
1994 lines
95 KiB

* phpDynDNS
* Public Functions
* - updatedns()
* Private Functions
* - _update()
* - _checkStatus()
* - _error()
* - _detectChange()
* - _debug()
* - _checkIP()
* +----------------------------------------------------+
* 3322 - Last Tested: 26 May 2017
* All-Inkl - Last Tested: 02 March 2020
* Amazon Route53 - Last Tested: 01 April 2012
* Amazon Route53 v6 - Last Tested: 19 November 2017
* Azure DNS - Last Tested: 16 October 2019
* City Network - Last Tested: 13 November 2013
* Cloudflare - Last Tested: 16 April 2019
* Cloudflare IPv6 - Last Tested: 16 April 2019
* Cloudflare w/API token - Last Tested: 13 June 2020
* DHS - Last Tested: 12 July 2005
* DNS-O-Matic - Last Tested: 9 September 2010
* DNSexit - Last Tested: 20 July 2008
* DigitalOcean - Last Tested: 25 June 2019
* DigitalOcean v6 - Last Tested: 13 May 2020
* Duck DNS - Last Tested: 04 March 2015
* DynDNS Dynamic - Last Tested: 12 July 2005
* EasyDNS - Last Tested: 20 July 2008
* Eurodns - Last Tested: 25 July 2018
* FreeDNS - Last Tested: 06 March 2021
* Gandi LiveDNS - Last Tested: 24 August 2020
* GoDaddy - Last Tested: 10 July 2020
* GoDaddy v6 - Last Tested: 10 July 2020
* Google Domains - Last Tested: 20 February 2017
* GratisDNS - Last Tested: 26 January 2020
* HE.net - Last Tested: 7 July 2013
* HE.net IPv6 - Last Tested: 7 July 2013
* HE.net Tunnel - Last Tested: 28 June 2011
* Hetzner DNS Console - Last Tested: 06 February 2021
* Hetzner DNS Console v6 - Last Tested: 06 February 2021
* HN.org - Last Tested: 12 July 2005
* Linode - Last Tested: 25 February 2020
* Linode v6 - Last Tested: 25 February 2020
* Namecheap - Last Tested: 31 August 2010
* No-IP - Last Tested: 15 May 2020
* ODS - Last Tested: 02 August 2005
* Oray - Last Tested: 26 May 2017
* STRATO - Last Tested: 09 May 2017
* SelfHost - Last Tested: 26 December 2011
* StaticCling - Last Tested: 27 April 2006
* deSEC - Last Tested: 09 September 2020
* deSEC v6 - Last Tested: 09 September 2020
* deSEC v4 + v6 - Last Tested: 09 September 2020
* dynv6 - Last Tested: 25 June 2019
* dynv6 v6 - Last Tested: 25 June 2019
* regfish - Last Tested: 15 August 2017
* regfish v6 - Last Tested: 15 August 2017
* +====================================================+
* @author E.Kristensen
* @link http://www.idylldesigns.com/projects/phpdns/
* @version 0.8
* @updated 13 October 05 at 21:02:42 GMT
* DNSexit support and multiwan extension for pfSense by Ermal Luçi
* Custom DNS support by Matt Corallo
class updatedns
var $_cacheFile;
var $_cacheFile_v6;
var $_debugFile;
var $_UserAgent = 'User-Agent: phpDynDNS/0.8';
var $_errorVerbosity = 0;
var $_dnsService;
var $_dnsUser;
var $_dnsPass;
var $_dnsHost;
var $_dnsIP;
var $_dnsWildcard;
var $_dnsMX;
var $_dnsBackMX;
var $_dnsServer;
var $_dnsPort;
var $_dnsUpdateURL;
var $_dnsZoneID;
var $_dnsResourceID;
var $_dnsTTL;
var $status;
var $_debugID;
var $_if;
var $_dnsResultMatch;
var $_dnsRequestIf;
var $_dnsRequestIfIP;
var $_dnsVerboseLog;
var $_curlIpresolveV4;
var $_curlSslVerifypeer;
var $_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays;
var $_dnsDummyUpdateDone;
var $_forceUpdateNeeded;
var $_useIPv6;
* Public Constructor Function (added 12 July 05) [beta]
* - Gets the dice rolling for the update.
* - $dnsResultMatch should only be used with $dnsService = 'custom'
* - $dnsResultMatch is parsed for '%IP%', which is the IP the provider was updated to,
* - it is otherwise expected to be exactly identical to what is returned by the Provider.
* - $dnsUser, and $dnsPass indicate HTTP Auth for custom DNS, if they are needed in the URL (GET Variables), include them in $dnsUpdateURL.
* - $For custom requests, $dnsUpdateURL is parsed for '%IP%', which is replaced with the new IP.
