
378 lines
13 KiB

import { Grid } from "./../Grid"
import { ICell, MinimalScreenForRendering } from "./../neovim"
import * as Performance from "./../Performance"
import { INeovimRenderer } from "./INeovimRenderer"
import { getSpansToEdit, IPosition, ISpan } from "./Span"
import { configuration } from "./../Services/Configuration"
export interface IRenderState {
isWhitespace: boolean
foregroundColor: string
backgroundColor: string
text: string
startX: number
bold: boolean
italic: boolean
underline: boolean
y: number
width: number
const isWhiteSpace = (text: string) => text === null || text === "" || text === " "
const cellsAreSameColor = (cell1: ICell, cell2: ICell): boolean => {
if (!cell1 || !cell2) {
return false
return (
cell1.backgroundColor === cell2.backgroundColor &&
cell1.foregroundColor === cell2.foregroundColor &&
cell1.characterWidth === 1 &&
cell2.characterWidth === 1
const cellsAreEqual = (cell1: ICell, cell2: ICell): boolean => {
if (cell1 === cell2) {
return true
if (cellsAreSameColor(cell1, cell2) && cell1.character === cell2.character) {
return true
return false
export class CanvasRenderer implements INeovimRenderer {
private _editorElement: HTMLDivElement
private _canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement
private _canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D
private _width: number
private _height: number
private _isOpaque: boolean
private _lastRenderGrid: Grid<ICell> = new Grid<ICell>()
private _grid: Grid<ISpan> = new Grid<ISpan>()
private _devicePixelRatio: number
public start(element: HTMLDivElement): void {
this._editorElement = element
public onAction(_action: any): void {
// In the future, something like scrolling could be potentially optimized here
public redrawAll(screenInfo: MinimalScreenForRendering): void {
if (!this._editorElement) {
const cellsToUpdate: IPosition[] = []
if (this._isOpaque) {
this._canvasContext.fillStyle = screenInfo.backgroundColor
this._canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height)
} else {
this._canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height)
for (let x = 0; x < screenInfo.width; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < screenInfo.height; y++) {
const cell = screenInfo.getCell(x, y)
cellsToUpdate.push({ x, y })
this._lastRenderGrid.setCell(x, y, cell)
this._draw(screenInfo, cellsToUpdate)
public draw(screenInfo: MinimalScreenForRendering): void {
if (!this._editorElement) {
const cellsToUpdate: IPosition[] = []
for (let x = 0; x < screenInfo.width; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < screenInfo.height; y++) {
const lastCell = this._lastRenderGrid.getCell(x, y)
const currentCell = screenInfo.getCell(x, y)
if (!cellsAreEqual(lastCell, currentCell)) {
cellsToUpdate.push({ x, y })
this._lastRenderGrid.setCell(x, y, currentCell)
this._draw(screenInfo, cellsToUpdate)
public _draw(screenInfo: MinimalScreenForRendering, modifiedCells: IPosition[]): void {
this._canvasContext.font = `${screenInfo.fontWeight} ${screenInfo.fontSize} ${
this._canvasContext.textBaseline = "top"
this._canvasContext.setTransform(this._devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, this._devicePixelRatio, 0, 0)
this._canvasContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false
this._editorElement.style.fontFamily = screenInfo.fontFamily
this._editorElement.style.fontSize = screenInfo.fontSize
this._editorElement.style.fontWeight = screenInfo.fontWeight
const rowsToEdit = getSpansToEdit(this._grid, modifiedCells)
for (const y of Object.keys(rowsToEdit)) {
const row: ISpan[] = rowsToEdit[y]
if (!row) {
row.forEach((span: ISpan) => {
// All spans that have changed in current rendering pass
const rowIndex = Number.parseInt(y, 10)
const currentCell = screenInfo.getCell(span.startX, rowIndex)
// Check spans before & after, to see if they can be merged
// (In other words, if they should be re-rendered together)
// This is important for ligature cases.
