Akin 5238600911
Feature/change token format (#1705)
* add check to return string for classname construction
if only passed single word
also add more token types for reasonml

* add more default tokens

* add css types and increase token colors

* add vscode style token colors for onedark
add functionality to parse the token colors format

* switch oni token style to match vscode

* remove convoluted ternary in flattenTheme

* tweak get key from token color to match updated token style

* import deepmerge avoid type issues via require.default

* fix bad merge in common.ts

* comment out console.log

* fix lint errors

* merge default and theme tokens

* add types for deepmerge and ts-ignore the incorrect package

* fix package json reversions

* remove deepmerge create custom strategy for merging tokens

* fix lint errors

* update tests and fix object.entries (not available in test)

* fix scope fetching in syntax reconciler and make variables more readable

* fix atomic calls length check in synchronizeTokenColors

* Stop inclusion of banned tokens in the syntax highlight reconciler

* rank token scopes by priority and depth

* separate out tokenRanking into a tokenSelector class -> single responsibility principle

* refactor getMatchingToken to use recursive method

* add break clause to function

* fix lint errors

* change test to use foeground instead of foregroundColor

* fix incorrect set fontStyle in vim highlights for italics
prettify comments into jsDoc blocks

* fix comment for TokenScorer

* add initial test for token theme provider
be explicit about passing in the token colors and default to the service

* fix passing in of the token colors as props explicitly
this makes the component (TokenThemeProvider) more testable

* refactor construct className following testing
add passing jest-styled-components test

* refactor constructClassname further to be more fault tolerant
update jest and use test.each for classname testing

* fix failing test re. checking fontsyle for bold and italic

* further tweak to create Classname to further simplify its workings
make get Css Rule should actually return a css rule and not occasionally a boolean

* fix type annotations for getCssRule and ensure str always returned

* add tokenScorer tests and improve copy for themeprovider tests
2018-09-09 22:51:04 +01:00
colors Feature/change token format (#1705) 2018-09-09 22:51:04 +01:00
package.json Run prettier over markdown / json files (#1395) 2018-01-29 19:56:24 -08:00