
4987 lines
114 KiB

* Mapscript extension (version 7.0.*)
* Parsed from documentation
* Generated at 2017-08-24 16:06:54
* @see
* @see
// constants
const MS_TRUE = 1;
const MS_FALSE = 0;
const MS_ON = 1;
const MS_OFF = 0;
const MS_YES = 1;
const MS_NO = 0;
const MS_INCHES = 0;
const MS_FEET = 1;
const MS_MILES = 2;
const MS_METERS = 3;
const MS_KILOMETERS = 4;
const MS_DD = 5;
const MS_PIXELS = 6;
const MS_LAYER_POINT = 0;
const MS_LAYER_LINE = 1;
const MS_LAYER_RASTER = 3;
// (deprecated since 6.2)
const MS_LAYER_QUERY = 5;
const MS_LAYER_CIRCLE = 6;
const MS_LAYER_CHART = 8;
const MS_DEFAULT = 2;
const MS_EMBED = 3;
const MS_DELETE = 4;
const MS_GD_ALPHA = 1000;
const MS_UL = 101;
const MS_LR = 102;
const MS_UR = 103;
const MS_LL = 104;
const MS_CR = 105;
const MS_CL = 106;
const MS_UC = 107;
const MS_LC = 108;
const MS_CC = 109;
const MS_XY = 111;
const MS_AUTO = 110;
const MS_AUTO2 = 114;
const MS_FOLLOW = 112;
const MS_NONE = 113;
const MS_TINY = 0;
const MS_SMALL = 1;
const MS_MEDIUM = 2;
const MS_LARGE = 3;
const MS_GIANT = 4;
const MS_SHAPE_POINT = 0;
const MS_SHAPE_LINE = 1;
const MS_SHAPE_NULL = 3;
const MS_SHP_POINT = 1;
const MS_SHP_ARC = 3;
const MS_SHP_POLYGON = 5;
const MS_SINGLE = 0;
const MS_MULTIPLE = 1;
const MS_NORMAL = 0;
const MS_HILITE = 1;
const MS_SELECTED = 2;
const MS_INLINE = 0;
const MS_SHAPEFILE = 1;
const MS_SDE = 3;
const MS_OGR = 4;
const MS_TILED_OGR = 5;
const MS_POSTGIS = 6;
const MS_WMS = 7;
const MS_WFS = 9;
const MS_GRATICULE = 10;
const MS_RASTER = 12;
const MS_PLUGIN = 13;
const MS_UNION = 14;
const MS_NOERR = 0;
const MS_IOERR = 1;
const MS_MEMERR = 2;
const MS_TYPEERR = 3;
const MS_SYMERR = 4;
const MS_REGEXERR = 5;
const MS_TTFERR = 6;
const MS_DBFERR = 7;
const MS_GDERR = 8;
const MS_IDENTERR = 9;
const MS_EOFERR = 10;
const MS_PROJERR = 11;
const MS_MISCERR = 12;
const MS_CGIERR = 13;
const MS_WEBERR = 14;
const MS_IMGERR = 15;
const MS_HASHERR = 16;
const MS_JOINERR = 17;
const MS_NOTFOUND = 18;
const MS_SHPERR = 19;
const MS_PARSEERR = 20;
const MS_SDEERR = 21;
const MS_OGRERR = 22;
const MS_QUERYERR = 23;
const MS_WMSERR = 24;
const MS_WMSCONNERR = 25;
const MS_WFSERR = 27;
const MS_WFSCONNERR = 28;
const MS_HTTPERR = 30;
const MS_WCSERR = 32;
const MS_SYMBOL_SIMPLE = 1000;
const MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR = 1001;
const MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE = 1002;
const MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP = 1003;
const MS_SYMBOL_TRUETYPE = 1004;
const MS_IMAGEMODE_PC256 = 0;
const MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16 = 3;
const MS_ALIGN_LEFT = 0;
const MS_ALIGN_CENTER = 1;
const MS_ALIGN_RIGHT = 2;
const MS_GET_REQUEST = 0;
const MS_POST_REQUEST = 1;
* Returns the MapServer version and options in a string. This
* string can be parsed to find out which modules were compiled in,
* etc.
* @return string
function ms_GetVersion() {}
* Returns the MapServer version number (x.y.z) as an integer
* (x*10000 + y*100 + z). (New in v5.0) e.g. V5.4.3 would return
* 50403.
* @return int
function ms_GetVersionInt() {}
* Writes the current buffer to stdout. The PHP header() function
* should be used to set the documents's content-type prior to
* calling the function. Returns the number of bytes written if
* output is sent to stdout. See :ref:`mapscript_ows` for more info.
* @return int
function ms_iogetStdoutBufferBytes() {}
* Fetch the current stdout buffer contents as a string. This method
* does not clear the buffer.
* @return void
function ms_iogetstdoutbufferstring() {}
* Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdin reading
* (ie. post request capture) to come from a buffer.
* @return void
function ms_ioinstallstdinfrombuffer() {}
* Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdout output
* to a memory buffer.
* @return void
function ms_ioinstallstdouttobuffer() {}
* Resets the default stdin and stdout handlers in place of "buffer"
* based handlers.
* @return void
function ms_ioresethandlers() {}
* Strip the Content-type header off the stdout buffer if it has one,
* and if a content type is found it is return. Otherwise return
* false.
* @return string
function ms_iostripstdoutbuffercontenttype() {}
* Strip all the Content-* headers off the stdout buffer if it has
* some.
* @return void
function ms_iostripstdoutbuffercontentheaders() {}
* Preparses a mapfile through the MapServer parser and return an
* array with one item for each token from the mapfile. Strings,
* logical expressions, regex expressions and comments are returned
* as individual tokens.
* @param string $map_file_name
* @return array
function ms_TokenizeMap($map_file_name) {}
* Returns a reference to the head of the list of errorObj.
* @return errorObj
function ms_GetErrorObj() {}
* Clear the current error list.
* Note that clearing the list invalidates any errorObj handles obtained
* via the $error->next() method.
* @return void
function ms_ResetErrorList() {}
* Class Objects can be returned by the `layerObj`_ class, or can be
* created using:
final class classObj
* @var string
public $group;
* @var string
public $keyimage;
* Removed (6.2) - use addLabel, getLabel, ...
* @var labelObj
public $label;
* @var double
public $maxscaledenom;
* @var hashTableObj
public $metadata;
* @var double
public $minscaledenom;
* @var string
public $name;
* read-only (since 6.2)
* @var int
public $numlabels;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numstyles;
* @var int
public $status;
* @var string
public $template;
* @var string
public $title;
* @var int
public $type;
* The second argument class is optional. If given, the new class
* created will be a copy of this class.
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param classObj $class
final public function __construct(layerObj $layer, classObj $class) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param classObj $class
* @return classObj
final public function ms_newClassObj(layerObj $layer, classObj $class) {}
* Add a labelObj to the classObj and return its index in the labels
* array.
* .. versionadded:: 6.2
* @param labelObj $label
* @return int
final public function addLabel(labelObj $label) {}
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Draw the legend icon and return a new imageObj.
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @return imageObj
final public function createLegendIcon($width, $height) {}
* Delete the style specified by the style index. If there are any
* style that follow the deleted style, their index will decrease by 1.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function deletestyle($index) {}
* Draw the legend icon on im object at dstX, dstY.
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param imageObj $im
* @param int $dstX
* @param int $dstY
* @return int
final public function drawLegendIcon($width, $height, imageObj $im, $dstX, $dstY) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Returns the :ref:`expression <expressions>` string for the class
* object.
* @return string
final public function getExpressionString() {}
* Return a reference to the labelObj at *index* in the labels array.
* See the labelObj_ section for more details on multiple class
* labels.
* .. versionadded:: 6.2
* @param int $index
* @return labelObj
final public function getLabel($index) {}
* Fetch class metadata entry by name. Returns "" if no entry
* matches the name. Note that the search is case sensitive.
* .. note::
* getMetaData's query is case sensitive.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function getMetaData($name) {}
* Return the style object using an index. index >= 0 &&
* index < class->numstyles.
* @param int $index
* @return styleObj
final public function getStyle($index) {}
* Returns the text string for the class object.
* @return string
final public function getTextString() {}
* The style specified by the style index will be moved down into
* the array of classes. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex class->movestyledown(0) will have the effect of moving style 0
* up to position 1, and the style at position 1 will be moved
* to position 0.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function movestyledown($index) {}
* The style specified by the style index will be moved up into
* the array of classes. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex class->movestyleup(1) will have the effect of moving style 1
* up to position 0, and the style at position 0 will be moved
* to position 1.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function movestyleup($index) {}
* Remove the labelObj at *index* from the labels array and return a
* reference to the labelObj. numlabels is decremented, and the
* array is updated.