public function __construct(
$dnsService = '',
$dnsHost = '',
$dnsUser = '',
$dnsPass = '',
$dnsWildcard = 'OFF',
$dnsMX = '',
$dnsIf = '',
$dnsBackMX = '',
$dnsServer = '',
$dnsPort = '',
$dnsUpdateURL = '',
$forceUpdate = false,
$dnsZoneID = '',
$dnsResourceID = '',
$dnsTTL = '',
$dnsResultMatch = '',
$dnsRequestIf = '',
$dnsID = '',
$dnsVerboseLog = false,
$curlIpresolveV4 = false,
$curlSslVerifypeer = true
) {
/* XXX because the call stack is upside down we need to reassemble config parts here... */
$conf = array('host' => $dnsHost, 'id' => $dnsID, 'interface' => $dnsIf);
$this->_cacheFile = dyndns_cache_file($conf, 4);
$this->_cacheFile_v6 = dyndns_cache_file($conf, 6);
$this->_debugFile = dyndns_cache_file($conf, 4) . '.debug';
$this->_dnsServiceList = dyndns_list();
$this->_curlIpresolveV4 = $curlIpresolveV4;
$this->_curlSslVerifypeer = $curlSslVerifypeer;
$this->_dnsVerboseLog = $dnsVerboseLog;
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting");
$dyndnslck = lock("DDNS" . $dnsID, LOCK_EX);
if (!$dnsService) {
switch ($dnsService) {
case 'freedns':
if (!$dnsHost) {
case 'linode':
case 'linode-v6':
case 'namecheap':
if (!$dnsPass) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
case 'route53':
case 'route53-v6':
if (!$dnsZoneID) {
} elseif (!$dnsTTL) {
case 'custom':
case 'custom-v6':
if (!$dnsUpdateURL) {
case 'duckdns':
case 'dynv6':
case 'dynv6-v6':
case 'regfish':
case 'regfish-v6':
if (!$dnsUser) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
case 'azure':
case 'azurev6':
if (!$dnsUser) {
} elseif (!$dnsPass) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
} elseif (!$dnsResourceID) {
} elseif (!$dnsTTL) {
case 'cloudflare-token':
case 'cloudflare-token-v6':
case 'hetzner':
case 'hetzner-v6':
if (!$dnsPass) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
} elseif (!$dnsTTL) {
case 'desec':
case 'desec-v4-v6':
case 'desec-v6':
if (!$dnsPass) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
if (!$dnsUser) {
} elseif (!$dnsPass) {
} elseif (!$dnsHost) {
switch ($dnsService) {
case 'all-inkl-v6':
case 'azurev6':
case 'cloudflare-v6':
case 'custom-v6':
case 'digitalocean-v6':
case 'dynv6-v6':
case 'he-net-v6':
case 'godaddy-v6':
case 'linode-v6':
case 'regfish-v6':
case 'route53-v6':
case 'cloudflare-token-v6':
case 'desec-v4-v6':
case 'desec-v6':
case 'hetzner-v6':
$this->_useIPv6 = true;
$this->_useIPv6 = false;
$this->_dnsService = strtolower($dnsService);
$this->_dnsUser = $dnsUser;
$this->_dnsPass = $dnsPass;
$this->_dnsHost = $dnsHost;
$this->_dnsServer = $dnsServer;
$this->_dnsPort = $dnsPort;
$this->_dnsWildcard = $dnsWildcard;
$this->_dnsMX = $dnsMX;
$this->_dnsZoneID = $dnsZoneID;
$this->_dnsResourceID = $dnsResourceID;
$this->_dnsTTL = $dnsTTL;
$this->_if = dyndns_failover_interface($dnsIf, $this->_useIPv6 ? 'inet6' : 'all');
$this->_dnsUpdateURL = $dnsUpdateURL;
$this->_dnsResultMatch = $dnsResultMatch;
$this->_dnsRequestIf = dyndns_failover_interface($dnsRequestIf, $this->_useIPv6 ? 'inet6' : 'all');
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): running dyndns_failover_interface for {$dnsRequestIf}. found {$this->_dnsRequestIf}");
$this->_dnsRequestIfIP = $this->_useIPv6 ? get_interface_ipv6($this->_dnsRequestIf) : get_interface_ip($this->_dnsRequestIf);
$this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays = 25;
$this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone = false;
$this->_forceUpdateNeeded = $forceUpdate;
// Ensure that we were able to lookup the IP
if (!is_ipaddr($this->_dnsIP)) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}) There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - {$dnsIf}({$this->_if}). Probably interface is not a WAN interface.");
$this->_debugID = rand(1000000, 9999999);
if ($forceUpdate == false && $this->_detectChange() == false) {
} else {
switch ($this->_dnsService) {
case '3322':
case 'all-inkl':
case 'all-inkl-v6':
case 'azure':
case 'azurev6':
case 'citynetwork':
case 'cloudflare':
case 'cloudflare-v6':
case 'cloudflare-token':
case 'cloudflare-token-v6':
case 'custom':
case 'custom-v6':
case 'desec':
case 'desec-v4-v6':
case 'desec-v6':
case 'dhs':
case 'digitalocean':
case 'gandi-livedns':
case 'dnsexit':
case 'dnsomatic':
case 'duckdns':
case 'dyndns':
case 'dyndns-custom':
case 'dyndns-static':
case 'dyns':
case 'dynv6':
case 'dynv6-v6':
case 'easydns':
case 'eurodns':
case 'freedns':
case 'godaddy':
case 'godaddy-v6':
case 'googledomains':
case 'gratisdns':
case 'he-net':
case 'he-net-tunnelbroker':
case 'he-net-v6':
case 'hetzner':
case 'hetzner-v6':
case 'hn':
case 'linode':
case 'linode-v6':
case 'loopia':
case 'namecheap':
case 'noip':
case 'noip-free':
case 'ods':
case 'oray':
case 'ovh-dynhost':
case 'regfish':
case 'regfish-v6':
case 'route53':
case 'route53-v6':
case 'selfhost':
case 'staticcling':
case 'strato':
case 'zoneedit':
if ($this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone == true) {
// If a dummy update was needed, then sleep a while and do the update again to put the proper address back.
// Some providers (e.g. No-IP free accounts) need to have at least 1 address change every month.
// If the address has not changed recently, or the user did "Force Update", then the code does
// a dummy address change for providers like this.
* Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta]
* Send Update To Selected Service.
function _update()
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost} via {$this->_dnsServiceList[$this->_dnsService]}): _update() starting.");
if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53-v6') {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_UserAgent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_dnsRequestIfIP);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
switch ($this->_dnsService) {
case 'dyndns':
case 'dyndns-static':
case 'dyndns-custom':
if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") {
$this->_dnsWildcard = "ON";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO');
case 'dhs':
$post_data['hostscmd'] = 'edit';
$post_data['hostscmdstage'] = '2';
$post_data['type'] = '4';
$post_data['updatetype'] = 'Online';
$post_data['mx'] = $this->_dnsMX;
$post_data['mx2'] = '';
$post_data['txt'] = '';
$post_data['offline_url'] = '';
$post_data['cloak'] = 'Y';
$post_data['cloak_title'] = '';
$post_data['ip'] = $this->_dnsIP;
$post_data['domain'] = 'dyn.dhs.org';
$post_data['hostname'] = $this->_dnsHost;
$post_data['submit'] = 'Update';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$server = "https://members.dhs.org/nic/hosts";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '{$server}{$port}');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
case 'noip':
case 'noip-free':
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass
$server = "https://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
if (
($this->_dnsService == "noip-free") &&
($this->_forceUpdateNeeded == true) &&
($this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone == false)
) {
// Update the IP to a dummy value to force No-IP free accounts to see a change.
