[phpstorm-stubs] replace deprecated cs-fixer rule with a modern one

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Fedorov 2021-12-22 11:12:54 +01:00 committed by Ivan Fedorov
parent f836f94155
commit 0fe2c0c634
92 changed files with 1467 additions and 264 deletions

View File

@ -40,9 +40,12 @@ return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
'no_empty_phpdoc' => true,
'no_extra_blank_lines' => ['tokens' => [
'case', 'continue', 'curly_brace_block', 'default', 'extra', 'parenthesis_brace_block',
'square_brace_block', 'switch', 'throw', 'use', 'use_trait'
'square_brace_block', 'switch', 'throw', 'use'
'class_attributes_separation' => [
'elements' => ['const' => 'only_if_meta', 'method' => 'one', 'property' => 'only_if_meta', 'trait_import' => 'none']
'no_leading_namespace_whitespace' => true,
'no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow' => true,
'no_short_bool_cast' => true,

View File

@ -281,11 +281,14 @@ class Exception implements Throwable
/** The error message */
protected $message;
/** The error code */
protected $code;
/** The filename where the error happened */
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
protected $file;
/** The line where the error happened */
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
protected $line;
@ -403,11 +406,14 @@ class Error implements Throwable
/** The error message */
protected $message;
/** The error code */
protected $code;
/** The filename where the error happened */
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
protected $file;
/** The line where the error happened */
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
protected $line;
@ -822,6 +828,7 @@ interface Stringable
final class Attribute
public int $flags;
* Marks that attribute declaration is allowed only in classes.

View File

@ -391,11 +391,8 @@ class LuaSandboxFunction
class LuaSandboxError extends Exception
public const RUN = 2;
public const SYNTAX = 3;
public const MEM = 4;
public const ERR = 5;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ class PDOException extends RuntimeException
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'array|null'], default: '')]
public $errorInfo;
protected $code;
@ -685,7 +684,6 @@ class PDO
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php#pdo.constants.mysql-attr-ignore-space
public const MYSQL_ATTR_IGNORE_SPACE = 1006;
public const MYSQL_ATTR_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY = 1012;
@ -765,6 +763,7 @@ class PDO
#[Deprecated("Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES instead")]
public const PGSQL_ASSOC = 1;
* @removed 7.1
@ -781,7 +780,6 @@ class PDO
public const PGSQL_CONNECT_ASYNC = 4;
public const PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW = 2;
public const PGSQL_CONNECTION_AUTH_OK = 5;
@ -865,6 +863,7 @@ class PDO
* @since 7.4
* @since 7.4

View File

@ -1159,7 +1159,6 @@ class RegexIterator extends FilterIterator
* Special flag: Match the entry key instead of the entry value.
public const USE_KEY = 1;
public const INVERT_MATCH = 2;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
@ -1366,7 +1365,6 @@ class RecursiveTreeIterator extends RecursiveIteratorIterator
public const BYPASS_CURRENT = 4;
public const BYPASS_KEY = 8;
public const PREFIX_LEFT = 0;
public const PREFIX_MID_HAS_NEXT = 1;
public const PREFIX_MID_LAST = 2;

View File

@ -603,14 +603,17 @@ class SplFileObject extends SplFileInfo implements RecursiveIterator, SeekableIt
* Drop newlines at the end of a line.
public const DROP_NEW_LINE = 1;
* Read on rewind/next.
public const READ_AHEAD = 2;
* Skip empty lines in the file. This requires the {@see READ_AHEAD} flag to work as expected.
public const SKIP_EMPTY = 4;
* Read lines as CSV rows.

View File

@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ final class SQLiteResult implements Iterator, Countable
* option.</p>
public function current($result_type = SQLITE_BOTH, $decode_binary = true) {}
* Return the key of the current element
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php
@ -378,6 +379,7 @@ final class SQLiteResult implements Iterator, Countable
* @since 5.0.0
public function key() {}
* Seek to the next row number
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.sqlite-next.php
@ -385,6 +387,7 @@ final class SQLiteResult implements Iterator, Countable
* @since 5.0.0
public function next() {}
* Checks if current position is valid
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.valid.php
@ -395,6 +398,7 @@ final class SQLiteResult implements Iterator, Countable
* @since 5.0.0
public function valid() {}
* Rewind the Iterator to the first element
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ class Metadata
/** @var string[] List of supported flags. The flags are given as names of constants, such as "ast\flags\TYPE_STRING". */
public $flags;
/** @var bool Whether the flags are exclusive or combinable. Exclusive flags should be checked using ===, while combinable flags should be checked using &. */
public $flagsCombinable;
/** @var int AST node kind (one of the `ast\AST_*` constants). */
public $kind;
/** @var string Name of the node kind (e.g. "AST_NAME"). */
public $name;

View File

@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ class ClusterManager
* The user account managed by Couchbase Cluster.
public const RBAC_DOMAIN_LOCAL = 1;
* The user account managed by external system (e.g. LDAP).
@ -604,10 +605,13 @@ class Bucket
/** Ping data (Key/Value) service. */
public const PINGSVC_KV = 0x01;
/** Ping query (N1QL) service. */
public const PINGSVC_N1QL = 0x02;
/** Ping views (Map/Reduce) service. */
public const PINGSVC_VIEWS = 0x04;
/** Ping full text search (FTS) service. */
public const PINGSVC_FTS = 0x08;
@ -1606,11 +1610,12 @@ class ViewQuery implements ViewQueryEncodable
/** Force a view update before returning data */
public const UPDATE_BEFORE = 1;
/** Allow stale views */
public const UPDATE_NONE = 2;
/** Allow stale view, update view after it has been accessed. */
public const UPDATE_AFTER = 3;
public const ORDER_ASCENDING = 1;
public const ORDER_DESCENDING = 2;
@ -1897,6 +1902,7 @@ class N1qlQuery
* and we also avoid any wait for the index to catch up to the vector.
public const NOT_BOUNDED = 1;
* This implements strong consistency per request.
* Before processing the request, a current vector is obtained.
@ -1904,6 +1910,7 @@ class N1qlQuery
* If there are DML statements in the request, RYOW is also applied within the request.
public const REQUEST_PLUS = 2;
* This implements strong consistency per statement.
* Before processing each statement, a current vector is obtained
@ -1915,10 +1922,12 @@ class N1qlQuery
* Disables profiling. This is the default
public const PROFILE_NONE = 'off';
* Enables phase profiling.
public const PROFILE_PHASES = 'phases';
* Enables general timing profiling.
@ -3513,11 +3522,9 @@ class SearchSortField extends SearchSort implements \JsonSerializable
public const TYPE_STRING = "string";
public const TYPE_NUMBER = "number";
public const TYPE_DATE = "date";
public const MODE_DEFAULT = "default";
public const MODE_MIN = "min";
public const MODE_MAX = "max";
public const MISSING_FIRST = "first";
public const MISSING_LAST = "last";

View File

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ class CURLFile
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $name;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $mime;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $postname;

View File

@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ final class Decimal implements \JsonSerializable
public const ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 0; /* Round to nearest, ties towards even. */
public const ROUND_HALF_ODD = 0; /* Round to nearest, ties towards odd. */
public const ROUND_TRUNCATE = 0; /* Truncate, keeping infinity. */
public const DEFAULT_PRECISION = 28;
public const MIN_PRECISION = 1;
public const MAX_PRECISION = 0; /* This value may change across platforms */

View File

@ -550,18 +550,25 @@ class DOMNameSpaceNode
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'DOMNode|null'], default: '')]
public $parentNode;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'DOMDocument|null'], default: '')]
public $ownerDocument;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
public $namespaceURI;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
public $localName;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $prefix;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $nodeType;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
public $nodeValue;
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $nodeName;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ final class Event
public $pending;
public const ET = 32;
public const PERSIST = 16;
public const READ = 2;
@ -412,7 +411,6 @@ class EventBuffer
public $contiguous_space;
public const EOL_ANY = 0;
public const EOL_CRLF = 1;
public const EOL_CRLF_STRICT = 2;
@ -713,7 +711,6 @@ final class EventBufferEvent
public $output;
public const READING = 1;
public const WRITING = 2;
public const EOF = 16;
@ -1625,7 +1622,6 @@ final class EventListener
public $fd;
public const OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE = 2;
public const OPT_CLOSE_ON_EXEC = 4;

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@ -3127,5 +3127,6 @@ final class GdImage
* You cannot initialize a GdImage object except through helper functions.
private function __construct() {}
private function __clone() {}