* .. versionadded:: 6.2
* @param int $index
* @return labelObj
final public function removeLabel($index) {}
* Remove a metadata entry for the class. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function removeMetaData($name) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Set the :ref:`expression <expressions>` string for the class
* object.
* @param string $expression
* @return int
final public function setExpression($expression) {}
* Set a metadata entry for the class. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setMetaData($name, $value) {}
* Set the text string for the class object.
* @param string $text
* @return int
final public function settext($text) {}
* Update a class from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* .. code-block:: php
* set the color
* $oClass->updateFromString('CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 0 255 END END');
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
* Instance of clusterObj is always embedded inside the `layerObj`_.
final class clusterObj
* @var double
public $buffer;
* @var double
public $maxdistance;
* @var string
public $region;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Returns the :ref:`expression <expressions>` for this cluster
* filter or NULL on error.
* @return string
final public function getFilterString() {}
* Returns the :ref:`expression <expressions>` for this cluster group
* or NULL on error.
* @return string
final public function getGroupString() {}
* Set layer filter :ref:`expression <expressions>`.
* @param string $expression
* @return int
final public function setFilter($expression) {}
* Set layer group :ref:`expression <expressions>`.
* @param string $expression
* @return int
final public function setGroup($expression) {}
* Instances of colorObj are always embedded inside other classes.
final class colorObj
* @var int
public $red;
* @var int
public $green;
* @var int
public $blue;
* @var int
public $alpha;
* Get the color as a hex string "#rrggbb" or (if alpha is not 255)
* "#rrggbbaa".
* @return string
final public function toHex() {}
* Set red, green, blue and alpha values. The hex string should have the form
* "#rrggbb" (alpha will be set to 255) or "#rrggbbaa". Returns MS_SUCCESS.
* @param string $hex
* @return int
final public function setHex($hex) {}
final class errorObj
* //See error code constants above
* @var int
public $code;
* @var string
public $message;
* @var string
public $routine;
* The grid is always embedded inside a layer object defined as
* a grid (layer->connectiontype = MS_GRATICULE)
* (for more docs :
* A layer can become a grid layer by adding a grid object to it using :
* ms_newGridObj(layerObj layer)
* $oLayer = ms_newlayerobj($oMap);
* $oLayer->set("name", "GRID");
* ms_newgridobj($oLayer);
* $oLayer->grid->set("labelformat", "DDMMSS");
final class gridObj
* @var string
public $labelformat;
* @var double
public $maxacrs;
* @var double
public $maxinterval;
* @var double
public $maxsubdivide;
* @var double
public $minarcs;
* @var double
public $mininterval;
* @var double
public $minsubdivide;
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Instance of hashTableObj is always embedded inside the `classObj`_,
* `layerObj`_, `mapObj`_ and `webObj`_. It is uses a read only.
* $hashTable = $oLayer->metadata;
* $key = null;
* while ($key = $hashTable->nextkey($key))
* echo "Key: ".$key." value: ".$hashTable->get($key)."<br/>";
final class hashTableObj
* Clear all items in the hashTable (To NULL).
* @return void
final public function clear() {}
* Fetch class metadata entry by name. Returns "" if no entry
* matches the name. Note that the search is case sensitive.
* @param string $key
* @return string
final public function get($key) {}
* Return the next key or first key if previousKey = NULL.
* Return NULL if no item is in the hashTable or end of hashTable is
* reached
* @param string $previousKey
* @return string
final public function nextkey($previousKey) {}
* Remove a metadata entry in the hashTable. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $key
* @return int
final public function remove($key) {}
* Set a metadata entry in the hashTable. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function set($key, $value) {}
* Instances of imageObj are always created by the `mapObj`_ class methods.
final class imageObj
* read-only
* @var int
public $width;
* read-only
* @var int
public $height;
* read-only
* @var int
public $resolution;
* read-only
* @var int
public $resolutionfactor;
* @var string
public $imagepath;
* @var string
public $imageurl;
* Copy srcImg on top of the current imageObj.
* transparentColorHex is the color (in 0xrrggbb format) from srcImg
* that should be considered transparent (i.e. those pixels won't
* be copied). Pass -1 if you don't want any transparent color.
* If optional dstx,dsty are provided then it defines the position
* where the image should be copied (dstx,dsty = top-left corner
* position).
* The optional angle is a value between 0 and 360 degrees to rotate
* the source image counterclockwise. Note that if an angle is specified
* (even if its value is zero) then the dstx and dsty coordinates
* specify the CENTER of the destination area.
* Note: this function works only with 8 bits GD images (PNG or GIF).
* @param imageObj $srcImg
* @param int $transparentColorHex
* @param int $dstX
* @param int $dstY
* @param int $angle
* @return void
final public function pasteImage(imageObj $srcImg, $transparentColorHex, $dstX, $dstY, $angle) {}
* Writes image object to specified filename.
* Passing no filename or an empty filename sends output to stdout. In
* this case, the PHP header() function should be used to set the
* document's content-type prior to calling saveImage(). The output
* format is the one that is currently selected in the map file. The
* second argument oMap is not manadatory. It is usful when saving to
* formats like GTIFF that needs georeference information contained in
* the map file. On success, it returns either MS_SUCCESS if writing to an
* external file, or the number of bytes written if output is sent to
* stdout.
* @param string $filename
* @param MapObj $oMap
* @return int
final public function saveImage($filename, MapObj $oMap) {}
* Writes image to temp directory. Returns image URL.
* The output format is the one that is currently selected in the
* map file.
* @return string
final public function saveWebImage() {}
final class labelcacheMemberObj
* read-only
* @var int
public $classindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $featuresize;
* read-only
* @var int
public $layerindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $markerid;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numstyles;
* read-only
* @var int
public $shapeindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $status;
* read-only
* @var string
public $text;
* read-only
* @var int
public $tileindex;
final class labelcacheObj
* Free the label cache. Always returns MS_SUCCESS.
* Ex : map->labelcache->freeCache();
* @return bool
final public function freeCache() {}
* labelObj are always embedded inside other classes.
final class labelObj
* @var int
public $align;
* @var double
public $angle;
* @var int
public $anglemode;
* @var int
public $antialias;
* @var int
public $autominfeaturesize;
* (deprecated since 6.0)
* @var colorObj
public $backgroundcolor;
* (deprecated since 6.0)
* @var colorObj
public $backgroundshadowcolor;
* (deprecated since 6.0)
* @var int
public $backgroundshadowsizex;
* (deprecated since 6.0)
* @var int
public $backgroundshadowsizey;
* @var int
public $buffer;
* @var colorObj
public $color;
* @var string
public $encoding;
* @var string
public $font;
* @var int
public $force;
* @var int
public $maxlength;
* @var int
public $maxsize;
* @var int
public $mindistance;
* @var int
public $minfeaturesize;
* @var int
public $minlength;
* @var int
public $minsize;
* @var int
public $numstyles;
* @var int
public $offsetx;
* @var int
public $offsety;
* @var colorObj
public $outlinecolor;
* @var int
public $outlinewidth;
* @var int
public $partials;
* @var int
public $position;
* @var int
public $priority;
* @var int
public $repeatdistance;
* @var colorObj
public $shadowcolor;
* @var int
public $shadowsizex;
* @var int
public $shadowsizey;
* @var int
public $size;
* @var int
public $wrap;
final public function __construct() {}
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Delete the style specified by the style index. If there are any
* style that follow the deleted style, their index will decrease by 1.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function deleteStyle($index) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Get the attribute binding for a specified label property. Returns
* NULL if there is no binding for this property.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: php
* echo $oLabel->getbinding(MS_LABEL_BINDING_COLOR); // FIELD_NAME_COLOR
* @param mixed $labelbinding
* @return string
final public function getBinding($labelbinding) {}
* Returns the label expression string.
* @return string
final public function getExpressionString() {}
* Return the style object using an index. index >= 0 &&
* index < label->numstyles.
* @param int $index
* @return styleObj
final public function getStyle($index) {}
* Returns the label text string.
* @return string
final public function getTextString() {}
* The style specified by the style index will be moved down into
* the array of classes. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex label->movestyledown(0) will have the effect of moving style 0
* up to position 1, and the style at position 1 will be moved
* to position 0.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function moveStyleDown($index) {}
* The style specified by the style index will be moved up into
* the array of classes. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex label->movestyleup(1) will have the effect of moving style 1
* up to position 0, and the style at position 0 will be moved
* to position 1.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function moveStyleUp($index) {}
* Remove the attribute binding for a specfiled style property.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: php
* $oStyle->removebinding(MS_LABEL_BINDING_COLOR);
* @param mixed $labelbinding
* @return int
final public function removeBinding($labelbinding) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Set the attribute binding for a specified label property.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: php
* This would bind the color parameter with the data (ie will extract
* the value of the color from the field called "FIELD_NAME_COLOR"
* @param mixed $labelbinding
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setBinding($labelbinding, $value) {}
* Set the label expression.