$iptoset = "";
$this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone = true;
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Processing dummy update on No-IP free account. IP temporarily set to " . $iptoset);
} else {
$iptoset = $this->_dnsIP;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $iptoset);
case 'easydns':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://members.easydns.com/dyn/dyndns.php";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=' . $this->_dnsBackMX);
case 'hn':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "http://dup.hn.org/vanity/update";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?ver=1&IP=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'zoneedit':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$server}{$port}?host=" . $this->_dnsHost);
case 'dyns':
/* XXX HTTPS is currently broken for them */
$server = 'http://www.dyns.cx/postscript011.php';
$port = '';
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?username=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&password=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&host=' . $this->_dnsHost);
case 'ods':
$misc_errno = 0;
$misc_error = "";
$server = "ods.org";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
$this->con['socket'] = fsockopen("{$server}{$port}", "7070", $misc_errno, $misc_error, 30);
/* Check that we have connected */
if (!$this->con['socket']) {
print "error! could not connect.";
/* Here is the loop. Read the incoming data (from the socket connection) */
while (!feof($this->con['socket'])) {
$this->con['buffer']['all'] = trim(fgets($this->con['socket'], 4096));
$code = substr($this->con['buffer']['all'], 0, 3);
switch ($code) {
case 100:
fputs($this->con['socket'], "LOGIN " . $this->_dnsUser . " " . $this->_dnsPass . "\n");
case 225:
fputs($this->con['socket'], "DELRR " . $this->_dnsHost . " A\n");
case 901:
fputs($this->con['socket'], "ADDRR " . $this->_dnsHost . " A " . $this->_dnsIP . "\n");
case 795:
fputs($this->con['socket'], "QUIT\n");
$this->_checkStatus(0, $code);
case 'freedns':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://sync.afraid.org/u/' . $this->_dnsPass . '/');
case 'dnsexit':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://update.dnsexit.com/RemoteUpdate.sv?login=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&password=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&host=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'loopia':
$this->_dnsWildcard = (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard == true) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://dns.loopia.se/XDynDNSServer/XDynDNS.php?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard);
case 'staticcling':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.staticcling.org/update.html?login=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&pass=' . $this->_dnsPass);
case 'dnsomatic':
/* Example syntax
if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") {
$this->_dnsWildcard = "ON";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
Reference: https://www.dnsomatic.com/wiki/api
DNS-O-Matic usernames are 3-25 characters.
DNS-O-Matic passwords are 6-20 characters.
All ASCII letters and numbers accepted.
Dots, dashes, and underscores allowed, but not at the beginning or end of the string.
Required: "rawurlencode" http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rawurlencode.php
Encodes the given string according to RFC 3986.
$server = "https://" . rawurlencode($this->_dnsUser) . ":" . rawurlencode($this->_dnsPass) . "@updates.dnsomatic.com/nic/update?hostname=";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NOCHG');
case 'namecheap':
/* Example:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$dparts = explode(".", trim($this->_dnsHost));
$domain_part_count = ($dparts[count($dparts) - 1] == "uk") ? 3 : 2;
$domain_offset = count($dparts) - $domain_part_count;
$hostname = implode(".", array_slice($dparts, 0, $domain_offset));
$domain = implode(".", array_slice($dparts, $domain_offset));
$dnspass = trim($this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host={$hostname}&domain={$domain}&password={$dnspass}&ip={$this->_dnsIP}";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'he-net':
case 'he-net-v6':
$server = "https://dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update?";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . 'hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&password=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'he-net-tunnelbroker':
$server = "https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/nic/update?";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . 'hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost);
case 'digitalocean':
case 'digitalocean-v6':
* dnsHost should be the root domain
* dnsUser should be the record ID
* dnsPass should be the API key
$server = "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/" . $this->_dnsHost . "/records/" . $this->_dnsUser;
$hostData = array("data" => "{$this->_dnsIP}");
* DigitalOcean does not offer the API via IPv6, so we need
* to force sending the request using IPv4 when updating for IPv6
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_dnsRequestIf);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
"Authorization: Bearer {$this->_dnsPass}",
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($hostData));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'gandi-livedns':
* https://github.com/vizion8-dan
* Tested on OPNsense 20.1.8_1-amd64 - IPv4 (A)
* dnsHost ("Hostname" field in OPNsense) should be the 2nd-level domain ("example.org")
* dnsUser ("Username" field in OPNsense) should be the subdomain / A-record ("myrecord" in 2nd-level domain)
* dnsPass should be the Gandi-API key
$server = "https://dns.api.gandi.net/api/v5/domains/" . $this->_dnsHost . "/records/" . $this->_dnsUser . "/A";
$body = '{"rrset_ttl":"' . "300" . '", "rrset_values":["' . $this->_dnsIP . '"]}';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
"X-Api-Key: {$this->_dnsPass}",
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'selfhost':