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@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ class Gmagick
public const COLOR_OPACITY = 0;
public const COLOR_ALPHA = 0;
public const COLOR_FUZZ = 0;
public const GMAGICK_EXTNUM = 0;
public const COMPOSITE_DEFAULT = 0;
public const COMPOSITE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const COMPOSITE_NO = 0;
@ -70,16 +68,13 @@ class Gmagick
public const COMPOSITE_VIVIDLIGHT = 0;
public const COMPOSITE_PINLIGHT = 0;
public const COMPOSITE_HARDMIX = 0;
public const MONTAGEMODE_FRAME = 0;
public const MONTAGEMODE_UNFRAME = 0;
public const STYLE_NORMAL = 0;
public const STYLE_ITALIC = 0;
public const STYLE_OBLIQUE = 0;
public const STYLE_ANY = 0;
public const FILTER_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const FILTER_POINT = 0;
public const FILTER_BOX = 0;
@ -96,7 +91,6 @@ class Gmagick
public const FILTER_LANCZOS = 0;
public const FILTER_BESSEL = 0;
public const FILTER_SINC = 0;
public const IMGTYPE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const IMGTYPE_BILEVEL = 0;
public const IMGTYPE_GRAYSCALE = 0;
@ -108,11 +102,9 @@ class Gmagick
public const IMGTYPE_OPTIMIZE = 0;
public const RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const COMPRESSION_NO = 0;
public const COMPRESSION_BZIP = 0;
@ -128,18 +120,15 @@ class Gmagick
public const COMPRESSION_JPEG2000 = 0;
public const COMPRESSION_JBIG1 = 0;
public const COMPRESSION_JBIG2 = 0;
public const INTERLACE_NONE = 0;
public const INTERLACE_LINE = 0;
public const INTERLACE_PLANE = 0;
public const INTERLACE_PARTITION = 0;
public const PAINT_POINT = 0;
public const PAINT_REPLACE = 0;
public const PAINT_FLOODFILL = 0;
public const PAINT_FILLTOBORDER = 0;
public const PAINT_RESET = 0;
public const GRAVITY_NORTHWEST = 0;
public const GRAVITY_NORTH = 0;
public const GRAVITY_NORTHEAST = 0;
@ -149,7 +138,6 @@ class Gmagick
public const GRAVITY_SOUTHWEST = 0;
public const GRAVITY_SOUTH = 0;
public const GRAVITY_SOUTHEAST = 0;
public const STRETCH_NORMAL = 0;
public const STRETCH_CONDENSED = 0;
@ -160,17 +148,14 @@ class Gmagick
public const STRETCH_ANY = 0;
public const ALIGN_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const ALIGN_LEFT = 0;
public const ALIGN_CENTER = 0;
public const ALIGN_RIGHT = 0;
public const DECORATION_NO = 0;
public const DECORATION_UNDERLINE = 0;
public const DECORATION_OVERLINE = 0;
public const NOISE_UNIFORM = 0;
public const NOISE_GAUSSIAN = 0;
@ -178,7 +163,6 @@ class Gmagick
public const NOISE_LAPLACIAN = 0;
public const NOISE_POISSON = 0;
public const NOISE_RANDOM = 0;
public const CHANNEL_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const CHANNEL_RED = 0;
public const CHANNEL_GRAY = 0;
@ -193,21 +177,18 @@ class Gmagick
public const CHANNEL_INDEX = 0;
public const CHANNEL_ALL = 0;
public const CHANNEL_DEFAULT = 0;
public const METRIC_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const PIXEL_CHAR = 0;
public const PIXEL_DOUBLE = 0;
public const PIXEL_FLOAT = 0;
public const PIXEL_INTEGER = 0;
public const PIXEL_LONG = 0;
public const PIXEL_SHORT = 0;
public const COLORSPACE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const COLORSPACE_RGB = 0;
public const COLORSPACE_GRAY = 0;
@ -229,13 +210,11 @@ class Gmagick
public const COLORSPACE_REC601YCBCR = 0;
public const COLORSPACE_REC709YCBCR = 0;
public const PREVIEW_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const PREVIEW_ROTATE = 0;
public const PREVIEW_SHEAR = 0;
@ -266,34 +245,27 @@ class Gmagick
public const PREVIEW_OILPAINT = 0;
public const PREVIEW_JPEG = 0;
public const INTERLACE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const INTERLACE_NO = 0;
public const FILLRULE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const FILLRULE_EVENODD = 0;
public const FILLRULE_NONZERO = 0;
public const PATHUNITS_USERSPACE = 0;
public const LINECAP_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const LINECAP_BUTT = 0;
public const LINECAP_ROUND = 0;
public const LINECAP_SQUARE = 0;
public const LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const LINEJOIN_MITER = 0;
public const LINEJOIN_ROUND = 0;
public const LINEJOIN_BEVEL = 0;
public const RESOURCETYPE_AREA = 0;
public const RESOURCETYPE_DISK = 0;
@ -304,12 +276,10 @@ class Gmagick
public const RESOURCETYPE_THREADS = 0;
public const RESOURCETYPE_WIDTH = 0;
public const RESOURCETYPE_HEIGHT = 0;
public const DISPOSE_UNDEFINED = 0;
public const DISPOSE_NONE = 0;
public const DISPOSE_BACKGROUND = 0;
public const DISPOSE_PREVIOUS = 0;
public const ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT = 0;
public const ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT = 0;
@ -319,10 +289,8 @@ class Gmagick
public const ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP = 0;
public const QUANTUM_DEPTH = 0;
public const QUANTUM = 0;
public const VERSION_LIB = 0;
public const VERSION_NUM = 0;
public const VERSION_TXT = '';

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@ -316,10 +316,15 @@ class gnupg
class gnupg_keylistiterator implements Iterator
public function __construct() {}
public function current() {}
public function key() {}
public function next() {}
public function rewind() {}
public function valid() {}

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@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ class HttpMessage implements Countable, Serializable, Iterator
public const TYPE_NONE = 0;
public const TYPE_REQUEST = 1;
public const TYPE_RESPONSE = 2;
protected $type;
protected $body;
protected $requestMethod;
@ -557,7 +556,6 @@ class HttpQueryString implements Serializable, ArrayAccess
public const TYPE_STRING = 6;
public const TYPE_ARRAY = 4;
public const TYPE_OBJECT = 5;
private static $instance;
private $queryArray;
private $queryString;
@ -842,7 +840,6 @@ class HttpRequest
public const PROXY_SOCKS4 = 4;
public const PROXY_SOCKS5 = 5;
public const PROXY_HTTP = 0;
private $options;
private $postFields;
private $postFiles;
@ -1672,7 +1669,6 @@ class HttpResponse
public const REDIRECT_POST = 303;
public const REDIRECT_PROXY = 305;
public const REDIRECT_TEMP = 307;
private static $sent;
private static $catch;
private static $mode;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1202,7 +1202,6 @@ class NumberFormatter
class Normalizer
public const NFKC_CF = 48;
public const FORM_KC_CF = 48;
@ -1864,7 +1863,6 @@ class IntlDateFormatter
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.intldateformatter.php#intl.intldateformatter-constants
public const TRADITIONAL = 0;
public const RELATIVE_FULL = 128;
public const RELATIVE_LONG = 129;
public const RELATIVE_MEDIUM = 130;

View File

@ -13,21 +13,25 @@ class Judy implements ArrayAccess
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.judy.php#judy.constants.bitset
public const BITSET = 1;
* Define the Judy Array with key/values as Integer, and Integer only.
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.judy.php#judy.constants.int-to-int
public const INT_TO_INT = 2;
* Define the Judy Array with keys as Integer and Values of any type.
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.judy.php#judy.constants.int-to-mixed
public const INT_TO_MIXED = 3;
* Define the Judy Array with keys as a String and Values as Integer, and Integer only.
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.judy.php#judy.constants.string-to-int
public const STRING_TO_INT = 4;
* Define the Judy Array with keys as a String and Values of any type.
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.judy.php#judy.constants.string-to-mixed

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class LibXMLError
* @var int
public int $level;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* The error's code.
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class LibXMLError
* @var int
public int $code;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* The column where the error occurred.
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ class LibXMLError
* @var int
public int $column;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* The error message, if any.
@ -49,11 +52,13 @@ class LibXMLError
* @var string
public string $message;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The filename, or empty if the XML was loaded from a string.</p>
* @var string
public string $file;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* The line where the error occurred.

View File

@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ class MemcachePool
* @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
public function setCompressThreshold($thresold, $min_saving = 0.2) {}
* (PECL memcache &gt;= 0.2.0)<br/>
* Increment item's value

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@ -438,124 +438,154 @@ class Memcached
* <p>MEMCACHED_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED: The key provided is not a valid key.</p>
public const RES_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED = 33;
* <p>MEMCACHED_STORED: The requested object has been successfully stored on the server.</p>
public const RES_STORED = 15;
* <p>MEMCACHED_DELETED: The object requested by the key has been deleted.</p>
public const RES_DELETED = 22;
* <p>MEMCACHED_STAT: A “stat” command has been returned in the protocol.</p>
public const RES_STAT = 24;
* <p>MEMCACHED_ITEM: An item has been fetched (this is an internal error only).</p>
public const RES_ITEM = 25;
* <p>MEMCACHED_NOT_SUPPORTED: The given method is not supported in the server.</p>
public const RES_NOT_SUPPORTED = 28;
* <p>MEMCACHED_FETCH_NOTFINISHED: A request has been made, but the server has not finished the fetch of the last request.</p>
public const RES_FETCH_NOTFINISHED = 30;
* <p>MEMCACHED_SERVER_MARKED_DEAD: The requested server has been marked dead.</p>
public const RES_SERVER_MARKED_DEAD = 35;
* <p>MEMCACHED_UNKNOWN_STAT_KEY: The server you are communicating with has a stat key which has not be defined in the protocol.</p>
public const RES_UNKNOWN_STAT_KEY = 36;
* <p>MEMCACHED_INVALID_HOST_PROTOCOL: The server you are connecting too has an invalid protocol. Most likely you are connecting to an older server that does not speak the binary protocol.</p>
public const RES_INVALID_HOST_PROTOCOL = 34;
* <p>MEMCACHED_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE: An error has occurred while trying to allocate memory.</p>
* <p>MEMCACHED_E2BIG: Item is too large for the server to store.</p>
public const RES_E2BIG = 37;
* <p>MEMCACHED_KEY_TOO_BIG: The key that has been provided is too large for the given server.</p>
public const RES_KEY_TOO_BIG = 39;
* <p>MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE: An error has occurred while trying to allocate memory.
* <p>MEMCACHED_AUTH_PROBLEM: An unknown issue has occured during authentication.</p>
public const RES_AUTH_PROBLEM = 40;
* <p>MEMCACHED_AUTH_FAILURE: The credentials provided are not valid for this server.</p>
public const RES_AUTH_FAILURE = 41;
* <p>MEMCACHED_AUTH_CONTINUE: Authentication has been paused.</p>
public const RES_AUTH_CONTINUE = 42;
* <p>MEMCACHED_CONNECTION_FAILURE: A unknown error has occured while trying to connect to a server.</p>
public const RES_CONNECTION_FAILURE = 3;
* MEMCACHED_CONNECTION_BIND_FAILURE: We were not able to bind() to the socket.
#[Deprecated('Deprecated since version 0.30(libmemcached)')]
* <p>MEMCACHED_READ_FAILURE: A read failure has occurred.</p>
public const RES_READ_FAILURE = 6;
* <p>MEMCACHED_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST: The data requested with the key given was not found.</p>
public const RES_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 13;
* <p>MEMCACHED_VALUE: A value has been returned from the server (this is an internal condition only).</p>
public const RES_VALUE = 23;
* <p>MEMCACHED_FAIL_UNIX_SOCKET: A connection was not established with the server via a unix domain socket.</p>
public const RES_FAIL_UNIX_SOCKET = 27;
* No key was provided.</p>
#[Deprecated('Deprecated since version 0.30 (libmemcached). Use MEMCACHED_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED instead.')]
public const RES_NO_KEY_PROVIDED = 29;
* <p>MEMCACHED_INVALID_ARGUMENTS: The arguments supplied to the given function were not valid.</p>
public const RES_INVALID_ARGUMENTS = 38;
* <p>MEMCACHED_PARSE_ERROR: An error has occurred while trying to parse the configuration string. You should use memparse to determine what the error was.</p>
public const RES_PARSE_ERROR = 43;
* <p>MEMCACHED_PARSE_USER_ERROR: An error has occurred in parsing the configuration string.</p>
public const RES_PARSE_USER_ERROR = 44;
* <p>MEMCACHED_DEPRECATED: The method that was requested has been deprecated.</p>
public const RES_DEPRECATED = 45;
public const RES_IN_PROGRESS = 46;
* <p>MEMCACHED_MAXIMUM_RETURN: This in an internal only state.</p>
@ -580,6 +610,7 @@ class Memcached
public const ON_SET = 12;
public const ON_STAT = 13;
public const ON_VERSION = 14;
* Constants used when compiled with --memcached-protocol
* @link https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/blob/v3.1.5/memcached-api.php
@ -633,12 +664,12 @@ class Memcached
public const SERIALIZER_JSON = 3;
public const SERIALIZER_JSON_ARRAY = 4;
* <p>The msgpack serializer.</p>
* @link https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/blob/v3.1.5/memcached-api.php
public const SERIALIZER_MSGPACK = 5;
public const COMPRESSION_FASTLZ = 2;
public const COMPRESSION_ZLIB = 1;
@ -657,7 +688,6 @@ class Memcached
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/memcached.constants.php
public const GET_EXTENDED = 2;
public const GET_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE = false;

