
4135 lines
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* Couchbase extension stubs
* Gathered from
* Maintainer:
* INI entries:
* * `couchbase.log_level` (string), default: `"WARN"`
* controls amount of information, the module will send to PHP error log. Accepts the following values in order of
* increasing verbosity: `"FATAL"`, `"ERROR"`, `"WARN"`, `"INFO"`, `"DEBUG"`, `"TRACE"`.
* * `couchbase.encoder.format` (string), default: `"json"`
* selects serialization format for default encoder (\Couchbase\defaultEncoder). Accepts the following values:
* * `"json"` - encodes objects and arrays as JSON object (using `json_encode()`), primitives written in stringified form,
* which is allowed for most of the JSON parsers as valid values. For empty arrays JSON array preferred, if it is
* necessary, use `new stdClass()` to persist empty JSON object. Note, that only JSON format considered supported by
* all Couchbase SDKs, everything else is private implementation (i.e. `"php"` format won't be readable by .NET SDK).
* * `"php"` - uses PHP serialize() method to encode the document.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression` (string), default: `"none"`
* selects compression algorithm. Also see related compression options below. Accepts the following values:
* * `"fastlz"` - uses FastLZ algorithm. The module might be configured to use system fastlz library during build,
* othewise vendored version will be used. This algorithm is always available.
* * `"zlib"` - uses compression implemented by libz. Might not be available, if the system didn't have libz headers
* during build phase. In this case \Couchbase\HAVE_ZLIB will be false.
* * `"off"` or `"none"` - compression will be disabled, but the library will still read compressed values.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression_threshold` (int), default: `0`
* controls minimum size of the document value in bytes to use compression. For example, if threshold 100 bytes,
* and the document size is 50, compression will be disabled for this particular document.
* * `couchbase.encoder.compression_factor` (float), default: `0.0`
* controls the minimum ratio of the result value and original document value to proceed with persisting compressed
* bytes. For example, the original document consists of 100 bytes. In this case factor 1.0 will require compressor
* to yield values not larger than 100 bytes (100/1.0), and 1.5 -- not larger than 66 bytes (100/1.5).
* * `couchbase.decoder.json_arrays` (boolean), default: `true`
* controls the form of the documents, returned by the server if they were in JSON format. When true, it will generate
* arrays of arrays, otherwise instances of stdClass.
* * `couchbase.pool.max_idle_time_sec` (int), default: `60`
* controls the maximum interval the underlying connection object could be idle, i.e. without any data/query
* operations. All connections which idle more than this interval will be closed automatically. Cleanup function
* executed after each request using RSHUTDOWN hook.
* * `couchbase.allow_fallback_to_bucket_connection` (boolean), default: `false`
* allows the library to switch to bucket connection when the connection string includes bucket name. It is useful
* when the application connects to older Couchbase Server, that does not have G3CP feature.
* @package Couchbase
namespace Couchbase;
use JsonSerializable;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
use DateTimeInterface;
* An object which contains meta information of the document needed to enforce query consistency.
interface MutationToken
* Returns bucket name
* @return string
public function bucketName();
* Returns partition number
* @return int
public function partitionId();
* Returns UUID of the partition
* @return string
public function partitionUuid();
* Returns the sequence number inside partition
* @return string
public function sequenceNumber();
* Interface for retrieving metadata such as errors and metrics generated during N1QL queries.
interface QueryMetaData
* Returns the query execution status
* @return string|null
public function status(): ?string;
* Returns the identifier associated with the query
* @return string|null
public function requestId(): ?string;
* Returns the client context id associated with the query
* @return string|null
public function clientContextId(): ?string;
* Returns the signature of the query
* @return array|null
public function signature(): ?array;
* Returns any warnings generated during query execution
* @return array|null
public function warnings(): ?array;
* Returns any errors generated during query execution
* @return array|null
public function errors(): ?array;
* Returns metrics generated during query execution such as timings and counts
* @return array|null
public function metrics(): ?array;
* Returns the profile of the query if enabled
* @return array|null
public function profile(): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving metadata such as error counts and metrics generated during search queries.
interface SearchMetaData
* Returns the number of pindexes successfully queried
* @return int|null
public function successCount(): ?int;
* Returns the number of errors messages reported by individual pindexes
* @return int|null
public function errorCount(): ?int;
* Returns the time taken to complete the query
* @return int|null
public function took(): ?int;
* Returns the total number of matches for this result
* @return int|null
public function totalHits(): ?int;
* Returns the highest score of all documents for this search query.
* @return float|null
public function maxScore(): ?float;
* Returns the metrics generated during execution of this search query.
* @return array|null
public function metrics(): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving metadata generated during view queries.
interface ViewMetaData
* Returns the total number of rows returned by this view query
* @return int|null
public function totalRows(): ?int;
* Returns debug information for this view query if enabled
* @return array|null
public function debug(): ?array;
* Base interface for all results generated by KV operations.
interface Result
* Returns the CAS value for the document
* @return string|null
public function cas(): ?string;
* Interface for results created by the get operation.
interface GetResult extends Result
* Returns the content of the document fetched
* @return array|null
public function content(): ?array;
* Returns the document expiration time or null if the document does not expire.
* Note, that this function will return expiry only when GetOptions had withExpiry set to true.
* @return DateTimeInterface|null
public function expiryTime(): ?DateTimeInterface;
* Interface for results created by the getReplica operation.
interface GetReplicaResult extends Result
* Returns the content of the document fetched
* @return array|null
public function content(): ?array;
* Returns whether or not the document came from a replica server
* @return bool
public function isReplica(): bool;
* Interface for results created by the exists operation.
interface ExistsResult extends Result
* Returns whether or not the document exists
* @return bool
public function exists(): bool;
* Interface for results created by operations that perform mutations.
interface MutationResult extends Result
* Returns the mutation token generated during the mutation
* @return MutationToken|null
public function mutationToken(): ?MutationToken;
* Interface for results created by the counter operation.
interface CounterResult extends MutationResult
* Returns the new value of the counter
* @return int
public function content(): int;
* Interface for results created by the lookupIn operation.
interface LookupInResult extends Result
* Returns the value located at the index specified
* @param int $index the index to retrieve content from
* @return object|null
public function content(int $index): ?object;
* Returns whether or not the path at the index specified exists
* @param int $index the index to check for existence
* @return bool
public function exists(int $index): bool;
* Returns any error code for the path at the index specified
* @param int $index the index to retrieve the error code for
* @return int
public function status(int $index): int;
* Returns the document expiration time or null if the document does not expire.
* Note, that this function will return expiry only when LookupInOptions had withExpiry set to true.
* @return DateTimeInterface|null
public function expiryTime(): ?DateTimeInterface;
* Interface for results created by the mutateIn operation.
interface MutateInResult extends MutationResult
* Returns any value located at the index specified
* @param int $index the index to retrieve content from
* @return array|null
public function content(int $index): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving results from N1QL queries.
interface QueryResult
* Returns metadata generated during query execution such as errors and metrics
* @return QueryMetaData|null
public function metaData(): ?QueryMetaData;
* Returns the rows returns during query execution
* @return array|null
public function rows(): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving results from analytics queries.
interface AnalyticsResult
* Returns metadata generated during query execution
* @return QueryMetaData|null
public function metaData(): ?QueryMetaData;
* Returns the rows returned during query execution
* @return array|null
public function rows(): ?array;
* A range (or bucket) for a term search facet result.
* Counts the number of occurrences of a given term.
interface TermFacetResult
* @return string
public function term(): string;
* @return int
public function count(): int;
* A range (or bucket) for a numeric range facet result. Counts the number of matches
* that fall into the named range (which can overlap with other user-defined ranges).
interface NumericRangeFacetResult
* @return string
public function name(): string;
* @return int|float|null
public function min();
* @return int|float|null
public function max();
* @return int
public function count(): int;
* A range (or bucket) for a date range facet result. Counts the number of matches
* that fall into the named range (which can overlap with other user-defined ranges).
interface DateRangeFacetResult
* @return string
public function name(): string;
* @return string|null
public function start(): ?string;
* @return string|null
public function end(): ?string;
* @return int
public function count(): int;
* Interface representing facet results.
* Only one method might return non-null value among terms(), numericRanges() and dateRanges().
interface SearchFacetResult
* The field the SearchFacet was targeting.
* @return string
public function field(): string;
* The total number of *valued* facet results. Total = other() + terms (but doesn't include * missing()).
* @return int
public function total(): int;
* The number of results that couldn't be faceted, missing the adequate value. Not matter how many more
* buckets are added to the original facet, these result won't ever be included in one.
