
268 lines
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use JetBrains\PhpStorm\Deprecated;
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\Immutable;
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\Internal\LanguageLevelTypeAware;
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\Pure;
* The <b>ReflectionMethod</b> class reports
* information about a method.
* @link
class ReflectionMethod extends ReflectionFunctionAbstract
* @var string Name of the method, same as calling the {@see ReflectionMethod::getName()} method
public $name;
* @var string Fully qualified class name where this method was defined
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $class;
* Indicates that the method is static.
public const IS_STATIC = 16;
* Indicates that the method is public.
public const IS_PUBLIC = 1;
* Indicates that the method is protected.
public const IS_PROTECTED = 2;
* Indicates that the method is private.
public const IS_PRIVATE = 4;
* Indicates that the method is abstract.
public const IS_ABSTRACT = 64;
* Indicates that the method is final.
public const IS_FINAL = 32;
* Constructs a ReflectionMethod
* <code>
* $reflection = new ReflectionMethod(new Example(), 'method');
* $reflection = new ReflectionMethod(Example::class, 'method');
* $reflection = new ReflectionMethod('Example::method');
* </code>
* @link
* @param string|object $objectOrMethod Classname, object
* (instance of the class) that contains the method or class name and
* method name delimited by ::.
* @param string|null $method Name of the method if the first argument is a
* classname or an object.
* @throws \ReflectionException if the class or method does not exist.
public function __construct(
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'object|string'], default: '')] $objectOrMethod,
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'string|null'], default: '')] $method = null
) {}
* Export a reflection method.
* @link
* @param string $class The class name.
* @param string $name The name of the method.
* @param bool $return Setting to {@see true} will return the export,
* as opposed to emitting it. Setting to {@see false} (the default) will do the
* opposite.
* @return string|null If the $return parameter is set to {@see true}, then
* the export is returned as a string, otherwise {@see null} is returned.
* @removed 8.0
#[Deprecated(since: '7.4')]
public static function export($class, $name, $return = false) {}
* Returns the string representation of the ReflectionMethod object.
* @link
* @return string A string representation of this {@see ReflectionMethod} instance.
public function __toString() {}
* Checks if method is public
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is public, otherwise {@see false}
public function isPublic() {}
* Checks if method is private
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is private, otherwise {@see false}
public function isPrivate() {}
* Checks if method is protected
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is protected, otherwise {@see false}
public function isProtected() {}
* Checks if method is abstract
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is abstract, otherwise {@see false}
public function isAbstract() {}
* Checks if method is final
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is final, otherwise {@see false}
public function isFinal() {}
* Checks if method is static
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is static, otherwise {@see false}
public function isStatic() {}
* Checks if method is a constructor
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is a constructor, otherwise {@see false}
public function isConstructor() {}
* Checks if method is a destructor
* @link
* @return bool Returns {@see true} if the method is a destructor, otherwise {@see false}
public function isDestructor() {}
* Returns a dynamically created closure for the method
* @link
* @param object $object Forbidden for static methods, required for other methods or nothing.
* @return Closure Retruns {@see Closure} or {@see null} in case of an error.
* @since 5.4
public function getClosure(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'object|null'], default: '')] $object = null) {}
* Gets the method modifiers
* @link
* @return int A numeric representation of the modifiers. The modifiers are
* listed below. The actual meanings of these modifiers are described in the
* predefined constants.
* ReflectionMethod modifiers:
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC} - Indicates that the method is static.
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC} - Indicates that the method is public.
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED} - Indicates that the method is protected.
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE} - Indicates that the method is private.
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT} - Indicates that the method is abstract.
* - {@see ReflectionMethod::IS_FINAL} - Indicates that the method is final.
public function getModifiers() {}
* Invokes a reflected method.
* @link
* @param object|null $object The object to invoke the method on. For static
* methods, pass {@see null} to this parameter.
* @param mixed ...$args Zero or more parameters to be passed to the
* method. It accepts a variable number of parameters which are passed to
* the method.
* @return mixed Returns the method result.
* @throws ReflectionException if the object parameter does not contain an
* instance of the class that this method was declared in or the method
* invocation failed.
public function invoke($object, ...$args) {}
* Invokes the reflected method and pass its arguments as array.
* @link
* @param object|null $object The object to invoke the method on. In case
* of static methods, you can pass {@see null} to this parameter.
* @param array $args The parameters to be passed to the function, as an {@see array}.
* @return mixed the method result.
* @throws ReflectionException if the object parameter does not contain an
* instance of the class that this method was declared in or the method
* invocation failed.
public function invokeArgs(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'object|null'], default: '')] $object, array $args) {}
* Gets declaring class for the reflected method.
* @link
* @return ReflectionClass A {@see ReflectionClass} object of the class that the
* reflected method is part of.
public function getDeclaringClass() {}
* Gets the method prototype (if there is one).
* @link
* @return ReflectionMethod A {@see ReflectionMethod} instance of the method prototype.
* @throws ReflectionException if the method does not have a prototype
public function getPrototype() {}
* Set method accessibility
* @link
* @param bool $accessible {@see true} to allow accessibility, or {@see false}
* @return void No value is returned.
* @since 5.3.2
public function setAccessible(#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.0' => 'bool'], default: '')] $accessible) {}