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@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ class NoReturn
* Use this constant to skip function argument on the specified position
public const ANY_ARGUMENT = 1;
public function __construct(...$arguments) {}

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@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ class MongoClient
* @return bool If the connection was successfully closed.
public function close($connection) {}
* Connects to a database server
@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ class Mongo extends MongoClient
#[Deprecated('This feature has been DEPRECATED as of version 1.2.3. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged. Please use MongoPool::getSize() instead.')]
public function getPoolSize() {}
* (PECL mongo &gt;= 1.1.0)<br/>
* Returns the address being used by this for slaveOkay reads
@ -283,6 +285,7 @@ class Mongo extends MongoClient
* </p>
public function getSlave() {}
* (PECL mongo &gt;= 1.1.0)<br/>
* Get slaveOkay setting for this connection
@ -290,6 +293,7 @@ class Mongo extends MongoClient
* @return bool Returns the value of slaveOkay for this instance.
public function getSlaveOkay() {}
* Connects to paired database server
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mongo.pairconnect.php
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ class Mongo extends MongoClient
* @return bool returns the former value of slaveOkay for this instance.
public function setSlaveOkay($ok) {}
*(PECL mongo &gt;= 1.2.0)<br/>
* Set the size for future connection pools.
@ -344,6 +349,7 @@ class Mongo extends MongoClient
#[Deprecated('Relying on this feature is highly discouraged. Please use MongoPool::setSize() instead.')]
public function setPoolSize($size) {}
* Creates a persistent connection with a database server
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mongo.persistconnect.php
@ -549,6 +555,7 @@ class MongoDB
* @return bool Returns the value of slaveOkay for this instance.
public function getSlaveOkay() {}
* (PECL mongo &gt;= 0.9.0)<br/>
* Sets this database's profiling level
@ -691,6 +698,7 @@ class MongoDB
* and wtimeout denoting the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the server to satisfy the write concern.</p>
public function getWriteConcern() {}
* (PECL mongo &gt;= 0.9.3)<br/>
* Runs JavaScript code on the database server.
@ -1296,6 +1304,7 @@ class MongoCursor implements Iterator
* </p>
public static $timeout = 30000;
* Create a new cursor
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mongocursor.construct.php
@ -1313,6 +1322,7 @@ class MongoCursor implements Iterator
* @return MongoCursor Returns this cursor.
public function awaitData($wait = true) {}
* Checks if there are any more elements in this cursor
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mongocursor.hasnext.php
@ -1936,6 +1946,7 @@ class MongoId
* </p>
public static function isValid($value) {}
* (PECL mongo &gt;= 0.8.0)
* Returns a hexadecimal representation of this id
@ -2366,7 +2377,6 @@ class MongoResultException extends MongoException
* @return array <p>The full result document as an array, including partial data if available and additional keys.</p>
public function getDocument() {}
public $document;
@ -2497,7 +2507,6 @@ class MongoLog
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/class.mongolog.php#mongolog.constants.parse
public const PARSE = 0;
public const CON = 2;

View File

@ -509,18 +509,22 @@ namespace MongoDB\Driver {
* @since 1.7.0
public const PRIMARY = 'primary';
* @since 1.7.0
public const PRIMARY_PREFERRED = 'primaryPreferred';
* @since 1.7.0
public const SECONDARY = 'secondary';
* @since 1.7.0
public const SECONDARY_PREFERRED = 'secondaryPreferred';
* @since 1.7.0
@ -530,6 +534,7 @@ namespace MongoDB\Driver {
* @since 1.2.0
public const NO_MAX_STALENESS = -1;
* @since 1.2.0
@ -623,6 +628,7 @@ namespace MongoDB\Driver {
public const LINEARIZABLE = 'linearizable';
public const LOCAL = 'local';
public const MAJORITY = 'majority';
* @since 1.4.0
@ -1131,18 +1137,22 @@ namespace MongoDB\Driver {
* @since 1.7.0
public const TRANSACTION_NONE = 'none';
* @since 1.7.0
public const TRANSACTION_STARTING = 'starting';
* @since 1.7.0
public const TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS = 'in_progress';
* @since 1.7.0
public const TRANSACTION_COMMITTED = 'committed';
* @since 1.7.0
@ -1400,6 +1410,7 @@ namespace MongoDB\Driver\Exception {
* @since 1.6.0
protected $errorLabels;
* Whether the given errorLabel is associated with this exception
@ -1922,6 +1933,7 @@ namespace MongoDB\BSON {
public const TYPE_OLD_UUID = 3;
public const TYPE_UUID = 4;
public const TYPE_MD5 = 5;
* @since 1.7.0

View File

@ -46,25 +46,30 @@ final class mysqli_driver
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $client_info;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $client_version;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $driver_version;
* @var string
public $embedded;
* @var bool
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'bool'], default: '')]
public $reconnect;
* @var int
@ -83,81 +88,97 @@ class mysqli
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|int'], default: '')]
public $affected_rows;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $client_info;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $client_version;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $connect_errno;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
public $connect_error;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $errno;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $error;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $field_count;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $host_info;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string|null'], default: '')]
public $info;
* @var int|string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int|string'], default: '')]
public $insert_id;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $server_info;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $server_version;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $sqlstate;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $protocol_version;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $thread_id;
* @var int
@ -170,7 +191,6 @@ class mysqli
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'array'], default: '')]
public $error_list;
public $stat;
@ -887,11 +907,13 @@ final class mysqli_warning
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $message;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $sqlstate;
* @var int
@ -932,21 +954,25 @@ class mysqli_result implements IteratorAggregate
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $current_field;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $field_count;
* @var array|null
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'array|null'], default: '')]
public $lengths;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int|string'], default: '')]
public $num_rows;
* @var mixed
@ -1317,46 +1343,55 @@ class mysqli_stmt
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int|string'], default: '')]
public $affected_rows;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int|string'], default: '')]
public $insert_id;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int|string'], default: '')]
public $num_rows;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $param_count;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $field_count;
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $errno;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $error;
* @var array
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'array'], default: '')]
public $error_list;
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $sqlstate;
* @var string

View File

@ -744,6 +744,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fill.php
public function fill() {}
* @param string $fontname
* @param string $encoding
@ -754,6 +755,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-findfont.php(Dep)
public function findfont($fontname, $encoding, $embed) {}
* @param int $image
* @param float $x
@ -765,6 +767,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fit-image.php
public function fit_image($image, $x, $y, $optlist) {}
* @param int $page
* @param float $x
@ -776,6 +779,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fit-pdi-page.php
public function fit_pdi_page($page, $x, $y, $optlist) {}
* @param int $table
* @param float $llx
@ -789,6 +793,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fit-table.php
public function fit_table($table, $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury, $optlist) {}
* @param int $textflow
* @param float $llx
@ -802,6 +807,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fit-textflow.php
public function fit_textflow($textflow, $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury, $optlist) {}
* @param string $text
* @param float $x
@ -813,42 +819,49 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-fit-textline.php
public function fit_textline($text, $x, $y, $optlist) {}
* @return string
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-apiname.php
public function get_apiname() {}
* @return string
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-buffer.php
public function get_buffer() {}
* @return string
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-errmsg.php
public function get_errmsg() {}
* @return int
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-errnum.php
public function get_errnum() {}
* @return int
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-majorversion.php(dep)
public function get_majorversion() {}
* @return int
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-minorversion.php(dep)
public function get_minorversion() {}
* @param string $key
* @param float $modifier
@ -858,6 +871,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-parameter.php
public function get_parameter($key, $modifier) {}
* @param string $key
* @param int $doc
@ -869,6 +883,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-pdi-parameter.php
public function get_pdi_parameter($key, $doc, $page, $reserved) {}
* @param string $key
* @param int $doc
@ -880,6 +895,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-pdi-value.php
public function get_pdi_value($key, $doc, $page, $reserved) {}
* @param string $key
* @param float $modifier
@ -889,6 +905,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-get-value.php
public function get_value($key, $modifier) {}
* @param int $font
* @param string $keyword
@ -899,6 +916,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-info-font.php
public function info_font($font, $keyword, $optlist) {}
* @param string $boxname
* @param int $num
@ -909,6 +927,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-info-matchbox.php
public function info_matchbox($boxname, $num, $keyword) {}
* @param int $table
* @param string $keyword
@ -918,6 +937,7 @@ class PDFlib
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pdf-info-table.php
public function info_table($table, $keyword) {}
* @param int $textflow
* @param string $keyword