* @return int
public function missing(): int;
* The number of results that could have been faceted (because they have a value for the facet's field) but
* weren't, due to not having a bucket in which they belong. Adding a bucket can result in these results being
* faceted.
* @return int
public function other(): int;
* @return array of pairs string name to TermFacetResult
public function terms(): ?array;
* @return array of pairs string name to NumericRangeFacetResult
public function numericRanges(): ?array;
* @return array of pairs string name to DateRangeFacetResult
public function dateRanges(): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving results from search queries.
interface SearchResult
* Returns metadata generated during query execution
* @return SearchMetaData|null
public function metaData(): ?SearchMetaData;
* Returns any facets returned by the query
* Array contains instances of SearchFacetResult
* @return array|null
public function facets(): ?array;
* Returns any rows returned by the query
* @return array|null
public function rows(): ?array;
* Interface for retrieving results from view queries.
interface ViewResult
* Returns metadata generated during query execution
* @return ViewMetaData|null
public function metaData(): ?ViewMetaData;
* Returns any rows returned by the query
* @return array|null
public function rows(): ?array;
* Object for accessing a row returned as a part of the results from a viery query.
class ViewRow
* Returns the id of the row
* @return string|null
public function id(): ?string {}
* Returns the key of the document
public function key() {}
* Returns the value of the row
public function value() {}
* Returns the corresponding document for the row, if enabled
public function document() {}
* Base exception for exceptions that are thrown originating from Couchbase operations.
class BaseException extends Exception implements Throwable
* Returns the underling reference string, if any
* @return string|null
public function ref(): ?string {}
* Returns the underling error context, if any
* @return object|null
public function context(): ?object {}
class RequestCanceledException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
class RateLimitedException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
class QuotaLimitedException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from underlying Http operations.
class HttpException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
class ParsingFailureException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class IndexNotFoundException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class PlanningFailureException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class IndexFailureException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class KeyspaceNotFoundException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from query operations.
class QueryException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from query operations.
class QueryErrorException extends QueryException implements Throwable {}
class DmlFailureException extends QueryException implements Throwable {}
class PreparedStatementException extends QueryException implements Throwable {}
class QueryServiceException extends QueryException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from search operations.
class SearchException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from analytics operations.
class AnalyticsException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
* Thrown for exceptions that originate from view operations.
class ViewException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class PartialViewException extends HttpException implements Throwable {}
class BindingsException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
class InvalidStateException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Base for exceptions that originate from key value operations
class KeyValueException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the requested document could not be found.
class DocumentNotFoundException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an attempt is made to insert a document but a document with that key already exists.
class KeyExistsException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a document has gone over the maximum size allowed by the server.
class ValueTooBigException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a mutation operation is attempted against a document that is locked.
class KeyLockedException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an operation has failed for a reason that is temporary.
class TempFailException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a sub-document operation targets a path which does not exist in the specified document.
class PathNotFoundException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a sub-document operation expects a path not to exists, but the path was found in the document.
class PathExistsException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a sub-document counter operation is performed and the specified delta is not valid.
class InvalidRangeException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a multi-operation sub-document operation is performed on a soft-deleted document.
class KeyDeletedException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an operation has been performed with a cas value that does not the value on the server.
class CasMismatchException extends KeyValueException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an invalid configuration has been specified for an operation.
class InvalidConfigurationException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the requested service is not available.
class ServiceMissingException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when various generic network errors occur.
class NetworkException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an operation does not receive a response in a timely manner.
class TimeoutException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the specified bucket does not exist.
class BucketMissingException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the specified scope does not exist.
class ScopeMissingException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the specified collection does not exist.
class CollectionMissingException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when authentication has failed.
class AuthenticationException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when an operation is attempted with bad input.
class BadInputException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when the specified durability could not be met for a mutation operation.
class DurabilityException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
* Occurs when a subdocument operation could not be completed.
class SubdocumentException extends BaseException implements Throwable {}
class QueryIndex
public function name(): string {}
public function isPrimary(): bool {}
public function type(): string {}
public function state(): string {}
public function keyspace(): string {}
public function indexKey(): array {}
public function condition(): ?string {}
class CreateQueryIndexOptions
public function condition(string $condition): CreateQueryIndexOptions {}
public function ignoreIfExists(bool $shouldIgnore): CreateQueryIndexOptions {}
public function numReplicas(int $number): CreateQueryIndexOptions {}
public function deferred(bool $isDeferred): CreateQueryIndexOptions {}
class CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions
public function indexName(string $name): CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
public function ignoreIfExists(bool $shouldIgnore): CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
public function numReplicas(int $number): CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
public function deferred(bool $isDeferred): CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
class DropQueryIndexOptions
public function ignoreIfNotExists(bool $shouldIgnore): DropQueryIndexOptions {}
class DropQueryPrimaryIndexOptions
public function indexName(string $name): DropQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
public function ignoreIfNotExists(bool $shouldIgnore): DropQueryPrimaryIndexOptions {}
class WatchQueryIndexesOptions
public function watchPrimary(bool $shouldWatch): WatchQueryIndexesOptions {}
class QueryIndexManager
public function getAllIndexes(string $bucketName): array {}
public function createIndex(string $bucketName, string $indexName, array $fields, CreateQueryIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function createPrimaryIndex(string $bucketName, CreateQueryPrimaryIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropIndex(string $bucketName, string $indexName, DropQueryIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropPrimaryIndex(string $bucketName, DropQueryPrimaryIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function watchIndexes(string $bucketName, array $indexNames, int $timeout, WatchQueryIndexesOptions $options = null) {}
public function buildDeferredIndexes(string $bucketName) {}
class CreateAnalyticsDataverseOptions
public function ignoreIfExists(bool $shouldIgnore): CreateAnalyticsDataverseOptions {}
class DropAnalyticsDataverseOptions
public function ignoreIfNotExists(bool $shouldIgnore): DropAnalyticsDataverseOptions {}
class CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions
public function ignoreIfExists(bool $shouldIgnore): CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions {}
public function condition(string $condition): CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions {}
class DropAnalyticsDatasetOptions
public function ignoreIfNotExists(bool $shouldIgnore): DropAnalyticsDatasetOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): DropAnalyticsDatasetOptions {}
class CreateAnalyticsIndexOptions
public function ignoreIfExists(bool $shouldIgnore): CreateAnalyticsIndexOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): CreateAnalyticsIndexOptions {}
class DropAnalyticsIndexOptions
public function ignoreIfNotExists(bool $shouldIgnore): DropAnalyticsIndexOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): DropAnalyticsIndexOptions {}
class ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions
public function linkName(bstring $linkName): ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
class DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions
public function linkName(bstring $linkName): DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
public function dataverseName(string $dataverseName): DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
class CreateAnalyticsLinkOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): CreateAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
class ReplaceAnalyticsLinkOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): ReplaceAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
class DropAnalyticsLinkOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): DropAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
interface AnalyticsLinkType
public const COUCHBASE = "couchbase";
public const S3 = "s3";
public const AZURE_BLOB = "azureblob";
class GetAnalyticsLinksOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): DropAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
* @param string $tupe restricts the results to the given link type.
* @see AnalyticsLinkType::COUCHBASE
* @see AnalyticsLinkType::S3
* @see AnalyticsLinkType::AZURE_BLOB
public function linkType(string $type): DropAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
* @param string $dataverse restricts the results to a given dataverse, can be given in the form of "namepart" or "namepart1/namepart2".
public function dataverse(string $dataverse): DropAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
* @param string $name restricts the results to the link with the specified name. If set then dataverse must also be set.
public function name(string $name): DropAnalyticsLinkOptions {}
interface AnalyticsEncryptionLevel
public const NONE = "none";
public const HALF = "half";
public const FULL = "full";
class EncryptionSettings
* Sets encryption level.
* @param string $level Accepted values are 'none', 'half', 'full'.
* @see AnalyticsEncryptionLevel::NONE
* @see AnalyticsEncryptionLevel::HALF
* @see AnalyticsEncryptionLevel::FULL
* @return EncryptionSettings
public function level(string $level) {}
public function certificate(string $certificate) {}
public function clientCertificate(string $certificate) {}
public function clientKey(string $key) {}
interface AnalyticsLink {}
class CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink implements AnalyticsLink
* Sets name of the link
* @param string $name
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function name(string $name): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets dataverse this link belongs to
* @param string $dataverse
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function dataverse(string $dataverse): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets the hostname of the target Couchbase cluster
* @param string $hostname
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function hostname(string $hostname): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets the username to use for authentication with the remote cluster.
