* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Morris Jobke * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Jonas Sulzer * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ class UpdateException extends \Exception { /** @param list $data */ public function __construct( protected array $data, ) { } /** @return list */ public function getData(): array { return $this->data; } } class LogException extends \Exception { } class RecursiveDirectoryIteratorWithoutData extends \RecursiveFilterIterator { public function accept(): bool { $excludes = [ '.rnd', '.well-known', 'data', '..', ]; /** @var \SplFileInfo|false */ $current = $this->current(); if (!$current) { return false; } return !(in_array($current->getFilename(), $excludes, true) || $current->isDir()); } } class Updater { private string $baseDir; private array $configValues = []; private string $currentVersion = 'unknown'; private string $buildTime; private bool $updateAvailable = false; private ?string $requestID = null; private bool $disabled = false; /** * Updater constructor * @param string $baseDir the absolute path to the /updater/ directory in the Nextcloud root * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct(string $baseDir) { $this->baseDir = $baseDir; if ($dir = getenv('NEXTCLOUD_CONFIG_DIR')) { $configFileName = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/config.php'; } else { $configFileName = $this->baseDir . '/../config/config.php'; } if (!file_exists($configFileName)) { throw new \Exception('Could not find config.php. Is this file in the "updater" subfolder of Nextcloud?'); } /** @var array $CONFIG */ require_once $configFileName; $this->configValues = $CONFIG; if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' && ($this->configValues['upgrade.disable-web'] ?? false)) { // updater disabled $this->disabled = true; return; } $dataDir = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation(); if (empty($dataDir)) { throw new \Exception('Could not read data directory from config.php.'); } $versionFileName = $this->baseDir . '/../version.php'; if (!file_exists($versionFileName)) { // fallback to version in config.php $version = $this->getConfigOptionString('version'); $buildTime = ''; } else { /** @var ?string $OC_Build */ require_once $versionFileName; /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedVariable * @var ?string $version */ $version = $OC_VersionString; $buildTime = $OC_Build; } if (!is_string($version) || !is_string($buildTime)) { return; } // normalize version to 3 digits $splittedVersion = explode('.', $version); if (sizeof($splittedVersion) >= 3) { $splittedVersion = array_slice($splittedVersion, 0, 3); } $this->currentVersion = implode('.', $splittedVersion); $this->buildTime = $buildTime; } /** * Returns whether the web updater is disabled * * @return bool */ public function isDisabled() { return $this->disabled; } /** * Returns current version or "unknown" if this could not be determined. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentVersion() { return $this->currentVersion; } /** * Returns currently used release channel */ private function getCurrentReleaseChannel(): string { return ($this->getConfigOptionString('updater.release.channel') ?? 'stable'); } /** * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function checkForUpdate() { $response = $this->getUpdateServerResponse(); $this->silentLog('[info] checkForUpdate() ' . print_r($response, true)); $version = isset($response['version']) ? (string)$response['version'] : ''; $versionString = isset($response['versionstring']) ? (string)$response['versionstring'] : ''; if ($version !== '' && $version !== $this->currentVersion) { $this->updateAvailable = true; $releaseChannel = $this->getCurrentReleaseChannel(); $updateText = 'Update to ' . htmlentities($versionString) . ' available. (channel: "' . htmlentities($releaseChannel) . '")
Following file will be downloaded automatically: ' . (string)$response['url'] . ''; // only show changelog link for stable releases (non-RC & non-beta) if (!preg_match('!(rc|beta)!i', $versionString)) { $changelogURL = $this->getChangelogURL(substr($version, 0, strrpos($version, '.') ?: 0)); $updateText .= '
Open changelog ↗'; } } else { $updateText = 'No update available.'; } if ($this->updateAvailable && isset($response['autoupdater']) && !($response['autoupdater'] === 1 || $response['autoupdater'] === '1')) { $this->updateAvailable = false; $updateText .= '