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return RarArchive|false the requested RarArchive instance or FALSE on failure.
public static function open($filename, $password = null, ?callable $volume_callback = null) {}
* Close RAR archive and free all resources
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
public function close() {}
* Get comment text from the RAR archive
@ -45,12 +47,14 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return string|null the comment or NULL if there is none
public function getComment() {}
* Get full list of entries from the RAR archive
* @return RarEntry[]|false array of {@see RarEntry} objects or FALSE on failure
public function getEntries() {}
* Get entry object from the RAR archive
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return RarEntry|false the matching RarEntry object or FALSE on failure
public function getEntry($entryname) {}
* Test whether an archive is broken (incomplete)
@ -76,6 +81,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* should not operate on closed files.
public function isBroken() {}
* Check whether the RAR archive is solid
@ -86,6 +92,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return bool TRUE if the archive is solid, FALSE otherwise
public function isSolid() {}
* Whether opening broken archives is allowed
@ -100,6 +107,7 @@ final class RarArchive implements Traversable
* @return bool TRUE или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки. It will only fail if the file has already been closed
public function setAllowBroken($allow_broken) {}
* Get text representation
@ -127,168 +135,201 @@ final class RarEntry
* Use instead of {@see RAR_HOST_MSDOS}.
public const HOST_MSDOS = 0;
* If the return value of {@see RarEntry::getHostOs()} equals this constant, OS/2 was used to add this entry.
* Intended to replace {@see RAR_HOST_OS2}.
public const HOST_OS2 = 1;
* If the return value of {@see RarEntry::getHostOs()} equals this constant, Microsoft Windows was used to add this entry.
* Intended to replace {@see RAR_HOST_WIN32}
public const HOST_WIN32 = 2;
* If the return value of {@see RarEntry::getHostOs()} equals this constant, an unspecified UNIX OS was used to add
* this entry. Intended to replace {@see RAR_HOST_UNIX}.
public const HOST_UNIX = 3;
* If the return value of {@see RarEntry::getHostOs()} equals this constant, Mac OS was used to add this entry.
public const HOST_MACOS = 4;
* If the return value of {@see RarEntry::getHostOs()} equals this constant, BeOS was used to add this entry.
* Intended to replace {@see RAR_HOST_BEOS}.
public const HOST_BEOS = 5;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a read-only attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_READONLY = 1;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a hidden attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_HIDDEN = 2;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a system attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SYSTEM = 4;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a directory attribute (entry is a directory). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also
* {@see RarEntry::isDirectory()}, which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DIRECTORY = 16;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with an archive attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ARCHIVE = 32;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a device attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DEVICE = 64;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a normal file attribute (entry is NOT a directory). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also
* {@see RarEntry::isDirectory()}, which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NORMAL = 128;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a temporary attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on
* entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_TEMPORARY = 256;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a sparse file attribute (file is an NTFS sparse file). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SPARSE_FILE = 512;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a reparse point attribute (entry is an NTFS reparse point, e.g. a
* directory junction or a mount file system). To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS
* is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_REPARSE_POINT = 1024;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a compressed attribute (NTFS only). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_COMPRESSED = 2048;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with an offline attribute (entry is offline and not accessible). To be used
* with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_OFFLINE = 4096;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a not content indexed attribute (entry is to be indexed). To be used
* with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with an encrypted attribute (NTFS only). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ENCRYPTED = 16384;
* Bit that represents a Windows entry with a virtual attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()}
* on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
public const ATTRIBUTE_WIN_VIRTUAL = 65536;
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world executable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world writable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world readable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group executable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group writable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group readable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_READ = 32;
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner executable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner writable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_WRITE = 128;
* Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner readable. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries
* whose host OS is UNIX.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_READ = 256;
* Bit that represents the UNIX sticky bit. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_STICKY = 512;
* Bit that represents the UNIX setgid attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host
* OS is UNIX.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETGID = 1024;
* Bit that represents the UNIX setuid attribute. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host
* OS is UNIX.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETUID = 2048;
* Mask to isolate the last four bits (nibble) of UNIX attributes (_S_IFMT, the type of file mask). To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constants
@ -298,17 +339,20 @@ final class RarEntry
* {@see RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK} and {@see RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET}.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET = 61440;
* Unix FIFOs will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with {@see RarEntry::getAttr()}
* on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant {@see RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET}.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFO = 4096;
* Unix character devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEV = 8192;
* Unix directories will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
@ -318,12 +362,14 @@ final class RarEntry
* systems.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORY = 16384;
* Unix block devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEV = 24576;
* Unix regular files (not directories) will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
@ -331,18 +377,21 @@ final class RarEntry
* entries that were added in other operating systems.
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILE = 32768;
* Unix symbolic links will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK = 40960;
* Unix sockets will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with
* {@see RarEntry::getAttr()} on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant
public const ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET = 49152;
* Extract entry from the archive
@ -368,6 +417,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
public function extract($dir, $filepath = "", $password = null, $extended_data = false) {}
* Get attributes of the entry
@ -378,6 +428,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return int|false the attributes or FALSE on error
public function getAttr() {}
* Get CRC of the entry
@ -388,6 +439,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return string|false the CRC of the archive entry or FALSE on error
public function getCrc() {}
* Get entry last modification time
@ -396,6 +448,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return string|false entry last modification time as string in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS, or FALSE on errors
public function getFileTime() {}
* Get entry host OS
@ -406,6 +459,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return int|false the code of the host OS, or FALSE on error
public function getHostOs() {}
* Get pack method of the entry
@ -416,6 +470,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return int|false the method number or FALSE on error
public function getMethod() {}
* Get name of the entry
@ -426,6 +481,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return string|false the entry name as a string, or FALSE on error.
public function getName() {}
* Get packed size of the entry
@ -434,6 +490,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return int|false the packed size, or FALSE on error
public function getPackedSize() {}
* Get file handler for entry
@ -452,12 +509,14 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return resource|false file handler or FALSE on failure
public function getStream($password = '') {}
* Get unpacked size of the entry
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/rarentry.getunpackedsize.php
* @return int|false the unpacked size, or FALSE on error
public function getUnpackedSize() {}
* Get minimum version of RAR program required to unpack the entry
@ -469,6 +528,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return int|false the version or FALSE on error
public function getVersion() {}
* Test whether an entry represents a directory
@ -477,6 +537,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return bool TRUE if this entry is a directory and FALSE otherwise.
public function isDirectory() {}
* Test whether an entry is encrypted
@ -485,6 +546,7 @@ final class RarEntry
* @return bool TRUE if the current entry is encrypted and FALSE otherwise
public function isEncrypted() {}
* Get text representation of entry
@ -531,6 +593,7 @@ final class RarException extends Exception
* @return bool TRUE if exceptions are being used, FALSE otherwise
public static function isUsingExceptions() {}
* Activate and deactivate error handling with exceptions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ class Message
* @var array
public $headers;
public $opaque;

View File

@ -6,19 +6,12 @@ namespace SimpleKafkaClient;
class Message
public int $err;
public string $topic_name;
public int $timestamp;
public int $partition;
public int $payload;
public int $len;
public string $key;
public int $offset;

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class SNMP
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.snmp.php#snmp.props.info
public $info;
public const VERSION_1 = 0;
public const VERSION_2c = 1;
public const VERSION_2C = 1;
@ -292,6 +291,7 @@ class SNMPException extends RuntimeException
* @var string Textual error message. Exception::getMessage() to access it.
protected $message;
* @var string SNMP library error code. Use Exception::getCode() to access it.

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class php_user_filter
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'mixed'], default: '')]
public $params;
public $stream;

View File

@ -13,86 +13,107 @@ class SVM
* @const The basic C_SVC SVM type. The default, and a good starting point
public const C_SVC = 0;
* @const NU_SVC type uses a different, more flexible, error weighting
public const NU_SVC = 1;
* @const One class SVM type. Train just on a single class, using outliers as negative examples
public const ONE_CLASS = 2;
* @const A SVM type for regression (predicting a value rather than just a class)
public const EPSILON_SVR = 3;
* @const A NU style SVM regression type
public const NU_SVR = 4;
* @const A very simple kernel, can work well on large document classification problems
public const KERNEL_LINEAR = 0;
* @const A polynomial kernel
public const KERNEL_POLY = 1;
* @const The common Gaussian RBD kernel. Handles non-linear problems well and is a good default for classification
public const KERNEL_RBF = 2;
* @const A kernel based on the sigmoid function. Using this makes the SVM very similar to a two layer sigmoid based neural network
public const KERNEL_SIGMOID = 3;
* @const A precomputed kernel - currently unsupported.
public const KERNEL_PRECOMPUTED = 4;
* @const The options key for the SVM type
public const OPT_TYPE = 101;
* @const The options key for the kernel type
public const OPT_KERNEL_TYPE = 102;
* @const OPT_DEGREE
public const OPT_DEGREE = 103;
* @const Training parameter, boolean, for whether to use the shrinking heuristics
public const OPT_SHRINKING = 104;
* @const Training parameter, boolean, for whether to collect and use probability estimates
public const OPT_PROPABILITY = 105;
* @const Algorithm parameter for Poly, RBF and Sigmoid kernel types.
public const OPT_GAMMA = 201;
* @const The option key for the nu parameter, only used in the NU_ SVM types
public const OPT_NU = 202;
* @const The option key for the Epsilon parameter, used in epsilon regression
public const OPT_EPS = 203;
* @const Training parameter used by Episilon SVR regression
public const OPT_P = 204;
* @const Algorithm parameter for poly and sigmoid kernels
public const OPT_COEF_ZERO = 205;
* @const The option for the cost parameter that controls tradeoff between errors and generality - effectively the penalty for misclassifying training examples.
public const OPT_C = 206;
* @const Memory cache size, in MB