* Optional if client-certificate authentication is being used.
* @param string $username
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function username(string $username): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets the password to use for authentication with the remote cluster.
* Optional if client-certificate authentication is being used.
* @param string $password
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function password(string $password): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets settings for connection encryption
* @param EncryptionSettings $settings
* @return CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
public function encryption(EncryptionSettings $settings): CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
class AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink implements AnalyticsLink
* Sets name of the link
* @param string $name
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function name(string $name): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets dataverse this link belongs to
* @param string $dataverse
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function dataverse(string $dataverse): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets the connection string can be used as an authentication method, '$connectionString' contains other
* authentication methods embedded inside the string. Only a single authentication method can be used.
* (e.g. "AccountName=myAccountName;AccountKey=myAccountKey").
* @param string $connectionString
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function connectionString(string $connectionString): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets Azure blob storage account name
* @param string $accountName
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function accountName(string $accountName): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets Azure blob storage account key
* @param string $accountKey
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function accountKey(string $accountKey): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets token that can be used for authentication
* @param string $signature
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function sharedAccessSignature(string $signature): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets Azure blob storage endpoint
* @param string $blobEndpoint
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function blobEndpoint(string $blobEndpoint): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets Azure blob endpoint suffix
* @param string $suffix
* @return AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink
public function endpointSuffix(string $suffix): AzureBlobExternalAnalyticsLink {}
class S3ExternalAnalyticsLink implements AnalyticsLink
* Sets name of the link
* @param string $name
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function name(string $name): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets dataverse this link belongs to
* @param string $dataverse
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function dataverse(string $dataverse): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets AWS S3 access key ID
* @param string $accessKeyId
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function accessKeyId(string $accessKeyId): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets AWS S3 secret key
* @param string $secretAccessKey
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function secretAccessKey(string $secretAccessKey): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets AWS S3 region
* @param string $region
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function region(string $region): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets AWS S3 token if temporary credentials are provided. Only available in 7.0+
* @param string $sessionToken
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function sessionToken(string $sessionToken): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
* Sets AWS S3 service endpoint
* @param string $serviceEndpoint
* @return S3ExternalAnalyticsLink
public function serviceEndpoint(string $serviceEndpoint): S3ExternalAnalyticsLink {}
class AnalyticsIndexManager
public function createDataverse(string $dataverseName, CreateAnalyticsDataverseOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropDataverse(string $dataverseName, DropAnalyticsDataverseOptions $options = null) {}
public function createDataset(string $datasetName, string $bucketName, CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropDataset(string $datasetName, DropAnalyticsDatasetOptions $options = null) {}
public function getAllDatasets() {}
public function createIndex(string $datasetName, string $indexName, array $fields, CreateAnalyticsIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropIndex(string $datasetName, string $indexName, DropAnalyticsIndexOptions $options = null) {}
public function getAllIndexes() {}
public function connectLink(ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions $options = null) {}
public function disconnectLink(DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions $options = null) {}
public function getPendingMutations() {}
public function createLink(AnalyticsLink $link, CreateAnalyticsLinkOptions $options = null) {}
public function replaceLink(AnalyticsLink $link, ReplaceAnalyticsLinkOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropLink(string $linkName, string $dataverseName, DropAnalyticsLinkOptions $options = null) {}
public function getLinks(GetAnalyticsLinksOptions $options = null) {}
class SearchIndex implements JsonSerializable
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function type(): string {}
public function uuid(): string {}
public function params(): array {}
public function sourceType(): string {}
public function sourceUuid(): string {}
public function sourceName(): string {}
public function sourceParams(): array {}
public function setType(string $type): SearchIndex {}
public function setUuid(string $uuid): SearchIndex {}
public function setParams(string $params): SearchIndex {}
public function setSourceType(string $type): SearchIndex {}
public function setSourceUuid(string $uuid): SearchIndex {}
public function setSourcename(string $params): SearchIndex {}
public function setSourceParams(string $params): SearchIndex {}
class SearchIndexManager
public function getIndex(string $name): SearchIndex {}
public function getAllIndexes(): array {}
public function upsertIndex(SearchIndex $indexDefinition) {}
public function dropIndex(string $name) {}
public function getIndexedDocumentsCount(string $indexName): int {}
public function pauseIngest(string $indexName) {}
public function resumeIngest(string $indexName) {}
public function allowQuerying(string $indexName) {}
public function disallowQuerying(string $indexName) {}
public function freezePlan(string $indexName) {}
public function unfreezePlan(string $indexName) {}
public function analyzeDocument(string $indexName, $document) {}
* Cluster is an object containing functionality for performing cluster level operations
* against a cluster and for access to buckets.
class Cluster
public function __construct(string $connstr, ClusterOptions $options) {}
* Returns a new bucket object.
* @param string $name the name of the bucket
* @return Bucket
public function bucket(string $name): Bucket {}
* Executes a N1QL query against the cluster.
* Note: On Couchbase Server versions < 6.5 a bucket must be opened before using query.
* @param string $statement the N1QL query statement to execute
* @param QueryOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return QueryResult
public function query(string $statement, QueryOptions $options = null): QueryResult {}
* Executes an analytics query against the cluster.
* Note: On Couchbase Server versions < 6.5 a bucket must be opened before using analyticsQuery.
* @param string $statement the analytics query statement to execute
* @param AnalyticsOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return AnalyticsResult
public function analyticsQuery(string $statement, AnalyticsOptions $options = null): AnalyticsResult {}
* Executes a full text search query against the cluster.
* Note: On Couchbase Server versions < 6.5 a bucket must be opened before using searchQuery.
* @param string $indexName the fts index to use for the query
* @param SearchQuery $query the search query to execute
* @param SearchOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return SearchResult
public function searchQuery(string $indexName, SearchQuery $query, SearchOptions $options = null): SearchResult {}
* Creates a new bucket manager object for managing buckets.
* @return BucketManager
public function buckets(): BucketManager {}
* Creates a new user manager object for managing users and groups.
* @return UserManager
public function users(): UserManager {}
* Creates a new query index manager object for managing analytics query indexes.
* @return AnalyticsIndexManager
public function analyticsIndexes(): AnalyticsIndexManager {}
* Creates a new query index manager object for managing N1QL query indexes.
* @return QueryIndexManager
public function queryIndexes(): QueryIndexManager {}
* Creates a new search index manager object for managing search query indexes.
* @return SearchIndexManager
public function searchIndexes(): SearchIndexManager {}
interface EvictionPolicy
* During ejection, everything (including key, metadata, and value) will be ejected.
* Full Ejection reduces the memory overhead requirement, at the cost of performance.
* This value is only valid for buckets of type COUCHBASE.
public const FULL = "fullEviction";
* During ejection, only the value will be ejected (key and metadata will remain in memory).
* Value Ejection needs more system memory, but provides better performance than Full Ejection.
* This value is only valid for buckets of type COUCHBASE.
public const VALUE_ONLY = "valueOnly";
* Couchbase Server keeps all data until explicitly deleted, but will reject
* any new data if you reach the quota (dedicated memory) you set for your bucket.
* This value is only valid for buckets of type EPHEMERAL.
public const NO_EVICTION = "noEviction";
* When the memory quota is reached, Couchbase Server ejects data that has not been used recently.
* This value is only valid for buckets of type EPHEMERAL.
public const NOT_RECENTLY_USED = "nruEviction";
interface StorageBackend
public const COUCHSTORE = "couchstore";
public const MAGMA = "magma";
class BucketSettings
public function name(): string {}
public function flushEnabled(): bool {}
public function ramQuotaMb(): int {}
public function numReplicas(): int {}
public function replicaIndexes(): bool {}
public function bucketType(): string {}
public function evictionPolicy(): string {}
public function storageBackend(): string {}
public function maxTtl(): int {}
public function compressionMode(): string {}
public function setName(string $name): BucketSettings {}
public function enableFlush(bool $enable): BucketSettings {}
public function setRamQuotaMb(int $sizeInMb): BucketSettings {}
public function setNumReplicas(int $numReplicas): BucketSettings {}
public function enableReplicaIndexes(bool $enable): BucketSettings {}
public function setBucketType(string $type): BucketSettings {}
* Configures eviction policy for the bucket.
* @param string $policy eviction policy. Use constants FULL, VALUE_ONLY,
* @see \EvictionPolicy::FULL
* @see \EvictionPolicy::VALUE_ONLY
* @see \EvictionPolicy::NO_EVICTION
* @see \EvictionPolicy::NOT_RECENTLY_USED
public function setEvictionPolicy(string $policy): BucketSettings {}
* Configures storage backend for the bucket.
