
755 lines
22 KiB

// Start of ftp v.
* @param resource $ftp
* @param string $remote_file
* @param string $local_file
* @param int $mode
* @return bool
* @since 7.2
function ftp_append ($ftp, $remote_file, $local_file, $mode = 0){}
* @param resource $ftp
* @param string $directory
* @return array
* @since 7.2
function ftp_mlsd ($ftp, $directory) {}
* Opens an FTP connection
* @link
* @param string $host <p>
* The FTP server address. This parameter shouldn't have any trailing
* slashes and shouldn't be prefixed with ftp://.
* </p>
* @param int $port [optional] <p>
* This parameter specifies an alternate port to connect to. If it is
* omitted or set to zero, then the default FTP port, 21, will be used.
* </p>
* @param int $timeout [optional] <p>
* This parameter specifies the timeout for all subsequent network operations.
* If omitted, the default value is 90 seconds. The timeout can be changed and
* queried at any time with <b>ftp_set_option</b> and
* <b>ftp_get_option</b>.
* </p>
* @return resource|false a FTP stream on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_connect ($host, $port = 21, $timeout = 90) {}
* Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection
* @link
* @param string $host <p>
* The FTP server address. This parameter shouldn't have any trailing
* slashes and shouldn't be prefixed with ftp://.
* </p>
* @param int $port [optional] <p>
* This parameter specifies an alternate port to connect to. If it is
* omitted or set to zero, then the default FTP port, 21, will be used.
* </p>
* @param int $timeout [optional] <p>
* This parameter specifies the timeout for all subsequent network operations.
* If omitted, the default value is 90 seconds. The timeout can be changed and
* queried at any time with <b>ftp_set_option</b> and
* <b>ftp_get_option</b>.
* </p>
* @return resource|false a SSL-FTP stream on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_ssl_connect ($host, $port = 21, $timeout = 90) {}
* Logs in to an FTP connection
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $username <p>
* The username (USER).
* </p>
* @param string $password <p>
* The password (PASS).
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* If login fails, PHP will also throw a warning.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_login ($ftp_stream, $username, $password) {}
* Returns the current directory name
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @return string the current directory name or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_pwd ($ftp_stream) {}
* Changes to the parent directory
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_cdup ($ftp_stream) {}
* Changes the current directory on a FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $directory <p>
* The target directory.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* If changing directory fails, PHP will also throw a warning.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_chdir ($ftp_stream, $directory) {}
* Requests execution of a command on the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $command <p>
* The command to execute.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the command was successful (server sent response code:
* 200); otherwise returns <b>FALSE</b>.
* @since 4.0.3
* @since 5.0
function ftp_exec ($ftp_stream, $command) {}
* Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $command <p>
* The command to execute.
* </p>
* @return array the server's response as an array of strings.
* No parsing is performed on the response string, nor does
* <b>ftp_raw</b> determine if the command succeeded.
* @since 5.0
function ftp_raw ($ftp_stream, $command) {}
* Creates a directory
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $directory <p>
* The name of the directory that will be created.
* </p>
* @return string the newly created directory name on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_mkdir ($ftp_stream, $directory) {}
* Removes a directory
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $directory <p>
* The directory to delete. This must be either an absolute or relative
* path to an empty directory.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_rmdir ($ftp_stream, $directory) {}
* Set permissions on a file via FTP
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The new permissions, given as an octal value.
* </p>
* @param string $filename <p>
* The remote file.
* </p>
* @return int|false the new file permissions on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 5.0
function ftp_chmod ($ftp_stream, $mode, $filename) {}
* Allocates space for a file to be uploaded
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param int $filesize <p>
* The number of bytes to allocate.
* </p>
* @param string $result [optional] <p>
* A textual representation of the servers response will be returned by
* reference in <i>result</i> if a variable is provided.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 5.0
function ftp_alloc ($ftp_stream, $filesize, &$result = null) {}
* Returns a list of files in the given directory
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $directory <p>
* The directory to be listed. This parameter can also include arguments, eg.
* ftp_nlist($conn_id, "-la /your/dir");
* Note that this parameter isn't escaped so there may be some issues with
* filenames containing spaces and other characters.
* </p>
* @return array an array of filenames from the specified directory on success or
* <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nlist ($ftp_stream, $directory) {}
* Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $directory <p>
* The directory path. May include arguments for the LIST
* command.
* </p>
* @param bool $recursive [optional] <p>
* If set to <b>TRUE</b>, the issued command will be LIST -R.
* </p>
* @return array an array where each element corresponds to one line of text.
* </p>
* <p>
* The output is not parsed in any way. The system type identifier returned by
* <b>ftp_systype</b> can be used to determine how the results
* should be interpreted.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_rawlist ($ftp_stream, $directory, $recursive = false) {}
* Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @return string the remote system type, or <b>FALSE</b> on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_systype ($ftp_stream) {}
* Turns passive mode on or off
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param bool $pasv <p>
* If <b>TRUE</b>, the passive mode is turned on, else it's turned off.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_pasv ($ftp_stream, $pasv) {}
* Downloads a file from the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $local_file <p>
* The local file path (will be overwritten if the file already exists).
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $resumepos [optional] <p>
* The position in the remote file to start downloading from.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_get ($ftp_stream, $local_file, $remote_file, $mode, $resumepos = 0) {}
* Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param resource $handle <p>
* An open file pointer in which we store the data.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $resumepos [optional] <p>
* The position in the remote file to start downloading from.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_fget ($ftp_stream, $handle, $remote_file, $mode, $resumepos = 0) {}
* Uploads a file to the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param string $local_file <p>
* The local file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $startpos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start uploading to.</p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_put ($ftp_stream, $remote_file, $local_file, $mode, $startpos = 0) {}
* Uploads from an open file to the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param resource $handle <p>
* An open file pointer on the local file. Reading stops at end of file.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $startpos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start uploading to.</p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_fput ($ftp_stream, $remote_file, $handle, $mode, $startpos = 0) {}
* Returns the size of the given file
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file.