if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") {
$this->_dnsWildcard = "ON";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://carol.selfhost.de/nic/update";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO');
case 'route53':
case 'route53-v6':
/* Setting Variables */
$hostname = "{$this->_dnsHost}.";
$ZoneID = $this->_dnsZoneID;
$AccessKeyId = $this->_dnsUser;
$SecretAccessKey = $this->_dnsPass;
$NewIP = $this->_dnsIP;
$NewTTL = $this->_dnsTTL;
$RecordType = ($this->_useIPv6) ? "AAAA" : "A";
/* Set Amazon AWS Credentials for this record */
$r53 = new Route53($AccessKeyId, $SecretAccessKey);
/* Function to find old values of records in Route 53 */
if (!function_exists('Searchrecords')) {
function SearchRecords($records, $name)
if (!is_array($records)) {
return false;
$result = array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (strtolower($record['Name']) == strtolower($name)) {
$result [] = $record;
return ($result) ? $result : false;
$records = $r53->listResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID");
/* Get IP for your hostname in Route 53 */
if (false !== ($a_result = SearchRecords($records['ResourceRecordSets'], "$hostname"))) {
* if hostname for ipv4 and ipv6 is the same, a_result contains more than 1 item
* we need to get the item that corresponds to the record type
$oldTTLResult = null;
$oldIPResult = null;
foreach ($a_result as $resultItem) {
if ($RecordType === $resultItem['Type']) {
$oldTTLResult = $resultItem["TTL"];
$oldIPResult = $resultItem["ResourceRecords"][0];
$OldTTL = $oldTTLResult;
$OldIP = $oldIPResult;
} else {
$OldIP = "";
/* Check if we need to update DNS Record */
if ($OldIP !== $NewIP) {
if (!empty($OldIP)) {
/* Your Hostname already exists, deleting and creating it again */
$changes = array();
$changes[] = $r53->prepareChange("DELETE", $hostname, $RecordType, $OldTTL, $OldIP);
$changes[] = $r53->prepareChange("CREATE", $hostname, $RecordType, $NewTTL, $NewIP);
$result = $r53->changeResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID", $changes);
} else {
/* Your Hostname does not exist yet, creating it */
$changes = $r53->prepareChange("CREATE", $hostname, $RecordType, $NewTTL, $NewIP);
$result = $r53->changeResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID", $changes);
$this->_checkStatus(0, $result);
case 'custom':
case 'custom-v6':
if ($this->_curlIpresolveV4) {
if ($this->_curlSslVerifypeer) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
if ($this->_dnsUser != '') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "{$this->_dnsUser}:{$this->_dnsPass}");
$server = str_replace("%IP%", $this->_dnsIP, $this->_dnsUpdateURL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'cloudflare':
case 'cloudflare-v6':
case 'cloudflare-token':
case 'cloudflare-token-v6':
$baseUrl = 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4';
$fqdn = str_replace(' ', '', $this->_dnsHost);
$recordType = ($this->_useIPv6) ? 'AAAA' : 'A';
$ttlData = intval($this->_dnsTTL) < 1 ? 1 : intval($this->_dnsTTL);
$hostData = array(
"content" => "{$this->_dnsIP}",
"type" => $recordType,
"name" => $fqdn,
"ttl" => $ttlData
// Determine if service is token based or user/password based and define appropriate header
if (strpos($this->_dnsService, 'token') !== false) {
$headerAuth = array(
"Authorization: Bearer {$this->_dnsPass}",
'Content-Type: application/json'
} else {
$headerAuth = array(
"X-Auth-Email: {$this->_dnsUser}",
"X-Auth-Key: {$this->_dnsPass}",
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerAuth);
// Get all zone info
$zonesUrl = "$baseUrl/zones";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $zonesUrl);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$zoneId = null; // Set default value
if (!empty($output->result)) {
// Iterate zone objects, check if $fqdn is equal to or ends with zone name
foreach ($output->result as $key => $zoneObj) {
if (preg_match("/^{$zoneObj->name}$|\.{$zoneObj->name}$/", $fqdn)) {
// Found matching zone
$zoneId = $zoneObj->id;
// Get $hostName from $fqdn, set $domainName
// These are only really used for log messages.
$hostName = preg_replace("/\.?{$zoneObj->name}$/", '', $fqdn);
$domainName = $zoneObj->name;
if ($zoneId) { // If zone ID was found get host ID
$dnsRecordsUrl = "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/dns_records";
$getHostId = "$dnsRecordsUrl?name=$fqdn&type=$recordType";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $getHostId);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$recordCount = !empty($output->result) ? count($output->result) : 0;
if ($recordCount === 0) {
// create record
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $dnsRecordsUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
} elseif ($recordCount >= 1) {
// update record
$recordId = $output->result[0]->id;
$hostData["proxied"] = $output->result[0]->proxied;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$dnsRecordsUrl/$recordId");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($hostData));
if ($recordCount > 1) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): Warning: multiple records for $hostName found");
case 'hetzner':
case 'hetzner-v6':
$baseUrl = 'https://dns.hetzner.com/api/v1';
$fqdn = str_replace(' ', '', $this->_dnsHost);
$recordType = ($this->_useIPv6) ? 'AAAA' : 'A';
$ttlData = intval($this->_dnsTTL) < 1 ? 120 : intval($this->_dnsTTL);
$hostData = [
"value" => "{$this->_dnsIP}",
"type" => $recordType,
"name" => "",
"ttl" => $ttlData,
"zone_id" => ""
$headerAuth = [
"Auth-API-Token: {$this->_dnsPass}",
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerAuth);
// Get all zone info
$zonesUrl = "$baseUrl/zones";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $zonesUrl);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$zoneId = null; // Set default value
if (!empty($output->zones)) {
// Iterate zone objects, check if $fqdn is equal to or ends with zone name
foreach ($output->zones as $key => $zoneObj) {
if (preg_match("/^{$zoneObj->name}$|\.{$zoneObj->name}$/", $fqdn)) {
// Found matching zone
$zoneId = $zoneObj->id;
// Get $hostName from $fqdn, set $domainName
// These are only really used for log messages.