The updater is disabled for this update - please update manually.'; } $this->silentLog('[info] end of checkForUpdate() ' . $updateText); return $updateText; } /** * Returns bool whether update is available or not */ public function updateAvailable(): bool { return $this->updateAvailable; } /** * Returns the specified config option */ public function getConfigOption(string $key): mixed { return $this->configValues[$key] ?? null; } /** * Returns the specified string config option */ public function getConfigOptionString(string $key): ?string { if (isset($this->configValues[$key])) { if (!is_string($this->configValues[$key])) { $this->silentLog('[error] Config key ' . $key . ' should be a string, found ' . gettype($this->configValues[$key])); } return (string)$this->configValues[$key]; } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the specified mandatory string config option */ public function getConfigOptionMandatoryString(string $key): string { if (isset($this->configValues[$key])) { if (!is_string($this->configValues[$key])) { $this->silentLog('[error] Config key ' . $key . ' should be a string, found ' . gettype($this->configValues[$key])); } return (string)$this->configValues[$key]; } else { throw new \Exception('Config key ' . $key . ' is missing'); } } /** * Gets the data directory location on the local filesystem */ private function getUpdateDirectoryLocation(): string { return $this->getConfigOptionString('updatedirectory') ?? $this->getConfigOptionString('datadirectory') ?? ''; } /** * Returns the expected files and folders as array */ private function getExpectedElementsList(): array { $expected = [ // Generic '.', '..', // Folders '.well-known', '3rdparty', 'apps', 'config', 'core', 'data', 'dist', 'l10n', 'lib', 'ocs', 'ocs-provider', 'ocm-provider', 'resources', 'settings', 'themes', 'updater', // Files '.rnd', 'index.html', 'indie.json', '.user.ini', 'composer.json', 'composer.lock', 'console.php', 'cron.php', 'index.php', 'package.json', 'package-lock.json', 'public.php', 'remote.php', 'status.php', 'version.php', 'robots.txt', '.htaccess', 'AUTHORS', 'CHANGELOG.md', 'COPYING', 'COPYING-AGPL', 'occ', 'db_structure.xml', ]; return array_merge($expected, $this->getAppDirectories()); } /** * Returns app directories specified in config.php * * @return list */ private function getAppDirectories(): array { $expected = []; if ($appsPaths = $this->getConfigOption('apps_paths')) { if (!is_array($appsPaths)) { throw new \Exception('Configuration key apps_paths should be an array'); } foreach ($appsPaths as $appsPath) { if (!is_array($appsPath) || !isset($appsPath['path']) || !is_string($appsPath['path'])) { throw new \Exception('Invalid configuration in apps_paths configuration key'); } $parentDir = realpath($this->baseDir . '/../'); $appDir = basename($appsPath['path']); if (strpos($appsPath['path'], $parentDir) === 0 && $appDir !== 'apps') { $expected[] = $appDir; } } } return $expected; } /** * Gets the recursive directory iterator over the Nextcloud folder * * @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator<\RecursiveDirectoryIterator> */ private function getRecursiveDirectoryIterator(?string $folder = null): \RecursiveIteratorIterator { if ($folder === null) { $folder = $this->baseDir . '/../'; } return new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); } /** * Checks for files that are unexpected. */ public function checkForExpectedFilesAndFolders(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] checkForExpectedFilesAndFolders()'); $expectedElements = $this->getExpectedElementsList(); $unexpectedElements = []; foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($this->baseDir . '/../') as $fileInfo) { if (array_search($fileInfo->getFilename(), $expectedElements) === false) { $unexpectedElements[] = $fileInfo->getFilename(); } } if (count($unexpectedElements) !== 0) { throw new UpdateException($unexpectedElements); } $this->silentLog('[info] end of checkForExpectedFilesAndFolders()'); } /** * Checks for files that are not writable */ public function checkWritePermissions(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] checkWritePermissions()'); $notWritablePaths = array(); $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->baseDir . '/../'); $filter = new RecursiveDirectoryIteratorWithoutData($dir); /** @var iterable */ $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter); foreach ($it as $path => $dir) { if (!is_writable($path)) { $notWritablePaths[] = $path; } } if (count($notWritablePaths) > 0) { throw new UpdateException($notWritablePaths); } $this->silentLog('[info] end of checkWritePermissions()'); } /** * Sets the maintenance mode to the defined value * * @throws \Exception when config.php can't be written */ public function setMaintenanceMode(bool $state): void { $this->silentLog('[info] setMaintenanceMode("' . ($state ? 