
335 lines
10 KiB

// Start of enchant v.1.1.0
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\Deprecated;
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* create a new broker object capable of requesting
* @link
* @return resource|false|EnchantBroker a broker resource on success or <b>FALSE</b>.
function enchant_broker_init() {}
* Free the broker resource and its dictionaries
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
* @since 5.3
#[Deprecated(reason: "Unset the object instead", since: '8.0')]
function enchant_broker_free($broker) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Returns the last error of the broker
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource.
* </p>
* @return string|false Return the msg string if an error was found or <b>FALSE</b>
function enchant_broker_get_error($broker) {}
* Set the directory path for a given backend
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker
* @param int $dict_type
* @param string $value
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
#[Deprecated(since: '8.0', reason: 'Relying on this function is highly discouraged.')]
function enchant_broker_set_dict_path($broker, int $dict_type, string $value) {}
* Get the directory path for a given backend
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker
* @param int $dict_type
* @return string|false
#[Deprecated(since: '8.0', reason: 'Relying on this function is highly discouraged.')]
function enchant_broker_get_dict_path($broker, $dict_type) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 1.0.1)<br/>
* Returns a list of available dictionaries
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @return array Returns an array of available dictionaries with their details.
function enchant_broker_list_dicts($broker) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* create a new dictionary using a tag
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @param string $tag <p>
* A tag describing the locale, for example en_US, de_DE
* </p>
* @return resource|false|EnchantDictionary a dictionary resource on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
function enchant_broker_request_dict($broker, $tag) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* creates a dictionary using a PWL file
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @param string $filename <p>
* Path to the PWL file.
* </p>
* @return resource|false|EnchantDictionary a dictionary resource on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
function enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict($broker, $filename) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Free a dictionary resource
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
#[Deprecated("Unset the object instead", since: '8.0')]
function enchant_broker_free_dict($dict) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @param string $tag <p>
* non-empty tag in the LOCALE format, ex: us_US, ch_DE, etc.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> when the tag exist or <b>FALSE</b> when not.
function enchant_broker_dict_exists($broker, $tag) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @param string $tag <p>
* Language tag. The special "*" tag can be used as a language tag
* to declare a default ordering for any language that does not
* explicitly declare an ordering.
* </p>
* @param string $ordering <p>
* Comma delimited list of provider names
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
function enchant_broker_set_ordering($broker, $tag, $ordering) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0)<br/>
* Enumerates the Enchant providers
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantBroker $broker <p>
* Broker resource
* </p>
* @return array|false
function enchant_broker_describe($broker) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to check
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the word is spelled correctly, <b>FALSE</b> if not.
function enchant_dict_check($dict, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* Word to use for the suggestions.
* </p>
* @return array|false Will returns an array of suggestions if the word is bad spelled.
function enchant_dict_suggest($dict, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* add a word to personal word list
* @link
* @param resource $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to add
* </p>
* @return void
* @see enchant_dict_add()
reason: 'Use enchant_dict_add instead',
replacement: 'enchant_dict_add(%parameter0%, %parameter1%)',
since: '8.0'
function enchant_dict_add_to_personal($dict, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* add 'word' to this spell-checking session
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to add
* </p>
* @return void
function enchant_dict_add_to_session($dict, $word) {}
* (PHP 8)<br/>
* Add a word to personal word list
* @link
* @param EnchantDictionary $dictionary <p>
* An Enchant dictionary returned by enchant_broker_request_dict() or enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict().
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to add
* </p>
* @return void
* @since 8.0
function enchant_dict_add($dictionary, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
* @link
* @param resource $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to lookup
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the word exists or <b>FALSE</b>
* @see enchant_dict_is_added
reason: 'Use enchant_dict_is_added instead',
replacement: 'enchant_dict_is_added(%parameter0%, %parameter1%)',
since: '8.0'
function enchant_dict_is_in_session($dict, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Add a correction for a word
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $mis <p>
* The work to fix
* </p>
* @param string $cor <p>
* The correct word
* </p>
* @return void
function enchant_dict_store_replacement($dict, $mis, $cor) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictinaray resource
* </p>
* @return string|false the error message as string or <b>FALSE</b> if no error occurred.
function enchant_dict_get_error($dict) {}
* (PHP 8)<br/>
* Whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
* @link
* @param EnchantDictionary $dictionary <p>
* An Enchant dictionary returned by enchant_broker_request_dict() or enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict().
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to lookup
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the word exists or <b>FALSE</b>
* @since 8.0
function enchant_dict_is_added($dictionary, $word) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant &gt;= 0.1.0 )<br/>
* Describes an individual dictionary
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @return array Returns the details of the dictionary.
function enchant_dict_describe($dict) {}
* (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.3.0, PECL enchant:0.2.0-1.0.1)<br/>
* Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
* @link
* @param resource|EnchantDictionary $dict <p>
* Dictionary resource
* </p>
* @param string $word <p>
* The word to check
* </p>
* @param null|array &$suggestions [optional] <p>
* If the word is not correctly spelled, this variable will
* contain an array of suggestions.
* </p>
* @return bool <b>TRUE</b> if the word is correctly spelled or <b>FALSE</b>
function enchant_dict_quick_check($dict, $word, ?array &$suggestions = null) {}
* @deprecated 8.0
define('ENCHANT_MYSPELL', 1);
* @deprecated 8.0
define('ENCHANT_ISPELL', 2);
final class EnchantBroker {}
final class EnchantDictionary {}
// End of enchant v.1.1.0