
476 lines
21 KiB

<tab id="rspamd-general" description="General Settings">
<subtab id="rspamd-general-settings" description="General Rspamd Settings">
<label>Enable rspamd</label>
<help>Enable or disable the rspamd service.</help>
<label>Enable Redis Plugin</label>
<help>If you check this box, the local Redis server will be available to the modules (some do not work without it).</help>
<label>Reject Score</label>
<help>Set the value at which an e-mail is rejected. The value has to be higher than header, subject and greylist score.</help>
<label>Header Score</label>
<help>Set the value at which an e-mail is marked as spam in header. The value has to be higher than greylist score.</help>
<label>Subject Score</label>
<help>Set the value at which an e-mail is marked as spam in subject. The value has to be higher than header and greylist score.</help>
<label>Greylist Score</label>
<help>Set the value at which an e-mail is greylisted. The value has to be lower than all other scores.</help>
<label>Rewrite Subject</label>
<help>Enter a prefix added to the subject when Subject Score is reached.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-general-multimap" description="Multimap Settings">
<label>Blocked File Extensions</label>
<help>If an attached file has a suffix in this list, the mail will be rejected via a hard reject, which means that the server will be immeadiately informed about the policy violation.</help>
<label>Sender Whitelist</label>
<help>All sender domains listed here are getting whitelisted, no matter if they have wrong SPF records or are on multiple blacklists.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-general-milter-headers" description="Milter Headers">
<help>When this checkbox is enabled, you can add additional headers to your mails, which contain information about the scan results.</help>
<label>Enable Authentication Result Headers</label>
<help>If this checkbox is enabled, a header about the authentication state will be added.</help>
<label>Enable Extended Spam Headers</label>
<help>If this checkbox is enabled, a header containing the findings of the scan is added.</help>
<label>Enable Spamd Bar</label>
<help>Add a header containing a visible indicator of the spam level.</help>
<label>Skip Local</label>
<help>This will skip adding headers for local IPs. If this is unchecked, headers will also be added anyway but if it is checked, the headers will not be added for local IPs.</help>
<label>Skip Authenticated</label>
<help>If the user is authenticated, the headers will not be added if this is enabled. If this is checked, your outgoing mails will very likely not leak information about the the scanner.</help>
<label>Extended Headers Recipients</label>
<help>Enter a (partial) mail address, which should also receive extended headers. For example: user@example.com or @example.net.</help>
<tab id="rspamd-anti-spam" description="Spam Protection">
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-graylist" description="Graylisting">
<help>Time after which the graylist state expires in days. Default is 1 day.</help>
<help>Default is 1 Minute.</help>
<label>Maximum Data Length</label>
<help>The limit of the length of data to hash.</help>
<label>IPv4 Mask</label>
<help>Mask bits are used to limit the network range from which the message may be resent. This is used to avoid a rejection if another server sends the second mail.</help>
<label>IPv6 Mask</label>
<help>Mask bits are used to limit the network range from which the message may be resent. This is used to avoid a rejection if another server sends the second mail.</help>
<label>Whitelisted IPs</label>
<help>Mails from IPs or networks in CIDR format entered here will be whitelisted from graylisting.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-dkim" description="DKIM">
<!-- dkim -->
<label>Cache Size</label>
<label>Cache Expire</label>
<label>Time Jitter</label>
<label>Trusted Only</label>
<label>Skip Multi</label>
<!-- dkim signing -->
<label>Allow Environment From Empty</label>
<label>Allow Header From Mismatch</label>
<label>Allow Header From Multiple</label>
<label>Allow Username Mismatch</label>
<label>Auth Only</label>
<label>Sign Local</label>
<label>Try Fallback</label>
<label>Use Domain</label>
<label>Use eSLD</label>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-mx-check" description="MX Check">
<help>The MX Check module checks if the domain in a messages SMTP FROM addresses (or the domain in HELO in case SMTP FROM is empty) has at least one connectable MX. If a connectable MX is found this information is cached in Redis.</help>
<help>Lifetime of Redis cache - 1 day by default.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-phishing" description="Phishing">
<label>Enable Openphish</label>
<help>Openphish is a service where phishing URLs get collected and asked by rspamd.</help>
<label>Openphish Map</label>
<help>Set the URL of the Openphish map file.</help>
<label>Enable Openphish Premium</label>
<help>Openphish Premium offers more services, please only activate if you have a current license.</help>
<label>Enable Phishtank</label>
<help>Enable Phishtank collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing on the Internet.</help>
<label>Phishtank Map URL</label>
<help>Give a URL where to retrieve the Phishtank feed.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-rate-limit" description="Rate Limit">
<label>Per Recipient Limit: Mail Count</label>
<label>Per Recipient Limit: Time</label>
<label>Per Recipient Limit: Time Unit</label>
<label>Per IP Limit: Mail Count</label>
<label>Per IP Limit: Time</label>
<label>Per IP Limit: Time Unit</label>
<label>Per IP and From Limit: Mail Count</label>
<label>Per IP and From Limit: Time</label>
<label>Per IP and From Limit: Time Unit</label>
<label>Bounce Limit: Mail Count</label>
<label>Bounce Limit: Time</label>
<label>Bounce Limit: Time Unit</label>
<label>Bounce Limit per IP: Mail Count</label>
<label>Bounce Limit per IP: Time</label>
<label>Bounce Limit per IP: Time Unit</label>
<label>User Limit: Mail Count</label>
<label>User Limit: Time</label>
<label>User Limit: Time Unit</label>
<label>Whitelist Recipients</label>
<label>Maximum Recipients</label>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-spamtrap" description="Spam Trap">
<help>Enable this if you want to enable the spam trap.</help>
<label>Fuzzy Learning</label>
<help>Enable this if you want to enable fuzzy learning.</help>
<label>Bayes Learning</label>
<help>Enable this if you want to enable bayes learning.</help>
<help>Enter regular expressions in the form trap@example\.com into this field. The value is automatically enclosed in slashes and the case insensitive option is added.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-spam-spf" description="Sender Policy Framework (SPF)">
<label>Cache Size</label>
<help>Enter the size of the SPF cache in kilobytes. Default is 2k.</help>
<label>Cache Expiration</label>
<help>Enter how long SPF entries are valid in days, default is 1 day.</help>
<tab id="rspamd-anti-malware" description="Anti Malware">
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-malware-general" description="General Anti Malware Settings">
<label>Force Reject</label>
<help>If set, the mail will be rejected.</help>
<label>Only Scan Attachments</label>
<help>If checked, only attached files are scanned and images are omitted.</help>
<label>Maximum Size</label>
<help>If set, a message larger than this size will not be scanned.</help>
<label>Whitelisted Servers</label>
<help>Mails from IPs entered here will not be scanned.</help>
<subtab id="rspamd-anti-malware-surbl" description="SURBL">
<label>Whitelisted Domains</label>
<help>List of domains that are not checked by SURBL.</help>
<help>Additional exceptions for TLD rules.</help>