
300 lines
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* Returns the stack depth level.
* The main body of a script is level 0 and each include and/or function call adds one to the stack depth level.
* @return int
function xdebug_get_stack_depth () {}
* Displays the current function stack, in a similar way as what Xdebug would display in an error situation.
* @param string $message
* @param int $options A bit mask of the following constants: XDEBUG_STACK_NO_DESC
* @return array
function xdebug_get_function_stack ($message = '', $options = 0) {}
* Returns an array which resembles the stack trace up to this point.
* @return array
function xdebug_print_function_stack () {}
* Returns an array where each element is a variable name which is defined in the current scope.
* @return array
function xdebug_get_declared_vars () {}
* This function returns the filename that contains the function/method that called the current function/method.
* @return string
function xdebug_call_file () {}
* This function returns the name of the class from which the current function/method was called from.
* @return string
function xdebug_call_class () {}
* This function returns the name of the function/method from which the current function/method was called from.
* @return string
function xdebug_call_function () {}
* This function returns the line number that contains the function/method that called the current function/method.
* @return int
function xdebug_call_line () {}
* This function starts the monitoring of functions that were given in a list as argument to this function.
* Function monitoring allows you to find out where in your code the functions that you provided as argument are called from.
* This can be used to track where old, or, discouraged functions are used.
* The defined functions are case sensitive, and a dynamic call to a static method will not be caught.
* @param string[] $list_of_functions_to_monitor
* @return void
function xdebug_start_function_monitor ( array $list_of_functions_to_monitor ) {}
* This function stops the function monitor.
* In order to get the list of monitored functions, you need to use the xdebug_get_monitored_functions() function.
* @return void
function xdebug_stop_function_monitor () {}
* Returns a structure which contains information about where the monitored functions were executed in your script.
* @return array
function xdebug_get_monitored_functions () {}
* This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value.
* Arrays are explored recursively with values.
* @return void
function xdebug_var_dump ($var) {}
* This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type, value and refcount information.
* Arrays are explored recursively with values.
* This function is implemented differently from PHP's debug_zval_dump() function in order to work around the problems
* that that function has because the variable itself is actually passed to the function.
* Xdebug's version is better as it uses the variable name to lookup the variable in the internal symbol table and
* accesses all the properties directly without having to deal with actually passing a variable to a function.
* The result is that the information that this function returns is much more accurate than PHP's own function
* for showing zval information.
* @param string $varName
* @return void
function xdebug_debug_zval ($varName) {}
* This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type,
* value and refcount information.
* Arrays are explored recursively with values.
* The difference with xdebug_debug_zval() is that the information is not displayed through a web server API layer,
* but directly shown on stdout (so that when you run it with apache in single process mode it ends up on the console).
* @param string $varName
* @return void
function xdebug_debug_zval_stdout ($varName) {}
* Enable showing stack traces on error conditions.
* @return void
function xdebug_enable () {}
* Disable showing stack traces on error conditions.
* @return void
function xdebug_disable () {}
* Return whether stack traces would be shown in case of an error or not.
* @return bool
function xdebug_is_enabled () {}
* Starts recording all notices, warnings and errors and prevents their display
* When this function is executed, Xdebug will cause PHP not to display any notices, warnings or errors.
* Instead, they are formatted according to Xdebug's normal error formatting rules (ie, the error table
* with the red exclamation mark) and then stored in a buffer.
* This will continue until you call xdebug_stop_error_collection().
* This buffer's contents can be retrieved by calling xdebug_get_collected_errors() and then subsequently displayed.
* This is really useful if you want to prevent Xdebug's powerful error reporting features from destroying your layout.
* @return void
function xdebug_start_error_collection () {}
* When this function is executed, error collection as started by xdebug_start_error_collection() is aborted.
* The errors stored in the collection buffer are not deleted and still available to be fetched through xdebug_get_collected_errors().
* @return void
function xdebug_stop_error_collection () {}
* This function returns all errors from the collection buffer that contains all errors that were stored there when error collection was started with xdebug_start_error_collection().
* By default this function will not clear the error collection buffer. If you pass true as argument to this function then the buffer will be cleared as well.
* This function returns a string containing all collected errors formatted as an "Xdebug table".
* @param bool $clean
* @return string
function xdebug_get_collected_errors ($clean = false) {}
* This function makes the debugger break on the specific line as if a normal file/line breakpoint was set on this line.
* @return bool
function xdebug_break () {}
* Start tracing function calls from this point to the file in the trace_file parameter.
* If no filename is given, then the trace file will be placed in the directory as configured by the xdebug.trace_output_dir setting.
* In case a file name is given as first parameter, the name is relative to the current working directory.
* This current working directory might be different than you expect it to be, so please use an absolute path in case you specify a file name.
* Use the PHP function getcwd() to figure out what the current working directory is.
* @param $trace_file
* @param $options
* @return void
function xdebug_start_trace ($trace_file, $options = 0) {}
* Stop tracing function calls and closes the trace file.
* @return void
function xdebug_stop_trace () {}
* Returns the name of the file which is used to trace the output of this script too.
* This is useful when xdebug.auto_trace is enabled.
* @return string
function xdebug_get_tracefile_name () {}
* Returns the name of the file which is used to save profile information to.
* @return string
function xdebug_get_profiler_filename () {}
* @return bool
function xdebug_dump_aggr_profiling_data () {}
* @return bool
function xdebug_clear_aggr_profiling_data () {}
* Returns the current amount of memory the script uses.
* Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit.
* From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.
* @return int
function xdebug_memory_usage () {}
* Returns the maximum amount of memory the script used until now.
* Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit.
* From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.
* @return int
function xdebug_peak_memory_usage () {}
* Returns the current time index since the starting of the script in seconds.
* @return float
function xdebug_time_index () {}
* This function starts gathering the information for code coverage.
* The information that is collected consists of an two dimensional array with as primary index the executed filename and as secondary key the line number.
* The value in the elements represents the total number of execution units on this line have been executed.
* Options to this function are: XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED Enables scanning of code to figure out which line has executable code.
* XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE Enables branch analyzes to figure out whether code can be executed.
* @param int $options
* @return void
function xdebug_start_code_coverage ($options = 0) {}
* This function stops collecting information, the information in memory will be destroyed.
* If you pass 0 ("false") as argument, then the code coverage information will not be destroyed so that you can resume
* the gathering of information with the xdebug_start_code_coverage() function again.
* @param int $cleanup Destroy collected information in memory
* @return void
function xdebug_stop_code_coverage ($cleanup = 1) {}
* Returns whether code coverage is active.
* @return bool
function xdebug_code_coverage_started () {}
* Returns a structure which contains information about which lines
* were executed in your script (including include files).
* @return array
function xdebug_get_code_coverage () {}
* Returns the number of functions called, including constructors, desctructors and methods.
* @return int
function xdebug_get_function_count () {}
* This function dumps the values of the elements of the super globals
* as specified with the xdebug.dump.* php.ini settings.
* @return void
function xdebug_dump_superglobals () {}
* Returns all the headers that are set with PHP's header() function,
* or any other header set internally within PHP (such as through setcookie()), as an array.
* @return array
function xdebug_get_headers () {}
function xdebug_get_formatted_function_stack() {}
define ('XDEBUG_STACK_NO_DESC', 1);
define ('XDEBUG_TRACE_APPEND', 1);
define ('XDEBUG_TRACE_HTML', 4);
define ('XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED', 1);
define ('XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE', 2);