* @param string $expression
* @return int
final public function setExpression($expression) {}
* Set the label text.
* @param string $text
* @return int
final public function setText($text) {}
* Update a label from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
* Layer Objects can be returned by the `mapObj`_ class, or can be
* created using:
* A second optional argument can be given to ms_newLayerObj() to create
* the new layer as a copy of an existing layer. If a layer is given as
* argument then all members of a this layer will be copied in the new
* layer created.
final class layerObj
* @var int
public $annotate;
* @var hashTableObj
public $bindvals;
* @var string
public $classgroup;
* @var string
public $classitem;
* @var clusterObj
public $cluster;
* @var string
public $connection;
* read-only, use setConnectionType() to set it
* @var int
public $connectiontype;
* @var string
public $data;
* @var int
public $debug;
* deprecated since 6.0
* @var int
public $dump;
* @var string
public $filteritem;
* @var string
public $footer;
* only available on a layer defined as grid (MS_GRATICULE)
* @var gridObj
public $grid;
* @var string
public $group;
* @var string
public $header;
* read-only
* @var int
public $index;
* @var int
public $labelcache;
* @var string
public $labelitem;
* @var double
public $labelmaxscaledenom;
* @var double
public $labelminscaledenom;
* @var string
public $labelrequires;
* @var string
public $mask;
* @var int
public $maxfeatures;
* @var double
public $maxscaledenom;
* @var hashTableObj
public $metadata;
* @var double
public $minscaledenom;
* @var string
public $name;
* @var int
public $num_processing;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numclasses;
* @var colorObj
public $offsite;
* @var int
public $opacity;
* @var projectionObj
public $projection;
* @var int
public $postlabelcache;
* @var string
public $requires;
* @var int
public $sizeunits;
* @var int
public $startindex;
* @var int
public $status;
* @var string
public $styleitem;
* @var double
public $symbolscaledenom;
* @var string
public $template;
* @var string
public $tileindex;
* @var string
public $tileitem;
* @var double
public $tolerance;
* @var int
public $toleranceunits;
* @var int
public $transform;
* @var int
public $type;
* Old style constructor
* @param MapObj $map
* @param layerObj $layer
* @return layerObj
final public function ms_newLayerObj(MapObj $map, layerObj $layer) {}
* Add a new feature in a layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on
* error.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function addFeature(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Apply the :ref:`SLD <sld>` document to the layer object.
* The matching between the sld document and the layer will be done
* using the layer's name.
* If a namedlayer argument is passed (argument is optional),
* the NamedLayer in the sld that matchs it will be used to style
* the layer.
* See :ref:`SLD HowTo <sld>` for more information on the SLD support.
* @param string $sldxml
* @param string $namedlayer
* @return int
final public function applySLD($sldxml, $namedlayer) {}
* Apply the :ref:`SLD <sld>` document pointed by the URL to the
* layer object. The matching between the sld document and the layer
* will be done using the layer's name. If a namedlayer argument is
* passed (argument is optional), the NamedLayer in the sld that
* matchs it will be used to style the layer. See :ref:`SLD HowTo
* <sld>` for more information on the SLD support.
* @param string $sldurl
* @param string $namedlayer
* @return int
final public function applySLDURL($sldurl, $namedlayer) {}
* Clears all the processing strings.
* @return void
final public function clearProcessing() {}
* Close layer previously opened with open().
* @return void
final public function close() {}
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Draw a single layer, add labels to cache if required.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param imageObj $image
* @return int
final public function draw(imageObj $image) {}
* Draw query map for a single layer.
* string executeWFSGetfeature()
* Executes a GetFeature request on a WFS layer and returns the
* name of the temporary GML file created. Returns an empty
* string on error.
* @param imageObj $image
* @return int
final public function drawQuery(imageObj $image) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Returns an SLD XML string based on all the classes found in the
* layer (the layer must have `STATUS` `on`).
* @return string
final public function generateSLD() {}
* Returns a classObj from the layer given an index value (0=first class)
* @param int $classIndex
* @return classObj
final public function getClass($classIndex) {}
* Get the class index of a shape for a given scale. Returns -1 if no
* class matches. classgroup is an array of class ids to check
* (Optional). numclasses is the number of classes that the classgroup
* array contains. By default, all the layer classes will be checked.
* @param $shape
* @param $classgroup
* @param $numclasses
* @return int
final public function getClassIndex( $shape, $classgroup, $numclasses) {}
* Returns the layer's data extents or NULL on error.
* If the layer's EXTENT member is set then this value is used,
* otherwise this call opens/closes the layer to read the
* extents. This is quick on shapefiles, but can be
* an expensive operation on some file formats or data sources.
* This function is safe to use on both opened or closed layers: it
* is not necessary to call open()/close() before/after calling it.
* @return rectObj
final public function getExtent() {}
* Returns the :ref:`expression <expressions>` for this layer or NULL
* on error.
* @return string|null
final public function getFilterString() {}
* Returns an array containing the grid intersection coordinates. If
* there are no coordinates, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getGridIntersectionCoordinates() {}
* Returns an array containing the items. Must call open function first.
* If there are no items, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getItems() {}
* Fetch layer metadata entry by name. Returns "" if no entry
* matches the name. Note that the search is case sensitive.
* .. note::
* getMetaData's query is case sensitive.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function getMetaData($name) {}
* Returns the number of results in the last query.
* @return int
final public function getNumResults() {}
* Returns an array containing the processing strings.
* If there are no processing strings, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getProcessing() {}
* Returns a string representation of the :ref:`projection <projection>`.
* Returns NULL on error or if no projection is set.
* @return string
final public function getProjection() {}
* Returns a resultObj by index from a layer object with
* index in the range 0 to numresults-1.
* Returns a valid object or FALSE(0) if index is invalid.
* @param int $index
* @return resultObj
final public function getResult($index) {}
* Returns the bounding box of the latest result.
* @return rectObj
final public function getResultsBounds() {}
* If the resultObj passed has a valid resultindex, retrieve shapeObj from
* a layer's resultset. (You get it from the resultObj returned by
* getResult() for instance). Otherwise, it will do a single query on
* the layer to fetch the shapeindex
* .. code-block:: php
* $map = new mapObj("");
* $l = $map->getLayerByName("popplace");
* $l->queryByRect($map->extent);
* for ($i=0; $i<$l->getNumResults();$i++){
* $s = $l->getShape($l->getResult($i));
* echo $s->getValue($l,"Name");
* echo "\n";
* }
* @param resultObj $result
* @return shapeObj
final public function getShape(resultObj $result) {}
* Returns a WMS GetFeatureInfo URL (works only for WMS layers)
* clickX, clickY is the location of to query in pixel coordinates
* with (0,0) at the top left of the image.
* featureCount is the number of results to return.
* infoFormat is the format the format in which the result should be
* requested. Depends on remote server's capabilities. MapServer
* WMS servers support only "MIME" (and should support "GML.1" soon).
* Returns "" and outputs a warning if layer is not a WMS layer
* or if it is not queriable.
* @param int $clickX
* @param int $clickY
* @param int $featureCount
* @param string $infoFormat
* @return string
final public function getWMSFeatureInfoURL($clickX, $clickY, $featureCount, $infoFormat) {}
* Returns MS_TRUE/MS_FALSE depending on whether the layer is
* currently visible in the map (i.e. turned on, in scale, etc.).
* @return bool
final public function isVisible() {}
* The class specified by the class index will be moved down into
* the array of layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex layer->moveclassdown(0) will have the effect of moving class 0
* up to position 1, and the class at position 1 will be moved
* to position 0.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function moveclassdown($index) {}
* The class specified by the class index will be moved up into
* the array of layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* ex layer->moveclassup(1) will have the effect of moving class 1
* up to position 0, and the class at position 0 will be moved
* to position 1.
* @param int $index
* @return int
final public function moveclassup($index) {}
* Open the layer for use with getShape().
* @return int
final public function open() {}
* Called after msWhichShapes has been called to actually retrieve
* shapes within a given area. Returns a shape object or NULL on
* error.
