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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
use Page\Gallery as GalleryApp;
* Class DownloadWithTokenCest
class DownloadWithTokenCest {
private $apiUrl;
private $browserHeader = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8';
* Sets up the environment for this series of tests
* @param ApiTester $I
public function _before(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$this->apiUrl = GalleryApp::$URL . 's/';
public function _after(ApiTester $I) {
public function downloadFile(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$I->am('a file owner');
$I->wantTo('insert a file in a forum');
$fileMetaData = $I->getSharedFileInformation();
$I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', $this->browserHeader);
$I->sendGET($this->apiUrl . $fileMetaData['token']);
public function downloadFileWithCustomFilename(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$I->am('a file owner');
$I->wantTo('insert a file in a forum');
$fileMetaData = $I->getSharedFileInformation();
// Note: The share file is a PNG
$filename = 'jackinabox.png';
$url = $this->apiUrl . $fileMetaData['token'] . '/' . $filename;
$I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', $this->browserHeader);
$I->downloadAFile($fileMetaData, $filename);
* When a token is not valid we get an error 404
* @param \Step\Api\TokenUser $I
public function fileNotFoundPage(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$I->am('a file owner');
$I->wantTo('insert a file in a forum');
$I->amGoingTo("send a bogus token");
$I->expectTo("be redirected to an error 404 page");
$I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', $this->browserHeader);
$I->sendGET($this->apiUrl . '1AmaW1cK3d70k3N');
$I->seeHttpHeader('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
* This is a special case to make sure we get a 404 in case of a missing token on the public
* download page
* @param \Step\Api\TokenUser $I
public function TryToDownloadFileWithoutAToken(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$I->am('a thief');
$I->wantTo('steal all the files I can get my hands on without a token');
$fileMetaData = $I->getSharedFileInformation();
$params = [
'fileId' => $fileMetaData['fileId']
$I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', $this->browserHeader);
$I->sendGET(GalleryApp::$URL . '/files.public/download/{fileId}', $params);
$I->seeHttpHeader('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
* This is to make sure we get the file we're supposed to even in case the wrong fileId is used
* with a token
* @param \Step\Api\TokenUser $I
public function TryToDownloadWrongFileUsingToken(\Step\Api\TokenUser $I) {
$I->am('a thief');
$I->wantTo('steal files I\'m not allowed to access using this token');
$fileMetaData = $I->getSharedFileInformation();
$privateFileMetaData = $I->getSharedFileInformation();
$params = [
'fileId' => $privateFileMetaData['fileId'],
'token' => $fileMetaData['token']
$I->haveHttpHeader('Accept', $this->browserHeader);
$I->sendGET(GalleryApp::$URL . '/files.public/download/{fileId}', $params);