'true' : 'false') . '")'); if ($dir = getenv('NEXTCLOUD_CONFIG_DIR')) { $configFileName = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/config.php'; } else { $configFileName = $this->baseDir . '/../config/config.php'; } $this->silentLog('[info] configFileName ' . $configFileName); // usually is already tested in the constructor but just to be on the safe side if (!file_exists($configFileName)) { throw new \Exception('Could not find config.php.'); } /** @var array $CONFIG */ require $configFileName; $CONFIG['maintenance'] = $state; $content = "silentLog('[info] end of setMaintenanceMode()'); } /** * Creates a backup of all files and moves it into data/updater-$instanceid/backups/nextcloud-X-Y-Z/ * * @throws \Exception */ public function createBackup(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] createBackup()'); $excludedElements = [ '.rnd', '.well-known', 'data', ]; // Create new folder for the backup $backupFolderLocation = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid').'/backups/nextcloud-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('version') . '-' . time() . '/'; $this->silentLog('[info] backup folder location: ' . $backupFolderLocation); $state = mkdir($backupFolderLocation, 0750, true); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not create backup folder location'); } // Copy the backup files $currentDir = $this->baseDir . '/../'; /** * @var string $path * @var \SplFileInfo $fileInfo */ foreach ($this->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator($currentDir) as $path => $fileInfo) { $fileName = explode($currentDir, $path)[1]; $folderStructure = explode('/', $fileName, -1); // Exclude the exclusions if (isset($folderStructure[0])) { if (array_search($folderStructure[0], $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } else { if (array_search($fileName, $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } // Create folder if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists($backupFolderLocation . '/' . dirname($fileName))) { $state = mkdir($backupFolderLocation . '/' . dirname($fileName), 0750, true); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not create folder: '.$backupFolderLocation.'/'.dirname($fileName)); } } // If it is a file copy it if ($fileInfo->isFile()) { $state = copy($fileInfo->getRealPath(), $backupFolderLocation . $fileName); if ($state === false) { $message = sprintf( 'Could not copy "%s" to "%s"', $fileInfo->getRealPath(), $backupFolderLocation . $fileName ); if (is_readable($fileInfo->getRealPath()) === false) { $message = sprintf( '%s. Source %s is not readable', $message, $fileInfo->getRealPath() ); } if (is_writable($backupFolderLocation . $fileName) === false) { $message = sprintf( '%s. Destination %s is not writable', $message, $backupFolderLocation . $fileName ); } throw new \Exception($message); } } } $this->silentLog('[info] end of createBackup()'); } private function getChangelogURL(string $versionString): string { $this->silentLog('[info] getChangelogURL()'); $changelogWebsite = 'https://nextcloud.com/changelog/'; $changelogURL = $changelogWebsite . '#' . str_replace('.', '-', $versionString); return $changelogURL; } /** * @throws \Exception */ private function getUpdateServerResponse(): array { $this->silentLog('[info] getUpdateServerResponse()'); $updaterServer = $this->getConfigOptionString('updater.server.url'); if ($updaterServer === null) { // FIXME: used deployed URL $updaterServer = 'https://updates.nextcloud.com/updater_server/'; } $this->silentLog('[info] updaterServer: ' . $updaterServer); $releaseChannel = $this->getCurrentReleaseChannel(); $this->silentLog('[info] releaseChannel: ' . $releaseChannel); $this->silentLog('[info] internal version: ' . $this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('version')); $updateURL = $updaterServer . '?version='. str_replace('.', 'x', $this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('version')) .'xxx'.$releaseChannel.'xx'.urlencode($this->buildTime).'x'.PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.'x'.PHP_MINOR_VERSION.'x'.PHP_RELEASE_VERSION; $this->silentLog('[info] updateURL: ' . $updateURL); // Download update response $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => $updateURL, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Nextcloud Updater', ]); if ($this->getConfigOption('proxy') !== null) { curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_PROXY => $this->getConfigOptionString('proxy'), CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD => $this->getConfigOptionString('proxyuserpwd'), CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL => $this->getConfigOption('proxy') ? 