* .. code-block:: php
* $map = ms_newmapobj("d:/msapps/gmap-ms40/htdocs/");
* $layer = $map->getLayerByName('road');
* $status = $layer->open();
* $status = $layer->whichShapes($map->extent);
* while ($shape = $layer->nextShape())
* {
* echo $shape->index ."<br>\n";
* }
* $layer->close();
* @return shapeObj
final public function nextShape() {}
* Query layer for shapes that intersect current map extents. qitem
* is the item (attribute) on which the query is performed, and
* qstring is the expression to match. The query is performed on all
* the shapes that are part of a :ref:`CLASS` that contains a
* :ref:`TEMPLATE <template>` value or that match any class in a
* layer that contains a :ref:`LAYER` :ref:`TEMPLATE <template>`
* value. Note that the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored by
* this function. Mode is MS_SINGLE or MS_MULTIPLE depending on
* number of results you want. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were
* found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error
* happened (note that the error message in case nothing was found
* can be avoided in PHP using the '@' control operator).
* @param string $qitem
* @param string $qstring
* @param int $mode
* @return int
final public function queryByAttributes($qitem, $qstring, $mode) {}
* Perform a query set based on a previous set of results from
* another layer. At present the results MUST be based on a polygon
* layer.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param int $slayer
* @return int
final public function queryByFeatures($slayer) {}
* Query layer at point location specified in georeferenced map
* coordinates (i.e. not pixels).
* The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS
* that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a
* layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value.
* Mode is MS_SINGLE or MS_MULTIPLE depending on number of results
* you want.
* Passing buffer -1 defaults to tolerances set in the map file
* (in pixels) but you can use a constant buffer (specified in
* ground units) instead.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param pointObj $point
* @param int $mode
* @param double $buffer
* @return int
final public function queryByPoint(pointObj $point, $mode, $buffer) {}
* Query layer using a rectangle specified in georeferenced map
* coordinates (i.e. not pixels).
* The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS
* that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a
* layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param rectObj $rect
* @return int
final public function queryByRect(rectObj $rect) {}
* Query layer based on a single shape, the shape has to be a polygon
* at this point.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function queryByShape(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Removes the class indicated and returns a copy, or NULL in the case
* of a failure. Note that subsequent classes will be renumbered by
* this operation. The numclasses field contains the number of classes
* available.
* @param int $index
* @return classObj|null
final public function removeClass($index) {}
* Remove a metadata entry for the layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function removeMetaData($name) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Changes the connectiontype of the layer and recreates the vtable
* according to the new connection type. This method should be used
* instead of setting the connectiontype parameter directly.
* In the case when the layer.connectiontype = MS_PLUGIN the plugin_library
* parameter should also be specified so as to select the library to
* load by MapServer. For the other connection types this parameter
* is not used.
* @param int $connectiontype
* @param string $plugin_library
* @return int
final public function setConnectionType($connectiontype, $plugin_library) {}
* Set layer filter :ref:`expression <expressions>`.
* @param string $expression
* @return int
final public function setFilter($expression) {}
* Set a metadata entry for the layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* int setProcessing(string)
* Add the string to the processing string list for the layer.
* The layer->num_processing is incremented by 1.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* .. code-block:: php
* $oLayer->setprocessing("SCALE_1=AUTO");
* $oLayer->setprocessing("SCALE_2=AUTO");
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setMetaData($name, $value) {}
* Set layer :ref:`projection <projection>` and coordinate system.
* Parameters are given as a single string of comma-delimited PROJ.4
* parameters. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param string $proj_params
* @return int
final public function setProjection($proj_params) {}
* Same as setProjection(), but takes an OGC WKT projection
* definition string as input.
* .. note::
* setWKTProjection requires GDAL support
* @param string $proj_params
* @return int
final public function setWKTProjection($proj_params) {}
* Update a layer from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* .. code-block:: php
* modify the name
* $oLayer->updateFromString('LAYER NAME land_fn2 END');
* add a new class
* $oLayer->updateFromString('LAYER CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 255 0 END END END');
* int whichshapes(rectobj)
* Performs a spatial, and optionally an attribute based feature
* search. The function basically prepares things so that candidate
* features can be accessed by query or drawing functions (eg using
* nextshape function). Returns MS_SUCCESS, MS_FAILURE or MS_DONE.
* MS_DONE is returned if the layer extent does not overlap the
* rectObj.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
* Instances of legendObj are always are always embedded inside the `mapObj`_.
final class legendObj
* @var int
public $height;
* @var colorObj
public $imagecolor;
* @var int
public $keysizex;
* @var int
public $keysizey;
* @var int
public $keyspacingx;
* @var int
public $keyspacingy;
* @var labelObj
public $label;
* Color of outline of box, -1 for no outline
* @var colorObj
public $outlinecolor;
* for embedded legends, MS_UL, MS_UC, ...
* @var int
public $position;
* @var int
public $postlabelcache;
* @var int
public $status;
* @var string
public $template;
* @var int
public $width;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Update a legend from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
final class lineObj
* read-only
* @var int
public $numpoints;
final public function __construct() {}
* Old style constructor
* @return LineObj
final public function ms_newLineObj() {}
* Add a point to the end of line. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param pointObj $point
* @return int
final public function add(pointObj $point) {}
* Add a point to the end of line. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* .. note::
* the 3rd parameter m is used for measured shape files only.
* It is not mandatory.
* @param double $x
* @param double $y
* @param double $m
* @return int
final public function addXY($x, $y, $m) {}
* Add a point to the end of line. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* .. note::
* the 4th parameter m is used for measured shape files only.
* It is not mandatory.
* @param double $x
* @param double $y
* @param double $z
* @param double $m
* @return int
final public function addXYZ($x, $y, $z, $m) {}
* Returns a reference to point number i.
* @param int $i
* @return PointObj
final public function point($i) {}
* Project the line from "in" projection (1st argument) to "out"
* projection (2nd argument). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param projectionObj $in
* @param projectionObj $out
* @return int
final public function project(projectionObj $in, projectionObj $out) {}
final class mapObj
* @var double
public $cellsize;
* @var int
public $debug;
* pixels per inch, defaults to 72
* @var double
public $defresolution;
* ;
* @var rectObj
public $extent;
* read-only, set by setFontSet()
* @var string
public $fontsetfilename;
* see setSize()
* @var int
public $height;
* @var colorObj
public $imagecolor;
* @var int
public $keysizex;
* @var int
public $keysizey;
* @var int
public $keyspacingx;
* @var int
public $keyspacingy;
* no members. Used only to free the
* label cache (map->labelcache->free()
* @var labelcacheObj
public $labelcache;
* @var legendObj
public $legend;
* @var string
public $mappath;
* @var int
public $maxsize;
* @var hashTableObj
public $metadata;
* @var string
public $name;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numlayers;
* @var outputformatObj
public $outputformat;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numoutputformats;
* @var projectionObj
public $projection;
* @var querymapObj
public $querymap;
* @var referenceMapObj
public $reference;
* pixels per inch, defaults to 72
* @var double
public $resolution;
* @var scalebarObj
public $scalebar;
* read-only, set by drawMap()
* @var double
public $scaledenom;
* @var string
public $shapepath;
* @var int
public $status;
* read-only, set by setSymbolSet()
* @var string
public $symbolsetfilename;
* map units type
* @var int
public $units;
* @var webObj
public $web;
* see setSize()
* @var int
public $width;
* Returns a new object to deal with a MapServer map file.
* Construct a new mapObj from a mapfile string. Returns a new object to deal
* with a MapServer map file.
* .. note::
* By default, the SYMBOLSET, FONTSET, and other paths in the mapfile
* are relative to the mapfile location. If new_map_path is provided
* then this directory will be used as the base path for all the
* rewlative paths inside the mapfile.
* @param string $map_file_name
* @param string $new_map_path
final public function __construct($map_file_name, $new_map_path) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param string $map_file_string
* @param string $new_map_path
* @return mapObj
final public function ms_newMapObjFromString($map_file_string, $new_map_path) {}
* Applies the config options set in the map file. For example
* setting the PROJ_LIB using the setconfigoption only modifies
* the value in the map object. applyconfigoptions will actually
* change the PROJ_LIB value that will be used when dealing with
* projection.
* @return int
final public function applyconfigoptions() {}
* Apply the :ref:`SLD` document to the map file. The matching between the
* sld document and the map file will be done using the layer's name.
* See :ref:`SLD HowTo <sld>` for more information on the SLD support.
* @param string $sldxml
* @return int
final public function applySLD($sldxml) {}
* Apply the SLD document pointed by the URL to the map file. The
* matching between the sld document and the map file will be done
* using the layer's name.
* See :ref:`SLD HowTo <sld>` for more information on the SLD support.
* @param string $sldurl
* @return int
final public function applySLDURL($sldurl) {}
* Saves the object to a string.
* .. note::
* The inverse method updateFromString does not exist for the mapObj
* .. versionadded:: 6.4
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Render map and return an image object or NULL on error.
* @return imageObj|null
final public function draw() {}
* Renders the labels for a map. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param imageObj $image
* @return int
final public function drawLabelCache(imageObj $image) {}
* Render legend and return an image object.
