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{ "translations": {
"Notes" : "筆記",
"Reading notes from filesystem has failed." : "從檔案系統讀取筆記失敗。",
"Error" : "錯誤",
"New note" : "新筆記",
"Distraction-free notes and writing" : "無干擾的筆記和寫作",
"The Notes app is a distraction free notes taking app for [Nextcloud]( It provides categories for better organization and supports formatting using [Markdown]( syntax. Notes are saved as files in your Nextcloud, so you can view and edit them with every Nextcloud client. Furthermore, a separate [REST API]( allows for an easy integration into third-party apps (currently, there are notes apps for [Android](, [iOS]( and the [console]( which allow convenient access to your Nextcloud notes). Further features include marking notes as favorites." : "筆記應用程式是用於 [Nextcloud](https//www。nextcloud。com/的筆記應用程式。其提供了更好的組織分類並使用Markdownhttps//zh。wikipedia。org/wiki/Markdown語法來支援格式化。筆記是以檔案的形式儲存在您的 Nextcloud 中,這樣您就可以使用各種 Nextcloud 客戶端檢視並編輯它們。此外,也有獨立的 [REST API](https//github。com/nextcloud/notes/blob/master/docs/api/README。md可輕鬆地整合至第三方的應用程式目前有供 [Android](https//github。com/stefan-niedermann/nextcloud-notes)、[iOS](https//github。com/owncloud/notes-iOS-App與 [終端機](https//git。danielmoch。com/nncli/about使用的應用程式可讓您方便存取您的 Nextcloud 筆記)。還有將筆記加入收藏的功能。",
"Please see Nextcloud server log for details." : "請檢視 Nextcloud 伺服器記錄以取得進一步資訊。",
"Deleted {title}" : "已刪除 {title}",
"Undo Delete" : "復原刪除",
"Note recovered" : "筆記已復原",
"There are unsaved notes. Leaving the page will discard all changes!" : "有未儲存內容。離開頁面會有遺失資料風險。",
"_Deleted {number} note_::_Deleted {number} notes_" : ["已刪除 {number} 個筆記"],
"_Recovered {number} note_::_Recovered {number} notes_" : ["已回復 {number} 個筆記"],
"Settings" : "設定",
"Folder to store your notes" : "儲存筆記的資料夾",
"path to notes" : "筆記的路徑",
"File extension for new notes" : "新筆記的副檔名",
"No notes yet" : "尚未有筆記",
"All notes" : "全部筆記",
"Categories" : "分類",
"Loading …" : "正在載入……",
"Today" : "今日",
"Yesterday" : "昨日",
"This week" : "本星期",
"Last week" : "上星期",
"This month" : "本月",
"Last month" : "上月",
"Rename" : "重新命名",
"Note's title" : "筆記標題",
"Delete note" : "刪除筆記",
"Remove from favorites" : "從最愛中移除",
"Add to favorites" : "加到我的最愛",
"Error during preparing note for deletion." : "準備刪除筆記時錯誤。",
"The note has been changed in another session. Please choose which content should be saved." : "該筆記在另一節中已更改。 請選擇應保存的內容。",
"Use version from server" : "使用伺服器版本",
"Use current version" : "使用目前版本",
"Empty note" : "無內容",
"Write …" : "編寫 ...",
"Details" : "詳細資料",
"CTRL + /" : "CTRL + /",
"Edit" : "編輯",
"Preview" : "預覽",
"Exit full screen" : "退出全螢幕",
"Full screen" : "全螢幕",
"Save failed. Click to retry." : "儲存失敗。點擊重試。",
"Update conflict. Click for resolving manually." : "更新發生抵觸,請手動處理",
"Set category" : "分類",
"Category" : "分類",
"Uncategorized" : "未分類",
"Click here to save manually" : "手動存檔",
"Saving failed!" : "儲存失敗!",
"Last modified: {date}" : "上次修改日期:{date}",
"Note has unsaved changes" : "有未存檔內容",
"Subcategory" : "子分類",
"_%n word_::_%n words_" : ["%n 個字"],
"_%n character_::_%n characters_" : ["%n 個字元"],
"Write down your thoughts without any distractions." : "專心記下你的想法。",
"Use Markdown markups to style your text." : "使用 Markdown 標記來設定您的文字樣式。",
"Organize your notes in categories." : "以不同分類組織筆記。",
"Install the app for your mobile phone in order to access your notes from everywhere." : "在您的手提電話上安裝應用程式以便隨時隨地存取您的筆記。",
"Android app" : "Android 應用程式",
"iOS app" : "iOS 應用程式",
"Start writing a note by clicking on “{newnote}” in the app navigation." : "在導覽列點選「{newnote}」以開始編寫筆記。",
"You can create subcategories by using “/” as delimiter between parent category and subcategory, e.g. “{parent}/{sub}”." : "您可以使用 “/” 作為下層分類與上層分類間的分隔符號,例如:“{parent}/{sub}”。",
"Note not found." : "找不到筆記。",
"Note is locked." : "筆記已上鎖。",
"Insufficient storage." : "儲存空間不足。",
"See JavaScript console and server log for details." : "請檢視 JavaScript 主控台與伺服器紀錄檔以取得詳細資訊。",
"Updating settings has failed." : "更新設定失敗。",
"Fetching notes for dashboard has failed." : "為儀表板取得筆記失敗。",
"Error from Nextcloud server: {msg}" : "來自 Nextcloud 伺服器的錯誤:{msg}",
"Fetching notes has failed." : "筆記獲取失敗。",
"Fetching note {id} has failed." : "筆記獲取 {id} 失敗",
"Refreshing note {id} has failed." : "筆記重新整理 {id} 失敗。",
"Renaming note {id} has failed." : "筆記重新命名 {id} 失敗。",
"Creating new note has failed." : "筆記建立失敗",
"Saving note {id} has failed." : "筆記儲存 {id} 失敗。",
"Updating title for note {id} has failed." : "筆記標題更新 {id} 失敗。",
"Undo delete has failed for note {title}." : "復原刪除筆記 {title} 失敗。",
"Deleting note {id} has failed." : "刪除筆記 {id} 失敗",
"Toggling favorite for note {id} has failed." : "增/減筆記 {id} 到最愛失敗",
"Updating the note's category has failed. Is the target directory writable?" : "更新筆記的分類失敗。檢查目的地目錄屬性是否為可寫入?",
"Updating the category for note {id} has failed." : "更新筆記 {id} 的分類失敗",
"Development Mode" : "研發模式",
"It looks that the notes app was installed from a development source. Please install it from the official <a href=\"%1$s\">Nextcloud App Store</a> instead. If you want to build the Notes app by yourself, please follow the <a href=\"%2$s\">developer instructions</a>." : "看來筆記應用程式是從開發中的原始碼安裝的。請從官方的 <a href=\"%1$s\">Nextcloud App Store</a> 安裝。如果您想要自行建構筆記應用程式,請遵循<a href=\"%2$s\">開發者說明</a>進行操作。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"