$hostName = preg_replace("/\.?{$zoneObj->name}$/", '', $fqdn);
$domainName = $zoneObj->name;
if ($zoneId) { // If zone ID was found get host ID
$dnsRecordsUrl = "$baseUrl/records?zone_id=$zoneId";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $dnsRecordsUrl);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$recordId = null;
if (!empty($output->records)) {
// Iterate zone objects, check if $hostName exist of the same type
foreach ($output->records as $key => $recordObj) {
if (preg_match("/^{$recordObj->name}$/", $hostName)) {
if ($recordObj->type == $recordType) {
// Found matching host
$recordId = $recordObj->id;
if ($recordId) { // If record ID was found, update record
$setRecordUrl = "$baseUrl/records/$recordId";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $setRecordUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
} else {
$setRecordUrl = "$baseUrl/records";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $setRecordUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
$hostData["zone_id"] = $zoneId;
$hostData["name"] = $hostName;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($hostData));
case 'eurodns':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://update.eurodyndns.org/update/";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'gratisdns':
$server = "https://admin.gratisdns.com/ddns.php";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
if (substr_count($this->_dnsHost, ".") < 2) {
$domain = $this->_dnsHost;
$hostname = $this->_dnsHost;
} else {
list($hostname, $domain) = explode(".", $this->_dnsHost, 2);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?u=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&p=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&h=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&d=' . $domain . '&i=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'ovh-dynhost':
if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") {
$this->_dnsWildcard = "ON";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = "https://www.ovh.com/nic/update";
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO');
case 'citynetwork':
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
$server = 'https://dyndns.citynetwork.se/nic/update';
$port = "";
if ($this->_dnsServer) {
$server = $this->_dnsServer;
if ($this->_dnsPort) {
$port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP);
case 'duckdns':
$server = "https://www.duckdns.org/update";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?domains=' . str_replace('.duckdns.org', '', $this->_dnsHost) . '&token=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser));
case 'dynv6':
$server = "https://ipv4.dynv6.com/api/update";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_dnsRequestIf);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4, $this->_dnsIP);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&ipv4=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&token=' . $this->_dnsUser);
case 'dynv6-v6':
$server = "https://ipv6.dynv6.com/api/update";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_dnsRequestIf);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6, $this->_dnsIP);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&ipv6=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&token=' . $this->_dnsUser);
case 'googledomains':
$server = "https://domains.google.com/nic/update";
$post_data['hostname'] = $this->_dnsHost;
$post_data['myip'] = $this->_dnsIP;
$post_data['offline'] = 'no';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'strato':
$server = "https://dyndns.strato.com/nic/update?hostname={$this->_dnsHost}&myip={$this->_dnsIP}";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case '3322':
$server = "http://members.3322.net/dyndns/update?hostname={$this->_dnsHost}&myip={$this->_dnsIP}";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'oray':
$server = "http://ddns.oray.com/ph/update?hostname={$this->_dnsHost}&myip={$this->_dnsIP}";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'regfish':
case 'regfish-v6':
$family = $this->_useIPv6 ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4';
$server = "https://dyndns.regfish.de/?fqdn={$this->_dnsHost}&{$family}={$this->_dnsIP}&forcehost=1&token=" . urlencode($this->_dnsUser);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
case 'linode':
case 'linode-v6':
$baseUrl = "https://api.linode.com/v4";
$fqdn = trim($this->_dnsHost);
$recordType = ($this->_useIPv6) ? 'AAAA' : 'A';
if ($this->_dnsWildcard == 'ON') {
$fqdn = "*.$fqdn";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Accept: application/json',
'Authorization: Bearer ' . $this->_dnsPass,
'Content-Type: application/json'
$domainsUrl = "$baseUrl/domains";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $domainsUrl);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$domainId = null;
if (!empty($output->data)) {
// Find matching domain and split the hostname part from it
foreach ($output->data as $key => $domainObj) {
if (preg_match("/^{$domainObj->domain}$|\.{$domainObj->domain}$/", $fqdn)) {
$domainId = $domainObj->id;
$hostName = preg_replace("/\.?{$domainObj->domain}$/", '', $fqdn);
$domainName = $domainObj->domain;
if ($domainId) {
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): Found domain name: $domainName, ID: $domainId");
$dnsRecordsUrl = "$domainsUrl/$domainId/records";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $dnsRecordsUrl);
$output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$recordId = null;
if (!empty($output->data)) {
// Find matching record
foreach ($output->data as $key => $recordObj) {
if ($recordObj->type == $recordType && $recordObj->name == $hostName) {
$recordId = $recordObj->id;
$hostData = [ 'target' => "{$this->_dnsIP}" ];
if ($recordId) {
// Update record
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): Updating existing record ID: $recordId");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$dnsRecordsUrl/$recordId");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
} else {
// Create record
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): Creating new record");
$hostData['type'] = $recordType;
$hostData['name'] = $hostName;
// Linode will round up to the nearest valid TTL
$hostData['ttl_sec'] = 0;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $dnsRecordsUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($hostData));
} else {
log_error("Dynamic DNS($fqdn): No zone found for domain");
case 'azurev6':
case 'azure':
$hostname = "{$this->_dnsHost}";
$resourceid = trim($this->_dnsResourceID);
$app_id = $this->_dnsUser;
$client_secret = $this->_dnsPass;
$newip = $this->_dnsIP;
$newttl = $this->_dnsTTL;
// ensure resourceid starts with / and has no trailing /
$resourceid = '/' . trim($resourceid, '/');
// extract subscription id from resource id
preg_match('/\\/subscriptions\\/(?<sid>[^\\/]*)/', $resourceid, $result);
$subscriptionid = isset($result['sid']) ? $result['sid'] : '';
if (isset($result['sid'])) {
$subscriptionid = $result['sid'];
} else {
log_error("Azure subscription id not found in resource id ({$resourceid})");
return false;
// find tenant id from subscription id
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/" . $subscriptionid . "?api-version=2016-09-01");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$pattern = '/Bearer authorization_uri="https:\\/\\/login.windows.net\\/(?<tid>[^"]*)/i';
preg_match($pattern, $output, $result);
if (isset($result['tid'])) {
$tenantid = $result['tid'];
} else {
log_error("Tenant ID not found");
return false;
// get an bearer token
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" . $tenantid . "/oauth2/token");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
$body = "resource=" . urlencode("https://management.core.windows.net/") . "&grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=" . $app_id . "&client_secret=" . urlencode($client_secret);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$server_output = curl_exec($ch);
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
preg_match("/\"access_token\":\"(?<tok>[^\"]*)\"/", $server_output, $result);
if (isset($result['tok'])) {
$bearertoken = $result['tok'];
} else {
log_error("no valid bearer token");
return false;
// Update the DNS record
if ($this->_useIPv6) {
$url = "https://management.azure.com" . $resourceid . "/AAAA/" . $hostname . "?api-version=2017-09-01";
$body = '{"properties":{"TTL":"' . $newttl . '", "AAAARecords":[{"ipv6Address":"' . $newip . '"}]}}';
} else {
$url = "https://management.azure.com" . $resourceid . "/A/" . $hostname . "?api-version=2017-09-01";