* @return imageObj
final public function drawLegend() {}
* Render a query map and return an image object or NULL on error.
* @return imageObj|null
final public function drawQuery() {}
* Render reference map and return an image object.
* @return imageObj
final public function drawReferenceMap() {}
* Render scale bar and return an image object.
* @return imageObj
final public function drawScaleBar() {}
* embeds a legend. Actually the legend is just added to the label
* cache so you must invoke drawLabelCache() to actually do the
* rendering (unless postlabelcache is set in which case it is
* drawn right away). Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param imageObj $image
* @return int
final public function embedLegend(imageObj $image) {}
* embeds a scalebar. Actually the scalebar is just added to the label
* cache so you must invoke drawLabelCache() to actually do the rendering
* (unless postlabelcache is set in which case it is drawn right away).
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param imageObj $image
* @return int
final public function embedScalebar(imageObj $image) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* void freeQuery(layerindex)
* Frees the query result on a specified layer. If the layerindex is -1,
* all queries on layers will be freed.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Returns an SLD XML string based on all the classes found in all
* the layers that have `STATUS` `on`.
* @return string
final public function generateSLD() {}
* Return an array containing all the group names used in the
* layers. If there are no groups, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getAllGroupNames() {}
* Return an array containing all the layer names.
* If there are no layers, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getAllLayerNames() {}
* Returns a colorObj corresponding to the color index in the
* palette.
* @param int $iCloIndex
* @return colorObj
final public function getColorbyIndex($iCloIndex) {}
* Returns the config value associated with the key.
* Returns an empty sting if key not found.
* @param string $key
* @return string
final public function getConfigOption($key) {}
* Returns a labelcacheMemberObj from the map given an index value
* (0=first label). Labelcache has to be enabled.
* .. code-block:: php
* while ($oLabelCacheMember = $oMap->getLabel($i)) {
* do something with the labelcachemember
* ++$i;
* }
* @param int $index
* @return labelcacheMemberObj
final public function getLabel($index) {}
* Returns a layerObj from the map given an index value (0=first layer)
* @param int $index
* @return layerObj
final public function getLayer($index) {}
* Returns a layerObj from the map given a layer name.
* Returns NULL if layer doesn't exist.
* @param string $layer_name
* @return layerObj
final public function getLayerByName($layer_name) {}
* Return an array containing layer's index in the order which they
* are drawn. If there are no layers, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getLayersDrawingOrder() {}
* Return an array containing all the layer's indexes given
* a group name. If there are no layers, it returns an empty array.
* @param string $groupname
* @return array
final public function getLayersIndexByGroup($groupname) {}
* Fetch metadata entry by name (stored in the :ref:`WEB` object in
* the map file). Returns "" if no entry matches the name.
* .. note::
* getMetaData's query is case sensitive.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function getMetaData($name) {}
* Return the number of symbols in map.
* @return int
final public function getNumSymbols() {}
* Returns a string representation of the projection.
* Returns NULL on error or if no projection is set.
* @return string
final public function getProjection() {}
* Returns the symbol index using the name.
* @param string $symbol_name
* @return int
final public function getSymbolByName($symbol_name) {}
* Returns the symbol object using a symbol id. Refer to
* the symbol object reference section for more details.
* int insertLayer( layerObj layer [, int nIndex=-1 ] )
* Insert a copy of *layer* into the Map at index *nIndex*. The
* default value of *nIndex* is -1, which means the last possible
* index. Returns the index of the new Layer, or -1 in the case of a
* failure.
* @param int $symbolid
* @return symbolObj
final public function getSymbolObjectById($symbolid) {}
* Available only if WMS support is enabled. Load a :ref:`WMS Map
* Context <map_context>` XML file into the current mapObj. If the
* map already contains some layers then the layers defined in the
* WMS Map context document are added to the current map. The 2nd
* argument unique_layer_name is optional and if set to MS_TRUE
* layers created will have a unique name (unique prefix added to the
* name). If set to MS_FALSE the layer name will be the the same name
* as in the context. The default value is MS_FALSE. Returns
* @param string $filename
* @param bool $unique_layer_name
* @return int
final public function loadMapContext($filename, $unique_layer_name) {}
* Load OWS request parameters (BBOX, LAYERS, &c.) into map. Returns
* MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. 2nd argument version is not mandatory.
* If not given, the version will be set to 1.1.1
* int loadQuery(filename)
* Loads a query from a file. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* To be used with savequery.
* @param OwsrequestObj $request
* @param string $version
* @return int
final public function loadOWSParameters(OwsrequestObj $request, $version) {}
* Move layer down in the hierarchy of drawing.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param int $layerindex
* @return int
final public function moveLayerDown($layerindex) {}
* Move layer up in the hierarchy of drawing.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param int $layerindex
* @return int
final public function moveLayerUp($layerindex) {}
* Offset the map extent based on the given distances in map coordinates.
* @param double $x
* @param double $y
* @return int
final public function offsetExtent($x, $y) {}
* Processes and executes the passed OpenGIS Web Services request on
* the map. Returns MS_DONE (2) if there is no valid OWS request in
* the req object, MS_SUCCESS (0) if an OWS request was successfully
* processed and MS_FAILURE (1) if an OWS request was not
* successfully processed. OWS requests include :ref:`WMS
* <wms_server>`, :ref:`WFS <wfs_server>`, :ref:`WCS <wcs_server>`
* and :ref:`SOS <sos_server>` requests supported by MapServer.
* Results of a dispatched request are written to stdout and can be
* captured using the msIO services (ie. ms_ioinstallstdouttobuffer()
* and ms_iogetstdoutbufferstring())
* @param OwsrequestObj $request
* @return int
final public function owsDispatch(OwsrequestObj $request) {}
* Return a blank image object.
* @return imageObj
final public function prepareImage() {}
* Calculate the scale of the map and set map->scaledenom.
* @return void
final public function prepareQuery() {}
* Process legend template files and return the result in a buffer.
* .. seealso::
* :ref:`processtemplate <processtemplate>`
* @param array $params
* @return string
final public function processLegendTemplate(array $params) {}
* Process query template files and return the result in a buffer.
* Second argument generateimages is not mandatory. If not given
* it will be set to TRUE.
* .. seealso::
* :ref:`processtemplate <processtemplate>`
* .. _processtemplate:
* @param array $params
* @param bool $generateimages
* @return string
final public function processQueryTemplate(array $params, $generateimages) {}
* Process the template file specified in the web object and return the
* result in a buffer. The processing consists of opening the template
* file and replace all the tags found in it. Only tags that have an
* equivalent element in the map object are replaced (ex [scaledenom]).
* The are two exceptions to the previous statement :
* - [img], [scalebar], [ref], [legend] would be replaced with the
* appropriate url if the parameter generateimages is set to
* MS_TRUE. (Note : the images corresponding to the different objects
* are generated if the object is set to MS_ON in the map file)
* - the user can use the params parameter to specify tags and
* their values. For example if the user have a specific tag call
* [my_tag] and would like it to be replaced by "value_of_my_tag"
* he would do
* .. code-block:: php
* $tmparray["my_tag"] = "value_of_my_tag";
* $map->processtemplate($tmparray, MS_FALSE);
* @param array $params
* @param bool $generateimages
* @return string
final public function processTemplate(array $params, $generateimages) {}
* Perform a query based on a previous set of results from
* a layer. At present the results MUST be based on a polygon layer.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param int $slayer
* @return int
final public function queryByFeatures($slayer) {}
* Add a specific shape on a given layer to the query result.
* If addtoquery (which is a non mandatory argument) is set to MS_TRUE,
* the shape will be added to the existing query list. Default behavior
* is to free the existing query list and add only the new shape.
* @param $layerindex
* @param $tileindex
* @param $shapeindex
* @param $addtoquery
* @return int
final public function queryByIndex( $layerindex, $tileindex, $shapeindex, $addtoquery) {}
* Query all selected layers in map at point location specified in
* georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels).
* The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a :ref:`CLASS`
* that contains a :ref:`TEMPLATE` value or that match any class in a
* layer that contains a :ref:`LAYER` :ref:`TEMPLATE <template>` value.
* Mode is MS_SINGLE or MS_MULTIPLE depending on number of results
* you want.
* Passing buffer -1 defaults to tolerances set in the map file
* (in pixels) but you can use a constant buffer (specified in
* ground units) instead.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param pointObj $point
* @param int $mode
* @param double $buffer
* @return int
final public function queryByPoint(pointObj $point, $mode, $buffer) {}
* Query all selected layers in map using a rectangle specified in
* georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels). The query is
* performed on all the shapes that are part of a :ref:`CLASS` that
* contains a :ref:`TEMPLATE` value or that match any class in a
* layer that contains a :ref:`LAYER` :ref:`TEMPLATE <template>`
* value. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if
* nothing was found or if some other error happened (note that the
* error message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP
* using the '@' control operator).
