
189 lines
7.0 KiB

:title="t('notes', 'Help')"
<NcAppSettingsSection id="help-basics" :title="t('notes', 'Basics')">
<div class="feature icon-add">
{{ t('notes', 'Start writing a note by clicking on “{newnote}” in the app navigation.', { newnote: t('notes', 'New note') }) }}
<div class="feature icon-fullscreen">
{{ t('notes', 'Write down your thoughts without any distractions.') }}
<div class="feature icon-files-dark">
{{ t('notes', 'Organize your notes in categories.') }}
<NcAppSettingsSection id="help-markdown" :title="t('notes', 'Markdown')">
<div class="feature icon-toggle-filelist">
{{ t('notes', 'Use Markdown markups to style your text.') }}
<CreateSampleButton @click="setHelpOpen(false)" />
<table class="notes-help">
{{ t('notes', 'Sequence') }}
{{ t('notes', 'Result') }}
{{ t('notes', 'Visualized') }}
<tr v-for="(item, index) in formatting" :key="index">
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-v-html -->
<td v-html="item.sequence" />
{{ item.result }}
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-v-html -->
<td v-html="item.visualized" />
<NcAppSettingsSection id="help-shortcuts" :title="t('notes', 'Shortcuts')">
<div class="feature icon-toggle-filelist">
{{ t('notes', 'Use shortcuts to quickly navigate this app.') }}
<table class="notes-help">
<th>{{ t('notes', 'Shortcut') }}</th>
<th>{{ t('notes', 'Action') }}</th>
<tr v-for="(item, index) in shortcuts" :key="index">
<td>{{ item.shortcut }}</td>
<td>{{ item.action }}</td>
<NcAppSettingsSection id="help-apps" :title="t('notes', 'Mobile apps')">
<HelpMobile />
import {
} from '@nextcloud/vue'
import CreateSampleButton from './CreateSampleButton.vue'
import HelpMobile from './HelpMobile.vue'
export default {
name: 'AppHelp',
components: {
props: {
open: Boolean,
data() {
return {
shortcuts: [
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+B', action: t('notes', 'Make the selection bold') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+I', action: t('notes', 'Make the selection italic') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+\'', action: t('notes', 'Wrap the selection in quotes') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+' + t('notes', 'ALT') + '+C', action: t('notes', 'The selection will be turned into monospace') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+E', action: t('notes', 'Remove any styles from the selected text') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+L', action: t('notes', 'Makes the current line a list element') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+' + t('notes', 'ALT') + '+L', action: t('notes', 'Makes the current line a list element with a number') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+H', action: t('notes', 'Toggle heading for current line') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+' + t('notes', 'SHIFT') + '+H', action: t('notes', 'Set the current line as a big heading') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+K', action: t('notes', 'Insert link') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+' + t('notes', 'ALT') + '+I', action: t('notes', 'Insert image') },
{ shortcut: t('notes', 'CTRL') + '+/', action: t('notes', 'Switch between editor and viewer') },
formatting: [
{ sequence: '**' + t('notes', 'bold') + '**', result: t('notes', 'bold'), visualized: '<b>' + t('notes', 'bold') + '</b>' },
{ sequence: '*' + t('notes', 'italic') + '*', result: t('notes', 'italic'), visualized: '<em>' + t('notes', 'italic') + '</em>' },
{ sequence: '~~' + t('notes', 'strikethrough') + '~~', result: t('notes', 'strikethrough'), visualized: '<s>' + t('notes', 'strikethrough') + '</s>' },
{ sequence: '# ' + t('notes', 'Big header'), result: t('notes', 'Big header'), visualized: '<h2>' + t('notes', 'Big header') + '</h2>' },
{ sequence: '## ' + t('notes', 'Medium header'), result: t('notes', 'Medium header'), visualized: '<b><h3>' + t('notes', 'Medium header') + '</h3></b>' },
{ sequence: '### ' + t('notes', 'Small header'), result: t('notes', 'Small header'), visualized: '<h3>' + t('notes', 'Small header') + '</h3>' },
{ sequence: '#### ' + t('notes', 'Tiny header'), result: t('notes', 'Tiny header'), visualized: '<h4>' + t('notes', 'Tiny header') + '</h4>' },
{ sequence: '* ' + t('notes', 'Generic list item'), result: t('notes', 'Generic list'), visualized: '<li>' + t('notes', 'Generic list item') + '</li>' },
{ sequence: '- ' + t('notes', 'Generic list item'), result: t('notes', 'Generic list'), visualized: '<li>' + t('notes', 'Generic list item') + '</li>' },
sequence: '1. William Riker<br>2. Deanna Troi<br>3. Beverly Crusher<br>',
result: t('notes', 'Numbered list'),
visualized: '<ol><li>William Riker</li><li>Deanna Troi</li><li>Beverly Crusher</li></ol>',
{ sequence: '[' + t('notes', 'Link title') + '](', result: t('notes', 'link'), visualized: '<a href="">' + t('notes', 'Link title') + '</a>' },
{ sequence: '![' + t('notes', 'Image title') + '](', result: t('notes', 'image'), visualized: '<img src="" alt="' + t('notes', 'Image title') + '" />' },
{ sequence: '> ' + t('notes', 'This is a quote.'), result: t('notes', 'quote'), visualized: '<blockquote>' + t('notes', 'This is a quote.') + '</blockquote>' },
{ sequence: '`' + t('notes', 'code') + '`', result: t('notes', 'code'), visualized: '<code>' + t('notes', 'code') + '</code>' },
{ sequence: '```<br>' + t('notes', 'Multi line block code') + '<br>```', result: t('notes', 'Multi line block code'), visualized: '<pre>' + t('notes', 'Multi line block code') + '</pre>' },
watch: {
open(newValue) {
this.helpOpen = newValue
methods: {
setHelpOpen(newValue) {
this.helpOpen = newValue
this.$emit('update:open', newValue)
<style scoped>
table.notes-help {
width: 70%;
border: 1px lightgray solid;
border-spacing: 0;
table.notes-help th {
font-style: oblique;
font-weight: bold;
border-top: none;
table.notes-help th, table.notes-help td {
padding: 5px;
border-left: 1px lightgray solid;
table.notes-help td:first-child, table.notes-help th:first-child {
border-left: none;
table.notes-help tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #eeeeee;