1 : 0, ]); } /** @var false|string $response */ $response = curl_exec($curl); if ($response === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not do request to updater server: '.curl_error($curl)); } curl_close($curl); // Response can be empty when no update is available if ($response === '') { return []; } $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); if ($xml === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not parse updater server XML response'); } $response = get_object_vars($xml); $this->silentLog('[info] getUpdateServerResponse response: ' . print_r($response, true)); return $response; } /** * Downloads the nextcloud folder to $DATADIR/updater-$instanceid/downloads/$filename * * @throws \Exception */ public function downloadUpdate(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] downloadUpdate()'); $response = $this->getUpdateServerResponse(); $storageLocation = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/downloads/'; if (file_exists($storageLocation)) { $this->silentLog('[info] storage location exists'); $this->recursiveDelete($storageLocation); } $state = mkdir($storageLocation, 0750, true); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not mkdir storage location'); } if (!isset($response['url']) || !is_string($response['url'])) { throw new \Exception('Response from update server is missing url'); } $fp = fopen($storageLocation . basename($response['url']), 'w+'); $ch = curl_init($response['url']); curl_setopt_array($ch, [ CURLOPT_FILE => $fp, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Nextcloud Updater', ]); if ($this->getConfigOption('proxy') !== null) { curl_setopt_array($ch, [ CURLOPT_PROXY => $this->getConfigOptionString('proxy'), CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD => $this->getConfigOptionString('proxyuserpwd'), CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL => $this->getConfigOption('proxy') ? 1 : 0, ]); } if (curl_exec($ch) === false) { throw new \Exception('Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($httpCode !== 200) { $statusCodes = [ 400 => 'Bad request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', ]; $message = 'Download failed'; if (is_int($httpCode) && isset($statusCodes[$httpCode])) { $message .= ' - ' . $statusCodes[$httpCode] . ' (HTTP ' . $httpCode . ')'; } else { $message .= ' - HTTP status code: ' . (string)$httpCode; } $curlErrorMessage = curl_error($ch); if (!empty($curlErrorMessage)) { $message .= ' - curl error message: ' . $curlErrorMessage; } $message .= ' - URL: ' . htmlentities($response['url']); throw new \Exception($message); } curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); $this->silentLog('[info] end of downloadUpdate()'); } /** * @throws \Exception */ private function getDownloadedFilePath(): string { $storageLocation = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/downloads/'; $this->silentLog('[info] storage location: ' . $storageLocation); $filesInStorageLocation = scandir($storageLocation); $files = array_values(array_filter($filesInStorageLocation, function (string $path) { return $path !== '.' && $path !== '..'; })); // only the downloaded archive if (count($files) !== 1) { throw new \Exception('There are more files than the downloaded archive in the downloads/ folder.'); } return $storageLocation . '/' . $files[0]; } /** * Verifies the integrity of the downloaded file * * @throws \Exception */ public function verifyIntegrity(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] verifyIntegrity()'); if ($this->getCurrentReleaseChannel() === 'daily') { $this->silentLog('[info] current channel is "daily" which is not signed. Skipping verification.'); return; } $response = $this->getUpdateServerResponse(); if (empty($response['signature'])) { throw new \Exception('No signature specified for defined update'); } if (!is_string($response['signature'])) { throw new \Exception('Signature specified for defined update should be a string'); } $certificate = <<getDownloadedFilePath()), base64_decode($response['signature']), $certificate, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512 ); if ($validSignature === false) { throw new \Exception('Signature of update is not valid'); } $this->silentLog('[info] end of verifyIntegrity()'); } /** * Gets the version as declared in $versionFile * * @throws \Exception If $OC_Version is not defined in $versionFile */ private function getVersionByVersionFile(string $versionFile): string { /** @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude */ require $versionFile; /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedVariable */ if (isset($OC_Version)) { /** @var string[] $OC_Version */ return implode('.', $OC_Version); } throw new \Exception("OC_Version not found in $versionFile"); } /** * Extracts the download * * @throws \Exception */ public function extractDownload(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] extractDownload()'); $downloadedFilePath = $this->getDownloadedFilePath(); $zip = new \ZipArchive; $zipState = $zip->open($downloadedFilePath); if ($zipState === true) { $extraction = $zip->extractTo(dirname($downloadedFilePath)); if ($extraction === false) { throw new \Exception('Error during unpacking zipfile: '.