
451 lines
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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
namespace Helper;
use Codeception\TestCase;
use OCP\Share;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\IServerContainer;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\IAppContainer;
* Class DataSetup
* @package OCA\Gallery\Tests\Helper
class DataSetup extends \Codeception\Module {
/** @var CoreTestCase */
public $coreTestCase;
/** @var array<string> */
public $mediaTypes;
/** @var array<string> */
public $extraMediaTypes;
/** @var string */
public $userId = 'tester';
/** @var string */
public $userPassword = 'RyLqt22pVjKT&Vk0L#mv*gzzB@ZlejHy';
/** @var string */
public $sharerUserId = 'sharer';
/** @var string */
public $sharerPassword = '3SEg$h4neVI0BiPMxDC*s&I1yNMkEFNv';
* The file structure for the tests
* shared1 is the shared folder
* testimage-wide.png is the shared file
* @todo Don't depend on ImageMagick
* @var array
public $filesHierarchy = [
'folder1' => [
'shared1' => [
'shared1.1' => [
'folder2' => [
'folder3' => [],
'folder4' => [ // Folder will be hidden in Gallery
/** @var Folder */
public $sharedFolder;
/** @var string */
public $sharedFolderName = 'shared1';
/** @var string */
public $sharedFolderToken;
/** @var string */
public $passwordForFolderShare = 'p@ssw0rd4sh@re5';
/** @var File */
public $sharedFile;
/** @var string */
public $sharedFileName = 'testimage-wide.png';
/** @var string */
public $sharedFileToken;
/** @var File */
public $privateFile;
/** @var string */
public $privateFileName = 'font.ttf';
/** @var IAppContainer */
private $container;
/** @var IServerContainer */
private $server;
/** @var IUserManager */
private $userManager;
/** @var Share\IManager */
private $shareManager;
/** @var IRootFolder */
private $rootFolder;
/** @var array */
private $oldPreviewProviders;
* Called before executing all tests in a suite
* If the module is injected, you need to use _initialize()
* @param array $settings
public function _beforeSuite($settings = []) {
$this->coreTestCase = new CoreTestCase();
$app = new App('gallery-test-setup');
$this->container = $app->getContainer();
$this->server = $this->container->getServer();
$this->rootFolder = $this->server->getRootFolder();
$this->userManager = $this->server->getUserManager();
$this->shareManager = $this->server->getShareManager();
* Logging hooks are missing at the moment, so we need to disable encryption
* @link
->setAppValue('core', 'encryption_enabled', 'no');
// This is because the filesystem is not properly cleaned up sometimes
$this->createTestSetup($this->userId, $this->userPassword);
$this->createTestSetup($this->sharerUserId, $this->sharerPassword);
* Called after all tests in a suite are completed
* We clean up
public function _afterSuite() {
->setSystemValue('enabledPreviewProviders', $this->oldPreviewProviders);
* Called when a test fails
* This is called after every test, not after a suite run
* @param TestCase $test
* @param $fail
public function _failed(\Codeception\TestCase $test, $fail) {
* Returns a list of ids available in the given folder
* @param string $folderPath
* @return array<string,int|string>
public function getFilesDataForFolder($folderPath) {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($this->userId);
/** @type Folder $folder */
$folder = $userFolder->get($folderPath);
$content = $folder->getDirectoryListing();
$data = [];
foreach ($content as $node) {
$nodeType = $node->getType();
$mimeType = $node->getMimetype();
if ($nodeType === 'file' && in_array($mimeType, $this->mediaTypes)) {
$name = $node->getName();
$data[$name] = [
'id' => $node->getId(),
'mediatype' => $mimeType,
'etag' => $node->getEtag(),
return $data;
public function createBrokenConfig() {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($this->userId);
$this->addFile($userFolder, 'broken-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
public function createConfigWithBom() {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($this->userId);
$this->addFile($userFolder, 'bom-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
public function emptyConfig() {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($this->userId);
$this->addFile($userFolder, 'empty-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
public function restoreValidConfig() {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($this->userId);
$this->addFile($userFolder, $this->userId . '-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
* Creates a test environment for a given user
* @param string $userId
* @param string $userPassword
private function createTestSetup($userId, $userPassword) {
// Create user
$this->createUser($userId, $userPassword);
// Create folders and files
$this->createSampleData($userId, $this->filesHierarchy);
* Adds the previews providers we need for the test, to the config
private function setPreviewProviders() {
$this->oldPreviewProviders = $this->server->getConfig()
// We need to enable the providers we're going to use in the tests
$providers = [
->setSystemValue('enabledPreviewProviders', $providers);
$this->mediaTypes = [
$this->extraMediaTypes = [
* Deletes the 2 users created for the tests
private function deleteTestUsers() {
* Creates a local user
* @param $userId
* @param $password
private function createUser($userId, $password) {
$user = $this->userManager->createUser($userId, $password);
$user->setDisplayName('Gallery Tester (' . $userId . ')');
* Removes a user from the instance
* @param string $user
private function deleteUser($user) {
if ($this->userManager->userExists($user)) {
* Creates a small folder/file hierarchy
* @param string $userId
* @param array $structure
private function createSampleData($userId, $structure) {
$userFolder = $this->server->getUserFolder($userId);
$this->createStructure($userFolder, $structure);
// Add configuration. This will break if the config filename or the userId is changed
$this->addFile($userFolder, $userId . '-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
$this->addFile($userFolder->get('folder2'), 'sorting-gallery.cnf', 'gallery.cnf');
* Creates the folder structure and adds test images
* This could be refined by adding tests to make sure we have access to the files
* @param Folder $baseFolder
* @param array <string|int,string|array> $structure
private function createStructure($baseFolder, $structure) {
foreach ($structure as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$subFolder = $baseFolder->newFolder($key);
if ($key === $this->sharedFolderName) {
$this->sharedFolder = $subFolder;
if (!empty($value)) {
$this->createStructure($subFolder, $value);
} else {
$file = $this->addFile($baseFolder, $value, $value);
if ($value === $this->sharedFileName) {
$this->sharedFile = $file;
if ($value === $this->privateFileName) {
$this->privateFile = $file;
* Copies the content of one file to another
* @param Folder $folder
* @param string $sourceName
* @param string $destinationName
* @return File
private function addFile($folder, $sourceName, $destinationName) {
$file = $folder->newFile($destinationName);
$fileData = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../_data/' . $sourceName);
return $file;
* Shares the file and folder, both publicly and with the tester
* Warning - File operations don't work properly in the test environment provided by core as
* the cache is not updated and the scanner does not work. Do not attempt to rename or move
* files
private function createShares() {
// Warning - File first or an error will be triggered because the file belongs to the folder
$this->sharedFileToken = $this->createShare('file');
$this->sharedFolderToken = $this->createShare('folder');
$this->createShare('file', $this->userId);
$this->createShare('folder', $this->userId);
* Creates a share of either a file or a folder, either publicly or with the tester
* @param string $nodeType
* @param string|null $shareWith
* @return bool|string
protected function createShare($nodeType, $shareWith = null) {
$share = $this->shareManager->newShare();
* Pick the file or the folder
if ($nodeType === 'file') {
$sharedNode = $this->sharedFile;
} else {
$sharedNode = $this->sharedFolder;
* Decide which type of share it is
$shareType = \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER;
if ($shareWith === null) {
// We need to make sure sharing via link is enabled
->setAppValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_links', 'yes');
// Only password protect the folders
if ($nodeType === 'folder') {
$shareType = \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK;
} else {
return $share->getToken();