* @param string $policy storage backend. Use constants COUCHSTORE, MAGMA.
* @see \StorageBackend::COUCHSTORE
* @see \StorageBackend::MAGMA
public function setStorageBackend(string $policy): BucketSettings {}
public function setMaxTtl(int $ttlSeconds): BucketSettings {}
public function setCompressionMode(string $mode): BucketSettings {}
* Retrieves minimal durability level configured for the bucket
* @see \DurabilityLevel::NONE
* @see \DurabilityLevel::MAJORITY
* @see \DurabilityLevel::PERSIST_TO_MAJORITY
public function minimalDurabilityLevel(): int {}
* Configures minimal durability level for the bucket
* @param int $durabilityLevel durability level.
* @see \DurabilityLevel::NONE
* @see \DurabilityLevel::MAJORITY
* @see \DurabilityLevel::PERSIST_TO_MAJORITY
public function setMinimalDurabilityLevel(int $durabilityLevel): BucketSettings {}
class BucketManager
public function createBucket(BucketSettings $settings) {}
public function removeBucket(string $name) {}
public function getBucket(string $name): BucketSettings {}
public function getAllBuckets(): array {}
public function flush(string $name) {}
class Role
public function name(): string {}
public function bucket(): ?string {}
public function scope(): ?string {}
public function collection(): ?string {}
public function setName(string $name): Role {}
public function setBucket(string $bucket): Role {}
public function setScope(string $bucket): Role {}
public function setCollection(string $bucket): Role {}
class RoleAndDescription
public function role(): Role {}
public function displayName(): string {}
public function description(): string {}
class Origin
public function type(): string {}
public function name(): string {}
class RoleAndOrigin
public function role(): Role {}
public function origins(): array {}
class User
public function username(): string {}
public function displayName(): string {}
public function groups(): array {}
public function roles(): array {}
public function setUsername(string $username): User {}
public function setPassword(string $password): User {}
public function setDisplayName(string $name): User {}
public function setGroups(array $groups): User {}
public function setRoles(array $roles): User {}
class Group
public function name(): string {}
public function description(): string {}
public function roles(): array {}
public function ldapGroupReference(): ?string {}
public function setName(string $name): Group {}
public function setDescription(string $description): Group {}
public function setRoles(array $roles): Group {}
class UserAndMetadata
public function domain(): string {}
public function user(): User {}
public function effectiveRoles(): array {}
public function passwordChanged(): string {}
public function externalGroups(): array {}
class GetAllUsersOptions
public function domainName(string $name): GetAllUsersOptions {}
class GetUserOptions
public function domainName(string $name): GetUserOptions {}
class DropUserOptions
public function domainName(string $name): DropUserOptions {}
class UpsertUserOptions
public function domainName(string $name): DropUserOptions {}
class UserManager
public function getUser(string $name, GetUserOptions $options = null): UserAndMetadata {}
public function getAllUsers(GetAllUsersOptions $options = null): array {}
public function upsertUser(User $user, UpsertUserOptions $options = null) {}
public function dropUser(string $name, DropUserOptions $options = null) {}
public function getRoles(): array {}
public function getGroup(string $name): Group {}
public function getAllGroups(): array {}
public function upsertGroup(Group $group) {}
public function dropGroup(string $name) {}
* BinaryCollection is an object containing functionality for performing KeyValue operations against the server with binary documents.
class BinaryCollection
* Get the name of the binary collection.
* @return string
public function name(): string {}
* Appends a value to a document.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param string $value the value to append
* @param AppendOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function append(string $id, string $value, AppendOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Prepends a value to a document.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param string $value the value to prepend
* @param PrependOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function prepend(string $id, string $value, PrependOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Increments a counter document by a value.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param IncrementOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return CounterResult
public function increment(string $id, IncrementOptions $options = null): CounterResult {}
* Decrements a counter document by a value.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param DecrementOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return CounterResult
public function decrement(string $id, DecrementOptions $options = null): CounterResult {}
* Collection is an object containing functionality for performing KeyValue operations against the server.
class Collection
* Get the name of the collection.
* @return string
public function name(): string {}
* Gets a document from the server.
* This can take 3 paths, a standard full document fetch, a subdocument full document fetch also
* fetching document expiry (when withExpiry is set), or a subdocument fetch (when projections are
* used).
* @param string $id the key of the document to fetch
* @param GetOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return GetResult
public function get(string $id, GetOptions $options = null): GetResult {}
* Checks if a document exists on the server.
* @param string $id the key of the document to check if exists
* @param ExistsOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return ExistsResult
public function exists(string $id, ExistsOptions $options = null): ExistsResult {}
* Gets a document from the server, locking the document so that no other processes can
* perform mutations against it.
* @param string $id the key of the document to get
* @param int $lockTime the length of time to lock the document in ms
* @param GetAndLockOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return GetResult
public function getAndLock(string $id, int $lockTime, GetAndLockOptions $options = null): GetResult {}
* Gets a document from the server and simultaneously updates its expiry time.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param int $expiry the length of time to update the expiry to in ms
* @param GetAndTouchOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return GetResult
public function getAndTouch(string $id, int $expiry, GetAndTouchOptions $options = null): GetResult {}
* Gets a document from any replica server in the cluster.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param GetAnyReplicaOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return GetReplicaResult
public function getAnyReplica(string $id, GetAnyReplicaOptions $options = null): GetReplicaResult {}
* Gets a document from the active server and all replica servers in the cluster.
* Returns an array of documents, one per server.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param GetAllReplicasOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return array
public function getAllReplicas(string $id, GetAllReplicasOptions $options = null): array {}
* Creates a document if it doesn't exist, otherwise updates it.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param mixed $value the value to use for the document
* @param UpsertOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function upsert(string $id, $value, UpsertOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Inserts a document if it doesn't exist, errors if it does exist.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param mixed $value the value to use for the document
* @param InsertOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function insert(string $id, $value, InsertOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Replaces a document if it exists, errors if it doesn't exist.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param mixed $value the value to use for the document
* @param ReplaceOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function replace(string $id, $value, ReplaceOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Removes a document.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param RemoveOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function remove(string $id, RemoveOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Unlocks a document which was locked using getAndLock. This frees the document to be
* modified by other processes.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param string $cas the current cas value of the document
* @param UnlockOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return Result
public function unlock(string $id, string $cas, UnlockOptions $options = null): Result {}
* Touches a document, setting a new expiry time.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param int $expiry the expiry time for the document in ms
* @param TouchOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutationResult
public function touch(string $id, int $expiry, TouchOptions $options = null): MutationResult {}
* Performs a set of subdocument lookup operations against the document.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param array $specs the LookupInSpecs to perform against the document
* @param LookupInOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return LookupInResult
public function lookupIn(string $id, array $specs, LookupInOptions $options = null): LookupInResult {}
* Performs a set of subdocument lookup operations against the document.
* @param string $id the key of the document
* @param array $specs the MutateInSpecs to perform against the document
* @param MutateInOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return MutateInResult
public function mutateIn(string $id, array $specs, MutateInOptions $options = null): MutateInResult {}
* Retrieves a group of documents. If the document does not exist, it will not raise an exception, but rather fill
* non-null value in error() property of the corresponding result object.
* @param array $ids array of IDs, organized like this ["key1", "key2", ...]
* @param RemoveOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return array array of GetResult, one for each of the entries
public function getMulti(array $ids, RemoveOptions $options = null): array {}
* Removes a group of documents. If second element of the entry (CAS) is null, then the operation will
* remove the document unconditionally.
* @param array $entries array of arrays, organized like this [["key1", "encodedCas1"], ["key2", , "encodedCas2"], ...] or ["key1", "key2", ...]
* @param RemoveOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return array array of MutationResult, one for each of the entries
public function removeMulti(array $entries, RemoveOptions $options = null): array {}
* Creates a group of documents if they don't exist, otherwise updates them.
* @param array $entries array of arrays, organized like this [["key1", $value1], ["key2", $value2], ...]
* @param UpsertOptions $options the options to use for the operation
* @return array array of MutationResult, one for each of the entries
public function upsertMulti(array $entries, UpsertOptions $options = null): array {}
* Creates and returns a BinaryCollection object for use with binary type documents.
* @return BinaryCollection
public function binary(): BinaryCollection {}
* Scope is an object for providing access to collections.
class Scope
public function __construct(Bucket $bucket, string $name) {}
* Returns the name of the scope.
