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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
use Page\Gallery as GalleryApp;
* Class GetPreviewCest
class GetPreviewCest {
private $apiUrl;
* Sets up the environment for this series of tests
* @param ApiTester $I
public function _before(ApiTester $I) {
$this->apiUrl = GalleryApp::$URL . 'api/preview';
public function _after(ApiTester $I) {
* Connects to the API as an anonymous user
* @param \Step\Api\Anonymous $I
public function unauthorizedAccess(\Step\Api\Anonymous $I) {
$I->connectToTheApi($this->apiUrl . '/9999999/1920/1080', 'the preview API');
public function getPreviewOfPng(\Step\Api\User $I) {
$I->am('an app');
$I->wantTo('get the preview of a PNG file');
$data = $I->getFilesDataForFolder('folder2');
$file = $data['testimage.png'];
$url = $this->apiUrl . '/' . $file['id'] . '/64/64';
$I->downloadAFile($file, 'testimage.png');
$I->checkImageSize(64, 64);
* That's a different code path because the file is animated
* @todo maybe
* @param \Step\Api\User $I
public function getPreviewOfAnimatedGif(\Step\Api\User $I) {
$I->am('an app');
$I->wantTo('get the preview of an animated GIF file');
$data = $I->getFilesDataForFolder('');
// 89x72 gif
$file = $data['animated.gif'];
$url = $this->apiUrl . '/' . $file['id'] . '/64/64';
$I->downloadAFile($file, 'animated.gif');
$I->checkImageSize(89, 72);
public function emptyResponse(\Step\Api\User $I) {
$I->am('an app');
$I->wantTo('get the preview of a file without a valid fileId');
$I->amGoingTo("send a fileId which doesn't exist");
$I->expectTo("receive a 404");
$url = $this->apiUrl . '/9999999/1920/1080';
public function getPreviewOfBrokenFile(\Step\Api\User $I) {
$I->am('an app');
$I->wantTo('get the preview of a broken file');
$I->expect('an 500 status and an error message');
$data = $I->getFilesDataForFolder('');
$file = $data['testimage-corrupt.jpg'];
$url = $this->apiUrl . '/' . $file['id'] . '/1920/1080';
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(['success' => false]);