Akin e3f65e6948
Feature/oni sessions (#2479)
* add session manager, store and sidebar pane

* hook up session services to app

* move side effects into epics

* add creation and cancel creation actions

* add restore session epic and remove console.log

* await sessions in case of error

* add error handling to session functions

* Revert "Refocus previously open menu on reactivating Oni (#2472)"

This reverts commit 97f0c61345.

* Revert "Refocus previously open menu on reactivating Oni (#2472)"

This reverts commit 97f0c61345.

* remove console.log

* remove unused props passed to session pane

* add persist session command [WIP]

* Add current session action and update store with i


* use get user config add icons and some error handling

* add unclick handlers for sessions
move section title to general location
add delete session functionality

* add title and toggling of sessions add on vim leave handler

* fix lint errors

* refactor epics in preparation for 1.0 and rxjs 6

* update snapshot

* add bufdo bd command prior to restoring session
fix delete session bug causing reappearances

* create separate close all buffers method

* remove update session method

* Add audit time to update current session

* add close all buffers method and use persist session action in update session

* add restore session error action and complete action

* add console log for debugging return metadata directly

* add error handling to git blame function

* reduce persist audit time make ids in session.tsx readonly

* comment out console.log

* check neovim for current session when updating
this ensures the session is valid
added getCurrentSession method which checks vims v:this_session var

* fix lint errors

* add tests for sessions component and mock for neovim instance

* switch generic input check to specific text input view check

* add update timestamp functionality so these are more accurate

* switch to adding updated at by checking mtime of f


* switch to storing sessions in persistent store

* add delete functionality to persistent store and mock

* fix lint error

* rename sessionName var to name for simplicity

* add session manager initial test

* create path using path.join

* add experimental config flag

* update Oni mock and increase sessionmanager tests

* add session store tests - [WIP]

* return simple session manager mock
remove need for instantiation, use done callback

* remove session store tests as redux observable api has changed
a large refactor of all observables is going to be required to upgrade redux observable so seems counter productive to write tests that will need to be re-written entirely once that is done

* add user configurable session directory

* tweak sidebar item styles

* update vim navigator to pass function to update selected item on click
render session sidebar item second

* fix lint error

* fix broken tests
2018-08-22 08:16:46 +01:00
core Feature/oni sessions (#2479) 2018-08-22 08:16:46 +01:00
default/bundle Feature/add bindings to change sidebar width (#2236) 2018-06-11 13:04:24 +01:00
noop.vim Update config, add a 'noop.vim' when defaults are being used 2016-12-08 08:32:10 -08:00