* </p>
* @return int the file size on success, or -1 on error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_size ($ftp_stream, $remote_file) {}
* Returns the last modified time of the given file
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The file from which to extract the last modification time.
* </p>
* @return int the last modified time as a Unix timestamp on success, or -1 on
* error.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_mdtm ($ftp_stream, $remote_file) {}
* Renames a file or a directory on the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $oldname <p>
* The old file/directory name.
* </p>
* @param string $newname <p>
* The new name.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_rename ($ftp_stream, $oldname, $newname) {}
* Deletes a file on the FTP server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $path <p>
* The file to delete.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_delete ($ftp_stream, $path) {}
* Sends a SITE command to the server
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $command <p>
* The SITE command. Note that this parameter isn't escaped so there may
* be some issues with filenames containing spaces and other characters.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_site ($ftp_stream, $command) {}
* Closes an FTP connection
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_close ($ftp_stream) {}
* Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param int $option <p>
* Currently, the following options are supported:
* <table>
* Supported runtime FTP options
* <tr valign="top">
* <td><b>FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC</b></td>
* <td>
* Changes the timeout in seconds used for all network related
* functions. <i>value</i> must be an integer that
* is greater than 0. The default timeout is 90 seconds.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td><b>FTP_AUTOSEEK</b></td>
* <td>
* When enabled, GET or PUT requests with a
* <i>resumepos</i> or <i>startpos</i>
* parameter will first seek to the requested position within the file.
* This is enabled by default.
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @param mixed $value <p>
* This parameter depends on which <i>option</i> is chosen
* to be altered.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the option could be set; <b>FALSE</b> if not. A warning
* message will be thrown if the <i>option</i> is not
* supported or the passed <i>value</i> doesn't match the
* expected value for the given <i>option</i>.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_set_option ($ftp_stream, $option, $value) {}
* Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param int $option <p>
* Currently, the following options are supported:
* <table>
* Supported runtime FTP options
* <tr valign="top">
* <td><b>FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC</b></td>
* <td>
* Returns the current timeout used for network related operations.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td><b>FTP_AUTOSEEK</b></td>
* <td>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> if this option is on, <b>FALSE</b> otherwise.
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @return mixed the value on success or <b>FALSE</b> if the given
* <i>option</i> is not supported. In the latter case, a
* warning message is also thrown.
* @since 4.2.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_get_option ($ftp_stream, $option) {}
* Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking)
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param resource $handle <p>
* An open file pointer in which we store the data.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $resumepos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start downloading from.</p>
* @return int <b>FTP_FAILED</b> or <b>FTP_FINISHED</b>
* or <b>FTP_MOREDATA</b>.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nb_fget ($ftp_stream, $handle, $remote_file, $mode, $resumepos = 0) {}
* Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking)
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $local_file <p>
* The local file path (will be overwritten if the file already exists).
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $resumepos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start downloading from.</p>
* @return int <b>FTP_FAILED</b> or <b>FTP_FINISHED</b>
* or <b>FTP_MOREDATA</b>.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nb_get ($ftp_stream, $local_file, $remote_file, $mode, $resumepos = 0) {}
* Continues retrieving/sending a file (non-blocking)
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @return int <b>FTP_FAILED</b> or <b>FTP_FINISHED</b>
* or <b>FTP_MOREDATA</b>.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nb_continue ($ftp_stream) {}
* Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking)
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param string $local_file <p>
* The local file path.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $startpos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start uploading to.</p>
* @return int <b>FTP_FAILED</b> or <b>FTP_FINISHED</b>
* or <b>FTP_MOREDATA</b>.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nb_put ($ftp_stream, $remote_file, $local_file, $mode, $startpos = 0) {}
* Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking)
* @link
* @param resource $ftp_stream <p>
* The link identifier of the FTP connection.
* </p>
* @param string $remote_file <p>
* The remote file path.
* </p>
* @param resource $handle <p>
* An open file pointer on the local file. Reading stops at end of file.
* </p>
* @param int $mode <p>
* The transfer mode. Must be either <b>FTP_ASCII</b> or
* <b>FTP_BINARY</b>.
* </p>
* @param int $startpos [optional] <p>The position in the remote file to start uploading to.</p>
* @return int <b>FTP_FAILED</b> or <b>FTP_FINISHED</b>
* or <b>FTP_MOREDATA</b>.
* @since 4.3.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_nb_fput ($ftp_stream, $remote_file, $handle, $mode, $startpos = 0) {}
* Alias of <b>ftp_close</b>
* @link
* @param $ftp
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function ftp_quit ($ftp) {}
* <p></p>
* @link
define ('FTP_ASCII', 1);
* <p></p>
* @link
define ('FTP_TEXT', 1);
* <p></p>
* @link
define ('FTP_BINARY', 2);
* <p></p>
* @link
define ('FTP_IMAGE', 2);
* <p>
* Automatically determine resume position and start position for GET and PUT requests
* (only works if FTP_AUTOSEEK is enabled)
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_AUTORESUME', -1);
* <p>
* See <b>ftp_set_option</b> for information.
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC', 0);
* <p>
* See <b>ftp_set_option</b> for information.
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_AUTOSEEK', 1);
* <p>
* Asynchronous transfer has failed
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_FAILED', 0);
* <p>
* Asynchronous transfer has finished
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_FINISHED', 1);
* <p>
* Asynchronous transfer is still active
* </p>
* @link
define ('FTP_MOREDATA', 2);
// End of ftp v.