* @param rectObj $rect
* @return int
final public function queryByRect(rectObj $rect) {}
* Query all selected layers in map based on a single shape, the
* shape has to be a polygon at this point.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing
* was found or if some other error happened (note that the error
* message in case nothing was found can be avoided in PHP using
* the '@' control operator).
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function queryByShape(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Remove a layer from the mapObj. The argument is the index of the
* layer to be removed. Returns the removed layerObj on success, else
* null.
* @param int $nIndex
* @return layerObj
final public function removeLayer($nIndex) {}
* Remove a metadata entry for the map (stored in the WEB object in the map
* file). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function removeMetaData($name) {}
* Save current map object state to a file. Returns -1 on error.
* Use absolute path. If a relative path is used, then it will be
* relative to the mapfile location.
* @param string $filename
* @return int
final public function save($filename) {}
* Available only if WMS support is enabled. Save current map object
* state in :ref:`WMS Map Context <map_context>` format. Only WMS
* layers are saved in the WMS Map Context XML file. Returns
* @param string $filename
* @return int
final public function saveMapContext($filename) {}
* Save the current query in a file. Results determines the save format -
* MS_TRUE (or 1/true) saves the query results (tile index and shape index),
* MS_FALSE (or 0/false) the query parameters (and the query will be re-run
* in loadquery). Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. Either save format can be
* used with loadquery. See RFC 65 and ticket #3647 for details of different
* save formats.
* @param string $filename
* @param int $results
* @return int
final public function saveQuery($filename, $results) {}
* Scale the map extent using the zoomfactor and ensure the extent
* within the minscaledenom and maxscaledenom domain. If
* minscaledenom and/or maxscaledenom is 0 then the parameter is not
* taken into account. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
* @param double $zoomfactor
* @param double $minscaledenom
* @param double $maxscaledenom
* @return int
final public function scaleExtent($zoomfactor, $minscaledenom, $maxscaledenom) {}
* Selects the output format to be used in the map.
* .. note::
* the type used should correspond to one of the output formats
* declared in the map file. The type argument passed is compared
* with the mimetype parameter in the output format structure and
* then to the name parameter in the structure.
* @param string $type
* @return int
final public function selectOutputFormat($type) {}
* Appends outputformat object in the map object.
* Returns the new numoutputformats value.
* @param outputFormatObj $outputFormat
* @return int
final public function appendOutputFormat(outputFormatObj $outputFormat) {}
* Remove outputformat from the map.
* @param string $name
* @return int
final public function removeOutputFormat($name) {}
* Returns the outputformat at index position.
* @param int $index
* @return outputFormatObj
final public function getOutputFormat($index) {}
* Set map object property to new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Set the map center to the given map point.
* @param pointObj $center
* @return int
final public function setCenter(pointObj $center) {}
* Sets a config parameter using the key and the value passed
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setConfigOption($key, $value) {}
* Set the map extents using the georef extents passed in argument.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param double $minx
* @param double $miny
* @param double $maxx
* @param double $maxy
* @return void
final public function setExtent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) {}
* Load and set a new :ref:`fontset`.
* boolean setLayersDrawingOrder(array layeryindex)
* Set the layer's order array. The argument passed must be a valid
* array with all the layer's index.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param string $fileName
* @return int
final public function setFontSet($fileName) {}
* Set a metadata entry for the map (stored in the WEB object in the map
* file). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setMetaData($name, $value) {}
* Set map projection and coordinate system. Returns MS_SUCCESS or
* MS_FAILURE on error.
* Parameters are given as a single string of comma-delimited PROJ.4
* parameters. The argument : bSetUnitsAndExtents is used to
* automatically update the map units and extents based on the new
* projection. Possible values are MS_TRUE and MS_FALSE. By default it is
* set at MS_FALSE.
* @param string $proj_params
* @param bool $bSetUnitsAndExtents
* @return int
final public function setProjection($proj_params, $bSetUnitsAndExtents) {}
* Set map rotation angle. The map view rectangle (specified in
* EXTENTS) will be rotated by the indicated angle in the counter-
* clockwise direction. Note that this implies the rendered map
* will be rotated by the angle in the clockwise direction.
* @param double $rotation_angle
* @return int
final public function setRotation($rotation_angle) {}
* Set the map width and height. This method updates the internal
* geotransform and other data structures required for map rotation
* so it should be used instead of setting the width and height members
* directly.
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @return int
final public function setSize($width, $height) {}
* Load and set a symbol file dynamically.
* @param string $fileName
* @return int
final public function setSymbolSet($fileName) {}
* Same as setProjection(), but takes an OGC WKT projection
* definition string as input. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* .. note::
* setWKTProjection requires GDAL support
* @param string $proj_params
* @param bool $bSetUnitsAndExtents
* @return int
final public function setWKTProjection($proj_params, $bSetUnitsAndExtents) {}
* Zoom to a given XY position. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* Parameters are
* - Zoom factor : positive values do zoom in, negative values
* zoom out. Factor of 1 will recenter.
* - Pixel position (pointObj) : x, y coordinates of the click,
* with (0,0) at the top-left
* - Width : width in pixel of the current image.
* - Height : Height in pixel of the current image.
* - Georef extent (rectObj) : current georef extents.
* - MaxGeoref extent (rectObj) : (optional) maximum georef extents.
* If provided then it will be impossible to zoom/pan outside of
* those extents.
* @param int $nZoomFactor
* @param pointObj $oPixelPos
* @param int $nImageWidth
* @param int $nImageHeight
* @param rectObj $oGeorefExt
* @return int
final public function zoomPoint($nZoomFactor, pointObj $oPixelPos, $nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, rectObj $oGeorefExt) {}
* Set the map extents to a given extents. Returns MS_SUCCESS or
* MS_FAILURE on error.
* Parameters are :
* - oPixelExt (rect object) : Pixel Extents
* - Width : width in pixel of the current image.
* - Height : Height in pixel of the current image.
* - Georef extent (rectObj) : current georef extents.
* @param rectObj $oPixelExt
* @param int $nImageWidth
* @param int $nImageHeight
* @param rectObj $oGeorefExt
* @return int
final public function zoomRectangle(rectObj $oPixelExt, $nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, rectObj $oGeorefExt) {}
* Zoom in or out to a given XY position so that the map is
* displayed at specified scale. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* Parameters are :
* - ScaleDenom : Scale denominator of the scale at which the map
* should be displayed.
* - Pixel position (pointObj) : x, y coordinates of the click,
* with (0,0) at the top-left
* - Width : width in pixel of the current image.
* - Height : Height in pixel of the current image.
* - Georef extent (rectObj) : current georef extents.
* - MaxGeoref extent (rectObj) : (optional) maximum georef extents.
* If provided then it will be impossible to zoom/pan outside of
* those extents.
* @param double $nScaleDenom
* @param pointObj $oPixelPos
* @param int $nImageWidth
* @param int $nImageHeight
* @param rectObj $oGeorefExt
* @param rectObj $oMaxGeorefExt
* @return int
final public function zoomScale($nScaleDenom, pointObj $oPixelPos, $nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, rectObj $oGeorefExt, rectObj $oMaxGeorefExt) {}
* Instance of outputformatObj is always embedded inside the `mapObj`_.
* It is uses a read only.
* No constructor available (coming soon, see ticket 979)
final class outputformatObj
* @var string
public $driver;
* @var string
public $extension;
* MS_IMAGEMODE_* value.
* @var int
public $imagemode;
* @var string
public $mimetype;
* @var string
public $name;
* @var int
public $renderer;
* @var int
public $transparent;
* Returns the associated value for the format option property passed
* as argument. Returns an empty string if property not found.
* @param string $property_name
* @return string
final public function getOption($property_name) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Add or Modify the format option list. return true on success.
* .. code-block:: php
* $oMap->outputformat->setOption("OUTPUT_TYPE", "RASTER");
* @param string $property_name
* @param string $new_value
* @return void
final public function setOption($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Checks some internal consistency issues, Returns MS_SUCCESS or
* MS_FAILURE. Some problems are fixed up internally. May produce debug
* output if issues encountered.
* @return int
final public function validate() {}
final class OwsrequestObj
* (read-only)
* @var int
public $numparams;
* @var int
public $type;
* request = ms_newOwsrequestObj();
* Create a new ows request object.
final public function __construct() {}
* Add a request parameter, even if the parameter key was previousely set.
* This is useful when multiple parameters with the same key are required.
