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Fabian Sabau dbaf3ce379 Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks
Signed-off-by: Fabian Sabau <fabian.sabau+github@gmail.com>
2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
.idea Configuration for tests 2018-10-15 19:16:06 +02:00
Core @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
Ev Move stub into module 2017-04-02 09:30:14 +02:00
PDO Fix return type for PDO::query() 2018-10-10 13:29:25 +02:00
Parle Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
Phar Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
Reflection WI-44153 Added @throws ReflectionException to stub for 2018-11-14 19:00:58 +00:00
SPL Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
SQLite Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
SimpleXML Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
SplType Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
Zend OPcache @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
ZendCache WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
ZendDebugger WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
ZendUtils WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
amqp Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
apache @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
apc Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
apcu Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
bcmath Update various @return's in bcmath based on PR feedback 2018-10-30 08:35:17 -05:00
bz2 Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
calendar Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
com_dotnet rename: "com" -> "com_dotnet" 2018-10-05 12:11:11 +02:00
couchbase Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
csprng Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
ctype Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
cubrid @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
curl Fix return type in curl_init() 2018-11-22 14:44:15 +01:00
date DateTimeZone getOffset method accepts DateTimeInterface instead of DateTime 2018-11-13 18:15:14 -07:00
dba Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
dom Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
enchant Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
event Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
exif Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
fann moved fann, judy, mqseries to separate directories 2017-07-17 21:50:35 +03:00
ffmpeg WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
fileinfo Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
filter Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
fpm Partly implemented 7.3.0 changes WI-42885 2018-07-23 21:23:19 +02:00
ftp Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gd Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gearman Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
geoip Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gettext Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gmagick Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gmp Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
gnupg Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
grpc Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
hash Change hash_hmac_algos return type to string[] 2018-08-30 09:16:53 +03:00
http Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
ibm_db2 Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
iconv Fix return type in iconv() 2018-10-09 20:57:36 +02:00
igbinary Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
imagick Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
imap Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
inotify @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
interbase Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
intl Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
json Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
judy Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
ldap Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
libevent Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
libsodium Make PHPDocs PHPDoc parser compatible 2018-04-19 14:22:18 +02:00
libxml Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
mailparse Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
mapscript Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
mbstring Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
mcrypt @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
memcache @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
memcached @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
meta WI-43503 Type[] lost after array_change_key_case() 2018-10-08 18:26:32 +02:00
ming Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
mongo Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
mongodb @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
mqseries moved fann, judy, mqseries to separate directories 2017-07-17 21:50:35 +03:00
mssql Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
mysql Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
mysql_xdevapi @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
mysqli Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into fix_mysqli_get_server_version 2018-10-25 09:16:59 +02:00
ncurses Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
newrelic Update newrelic.php 2018-09-21 17:45:40 +10:00
oauth @return should be omitted for __construct 2018-05-30 17:53:56 +02:00
oci8 Made return types of the oci8 functions more accurate 2018-11-22 13:32:32 -08:00
odbc Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
openssl @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
password add PASSWORD_ARGON2ID constant (PHP 7.3) 2018-11-23 10:32:20 +01:00
pcntl Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
pcre Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
pdflib @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
pdo_ibm WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
pdo_mysql WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
pdo_pgsql WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
pdo_sqlite WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
pgsql Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
posix Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
pspell Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
pthreads Add pthreads stubs for addRef/delRef/getRefCount functions for Threaded class 2018-11-01 05:42:49 -05:00
radius @link and @see tags should use https (test for constants) 2018-10-16 12:05:21 +02:00
rar Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
rdkafka Fixed rdkafka extension folder name to be compatible with "Sync Extensions with Interpreter" action 2018-07-17 19:28:49 +03:00
readline Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
recode Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
redis Merge pull request #447 from alexander-schranz/patch-1 2018-11-27 18:18:31 +03:00
regex Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
rrd Replace http with https in doc links 2018-08-13 16:39:18 +03:00
session session: add SessionIdInterface 2018-11-17 08:04:42 -06:00
shmop Correct the type of shared memory identifiers 2018-08-22 21:19:17 +01:00
snmp Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
soap Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sockets Remove duplicate url scheme inside phpDoc blocks 2018-11-28 17:34:30 +01:00
sodium @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
solr @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
sqlite3 Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sqlsrv @link and @see tags should use https (test for constants) 2018-10-16 12:05:21 +02:00
ssh2 fix return type param 2018-09-27 11:23:43 +02:00
standard Merge pull request #453 from andreasschroth/patch-2 2018-11-27 18:08:57 +03:00
suhosin Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
superglobals Change all other links available in HTTPS 2018-10-16 12:12:15 +02:00
svn Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sybase Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sync Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sysvmsg Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sysvsem Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
sysvshm Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
tests Removed SessionIdInterface from exclude as https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/444 is merged 2018-11-23 17:49:29 +03:00
tidy Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
tokenizer Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
uopz @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
v8js Rename V8Js.php to v8js.php 2017-03-09 17:57:33 +02:00
wddx Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
win32service add more constants 2017-08-30 11:49:32 +02:00
wincache @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
xcache WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
xdebug Added missing functions, fixed function desciptions 2017-05-23 21:47:21 +03:00
xhprof @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
xml Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
xmlreader Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
xmlrpc Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
xmlwriter Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
xsl Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
yaf @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
yaml Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
yar @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
zend WI-33237 split embedded stubs into modules 2017-03-07 14:52:15 +01:00
zip @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
zlib Use https for @link annotations (#367) 2018-08-13 14:15:36 +03:00
zmq @link and @see tags should use https 2018-10-16 11:28:37 +02:00
.gitignore .gitignore 2018-10-16 11:27:55 +02:00
.travis.yml Fix path to stub.json 2018-04-20 14:23:20 +02:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Update requirements for PR requests 2018-04-24 17:46:00 +02:00
README.md Terms for non-standard stubs support 2018-11-15 13:43:38 +01:00
composer.json Add test 2018-04-19 19:06:08 +02:00



official JetBrains project Build Status License Total Downloads

STUBS are normal, syntactically correct PHP files that contain function & class signatures, constant definitions, etc. for all built in PHP stuff and most standard extensions. Stubs need to include complete PHPDOC, especially proper @return annotations

IDE needs them for completion, code inspection, type inference, doc popups, etc. Quality of most of this services depend on quality of the stubs (basically their PHPDOC @annotations).

Note that the stubs for “non-standard” extensions are provided as is. (Non-Standard extensions are the ones that are not part of PHP Core or are not Bundled/External - see the complete list here.)

The support for such “non-standard” stubs is community-driven, and we only validate their PHPDoc. We do not check whether a stub matches the actual extension or whether the provided descriptions are correct.

Relevant open issues

Contribution process

Contribution process

Updating the IDE

TBD: Have a full copy of .git repo within IDE and add it as an external library "PHP Runtime" to the project. It should then be easilly updatable both way via normal git methods.

Extensions enabled by default

The set of extensions enabled by default in PhpStorm can change anytime without prior notice. To learn how to view the enabled extensions, refer here.

How to run tests

  1. Execute composer install
  2. Execute docker-compose -f tests/docker-compose.yml run php > tests/stub.json
  3. Run the test phpunit tests/TestStubs.php


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