$body = '{"properties":{"TTL":"' . $newttl . '", "ARecords":[{"ipv4Address":"' . $newip . '"}]}}';
$request_headers = array();
$request_headers[] = 'Accept: application/json';
$request_headers[] = 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $bearertoken;
$request_headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_UserAgent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
case 'all-inkl':
case 'all-inkl-v6':
$server = "https://dyndns.kasserver.com/";
$url = $server . '?myip=' . $this->_dnsIP;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
// fix: All-Inkl dyndns.kasserver.com only supports v4
$ipv4 = get_interface_ip($this->_dnsRequestIf);
if (!is_ipaddr($ipv4)) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Need a IPv4 address on $this->_dnsRequestIf!");
return false;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $ipv4);
// fix end
case 'godaddy':
case 'godaddy-v6':
/* Read https://developer.godaddy.com/ for API documentation */
$baseApiUrl = 'https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/';
$recordType = $this->_useIPv6 ? "AAAA" : "A";
$splitHost = explode('.', trim($this->_dnsHost));
$dnsDomain = '*';
if ($this->_dnsWildcard != 'ON') {
$dnsDomain = array_shift($splitHost);
$dnsHost = implode('.', $splitHost);
$url = $baseApiUrl . $dnsHost . '/records/' . $recordType . '/' . $dnsDomain;
/* body can contain multiple options (data, port, priority, service, ttl, weight) */
$data = array();
$data[] = array('data' => $this->_dnsIP);
if ($this->_dnsTTL) {
$data[0]['ttl'] = $this->_dnsTTL;
} else {
// minimum allowed by GoDaddy
$data[0]['ttl'] = 600;
$jsonBody = json_encode($data);
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS: calling $url with body: $jsonBody");
/* PUT JSON /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Accept: application/json',
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Authorization: sso-key ' . $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonBody);
case 'desec':
* https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dyndns/update-api.html
* dnsHost should be the domain
* dnsPass should be the token, NOT the token id
* IPv6 is empty so deSEC API will not set this to the IPv6 of the sending interface if the connection is made via IPv6
$server = "https://update.dedyn.io/";
$url = '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myipv4=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&myipv6=""';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsHost . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $url);
case 'desec-v4-v6':
* https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dyndns/update-api.html
* dnsHost should be the domain
* dnsPass should be the token, NOT the 36-character token id (https://forum.netgate.com/post/930114)
* IPv4 is determined by deSEC API via the sending interface
// temporarily disable useIPv6 to get IPv4 Address
$this->_useIPv6 = false;
$ipv4 = $this->_checkIP();
$this->_useIPv6 = true;
$server = "https://update.dedyn.io/";
$url = '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myipv4=' . $ipv4 . '&myipv6=' . $this->_dnsIP;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsHost . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $url);
case 'desec-v6':
* https://desec.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dyndns/update-api.html
* dnsHost should be the domain
* dnsPass should be the token, NOT the 36-character token id (https://forum.netgate.com/post/930114)
$server = "https://update6.dedyn.io/";
$url = '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myipv6=' . $this->_dnsIP;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsHost . ':' . $this->_dnsPass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $url);
if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53-v6') {
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$this->_checkStatus($ch, $data);
* Private Function (added 12 July 2005) [beta]
* Retrieve Update Status
function _checkStatus($ch, $data)
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): _checkStatus() starting.");
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current Service: {$this->_dnsService}");
$successful_update = false;
if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53-v6' && @curl_error($ch)) {
$status = "Curl error occurred: " . curl_error($ch);
$this->status = $status;
switch ($this->_dnsService) {
case 'dhs':
case 'noip':
case 'noip-free':
$noIpPrc = explode(' ', $data);
$code = $noIpPrc[0];
$ip = isset($noIpPrc[1]) ? $noIpPrc[1] : 'n/a';
switch ($code) {
case 'good':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) DNS hostname update successful.";
$successful_update = true;
case 'nochg':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP address is current, no update performed.";
$successful_update = true;
case 'nohost':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname supplied does not exist.";
case 'badauth':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid Username or Password.";
case 'badagent':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention.";
case '!donate':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Requested update feature only available to Enhanced subscribers.";
case '911':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) No-IP servers currently experiencing outages. Retry no sooner than 30 minutes.";
case 'abuse':
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service.";
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
$this->_debug("Unknown Response: " . $data);
case 'easydns':
if (preg_match('/NOACCESS/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Authentication Failed: Username and/or Password was Incorrect.";
} elseif (preg_match('/NOSERVICE/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) No Service: Dynamic DNS Service has been disabled for this domain.";
} elseif (preg_match('/ILLEGAL INPUT/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Illegal Input: Self-Explanatory";
} elseif (preg_match('/TOOSOON/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Too Soon: Not Enough Time Has Elapsed Since Last Update";
} elseif (preg_match('/NOERROR/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'hn':
/* FIXME: add checks */
case 'zoneedit':
if (preg_match('/799/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error 799) Update Failed!";
} elseif (preg_match('/700/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error 700) Update Failed!";
} elseif (preg_match('/200/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/201/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'dyns':
if (preg_match("/400/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - The URL was malformed. Required parameters were not provided.";
} elseif (preg_match('/402/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Update Too Soon - You have tried updating to quickly since last change.";
} elseif (preg_match('/403/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Database Error - There was a server-sided database error.";
} elseif (preg_match('/405/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname Error - The hostname (" . $this->_dnsHost . ") doesn't belong to you.";
} elseif (preg_match('/200/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'ods':
if (preg_match("/299/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'freedns':
if (preg_match("/No IP change detected.*skipping update/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match("/Updated/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'dnsexit':
if (preg_match("/IP not changed/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match("/Success/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'staticcling':
if (preg_match("/invalid ip/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - The IP provided was invalid.";
} elseif (preg_match('/required info missing/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - Required parameters were not provided.";
} elseif (preg_match('/invalid characters/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - Illegal characters in either the username or the password.";
} elseif (preg_match('/bad password/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid password.";
} elseif (preg_match('/account locked/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) This account has been administratively locked.";
} elseif (preg_match('/update too frequent/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Updating too frequently.";
} elseif (preg_match('/DB error/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Server side error.";
