
99 lines
2.9 KiB

-- conf/pfSense.lua
-- $Id$
-- This file contains pfSense-specific overrides to BSDInstaller.lua.
product = {
name = "pfSense-rescue",
version = "rescue1"
mountpoints = function(part_cap, ram_cap)
-- First, calculate suggested swap size:
local swap = 2 * ram_cap
if ram_cap > (part_cap / 2) or part_cap < 4096 then
swap = ram_cap
swap = tostring(swap) .. "M"
-- Now, based on the capacity of the partition,
-- return an appropriate list of suggested mountpoints.
-- pfSense: We want to only setup / and swap.
return {
{ mountpoint = "/", capstring = "*" },
{ mountpoint = "swap", capstring = swap },
cmd_names = cmd_names + {
DMESG_BOOT = "var/log/dmesg.boot"
mtrees_post_copy = {
["usr/local"] = "etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist",
install_items = {
ui_nav_control = {
["*/configure/*"] = "ignore",
["*/pit/configure_console"] = "ignore", -- do not ask about console
["pre_install_tasks/select_language"] = "ignore", -- do not show language selection
["pre_install_tasks/configure_network"] = "ignore", -- no need for configuring network
["main/install_os"] = "ignore",
["/install/*"] = "ignore",
["*/welcome"] = "ignore",
["*/configure_installed_system"] = "ignore", -- don't put these on
["*/upgrade_installed_system"] = "ignore", -- the main menu...
["*/load_kernel_modules"] = "ignore", -- do not ask about loading kernel modules
["*/pit/configure_network"] = "ignore", -- do not ask about network
["*/*netboot*"] = "ignore", -- ignore netboot installation services
["*/install/select_packages"] = "ignore", -- do not do the "Select Packages" step on install
["*/install/confirm_install_os"] = "ignore", -- no need to confirm os install
["*/install/warn_omitted_subpartitions"] = "ignore", -- warn that /tmp /var and friends are being ommited
["*/install/finished"] = "ignore", -- no need to extra spamming
["*/install/select_additional_filesystems"] = "ignore", -- do not include additional filesystems prompts
["*/install/270_install_bootblocks.lua"] = "ignore", -- ignore the old boot block installer program
["*/configure/*"] = "ignore", -- do not configure, we've already did it.
dir = { root = "/", tmp = "/tmp/" }
limits.part_min = "100M"
offlimits_devices = { "fd%d+", "md%d+", "cd%d+" }
offlimits_mounts = { "union" }
use_cpdup = true