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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
namespace OCA\Gallery\Tests\Config;
use OCA\Gallery\Config\ConfigParser;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException;
* Class ConfigParserTest
* @package OCA\Gallery\Tests\Config
class ConfigParserTest extends \OCA\Gallery\Tests\GalleryUnitTest {
/** @var string */
protected $configName = 'gallery.cnf';
/** @var ConfigParser */
protected $configParser;
* Test set up
protected function setUp() {
$this->configParser = new ConfigParser();
public function providesGetFeaturesListData() {
$emptyConfig = [];
$noFeatures = [
'information' => [
'description_link' => ''
$emptyFeatures = [
'features' => []
$featureList = [
'external_shares' => "no",
'native_svg' => "yes",
$parsedFeatureList = [
$features = [
'features' => $featureList
return [
[$emptyConfig, false, []],
[$noFeatures, false, []],
[$emptyFeatures, false, []],
[$emptyFeatures, true, []],
[$features, false, $parsedFeatureList],
[$features, true, $parsedFeatureList],
* @dataProvider providesGetFeaturesListData
* @param array $config
* @param bool $bom BOM in utf-8 files
* @param array $expectedResult
public function testGetFeaturesList($config, $bom, $expectedResult) {
$folder = $this->mockFolderWithConfig($config, $bom);
$response = $this->configParser->getFeaturesList($folder, $this->configName);
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $response);
* @expectedException \OCA\Gallery\Config\ConfigException
public function testGetFeaturesListWithBrokenConfig() {
$folder = $this->mockFolder('home::user', 121212, []);
->willThrowException(new \Exception('Computer says no'));
$this->configParser->getFeaturesList($folder, $this->configName);
public function providesGetFolderConfigData() {
// An empty config file
$emptyConfig = [];
// The information section of a standard root config
$description = 'My cute description';
$copyright = 'Copyright 2004-2016 interfaSys sàrl';
$infoList = [
'description_link' => $description,
'copyright_link' => $copyright,
'inherit' => 'yes'
$informationConfig = [
'information' => $infoList
// The sorting section of a standard root config
$sortingList = [
'type' => 'name',
'order' => 'des',
'inherit' => 'yes'
$sortingConfig = [
'sorting' => $sortingList
// The standard config, including an information and sorting sub-section
$standardConfig = array_merge($informationConfig, $sortingConfig);
// The level for the current folder is always 0
$folderLevel = 0;
// The level of a parent folder, counted from the current config folder
$parentLevel = 1;
// The completion status only changes if the current folder contains a usable config
$nothingCompleted = ['design' => false, 'information' => false, 'sorting' => false];
$infoCompleted = ['design' => false, 'information' => true, 'sorting' => false];
$sortingCompleted = ['design' => false, 'information' => false, 'sorting' => true];
$designCompleted = ['design' => true, 'information' => false, 'sorting' => false];
$infoAndSortingCompleted = ['design' => false, 'information' => true, 'sorting' => true];
$allCompleted = ['design' => true, 'information' => true, 'sorting' => true];
// Case 0: Standard config in the current folder only
$currentConfigOnlyResult = $standardConfig;
$currentConfigOnlyResult['information']['level'] = $folderLevel;
$currentConfigOnlyResult['sorting']['level'] = $folderLevel;
// Case 1: Use standard config from parent folder
$parentConfigOnlyResult = $standardConfig;
$parentConfigOnlyResult['information']['level'] = $parentLevel;
$parentConfigOnlyResult['sorting']['level'] = $parentLevel;
// Case 2: Sorting with missing type = unusable
$brokenSortingConfig = [
'sorting' => [
'order' => 'des',
'inherit' => 'no'
// Case 3: Use sorting config from folder and info config from parent
$dateSortingConfig = [
'sorting' => [
'type' => 'date',
'order' => 'des',
$dateSortingConfigResult = array_merge($standardConfig, $dateSortingConfig);
$dateSortingConfigResult['information']['level'] = $parentLevel;
// Case 4: Evil sorting type = unusable
$evilDateSortingConfig = [
'sorting' => [
'type' => 'date<script>alert(1)</script>',
'order' => 'des',
// Case 5: Evil sorting order = unusable
$evilSortingOrderConfig = [
'sorting' => [
'type' => 'date',
'order' => 'des<script>alert(1)</script>',
// Case 6: Setting a background colour
$designColourConfig = [
'design' => [
'background' => '#ff9f00'
$designConfigResult = array_merge($emptyConfig, $designColourConfig);
$designConfigResult['design']['level'] = $folderLevel;
// Case 7: Evil background colour = unusable
$evilDesignColourConfig = [
'design' => [
'background' => '#ff9f00<script>alert(1)</script>'
$infoConfig = [
'information' => [
'description_link' => 'Local conf',
'copyright_link' => '2015 me',
// Full information is inherited from root
$infoConfigResult = array_merge($standardConfig, $infoConfig);
$infoConfigResult['sorting']['level'] = $parentLevel;
* @param $currentConfig
* @param $completionStatus
* @param $newConfig
* @param $level
* @param $expectedResult
return [
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $standardConfig, $folderLevel,
[$currentConfigOnlyResult, $infoAndSortingCompleted]
],// case 0
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $standardConfig, $parentLevel,
[$parentConfigOnlyResult, $infoAndSortingCompleted]
],// case 1
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $brokenSortingConfig, $folderLevel,
[$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted]
],// case 2
$dateSortingConfig, $sortingCompleted, $standardConfig, $parentLevel,
[$dateSortingConfigResult, $infoAndSortingCompleted]
],// case 3
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $evilDateSortingConfig, $folderLevel,
[$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted]
],// case 4
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $evilSortingOrderConfig, $folderLevel,
[$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted]
],// case 5
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $designColourConfig, $folderLevel,
[$designConfigResult, $designCompleted]
],// case 6
$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted, $evilDesignColourConfig, $folderLevel,
[$emptyConfig, $nothingCompleted]
]// case 7
* @dataProvider providesGetFolderConfigData
* @param array $currentConfig config collected so far
* @param array $completionStatus which sub-sections were filled so far
* @param array $newConfig config found in the folder we're analysing
* @param int $level level at which the folder we're analysing is at (initial folder or parent)
* @param array $expectedResult
public function testGetFolderConfig(
$currentConfig, $completionStatus, $newConfig, $level, $expectedResult
) {
$folder = $this->mockFolderWithConfig($newConfig);
$response = $this->configParser->getFolderConfig(
$folder, $this->configName, $currentConfig, $completionStatus, $level
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $response);
private function mockFolderWithConfig($config, $bom = false) {
$file = $this->mockFile(212121);
$yaml = new Dumper();
$content = $yaml->dump($config);
$content = $bom ? chr(239) . chr(187) . chr(191) . $content : $content;
$folder = $this->mockFolder('home::user', 121212, [$file]);
return $folder;