
441 lines
12 KiB

namespace Decimal {
use ArithmeticError;
use DivisionByZeroError;
use Traversable;
use TypeError;
class Decimal {
public const ROUND_UP = 101;
public const ROUND_DOWN = 102;
public const ROUND_CEILING = 103;
public const ROUND_FLOOR = 104;
public const ROUND_HALF_UP = 105;
public const ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 106;
public const ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 107;
public const ROUND_HALF_ODD = 108;
public const ROUND_TRUNCATE = 109;
public const DEFAULT_PRECISION = 28;
public const DEFAULT_ROUNDING = 107;
public const MIN_PRECISION = 1;
* 425000000 for 32 bits systems
* 999999999999999999 for 64 bits systems
public const MAX_PRECISION = 999999999999999999;
* @param string $value
* @param int $precision
public function __construct(string $value, int $precision = self::DEFAULT_PRECISION) { }
* This method is equivalent to the + operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @link
public function add($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the - operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @link
public function sub($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the * operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @link
public function mul($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the / operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @link
public function div($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the % operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @throws DivisionByZeroError
* @throws ArithmeticError
* @link
public function mod($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the ** operator
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @link
public function pow($value): Decimal { }
* @param Decimal|string|int $value
* @return Decimal
* @throws TypeError
* @throws DivisionByZeroError
* @throws ArithmeticError
* @link
public function rem($value): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent in function to PHP's log
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function ln(): Decimal { }
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function exp(): Decimal { }
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function log10(): Decimal { }
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function sqrt(): Decimal { }
* Returns the value of this decimal with the same precision
* Rounded according to the specified number of decimal places and rounding mode
* @param int $places
* @param int $mode
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function round(int $places = 0, int $mode = Decimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN): Decimal { }
* Returns the closest integer towards negative infinity
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function floor(): Decimal { }
* Returns the closest integer towards positive infinity
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function ceil(): Decimal { }
* Returns the result of discarding all digits behind the decimal point
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function truncate(): Decimal { }
* Returns a copy of this decimal with its decimal place shifted
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function shift(): Decimal { }
* @since 1.1.0
* Returns a copy of this decimal without trailing zeroes
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function trim(): Decimal { }
* Returns the precision of this decimal
* @return int
* @link
public function precision(): int { }
* Returns 0 if zero, -1 if negative, or 1 if positive
* @return int
* @link
public function signum(): int { }
* Returns 0 if the integer value of this decimal is even, 1 if odd. Special numbers like NAN and INF will return 1
* @return int
* @link
public function parity(): int { }
* Returns the absolute (positive) value of this decimal
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function abs(): Decimal { }
* Returns the same value as this decimal, but the sign inverted
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function negate(): Decimal { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isEven(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isOdd(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isPositive(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isNegative(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isNaN(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isInf(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isInteger(): bool { }
* @return bool
* @link
public function isZero(): bool { }
* Returns the value of this decimal formatted to a fixed number of decimal places, with thousands comma-separated, using a given rounding mode.
* @param int $places
* @param bool $commas
* @param int $mode
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function toFixed(int $places = 0, bool $commas = false, int $mode = Decimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN): Decimal { }
* Returns the value of this decimal represented exactly, in either fixed or scientific form, depending on the value
* @return string
public function __toString(): string { }
* This method is equivalent to a cast to string
* Returns the value of this decimal represented exactly, in either fixed or scientific form, depending on the value
* @return string
public function toString(): string { }
* JSON conversions will automatically convert the decimal to string using all signficant figures
* @return string
public function jsonSerialize(): string { }
* @return int
public function toInt(): int { }
* @return float
public function toFloat(): float { }
* @return Decimal
public function copy(): Decimal { }
* This method is equivalent to the == operator.
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool TRUE if this decimal is considered equal to the given value.
* @link
public function equals($value): bool { }
* This method is equivalent to the <=> operator.
* Returns 0 if this decimal is considered equal to $other,
* -1 if this decimal should be placed before $other,
* 1 if this decimal should be placed after $other.
* @param $value
* @return int
* @link
public function compareTo($value): int { }
* Returns TRUE if the value is between the two operands
* @param Decimam|string|int $value
* @param Decimam|string|int $leftOp
* @param Decimam|string|int $rightOp
* @return bool
public function between($value, $leftOp, $rightOp): bool { }
* Returns the sum of all given values
* The precision of the result will be the max of all precisions that were encountered during the calculation.
* The given precision should therefore be considered the minimum precision of the result.
* This method is equivalent to adding each value individually
* @param array|Traversable $values
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function sum(array $values): Decimal { }
* Returns the average of all given values
* The precision of the result will be the max of all precisions that were encountered during the calculation.
* The given precision should therefore be considered the minimum precision of the result.
* This method is equivalent to adding each value individually, then dividing by the number of values
* @param array $values
* @return Decimal
* @link
public function avg(array $values): Decimal { }