} elseif (preg_match('/success/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'namecheap':
$tmp = str_replace("^M", "", $data);
$ncresponse = simplexml_load_string($tmp);
if (preg_match("/internal server error/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Server side error.";
} elseif (preg_match("/request is badly formed/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Badly Formed Request (check your settings).";
} elseif ((string)$ncresponse->ErrCount === "0") {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (isset($ncresponse->ErrCount) && is_numeric((string)$ncresponse->ErrCount) && (string)$ncresponse->ErrCount > 0) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) ";
if (isset($ncresponse->errors)) {
foreach ($ncresponse->errors->children() as $err) {
$status .= (string)$err . " ";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'route53':
case 'route53-v6':
$successful_update = true;
case 'custom':
case 'custom-v6':
$successful_update = false;
if ($this->_dnsResultMatch == "") {
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$this->_dnsResultMatch = str_replace("%IP%", $this->_dnsIP, $this->_dnsResultMatch);
$matches = preg_split("/(?<!\\\\)\\|/", $this->_dnsResultMatch);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$match = str_replace("\\|", "|", $match);
if (strcmp($match, trim($data, "\t\n\r")) == 0) {
$successful_update = true;
if ($successful_update == true) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Result did not match.";
case 'cloudflare':
case 'cloudflare-v6':
case 'cloudflare-token':
case 'cloudflare-token-v6':
$output = json_decode($data);
if ($output->result->content === $this->_dnsIP) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) {$this->_dnsHost} updated to {$this->_dnsIP}";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($output->errors[0]->code === 9103) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): ERROR - Invalid Credentials! Don't forget to use API Key for password field with Cloudflare.";
} elseif (($output->success) && (!$output->result[0]->id)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): ERROR - Zone ID was not found.";
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): UNKNOWN ERROR - {$output->errors[0]->message}";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'hetzner':
case 'hetzner-v6':
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$output = json_decode($data);
if ($output->record->value === $this->_dnsIP) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) {$this->_dnsHost} updated to {$this->_dnsIP}";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($http_code == 401) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.';
} elseif ($http_code == 403) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it!';
} else {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) "Unknown Response"';
log_error("Dynamic DNS: HTTP Status: {$http_code} PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'digitalocean':
case 'digitalocean-v6':
$output = json_decode($data);
if ($output->domain_record->data === $this->_dnsIP) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) Record ID {$this->_dnsUser} updated to {$this->_dnsIP}";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS Record ID ({$this->_dnsUser}): UNKNOWN ERROR";
log_error("Dynamic DNS Record ID ({$this->_dnsUser}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'gandi-livedns':
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($http_code == 401) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.';
} elseif ($http_code == 403) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it!';
} elseif ($http_code == 201) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) Record was created!';
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($http_code == 200) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) Same record already exists. Nothing was changed!';
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) "Unknown Response"';
log_error("Dynamic DNS: HTTP Status: {$http_code} PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'gratisdns':
if (preg_match('/Forkerte værdier/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Wrong values - Update could not be completed.";
} elseif (preg_match('/Bruger login: Bruger eksistere ikke/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Unknown username - User does not exist.";
} elseif (preg_match('/Bruger login: 1Fejl i kodeord/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Wrong password - Remember password is case sensitive.";
} elseif (preg_match('/Domæne kan IKKE administreres af bruger/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) User unable to administer the selected domain.";
} elseif (preg_match('/OK/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'duckdns':
if (preg_match('/OK/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'dynv6':
case 'dynv6-v6':
/* API-Documentation: https://dynv6.com/docs/apis */
if (preg_match('/addresses updated/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/addresses unchanged/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Unchanged!";
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case '3322':
case 'citynetwork':
case 'dnsomatic':
case 'dyndns':
case 'dyndns-custom':
case 'dyndns-static':
case 'eurodns':
case 'googledomains':
case 'he-net':
case 'he-net-tunnelbroker':
case 'he-net-v6':
case 'loopia':
case 'oray':
case 'ovh-dynhost':
case 'selfhost':
case 'strato':
if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Not a FQDN";
} elseif (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) No change in IP address";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP address updated successfully ({$this->_dnsIP})";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Authentication failed";
} elseif (preg_match("/badip/i", $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) IP address provided is invalid";
} elseif (preg_match('/nohost/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Hostname does not exist or does not have dynamic DNS enabled";
} elseif (preg_match('/numhost/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) You may update up to 20 hosts only";
} elseif (preg_match('/dnserr/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) DNS error, stop updating for 30 minutes.";
} elseif (preg_match('/badagent/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Bad request";
} elseif (preg_match('/abuse/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Access has been blocked for abuse";
} elseif (preg_match('/911/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Server-side error or maintenance";
} elseif (preg_match('/yours/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Specified hostname does not exist under this username";
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'regfish':
case 'regfish-v6':
if (preg_match('/\|100\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) Update successful';
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/\|101\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) Still up-to-date';
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/\|401\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Standard authentication failed';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|402\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Authentication failed';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|406\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Invalid resource record';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|407\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Invalid TTL range';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|408\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Invalid IPv4';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|409\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Invalid IPv6';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|410\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Unknown authentication type';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|412\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Domain format is wrong, missing trailing dot?';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|414\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Unexpected error';
} elseif (preg_match('/\|415\|/', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Cannot update load balancer';
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'linode':
case 'linode-v6':
