Add stubs for elastic_apm extension

This commit is contained in:
Simon Stücher 2021-11-19 12:32:21 +01:00 committed by DmitryTronin
parent 1910935d74
commit 96117476f2
2 changed files with 955 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -408,6 +408,21 @@ const CLASSES = array (
'Ds\\Set' => 'ds/ds.php',
'Ds\\Stack' => 'ds/ds.php',
'Ds\\Vector' => 'ds/ds.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\CustomErrorData' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\DistributedTracingData' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\ElasticApm' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\ExecutionSegmentContextInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\ExecutionSegmentInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\SpanContextDbInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\SpanContextDestinationInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\SpanContextHttpInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\SpanContextInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\SpanInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\TransactionBuilderInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\TransactionContextInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\TransactionContextRequestInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\TransactionContextRequestUrlInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'Elastic\\Apm\\TransactionInterface' => 'elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php',
'EmptyIterator' => 'SPL/SPL.php',
'EnchantBroker' => 'enchant/enchant.php',
'EnchantDictionary' => 'enchant/enchant.php',

elastic_apm/elastic_apm.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
namespace Elastic\Apm;
* Class ElasticApm is a facade (as in Facade design pattern) to the rest of Elastic APM public API.
final class ElasticApm
public const VERSION = '1.3.1';
private function __construct() {}
* Begins a new transaction and sets it as the current transaction.
* @param string $name New transaction's name
* @param string $type New transaction's type
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new transaction
* @param string|null $serializedDistTracingData - DEPRECATED since version 1.3 -
* use newTransaction()->distributedTracingHeaderExtractor() instead
* @return TransactionInterface New transaction
* @see TransactionInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
public static function beginCurrentTransaction(
string $name,
string $type,
?float $timestamp = null,
?string $serializedDistTracingData = null
): TransactionInterface {}
* Begins a new transaction, sets as the current transaction,
* runs the provided callback as the new transaction and automatically ends the new transaction.
* @param string $name New transaction's name
* @param string $type New transaction's type
* @param \Closure $callback Callback to execute as the new transaction
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new transaction
* @param string|null $serializedDistTracingData - DEPRECATED since version 1.3 -
* use newTransaction()->distributedTracingHeaderExtractor() instead
* @return mixed The return value of $callback
* @see TransactionInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
public static function captureCurrentTransaction(
string $name,
string $type,
\Closure $callback,
?float $timestamp = null,
?string $serializedDistTracingData = null
) {}
* Returns the current transaction.
* @return TransactionInterface The current transaction
public static function getCurrentTransaction(): TransactionInterface {}
* If there is the current span then it returns the current span.
* Otherwise if there is the current transaction then it returns the current transaction.
* Otherwise it returns the noop execution segment.
* @return ExecutionSegmentInterface The current execution segment
public static function getCurrentExecutionSegment(): ExecutionSegmentInterface {}
* Begins a new transaction.
* @param string $name New transaction's name
* @param string $type New transaction's type
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new transaction
* @param string|null $serializedDistTracingData - DEPRECATED since version 1.3 -
* use newTransaction()->distributedTracingHeaderExtractor() instead
* @return TransactionInterface New transaction
* @see TransactionInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
public static function beginTransaction(
string $name,
string $type,
?float $timestamp = null,
?string $serializedDistTracingData = null
): TransactionInterface {}
* Begins a new transaction,
* runs the provided callback as the new transaction and automatically ends the new transaction.
* @param string $name New transaction's name
* @param string $type New transaction's type
* @param \Closure $callback Callback to execute as the new transaction
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new transaction
* @param string|null $serializedDistTracingData - DEPRECATED since version 1.3 -
* use newTransaction()->distributedTracingHeaderExtractor() instead
* @return mixed The return value of $callback
* @see TransactionInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
public static function captureTransaction(
string $name,
string $type,
\Closure $callback,
?float $timestamp = null,
?string $serializedDistTracingData = null
) {}
* Advanced API to begin a new transaction
* @param string $name New transaction's name
* @param string $type New transaction's type
* @return TransactionBuilderInterface New transaction builder
* @see TransactionInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see TransactionInterface::setType() For the description.
public static function newTransaction(string $name, string $type): TransactionBuilderInterface {}
* Creates an error based on the given Throwable instance
* with the current execution segment (if there is one) as the parent.