const gridCellBefore = screenInfo.getCell(span.startX - 1, rowIndex)
const gridCellAfter = screenInfo.getCell(span.endX + 1, rowIndex)
let updatedStartX = span.startX
let updatedEndX = span.endX
if (cellsAreSameColor(currentCell, gridCellBefore)) {
const previousCell = this._grid.getCell(span.startX - 1, rowIndex)
if (previousCell) {
updatedStartX = previousCell.startX
if (cellsAreSameColor(currentCell, gridCellAfter)) {
const afterCell = this._grid.getCell(span.endX + 1, rowIndex)
if (afterCell) {
updatedEndX = afterCell.endX
const updatedSpan: ISpan = {
startX: updatedStartX,
endX: updatedEndX,
this._renderSpan(updatedSpan, rowIndex, screenInfo)
private _renderSpan(span: ISpan, y: number, screenInfo: MinimalScreenForRendering): void {
let prevState: IRenderState = {
isWhitespace: false,
foregroundColor: screenInfo.foregroundColor,
backgroundColor: screenInfo.backgroundColor,
text: "",
bold: false,
italic: false,
underline: false,
startX: span.startX,
width: 0,
let x = span.startX
while (x < span.endX) {
const cell = screenInfo.getCell(x, y)
const nextRenderState = this._getNextRenderState(cell, x, y, prevState)
if (this._isNewState(prevState, nextRenderState)) {
this._renderText(prevState, screenInfo)
prevState = nextRenderState
const increment = nextRenderState.startX + nextRenderState.width
x = increment
this._renderText(prevState, screenInfo)
private _getNextRenderState(
cell: ICell,
x: number,
y: number,
currentState: IRenderState,
): IRenderState {
const isCurrentCellWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(cell.character)
if (
cell.foregroundColor !== currentState.foregroundColor ||
cell.backgroundColor !== currentState.backgroundColor ||
isCurrentCellWhiteSpace !== currentState.isWhitespace ||
cell.characterWidth > 1
) {
return {
isWhitespace: isCurrentCellWhiteSpace,
foregroundColor: cell.foregroundColor,
backgroundColor: cell.backgroundColor,
text: cell.character,
bold: cell.bold,
italic: cell.italic,
underline: cell.underline,
width: cell.characterWidth,
startX: x,
} else {
const adjustedCharacterWidth = isCurrentCellWhiteSpace ? 1 : cell.characterWidth
// Not using spread (...) operator, which would simplify this,
// because this is a hot-path for rendering and `Object.assign`
// has some overhead that showed up in the profile.
return {
isWhitespace: currentState.isWhitespace,
foregroundColor: cell.foregroundColor,
backgroundColor: cell.backgroundColor,
text: currentState.text + cell.character,
bold: cell.bold,
italic: cell.italic,
underline: cell.underline,
width: currentState.width + adjustedCharacterWidth,
startX: currentState.startX,
y: currentState.y,
private _isNewState(oldState: IRenderState, newState: IRenderState) {
return oldState.startX !== newState.startX
private _renderText(state: IRenderState, screenInfo: MinimalScreenForRendering): void {
// Spans can have a width of 0 if they are placeholders for cells
// after a multibyte character. In this case, we don't need to bother
// rendering or clearing, because that occurs with the multibyte character.
if (state.width === 0) {
const { backgroundColor, foregroundColor, bold, italic, text, startX, y } = state
const { fontWidthInPixels, fontHeightInPixels, linePaddingInPixels } = screenInfo
const boundsStartX = startX * fontWidthInPixels
const boundsY = y * fontHeightInPixels
const boundsWidth = state.width * fontWidthInPixels
// This normalization is required to fix "cracks" due to anti-aliasing and rendering
// rectangles on subpixel boundaries. Sometimes, the rectangle will not "connect"
// between adjacent boundaries, and there is a crack between the blocks. Worse,
// sometimes when clearing a rectangle, a thin line will be left.
// This normalization addresses it by making sure the rectangle bounds are aligned
// to the nearest integer pixel.
const normalizedBoundsStartX = Math.floor(boundsStartX)
const delta = boundsStartX - normalizedBoundsStartX
const normalizedBoundsWidth = Math.ceil(boundsWidth + delta)
const normalizedBoundsY = Math.floor(boundsY)
const deltaY = boundsY - normalizedBoundsY
const normalizedHeight = Math.ceil(boundsY + deltaY)
this._canvasContext.fillStyle = backgroundColor || screenInfo.backgroundColor
if (this._isOpaque || (backgroundColor && backgroundColor !== screenInfo.backgroundColor)) {
} else {
if (!state.isWhitespace) {
const lastFontStyle = this._canvasContext.font
this._canvasContext.fillStyle = foregroundColor
if (bold) {
this._canvasContext.font = `bold ${this._canvasContext.font}`
if (italic) {
this._canvasContext.font = `italic ${this._canvasContext.font}`
normalizedBoundsY + linePaddingInPixels / 2,
this._canvasContext.font = lastFontStyle
// Commit span dimensions to grid
const spanInfoToCommit: ISpan = {
startX: state.startX,
endX: state.startX + state.width,
for (let x = state.startX; x < state.startX + state.width; x++) {
this._grid.setCell(x, state.y, spanInfoToCommit)
private _setContext(): void {
this._editorElement.innerHTML = ""
this._devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio
// offsetWidth and offsetHeight always return an integer
const editorWidth = this._editorElement.offsetWidth
const editorHeight = this._editorElement.offsetHeight
this._canvasElement = document.createElement("canvas")
this._canvasElement.style.width = editorWidth + "px"
this._canvasElement.style.height = editorHeight + "px"
this._width = this._canvasElement.width = editorWidth * this._devicePixelRatio
this._height = this._canvasElement.height = editorHeight * this._devicePixelRatio
if (
configuration.getValue("editor.backgroundImageUrl") &&
configuration.getValue("editor.backgroundOpacity") < 1.0
) {
this._canvasContext = this._canvasElement.getContext("2d", { alpha: true })
this._isOpaque = false
} else {
this._canvasContext = this._canvasElement.getContext("2d", { alpha: false })
this._isOpaque = true