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.checkprobabilitymodel.php
public function checkProbabilityModel(): bool {}
* Construct a new SVMModel
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.construct.php
public function __construct(string $filename = '') {}
* Get the labels the model was trained on
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.getlabels.php
public function getLabels(): array {}
* Returns the number of classes the model was trained with
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.getnrclass.php
public function getNrClass(): int {}
* Get the SVM type the model was trained with
@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.getsvmtype.php
public function getSvmType(): int {}
* Get the sigma value for regression types
@ -56,6 +61,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.getsvrprobability.php
public function getSvrProbability(): float {}
* Load a saved SVM Model
* @param string $filename The filename of the model.
@ -64,6 +70,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.load.php
public function load(string $filename): bool {}
* Return class probabilities for previous unseen data
@ -74,6 +81,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.predict-probability.php
public function predict_probability(array $data): float {}
* Predict a value for previously unseen data
@ -84,6 +92,7 @@ class SVMModel
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/svmmodel.predict.php
public function predict(array $data): float {}
* Save a model to a file, for later use
* @param string $filename The file to save the model to.

View File

@ -20,46 +20,87 @@ class Svn
public const UNSPECIFIED = -5;
public static function checkout() {}
public static function cat() {}
public static function ls() {}
public static function log() {}
public static function auth_set_parameter() {}
public static function auth_get_parameter() {}
public static function client_version() {}
public static function config_ensure() {}
public static function diff() {}
public static function cleanup() {}
public static function revert() {}
public static function resolved() {}
public static function commit() {}
public static function lock() {}
public static function unlock() {}
public static function add() {}
public static function status() {}
public static function update() {}
public static function update2() {}
public static function import() {}
public static function info() {}
public static function export() {}
public static function copy() {}
public static function switch() {}
public static function blame() {}
public static function delete() {}
public static function mkdir() {}
public static function move() {}
public static function proplist() {}
public static function propget() {}
public static function propset() {}
public static function prop_delete() {}
public static function revprop_get() {}
public static function revprop_set() {}
public static function revprop_delete() {}
public static function repos_create() {}
public static function repos_recover() {}
public static function repos_hotcopy() {}
public static function repos_open() {}
public static function repos_fs() {}
public static function repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit() {}
public static function repos_fs_commit_txn() {}

View File

@ -7,31 +7,18 @@ namespace Swoole;
class Client
public const MSG_OOB = 1;
public const MSG_PEEK = 2;
public const MSG_DONTWAIT = 64;
public const MSG_WAITALL = 256;
public const SHUT_RDWR = 2;
public const SHUT_RD = 0;
public const SHUT_WR = 1;
public $errCode = 0;
public $sock = -1;
public $reuse = false;
public $reuseCount = 0;
public $type = 0;
public $id;
public $setting;
public function __construct($type, $async = null, $id = null) {}

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class Channel
public $capacity = 0;
public $errCode = 0;
public function __construct($size = null) {}

View File

@ -7,25 +7,15 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class Client
public const MSG_OOB = 1;
public const MSG_PEEK = 2;
public const MSG_DONTWAIT = 64;
public const MSG_WAITALL = 256;
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = '';
public $fd = -1;
public $type = 1;
public $setting;
public $connected = false;
private $socket;
public function __construct($type) {}

View File

@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class Context extends \ArrayObject
public const STD_PROP_LIST = 1;
public const ARRAY_AS_PROPS = 2;

View File

@ -7,39 +7,22 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine\Http;
class Client
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = '';
public $connected = false;
public $host = '';
public $port = 0;
public $ssl = false;
public $setting;
public $requestMethod;
public $requestHeaders;
public $requestBody;
public $uploadFiles;
public $downloadFile;
public $downloadOffset = 0;
public $statusCode = 0;
public $headers;
public $set_cookie_headers;
public $cookies;
public $body = '';
public function __construct($host, $port = null, $ssl = null) {}

View File

@ -7,17 +7,11 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine\Http;
class Server
public $fd = -1;
public $host;
public $port = -1;
public $ssl = false;
public $settings;
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = '';
public function __construct($host, $port = null, $ssl = null, $reuse_port = null) {}

View File

@ -7,21 +7,13 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine\Http2;
class Client
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = 0;
public $sock = -1;
public $type = 0;
public $setting;
public $connected = false;
public $host;
public $port = 0;
public $ssl = false;
public function __construct($host, $port = null, $open_ssl = null) {}

View File

@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class Iterator extends \ArrayIterator
public const STD_PROP_LIST = 1;
public const ARRAY_AS_PROPS = 2;

View File

@ -7,21 +7,13 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class MySQL
public $serverInfo;
public $sock = -1;
public $connected = false;
public $connect_errno = 0;
public $connect_error = '';
public $affected_rows = 0;
public $insert_id = 0;
public $error = '';
public $errno = 0;
public function __construct() {}

View File

@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL;
class Statement
public $id = 0;
public $affected_rows = 0;
public $insert_id = 0;
public $error = '';
public $errno = 0;

View File

@ -7,19 +7,12 @@ namespace Swoole\Coroutine;
class Redis
public $host = '';
public $port = 0;
public $setting;
public $sock = -1;
public $connected = false;
public $errType = 0;
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = '';
public function __construct($config = null) {}

View File

@ -9,15 +9,10 @@ use Swoole\Client;
class Socket
public $fd = -1;
public $domain = 0;
public $type = 0;
public $protocol = 0;
public $errCode = 0;
public $errMsg = '';
public function __construct($domain, $type, $protocol = null) {}

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace Swoole;
class ExitException extends Exception
private $flags = 0;
private $status = 0;

View File

@ -7,21 +7,13 @@ namespace Swoole\Http;
class Request
public $fd = 0;
public $streamId = 0;
public $header;
public $server;
public $cookie;
public $get;
public $files;
public $post;
public $tmpfiles;
public function __destruct() {}

View File

@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ namespace Swoole\Http;
class Response
public $fd = 0;
public $socket;
public $header;
public $cookie;
public $trailer;
public function __destruct() {}

View File

@ -7,14 +7,9 @@ namespace Swoole\Http2;
class Request
public $path = '/';
public $method = 'GET';
public $headers;
public $cookies;
public $data = '';
public $pipeline = false;

View File

@ -7,18 +7,11 @@ namespace Swoole\Http2;
class Response
public $streamId = 0;
public $errCode = 0;
public $statusCode = 0;
public $pipeline = false;
public $headers;
public $set_cookie_headers;
public $cookies;
public $data;

View File

@ -7,15 +7,10 @@ namespace Swoole;
class Lock
public const FILELOCK = 2;
public const MUTEX = 3;
public const SEM = 4;
public const RWLOCK = 1;
public const SPINLOCK = 5;
public $errCode = 0;
public function __construct(int $type = self::MUTEX, string $filename = '') {}

View File

@ -7,19 +7,12 @@ namespace Swoole;
class Process
public const IPC_NOWAIT = 256;
public const PIPE_MASTER = 1;
public const PIPE_WORKER = 2;
public const PIPE_READ = 3;
public const PIPE_WRITE = 4;
public $pipe;
public $msgQueueId;
public $msgQueueKey;
@ -39,7 +32,6 @@ class Process
* @var int
public $id;
private $callback;
public function __construct(callable $callback, $redirect_stdin_and_stdout = null, $pipe_type = null, $enable_coroutine = null) {}

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace Swoole\Process;
class Pool
public $master_pid = -1;
public $workers;
public function __construct($worker_num, $ipc_type = null, $msgqueue_key = null, $enable_coroutine = null) {}

View File

@ -7,29 +7,17 @@ namespace Swoole;
class Server
public $setting;
public $connections;
public $host = '';
public $port = 0;
public $type = 0;
public $mode = 0;
public $ports;
public $master_pid = 0;
public $manager_pid = 0;
public $worker_id = -1;
public $taskworker = false;
public $worker_pid = 0;
public $stats_timer;

View File

@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class Event
public $reactor_id = 0;
public $fd = 0;
public $dispatch_time = 0;
public $data;

View File

@ -7,12 +7,8 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class Packet
public $server_socket = 0;
public $server_port = 0;
public $dispatch_time = 0;
public $address;
public $port = 0;

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class PipeMessage
public $source_worker_id = 0;
public $dispatch_time = 0;
public $data;

View File

@ -7,37 +7,21 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class Port
public $host;
public $port = 0;
public $type = 0;
public $sock = -1;
public $setting;
public $connections;
private $onConnect;
private $onReceive;
private $onClose;
private $onPacket;
private $onBufferFull;
private $onBufferEmpty;
private $onRequest;
private $onHandShake;
private $onOpen;
private $onMessage;
private $onDisconnect;
private function __construct() {}

View File

@ -7,12 +7,8 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class StatusInfo
public $worker_id = 0;
public $worker_pid = 0;
public $status = 0;
public $exit_code = 0;
public $signal = 0;

View File

@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class Task
public $data;
public $dispatch_time = 0;
public $id = -1;
public $worker_id = -1;
public $flags = 0;

View File

@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ namespace Swoole\Server;
class TaskResult
public $task_id = 0;
public $task_worker_id = 0;
public $dispatch_time = 0;
public $data;

View File

@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ namespace Swoole;
class Table implements \Iterator, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
public const TYPE_INT = 1;
public const TYPE_STRING = 3;
public const TYPE_FLOAT = 2;

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ namespace Swoole\WebSocket;
class CloseFrame extends Frame
public $opcode = 8;
public $code = 1000;
public $reason = '';

