
656 lines
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* ExplorerStoreTests.ts
import * as assert from "assert"
import * as path from "path"
import { Store } from "redux"
import { MockStoreCreator } from "redux-mock-store"
import { ActionsObservable, combineEpics, createEpicMiddleware } from "redux-observable"
import * as ExplorerFileSystem from "./../../../src/Services/Explorer/ExplorerFileSystem"
import { ExplorerNode } from "./../../../src/Services/Explorer/ExplorerSelectors"
import * as ExplorerState from "./../../../src/Services/Explorer/ExplorerStore"
import { Notifications } from "./../../../src/Services/Notifications/Notifications"
import * as clone from "lodash/clone"
import * as head from "lodash/head"
import * as TestHelpers from "./../../TestHelpers"
const configureMockStore = require("redux-mock-store") // tslint:disable-line
export class MockedFileSystem implements ExplorerFileSystem.IFileSystem {
public promises: Array<Promise<any>>
constructor(private _inner: ExplorerFileSystem.IFileSystem) {
this.promises = []
public readdir(directoryPath: string): Promise<ExplorerState.FolderOrFile[]> {
const promise = this._inner.readdir(directoryPath)
return promise
public exists(fullPath: string): Promise<boolean> {
const promise = this._inner.exists(fullPath)
return promise
public async canPersistNode() {
return true
// tslint:disable
public async restoreNode() {}
public async persistNode() {}
public async moveNodesBack(): Promise<void> {}
public async deleteNode(): Promise<void> {}
public async move(source: string, destination: string): Promise<void> {}
public async writeFile(name: string): Promise<void> {}
public async mkdir(name: string): Promise<void> {}
// tslint:enable
const rootEpic = combineEpics(ExplorerState.clearYankRegisterEpic, ExplorerState.pasteEpic)
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, {
dependencies: {
fileSystem: MockedFileSystem as any,
notifications: {} as Notifications,
const MemoryFileSystem = require("memory-fs") // tslint:disable-line
const mockStore: MockStoreCreator<ExplorerState.IExplorerState> = configureMockStore([
describe("ExplorerStore", () => {
let fileSystem: any
let store: Store<ExplorerState.IExplorerState>
let explorerFileSystem: MockedFileSystem
const rootPath = path.normalize(path.join(TestHelpers.getRootDirectory(), "a", "test", "dir"))
const filePath = path.join(rootPath, "file.txt")
const target = { filePath, id: "1" }
const epicStore = mockStore({ ...ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState })
const pasted1 = {
type: "file",
filePath: "/test/dir/afile.txt",
id: "1",
const target1 = {
type: "folder",
folderPath: "/test/dir/subdir/",
id: "1",
const deleteAction = {
persist: true,
path: "/test/dir",
target: {
type: "folder",
folderPath: "/test/dir/subdir",
id: "2",
expanded: false,
name: "subdir",
indentationLevel: 2,
} as ExplorerState.IDeleteSuccessAction
const pasteAction = {
type: "PASTE",
target: target1,
pasted: [pasted1],
sources: [pasted1],
} as ExplorerState.IPasteAction
beforeEach(() => {
fileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem()
fileSystem.writeFileSync(filePath, "Hello World")
explorerFileSystem = new MockedFileSystem(
new ExplorerFileSystem.FileSystem(fileSystem as any),
store = ExplorerState.createStore({
fileSystem: explorerFileSystem,
notifications: {} as any,
afterEach(() => {
describe("SET_ROOT_DIRECTORY", () => {
it("expands directory automatically", async () => {
await TestHelpers.waitForAllAsyncOperations()
TestHelpers.tick(0) // execute setImmediate of memory-fs callbacks
await Promise.all(explorerFileSystem.promises)
const state = store.getState()
[{ type: "file", fullPath: filePath }],
"Validate expanded folders is set",
describe("YANK_AND_PASTE_EPICS", async () => {
const fs = {
move: async (source, dest) => null,
readdir: () => null as any,
exists: async file => true,
persistNode: async file => null,
restoreNode: async file => null,
deleteNode: file => null,
canPersistNode: async (file, size) => true,
moveNodesBack: async collection => null,
writeFile: async name => null,
mkdir: async name => null,
} as ExplorerFileSystem.IFileSystem
const notifications = {
_id: 0,
_overlay: null,
_overlayManager: null,
_store: null,
enable: true,
disable: false,
createItem: () => ({
setContents: (title: string, details: string) => ({ title, details }),
setLevel: (level: string) => ({ level }),
setExpiration: (expirationTime: number) => ({ expirationTime: 8_000 }),
show: () => ({}),
} as any
it("dispatches a clear register action after a minute", async () => {
epicStore.dispatch({ type: "YANK", target })
const actions = epicStore.getActions()
await TestHelpers.waitForAllAsyncOperations()
// three because an init action is sent first
await assert.ok(actions.length === 3)
const clearedRegister = !!actions.find(action => action.type === "CLEAR_REGISTER")