($zip->getStatusString())); } $zip->close(); $state = unlink($downloadedFilePath); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception("Can't unlink ". $downloadedFilePath); } } else { throw new \Exception("Can't handle ZIP file. Error code is: ".print_r($zipState, true)); } // Ensure that the downloaded version is not lower $downloadedVersion = $this->getVersionByVersionFile(dirname($downloadedFilePath) . '/nextcloud/version.php'); $currentVersion = $this->getVersionByVersionFile($this->baseDir . '/../version.php'); if (version_compare($downloadedVersion, $currentVersion, '<')) { throw new \Exception('Downloaded version is lower than installed version'); } $this->silentLog('[info] end of extractDownload()'); } /** * Replaces the entry point files with files that only return a 503 * * @throws \Exception */ public function replaceEntryPoints(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] replaceEntryPoints()'); $filesToReplace = [ 'index.php', 'status.php', 'remote.php', 'public.php', 'ocs/v1.php', 'ocs/v2.php', ]; $content = "silentLog('[info] replace ' . $file); $parentDir = dirname($this->baseDir . '/../' . $file); if (!file_exists($parentDir)) { $r = mkdir($parentDir); if ($r !== true) { throw new \Exception('Can\'t create parent directory for entry point: ' . $file); } } $state = file_put_contents($this->baseDir . '/../' . $file, $content); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Can\'t replace entry point: '.$file); } } $this->silentLog('[info] end of replaceEntryPoints()'); } /** * Recursively deletes the specified folder from the system * * @throws \Exception */ private function recursiveDelete(string $folder): void { if (!file_exists($folder)) { return; } /** @var iterable<\SplFileInfo> $iterator */ $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); $directories = []; $files = []; foreach ($iterator as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $directories[] = $fileInfo->getRealPath(); } else { if ($fileInfo->isLink()) { $files[] = $fileInfo->getPathName(); } else { $files[] = $fileInfo->getRealPath(); } } } foreach ($files as $file) { unlink($file); } foreach ($directories as $dir) { rmdir($dir); } $state = rmdir($folder); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not rmdir ' . $folder); } } /** * Delete old files from the system as much as possible * * @throws \Exception */ public function deleteOldFiles(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] deleteOldFiles()'); $shippedAppsFile = $this->baseDir . '/../core/shipped.json'; $shippedAppsFileContent = file_get_contents($shippedAppsFile); if ($shippedAppsFileContent === false) { throw new \Exception('core/shipped.json is not available'); } $shippedAppsFileContentDecoded = json_decode($shippedAppsFileContent, true); if (!is_array($shippedAppsFileContentDecoded) || !is_array($shippedApps = $shippedAppsFileContentDecoded['shippedApps'] ?? [])) { throw new \Exception('core/shipped.json content is invalid'); } $newShippedAppsFile = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/downloads/nextcloud/core/shipped.json'; $newShippedAppsFileContent = file_get_contents($newShippedAppsFile); if ($newShippedAppsFileContent === false) { throw new \Exception('core/shipped.json is not available in the new release'); } $newShippedAppsFileContentDecoded = json_decode($newShippedAppsFileContent, true); if (!is_array($newShippedAppsFileContentDecoded) || !is_array($newShippedApps = $newShippedAppsFileContentDecoded['shippedApps'] ?? [])) { throw new \Exception('core/shipped.json content is invalid in the new release'); } // Delete shipped apps $shippedApps = array_merge($shippedApps, $newShippedApps); /** @var string $app */ foreach ($shippedApps as $app) { $this->recursiveDelete($this->baseDir . '/../apps/' . $app); } $configSampleFile = $this->baseDir . '/../config/config.sample.php'; if (file_exists($configSampleFile)) { $this->silentLog('[info] config sample exists'); // Delete example config $state = unlink($configSampleFile); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not unlink sample config'); } } $themesReadme = $this->baseDir . '/../themes/README'; if (file_exists($themesReadme)) { $this->silentLog('[info] themes README exists'); // Delete themes $state = unlink($themesReadme); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not delete themes README'); } } $this->recursiveDelete($this->baseDir . '/../themes/example/'); // Delete the rest $excludedElements = [ '.well-known', 'data', 'index.php', 'status.php', 'remote.php', 'public.php', 'ocs/v1.php', 'ocs/v2.php', 'config', 'themes', 'apps', 'updater', ]; $excludedElements = array_merge($excludedElements, $this->getAppDirectories()); /** * @var string $path * @var \SplFileInfo $fileInfo */ foreach ($this->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator() as $path => $fileInfo) { $currentDir = $this->baseDir . '/../'; $fileName = explode($currentDir, $path)[1]; $folderStructure = explode('/', $fileName, -1); // Exclude the exclusions if (isset($folderStructure[0])) { if (array_search($folderStructure[0], $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } else { if (array_search($fileName, $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } if ($fileInfo->isFile() || $fileInfo->isLink()) { $state = unlink($path); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not unlink: '.$path); } } elseif ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $state = rmdir($path); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not rmdir: '.$path); } } } $this->silentLog('[info] end of deleteOldFiles()'); } /** * Moves the specified filed except the excluded elements to the correct position * * @throws \Exception */ private function moveWithExclusions(string $dataLocation, array $excludedElements): void { /** * @var string $path * @var \SplFileInfo $fileInfo */ foreach ($this->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator($dataLocation) as $path => $fileInfo) { $fileName = explode($dataLocation, $path)[1]; $folderStructure = explode('/', $fileName, -1); // Exclude the exclusions if (isset($folderStructure[0])) { if (array_search($folderStructure[0], $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } else { if (array_search($fileName, $excludedElements) !== false) { continue; } } if ($fileInfo->isFile()) { if (!file_exists($this->baseDir . '/../' . dirname($fileName))) { $state = mkdir($this->baseDir . '/../' . dirname($fileName), 0755, true); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not mkdir ' . $this->baseDir . '/../' . dirname($fileName)); } } $state = rename($path, $this->baseDir . '/../' . $fileName); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Could not rename %s to %s', $path, $this->baseDir . '/../' . $fileName ) ); } } if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $state = rmdir($path); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not rmdir ' . $path); } } } } /** * Moves the newly downloaded files into place * * @throws \Exception */ public function moveNewVersionInPlace(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] moveNewVersionInPlace()'); // Rename everything else except the entry and updater files $excludedElements = [ 'updater', 'index.php', 'status.php', 'remote.php', 'public.php', 'ocs/v1.php', 'ocs/v2.php', ]; $storageLocation = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/downloads/nextcloud/'; $this->silentLog('[info] storage location: ' . $storageLocation); $this->moveWithExclusions($storageLocation, $excludedElements); // Rename everything except the updater files $this->moveWithExclusions($storageLocation, ['updater']); $this->silentLog('[info] end of moveNewVersionInPlace()'); } /** * Finalize and cleanup the updater by finally replacing the updater script */ public function finalize(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] finalize()'); $storageLocation = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/downloads/nextcloud/'; $this->silentLog('[info] storage location: ' . $storageLocation); $this->moveWithExclusions($storageLocation, []); $state = rmdir($storageLocation); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not rmdir $storagelocation'); } $state = unlink($this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid') . '/.step'); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not rmdir .step'); } if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) { $this->silentLog('[info] call opcache_reset()'); opcache_reset(); } $this->silentLog('[info] end of finalize()'); } /** * @throws \Exception */ private function writeStep(string $state, int $step): void { $updaterDir = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid'); if (!file_exists($updaterDir . '/.step')) { if (!file_exists($updaterDir)) { $result = mkdir($updaterDir); if ($result === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not create $updaterDir'); } } $result = touch($updaterDir . '/.step'); if ($result === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not create .step'); } } $result = file_put_contents($updaterDir . '/.step', json_encode(['state' => $state, 'step' => $step])); if ($result === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not write to .step'); } } /** * @throws \Exception */ public function startStep(int $step): void { $this->silentLog('[info] startStep("' . $step . '")'); $this->writeStep('start', $step); } /** * @throws \Exception */ public function endStep(int $step): void { $this->silentLog('[info] endStep("' . $step . '")'); $this->writeStep('end', $step); } /** * @throws \Exception */ public function currentStep(): array { $this->silentLog('[info] currentStep()'); $updaterDir = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid'); if (!file_exists($updaterDir. '/.step')) { return []; } $state = file_get_contents($updaterDir . '/.step'); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not read from .step'); } $jsonData = json_decode($state, true); if (!is_array($jsonData)) { throw new \Exception('Can\'t decode .step JSON data'); } return $jsonData; } public function getUpdateStepFileLocation(): string { $updaterDir = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOption('instanceid'); return $updaterDir . '/.step'; } /** * Rollback the changes if $step has failed * * @throws \Exception */ public function rollbackChanges(int $step): void { $this->silentLog('[info] rollbackChanges("' . $step . '")'); $updaterDir = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater-'.$this->getConfigOptionMandatoryString('instanceid'); if (file_exists($updaterDir . '/.step')) { $this->silentLog('[info] unlink .step'); $state = unlink($updaterDir . '/.step'); if ($state === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not delete .step'); } } if ($step >= 7) { $this->silentLog('[info] rollbackChanges - step >= 7'); // TODO: If it fails after step 7: Rollback } $this->silentLog('[info] end of rollbackChanges()'); } /** * Logs an exception with current datetime prepended to updater.log * * @throws LogException */ public function logException(\Exception $e): void { $message = '[error] '; $message .= 'Exception: ' . get_class($e) . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Code:' . $e->getCode() . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Trace:' . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'File:' . $e->getFile() . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Line:' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL; if ($e instanceof UpdateException) { $message .= 'Data:' . PHP_EOL . print_r($e->getData(), true) . PHP_EOL; } $this->log($message); } /** * Logs a message with current datetime prepended to updater.log * * @throws LogException */ public function log(string $message): void { $updaterLogPath = $this->getUpdateDirectoryLocation() . '/updater.log'; $fh = fopen($updaterLogPath, 'a'); if ($fh === false) { throw new LogException('Could not open updater.log'); } if ($this->requestID === null) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } $this->requestID = $randomString; } $logLine = date(\DateTime::ISO8601) . ' ' . $this->requestID . ' ' . $message . PHP_EOL; $result = fwrite($fh, $logLine); if ($result === false) { throw new LogException('Could not write to updater.log'); } fclose($fh); } /** * Logs a message with current datetime prepended to updater.log but drops possible LogException */ public function silentLog(string $message): void { try { $this->log($message); } catch (LogException $logE) { /* ignore log exception here (already detected later anyways) */ } } /** * Logs current version */ public function logVersion(): void { $this->silentLog('[info] current version: ' . $this->currentVersion . ' build time: ' . $this->buildTime); } } class Auth { public function __construct( private Updater $updater, private string $password, ) { $this->updater = $updater; $this->password = $password; } /** * Whether the current user is authenticated */ public function isAuthenticated(): bool { $storedHash = $this->updater->getConfigOptionString('updater.secret'); // As a sanity check the stored hash can never be empty if ($storedHash === '' || $storedHash === null) { return false; } return