* @return string
public function name(): string {}
* Returns a new Collection object representing the collection specified.
* @param string $name the name of the collection
* @return Collection
public function collection(string $name): Collection {}
* Executes a N1QL query against the cluster with scopeName set implicitly.
* @param string $statement the N1QL query statement to execute
* @param QueryOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return QueryResult
public function query(string $statement, QueryOptions $options = null): QueryResult {}
* Executes an analytics query against the cluster with scopeName set implicitly.
* @param string $statement the analytics query statement to execute
* @param AnalyticsOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return AnalyticsResult
public function analyticsQuery(string $statement, AnalyticsOptions $options = null): AnalyticsResult {}
class ScopeSpec
public function name(): string {}
public function collections(): array {}
class CollectionSpec
public function name(): string {}
public function scopeName(): string {}
public function setName(string $name): CollectionSpec {}
public function setScopeName(string $name): CollectionSpec {}
public function setMaxExpiry(int $ms): CollectionSpec {}
class CollectionManager
public function getScope(string $name): ScopeSpec {}
public function getAllScopes(): array {}
public function createScope(string $name) {}
public function dropScope(string $name) {}
public function createCollection(CollectionSpec $collection) {}
public function dropCollection(CollectionSpec $collection) {}
* Bucket is an object containing functionality for performing bucket level operations
* against a cluster and for access to scopes and collections.
class Bucket
* Returns a new Scope object representing the default scope.
* @return Scope
public function defaultScope(): Scope {}
* Returns a new Collection object representing the default collectiom.
* @return Collection
public function defaultCollection(): Collection {}
* Returns a new Scope object representing the given scope.
* @param string $name the name of the scope
* @return Scope
public function scope(string $name): Scope {}
* Sets the default transcoder to be used when fetching or sending data.
* @param callable $encoder the encoder to use to encode data when sending data to the server
* @param callable $decoder the decoder to use to decode data when retrieving data from the server
public function setTranscoder(callable $encoder, callable $decoder) {}
* Returns the name of the Bucket.
* @return string
public function name(): string {}
* Executes a view query against the cluster.
* @param string $designDoc the design document to use for the query
* @param string $viewName the view to use for the query
* @param ViewOptions $options the options to use when executing the query
* @return ViewResult
public function viewQuery(string $designDoc, string $viewName, ViewOptions $options = null): ViewResult {}
* Creates a new CollectionManager object for managing collections and scopes.
* @return CollectionManager
public function collections(): CollectionManager {}
* Creates a new ViewIndexManager object for managing views and design documents.
* @return ViewIndexManager
public function viewIndexes(): ViewIndexManager {}
* Executes a ping for each service against each node in the cluster. This can be used for determining
* the current health of the cluster.
* @param mixed $services the services to ping against
* @param mixed $reportId a name which will be included within the ping result
public function ping($services, $reportId) {}
* Returns diagnostics information about connections that the SDK has to the cluster. This does not perform
* any operations.
* @param mixed $reportId a name which will be included within the ping result
public function diagnostics($reportId) {}
class View
public function name(): string {}
public function map(): string {}
public function reduce(): string {}
public function setName(string $name): View {}
public function setMap(string $mapJsCode): View {}
public function setReduce(string $reduceJsCode): View {}
class DesignDocument
public function name(): string {}
public function views(): array {}
public function setName(string $name): DesignDocument {}
public function setViews(array $views): DesignDocument {}
class ViewIndexManager
public function getAllDesignDocuments(): array {}
public function getDesignDocument(string $name): DesignDocument {}
public function dropDesignDocument(string $name) {}
public function upsertDesignDocument(DesignDocument $document) {}
* MutationState is an object which holds and aggregates mutation tokens across operations.
class MutationState
public function __construct() {}
* Adds the result of a mutation operation to this mutation state.
* @param MutationResult $source the result object to add to this state
* @return MutationState
public function add(MutationResult $source): MutationState {}
class AnalyticsOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function namedParameters(array $pairs): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function positionalParameters(array $args): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function raw(string $key, $value): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function clientContextId(string $value): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function priority(bool $urgent): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function readonly(bool $arg): AnalyticsOptions {}
public function scanConsistency(string $arg): AnalyticsOptions {}
* LookupInSpec is an interface for providing subdocument lookup operations.
interface LookupInSpec {}
* Indicates a path for a value to be retrieved from a document.
class LookupGetSpec implements LookupInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, bool $isXattr = false) {}
* Indicates to retrieve the count of array items or dictionary keys within a path in a document.
class LookupCountSpec implements LookupInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, bool $isXattr = false) {}
* Indicates to check if a path exists in a document.
class LookupExistsSpec implements LookupInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, bool $isXattr = false) {}
* Indicates to retreive a whole document.
class LookupGetFullSpec implements LookupInSpec
public function __construct() {}
* MutateInSpec is an interface for providing subdocument mutation operations.
interface MutateInSpec {}
* Indicates to insert a value at a path in a document.
class MutateInsertSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, $value, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to replace a value at a path if it doesn't exist, otherwise create the path, in a document.
class MutateUpsertSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, $value, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to replace a value at a path if it doesn't exist in a document.
class MutateReplaceSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, $value, bool $isXattr) {}
* Indicates to remove a value at a path in a document.
class MutateRemoveSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, bool $isXattr) {}
* Indicates to append a value to an array at a path in a document.
class MutateArrayAppendSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, array $values, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to prepend a value to an array at a path in a document.
class MutateArrayPrependSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, array $values, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to insert a value into an array at a path in a document.
class MutateArrayInsertSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, array $values, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to add a value into an array at a path in a document so long as that value does not already exist
* in the array.
class MutateArrayAddUniqueSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, $value, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath, bool $expandMacros) {}
* Indicates to increment or decrement a counter value at a path in a document.
class MutateCounterSpec implements MutateInSpec
public function __construct(string $path, int $delta, bool $isXattr, bool $createPath) {}
class SearchOptions implements JsonSerializable
public function jsonSerialize() {}
* Sets the server side timeout in milliseconds
* @param int $ms the server side timeout to apply
* @return SearchOptions
public function timeout(int $ms): SearchOptions {}
* Add a limit to the query on the number of hits it can return
* @param int $limit the maximum number of hits to return
* @return SearchOptions
public function limit(int $limit): SearchOptions {}
* Set the number of hits to skip (eg. for pagination).
* @param int $skip the number of results to skip
* @return SearchOptions
public function skip(int $skip): SearchOptions {}
* Activates the explanation of each result hit in the response
* @param bool $explain
* @return SearchOptions
public function explain(bool $explain): SearchOptions {}
* If set to true, the server will not perform any scoring on the hits
* @param bool $disabled
* @return SearchOptions
public function disableScoring(bool $disabled): SearchOptions {}
* Sets the consistency to consider for this FTS query to AT_PLUS and
* uses the MutationState to parameterize the consistency.
* This replaces any consistency tuning previously set.
* @param MutationState $state the mutation state information to work with
* @return SearchOptions
public function consistentWith(string $index, MutationState $state): SearchOptions {}
* Configures the list of fields for which the whole value should be included in the response.
* If empty, no field values are included. This drives the inclusion of the fields in each hit.
* Note that to be highlighted, the fields must be stored in the FTS index.
* @param string[] $fields
* @return SearchOptions
public function fields(array $fields): SearchOptions {}
* Adds one SearchFacet-s to the query
* This is an additive operation (the given facets are added to any facet previously requested),
* but if an existing facet has the same name it will be replaced.
* Note that to be faceted, a field's value must be stored in the FTS index.
* @param SearchFacet[] $facets
* @return SearchOptions
* @see \SearchFacet
* @see \TermSearchFacet
* @see \NumericRangeSearchFacet
* @see \DateRangeSearchFacet
public function facets(array $facets): SearchOptions {}
* Configures the list of fields (including special fields) which are used for sorting purposes.
* If empty, the default sorting (descending by score) is used by the server.
* The list of sort fields can include actual fields (like "firstname" but then they must be stored in the
* index, configured in the server side mapping). Fields provided first are considered first and in a "tie" case
* the next sort field is considered. So sorting by "firstname" and then "lastname" will first sort ascending by
* the firstname and if the names are equal then sort ascending by lastname. Special fields like "_id" and
* "_score" can also be used. If prefixed with "-" the sort order is set to descending.
* If no sort is provided, it is equal to sort("-_score"), since the server will sort it by score in descending
* order.
* @param array $specs sort the fields that should take part in the sorting.