* For example :
* .. code-block:: php
* $request->addparameter('SIZE', 'x(100)');
* $request->addparameter('SIZE', 'y(100)');
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function addParameter($name, $value) {}
* Return the name of the parameter at *index* in the request's array
* of parameter names.
* @param int $index
* @return string
final public function getName($index) {}
* Return the value of the parameter at *index* in the request's array
* of parameter values.
* @param int $index
* @return string
final public function getValue($index) {}
* Return the value associated with the parameter *name*.
* @param string $name
* @return string
final public function getValueByName($name) {}
* Initializes the OWSRequest object from the cgi environment variables
* name/value pairs collected.
* @return int
final public function loadParams() {}
* Set a request parameter. For example :
* .. code-block:: php
* $request->setparameter('REQUEST', 'GetMap');
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setParameter($name, $value) {}
final class pointObj
* @var double
public $x;
* @var double
public $y;
* used for 3d shape files. set to 0 for other types
* @var double
public $z;
* used only for measured shape files - set to 0 for other types
* @var double
public $m;
final public function __construct() {}
* Old style constructor
* @return PointObj
final public function ms_newPointObj() {}
* Calculates distance between a point ad a lined defined by the
* two points passed in argument.
* @param pointObj $p1
* @param pointObj $p2
* @return double
final public function distanceToLine(pointObj $p1, pointObj $p2) {}
* Calculates distance between two points.
* @param pointObj $poPoint
* @return double
final public function distanceToPoint(pointObj $poPoint) {}
* Calculates the minimum distance between a point and a shape.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return double
final public function distanceToShape(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Draws the individual point using layer. The class_index is used
* to classify the point based on the classes defined for the layer.
* The text string is used to annotate the point. (Optional)
* @param mapObj $map
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param imageObj $img
* @param int $class_index
* @param string $text
* @return int
final public function draw(mapObj $map, layerObj $layer, imageObj $img, $class_index, $text) {}
* Project the point from "in" projection (1st argument) to "out"
* projection (2nd argument). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param projectionObj $in
* @param projectionObj $out
* @return int
final public function project(projectionObj $in, projectionObj $out) {}
* Set X,Y coordinate values.
* .. note::
* the 3rd parameter m is used for measured shape files only.
* It is not mandatory.
* @param double $x
* @param double $y
* @param double $m
* @return int
final public function setXY($x, $y, $m) {}
* Set X,Y,Z coordinate values.
* .. note::
* the 4th parameter m is used for measured shape files only.
* It is not mandatory.
* @param double $x
* @param double $y
* @param double $z
* @param double $m
* @return int
final public function setXYZ($x, $y, $z, $m) {}
final class projectionObj
* Creates a projection object based on the projection string passed
* as argument.
* $projInObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=latlong")
* will create a geographic projection class.
* The following example will convert a lat/long point to an LCC
* projection:
* $projInObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=latlong");
* $projOutObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=lcc,ellps=GRS80,lat_0=49,".
* "lon_0=-95,lat_1=49,lat_2=77");
* $poPoint = ms_newpointobj();
* $poPoint->setXY(-92.0, 62.0);
* $poPoint->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
* @param string $projectionString
final public function __construct($projectionString) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param string $projectionString
* @return ProjectionObj
final public function ms_newProjectionObj($projectionString) {}
* Returns the units of a projection object. Returns -1 on error.
* @return int
final public function getUnits() {}
* Instances of querymapObj are always are always embedded inside the
* `mapObj`_.
final class querymapObj
* @var colorObj
public $color;
* @var int
public $height;
* @var int
public $width;
* @var int
public $style;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Update a queryMap object from a string snippet. Returns
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
* rectObj are sometimes embedded inside other objects. New ones can
* also be created with:
final class rectObj
* @var double
public $minx;
* @var double
public $miny;
* @var double
public $maxx;
* @var double
public $maxy;
* .. note:: the members (minx, miny, maxx ,maxy) are initialized to -1;
final public function __construct() {}
* Old style constructor
* @return RectObj
final public function ms_newRectObj() {}
* Draws the individual rectangle using layer. The class_index is used
* to classify the rectangle based on the classes defined for the layer.
* The text string is used to annotate the rectangle. (Optional)
* @param mapObj $map
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param imageObj $img
* @param int $class_index
* @param string $text
* @return int
final public function draw(mapObj $map, layerObj $layer, imageObj $img, $class_index, $text) {}
* Adjust extents of the rectangle to fit the width/height specified.
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @return double
final public function fit($width, $height) {}
* Project the rectangle from "in" projection (1st argument) to "out"
* projection (2nd argument). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param projectionObj $in
* @param projectionObj $out
* @return int
final public function project(projectionObj $in, projectionObj $out) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Set the rectangle extents.
* @param double $minx
* @param double $miny
* @param double $maxx
* @param double $maxy
* @return void
final public function setextent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy) {}
* Instances of referenceMapObj are always embedded inside the `mapObj`_.
final class referenceMapObj
* @var ColorObj
public $color;
* @var int
public $height;
* @var rectObj
public $extent;
* @var string
public $image;
* @var int
public $marker;
* @var string
public $markername;
* @var int
public $markersize;
* @var int
public $maxboxsize;
* @var int
public $minboxsize;
* @var ColorObj
public $outlinecolor;
* @var int
public $status;
* @var int
public $width;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Update a referenceMap object from a string snippet.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
final class resultObj
* read-only
* @var int
public $classindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $resultindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $shapeindex;
* read-only
* @var int
public $tileindex;
* or using the `layerObj`_'s getResult() method.
* @param int $shapeindex
final public function __construct($shapeindex) {}
* Instances of scalebarObj are always embedded inside the `mapObj`_.
final class scalebarObj
* @var int
public $align;
* @var colorObj
public $backgroundcolor;
* @var colorObj
public $color;
* @var int
public $height;
* @var colorObj
public $imagecolor;
* @var int
public $intervals;
* @var labelObj
public $label;
* @var colorObj
public $outlinecolor;
* for embedded scalebars, MS_UL, MS_UC, ...
* @var int
public $position;
* @var int
public $postlabelcache;
* @var int
public $status;
* @var int
public $style;
* @var int
public $units;
* @var int
public $width;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Sets the imagecolor property (baclground) of the object.
* Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error.
* @param int $red
* @param int $green
* @param int $blue
* @return int
final public function setImageColor($red, $green, $blue) {}
* Update a scalebar from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
final class shapefileObj
* read-only
* @var rectObj
public $bounds;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numshapes;
* read-only
* @var string
public $source;
* read-only
* @var int
public $type;
* Opens a shapefile and returns a new object to deal with it. Filename
* should be passed with no extension. To create a new file (or
* overwrite an existing one), type should be one of MS_SHP_POINT,
* open an existing file for read-only access, and type=-2 to open an
* existing file for update (append).
* @param string $filename
* @param int $type
final public function __construct($filename, $type) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param string $filename
* @param int $type
* @return shapefileObj
final public function ms_newShapefileObj($filename, $type) {}
* Appends a point to an open shapefile.
* @param pointObj $point
* @return int
final public function addPoint(pointObj $point) {}
* Appends a shape to an open shapefile.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function addShape(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* .. note::
* The shape file is closed (and changes committed) when
* the object is destroyed. You can explicitly close and save
* the changes by calling $shapefile->free();
* unset($shapefile), which will also free the php object.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Retrieve a shape's bounding box by index.
* @param int $i
* @return rectObj
final public function getExtent($i) {}
* Retrieve point by index.
* @param int $i
* @return shapeObj
final public function getPoint($i) {}
* Retrieve shape by index.
* @param int $i
* @return shapeObj
final public function getShape($i) {}
* Retrieve shape by index.
* @param mapObj $map
* @param int $i
* @return shapeObj
final public function getTransformed(mapObj $map, $i) {}
final class shapeObj
* read-only
* @var rectObj
public $bounds;
* @var int
public $classindex;
* @var int
public $index;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numlines;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numvalues;
* read-only
* @var int
public $tileindex;
* @var string
public $text;
* read-only
* @var int
public $type;
* read-only
* @var array
public $values;
* Creates new shape object from WKT string.
* @param int $type
final public function __construct($type) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param string $wkt
* @return ShapeObj
final public function ms_shapeObjFromWkt($wkt) {}
* Add a line (i.e. a part) to the shape.
* @param lineObj $line
* @return int
final public function add(lineObj $line) {}
* Returns the boundary of the shape.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* shapeObj buffer(width)
* Returns a new buffered shapeObj based on the supplied distance (given
* in the coordinates of the existing shapeObj).
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @return shapeObj
final public function boundary() {}
* Returns true if shape2 passed as argument is entirely within the shape.
* Else return false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS
* library.
