Akin 97899e1222
Feature/initial Git VCS provider (#1310)
* add git addition and deletion count

* add typing to git service

* add ideas for styling

* add error handling and checks to determine rendering

* reorder comma separator

* get gitroot utility and pass in current dit

* fix name typo for gitroot fn

* add logs for debugging

* [WIP] debug ocaml lang server

* promisify exec command
merge upstream

* add semicolon to external commandline config

* add semicolon to js file as per lint error

* write manual diffSummary function
add per file changes and option to show perfile changes

* add try catch block to prevent errors

* add further check for error points

* comment out unused fn call cast promisified type to any
add fixme comment to check back in re this typing

* add FA icons add spacer char
change rendering so elements are only created
as necessary

* change long line initialisation to explicit decls

* typos re variable names

* revert markdown changes

* revert markdown changes

* remove local changes as they make little sense
fix counting of local changes in case of future use case

* re-add git-js

* tweak use of git js

* initialise git sync then use return git obj

* remove cwd calls from git instantiation

* ongoing experimentations with git plugin

* initial re-implementation of git vcs as per #2110

* attempt promises with git and use workspace

* use simple-git to get branch

* remove console.log return empty string if no current branch

* try using require version of simple git and saving git instance

* try using chaining api rather than async/await

* add git branch menu and tidy up plugin
add get branches method and git checkout method to vcs provider

* move git into version control service and add index

* Use arrow functions in git vcs provider

* add simple git to webpack external to prevent minfication mangling

* add fetch branch commands

* invert git plugin and git provider [WIP]

* add functioning vcs manager

* separate components into separate file
remove specific  references to git

* add vcs components file

* remove errant console.log

* switch to using the registerProvider pattern

* add sidebar plugin for vcs

* tweak title styles and add modified count

* use npm/yarn-run-all for start command to avoid memory leak

* fix typing of files in vcsStore

* use oni.log to log errors or default to console

* revert changes in README.md

* add simple-git as a dependency and typescript as a dev dependency

* use run-s for unit tests

* format response from git js to match VCSProvider
return status object and render based on that

* add more events to VersionControl interface

* add enzyme tests for components, refactor additions and completions

* add enzyme test file

* tweak styles following component refactor

* tidy up deletions and insertions component

* add tests for VersionControlView component

* fix stagedfileschanged event name typo
use events to trigger getStatus in vcs pane

* encapsulate getInstance phew.. really bugged me trade accuracy for cleverness in update branch indicator

* fix use of menu api as it miss matches with the menumanager

* dont export the init function in vcsmanager

* Set error state in redux on error

* update rxjs to 5.5.10 to match oni-types package

* use fork of "oni-type" to test if ci passes

* fix overflow issues and use word-break

* wrap provider methods in try catch and explicitly return void or val

* downgrade to rxjs 5.5.8

* revert to now fixed oni-types package

* add initial functionality to activate and deactivate plugin

* [WIP] Switch to activation and deactivation exclusively through events

* remove console.log

* add check inside vcsManager to control when plugin loads WIP

* fix provider selection check

* remove extra newline

* upgrade oni types to 0.0.8

* fix manager comment typo add, ability to navigate titles
add visibility filter to view component
remove unused check in get status

* add ability to collapse and expand sections

* update tests and change from using capitalize fn :(

* Move version control components, tidy up provider activations handler
fix tests and componentize the caret

* update snapshots

* fix parsing issues in ui-test tabs

* revert changes in FileConfiguration and tsconfig react

* only create sidebar if none is existent
remove unnecessary return, revert prettier to master version

* remove useless wrapper div

* update snapshots

* allow git provider errors to bubble up so they can be handled
with notifications which inform the user of why something is not working

* remove unused var

* add vcsmanager test in jest

* fix not re-applying state error

* pull upstream

* remove uses of Log and use oni-core-logging

* merge upstream fix conflicts

* fix vcs name issue re. notifications

* remove extra variable in App.ts

* set simple git working dir constructor and handle updates there
remove explicit passing in of working dir

* remove vcs provider from duplicate interface

* update functions to remove unnecessary args

* run get diff and get branch in parallel fix missing return in diff fn

* explicitly pass in the project root to prevent race conditions
whilst changing dir

* fix removal of initial gitp assignment in constructor

* improve version control manager tests

* update jest to avoid coverage bug improve test further

* add send notification to vcs pane args

* update snapshots

* fix import ordering in view

* gst

* separate out subscription creation and error notifications
switch package json plugin commands to && chain

* remove console.logs

* rename args

* split out mocks into separate files

* update tests wip

* remove is repo check since plugin should only activate if is true
convert handle provider to async function

* await handle provider status

* remove console.log assign subscriptions directly

* upgrade ts-jest and redux mock store

* add readable names to handle provider status

* import * for vcs types fix import of redux mock store

* add vcs definition file to be deleted once oni-api adds vcs

* initialise project root to activeWorkspace

* revert changes to commont.ts use SFC typing

* fix package json

* add vcs store test

* fix new name of versioncontrolstate

* hide sidebar behind experimental feature flag

* remove collect coverage from jest config option

* update version control pane to focus on testing react not redux

* add jest to codecov command
remove unnecessary type annotations

* add jest coverage json to final istanbul report

* update jest coverage runner

* change path name for jest coverage file

* add inlineSourceMap option to jest tsconfig

* remove jest coverage merging

* add jest coverage upload command

* remove unnecessary coverage flag and type annotations

* fix chained and operator ui bug
using thing && thing && component can cause 0 to be rendered
2018-07-18 14:02:44 +01:00
icons Fix #4 - Add in new application icons (#587) 2017-08-09 09:40:03 -07:00
script Feature/initial Git VCS provider (#1310) 2018-07-18 14:02:44 +01:00
setup Fix #4 - Add in new application icons (#587) 2017-08-09 09:40:03 -07:00
windows Fix #4 - Add in new application icons (#587) 2017-08-09 09:40:03 -07:00
BuildSetupTemplate.js Reduce app folder size. (#2392) 2018-07-04 12:39:37 +01:00
CopyIcons.js Fix #4 - Add in new application icons (#587) 2017-08-09 09:40:03 -07:00
icon.icns Fix #4 - Add in new application icons (#587) 2017-08-09 09:40:03 -07:00
setup.template.iss Sort out CLI for Oni (#2372) 2018-07-01 12:36:05 +01:00