View File

@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ namespace Swoole\WebSocket;
class Frame
public $fd = 0;
public $data = '';
public $opcode = 1;
public $flags = 1;
public $finish;
public function __toString(): string {}

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ abstract class BasePHPClass extends BasePHPElement
* @var PHPConst[]
public $constants = [];
public $isFinal = false;
public function addConstant(PHPConst $parsedConstant)

View File

@ -34,12 +34,15 @@ abstract class BasePHPElement
/** @var string|null */
public $name;
public $stubBelongsToCore = false;
/** @var Exception|null */
public $parseError;
public $mutedProblems = [];
public $availableVersionsRangeFromAttribute = [];
/** @var string|null */
public $sourceFilePath;
/** @var bool */
public $duplicateOtherElement = false;

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class PHPClass extends BasePHPClass
public $parentClass;
public $interfaces = [];
/** @var PHPProperty[] */
public $properties = [];

View File

@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ class PHPConst extends BasePHPElement
* @var string|null
public $parentName;
* @var bool|int|string|float|null
public $value;
* @var string|null

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ trait PHPDocElement
* @var bool
public $hasInternalMetaTag = false;
public $templateTypes = null;
protected function collectTags(Node $node) {

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class PHPFunction extends BasePHPElement
* @var bool
public $is_deprecated;
* @var PHPParameter[]

View File

@ -17,14 +17,17 @@ class PHPMethod extends PHPFunction
* @var string
public $access;
* @var bool
public $isStatic;
* @var bool
public $isFinal;
* @var string

View File

@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ use function in_array;
class PHPParameter extends BasePHPElement
public $indexInSignature = 0;
/** @var string[] */
public $typesFromSignature = [];
/** @var string[][] */
public $typesFromAttribute = [];
/** @var string[] */
public $typesFromPhpDoc = [];
public $is_vararg = false;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ class PHPProperty extends BasePHPElement
/** @var string[] */
public $typesFromSignature = [];
/** @var string[][] */
public $typesFromAttribute = [];
/** @var string[] */
public $typesFromPhpDoc = [];
public $access = '';

View File

@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ class StubsContainer
* @var PHPConst[]
private $constants = [];
* @var PHPFunction[]
private $functions = [];
* @var PHPClass[]
private $classes = [];
* @var PHPInterface[]

View File

@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ class MetaExpectedArgumentsCollector extends NodeVisitorAbstract
private const EXPECTED_ARGUMENTS = 'expectedArguments';
private const EXPECTED_RETURN_VALUES = 'expectedReturnValues';
private const REGISTER_ARGUMENTS_SET_NAME = 'registerArgumentsSet';
* @var ExpectedFunctionArgumentsInfo[]
private array $expectedArgumentsInfos = [];
* @var string[]

View File

@ -34,18 +34,22 @@ class StubsMetaExpectedArgumentsTest extends BaseStubsTest
* @var ExpectedFunctionArgumentsInfo[]
private static array $expectedArguments;
* @var string[]
private static array $registeredArgumentsSet;
* @var string[]
private static array $functionsFqns;
* @var string[]
private static array $methodsFqns;
* @var string[]

View File

@ -325,36 +325,43 @@ final class tidyNode
* @var string
public $value;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The name of the HTML node</p>
* @var string
public $name;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The type of the tag (one of the constants above, e.g. <b><code>TIDY_NODETYPE_PHP</code></b>)</p>
* @var int
public $type;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The line number at which the tags is located in the file</p>
* @var int
public $line;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The column number at which the tags is located in the file</p>
* @var int
public $column;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">Indicates if the node is a proprietary tag</p>
* @var bool
public $proprietary;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">The ID of the tag (one of the constants above, e.g. <b><code>TIDY_TAG_FRAME</code></b>)</p>
* @var int
public $id;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* An array of string, representing
@ -363,6 +370,7 @@ final class tidyNode
* @var array
public $attribute;
* <p style="margin-top:0;">
* An array of <b>tidyNode</b>, representing

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ class V8Js
/* Constants */
public const V8_VERSION = '';
public const FLAG_NONE = 1;
public const FLAG_FORCE_ARRAY = 2;
@ -144,10 +143,12 @@ final class V8JsScriptException extends Exception
* @return int
final public function getJsLineNumber() {}
* @return int
final public function getJsStartColumn() {}
* @return int
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ final class V8JsScriptException extends Exception
* @return string
final public function getJsSourceLine() {}
* @return string

View File

@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ namespace Vtiful\Kernel;
public const TYPE_INT = 0x02;
public const TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x04;
public const TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 0x08;
public const SKIP_NONE = 0x00;
public const SKIP_EMPTY_ROW = 0x01;
public const SKIP_EMPTY_CELLS = 0x02;
public const GRIDLINES_HIDE_ALL = 0;
public const GRIDLINES_SHOW_SCREEN = 1;
public const GRIDLINES_SHOW_PRINT = 2;
@ -411,7 +409,6 @@ namespace Vtiful\Kernel;
public const UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 0x00;
public const FORMAT_ALIGN_LEFT = 0x00;
public const FORMAT_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x00;
public const FORMAT_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x00;
@ -424,7 +421,6 @@ namespace Vtiful\Kernel;
public const COLOR_BLACK = 0x00;
public const COLOR_BLUE = 0x00;
public const COLOR_BROWN = 0x00;
@ -441,7 +437,6 @@ namespace Vtiful\Kernel;
public const COLOR_SILVER = 0x00;
public const COLOR_WHITE = 0x00;
public const COLOR_YELLOW = 0x00;
public const PATTERN_NONE = 0x00;
public const PATTERN_SOLID = 0x00;
public const PATTERN_MEDIUM_GRAY = 0x00;
@ -461,7 +456,6 @@ namespace Vtiful\Kernel;
public const PATTERN_LIGHT_TRELLIS = 0x00;
public const PATTERN_GRAY_125 = 0x00;
public const PATTERN_GRAY_0625 = 0x00;
public const BORDER_THIN = 0x00;
public const BORDER_MEDIUM = 0x00;
public const BORDER_DASHED = 0x00;

View File

@ -31,86 +31,107 @@ class XMLReader
* No node type
public const NONE = 0;
* Start element
public const ELEMENT = 1;
* Attribute node
public const ATTRIBUTE = 2;
* Text node
public const TEXT = 3;
* CDATA node
public const CDATA = 4;
* Entity Reference node
public const ENTITY_REF = 5;
* Entity Declaration node
public const ENTITY = 6;
* Processing Instruction node
public const PI = 7;
* Comment node
public const COMMENT = 8;
* Document node
public const DOC = 9;
* Document Type node
public const DOC_TYPE = 10;
* Document Fragment node
public const DOC_FRAGMENT = 11;
* Notation node
public const NOTATION = 12;
* Whitespace node
public const WHITESPACE = 13;
* Significant Whitespace node
* End Element
public const END_ELEMENT = 15;
* End Entity
public const END_ENTITY = 16;
* XML Declaration node
public const XML_DECLARATION = 17;
* Load DTD but do not validate
public const LOADDTD = 1;
* Load DTD and default attributes but do not validate
public const DEFAULTATTRS = 2;
* Load DTD and validate while parsing
public const VALIDATE = 3;
* Substitute entities and expand references

View File

@ -36,31 +36,38 @@ final class Yaf_Application
* @var Yaf_Application
protected static $_app;
* @var Yaf_Config_Abstract
protected $config;
* @var Yaf_Dispatcher
protected $dispatcher;
* @var array
protected $_modules;
* @var string
protected $_running = "";
* @var string
protected $_environ = YAF_ENVIRON;
* @since 2.1.2
* @var int
protected $_err_no = 0;
* @since 2.1.2
* @var string
@ -262,42 +269,52 @@ final class Yaf_Dispatcher
* @var Yaf_Dispatcher
protected static $_instance;
* @var Yaf_Router
protected $_router;
* @var Yaf_View_Interface
protected $_view;
* @var Yaf_Request_Abstract
protected $_request;
* @var Yaf_Plugin_Abstract
protected $_plugins;
* @var bool
protected $_auto_render = true;
* @var string
protected $_return_response = "";
* @var string
protected $_instantly_flush = "";
* @var string
protected $_default_module;
* @var string
protected $_default_controller;
* @var string
@ -561,15 +578,18 @@ class Yaf_Loader
* @var string
protected $_local_ns;
* By default, this value is application.directory . "/library", you can change this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to Yaf_Loader::setLibraryPath()
* @var string
protected $_library;
* @var string
protected $_global_library;
* @var Yaf_Loader
@ -697,6 +717,7 @@ final class Yaf_Registry
* @var Yaf_Registry
protected static $_instance;
* @var array
@ -764,10 +785,12 @@ final class Yaf_Session implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
* @var Yaf_Session
protected static $_instance;
* @var array
protected $_session;
* @var bool
@ -942,6 +965,7 @@ class Yaf_Router
* @var Yaf_Route_Interface[] registered routes stack
protected $_routes;
* @var string after routing phase, this indicated the name of which route is used to route current request. you can get this name by Yaf_Router::getCurrentRoute()
@ -1049,26 +1073,32 @@ abstract class Yaf_Controller_Abstract
* @var array You can also define a action method in a separate PHP script by using this property and Yaf_Action_Abstract.
public $actions;
* @var string module name
protected $_module;
* @var string controller name
protected $_name;
* @var Yaf_Request_Abstract current request object
protected $_request;
* @var Yaf_Response_Abstract current response object
protected $_response;
* @var array
protected $_invoke_args;
* @var Yaf_View_Interface view engine object
@ -1277,6 +1307,7 @@ abstract class Yaf_Config_Abstract implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
* @var array
protected $_config = null;
* @var bool
@ -1345,46 +1376,57 @@ abstract class Yaf_Request_Abstract
public const SCHEME_HTTP = 'http';
public const SCHEME_HTTPS = 'https';
* @var string
public $module;
* @var string
public $controller;
* @var string
public $action;
* @var string
public $method;
* @var array
protected $params;
* @var string
protected $language;
* @var Yaf_Exception
protected $_exception;
* @var string
protected $_base_uri = "";
* @var string
protected $uri = "";
* @var string
protected $dispatched = "";
* @var string
@ -1744,14 +1786,17 @@ abstract class Yaf_Plugin_Abstract
abstract class Yaf_Response_Abstract
public const DEFAULT_BODY = "content";
* @var string
protected $_header;
* @var string
protected $_body;
* @var bool
@ -2482,10 +2527,12 @@ class Yaf_View_Simple implements Yaf_View_Interface
* @var string
protected $_tpl_dir;
* @var array
protected $_tpl_vars;
* @var array
@ -2679,10 +2726,12 @@ final class Yaf_Route_Simple implements Yaf_Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $controller;
* @var string
protected $module;
* @var string
@ -2777,10 +2826,12 @@ final class Yaf_Route_Rewrite extends Yaf_Router implements Yaf_Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_route;
* @var array
protected $_default;
* @var array
@ -2834,18 +2885,22 @@ final class Yaf_Route_Regex extends Yaf_Router implements Yaf_Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_route;
* @var array
protected $_default;
* @var array
protected $_maps;
* @var array
protected $_verify;
* @var string
@ -2904,6 +2959,7 @@ final class Yaf_Route_Map implements Yaf_Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_ctl_router = '';
* @var string