* @param shapeObj $shape2
* @return int
final public function containsShape(shapeObj $shape2) {}
* Returns a shape object representing the convex hull of shape.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS
* library.
* @return shapeObj
final public function convexhull() {}
* Returns MS_TRUE if the point is inside the shape, MS_FALSE otherwise.
* @param pointObj $point
* @return bool
final public function contains(pointObj $point) {}
* Returns true if the shape passed as argument crosses the shape.
* Else return false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function crosses(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns a shape object representing the difference of the
* shape object with the one passed as parameter.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return shapeObj
final public function difference(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns true if the shape passed as argument is disjoint to the
* shape. Else return false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function disjoint(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Draws the individual shape using layer.
* @param mapObj $map
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param imageObj $img
* @return int
final public function draw(mapObj $map, layerObj $layer, imageObj $img) {}
* Returns true if the shape passed as argument is equal to the
* shape (geometry only). Else return false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function equals(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Returns the area of the shape (if applicable).
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @return double
final public function getArea() {}
* Returns a point object representing the centroid of the shape.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @return pointObj
final public function getCentroid() {}
* Returns a point object with coordinates suitable for labelling
* the shape.
* @return pointObj
final public function getLabelPoint() {}
* Returns the length (or perimeter) of the shape.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* pointObj getMeasureUsingPoint(pointObj point)
* Apply only on Measured shape files. Given an XY Location, find the
* nearest point on the shape object. Return a point object
* of this point with the m value set.
* @return double
final public function getLength() {}
* Apply only on Measured shape files. Given a measure m, retun the
* corresponding XY location on the shapeobject.
* @param double $m
* @return pointObj
final public function getPointUsingMeasure($m) {}
* Returns the value for a given field name.
* @param layerObj $layer
* @param string $filedname
* @return string
final public function getValue(layerObj $layer, $filedname) {}
* Returns a shape object representing the intersection of the shape
* object with the one passed as parameter.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return shapeObj
final public function intersection(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns MS_TRUE if the two shapes intersect, MS_FALSE otherwise.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return bool
final public function intersects(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns a reference to line number i.
* @param int $i
* @return LineObj
final public function line($i) {}
* Returns true if the shape passed as argument overlaps the shape.
* Else returns false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function overlaps(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Project the shape from "in" projection (1st argument) to "out"
* projection (2nd argument). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param projectionObj $in
* @param projectionObj $out
* @return int
final public function project(projectionObj $in, projectionObj $out) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Updates the bounds property of the shape.
* Must be called to calculate new bounding box after new parts have been
* added.
* @return int
final public function setBounds() {}
* Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on
* error. Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library
* (>=3.0).
* @param double $tolerance
* @return shapeObj|null
final public function simplify($tolerance) {}
* Returns the computed symmetric difference of the supplied and
* existing shape.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return shapeObj
final public function symdifference(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on
* error. Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library
* (>=3.0).
* @param double $tolerance
* @return shapeObj|null
final public function topologyPreservingSimplify($tolerance) {}
* Returns true if the shape passed as argument touches the shape.
* Else return false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return int
final public function touches(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns WKT representation of the shape's geometry.
* @return string
final public function toWkt() {}
* Returns a shape object representing the union of the shape object
* with the one passed as parameter.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS
* library
* @param shapeObj $shape
* @return shapeObj
final public function union(shapeObj $shape) {}
* Returns true if the shape is entirely within the shape2 passed as
* argument.
* Else returns false.
* Only available if php/mapscript is built with GEOS library.
* @param shapeObj $shape2
* @return int
final public function within(shapeObj $shape2) {}
* Instances of styleObj are always embedded inside a `classObj`_ or `labelObj`_.
final class styleObj
* @var double
public $angle;
* @var int
public $antialias;
* @var colorObj
public $backgroundcolor;
* @var colorObj
public $color;
* @var double
public $maxsize;
* @var double
public $maxvalue;
* @var double
public $maxwidth;
* @var double
public $minsize;
* @var double
public $minvalue;
* @var double
public $minwidth;
* @var int
public $offsetx;
* @var int
public $offsety;
* only supported for the AGG driver
* @var int
public $opacity;
* @var colorObj
public $outlinecolor;
* @var string
public $rangeitem;
* @var double
public $size;
* @var int
public $symbol;
* @var string
public $symbolname;
* @var double
public $width;
* The second argument 'style' is optional. If given, the new style
* created will be a copy of the style passed as argument.
* @param labelObj $label
* @param styleObj $style
final public function __construct(labelObj $label, styleObj $style) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param classObj $class
* @param styleObj $style
* @return styleObj
final public function ms_newStyleObj(classObj $class, styleObj $style) {}
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Get the attribute binding for a specfiled style property. Returns
* NULL if there is no binding for this property.
* .. code-block:: php
* echo $oStyle->getbinding(MS_STYLE_BINDING_COLOR); // FIELD_NAME_COLOR
* @param mixed $stylebinding
* @return string
final public function getBinding($stylebinding) {}
* @return string
final public function getGeomTransform() {}
* Remove the attribute binding for a specfiled style property.
* Added in MapServer 5.0.
* .. code-block:: php
* $oStyle->removebinding(MS_STYLE_BINDING_COLOR);
* @param mixed $stylebinding
* @return int
final public function removeBinding($stylebinding) {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Set the attribute binding for a specfiled style property.
* Added in MapServer 5.0.
* .. code-block:: php
* This would bind the color parameter with the data (ie will extract
* the value of the color from the field called "FIELD_NAME_COLOR"
* @param mixed $stylebinding
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setBinding($stylebinding, $value) {}
* @param string $value
* @return int
final public function setGeomTransform($value) {}
* Update a style from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}
final class symbolObj
* @var int
public $antialias;
* @var string
public $character;
* @var int
public $filled;
* @var string
public $font;
* read-only
* @var string
public $imagepath;
* If set to TRUE, the symbol will be saved
* inside the mapfile.
* @var int
public $inmapfile;
* read-only
* @var int
public $patternlength;
* @var int
public $position;
* @var string
public $name;
* read-only
* @var int
public $numpoints;
* @var double
public $sizex;
* @var double
public $sizey;
* @var int
public $transparent;
* @var int
public $transparentcolor;
* Creates a new symbol with default values in the symbolist.
* .. note::
* Using the new constructor, the symbol is automatically returned. The
* If a symbol with the same name exists, it (or its id) will be returned.
* $nId = ms_newSymbolObj($map, "symbol-test");
* $oSymbol = $map->getSymbolObjectById($nId);
* @param mapObj $map
* @param string $symbolname
final public function __construct(mapObj $map, $symbolname) {}
* Old style constructor
* @param mapObj $map
* @param string $symbolname
* @return int
final public function ms_newSymbolObj(mapObj $map, $symbolname) {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Returns an array containing the pattern. If there is no pattern, it
* returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getPatternArray() {}
* Returns an array containing the points of the symbol. Refer to
* setpoints to see how the array should be interpreted. If there are no
* points, it returns an empty array.
* @return array
final public function getPointsArray() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Loads a pixmap symbol specified by the filename.
* The file should be of either Gif or Png format.
* @param string $filename
* @return int
final public function setImagePath($filename) {}
* Set the pattern of the symbol (used for dash patterns).
* @param array $int
* @return int
final public function setPattern(array $int) {}
* Set the points of the symbol. Note that the values passed is an
* array containing the x and y values of the points. Returns
* Example:
* .. code-block:: php
* $array[0] = 1 # x value of the first point
* $array[1] = 0 # y values of the first point
* $array[2] = 1 # x value of the 2nd point
* ....
* @param array $double
* @return int
final public function setPoints(array $double) {}
* Instances of webObj are always are always embedded inside the `mapObj`_.
final class webObj
* @var string
public $browseformat;
* read-only
* @var string
public $empty;
* read-only
* @var string
public $error;
* read-only
* @var rectObj
public $extent;
* @var string
public $footer;
* @var string
public $header;
* @var string
public $imagepath;
* @var string
public $imageurl;
* @var string
public $legendformat;
* @var string
public $log;
* @var double
public $maxscaledenom;
* @var string
public $maxtemplate;
* @var hashTableObj
public $metadata;
* @var double
public $minscaledenom;
* @var string
public $mintemplate;
* @var string
public $queryformat;
* @var string
public $template;
* @var string
public $temppath;
* Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for
* updateFromString.
* @return string
final public function convertToString() {}
* Free the object properties and break the internal references.
* Note that you have to unset the php variable to free totally the
* resources.
* @return void
final public function free() {}
* Set object property to a new value.
* @param string $property_name
* @param $new_value
* @return int
final public function set($property_name, $new_value) {}
* Update a web object from a string snippet. Returns
* @param string $snippet
* @return int
final public function updateFromString($snippet) {}