it("should dispatch a paste success upon pasting successfully", done => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "PASTE",
target: target1,
pasted: [pasted1],
sources: [pasted1],
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const expected = [
{ type: "CLEAR_REGISTER", ids: ["1"] },
{ type: "EXPAND_DIRECTORY", directoryPath: target1.folderPath },
{ type: "REFRESH" },
moved: [
{ destination: path.join(target1.folderPath, "afile.txt"), node: pasted1 },
ExplorerState.pasteEpic(action$, null, {
fileSystem: fs,
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.ok(actualActions.find(action => action.type === "PASTE_SUCCESS"))
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("should correctly trigger a node deletion", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "DELETE",
target: target1,
persist: true,
} as ExplorerState.IDeleteAction)
const expected = [
{ type: "DELETE_SUCCESS", target: target1, persist: true },
{ type: "REFRESH" },
ExplorerState.deleteEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("should correctly dispatch a fail action if there is an error", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "DELETE",
target: target1,
persist: true,
} as ExplorerState.IDeleteAction)
const expected = [{ type: "DELETE_FAIL", reason: "Doesnt work" }]
ExplorerState.deleteEpic(action$, null, {
fileSystem: {
persistNode: async node => {
throw new Error("Doesnt work")
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should correctly trigger a move action on undo of paste", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "UNDO",
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
undo: [pasteAction],
const undoState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [{ type: "UNDO_SUCCESS" }, { type: "REFRESH" }]
ExplorerState.undoEpic(action$, undoState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should trigger an expand directory on undo if the original source is a directory", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "UNDO",
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
undo: [{ ...pasteAction, sources: [target1] as ExplorerNode[] }],
const undoState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [
{ type: "UNDO_SUCCESS" },
{ type: "EXPAND_DIRECTORY", directoryPath: "/test/dir/subdir/" },
{ type: "REFRESH" },
ExplorerState.undoEpic(action$, undoState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should trigger a restore action if the deleted note can be restored", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "UNDO",
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
undo: [deleteAction],
const undoState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [
{ type: "UNDO_SUCCESS" },
{ type: "EXPAND_DIRECTORY", directoryPath: "/test/dir/subdir" },
{ type: "REFRESH" },
ExplorerState.undoEpic(action$, undoState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should return a fail action if the node was truly deleted", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "UNDO",
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
undo: [{ ...deleteAction, persist: false }],
const undoState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [
type: "UNDO_FAIL",
reason: "The last deletion cannot be undone, sorry",
} as ExplorerState.IUndoFailAction,
ExplorerState.undoEpic(action$, undoState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should clear updates after a short interval", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(deleteAction)
const expected = [
} as ExplorerState.IClearUpdateAction,
ExplorerState.clearUpdateEpic(action$, null, {
fileSystem: fs,
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should move an item when a rename is triggered", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
target: target1,
newName: "testing",
} as ExplorerState.IRenameCommitAction)
const expected = [
targetType: "folder",
source: target1.folderPath,
destination: path.join(path.dirname(target1.folderPath), "testing"),
{ type: "REFRESH" },
ExplorerState.renameEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected))
it("Should send a notification on paste success", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
moved: [{ node: target1, destination: "/another/test/dir" }],
} as ExplorerState.IPasteSuccessAction)
const expected = [{ type: "NOTIFICATION_SENT", typeOfNotification: "PASTE_SUCCESS" }]
ExplorerState.notificationEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualAction => assert.deepEqual(actualAction, expected))
it("Should send a notification on paste fail", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "PASTE_FAIL",
} as ExplorerState.IPasteFailAction)
const expected = [{ type: "NOTIFICATION_SENT", typeOfNotification: "PASTE_FAIL" }]
ExplorerState.notificationEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualAction => assert.deepEqual(actualAction, expected))
