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NGINX is a high performance edge web server with the lowest memory footprint
and the key features to build modern and efficient web infrastructure.
NGINX functionality includes HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching,
load balancing, compression, request throttling, connection multiplexing and
reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media streaming.
WWW: https://nginx.org/
Plugin Changelog
* add support for custom configuration in stream server (contributed by Fabio Castagnino)
* add headers_more support (contributed by kulikov-a)
* Enhancement of security headers (contributed by Manuel Faux)
* Add Frame-Ancestors, add "preload", removed deprecated HPKP
* Performance enhancements for log display
* Fixed display of vts and logs for non-default styles
* Reworked logging frontent to support filtering and historic view (contributed by Manuel Faux)
* Change all Listen Port directives to Listen Address and migrate the Port data to Addresses
* Add default_server option to HTTP Server
* Replace stop action by the reload option in reconfigureForceRestart (#2450)
* Add server ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers, ssl_prefer_server_ciphers directives to GUI
* Add custom error pages on a per HTTP server basis (contributed by 8191)
* Migration for PHP Phalcon 4 (non breaking change for UI/API)
* Add X-Forwarded-Port and X-Forwarded-Host headers (contributed by Carlos Cesario)
* Fix wrong stream server CA filename (contributed by Ingo Theiss)
* Fix proxy_ssl_name and add hook (contributed by kulikov-a)
* Apply loadbalancing for UDP (contributed by Thomas Laubrock)
* Naxsi whitelist improvements (contributed by Manuel Faux)
* Grid view improvements (contributed by Manuel Faux)
* Minor fixes in setup.php (contributed by kulikov-a)
* fix performance issue with autoban feature (contributed by jkellerer)
* User interface improvements of NAXSI configuration (contributed by 8191)
* Fixed missing certificate validation of upstreams (contributed by 8191)
* Add possibility to configure SNI proxying.
* Display NAXSI rule ID in volt
* Add proxy header for CloudFlare
* allow to set worker_processes and worker_connections (contributed by ibanezbass in #1621)
* fix location access control handling (contributed by Szeraax)
* advanced buffering configuration in location (#1575)
* add OCSP stapling and verify
* fix bug sendfile directive is only applied if TLS is enabled
* allow to configure the maximum header and request line buffer size HTTP Server advanced option (Issue: 1544)
* add load balancer algorithm option (ip_hash)
* fix URL flag not stored (contributed by jkellerer) [1]
* allow to whitelist specific source IPs in the web application firewall (contributed by Julio Cesar Camargo) [2]
[1] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/1375
[2] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/1310
* add support for 0-RTT (Early Data in TLS 1.3)
* add XMLRPC sync support
* add log to SYSLOG server support
* add support for maximum temporary file size for request bodies
* fix log "format" disable
* add VTS(1) module for traffic status reports
* fix HSTS bug
* add extended log format (contributed by Josh Wiles)
* fix ACME support (contributed by Frank Wall)
(1) https://github.com/vozlt/nginx-module-vts
* fix content security settings (missing checkbox, correct templating)
* add advanced options to configure hostname hash sizes for long hostnames
* update lodash to v4.17.11
* Breaking: remove the WAF policy match type "=" as it is not supported (if you have them in use, unlink and delete them before installing this update)
* allow plugins via include hooks
* Breaking: the enabled flag in the general setting now works (en- or disables all vhosts in the plugin itself, but always serves plugins). Default was false so make sure you have it enabled before upgrade.
* Alias support for downstream proxies (trust setting)
* bugfix: deleting IP ACL
* HSTS not sent automatically anymore if HTTP over TLS is configured (still available via security header)
* add configuration directives for timeouts to location
* bugfix: create log directory if it is missing
* reorder menu
* fix bug due to permission downgrade (basic auth)
* fix bug when multiple hostnames are used, that the logs are not displayed in the log viewer
* add paging support to log viewer, so it does not crash on really big log files
* add basic TLS fingerprint check to make man in the middle attacks visible (may not fully work on LibreSSL crypto flavour as curves seem to return an empty string)
* add dropdown to select authentication backend in HTTP server for advanced authentication
* add global error log to log viewer
* use stricter checks for internal locations (contributed by Northguy)
* Add proxy options for ignore client abort and disabling buffering
* Add logviewer support for streams
* Fix charset is not defined bug (contributed by ccesario [1])
* Add an existence check for locations
* Add PROXY protocol for HTTP and Streams frontend
* Add PROXY backend support for Streams
* Add support for better whitelist rules in the WAF
[1] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/1035
1.4 (Development only)
* move upstreams from HTTP to their own menu because they are used for TCP load balancing as well
* add TCP load balancing [1]
* add support for IP based ACLs
* add log rotation (contributed by Julius Cesar Camargo [2])
* add support for satisfy, body size limitation
* change: allow to disable internal bot protection (contributed by @fzoske) [3]
* change: do not save when no change in the list happened to prevent filling the log history
* fix: translate a german string in upstream server to english
* replace headers instead of just adding our own (duplication issue #971), suppress X-Powered-By from Upstream [4]
[1] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/930
[2] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/982
[3] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/934
[4] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/971
* bugfix: correctly set upstream header
* add limiter support
* add permanent ban feature (use alias in firewall rules)
* add caching feature (local file system)
* add path prefix support (contributed by @ccesario )
* add port to upstream server table
* add support to download waf rules
* improvement: export full chain instead of only the server certificate (fixes some issues with some tools which need it)
* web interface (allow HTTP/2 server push to increase performance)
* support for (secure) web sockets in reverse proxy mode
* bugfix: fix issues with multiple hostnames (IPv6 issues with TLS SNI by @ccesario )
* bugfix: warning in certificate rendering
* add log viewer
* add Reverse Proxy (Load Balancer)
* add Location Configuration
* add local HTTP Server
* add local PHP support
* add experimental support to handle the web interface (can only be enabled via CLI)
* add WAF (NAXSI) support
* add Authentication support