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* Helper autocomplete for php solr extension.
* @author Pierre-Julien Mazenot <>
* @link
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Class SolrInputDocument<br/>
* This class represents a Solr document that is about to be submitted to the Solr index.
* @link
final class SolrInputDocument {
/** @var int Sorts the fields in ascending order. */
const SORT_DEFAULT = 1 ;
/** @var int Sorts the fields in ascending order. */
const SORT_ASC = 1 ;
/** @var int Sorts the fields in descending order. */
const SORT_DESC = 2 ;
/** @var int Sorts the fields by name */
const SORT_FIELD_NAME = 1 ;
/** @var int Sorts the fields by number of values. */
/** @var int Sorts the fields by boost value. */
* (PECL solr &gt;= 2.3.0)<br/>
* Adds a child document for block indexing
* @link
* @param SolrInputDocument $child <p>
* A SolrInputDocument object.
* </p>
* @throws SolrIllegalArgumentException
* @throws SolrException
public function addChildDocument(SolrInputDocument $child) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 2.3.0)<br/>
* Adds an array of child documents
* @link
* @param array $docs <p>
* An array of SolrInputDocument objects.
* </p>
* @throws SolrIllegalArgumentException
* @throws SolrException
public function addChildDocuments(array &$docs) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Adds a field to the document
* @link
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* The name of the field
* </p>
* @param string $fieldValue <p>
* The value for the field.
* </p>
* @param float $fieldBoostValue [optional] <p>
* The index time boost for the field. Though this cannot be negative, you can still pass values less than 1.0 but
* they must be greater than zero.
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function addField($fieldName, $fieldValue, $fieldBoostValue = 0.0) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Resets the input document
* @link
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function clear() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Creates a copy of a SolrDocument
* @link
public function __clone() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* SolrInputDocument constructor.
* @link
public function __construct () {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Removes a field from the document
* @link
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* The name of the field.
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function deleteField($fieldName) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Destructor
* @link
public function __destruct() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Checks if a field exists
* @link
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* Name of the field.
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> if the field was found and <b>FALSE</b> if it was not found.
* </p>
public function fieldExists($fieldName) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Retrieves the current boost value for the document
* @link
* @return float <p>
* Returns the boost value on success and <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function getBoost() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 2.3.0)<br/>
* Returns an array of child documents (SolrInputDocument)
* @link
* @return SolrInputDocument[]
public function getChildDocuments() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 2.3.0)<br/>
* Returns the number of child documents
* @link
* @return int
public function getChildDocumentsCount() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Retrieves a field by name
* @link
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* The name of the field.
* </p>
* @return SolrDocumentField Returns a SolrDocumentField object on success and <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
public function getField($fieldName) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Retrieves the boost value for a particular field
* @link
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* The name of the field.
* </p>
* @return float <p>
* Returns the boost value for the field or <b>FALSE</b> if there was an error.
* </p>
public function getFieldBoost($fieldName) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Returns the number of fields in the document
* @link
* @return int <p>
* Returns an integer on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function getFieldCount() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Returns an array containing all the fields in the document
* @link
* @return array <p>
* Returns an array on success and <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function getFieldNames() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 2.3.0)<br/>
* Checks whether the document has any child documents
* @link
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> if the document has any child documents
* </p>
public function hasChildDocuments() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Merges one input document into another
* @link
* @param SolrInputDocument $sourceDoc <p>
* The source document.
* </p>
* @param bool $overwrite [optional] <p>
* If this is <b>TRUE</b> it will replace matching fields in the destination document.
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure. In the future, this will be modified to return the
* number of fields in the new document.
* </p>
public function merge(SolrInputDocument $sourceDoc, $overwrite = true) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* This is an alias of SolrInputDocument::clear
* @link
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function reset() {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Sets the boost value for this document
* @link
* @param float $documentBoostValue <p>
* The index-time boost value for this document.
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function setBoost($documentBoostValue) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Sets the index-time boost value for a field
* @param string $fieldName <p>
* The name of the field.
* </p>
* @param float $fieldBoostValue <p>
* The index time boost value.
* </p>
public function setFieldBoost($fieldName, $fieldBoostValue) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Sorts the fields within the document
* @link
* @param int $sortOrderBy <p>
* The sort criteria, must be one of :
* <ul>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME</li>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE</li>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param int $sortDirection [optional] <p>
* The sort direction, can be one of :
* <ul>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_DEFAULT</li>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC</li>
* <li>SolrInputDocument::SORT_DESC</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @return bool <p>
* Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* </p>
public function sort($sortOrderBy, $sortDirection = SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC) {}
* (PECL solr &gt;= 0.9.2)<br/>
* Returns an array representation of the input document
* @link
* @return array <p>
* Returns an array containing the fields. It returns FALSE on failure.
* </p>
public function toArray() {}