* @param \Throwable $throwable
* @return string|null ID of the reported error event or null if no event was reported
* (for example, because recording is disabled)
* @link
public static function createErrorFromThrowable(\Throwable $throwable): ?string {}
* Creates an error based on the given data
* with the current execution segment (if there is one) as the parent.
* @param CustomErrorData $customErrorData
* @return string|null ID of the reported error event or null if no event was reported
* (for example, because recording is disabled)
* @link
public static function createCustomError(CustomErrorData $customErrorData): ?string {}
* Pauses recording
public static function pauseRecording(): void {}
* Resumes recording
public static function resumeRecording(): void {}
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 1.3 - use injectDistributedTracingHeaders() instead
* @see injectDistributedTracingHeaders() Use it instead of this method
* Returns distributed tracing data for the current span/transaction
public static function getSerializedCurrentDistributedTracingData(): string {}
* Class to gather optional parameters to start a new transaction
* @see ElasticApm::beginCurrentTransaction()
* @see ElasticApm::captureCurrentTransaction()
interface TransactionBuilderInterface
* New transaction will be set as the current one
* @return TransactionBuilderInterface
public function asCurrent(): self;
* Set start time of the new transaction
* @param float $timestamp
* @return TransactionBuilderInterface
public function timestamp(float $timestamp): self;
* @param \Closure $headerExtractor
* @return TransactionBuilderInterface
public function distributedTracingHeaderExtractor(\Closure $headerExtractor): self;
* Begins a new transaction.
* @return TransactionInterface New transaction
public function begin(): TransactionInterface;
* Begins a new transaction,
* runs the provided callback as the new transaction and automatically ends the new transaction.
* @param \Closure $callback
* @return mixed The return value of $callback
public function capture(\Closure $callback);
interface TransactionInterface extends ExecutionSegmentInterface
* Transactions that are 'sampled' will include all available information
* Transactions that are not sampled will not have 'spans' or 'context'.
* @link
public function isSampled(): bool;
* Hex encoded 64 random bits ID of the parent transaction or span.
* Only a root transaction of a trace does not have a parent ID, otherwise it needs to be set.
* @link
public function getParentId(): ?string;
* Begins a new span with the current execution segment
* as the new span's parent and sets as the new span as the current span for this transaction.
* The current execution segment is the current span if there is one or this transaction itself otherwise.
* @param string $name New span's name.
* @param string $type New span's type
* @param string|null $subtype New span's subtype
* @param string|null $action New span's action
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new span
* @see SpanInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setSubtype() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setAction() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
* @return SpanInterface New span
public function beginCurrentSpan(
string $name,
string $type,
?string $subtype = null,
?string $action = null,
?float $timestamp = null
): SpanInterface;
* Begins a new span with the current execution segment as the new span's parent and
* sets the new span as the current span for this transaction.
* The current execution segment is the current span if there is one or this transaction itself otherwise.
* @param string $name New span's name
* @param string $type New span's type
* @param \Closure $callback Callback to execute as the new span
* @param string|null $subtype New span's subtype
* @param string|null $action New span's action
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new span
* @see SpanInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setSubtype() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setAction() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::getTimestamp() For the description.
* @return mixed The return value of $callback
public function captureCurrentSpan(
string $name,
string $type,
\Closure $callback,
?string $subtype = null,
?string $action = null,
?float $timestamp = null
* Returns the current span.
* @return SpanInterface The current span
public function getCurrentSpan(): SpanInterface;
* Returns context (context allows to set labels, etc.)
public function context(): TransactionContextInterface;
* The result of the transaction.
* For HTTP-related transactions, this should be the status code formatted like 'HTTP 2xx'.
* @link
* @param string|null $result
* @return void
public function setResult(?string $result): void;
* @see setResult() For the description
public function getResult(): ?string;
* If the transaction does not have a parent ID yet,
* calling this method generates a new ID,
* sets it as the parent ID of this transaction, and returns it as a string.
* @return string
public function ensureParentId(): string;
interface SpanInterface extends ExecutionSegmentInterface
* Hex encoded 64 random bits ID of the correlated transaction.
* @link
public function getTransactionId(): string;
* Hex encoded 64 random bits ID of the parent.
* If this span is the root span of the correlated transaction the its parent is the correlated transaction
* otherwise its parent is the parent span.
* @link
public function getParentId(): string;
* The specific kind of event within the sub-type represented by the span
* e.g., 'query' for type/sub-type 'db'/'mysql', 'connect' for type/sub-type 'db'/'cassandra'
* The length of this string is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param string|null $action
* @return void
public function setAction(?string $action): void;
* A further sub-division of the type
* e.g., 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'elasticsearch' for type 'db', 'http' for type 'external', etc.