View File

@ -34,31 +34,38 @@ final class Application
* @var \Yaf\Application
protected static $_app;
* @var \Yaf\Config_Abstract
protected $config;
* @var \Yaf\Dispatcher
protected $dispatcher;
* @var array
protected $_modules;
* @var string
protected $_running = "";
* @var string
protected $_environ = YAF_ENVIRON;
* @since 2.1.2
* @var int
protected $_err_no = 0;
* @since 2.1.2
* @var string
@ -257,42 +264,52 @@ final class Dispatcher
* @var \Yaf\Dispatcher
protected static $_instance;
* @var \Yaf\Router
protected $_router;
* @var \Yaf\View_Interface
protected $_view;
* @var \Yaf\Request_Abstract
protected $_request;
* @var \Yaf\Plugin_Abstract
protected $_plugins;
* @var bool
protected $_auto_render = true;
* @var string
protected $_return_response = "";
* @var string
protected $_instantly_flush = "";
* @var string
protected $_default_module;
* @var string
protected $_default_controller;
* @var string
@ -544,15 +561,18 @@ class Loader
* @var string
protected $_local_ns;
* By default, this value is application.directory . "/library", you can change this either in the application.ini(application.library) or call to \Yaf\Loader::setLibraryPath()
* @var string
protected $_library;
* @var string
protected $_global_library;
* @var \Yaf\Loader
@ -672,6 +692,7 @@ final class Registry
* @var \Yaf\Registry
protected static $_instance;
* @var array
@ -737,10 +758,12 @@ final class Session implements \Iterator, \Traversable, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
* @var \Yaf\Session
protected static $_instance;
* @var array
protected $_session;
* @var bool
@ -905,6 +928,7 @@ class Router
* @var \Yaf\Route_Interface[] registered routes stack
protected $_routes;
* @var string after routing phase, this indicated the name of which route is used to route current request. you can get this name by \Yaf\Router::getCurrentRoute()
@ -1008,26 +1032,32 @@ abstract class Controller_Abstract
* @var array You can also define a action method in a separate PHP script by using this property and \Yaf\Action_Abstract.
public $actions;
* @var string module name
protected $_module;
* @var string controller name
protected $_name;
* @var \Yaf\Request_Abstract current request object
protected $_request;
* @var \Yaf\Response_Abstract current response object
protected $_response;
* @var array
protected $_invoke_args;
* @var \Yaf\View_Interface view engine object
@ -1230,6 +1260,7 @@ abstract class Config_Abstract
* @var array
protected $_config = null;
* @var bool
@ -1272,46 +1303,57 @@ abstract class Request_Abstract
public const SCHEME_HTTP = 'http';
public const SCHEME_HTTPS = 'https';
* @var string
public $module;
* @var string
public $controller;
* @var string
public $action;
* @var string
public $method;
* @var array
protected $params;
* @var string
protected $language;
* @var \Yaf\Exception
protected $_exception;
* @var string
protected $_base_uri = "";
* @var string
protected $uri = "";
* @var string
protected $dispatched = "";
* @var string
@ -1644,14 +1686,17 @@ abstract class Plugin_Abstract
abstract class Response_Abstract
public const DEFAULT_BODY = "content";
* @var string
protected $_header;
* @var string
protected $_body;
* @var bool
@ -2399,10 +2444,12 @@ class Simple implements \Yaf\View_Interface
* @var string
protected $_tpl_dir;
* @var array
protected $_tpl_vars;
* @var array
@ -2544,10 +2591,12 @@ final class Simple implements \Yaf\Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $controller;
* @var string
protected $module;
* @var string
@ -2638,10 +2687,12 @@ final class Rewrite extends \Yaf\Router implements \Yaf\Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_route;
* @var array
protected $_default;
* @var array
@ -2691,18 +2742,22 @@ final class Regex extends \Yaf\Router implements \Yaf\Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_route;
* @var array
protected $_default;
* @var array
protected $_maps;
* @var array
protected $_verify;
* @var string
@ -2757,6 +2812,7 @@ final class Map implements \Yaf\Route_Interface
* @var string
protected $_ctl_router = '';
* @var string

View File

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ class Yar_Concurrent_Client
protected static $_callstack;
protected static $_callback;
protected static $_error_callback;
protected static $_start;

View File

@ -363,13 +363,21 @@ class ZendAPI_Job
// All properties SET functions
public function setJobName($name) {}
public function setScript($script) {}
public function setApplicationID($app_id) {}
public function setUserVariables($vars) {}
public function setGlobalVariables($vars) {}
public function setJobDependency($job_id) {}
public function setScheduledTime($timestamp) {}
public function setRecurrenceData($interval, $end_time = null) {}
public function setPreserved($preserved) {}
@ -388,17 +396,29 @@ class ZendAPI_Job
// All properties GET functions
public function getID() {}
public function getHost() {}
public function getScript() {}
public function getJobPriority() {}
public function getJobName() {}
public function getApplicationID() {}
public function getUserVariables() {}
public function getGlobalVariables() {}
public function getJobDependency() {}
public function getScheduledTime() {}
public function getInterval() {}
public function getEndTime() {}
public function getPreserved() {}

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class ZipArchive implements Countable
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/zip.constants.php
public const FL_UNCHANGED = 8;
public const FL_RECOMPRESS = 16;
public const FL_ENCRYPTED = 32;
public const FL_OVERWRITE = 8192;
@ -580,24 +579,28 @@ class ZipArchive implements Countable
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $status;
* System status of the Zip Archive
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $statusSys;
* Number of files in archive
* @var int
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'int'], default: '')]
public $numFiles;
* File name in the file system
* @var string
#[LanguageLevelTypeAware(['8.1' => 'string'], default: '')]
public $filename;
* Comment for the archive
* @var string