password_verify($this->password, $storedHash); } } ini_set('display_errors', '0'); ini_set('log_errors', '1'); // Check if the config.php is at the expected place try { $updater = new Updater(__DIR__); if ($updater->isDisabled()) { http_response_code(403); die('Updater is disabled, please use the command line'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // logging here is not possible because we don't know the data directory http_response_code(500); die($e->getMessage()); } // Check if the updater.log can be written to try { $updater->log('[info] request to updater'); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (isset($_POST['step'])) { // mark step as failed http_response_code(500); echo(json_encode(['proceed' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage()])); die(); } // show logging error to user die($e->getMessage()); } // Check for authentication $password = ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_UPDATER_AUTH'] ?? $_POST['updater-secret-input'] ?? ''); if (!is_string($password)) { die('Invalid type ' . gettype($password) . ' for password'); } $auth = new Auth($updater, $password); // Check if already a step is in process $currentStep = $updater->currentStep(); $stepNumber = 0; if ($currentStep !== []) { $stepState = (string)$currentStep['state']; $stepNumber = (int)$currentStep['step']; $updater->log('[info] Step ' . $stepNumber . ' is in state "' . $stepState . '".'); if ($stepState === 'start') { die( sprintf( 'Step %d is currently in process. Please reload this page later or remove the following file to start from scratch: %s', $stepNumber, $updater->getUpdateStepFileLocation() ) ); } } if (isset($_POST['step']) && !is_array($_POST['step'])) { $updater->log('[info] POST request for step "' . $_POST['step'] . '"'); set_time_limit(0); try { if (!$auth->isAuthenticated()) { throw new \Exception('Not authenticated'); } $step = (int)$_POST['step']; if ($step > 12 || $step < 1) { throw new \Exception('Invalid step'); } $updater->startStep($step); switch ($step) { case 1: $updater->checkForExpectedFilesAndFolders(); break; case 2: $updater->checkWritePermissions(); break; case 3: $updater->createBackup(); break; case 4: $updater->downloadUpdate(); break; case 5: $updater->verifyIntegrity(); break; case 6: $updater->extractDownload(); break; case 7: $updater->setMaintenanceMode(true); break; case 8: $updater->replaceEntryPoints(); break; case 9: $updater->deleteOldFiles(); break; case 10: $updater->moveNewVersionInPlace(); break; case 11: $updater->setMaintenanceMode(false); break; case 12: $updater->finalize(); break; } $updater->endStep($step); echo(json_encode(['proceed' => true])); } catch (UpdateException $e) { $data = $e->getData(); try { $updater->log('[error] POST request failed with UpdateException'); $updater->logException($e); } catch (LogException $logE) { $data[] = ' (and writing to log failed also with: ' . $logE->getMessage() . ')'; } if (isset($step)) { $updater->rollbackChanges($step); } http_response_code(500); echo(json_encode(['proceed' => false, 'response' => $data])); } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); try { $updater->log('[error] POST request failed with other exception'); $updater->logException($e); } catch (LogException $logE) { $message .= ' (and writing to log failed also with: ' . $logE->getMessage() . ')'; } if (isset($step)) { $updater->rollbackChanges($step); } http_response_code(500); echo(json_encode(['proceed' => false, 'response' => $message])); } die(); } $updater->log('[info] show HTML page'); $updater->logVersion(); ?>
isAuthenticated()): ?>
  • Initializing

    Current version is getCurrentVersion()); ?>.
    checkForUpdate()); ?>
    updateAvailable() || $stepNumber > 0) { $buttonText = 'Start update'; if ($stepNumber > 0) { $buttonText = 'Continue update'; } ?>
  • Check for expected files

  • Check for write permissions

  • Create backup

  • Downloading

  • Verifying integrity

  • Extracting

  • Enable maintenance mode

  • Replace entry points

  • Delete old files

  • Move new files in place

  • Continue with web based updater

  • Done


To login you need to provide the unhashed value of "updater.secret" in your config file.

If you don't know that value, you can access this updater directly via the Nextcloud admin screen or generate your own secret:

php -r '$password = trim(shell_exec("openssl rand -base64 48"));if(strlen($password) === 64) {$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT) . "\n"; echo "Insert as \"updater.secret\": ".$hash; echo "The plaintext value is: ".$password."\n";}else{echo "Could not execute OpenSSL.\n";};'
isAuthenticated()): ?>

Invalid password

isAuthenticated()): ?>