* The length of this string is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param string|null $subtype
public function setSubtype(?string $subtype): void;
* Returns context (context allows to set labels, etc.)
public function context(): SpanContextInterface;
* Extended version of ExecutionSegmentInterface::end()
* @param int $numberOfStackFramesToSkip Number of stack frames to skip when capturing stack trace.
* @param float|null $duration In milliseconds with 3 decimal points.
* @see ExecutionSegmentInterface::end() For the description
public function endSpanEx(int $numberOfStackFramesToSkip, ?float $duration = null): void;
interface SpanContextInterface extends ExecutionSegmentContextInterface
* Returns an object containing contextual data for database spans
* @link
public function db(): SpanContextDbInterface;
* Returns an object containing contextual data of the related http request
* @link
public function http(): SpanContextHttpInterface;
* Returns an object containing contextual data about the destination for spans
* @link
public function destination(): SpanContextDestinationInterface;
interface SpanContextDbInterface
* A database statement (e.g. query) for the given database type
* @link
* @param string|null $statement
* @return void
public function setStatement(?string $statement): void;
interface SpanContextHttpInterface
* The raw url of the correlating http request
* @link
* @param string|null $url
* @return void
public function setUrl(?string $url): void;
* The status code of the http request
* @link
* @param int|null $statusCode
* @return void
public function setStatusCode(?int $statusCode): void;
* The method of the http request
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param string|null $method
* @return void
public function setMethod(?string $method): void;
* An object containing contextual data about the destination for spans
* @link
interface SpanContextDestinationInterface
* Sets destination service context
* @link
* @param string $name
* @param string $resource
* @param string $type
public function setService(string $name, string $resource, string $type): void;
* This interface has functionality shared between Transaction and Span.
interface ExecutionSegmentInterface
* Hex encoded 64 random bits (== 8 bytes == 16 hex digits) ID.
* @link
* @link
public function getId(): string;
* Hex encoded 128 random bits (== 16 bytes == 32 hex digits) ID of the correlated trace.
* @link
* @link
public function getTraceId(): string;
* Recorded time of the event.
* For events that have non-zero duration this time corresponds to the start of the event.
* UTC based and in microseconds since Unix epoch.
* @link
* @link
* @link
public function getTimestamp(): float;
* Begins a new span with this execution segment as the new span's parent.
* @param string $name New span's name
* @param string $type New span's type
* @param string|null $subtype New span's subtype
* @param string|null $action New span's action
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new span
* @see SpanInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setSubtype() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setAction() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setTimestamp() For the description.
* @return SpanInterface New span
public function beginChildSpan(
string $name,
string $type,
?string $subtype = null,
?string $action = null,
?float $timestamp = null
): SpanInterface;
* Begins a new span with this execution segment as the new span's parent,
* runs the provided callback as the new span and automatically ends the new span.
* @param string $name New span's name
* @param string $type New span's type
* @param \Closure $callback Callback to execute as the new span
* @param string|null $subtype New span's subtype
* @param string|null $action New span's action
* @param float|null $timestamp Start time of the new span
* @see SpanInterface::setName() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setType() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setSubtype() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setAction() For the description.
* @see SpanInterface::setTimestamp() For the description.
* @return mixed The return value of $callback
public function captureChildSpan(
string $name,
string $type,
\Closure $callback,
?string $subtype = null,
?string $action = null,
?float $timestamp = null
* - For transactions:
* The name of this transaction.
* Generic designation of a transaction in the scope of a single service (eg: 'GET /users/:id').
* - For spans:
* Generic designation of a span in the scope of a transaction.
* The length of this string is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $name
public function setName(string $name): void;
* Type is a keyword of specific relevance in the service's domain
* e.g.,
* - For transaction: 'db', 'external' for a span and 'request', 'backgroundjob' for a transaction, etc.
* - For span: 'db.postgresql.query', 'template.erb', etc.
* The length of this string is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $type
public function setType(string $type): void;
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 1.3 - use injectDistributedTracingHeaders() instead
* @see injectDistributedTracingHeaders() Use it instead of this method
* Returns distributed tracing data
public function getDistributedTracingData(): ?DistributedTracingData;
* Returns distributed tracing data for the current span/transaction
* $headerInjector is callback to inject headers with signature
* (string $headerName, string $headerValue): void
* @param \Closure $headerInjector Callback that actually injects header(s) for the underlying transport
public function injectDistributedTracingHeaders(\Closure $headerInjector): void;
* Sets the end timestamp and finalizes this object's state.
