument = null) {}
* Request information about a database server
* @link
* @param resource $service_handle
* @param int $action
* @return string
* @since 5.0
function ibase_server_info ($service_handle, $action) {}
* Wait for an event to be posted by the database
* @link
* @param string $event_name1 <p>
* The event name.
* </p>
* @param string $event_name2 [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @param string $_ [optional]
* @return string the name of the event that was posted.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_wait_event ($event_name1, $event_name2 = null, $_ = null) {}
* Register a callback function to be called when events are posted
* @link
* @param callback $event_handler <p>
* The callback is called with the event name and the link resource as
* arguments whenever one of the specified events is posted by the
* database.
* </p>
* <p>
* The callback must return false if the event handler should be
* canceled. Any other return value is ignored. This function accepts up
* to 15 event arguments.
* </p>
* @param string $event_name1 <p>
* An event name.
* </p>
* @param string $event_name2 [optional] <p>
* At most 15 events allowed.
* </p>
* @param string $_ [optional]
* @return resource The return value is an event resource. This resource can be used to free
* the event handler using ibase_free_event_handler.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_set_event_handler ($event_handler, $event_name1, $event_name2 = null, $_ = null) {}
* Cancels a registered event handler
* @link
* @param resource $event <p>
* An event resource, created by
* ibase_set_event_handler.
* </p>
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ibase_free_event_handler ($event) {}
function fbird_connect () {}
function fbird_pconnect () {}
function fbird_close () {}
function fbird_drop_db () {}
function fbird_query () {}
function fbird_fetch_row () {}
function fbird_fetch_assoc () {}
function fbird_fetch_object () {}
function fbird_free_result () {}
function fbird_name_result () {}
function fbird_prepare () {}
function fbird_execute () {}
function fbird_free_query () {}
function fbird_gen_id () {}
function fbird_num_fields () {}
function fbird_num_params () {}
function fbird_affected_rows () {}
function fbird_field_info () {}
function fbird_param_info () {}
function fbird_trans () {}
function fbird_commit () {}
function fbird_rollback () {}
function fbird_commit_ret () {}
function fbird_rollback_ret () {}
function fbird_blob_info () {}
function fbird_blob_create () {}
function fbird_blob_add () {}
function fbird_blob_cancel () {}
function fbird_blob_close () {}
function fbird_blob_open () {}
function fbird_blob_get () {}
function fbird_blob_echo () {}
function fbird_blob_import () {}
function fbird_errmsg () {}
function fbird_errcode () {}
function fbird_add_user () {}
function fbird_modify_user () {}
function fbird_delete_user () {}
function fbird_service_attach () {}
function fbird_service_detach () {}
function fbird_backup () {}
function fbird_restore () {}
function fbird_maintain_db () {}
function fbird_db_info () {}
function fbird_server_info () {}
function fbird_wait_event () {}
function fbird_set_event_handler () {}
function fbird_free_event_handler () {}
define ('IBASE_DEFAULT', 0);
define ('IBASE_CREATE', 0);
define ('IBASE_TEXT', 1);
define ('IBASE_FETCH_BLOBS', 1);
define ('IBASE_FETCH_ARRAYS', 2);
define ('IBASE_UNIXTIME', 4);
define ('IBASE_WRITE', 1);
define ('IBASE_READ', 2);
define ('IBASE_COMMITTED', 8);
define ('IBASE_CONSISTENCY', 16);
define ('IBASE_CONCURRENCY', 4);
define ('IBASE_REC_VERSION', 64);
define ('IBASE_REC_NO_VERSION', 32);
define ('IBASE_NOWAIT', 256);
define ('IBASE_WAIT', 128);
* Options to ibase_backup
* @link
define ('IBASE_BKP_CONVERT', 64);
define ('IBASE_RES_NO_SHADOW', 512);
define ('IBASE_RES_NO_VALIDITY', 1024);
define ('IBASE_RES_ONE_AT_A_TIME', 2048);
define ('IBASE_RES_REPLACE', 4096);
define ('IBASE_RES_CREATE', 8192);
* Options to ibase_restore
* @link
define ('IBASE_RES_USE_ALL_SPACE', 16384);
define ('IBASE_PRP_SHUTDOWN_DB', 7);
define ('IBASE_PRP_RES_USE_FULL', 35);
define ('IBASE_PRP_RES', 36);
define ('IBASE_PRP_WRITE_MODE', 12);
define ('IBASE_PRP_WM_ASYNC', 37);
define ('IBASE_PRP_WM_SYNC', 38);
define ('IBASE_PRP_ACCESS_MODE', 13);
define ('IBASE_PRP_AM_READONLY', 39);
define ('IBASE_PRP_AM_READWRITE', 40);
define ('IBASE_PRP_ACTIVATE', 256);
define ('IBASE_PRP_DB_ONLINE', 512);
define ('IBASE_RPR_CHECK_DB', 16);
define ('IBASE_RPR_KILL_SHADOWS', 64);
define ('IBASE_RPR_MEND_DB', 4);
define ('IBASE_RPR_VALIDATE_DB', 1);
define ('IBASE_RPR_FULL', 128);
* Options to ibase_maintain_db
* @link
define ('IBASE_RPR_SWEEP_DB', 2);
define ('IBASE_STS_DATA_PAGES', 1);
define ('IBASE_STS_DB_LOG', 2);
define ('IBASE_STS_HDR_PAGES', 4);
define ('IBASE_STS_IDX_PAGES', 8);
* Options to ibase_db_info
* @link
define ('IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV', 59);
define ('IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV_LOCK', 60);
define ('IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV_MSG', 61);
define ('IBASE_SVC_USER_DBPATH', 58);
define ('IBASE_SVC_SVR_DB_INFO', 50);
* Options to ibase_server_info
* @link
define ('IBASE_SVC_GET_USERS', 68);
// End of interbase v.