$fqdn = trim($this->_dnsHost);
if ($this->_dnsWildcard == 'ON') {
$fqdn = "*.$fqdn";
$output = json_decode($data);
if ($output->target === $this->_dnsIP) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) $fqdn updated to {$this->_dnsIP}";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif (!empty($output->errors)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): ERROR - Reason: {$output->errors[0]->reason}";
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): UNKNOWN ERROR";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ($fqdn): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'azure':
case 'azurev6':
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($http_code == 401) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed';
} elseif ($http_code == 201) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!';
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($http_code == 200) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!';
$successful_update = true;
} else {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) "Unknown Response"';
log_error("Dynamic DNS: HTTP Status: {$http_code} PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'all-inkl':
case 'all-inkl-v6':
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if (preg_match('/good\s' . $this->_dnsIP . '/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Update Successfully!";
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($http_code == 401) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Authentication failed!";
} elseif (preg_match('/bad\s\(dyndns_target_ip_syntax_incorrect\)/i', $data)) {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) IP Syntax incorrect ($this->_dnsIP)!";
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'godaddy':
case 'godaddy-v6':
/* See https://developer.godaddy.com/ for API documentation, not all codes are handled. */
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$successful_update = false;
if ($http_code == 200) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!';
$successful_update = true;
} elseif ($http_code == 401) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Authentication info not sent or invalid';
} elseif ($http_code == 404) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Resource not found';
} else {
$status = "Dynamic DNS: (Error) Repsonse not handled check the following: {$data}";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: (Error) HTTPS Status: {$http_code} PAYLOAD: {$data}");
case 'desec':
case 'desec-v4-v6':
case 'desec-v6':
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
* HTTP Code 404 should not be possible due to dnsUser == dnsHost, a wrong hostname should cause HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
if ($http_code == 401) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong Password.';
} elseif ($http_code == 403) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Access to the resource is denied. The selected hostname is not eligible for dynamic updates.';
} elseif ($http_code == 429) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Error) Rate limit reached. Please don\'t try more than one request per minute.';
} elseif ($http_code == 200 && preg_match('/good/i', $data)) {
$status = 'Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!';
$successful_update = true;
if ($successful_update == true) {
/* Write WAN IP to cache file */
$wan_ip = $this->_checkIP();
if ($this->_useIPv6 == false && $wan_ip > 0) {
$currentTime = time();
log_error("Dynamic DNS: updating cache file {$this->_cacheFile}: {$wan_ip}");
@file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "{$wan_ip}|{$currentTime}");
} else {
if ($this->_useIPv6 == true && $wan_ip > 0) {
$currentTime = time();
log_error("Dynamic DNS: updating cache file {$this->_cacheFile_v6}: {$wan_ip}");
@file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile_v6, "{$wan_ip}|{$currentTime}");
} else {
$this->status = $status;
* Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta]
* Return Error, Set Last Error, and Die.
function _error($errorNumber = '1')
switch ($errorNumber) {
case 0:
case 2:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Dynamic DNS Service provider was selected.';
case 3:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Username Provided.';
case 4:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Password Provided.';
case 5:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Hostname Provided.';
case 6:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) The Dynamic DNS Service provided is not yet supported.';
case 7:
$error = 'Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Update URL Provided.';
case 8:
$status = "Route 53: (Error) Invalid ZoneID";
case 9:
$status = "Route 53: (Error) Invalid TTL";
case 10:
$error = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): No change in my IP address and/or " . $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays . " days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry.";
$error = "Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) Unknown Response.";
/* FIXME: $data isn't in scope here */
/* $this->_debug($data); */
$this->lastError = $error;
* Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta]
* - Detect whether or not IP needs to be updated.
* | Written Specifically for pfSense (https://www.pfsense.org) may
* | work with other systems. pfSense base is FreeBSD.
function _detectChange()
$currentTime = time();
$wan_ip = $this->_checkIP();
if ($wan_ip == 0) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current WAN IP could not be determined, skipping update process.");
return false;
$log_error = "Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current WAN IP: {$wan_ip} ";
if ($this->_useIPv6 == true) {
if (file_exists($this->_cacheFile_v6)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($this->_cacheFile_v6);
list($cacheIP,$cacheTime) = explode('|', $contents);
$this->_debug($cacheIP . '/' . $cacheTime);
$initial = false;
$log_error .= "Cached IPv6: {$cacheIP} ";
} else {
$cacheIP = '::';
@file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "::|{$currentTime}");
$cacheTime = $currentTime;
$initial = true;
$log_error .= "No Cached IPv6 found.";
} else {
if (file_exists($this->_cacheFile)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($this->_cacheFile);
list($cacheIP,$cacheTime) = explode('|', $contents);
$this->_debug($cacheIP . '/' . $cacheTime);
$initial = false;
$log_error .= "Cached IP: {$cacheIP} ";
} else {
$cacheIP = '';
@file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "|{$currentTime}");
$cacheTime = $currentTime;
$initial = true;
$log_error .= "No Cached IP found.";
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
// Convert seconds = days * hr/day * min/hr * sec/min
$maxCacheAgeSecs = $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays * 24 * 60 * 60;
$needs_updating = false;
/* lets determine if the item needs updating */
if ($cacheIP != $wan_ip) {
$needs_updating = true;
$update_reason = "Dynamic DNS: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating. ";
$update_reason .= "Cached IP: {$cacheIP} WAN IP: {$wan_ip} ";
if (($currentTime - $cacheTime) > $maxCacheAgeSecs) {
$needs_updating = true;
$this->_forceUpdateNeeded = true;
$update_reason = "Dynamic DNS: More than " . $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays . " days. Updating. ";
$update_reason .= "{$currentTime} - {$cacheTime} > {$maxCacheAgeSecs} ";
if ($initial == true) {
$needs_updating = true;
$update_reason .= "Initial update. ";
/* finally if we need updating then store the
* new cache value and return true
if ($needs_updating == true) {
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): {$update_reason}");
return true;
return false;
* Private Function (added 16 July 05) [beta]
* - Writes debug information to a file.
* - This function is only called when a unknown response
* - status is returned from a dynamic DNS service provider.
function _debug($data)
$string = date('m-d-y h:i:s') . ' - (' . $this->_debugID . ') - [' . $this->_dnsService . '] - ' . $data . "\n";
$file = fopen($this->_debugFile, 'a');
fwrite($file, $string);
function _checkIP()
$ip_address = get_dyndns_ip($this->_if, $this->_useIPv6 ? 6 : 4);
if (!is_ipaddr($ip_address)) {
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): IP address could not be extracted");
$ip_address = 0;
} else {
if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) {
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): {$ip_address} extracted");
$this->_dnsIP = $ip_address;
return $ip_address;