* If any mutating method (for example any `set...` method is a mutating method)
* is called on a instance which has already then a warning is logged.
* For example, end() is a mutating method as well.
* @param float|null $duration In milliseconds with 3 decimal points.
public function end(?float $duration = null): void;
* Returns true if this execution segment has already ended.
public function hasEnded(): bool;
* Creates an error based on the given Throwable instance with this execution segment as the parent.
* @param \Throwable $throwable
* @return string|null ID of the reported error event or null if no event was reported
* (for example, because recording is disabled)
* @link
public function createErrorFromThrowable(\Throwable $throwable): ?string;
* Creates an error based on the given Throwable instance with this execution segment as the parent.
* @param CustomErrorData $customErrorData
* @return string|null ID of the reported error event or null if no event was reported
* (for example, because recording is disabled)
* @link
public function createCustomError(CustomErrorData $customErrorData): ?string;
* The outcome of the transaction/span: success, failure, or unknown.
* Outcome may be one of a limited set of permitted values
* describing the success or failure of the transaction/span.
* This field can be used for calculating error rates for incoming/outgoing requests.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param string|null $outcome
* @return void
public function setOutcome(?string $outcome): void;
* @see setOutcome() For the description
public function getOutcome(): ?string;
* Returns true if this execution segment is a no-op (for example when recording is disabled).
public function isNoop(): bool;
* Discards this execution segment.
public function discard(): void;
final class DistributedTracingData
/** @var string */
public $traceId;
/** @var string */
public $parentId;
/** @var bool */
public $isSampled;
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 1.3 - use injectHeaders() instead
* @see injectHeaders() Use it instead of this method
* Returns distributed tracing data for the current span/transaction
public function serializeToString(): string {}
* Gets distributed tracing data for the current span/transaction
* $headerInjector is callback to inject headers with signature
* (string $headerName, string $headerValue): void
* @param \Closure $headerInjector Callback that actually injects header(s) for the underlying transport
public function injectHeaders(\Closure $headerInjector): void {}
* Data to create custom error event
* @see ElasticApm::createCustomError
* @link
* Code in this file is part of implementation internals and thus it is not covered by the backward compatibility.
class CustomErrorData
* @var int|string|null
* The error code set when the error happened, e.g. database error code
* The length of a string value is limited to 1024.
* @link
public $code = null;
* @var string|null
* The original error message
* @link
public $message = null;
* @var string|null
* Describes the exception type's module namespace
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
public $module = null;
* @var string|null
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
public $type = null;
interface TransactionContextInterface extends ExecutionSegmentContextInterface
* Returns an object that can be used to collect information about HTTP request
* @link
* @link
public function request(): TransactionContextRequestInterface;
* This interface has functionality shared between Transaction and Span contexts'.
interface ExecutionSegmentContextInterface
* @param string $key
* @param string|bool|int|float|null $value
* Labels is a flat mapping of user-defined labels with string keys and null, string, boolean or number values.
* The length of a key and a string value is limited to 1024.
* @return void
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @link
public function setLabel(string $key, $value): void;
interface TransactionContextRequestInterface
* HTTP method
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param string $method
* @return void
public function setMethod(string $method): void;
* Returns an object that can be used to collect information about HTTP request's URL
* @link
public function url(): TransactionContextRequestUrlInterface;
interface TransactionContextRequestUrlInterface
* The domain of the request, e.g. ''
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $domain
* @return void
public function setDomain(?string $domain): void;
* The full, possibly agent-assembled URL of the request
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $full
* @return void
public function setFull(?string $full): void;
* The raw, unparsed URL of the HTTP request line, e.g
* This URL may be absolute or relative.
* For more details, see
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $original
* @return void
public function setOriginal(?string $original): void;
* The path of the request, e.g. '/search'
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $path
* @return void
public function setPath(?string $path): void;
* The port of the request, e.g. 443
* @link
* @param ?int $port
* @return void
public function setPort(?int $port): void;
* The protocol of the request, e.g. 'http'
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $protocol
* @return void
public function setProtocol(?string $protocol): void;
* Sets the query string information of the request.
* It is expected to have values delimited by ampersands.
* The length of a value is limited to 1024.
* @link
* @param ?string $query
* @return void
public function setQuery(?string $query): void;