* @return SearchOptions
public function sort(array $specs): SearchOptions {}
* Configures the highlighting of matches in the response
* @param string $style highlight style to apply. Use constants HIGHLIGHT_HTML,
* @param string ...$fields the optional fields on which to highlight.
* If none, all fields where there is a match are highlighted.
* @return SearchOptions
* @see \SearchHighlightMode::HTML
* @see \SearchHighlightMode::ANSI
* @see \SearchHighlightMode::SIMPLE
public function highlight(string $style = null, array $fields = null): SearchOptions {}
* Configures the list of collections to use for restricting results.
* @param string[] $collectionNames
* @return SearchOptions
public function collections(array $collectionNames): SearchOptions {}
interface SearchHighlightMode
public const HTML = "html";
public const ANSI = "ansi";
public const SIMPLE = "simple";
* Common interface for all classes, which could be used as a body of SearchQuery
* Represents full text search query
* @see
* Searching from the SDK
interface SearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that queries fields explicitly indexed as boolean.
class BooleanFieldSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(bool $arg) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return BooleanFieldSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): BooleanFieldSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return BooleanFieldSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): BooleanFieldSearchQuery {}
* A compound FTS query that allows various combinations of sub-queries.
class BooleanSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
public function boost($boost): BooleanSearchQuery {}
* @param ConjunctionSearchQuery $query
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
public function must(ConjunctionSearchQuery $query): BooleanSearchQuery {}
* @param DisjunctionSearchQuery $query
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
public function mustNot(DisjunctionSearchQuery $query): BooleanSearchQuery {}
* @param DisjunctionSearchQuery $query
* @return BooleanSearchQuery
public function should(DisjunctionSearchQuery $query): BooleanSearchQuery {}
* A compound FTS query that performs a logical AND between all its sub-queries (conjunction).
class ConjunctionSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(array $queries) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return ConjunctionSearchQuery
public function boost($boost): ConjunctionSearchQuery {}
* @param SearchQuery ...$queries
* @return ConjunctionSearchQuery
public function every(SearchQuery ...$queries): ConjunctionSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
* inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
class DateRangeSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): DateRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): DateRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param int|string $start The strings will be taken verbatim and supposed to be formatted with custom date
* time formatter (see dateTimeParser). Integers interpreted as unix timestamps and represented as RFC3339
* strings.
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
public function start($start, bool $inclusive = false): DateRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param int|string $end The strings will be taken verbatim and supposed to be formatted with custom date
* time formatter (see dateTimeParser). Integers interpreted as unix timestamps and represented as RFC3339
* strings.
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
public function end($end, bool $inclusive = false): DateRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $dateTimeParser
* @return DateRangeSearchQuery
public function dateTimeParser(string $dateTimeParser): DateRangeSearchQuery {}
* A compound FTS query that performs a logical OR between all its sub-queries (disjunction). It requires that a
* minimum of the queries match. The minimum is configurable (default 1).
class DisjunctionSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(array $queries) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): DisjunctionSearchQuery {}
* @param SearchQuery ...$queries
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
public function either(SearchQuery ...$queries): DisjunctionSearchQuery {}
* @param int $min
* @return DisjunctionSearchQuery
public function min(int $min): DisjunctionSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches on Couchbase document IDs. Useful to restrict the search space to a list of keys (by using
* this in a compound query).
class DocIdSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): DocIdSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): DocIdSearchQuery {}
* @param string ...$documentIds
* @return DocIdSearchQuery
public function docIds(string ...$documentIds): DocIdSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query which allows to match geo bounding boxes.
class GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(float $top_left_longitude, float $top_left_latitude, float $buttom_right_longitude, float $buttom_right_latitude) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): GeoBoundingBoxSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that finds all matches from a given location (point) within the given distance.
* Both the point and the distance are required.
class GeoDistanceSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(float $longitude, float $latitude, string $distance = null) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return GeoDistanceSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): GeoDistanceSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return GeoDistanceSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): GeoDistanceSearchQuery {}
class Coordinate implements JsonSerializable
public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param float $longitude
* @param float $latitude
* @see GeoPolygonQuery
public function __construct(float $longitude, float $latitude) {}
* A FTS query that finds all matches within the given polygon area.
class GeoPolygonQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
* @param array $coordinates list of objects of type Coordinate
* @see Coordinate
public function __construct(array $coordinates) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return GeoPolygonQuery
public function boost(float $boost): GeoPolygonQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return GeoPolygonQuery
public function field(string $field): GeoPolygonQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches all indexed documents (usually for debugging purposes).
class MatchAllSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchAllSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): MatchAllSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches 0 document (usually for debugging purposes).
class MatchNoneSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchNoneSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): MatchNoneSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches several given terms (a "phrase"), applying further processing
* like analyzers to them.
class MatchPhraseSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $value) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): MatchPhraseSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): MatchPhraseSearchQuery {}
* @param string $analyzer
* @return MatchPhraseSearchQuery
public function analyzer(string $analyzer): MatchPhraseSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches a given term, applying further processing to it
* like analyzers, stemming and even #fuzziness(int).
class MatchSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $value) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return MatchSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): MatchSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return MatchSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): MatchSearchQuery {}
* @param string $analyzer
* @return MatchSearchQuery
public function analyzer(string $analyzer): MatchSearchQuery {}
* @param int $prefixLength
* @return MatchSearchQuery
public function prefixLength(int $prefixLength): MatchSearchQuery {}
* @param int $fuzziness
* @return MatchSearchQuery
public function fuzziness(int $fuzziness): MatchSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
* inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
class NumericRangeSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): NumericRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
public function field($field): NumericRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param float $min
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
public function min(float $min, bool $inclusive = false): NumericRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param float $max
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return NumericRangeSearchQuery
public function max(float $max, bool $inclusive = false): NumericRangeSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches several terms (a "phrase") as is. The order of the terms mater and no further processing is
* applied to them, so they must appear in the index exactly as provided. Usually for debugging purposes, prefer
* MatchPhraseQuery.
class PhraseSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string ...$terms) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return PhraseSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): PhraseSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return PhraseSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): PhraseSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching on a given prefix.
class PrefixSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $prefix) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return PrefixSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): PrefixSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return PrefixSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): PrefixSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that performs a search according to the "string query" syntax.
class QueryStringSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $query_string) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return QueryStringSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): QueryStringSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching of regular expressions.
class RegexpSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $regexp) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return RegexpSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): RegexpSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return RegexpSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): RegexpSearchQuery {}
* A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
class TermSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $term) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return TermSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): TermSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return TermSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): TermSearchQuery {}
* @param int $prefixLength
* @return TermSearchQuery
public function prefixLength(int $prefixLength): TermSearchQuery {}
* @param int $fuzziness
* @return TermSearchQuery
public function fuzziness(int $fuzziness): TermSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that matches documents on a range of values. At least one bound is required, and the
* inclusiveness of each bound can be configured.
class TermRangeSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* @param float $boost
* @return TermRangeSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): TermRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return TermRangeSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): TermRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $min
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return TermRangeSearchQuery
public function min(string $min, bool $inclusive = true): TermRangeSearchQuery {}
* @param string $max
* @param bool $inclusive
* @return TermRangeSearchQuery
public function max(string $max, bool $inclusive = false): TermRangeSearchQuery {}
* A FTS query that allows for simple matching using wildcard characters (* and ?).
class WildcardSearchQuery implements JsonSerializable, SearchQuery
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $wildcard) {}
* @param float $boost
* @return WildcardSearchQuery
public function boost(float $boost): WildcardSearchQuery {}
* @param string $field
* @return WildcardSearchQuery
public function field(string $field): WildcardSearchQuery {}
* Common interface for all search facets
* @see \SearchQuery::addFacet()
* @see \TermSearchFacet
* @see \DateRangeSearchFacet
* @see \NumericRangeSearchFacet
interface SearchFacet {}
* A facet that gives the number of occurrences of the most recurring terms in all hits.
class TermSearchFacet implements JsonSerializable, SearchFacet
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $field, int $limit) {}
* A facet that categorizes hits into numerical ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
class NumericRangeSearchFacet implements JsonSerializable, SearchFacet
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $field, int $limit) {}
* @param string $name
* @param float $min
* @param float $max
* @return NumericRangeSearchFacet
public function addRange(string $name, float $min = null, float $max = null): NumericRangeSearchFacet {}
* A facet that categorizes hits inside date ranges (or buckets) provided by the user.