it("Should send a notification on rename success", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
source: "/initial/test/dir",
destination: "/destination/test/dir",
targetType: "folder",
} as ExplorerState.IRenameSuccessAction)
const expected = [{ type: "NOTIFICATION_SENT", typeOfNotification: "RENAME_SUCCESS" }]
ExplorerState.notificationEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualAction => assert.deepEqual(actualAction, expected))
it("Should send a notification on rename success", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "RENAME_FAIL",
} as ExplorerState.IRenameFailAction)
const expected = [{ type: "NOTIFICATION_SENT", typeOfNotification: "RENAME_FAIL" }]
ExplorerState.notificationEpic(action$, null, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualAction => assert.deepEqual(actualAction, expected))
it("Should return a create node success action if a creation is committed", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
name: "/test/dir/file.txt",
} as ExplorerState.ICreateNodeCommitAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
create: {
active: true,
nodeType: "file" as "file" | "folder",
name: "/test/dir/file.txt",
const createState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [
{ type: "CREATE_NODE_SUCCESS", nodeType: "file", name: "/test/dir/file.txt" },
{ type: "EXPAND_DIRECTORY", directoryPath: "/test/dir" },
{ type: "REFRESH" },
ExplorerState.createNodeEpic(action$, createState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected))
it("Should return an error action if a creation fails", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
name: "/test/dir/file.txt",
} as ExplorerState.ICreateNodeCommitAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
create: {
active: true,
nodeType: "file" as "file" | "folder",
name: "/test/dir/file.txt",
const createState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [{ type: "CREATE_NODE_FAIL", reason: "Duplicate" }]
ExplorerState.createNodeEpic(action$, createState, {
fileSystem: {
writeFile: async folderpath => {
throw new Error("Duplicate")
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
it("Should trigger a persist/delete action if the created node is undone", () => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({
type: "UNDO",
} as ExplorerState.ExplorerAction)
const stateCopy = clone(ExplorerState.DefaultExplorerState)
const state = {
register: {
undo: [
name: "/test/dir/file.txt",
nodeType: "file",
} as ExplorerState.ICreateNodeSuccessAction,
const undoState = mockStore(state)
const expected = [{ type: "UNDO_SUCCESS" }, { type: "REFRESH" }]
ExplorerState.undoEpic(action$, undoState, { fileSystem: fs, notifications })
.subscribe(actualActions => {
assert.deepEqual(actualActions, expected)
describe("Store utility helper tests", () => {
it("Should not add an action if it isn't set to persist", () => {
const testAction = {
persist: false,
target: { id: "2", type: "file", filePath },
} as ExplorerState.IDeleteSuccessAction
const newState = ExplorerState.shouldAddDeletion(testAction)
assert.ok(newState.length === 0 && Array.isArray(newState))
it("Should return an action if it is set to persist", () => {
const testAction = {
persist: true,
target: { id: "2", type: "file", filePath },
} as ExplorerState.IDeleteSuccessAction
const newState = ExplorerState.shouldAddDeletion(testAction)
assert.deepEqual(head(newState), testAction)
describe("Register Reducer test", () => {
const {
DefaultExplorerState: { register },
} = ExplorerState
it("It should add paste items to both the paste and undo registers", () => {
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(clone(register), pasteAction)
"Paste is set to the node which was the target of the paste action",
"The paste action is saved in the undo queue",
it("Should remove item from the end of the undo list following undo success", () => {
const state = { ...register, undo: [pasteAction] }
const action = { type: "UNDO_SUCCESS" }
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(state, action)
it("Adds a delete action to the undo register IF it can be persisted)", () => {
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(clone(register), deleteAction)
assert.deepEqual(head(newState.undo), deleteAction)
it("Does NOT Add a delete action to the undo register IF it can't be persisted)", () => {
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(clone(register), {
persist: false,
it("Should add a successful rename to undo register", () => {
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(clone(register), {
destination: path.basename(target1.folderPath) + "/rename",
source: target1.folderPath,
targetType: "folder",
assert.ok(newState.undo.length === 1)
it("Should clear the renaming if a rename cancel action is triggered", () => {
const state = {
rename: {
target: target1 as ExplorerNode,
active: true,
const newState = yankRegisterReducer(state, { type: "RENAME_CANCEL" })