View File

@ -14,60 +14,74 @@ class ZMQ
* Exclusive pair pattern
public const SOCKET_PAIR = 0;
* Publisher socket
public const SOCKET_PUB = 1;
* Subscriber socket
public const SOCKET_SUB = 2;
* Request socket
public const SOCKET_REQ = 3;
* Reply socket
public const SOCKET_REP = 4;
public const SOCKET_XREQ = 5;
public const SOCKET_XREP = 6;
* Pipeline upstream push socket
public const SOCKET_PUSH = 8;
* Pipeline downstream pull socket
public const SOCKET_PULL = 7;
* Extended REP socket that can route replies to requesters
public const SOCKET_ROUTER = 6;
* Extended REQ socket that load balances to all connected peers
public const SOCKET_DEALER = 5;
* Similar to SOCKET_PUB, except you can receive subscriptions as messages.
* The subscription message is 0 (unsubscribe) or 1 (subscribe) followed by the topic.
public const SOCKET_XPUB = 9;
* Similar to SOCKET_SUB, except you can send subscriptions as messages. See SOCKET_XPUB for format.
public const SOCKET_XSUB = 10;
* Used to send and receive TCP data from a non-ØMQ peer.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 4.x or higher.
public const SOCKET_STREAM = 11;
* The high water mark for inbound and outbound messages is a hard
* limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages ØMQ shall queue in memory
@ -76,202 +90,247 @@ class ZMQ
* On ZeroMQ 3.x this is a wrapper for setting both SNDHWM and RCVHWM.
public const SOCKOPT_HWM = 1;
* The ZMQ_SNDHWM option shall set the high water mark for outbound messages on the specified socket.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher.
public const SOCKOPT_SNDHWM = 23;
* The ZMQ_SNDHWM option shall set the high water mark for inbound messages on the specified socket.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher.
public const SOCKOPT_RCVHWM = 24;
* Set I/O thread affinity
public const SOCKOPT_AFFINITY = 4;
* Set socket identity
public const SOCKOPT_IDENTITY = 5;
* Establish message filter. Valid for subscriber socket
public const SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE = 6;
* Remove message filter. Valid for subscriber socket
public const SOCKOPT_UNSUBSCRIBE = 7;
* Set rate for multicast sockets (pgm) (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_RATE = 8;
* Set multicast recovery interval (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_RECOVERY_IVL = 9;
* Set the initial reconnection interval (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_RECONNECT_IVL = 18;
* Set the max reconnection interval (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX = 21;
* Control multicast loopback (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_MCAST_LOOP = 10;
* Set kernel transmit buffer size (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_SNDBUF = 11;
* Set kernel receive buffer size (Value: int >= 0)
public const SOCKOPT_RCVBUF = 12;
* Receive multi-part messages
public const SOCKOPT_RCVMORE = 13;
* Get the socket type. Valid for getSockOpt
public const SOCKOPT_TYPE = 16;
* The linger value of the socket.
* Specifies how long the socket blocks trying flush messages after it has been closed
public const SOCKOPT_LINGER = 17;
* The SOCKOPT_BACKLOG option shall set the maximum length of the queue of outstanding peer connections
* for the specified socket; this only applies to connection-oriented transports.
public const SOCKOPT_BACKLOG = 19;
* Limits the maximum size of the inbound message. Value -1 means no limit.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_MAXMSGSIZE = 22;
* Sets the timeout for send operation on the socket. Value -1 means no limit.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO = 28;
* Sets the timeout for receive operation on the socket. Value -1 means no limit.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO = 27;
* Disable IPV6 support if 1.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x
public const SOCKOPT_IPV4ONLY = 31;
* Retrieve the last connected endpoint - for use with * wildcard ports.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_LAST_ENDPOINT = 32;
* Idle time for TCP keepalive.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
* Count time for TCP keepalive.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT = 35;
* Interval for TCP keepalive.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
* Set a CIDR string to match against incoming TCP connections.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
* Set a CIDR string to match against incoming TCP connections.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_TCP_ACCEPT_FILTER = 38;
* Set the XPUB to receive an application message on each instance of a subscription.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const SOCKOPT_XPUB_VERBOSE = 40;
* Sets the raw mode on the ROUTER, when set to 1.
* In raw mode when using tcp:// transport the socket will read and write without ZeroMQ framing.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 4.0 or higher
public const SOCKOPT_ROUTER_RAW = 41;
* Enable IPV6.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 4.0 or higher
public const SOCKOPT_IPV6 = 42;
* The socket limit for this context.
* Available if compiled against ZeroMQ 3.x or higher
public const CTXOPT_MAX_SOCKETS = 2;
* Poll for incoming data
public const POLL_IN = 1;
* Poll for outgoing data
public const POLL_OUT = 2;
* Non-blocking operation.
* @deprecated use ZMQ::MODE_DONTWAIT instead
public const MODE_NOBLOCK = 1;
* Non-blocking operation
public const MODE_DONTWAIT = 1;
* Send multi-part message
public const MODE_SNDMORE = 2;
* Forwarder device
public const DEVICE_FORWARDER = 2;
* Queue device
public const DEVICE_QUEUE = 3;
* Streamer device
public const DEVICE_STREAMER = 1;
* ZMQ extension internal error
public const ERR_INTERNAL = -99;
* Implies that the operation would block when ZMQ::MODE_DONTWAIT is used
public const ERR_EAGAIN = 11;
* The operation is not supported by the socket type
public const ERR_ENOTSUP = 156384713;
* The operation can not be executed because the socket is not in correct state
public const ERR_EFSM = 156384763;
* The context has been terminated
public const ERR_ETERM = 156384765;
* Private constructor to prevent direct initialization. This class holds the constants for ZMQ extension.
* @link https://secure.php.net/manual/en/zmq.construct.php
@ -294,6 +353,7 @@ class ZMQContext
* @param bool $is_persistent Whether the context is persistent. Persistent context is stored over multiple requests and is a requirement for persistent sockets.
public function __construct($io_threads = 1, $is_persistent = true) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 1.0.4)
* Returns the value of a context option.
@ -305,6 +365,7 @@ class ZMQContext
* @throws ZMQContextException
public function getOpt($key) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Shortcut for creating new sockets from the context.
@ -321,6 +382,7 @@ class ZMQContext
* @throws ZMQSocketException
public function getSocket($type, $persistent_id = null, $on_new_socket = null) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Whether the context is persistent.
@ -331,6 +393,7 @@ class ZMQContext
* @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> if the context is persistent and <b>FALSE</b> if the context is non-persistent.
public function isPersistent() {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 1.0.4)
* Sets a ZMQ context option. The type of the value depends on the key.
@ -369,6 +432,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException
public function __construct(ZMQContext $context, $type, $persistent_id = null, $on_new_socket = null) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Bind the socket to an endpoint.
@ -384,6 +448,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException if binding fails
public function bind($dsn, $force = false) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Connect the socket to a remote endpoint.
@ -399,6 +464,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException If connection fails
public function connect($dsn, $force = false) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 1.0.4)
* Disconnect the socket from a previously connected remote endpoint.
@ -413,6 +479,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException If connection fails
public function disconnect($dsn) {}
* Returns a list of endpoints where the socket is connected or bound to.
@ -422,6 +489,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException
public function getEndpoints() {}
* Returns the persistent id string assigned of the object and NULL if socket is not persistent.
@ -432,6 +500,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* </p>
public function getPersistentId() {}
* Returns the value of a socket option.
* This method is available if ZMQ extension has been compiled against ZMQ version 2.0.7 or higher
@ -448,6 +517,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException
public function getSockOpt($key) {}
* Return the socket type.
* The socket type can be compared against ZMQ::SOCKET_* constants.
@ -460,6 +530,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* </p>
public function getSocketType() {}
* Check whether the socket is persistent.
@ -468,6 +539,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @return bool <p>Returns a boolean based on whether the socket is persistent or not.</p>
public function isPersistent() {}
* Receive a message from a socket.
* By default receiving will block until a message is available unless <b>ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK</b> flag is used.
@ -484,6 +556,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException if receiving fails.
public function recv($mode = 0) {}
* Receive an array multipart message from a socket.
* By default receiving will block until a message is available unless ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK flag is used.
@ -498,6 +571,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException if receiving fails.
public function recvMulti($mode = 0) {}
* Send a message using the socket. The operation can block unless ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK is used.
* If <b>ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK</b> is used and the operation would block bool false shall be returned.
@ -511,6 +585,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException if sending message fails
public function send($message, $mode = 0) {}
* Send a multipart message using the socket. The operation can block unless ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK is used.
* If <b>ZMQ::MODE_NOBLOCK</b> is used and the operation would block bool false shall be returned.
@ -524,6 +599,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException if sending message fails
public function sendmulti(array $message, $mode = 0) {}
* Sets a ZMQ socket option. The type of the value depends on the key.
* @see ZMQ Constant Types for more information.
@ -537,6 +613,7 @@ class ZMQSocket
* @throws ZMQSocketException
public function setSockOpt($key, $value) {}
* Unbind the socket from an endpoint.
* The endpoint is defined in format transport://address
@ -572,6 +649,7 @@ class ZMQPoll
* @throws ZMQPollException if the object has not been initialized with polling
public function add(ZMQSocket $entry, $type) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 1.0.4)
* Clears all elements from the poll set.
@ -581,6 +659,7 @@ class ZMQPoll
* @return ZMQPoll Returns the current object.
public function clear() {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Count the items in the poll set.
@ -590,6 +669,7 @@ class ZMQPoll
* @return int Returns an integer representing the amount of items in the poll set.
public function count() {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Returns the ids of the objects that had errors in the last poll.
@ -601,6 +681,7 @@ class ZMQPoll
* @return int[]
public function getLastErrors() {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Polls the items in the current poll set.
@ -618,6 +699,7 @@ class ZMQPoll
* @return int
public function poll(array &$readable, array &$writable, $timeout = -1) {}
* (PECL zmq &gt;= 0.5.0)
* Remove item from the poll set.
@ -651,6 +733,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @param null|ZMQSocket $listener Listener socket, which receives a copy of all messages going both directions. The type of this socket should be SUB, PULL or DEALER.
public function __construct(ZMQSocket $frontend, ZMQSocket $backend, ZMQSocket $listener = null) {}
* Gets the idle callback timeout value.
* This method returns the idle callback timeout value.
@ -661,6 +744,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @return int This method returns the idle callback timeout value.
public function getIdleTimeout() {}
* Gets the timer callback timeout value.
* Added in ZMQ extension version 1.1.0.
@ -670,6 +754,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @return int This method returns the timer timeout value.
public function getTimerTimeout() {}
* Runs the device.
* Call to this method will block until the device is running.
@ -680,6 +765,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @throws ZMQDeviceException
public function run() {}
* Sets the idle callback function.
* If idle timeout is defined the idle callback function shall be called if the internal poll loop times out
@ -695,6 +781,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @return ZMQDevice On success this method returns the current object.
public function setIdleCallback($cb_func, $timeout, $user_data) {}
* Sets the idle callback timeout value. The idle callback is invoked periodically when the device is idle.
* On success this method returns the current object.
@ -706,6 +793,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @return ZMQDevice On success this method returns the current object.
public function setIdleTimeout($timeout) {}
* Sets the timer callback function. The timer callback will be invoked after timeout has passed.
* The difference between idle and timer callbacks are that idle callback is invoked only when the device is idle.
@ -721,6 +809,7 @@ class ZMQDevice
* @return ZMQDevice
public function setTimerCallback($cb_func, $timeout, $user_data) {}
* Sets the timer callback timeout value. The timer callback is invoked periodically if it's set.
* Added in ZMQ extension version 1.1.0.

View File

@ -15,29 +15,24 @@ class Zookeeper
public const PERM_DELETE = 8;
public const PERM_ADMIN = 16;
public const PERM_ALL = 31;
public const EPHEMERAL = 1;
public const SEQUENCE = 2;
public const EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE = -112;
public const AUTH_FAILED_STATE = -113;
public const CONNECTING_STATE = 1;
public const ASSOCIATING_STATE = 2;
public const CONNECTED_STATE = 3;
public const NOTCONNECTED_STATE = 999;
public const CREATED_EVENT = 1;
public const DELETED_EVENT = 2;
public const CHANGED_EVENT = 3;
public const CHILD_EVENT = 4;
public const SESSION_EVENT = -1;
public const NOTWATCHING_EVENT = -2;
public const LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 1;
public const LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 2;
public const LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 3;
public const LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 4;
public const SYSTEMERROR = -1;
public const DATAINCONSISTENCY = -3;
@ -47,15 +42,16 @@ class Zookeeper
public const OPERATIONTIMEOUT = -7;
public const BADARGUMENTS = -8;
public const INVALIDSTATE = -9;
* @since 3.5
public const NEWCONFIGNOQUORUM = -13;
* @since 3.5
public const RECONFIGINPROGRESS = -14;
public const OK = 0;
public const APIERROR = -100;
public const NONODE = -101;