class DateRangeSearchFacet implements JsonSerializable, SearchFacet
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $field, int $limit) {}
* @param string $name
* @param int|string $start
* @param int|string $end
* @return DateRangeSearchFacet
public function addRange(string $name, $start = null, $end = null): DateRangeSearchFacet {}
* Base interface for all FTS sort options in querying.
interface SearchSort {}
* Sort by a field in the hits.
class SearchSortField implements JsonSerializable, SearchSort
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $field) {}
* Direction of the sort
* @param bool $descending
* @return SearchSortField
public function descending(bool $descending): SearchSortField {}
* Set type of the field
* @param string type the type
* @see SearchSortType::AUTO
* @see SearchSortType::STRING
* @see SearchSortType::NUMBER
* @see SearchSortType::DATE
public function type(string $type): SearchSortField {}
* Set mode of the sort
* @param string mode the mode
* @see SearchSortMode::MIN
* @see SearchSortMode::MAX
public function mode(string $mode): SearchSortField {}
* Set where the hits with missing field will be inserted
* @param string missing strategy for hits with missing fields
* @see SearchSortMissing::FIRST
* @see SearchSortMissing::LAST
public function missing(string $missing): SearchSortField {}
interface SearchSortType
public const AUTO = "auto";
public const STRING = "string";
public const NUMBER = "number";
public const DATE = "date";
interface SearchSortMode
public const DEFAULT = "default";
public const MIN = "min";
public const MAX = "max";
interface SearchSortMissing
public const FIRST = "first";
public const LAST = "last";
* Sort by a location and unit in the hits.
class SearchSortGeoDistance implements JsonSerializable, SearchSort
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct(string $field, float $logitude, float $latitude) {}
* Direction of the sort
* @param bool $descending
* @return SearchSortGeoDistance
public function descending(bool $descending): SearchSortGeoDistance {}
* Name of the units
* @param string $unit
* @return SearchSortGeoDistance
public function unit(string $unit): SearchSortGeoDistance {}
* Sort by the document identifier.
class SearchSortId implements JsonSerializable, SearchSort
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* Direction of the sort
* @param bool $descending
* @return SearchSortId
public function descending(bool $descending): SearchSortId {}
* Sort by the hit score.
class SearchSortScore implements JsonSerializable, SearchSort
public function jsonSerialize() {}
public function __construct() {}
* Direction of the sort
* @param bool $descending
* @return SearchSortScore
public function descending(bool $descending): SearchSortScore {}
class GetOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return GetOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): GetOptions {}
* Sets whether to include document expiry with the document content.
* When used this option will transparently transform the Get
* operation into a subdocument operation performing a full document
* fetch as well as the expiry.
* @param bool $arg whether or not to include document expiry
* @return GetOptions
public function withExpiry(bool $arg): GetOptions {}
* Sets whether to cause the Get operation to only fetch the fields
* from the document indicated by the paths provided.
* When used this option will transparently transform the Get
* operation into a subdocument operation fetching only the required
* fields.
* @param array $arg the array of field names
* @return GetOptions
public function project(array $arg): GetOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg decoding function with signature (returns decoded value):
* `function decoder(string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype): mixed`
public function decoder(callable $arg): GetOptions {}
class GetAndTouchOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return GetAndTouchOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): GetAndTouchOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg decoding function with signature (returns decoded value):
* `function decoder(string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype): mixed`
public function decoder(callable $arg): GetAndTouchOptions {}
class GetAndLockOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return GetAndLockOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): GetAndLockOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg decoding function with signature (returns decoded value):
* `function decoder(string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype): mixed`
public function decoder(callable $arg): GetAndLockOptions {}
class GetAllReplicasOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return GetAllReplicasOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): GetAllReplicasOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg decoding function with signature (returns decoded value):
* `function decoder(string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype): mixed`
public function decoder(callable $arg): GetAllReplicasOptions {}
class GetAnyReplicaOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return GetAnyReplicaOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): GetAnyReplicaOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg decoding function with signature (returns decoded value):
* `function decoder(string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype): mixed`
public function decoder(callable $arg): GetAnyReplicaOptions {}
class ExistsOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return ExistsOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): ExistsOptions {}
class UnlockOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return UnlockOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): UnlockOptions {}
class InsertOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return InsertOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): InsertOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int $arg the expiry time in ms
* @return InsertOptions
public function expiry(int $arg): InsertOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return InsertOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): InsertOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg encoding function with signature (returns tuple of bytes, flags and datatype):
* `function encoder($value): [string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype]`
public function encoder(callable $arg): InsertOptions {}
class UpsertOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return UpsertOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): UpsertOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int|DateTimeInterface $arg the relative expiry time in seconds or DateTimeInterface object for absolute point in time
* @return UpsertOptions
public function expiry(mixed $arg): UpsertOptions {}
* Sets whether the original expiration should be preserved (by default Replace operation updates expiration).
* @param bool $shouldPreserve if true, the expiration time will not be updated
* @return UpsertOptions
public function preserveExpiry(bool $shouldPreserve): UpsertOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return UpsertOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): UpsertOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg encoding function with signature (returns tuple of bytes, flags and datatype):
* `function encoder($value): [string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype]`
public function encoder(callable $arg): UpsertOptions {}
class ReplaceOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return ReplaceOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): ReplaceOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int|DateTimeInterface $arg the relative expiry time in seconds or DateTimeInterface object for absolute point in time
* @return ReplaceOptions
public function expiry(mixed $arg): ReplaceOptions {}
* Sets whether the original expiration should be preserved (by default Replace operation updates expiration).
* @param bool $shouldPreserve if true, the expiration time will not be updated
* @return ReplaceOptions
public function preserveExpiry(bool $shouldPreserve): ReplaceOptions {}
* Sets the cas value for the operation.
* @param string $arg the cas value
* @return ReplaceOptions
public function cas(string $arg): ReplaceOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return ReplaceOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): ReplaceOptions {}
* Associate custom transcoder with the request.
* @param callable $arg encoding function with signature (returns tuple of bytes, flags and datatype):
* `function encoder($value): [string $bytes, int $flags, int $datatype]`
public function encoder(callable $arg): ReplaceOptions {}
class AppendOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return AppendOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): AppendOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return AppendOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): AppendOptions {}
class PrependOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return PrependOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): PrependOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return PrependOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): PrependOptions {}
* An object which contains levels of durability that can be enforced when
* using mutation operations.
interface DurabilityLevel
* Apply no durability level.
public const NONE = 0;
* Apply a durability level where the document must be written to memory
* on a majority of nodes in the cluster.
public const MAJORITY = 1;
* Apply a durability level where the document must be written to memory
* on a majority of nodes in the cluster and written to disk on the
* active node.
* Apply a durability level where the document must be written to disk
* on a majority of nodes in the cluster.
public const PERSIST_TO_MAJORITY = 3;
class TouchOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return TouchOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): TouchOptions {}
class IncrementOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return IncrementOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): IncrementOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int|DateTimeInterface $arg the relative expiry time in seconds or DateTimeInterface object for absolute point in time
* @return IncrementOptions
public function expiry(mixed $arg): IncrementOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return IncrementOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): IncrementOptions {}
* Sets the value to increment the counter by.
* @param int $arg the value to increment by
* @return IncrementOptions
public function delta(int $arg): IncrementOptions {}
* Sets the value to initialize the counter to if the document does
* not exist.
* @param int $arg the initial value to use if counter does not exist
* @return IncrementOptions
public function initial(int $arg): IncrementOptions {}
class DecrementOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return DecrementOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): DecrementOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int|DateTimeInterface $arg the relative expiry time in seconds or DateTimeInterface object for absolute point in time
* @return DecrementOptions
public function expiry(mixed $arg): DecrementOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return DecrementOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): DecrementOptions {}
* Sets the value to decrement the counter by.
* @param int $arg the value to decrement by
* @return DecrementOptions
public function delta(int $arg): DecrementOptions {}
* Sets the value to initialize the counter to if the document does
* not exist.
* @param int $arg the initial value to use if counter does not exist
* @return DecrementOptions
public function initial(int $arg): DecrementOptions {}
class RemoveOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return RemoveOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): RemoveOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return RemoveOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): RemoveOptions {}
* Sets the cas value to use when performing this operation.
* @param string $arg the cas value to use
* @return RemoveOptions
public function cas(string $arg): RemoveOptions {}
class LookupInOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return LookupInOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): LookupInOptions {}
* Sets whether to include document expiry with the document content.
* When used this option will add one extra subdocument path into
* the LookupIn operation. This can cause the set of subdocument paths
* to exceed the maximum number (16) of paths allowed in a subdocument
* operation.
* @param bool $arg whether or not to include document expiry
* @return LookupInOptions
public function withExpiry(bool $arg): LookupInOptions {}
class MutateInOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return MutateInOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): MutateInOptions {}
* Sets the cas value to use when performing this operation.
* @param string $arg the cas value to use
* @return MutateInOptions
public function cas(string $arg): MutateInOptions {}
* Sets the expiry time for the document.
* @param int|DateTimeInterface $arg the relative expiry time in seconds or DateTimeInterface object for absolute point in time
* @return MutateInOptions
public function expiry(mixed $arg): MutateInOptions {}
* Sets whether the original expiration should be preserved (by default Replace operation updates expiration).
* @param bool $shouldPreserve if true, the expiration time will not be updated
* @return MutateInOptions
public function preserveExpiry(bool $shouldPreserve): MutateInOptions {}
* Sets the durability level to enforce when writing the document.
* @param int $arg the durability level to enforce
* @return MutateInOptions
public function durabilityLevel(int $arg): MutateInOptions {}
* Sets the document level action to use when performing the operation.
* @param int $arg the store semantic to use
* @return MutateInOptions
public function storeSemantics(int $arg): MutateInOptions {}
* An object which contains how to define the document level action to take
* during a MutateIn operation.
interface StoreSemantics
* Replace the document, and fail if it does not exist.
public const REPLACE = 0;
* Replace the document or create it if it does not exist.
public const UPSERT = 1;
* Create the document or fail if it already exists.
public const INSERT = 2;
class ViewOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function includeDocuments(bool $arg, int $maxConcurrentDocuments = 10): ViewOptions {}
public function key($arg): ViewOptions {}
public function keys(array $args): ViewOptions {}
public function limit(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function skip(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function scanConsistency(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function order(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function reduce(bool $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function group(bool $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function groupLevel(int $arg): ViewOptions {}
public function range($start, $end, $inclusiveEnd = false): ViewOptions {}
public function idRange($start, $end, $inclusiveEnd = false): ViewOptions {}
public function raw(string $key, $value): ViewOptions {}
interface ViewConsistency
public const NOT_BOUNDED = 0;
public const REQUEST_PLUS = 1;
public const UPDATE_AFTER = 2;
interface ViewOrdering
public const ASCENDING = 0;
public const DESCENDING = 1;
class QueryOptions
* Sets the operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param int $arg the operation timeout to apply
* @return QueryOptions
public function timeout(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the mutation state to achieve consistency with for read your own writes (RYOW).
* @param MutationState $arg the mutation state to achieve consistency with
* @return QueryOptions
public function consistentWith(MutationState $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the scan consistency.
* @param int $arg the scan consistency level
* @return QueryOptions
public function scanConsistency(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the maximum buffered channel size between the indexer client and the query service for index scans.
* @param int $arg the maximum buffered channel size
* @return QueryOptions
public function scanCap(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the maximum number of items each execution operator can buffer between various operators.
* @param int $arg the maximum number of items each execution operation can buffer
* @return QueryOptions
public function pipelineCap(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the number of items execution operators can batch for fetch from the KV service.
* @param int $arg the pipeline batch size
* @return QueryOptions
public function pipelineBatch(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the maximum number of index partitions, for computing aggregation in parallel.
* @param int $arg the number of index partitions
* @return QueryOptions
public function maxParallelism(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the query profile mode to use.
* @param int $arg the query profile mode
* @return QueryOptions
public function profile(int $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets whether or not this query is readonly.
* @param bool $arg whether the query is readonly
* @return QueryOptions
public function readonly(bool $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets whether or not this query allowed to use FlexIndex (full text search integration).
* @param bool $arg whether the FlexIndex allowed
* @return QueryOptions
public function flexIndex(bool $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets whether or not this query is adhoc.
* @param bool $arg whether the query is adhoc
* @return QueryOptions
public function adhoc(bool $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the named parameters for this query.
* @param array $pairs the associative array of parameters
* @return QueryOptions
public function namedParameters(array $pairs): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the positional parameters for this query.
* @param array $args the array of parameters
* @return QueryOptions
public function positionalParameters(array $args): QueryOptions {}
* Sets any extra query parameters that the SDK does not provide an option for.
* @param string $key the name of the parameter
* @param string $value the value of the parameter
* @return QueryOptions
public function raw(string $key, $value): QueryOptions {}
* Sets the client context id for this query.
* @param string $arg the client context id
* @return QueryOptions
public function clientContextId(string $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Sets whether or not to return metrics with the query.
* @param bool $arg whether to return metrics
* @return QueryOptions
public function metrics(bool $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Associate scope name with query
* @param string $arg the name of the scope
* @return QueryOptions
public function scopeName(string $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Associate scope qualifier (also known as `query_context`) with the query.
* The qualifier must be in form `${bucketName}.${scopeName}` or `default:${bucketName}.${scopeName}`
* @param string $arg the scope qualifier
* @return QueryOptions
public function scopeQualifier(string $arg): QueryOptions {}
* Set of values for the scan consistency level of a query.
interface QueryScanConsistency
* Set scan consistency to not bounded
public const NOT_BOUNDED = 1;
* Set scan consistency to not request plus
public const REQUEST_PLUS = 2;
* Set scan consistency to statement plus
public const STATEMENT_PLUS = 3;
* Set of values for setting the profile mode of a query.
interface QueryProfile
* Set profiling to off
public const OFF = 1;
* Set profiling to include phase timings
public const PHASES = 2;
* Set profiling to include execution timings
public const TIMINGS = 3;
class ClusterOptions
public function credentials(string $username, string $password): ClusterOptions {}
* Provides an interface for recording values.
interface ValueRecorder
* Records a new value.
* @param int $value The value to record.
public function recordValue(int $value): void;
* Providers an interface to create value recorders for recording metrics.
interface Meter
* Creates a new value recorder for a metric with the specified tags.
* @param string $name The name of the metric.
* @param array $tags The tags to associate with the metric.
* @return ValueRecorder
public function valueRecorder(string $name, array $tags): ValueRecorder;
* Implements a no-op meter which performs no metrics instrumentation. Note that
* to reduce the performance impact of using this meter, this class is not
* actually used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
* native implementation to be used instead.
class NoopMeter implements Meter
public function valueRecorder(string $name, array $tags): ValueRecorder {}
* Implements a default meter which logs metrics on a regular basis. Note that
* to reduce the performance impact of using this meter, this class is not
* actually used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
* native implementation to be used instead.
class LoggingMeter implements Meter
* @param int $duration duration in microseconds how often the metrics should be flushed in the log.
public function flushInterval(int $duration): LoggingMeter {}
public function valueRecorder(string $name, array $tags): ValueRecorder {}
* Represents a span of time an event occurs over.
interface RequestSpan
* Adds an tag to this span.
* @param string $key The key of the tag to add.
* @param int|string $value The value to assign to the tag.
public function addTag(string $key, $value): void;
* Ends this span.
public function end(): void;
* Represents a tracer capable of creating trace spans.
interface RequestTracer
* Creates a new request span.
* @param string $name The name of the span.
* @param string|null $parent The parent of the span, if one exists.
public function requestSpan(string $name, RequestSpan $parent = null);
* This implements a basic default tracer which keeps track of operations
* which falls outside a specified threshold. Note that to reduce the
* performance impact of using this tracer, this class is not actually
* used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
* native implementation to be used instead.
class ThresholdLoggingTracer implements RequestTracer
public function requestSpan(string $name, RequestSpan $parent = null) {}
* Specifies how often aggregated trace information should be logged,
* specified in microseconds.
public function emitInterval(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the threshold for when a kv request should be included
* in the aggregated metrics, specified in microseconds.
public function kvThreshold(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the threshold for when a query request should be included
* in the aggregated metrics, specified in microseconds.
public function queryThreshold(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the threshold for when a views request should be included
* in the aggregated metrics, specified in microseconds.
public function viewsThreshold(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the threshold for when a search request should be included
* in the aggregated metrics, specified in microseconds.
public function searchThreshold(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the threshold for when an analytics request should be included
* in the aggregated metrics, specified in microseconds.
public function analyticsThreshold(int $duration) {}
* Specifies the number of entries which should be kept between each
* logging interval.
public function sampleSize(int $size) {}
* Implements a no-op tracer which performs no work. Note that to reduce the
* performance impact of using this tracer, this class is not actually
* used by the SDK, and simply acts as a placeholder which triggers a
* native implementation to be used instead.
class NoopTracer implements RequestTracer
public function requestSpan(string $name, RequestSpan $parent = null) {}
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